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(INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Globalizacin: Una Perspectiva Interdisciplinaria Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009


Universidad de las Fraternidades de Agrupaciones 'Santo Toms de Aquino'

Compiled by Arch./EnP Tony-Kar Balde III, UST, Manila, Philippines

September 13- December 5, 2009

PARTICIPANT PROFESSORS and TOPICS . . . . . . . . . . . . ON-LINE SYLLABUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COURSE CALENDAR of SESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PART I--MODULE TOPICS and PAPERS Week Instructors and Module Topics Prior to Sept. 13 All available Free discussion on Blackboard 1. Sept 13-19 Ozolins Ethics in a Globalized World 2. Sept 20-26 Gisbert International Trade Issues and the Multilateral and Regional Approach to Economic Integration 3. Sept 27-Oct 3 Canac Global Finance: the Need for Reform 4. Oct. 4-10 George Global Sourcing of IT and IT- enabled services 5. Oct. 11-17 Del Canto Nueva era migratoria 6. Oct. 18-24 Rodriguez Poverty and Globalization 7. Oct. 25-31 Garcia Transforming Societies by Empowering Individuals 8. Nov. 1-7 Laurito Current state of the global environment and energy resources 9. Nov. 8-14 Srinivas Globalization and Environmental Sustainability 10. Nov. 15-21 Marmolejo Foreign Investment and Bilateral Investment Treaties: Towards a globalization of property rights? 11. Nov. 22-28 Wilson-Forsberg Civil Society and the Democratization of Global Governance 12. Nov. 29-Dec. 5 Pecheul The effects of globalisation on the internationalisation of human rights and on the threat to the sovereignty of the States Continued next page


PART II SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS FROM PROFESSORS PER MODULE TOPIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PART III PROFESSORS SHORT CV & INFORMATION PAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS MANILA, PHILIPPINES PARTICIPANTS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPANTS LIST BY UNIVERSITY AND COUNTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTACT NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOPIC SUMMARY LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PART IV DISCUSSIONS WEEKLY QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD CONTENTS INDIVIDUAL MODULE TOPIC FILES SUPPLEMENTARY READING FILES PER MODULE WEEKLY ON-LINE DISCUSSION TRANSCRIPTS PROFESSOR DIRECTORY STUDENT DIRECTORY SCHOOL LOGOS AND WEBSITES PHOTOGRAPHS (Back Cover Sleeve) Compilation by: Arch./EnP Tony-Kar Balde III Ph.D Development Studies University of Santo Tomas Manila, Philippines


University of St. Thomas, Houston TX Pierre Canac (Economics & Finance) Beena George (MIS) Ravi Srinivas (Environmental Studies) Rogelio Garcia (International Studies) Crispulo Marmolejo (International Law) Saint Thomas University in Fredericton, Canada Stacey Wilson-Forsberg (interdisciplinary) Universidad Abat Oliba, Barcelona, Spain Alex GISBERT (Economics) Australian Catholic University, Australia John Ozolins (Philosophy) Universidad FASTA, Mar del Plata, Argentina Francisco del Canto Viterale (Political Scientist) ICES, La Roche sur Yon, France Armel Pecheul (International law) Universidad Santo Tomas, Bogota, Colombia Juan Carlos Rodriguez Camacho (Psychologist) University Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines Evelyn R. Laurito (Chemical Engineering)


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

UST Houston has hosted visiting scholars from member universities and has acted as host in offering an online course on globalization to students from all participating universities. In the fall of 2007, 140 students and faculty members from universities in nine different countries participated in the course.

Online Syllabus
ICUSTA Online Course 2009

ICUSTA was established in 1993 to promote academic exchange between students and faculties of universities inspired by the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas. The worldwide council is currently comprised of 27 universities, representing Catholic institutions from every inhabited continent in the world.

Course Site:

ICUSTA Online Course

Fall 2009 Title: Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Participants and Topics: University of St. Thomas, Houston TX Pierre Canac (Economics & Finance) Global Finance: the Need for Reform Beena George (MIS) Global Sourcing of IT and IT-enabled services Ravi Srinivas (Environmental Studies) Globalization and Environmental Sustainability Rogelio Garcia (International Studies) Transforming Societies by empowering individuals Crispulo Marmolejo (International Law) Foreign Investment and Bilateral Investment Treaties: Towards a globalization of property rights? Saint Thomas University in Fredericton, Canada Stacey Wilson-Forsberg (interdisciplinary) Civil Society and the Democratization of Global Governance Universidad Abat Oliba, Barcelona, Spain Alex GISBERT (Economics) International Trade Issues and the Multilateral and Regional Approach to Economic Integration Australian Catholic University, Australia John Ozolins (Philosophy) Ethics in a Globalized World Universidad FASTA, Mar del Plata, Argentina Francisco del Canto Viterale (Political Scientist) Nueva era migratoria
Coures Site:

