Lattitude Zine 11 - November/December 2008

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December 20
Stay up to date with everything Fuck Gas
is up to including bike rides, advocacy
efforts, propaganda, shirts & stickers at
Get a FREE copy of Open Grave

The first 5 people to contact Jeani through her website at and mention Lattitude Zine will receive a free
copy of Open Grave. What a deal!
Welcome to Lattitude #11, which for the time being, will be the last issue
distributed in print. However, subscribers will continue to receive print
copies in the mail with each new issue when they become available and
you will still be able to download PDFs from the site and print them
out at home if you so please. As well, the blogs at
& (formerly will be constantly
updated with both liberty minded and bicycle related content so please
keep reading.

That said, with the new blog setup for Lattitude I would like to invite
anyone interested to contribute content. It (the blog) runs on the
Wordpress platform so you can login and add content from any
computer anywhere. Good shit. Just email me - to discuss.

Unfortunately, I just don’t have the time to gather all the content, lay it
out, get it printed and assembled and then finally delivered each month
on top of everything else I’m involved in. I would love for it to be my
job, but it just doesn’t seem meant to be at the moment. Maybe in the
future. I would like to thank everyone that helped make the last year of
print possible, it meant a lot. Hopefully we can return bigger and better.

Thanks for reading,


Lattitude is collectively written and designed with subjects and style that will vary
from one issue to the next. The reader base is the staff essentially.
There is no formal organization at work.

Visit us at for more information.

Befriend us at:
Contributions and correspondence to:
Please Recycle
05 • News & info
06 • Wasted Votes
Ken Flaherty

07 • Fuck Gas ride reports

09 • Water As A Commodity
Dirty Dave Johnson

11 • Ian Freeman

13 • Inland Vans Berdoo

David Brooks

14 • Democracy Sucks!
News, information & random crap

A bunch of people stood in lines and voted to Still more bike news in that Bike Depot has
pick one guy or another to make deciscions for opened their second location on Frankfort
them and kill brown babies around the world. Avenue. Looks to be a nice addition to the
Tyranny won out, personal accountability lost. Clifton area in need of a good Sales and
I stood around all day holding a sign and Service shop. Best of luck to Jackie and his
handing out flyers about what a bad idea this crew in their new digs. Keep up the great work.
was. However, the majority didn’t heed my
warnings and here we stand... again. Everyone’s favorite Lucero guitarist, Brian
Shit’s getting old. Venable, still has a baby boy and still blindly
follows Manchester United. He’s a twat. Brian, has gone thru a makeover. not the baby.
As you likely read on the previous page you
should know I will be focusing more on the Send whatever you’ve got regarding anything
web end of things as this will likely be the last you like to: - I’ll be
issue distributed in print for a while. Not sure sure to pass it along...
where we’ll go from here, but stay up to date at

In Fuck Gas news, the domain

has been procured and developed into a daily
blog along with product reviews, ride info and
there is currently a store in the works.
Check it out -

Shitluck Clothing has launched a new

website that is being regularly
updated. This is something they plan
to continue so stay up to date with
the nuttiest team in BMX. Visit them

Wasted Votes
Ken Flaherty

One of my most venerable mantras when Yet, come election day, a landslide majority of
forcibly engaged in political discourse is all those fed up and honestly scared of tomor-
“Elect someone to Congress who has never row will overwhelmingly and dumbfoundedly
made more than $75,000 a year, then I will vote for more of the same.
feel represented.”
And they reason, no we, we reason that a vote
Invariably, regardless which side of the aisle for other than McCain or Obama, McConnell
they’d been arguing, people will agree, quickly or Lunsford, Yarmuth or Northrup is a wasted
followed by the resounding “It’ll never hap- vote. So we get disgusted, frustrated and just
pen.” Campaigns cost too much for a normal quit voting.
plumber, manager, waitress, or bus driver to
even entertain the idea of joining Congress. Is But I am suggesting we don’t not vote. Waste
it any wonder we find ourselves represented your vote. Waste it on 3rd party hopelessness
by the Billionaire Boys Club? because the more 3rd parties get; the easier
it is to get more 3rd parties. And that might
The latest record breaking $700 billion dollar lead to a 4th, which could bring about our
corporate welfare package & $650 billion war favorite – a fifth party!
to keep oil flowing make perfect sense when
we realize that Congress is doing exactly what Waste it on write in candidates. If you can’t
it was designed to do – represent it’s constitu- find someone to write in on MySpace, Mojo
ents. or facebook, write yourself in. Or better yet,
write in “none of the above.”
How many of us think we, as a nation, are on
a righteous and positive path? Get outside Waste your vote. It is easy, takes less time
those reading this issue – think of your family, than a haircut and they usually have cookies.
friends, clients, bosses, bus mates, cellmates
& Kroger shoppers. Who’s happy with any of Waste your vote. One day “other” just might
this? outpoll more of the same.

