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T 08456800189 F01903286960 WWW.NSLSERVICES.CO.UK

Please be advised that some of the zones within Worthings Controlled Parking Zone are currently operating a waitinglist.Thesearelistedbelow. Thereareanumberoffactorsaddingtothepressuresforpermitsnamelythepureincreaseindemandforpermits sincecurrentlevelsofenforcementcommencedinSeptember2007butalsothenumberofhouseconversionswhich arebeingturnedintomultipleoccupancies.BothofthesepointsarebeingaddressedinthatallTrafficRegulation Orders and quantities of bays are being reviewed by West Sussex County Council in order to ascertain if evening regulations can be relaxed and additional bays can be provided, plus whether the times of the restrictions and choices of restriction are still appropriate for the road today. This review is done solely on the basis of a public consultationsoifyouwishtoraiseyourconcernsinthisregard,wewouldurgeyoutocontactWestSussexCounty Council as soon as possible. There is also a clear policy of outlining in planning approvals that there may be restrictionsonthenumbersofpermitsmadeavailabletoeachbuilding(i.e.4flatsmayonlybepermitted2permits betweenthem)totryandrelievethepressure. The permit scheme itself is designed by West Sussex County Council and Worthing Borough Council is asked to managethisinaccordancewiththeirpolicyviaNSLLtdastheircontractor.NSLLtdarethereforearenotableto dealwithanycomplaintsregardingthedesignofthescheme. Whencalculatingoccupancyofroads,itisnotasimplecaseoflookingatthenumberofresidentpermitsissuedto the number of bays available, or indeed how many permits have or have not been renewed, as other types of permits must be taken into consideration healthcare, nonresident etc. However, NSL Ltd have a very effective system for monitoring this and more permits are released as soon as it is possible to do so. We would like to apologisefortheinconveniencethiscausesbutcannotpredicthowlongthewaitwillbeatthistime. If you feel that you have a complaint, or would like to express your views, please contact WSCC Highways via Thereiscurrentlyawaitinglistforpermitsforthefollowingzones:(asofthe6thDecember2011)
Numberonwaitinglist Zone 1stPermit A B C F G 0 0 0 0 0 2ndPermit 65 0 77 0 0 1stPermit 2 0 0 0 0 2ndPermit 62 4 78 2 1 Numberpreviousmonth Noofpermitsreleased previousmonth 1stPermit 8 5 8 1 0 2ndPermit 0 0 0 1 0

(Pleasenotethattoassistinreducingthewaitingtimeforapermittobecomeavailable,someofthepermitsreleasedhave beenfora3monthperiodtoassessthedemandthiscreatesontherespectivezone,andmaybewithdrawnshouldthedemand exceedavailability.)


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