ICES, La Roche sur Yon, France Armel Pecheul (International law) The effects of globalisation on the internationalisation of human rights and on the threat to the sovereignty of the States Universidad Santo Tomas, Bogota, Colombia Juan Carlos Rodriguez Camacho (Psychologist) Poverty and Globalization University Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines Evelyn R. Laurito (Chemical Engineering) Current state of the global environment and energy resources Duration of course: Twelve continuous weeks: September 13 December 5 (NO vacation breaks!) o One module per week Face-to-Face Meetings: Each university may choose to organize for its respective students face-to-face meetings as needed. Organization of Course: Each instructor will make available to all students each week through Blackboard his module (in both English and Spanish) which consists of: o A 20-page presentation written by the instructor on his/her topic o Any additional materials that students should read Each module will be made available on the Friday preceding the week the module is covered. Students will be required to read prior to the following Wednesday the materials posted on Blackboard. The faculty responsible for the weekly module will lead the discussion that will start on Wednesday and conclude on Friday (or Saturday morning because of late time zones Philippines and Australia) each week. All students and as many faculty members as possible are expected to participate in the weekly discussion. Each faculty member is required to verify that his/her students participate actively in the discussion (minimum number of comments each week to be determined by each instructor). Language requirements: The course is bilingual, English/Spanish. However, students and faculty are not required to be bilingual. Each instructor will make available a version of his module in the other language. Discussion board comments should also be posted in both languages. Bilingual students and faculty will translate their own comments. Others will need to use the services of a translator, either a free online translator or a student translator recruited by each campus.

Evaluation of Students, i.e. grading: Each instructor is responsible for evaluating his/her own students using any method that is suitable to the culture and standards of his/her university. However, in order to encourage students participation in the discussion, it is recommended that the comments posted on the discussion board be graded each week and constitute a significant portion of the overall grade.

Final Course Calendar for online sessions:

Week Optional: Prior to Sept. 13 1. Sept 13-19 2. Sept 20-26 Instructors All available Ozolins Gisbert Topics Free discussion on Blackboard Ethics in a Globalized World International Trade Issues and the Multilateral and Regional Approach to Economic Integration Global Finance: the Need for Reform Global Sourcing of IT and ITenabled services Nueva era migratoria Poverty and Globalization Transforming Societies by empowering individuals (Microcredit) Current state of the global environment and energy resources Globalization and Environmental Sustainability Foreign Investment and Bilateral Investment Treaties: Towards a globalization of property rights? Civil Society and the Democratization of Global Governance The effects of globalisation on the internationalisation of human rights and on the threat to the sovereignty of the States

3. Sept 27-Oct 3 4. Oct. 4-10 5. Oct. 11-17 6. Oct. 18-24 7. Oct. 25-31

Canac George Del Canto Rodriguez Garcia

8. Nov. 1-7


9. Nov. 8-14 10. Nov. 15-21

Srinivas Marmolejo

11. Nov. 22-28


12. Nov. 29-Dec. 5



ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Part 1

One paper per week from each professor compiled here, discussion questions per thread compiled at Part 4 Discussions

Course Site:


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Ethics in a Globalised World
Professor John Ozolins M.Sc. Ph.D. Dip. Ed. (Melb) Grad. Dip. Ed. Admin. (Deakin) FHERDSA, MACE

Dear Students, Welcome to the discussion forum for week one. I hope you enjoy reading the materials. The lecture continues and expands some of the issues covered in the readings. In particular, we begin to think about different ways in which we can formulate what globalisation might look like and what could be looked in global ethics. An important question you might consider is the effect a particular approach to ethics and the common good might contribute to solving the global financial crisis.


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

International Trade Issues & the Multilateral & Regional Approach to Economic Integration
Professor Alejandro Gisbert Mir, Ph.D
Professor Faculty of Social Sciences Universidad Abad Oliba-Barcelona Spain
This week the topic will shift to international trade and regional trading blocks. Please read the module by Prof. Gisbert who will be our discussion leader starting on Wednesday and ending on Friday. Esta semana el tema tratar del comercio internacional y los bloques comerciales regionales. Por favor, lea el mdulo del profesor Gisbert quien ser el lder de la discusin a partir del mircoles y hasta el viernes.