November/December 2008 • LATT!TUDE 06

Fuck Gas ride reports

The Gutter Ball Bonanza brought to you by environment. People from all different scenes
your friends at Fuck Gas, Lattitude Zine, coming together for the love of riding with
Shitluck Clothing, Liberty Tattoo & Art Parlour BMX, Road, fixed and cruisers all represent-
and hosted by On Your Left Cycles was a un- ed. Everyone had a chance to get a bite to
derwhelming success, if there is such a thing. eat thanks to the generosity of Gary &
In all actuality, we had a great time, there just Suzanne (Fuck Gas co-conspirators &
weren’t a lot of us unfortunately. Our guess propietors of the soon to be Liberty Tattoo
was everyone was saving themsleves for the & Art Parlor), Derek (On Your Left co-owner)
alleycat being held the following evening. & myself. I’ll give Leland a mention as well
Regardless, Derek and Drew (On Your Left for showing up with the extra charcoal, but
propieters) provided an awesome starting line considering he was late as fuck in his usual
from their new home at 618 Baxter Avenue, fashion, we’ll leave that one alone.
and it is sure to be a focal point for future

For those of you that missed it, well, you

missed it. We started with a hot grill and
good food at the bike shop, which then
proceeded to a rowdy ride down Bard-
stown Road and an amazing not so well
lit bomb through Cherokee Park. We
ended at Executive Strike and Spare
on Phillips Lane by way of Eastern
Parkway and Preston Highway, which I
would like to mention went very well.

The bowling was attrotious to say the

least, and the karaokee was even
worse, just making the evening all
the more enjoyable.

Next up on the calendar was the

Fuck Gas River Ramble. As what
seems to be a great meeting
point, we started off grilling and
hanging out pre-ride at On Your
Left Cycles. This was a great

course. This is where everyones
lights were essential. Although, I
would say this was probably the
most enjoyable part of the ride.
Twenty something bikes flying
thru the woods after dark, lights
blazing along a 6 foot wide path.
Good times.

Once we finally made it to Shaw-

nee, more regrouping and a
short rest while everyone decid-
ed to keep heading west along
Southwestern Parkway and
into Chickasaw park. A quick
lap there then a return lap of
Shawnee and we were back
on the trail and towards the city. All poles
After all the food had been properly handled and fences avoided once again while the only
we mounted up, music blaring and headed altercation came from a bewildered security
west into the chilly night air. Considering guard at the locks coming after Derek.
this was a late night November ride, I don’t Apparently you’re not supposed to be on
think we could have gotten better weather. public property at that hour? Fuck that. Back
The thermometer resting around 50 was into the city and another successful Fuck
good news. Heading thru the city and out Gas ride in the memory banks. Next month’s
onto the river walk following the Ohio River ride is in the works so don’t miss it. Magnolia
the temperature dropped a few degrees but Meander has been mapped out and it looks to
it seemed by then everyone was having too be another great run.
much fun to really notice.
Thanks to Derek, Drew, Leland, Gary,
There was a short stop once arriving outside Suzanne, and Dan for everything. It just keeps
the Portland neighborhood to regroup as getting better. As always, everyone on a bike
some people ride faster than others and this is encouraged to attend every Fuck Gas ride
also allowed for our appointed photographer regardless of wheel size or gear count. If you
for the evening, Dan Meece, to get a couple love your bike, that’s all that matters.
group shots. Back on the trail we proceeded
past the McAlpine locks, all poles avoided Stay up to date with additional info through
luckily and into the woods along Shawnee golf

