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Subject :English for Specific Purposes 1

Topic :

Politica Parties

Professor:Besa Bytyqi

Worked: Hikmete Memedi -116960 Fjolla Qurdina -117756 Besnik Merxhani -117362

2. Graphic and political party development

Political parties as political institutions in contemporary terms that appear from c. XVIII.Their appearance is the result of the efforts of progressive forces for application of parliamentarism as a means of countering the absolutism of feudal monarchies.Periodicity of the development of political parties has been the preoccupation of various theorists of political science. When they attempt to periodizuar evolution of their development through to contemporary political profiling as organized political entities.How long before the appearance of their deals since 1215, when England adopted the Freedom Charter Great (Magna Cara Libertatum), and the first document in history that defined the monarch absolute power. The period since the adoption of this document until the century. the nineteenth characterized by the gradual building of the parties and their physiognomy. By the end of the century. XVII in international political science had no organized political party. Political parties were first introduced in England, which also considered the cradle of parliamentary democracy. Here is first created party called "Tory" after union of England with Scotland, in 1707 and later a party of "Vigve". Party "Tory" has composite layer associated with the aristocracy of the House of Lords in the English parliament. Who committed to the monarchy, and in that of "Vigve" entered liberals and industrial on the Lower House of Parliament. In the meantime the Labour party presented today represents an equal political partner, although the Conservative party in England except these parties also presented other political parties with less impact, can rightly be said that England built a model system and representative two parliamentary party that characterized

their dominance. They still share more than 97% of seats in parliament, ie approximately the same.

3. Understanding the political parties

Definition of political parties presents another issue, about which there is a unique view of theorists who have dealt with this issue. According to Friedrich political parties represent groups of citizens organized in a stable manner in order to provide and maintain power over another group. Given the role of political parties Burdeau Frenchman considers them motor force of political life, which enables citizens active participation in political life. Based on these definitions we can highlight some basic features of political parties: A. Political parties are institutions and political organizations tubojn volunteer orientations and people with similar political determinations. 2. The main purpose of political parties participating in political life with the purpose of obtaining, maintaining or participation in the state. 3. Political parties exercise their political influence within the institutions of parliamentary system subject pluralistic political competition with other political parties. 4. Political parties have their membership which depending on its toll express their real strength. 5. Political parties fight for the receipt, storage or participation in the state's conduct within the free elections and direct presidential and parliamentary elections. Mentioned characteristics it follows that they represent the

institutional form of political organization of citizens into a political organization with the aim of realizing a common political interest. Today they are formed and function without major obstacles. Only in socialist countries faced obstacles in their establishment, such as: Cuba, China, Vietnam, South Korea etc.. In comparative political theory regarding the formation of political parties determined that three conditions must be met for the purpose of their action on the political scene as follows: A. Political party to be formed should have a certain number of its members. This number is different and ranges from 100 up to 1000 members, depending on the elections law that apply in different states; 2. A political party must have its charter program or policy, its stated program orientations, defined internal organizational structure and regulate other matters relevant to its operation; 3. In order to participate actively in political life, political parties must register with the state body.

4. Types of political parties

In science and political theory there are different classifications of political parties. While not denying the basing of other classifications according to different criteria, in this casewe will make their characterization of the spectrum as parliamentary subjects. Given thatall political part ies can be classified according to four main criteria: A. on the basis of their orientation program; 2. according to their report with the local government; 3. orientation based on parliamentary and 4. based on other criteria.

4.4 Other Classifications of political parties

Besides the mentioned criteria, political parties can be classified in the following types: a) On the basis of their class war, class composition and their role in class strugglepolitical parties are divided into: labor and bourgeois parties. This classification ofpolitical parties and ideological character based on Marxist theory on the class struggle. b) On the basis of the existing social system with political parties can be divided into: the revolutionary party and the status quo. c) The base assembly of their membership of political parties could be: political, national, religious, regional, etc.. d) The number of members of political parties and mass separated in personnel. e) On the basis of party discipline, etc..

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