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Global Finance: A Broken System
Professor Pierre Canac, Ph.D
PhD Economics, UH MA Political Science, UH BA in Journalism, UH University of Houston BTS in Agriculture Sainte Livrade, France
Our next topic will be about Global Finance and will attempt to analyze the fundamental (and somewhat complex) causes of the current economic and financial crisis. Both the English and Spanish versions of the module have been posted under "Canac". You will also find some additional readings which unfortunately are available only in English. Our discussion will start on Wednesday. Nuestro prximo tema ser sobre finanzas y analiza las causas fundamentales (y un tanto complejas) de la crisis econmica y financiera actual. Tanto la version en Ingls como en espaol del mdulo estan accesibles bajo le nombre del autor: Canac. Usted tambin encontrar algunas lecturas adicionales que, lamentablemente, slo estn disponibles en Ingls. Nuestra discusin se iniciar el mircoles como siempre.


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Globalization & IT
Assoc. Professor Beena George, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Business Administr ation, Ph.D. Administration, dministr Information Systems, Management Information Systems, University of Houston, Univer sity of Houston, 2006 MBA, Institute of MBA , Indian Institute of Management, Calcutt Calcutta, India, 1986. B.Sc. Physics, Univer sity of Ker ala, India, 1983 University of Ker erala,
Next we will talk about "Global Sourcing of IT and IT-enabled services". The discussion leader will be Prof. Beena George from the University of St. Thomas in Houston. Please read her materials in order to be ready to discuss it starting on Wednesday. A continuacin hablaremos de "Gestion y Busqueda de Proveedores de Sistemas de Informacion Global". El lder de la discusin ser el Prof. Beena George de la Universidad de St. Thomas en Houston. Por favor, lea sus materiales con el fin de estar preparados para hablar de este tema a partir del mircoles.


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

New Migratory Era
Professor Francisco Del Canto Viterale
Academic Director UFAST the "Online Course Globalization and Regional Integration" (UFASTA, UST-Houston, UST-Chile, UST-Canada) Master of City and Regional Planning (Universidad Internacional de Andaluca - Sevilla, 2002) Master in International Economic Policy (University of Belgrano Buenos Aires, 2006-2007) AST University sity, FASTA Univer sity, Plata, Argentina Mar de Plata, Argentina
Our next topic will be on Migrations. Our presenter will be Prof. Francisco del Canto Viterale from University FASTA in Mar del Plata, Agentina. However Prof. del Canto is currently in Bilbao, Spain, from where he will lead the discussion starting on Wednesday. Nuestro prximo tema ser sobre las Migraciones. Nuestro presentador ser el profesor Francisco del Canto Viterale de la Universidad FASTA en Mar del Plata, Agentina. Sin embargo, el profesor del Canto est actualmente en Bilbao, Espaa, donde dirigir los debates a partir del mircoles.


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Poverty and Globalization
Professor Juan Carlos Rodriguez Camacho
Psychology chology, PhD Psychology, Commonwealth Univer sity, UK Commonwealth University sity, AbD Psicologia, Universidad Univer sidad Complutense, Madrid esearch Tr Psychology chology, Research Tr aining in Psychology, McMaster University sity, McMaster Univer sity, Canada Univer sidad Santo Tomas Universidad Tomas Bogota, Bogota, Colombia
Our next topic will be on Poverty and how Globalization influences it. Our presenter will be Prof. Juan Carlos Camacho Rodriguez from Universidad Santo Tomas in Bogota, Colombia. However Prof. Rodriguez is currently in Canada from where he will lead the discussion starting on Wednesday. His readings are posted in Blackboard under his name. This is our discussion about poverty and globalization. I will so glad to hear about your this topic opinion, answering the principal questions. Nuestro prximo tema tratar de la pobreza y de como esta impactada por la Globalizacion. Nuestro presentador ser el profesor Juan Carlos Camacho Rodriguez de la Universidad Santo Tomas en Bogota, Colombia. Sin embargo, el profesor Rodriguez est actualmente en Canada, donde dirigir los debates a partir del mircoles. Pueden encontrar sus lecturas en el Blackboard bajo su nombre. Esta es nuestra discussion sobre pobreza y globalizacion. Estare muy agradecido si puede compartir su opinin sobre las tres principales preguntas.