November/December 2008 • LATT!TUDE 08

Water As A Commodity
Dirty Dave Johnson

According to the American Water Works These water pipes and the plants that clean the
Association’s study of 2001, The United States water are aging. A lot of the countries’ cities
of America will need to invest an estimated 250 are running on equipment and pipes that are
billion dollars over the next 30 years to upkeep almost 100 years old. The government had the
the infrastructure of the water system for budget and money 100 years ago to set these
drinking (www. awwa. org). With technology systems into being, but the money is no longer
and proper use of resources, this figure could there to maintain them, much less update them.
possibly drop near half that amount but that is
still a staggering figure. With growing economic Everyday we use water to wash our clothes,
problems that are plaguing the United States, prepare food, and clean our bodies without
most citizens are not willing to pay the increase even the remote thought of what it involves to
in taxes that would be needed for the govern- make this water available to us. Also, everyday
ment to maintain the water infrastructure and the water infrastructure is getting older and the
decent water prices. Without these tax increases, chances of contamination from broken pipes
there is little money for the water systems of the and faulty equipment goes up. We, as Ameri-
U.S. to maintain healthy drinking water that is cans, tend to forget these things until faced with
provided to the public for next to nothing. It is a ‘bad day’ as the result of these things we put
apparent that something needs to be done and off for so long. Something needs to be done as
the already well-known privatization of some soon as possible, way before disease interrupts
European water systems is sparking the interest the routine of our daily lives.
of the U.S. government. The private water com-
panies, such as Thames Water of Germany, offer Also, as Americans we hate the thought of
the capital, management, and support to back taxes going up and expect that the government
improvement, maintenance, and the updating will provide us with the water we so take for
of the U.S. water system infrastructure (which granted. But again, we all forget that someone
is nearing 100 years old) for a profit in return. has to pay for the maintenance and upkeep of
Due to the need of healthy drinking water, the the water systems because they obviously are
state of the country’s water infrastructure and not going to do it on their own. However, at this
the pressure on the government to keep the point, even if the taxes were raised, it still prob-
taxes down, it seems inevitable that water is and ably would not be enough to fix the problem.
should be the next commodity of the future. Some parts of the government are looking
overseas for a solution.
It’s no surprise that water needs to be cleaned
and transported to be consumed without the In France, people have been paying privatized
threat of disease and sickness. Below the ground companies for water nearly as long as our aging
and underneath the daily radar of our lives, public pipes have been in place in the U.S.. This
there are pipes which bring water to our homes has achieved much success in bringing healthy
and businesses as well as take waste water away. water to the people of France. They have fewer

problems with the water infrastructure as well as sanitation and the government does not have to
raise taxes for upkeep and maintenance. It is clear that privatization does offer many benefits to the
state economically.

Other places and organizations insist that the water is a right for people, should remain free, and
paid for by the government. This is extremely unrealistic because some governments can no longer
afford it. Not only is free water unrealistic but people everywhere pay for healthier food so why
not pay for cleaner water? Private water companies are also capable of spending the money and
time in bringing water to people and places that never had the pipes and infrastructure before. It is
clear that water privatization in its various forms is the only option to meet the growing needs and
economy of the United States. Sure the water companies are going to profit from the business but
without their capital and expertise, we may soon find our selves sick, thirsty, and dirty.

Soon we shall find that the aging water infrastructure of the

United States is no longer acceptable for the transpor-
tation of healthy drinking water and removal of waste
water. The government can also no longer afford to
maintain and update these services. Some European
countries have had success with private companies
running the water systems and the U.S. can ben-
efit in the same ways. It should seem ridiculous
to put off the privatization of water works
any longer; therefore, it is necessary to see
water as a commodity.

• PBS - “New Economy of
http://www. pbs. org/pov/
economy. html
• BBC - “Water Privatisation:
Ask The Experts”
http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/
talking_point/2957550. stm
• The Documentary “Thirst”
http://www. thirstthemovie.
org/press. html

Dave is a student in U of L’s

Geography: Power Of Place
Class and he would like to
credit his teacher, Dr. Anu
Sabhlok for enlightening

