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UMKC SDI 2008 Topicality – nuclear power

Topicality – Nuclear Power

Topicality – Nuclear Power..............................................................................................................................1
Alternative Energy Topicality 1NC..................................................................................................................2
Interpretation extensions...................................................................................................................................3
Affirmative counter interpretation....................................................................................................................4

UMKC SDI 2008 Topicality – nuclear power

Alternative Energy Topicality 1NC

A. Interpretation. Alternative Energy excludes nuclear, coal, natural gas, and coal.
Christopher Simon, professor of political science, University of Nevada, Reno, Alternative Energy:
Political, Economic and Social Feasibility, 2007 p39-40
The federal definition of alternative energy is best summarized by Title 26, chapter 79, §7701 of the revised U.S.
Code: "the term 'alternative energy facility' means a facility for producing electrical or thermal energy if
the primary energy source for the facility is not oil, natural gas, coal or nuclear power." The primary purpose
of this definition relates to the issuance of tax credits to "alternative energy facilities," which meet certain standards as defined in
Title 26, chapter 1, §48 "Energy Credit." Tax credits are one method by which the federal government encourages the private sector'
to make certain economic choices; in the case of energy policy, this definition of alternative energy will have a definitive impact on
how alternative energy will be defined by those individuals and corporate bodies seeking federal recognition (and benefit) by
adopting a particular definition of alternative energy.

B. Violation. The plan increases incentives for nuclear power in the United States.

C. Standards.

1. Field context: our interpretation is derived from US Code. This establishes the
best real world application and, because it comes from the authority on the subject
of energy in the United States, it provides the necessary predictability to determine
the parameters for a topical plan. Any other interpretation would be arbitrary,
skewing the potential for good debate.

2. Limits: Restricting the resolution from oil, natural gas, coal or nuclear power
incentives limits affirmative cases to a fair standard. Prefer smaller limits so debate
can be deeper and negatives can effectively research the topic. Other interpretations
would justify an explosion of the topic – the result would be a new-affirmative of the
week, every week, destroying debate.

D. Topicality is a voting issue.

1. Fairness: without a fair topic, debate becomes a rigged game, ruining pedagogy
and the nature of the competition.

2. Jurisdiction: The judge only has the authority to answer the resolution question.
Proving an alternative policy is a good idea would not warrant and “affirmative”

UMKC SDI 2008 Topicality – nuclear power

Interpretation extensions
Alternative energy means not fossil fuels or nuclear. There are plenty of energy
options from which to choose, proving that our interpretation is not over-limiting.
The University of Utah, No date given, “Alternative Energy Sources”
Energy is the ability to do work. While energy surrounds us in all aspects of life, the ability to harness it and use it for constructive
ends as enconomically as possible is the challenge before mankind. Alternative energy refers to energy sources which
are not based on the burning of fossil fuels or the splitting of atoms. The renewed interest in this field of
study comes from the undesirable effects of pollution (as witnessed today) both from burning fossil fuels and
from nuclear waste byproducts. Fortunately there are many means of harnessing energy which have less
damaging impacts on our environment. Here are some possible alternatives: Solar, Wind Power,
Geothermal, Tides, and Hydroelectric

UMKC SDI 2008 Topicality – nuclear power

Affirmative counter interpretation

Counter interpretation: Alternative energy is non-fossil fuel.
DOE 2008, Natural Resources Defense Council,
alternative energy - energy that is not popularly used and is usually environmentally sound, such as
solar or wind energy (as opposed to fossil fuels).
fossil fuels - a fuel, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, produced by the decomposition of ancient
(fossilized) plants and animals; compare to alternative energy.

We-meet the counter interpretation. Nuclear power does not use fossil fuels.

Reasons to prefer.

a. Ground: our interpretation locks in negative ground against the most commonly
used forms of energy (fossil fuels). An interpretation that says traditional energy is
energy that harms the environment means the affirmative could give incentives to
anything that moves away from harming the environment so the negative would
have to be prepared to defend energy that is not even being used yet. This is a bad,
unpredictable literature base that makes it impossible for the negative to debate the

b. Nuclear power is important: their interpretation would force the affirmative to

defend a transition to forms of energy that are untested and underdeveloped. This
makes it impossible to be affirmative because is hard to win that unproven energy
could run an entire country.

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