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System of Equations and Its Solving

System of Equations is a set or collection of equations that you deal with all together at once. Linear equations (ones that graph as straight lines) are simpler than non-linear equations, and the simplest linear system is one with two equations and two variables. There are some method for solving system of equation, such as graph, substitution, elimination / addition, matrix equations, etc. a) Graphing Solving the linear equations by graphing each equation and find the point where the graphs intersect b) Substitution Solving the linear equations by solving one of the equations ( choose which one), and the plugging this back into the other aquation, substituting for the chosen variable and solving for the other c) Elimination Solving the linear equations by manipulate the equations so that one of the variables drops out or is eliminated when the two equations are added or substracted together d) Matrix equations The vector equation is equivalent to a matrix equation of the form where A is an mn matrix, x is a column vector with n entries, and b is a column vector with m entries


Substitution Solving the linear equations by solving one of the equations ( choose which one), and the plugging this back into the other aquation, substituting for the chosen variable and solving for the other. Substitution is used in case, such as: One variable in one of the equations is already isolated or has a coefficient of one. Systems of two or three equations, but many prefer other methods for three equation systems.

The goal of substitution is for combining the two equations so that there is only one equation with one variable. The steps for this method are as follows: a. Solve one of the equations for either x or y. b. Substitute that result into the other equation to obtain an equation in a single variable (either x or y). c. Solve the equation for that variable. d. Check the solution in both equations of the system. Solving the equations use substitution : y = 4x

Step a

x + 3y = -39 x + 3(4x) = - 39 x + 12x = -39 13x = -39 x=-3 y = 4(-3) y = -12 From step above we find value of x and y are -3 and -12 Check the solution in both of equations: y = 4x -12 = 4(-3) -12 = -12 x + 3y = -39 -3 + 3(-12) = -39 -39 = -39 From that checking we know that the solutions are right. Step d Step c Step b


Elimination The simplest method for solving a system of linear equations is to repeatedly eliminate variables. The goal in elimination is to manipulate the equations so that one of the variables drops out or is eliminated when the two equations are added together. This method preferred to solve the equations with two or three variable. The steps for this method are as follows: a. Place both equations in Standard Form, Ax + By = C. b. Determine which variable to eliminate with Addition or Subtraction. c. Solve for the variable left. d. Go back and use the found variable in step c to find second variable. e. Check the solution in both equations of the system. Solving the equation use elimination method: 5x + 3y - 11 = 0 Problem 5x = 2y + 1 5x + 3y = 11 Step a 5x - 2y = 1 5x + 3y = 11 Step b (Use substraction to eliminate 5x) -(5x - 2y = 1) 5x + 3y = 11 -5x + 2y = -1 Step c 5y = 10 y=2 5x + 3y = 11 5x + 3(2) = 11 Step d 5x = 5 x=1 From step above we find value of x and y are 1 and 2

Check the solution in both of equations 5x + 3y = 11 5(1) + 3(2) = 11 11 = 11 5x - 2y = 1 5(1) 2(2) = 1 54=1 1=1 From that checking we know that the solutions are right. Problem: 1.The sum of two numbers is 70 and their difference is 24. Find the two numbers ! Answer : x = first number y = second number Therefore, x + y = 70 y x = 24 x + y =70 - x + y = 24 2y = 94 y = 47 x + y =70 x + 47 = 70 x = 23 The solution are (23, 47) Step e

2. Two small pitchers and one large pitcher can hold 8 cups of water. One large pitcher minus one small pitcher constitutes 2 cups of water. How many cups of water can each pitcher hold? Answer : 1. Let x = small pitcher and y = large pitcher 2x + y = 8 yx=2y=x+2 Use the substitution method: Substitute the value of y to the first equation 2x + y = 8 2x + (x + 2) = 8 3x = 6 x=2 After solveing for x, solve for y by substituting the value for x in any equation that contain 2 variables. 2x + y = 8 2(2) + y = 8 4+y=8 y=4 So, the small pitcher can hold 2 cups of water and the large pitcher can hold 4 cups of water

Glosarium : 1. Substitution ( Penggantian ) : The replacement of a term of an equation by

another that is known to have the same value in order to simplify the equation 2. Elimination (Penyisihan) quantity by combining equations 3. Subtraction (Pengurangan) 4. Graph (Grafik) : The act or process of deducting : Drawing depicting a functional relation : The act of removing an unknown mathematical

between two or three variables by means of a curve or surface containing only those points whose coordinates satisfy the relation 5. Equation (Persamaan) equated : The act or process of equating or of being

6. Straight line (garis lurus) 7. Solve (Memecahkan masalah) 8. Variable (Variabel) values 9. Add (Menambahkan) form a sum. 10. Solution (Penyelesaian masalah)

: A line that does not curve : To work out the answer to a problem : A quantity capable of assuming any of a set of

: Combine (a column of figures, for example) to

: A value or values which, when substituted for a

variable in an equation, make the equation true

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