November/December 2008 • LATT!TUDE 10

Ian Freeman
Jimmy Flaherty

As many know, I would rather be typing this Multiple back in forth’s with the courts and
settled in New Hampshire surrounded by individual bureaucrats involved basically
fellow liberty minded individuals. Due to went no where. Ian at one point even offering
the fact that my life is not the only one that to remove the couch if the Makaela Ingerd
would be uprooted in such a move, it just presented herself (who which at the time was
isn’t something that is in the cards at the unnamed) to discuss the matter in person as
moment. Being that as it may, I follow a lot adults should. With the Makaela supposedly
of what goes on in this liberty movement declining, this finally resulted in Ian having
taking place in the Granite State. Recently to appear in court. Once in court Ian planned
one New Hampshire activist, Ian Freeman, to question the legitimacy of the situation
was paid a visit by an area bureaucrat Carl and have the court explain the nature of the
H. Patten for what was a supposed complaint proceedings to which he was being forced to
regarding a couch residing in the side yard of take part in.
the property he owns thanks to an initially
unidentified Makaela Ingerd, a city planning In the end it appears that the judge, Edward
official. Coincidentally the same Makaela In- J. Burke was railroading Ian into a situation
gerd that Ian had somewhat embarrassed on where he would have to abide or be jailed.
a New Hampshire radio talk show a couple On Friday, November 14 Ian attended his
weeks before. After multiple unpaid fines and hearing. Upon entering the court room
an eventual court hearing of sorts, Ian was many fellow activists noticed signs displayed
finally carted off to jail for a 93 day sentence. reading that anyone who did not stand for
the judge would be found in contempt. This
In the weeks following the initial removal on the heels of multiple situations to which
order, Ian being the sort of fellow to not bow supporting activists in the New Hampshire
down and follow government orders or even area refused to stand when instructed to do
recognize their legitimacy for that mat- so upon a judgeís appearance. Ian, already
ter, stood his ground. First of all, the couch standing, had no reason not to do so at that
was not even his. The property he owns is a point. Once Burke was in the court, he irately
duplex and the accused couch is actually the and repeatedly ordered Ian to sit down to
personal property of his tenants. However, which Ian appeared stunned and as Ian sat
the property as a whole being supposedly and attempted to ask a question was cuffed
owned by Ian, he felt he should have the right and removed all within 7 seconds of the
to have a couch there if he (or his tenants in judges entrance into the room.
this matter) so pleased.

From here details are hearsay, but it appears
Ian refused to abide by Burke’s directive and
proceeded with questioning the situation
to which he was finally given a fine of $120,
3 days in jail for the couch and 3 counts of
contempt at 30 days apiece. 93 days in jail
and there was never an individual in harms
way except for Ian when it was all said and

As luck may have it, Ian has been released

from the states embrace after serving his 3
days for what I am guessing is the posses-
sion of an illegally placed couch that does
not belong to him in the first place. It seems
the state won out on this one. You can’t fault
Ian for having a value system that puts his
loved ones above his own values. But, due to
this, the state gets a win in that Ian apolo-
gized for his behavior in court and agreed
to play nice in the future. At the same time,
Ian took the issue further than most would
be willing to, but it’s hard not to flinch when
the government bullies flex. What everyone
needs to understand is that this is the forceful
violence that is government. This is the gun
you are holding when you participate in and
employ the national, state or local system.
Oddly enough, this is the exact point Ian had
illustrated to Makaela Ingerd on the radio.
It is too bad she had to result to embracing
the violence of the system instead of taking a
path of non-aggression.

November/December 2008 • LATT!TUDE 12


Ever head of Inland Vans Berdoo? I doubt that you have but they’ve been around
possibly longer than you’ve been alive. They’ve been partying and spreading the good word about
vans for 36 years now. These guys were friends with the Hells Angels, threw huge parties that drew
thousands of people, and their original sponsor was a bail bondsman. They recently were inducted
into the Route 66 Cruisin’ Hall of Fame. No longer considered just a bunch of rough necks but
a historic symbol. This honor has brought them into the public eye recently. I wanted to get to
know a little bit more about this historic club so I emailed Mike Cook who has been a member
since the beginning to fill me in.

David Brooks: Inland vans berdoo has been around since 72’. You all formed from a split of Unit-
ed Vans Berdoo What brought about that split and what happened to the other part of that split?

Mike Cook: We started as United Vans Berdoo in January of 1969.In order to use the “Berdoo”
in our name we had to get permission from the Hells Angels who first started in Berdoo and had
total control of who could use it. Use it without permission meant your vans probably would be
damaged severely and any member wearing the Berdoo would be subect to a severe mugging. We
grew to over 150 vans and it was getting to where we couldn’t recoganize each other if we weren’t
wearing our jackets. Plus there were some power struggles with small cliques within the club so
we decided that those who wanted to would split and form Inland Vans Berdoo. The same original
members that started United Vans split and formed Inland Vans. We started with a very strict rule
for future members which said that a prospect would need 100% yes votes to get in, one no vote
and they were out. We voted on prospects every week. We soon grew to over 150 vans. We split
several times as a reswult and other clubs were formed by our former club brothers such as Hub
City Vans, Family of Vans,Vantiques etc. As members got older and got married with children they
started to drift away. As far as the other part they remained United Vans for a few more years then

DB: So you had permission from the Hells Angels to use the Berdoo but they’re pretty rowdy guys
from what I hear and it seems like Inland Vans Berdoo is too, did you all ever get into scuffles, or

did guys ever just show up at your parties to
start shit?

MC: The Angels shot one of our guys at a par-

ty once and got their butts kicked good. I have
a long history with the Angels since my father
owned the bar they chose as their first meet-
ing place. He once beat the living Hell out of
their President, vice president and two others
all at once. They said he was the baddest SOB
they had ever met and made him an honorary
member. They later said pretty much the same
thing about me. They told my dad and me that
if we ever need their help with anything that
they would be there. When a bunch of the Psyhcos shot me twice in the back and my brother in the
arm I shot 6 of them in the chest and fired over 500 armor peirceing rounds into their motrcycles
and their cars and club house. The Angels told them they would kill any Psycho on sight if they
ever bothered my brother and me and took their colors. So yes we were pretty crazy back then and
we did model our club after the HAs in almost every respect except we drove vans. Today my club
still gets invited to HA parties and funerals.

DB: Your website mentions being about 70 members strong at times, now days clubs can be as few
as 3 or 4 vans. What kind of numbers does inland have now including vans and members?

MC: We currently have 69 members. Some have several vans including one that has 13 early Eco-
nos all in show condition. Over the years several of our members passed away and since 1980 we
have only voted in 3 new members. We only allow vans manufactured from 1961-1968. We don’t
pay dues now but back in the 70s we paid $1.00 a week.

DB: 13 show Econos is nothing to scoff at. Mike you have quite a few show vans yourself, and one
will be featured in an upcoming fast and furious film ( might be out already?). From what I read
that was a real pain in the ass and somewhat abusive to some other folks cars, any thoughts on this
from your firsthand experience?

MC: It was pretty rough on some peoples rides. Several were damaged. Vin Deisel jumped on the
hood of a just restored 240Z and caved it in and then laughed about it. They told the guy that all
they could give him was $500.00 for the damages. Two cars blew their motors trying to do a race
scene with no compensation.

DB: Being that a lot of truck ins are in the midwest and on the east coast, were there any challenges
keeping the club going or was it nothing at all being that vanning is your life and family and it’s
what you would do anyway?

MC: No challenge at all since we were kicked out of the

Southern California Van Council for being heavy partiers
and not conducive to what was becoming a family style
van craze. We have gone it our own way since then. We
never needed any other clubs or councils, we were so well
known here in Southern Cali that when we had a party
say on a Wednesday night it would attract several hun-
dred people. Friday and Saturday night parties would
draw up to 4000 people. We once went through 38 kegs

November/December 2008 • LATT!TUDE 14

of beer in four hours not counting all the wine and hard liquor. It got to where we had to notify the
police when we were going to have a party so they could be there in case any problems arose. This
was because our parties attracted many car and van clubs plus several motorcycle clubs such as the
Hells Angels, Vagos, Devils Deciples, Psychos etc.

to have a party so they could be there in case any problems arose. This was because our parties
attracted many car and van clubs plus several motorcycle clubs such as the Hells Angels, Vagos,
Devils Deciples, Psychos etc.

DB: So vanning didn’t do so well as a family oriented sport, and really the party guys that were
such a “problem” to vanning lasted it out, did the 2% movement have any thing to do with this? do
you think there will ever be a full size van craze again?

MC: Back then families were young so they didn’t have the time or the extra money to go to what
we called “Van Happenings” let alone build custom vans. The partiers didn’t let their familes get in
the way by always including their wives and kids at van runs. I had two young sons but they went
to every run I went to including one my club made to Amarillo, Texas. As far as 2% goes when my
club was kicked out of the Southern California Van Council we decided to take another cue from
the HAs in that they used 1% to denote that they were outside the norm as far as bikers go so we
talked to them and told them we would like to use 2% for the same reasons if it was OK with them.
They were all for it so we started as 2% vanners. Today 2% means different things to different
vanners but to us it has a special meaning that can never be taken from us. It seems that today
everyone is a two percenter which
tells me that there isn’t a norm to be
outside of anymore.I just can’t figure
out how 100% can be 2% but to each
his own. There will never be what we
had in the 70s but that won’t stop my
club from promoting vans every time
we get a chance.

DB: Inland Vans Berdoo was recently

inducted in the Route 66 cruisin hall of
fame, this being a huge honor what did
it mean to you and guys in the club?

MC: Getting inducted into the Hall Of Fame was our crowning glory. The ultimate reward for
our club and all we went through to get where we are. It opened doors to the media that we have
worked many years to open. None of us ever thought we would ever be recoganized in such a way.
Having a superior court judge, a mayor, congressmen, senators etc. stand up and praise our club
was unbelievable.

DB: I also read that truckin magazine was going to cover the induction ceremony. What was the
ceremony like and what did truckin have to say about it?

MC: Truckin couldn’t make it to the ceremony but one of their sister mags did and if Dan Ward
the editor of Truckin Oks it there will be a story in Truckin about our achievements. If you look
on Truckins website there is already a story that salutes us and talks about how we started the van

continued on page 17

So, you did it. You voted. You did all your homework,
researched their stands on everything from reading your
email to how the wars in the Middle East will be handled.
You like most of what you think they stand for, and the
things you disagree with probably don’t affect you or if
they do, you can deal with it.

Think you’ll win?

You won’t.

You already lost and you’re taking the rest of us down with
you. Regardless of who will be taking over or continuing in
which ever office come January doesn’t make a damn bit of
difference. Problem is, neither of our best interests are close
to the top of their priorities. Even if they were, what about
those whose best interests do not reflect our own? This is
the problem with democracy and government in general.

Democracy is aggression. Whether you are holding the

gun or not, when you vote to put individuals in power, you
aggress against anyone who may oppose those individual’s
ideals. For if we do not agree and dare dissent, we may be
forced with threat of direct violence, be it the barrel of a
gun or imprisonment, to submit. Fact is fact, and this is the
path you have chosen.

As George Washington stated, “Government is not reason,

it is not eloquence. It is force. And force like fire is a
dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

November/December 2008 • LATT!TUDE 16


continued from page 13

craze of the 70s and how that got Truckin its
start. The ceremony was fantastic. We had a Hello to all our friends and supporters,
dinner that was attended by over 300 VIPs,
some from companies like Ford, some politi- In the last week, eight people affiliated with
cians, former Hall of Fame inductees and the RNC Welcoming Committee were
former football stars such as Jerry Rice. The arrested in their homes or picked up off the
ceremony was held at our local Hilton and my streets and charged with conspiracy to riot
65 Econo was used as a back drop for photos and furtherance of terrorism. The Welcom-
of many of the VIPs. A Superior court judge ing Committee was a group that formed to fa-
that knew us well got up and talked about how cilitate logistics (food, housing, convergence
we look like normal senior citizens but were center) around the 2008 Republican National
wild men in our heyday and how great it was Convention Protests in Saint Paul, Minne-
that we morphed into Hall of Famers. We now sota. Most of them were arrested in the days
have a bronze plaque on the Wall of Fame and leading up to the convention, and many had
their homes raided by law enforcement. They
one at the National Hot Rod Museum. Awards
were being held in the Ramsey County jail
from congress, the California State Senate and
but as of Thursday were all released on bail or
California state Assembly were presented to bond. They are now facing serious criminal
us at the ceremony as well. Three TV stations, charges and the potential of a protracted and
several radio stations, newspapers and maga- expensive legal battle.
zines also attended. All in all an experiance
that none of us will ever forget. This case is potentially dangerous not just
for these individuals but for organizers and
DB: That is truly amazing. It seems like Inland activists all over the country. It represents a
Vans Berdoo does a lot to keep vanning in seemingly coordinated effort between state
the public eye. What’s in the future for Inland and federal agencies to crack down on orga-
Vans Berdoo? Is it day to day or is the club goal nizers as a way of intimidating and systemat-
oriented towards keeping vanning out there ically repressing movement building in all its
and in the media as well. forms. It now falls to all of us to fight these
charges not just for these eight people but to
MC: We will keep doing what has been suc- protect our friends, our movements and our
cessful for us and hope that the rest of the van- communities.
ning community will follow what we do and
hopefully have the same success we have had. Currently, our immediate need is for finan-
One thing about us is we don’t accept failure, cial resources. We are asking for people to
donate money or set up benefits in their own
the word “no”, and we won’t be ignored. We are
in your face type people and that is what has
made us successful along with an extremely You can donate by going to
tight brotherhood. None of us has ever said and clicking on the “Donate to RNC Welcom-
it was hard or made any excuses, we love ing Committee Legal Support” button.
challenges and furthering vanning is a major
challenge. We won’t stop now, hopefully we are To check out ongoing updates on the case
just getting started. visit

Thank you so much for your support.

David Brooks can be contaced via In solidarity,
Inlands Vans berdoo can be found online at The Friends of the Welcoming Committee

November/December 2008 • LATT!TUDE

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