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Transforming Societies by Empowering Individuals


The effects of micro financing on programs for poverty alleviation and democratic alteration

Asst. Professor Rogelio Garcia, Ph.D

International Studies International Studies International M. International Economics Ph.D International Development International University of St. Univer sity of St. Thomas Houston, Texas Houston, Texas
The module on microfinance explores the positive influence that micro financing may have on the consolidation of participatory democracies and the formation of stronger civil societies around the world. The reading for the week aims to be both, an analytical exercise on the challenges of inequality to liberal democracy, and a guide on the effects of microfinance in the creation of comprehensive development models capable to guarantee democratic participation through what experts on development call equal substantive freedoms. The immediate results obtained by most micro credit programs confirm the present relevance of the basic liberal rapport between the individuals ability to participate in the market and the comparative advantage of such individual. A gradual corruption of the model, in contrast, confirm the need to remember that there is no possible way to solve the problems created by rampant competition in the market, unless we inspire all market participants to remain fraternal in their rights, obligations and responsibilities. Thank you and enjoy the discussion. rogelio


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Current State of Environment and Energy Resources
Professor Evelyn Laurito, Ph.D
Environment onmental Ph.D Environmental Science, UP Master ters Environment onmental Master s in Environmental Engineering, UP Chemical Engineering, University of SantoTomas Univer sity of SantoTomas Philippines Manila, Philippines
Our next topic will be on the environment and energy resources. Our presenter will be Prof. Evie Laurito from University Santo Tomas in Manila, Philippines. Prof. Laurito is a Chemical Engineer and will start leading the discussion on Wednesday. Her reading materials are posted in Blackboard under her name. This is the first of two modules that will deal with environmental issues. Nuestro prximo tema ser sobre el medio ambiente y los recursos energticos. Nuestra presentadora ser el profesor Evie Laurito de la Universidad Santo Toms de Manila, Filipinas. Prof. Laurito es un ingeniero qumico y comenzar a dirigir el debate el mircoles. Encontraran sus materiales de lectura en el blackboard bajo su nombre. Este es el primero de los dos mdulos que tratar de las cuestiones ambientales. This week we shall be discussing the Science and Technological aspects related with the State of our Global Environment and Energy Resources. I hope to see you all contribute so that we can all learn more from one another especially as to what is happening in your side of the world.

ICUSTA ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Globalization and Environmental Sustainability?
Ravi Srinivas, Ph.D Associate Prof., Environmental Studies BSc Chem,Botany, Zoo MS, Env. Studies Ph.D, Environmental Science & Forestry
This week we will discuss the topic of globalization and environmental sustainability. First, we will focus on sustainability. Second, we will discuss how globalization affects sustainability. After that we will focus on solutions and policies. Esta semana discutiremos el asunto del globalization y del sustainability ambiental. Primero, nos centraremos en sustainability. En segundo lugar, discutiremos cmo el globalization afecta sustainability. Despus que nos centraremos en soluciones y polticas.


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Foreign Investment and Bilateral Investment Treaties: Towards a Globalization of Property Rights?
Prof. Crispulo Marmolejo Law & Economics University of Santo Tomas Vina del Mar Chile

Only three more weeks! Our next topic will be on "Globalization of Property Rights" by Profesor Crispulo Marmolejo from Universidad Santo Tomas in Chile. Profesor Marmolejo is a lawyer. Like everyone else, he will lead the discussion starting on Wednesday. Please read his materials that are posted on Blackboard under his name. Slo tres semanas ms! Nuestro prximo tema ser sobre "La globalizacin de los derechos de propiedad" por el profesor Crspulo Marmolejo de la Universidad Santo Toms en Chile. El profesor Marmolejo es un abogado. Como todo el mundo, sera el lider de la discusin a partir del mircoles. Por favor, lea sus materiales que pueden encontrar en el blackboard bajo su nombre.


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Is There A Role for Civil Society in the Democratization of Global Governance?
Prof. Stacey Wilson-Forsberg
of Art Bachelor of Ar ts, Saint Thomas (1995) Master' ter's International Master's in International Development, Dalhousie Univer sity (1998) University Interdisciplinar Studies, disciplinary Ph.D Cand in Interdisciplinar y Studies, University of Brunswick Univer sity of New Brunswick Doctoral SSHRC Doctor al Fellow and esearch Assist Research Assistant at CRISP St. Thomas Univer sity Thomas University Fredericton, Brunswick,Canada Fredericton, New Br unswick,Canada
Welcome to the Civil Society and Global Governance module. This theme has been of great interest to me for many years. I hope you enjoy this week's topic. I am sure the discussion will be very interesting! Stacey Wilson-Forsberg


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

The Effects of Globalisation on the Internationalisation of Human Rights and On The Threat to the Sovereignty of the States
Professor Armel Pecheul International Law ICES, La Roche sur Yon, France
This is the last week of the course. Our last module will conclude the course by discussing the Effects of Globalization on the Internationalization of Human Rights and the Sovereignty of the State. Prof. Armel Pecheul of ICES in France will lead the discussion and conclude the course. Esta es la ltima semana del curso. El ltimo mdulo concluir el curso con una discusion de los efectos de la globalizacin sobre la internacionalizacin de los derechos humanos y la soberana del Estado. Prof. Armel Pecheul de ICES, en Francia, dirigir el debate y la conclusin del curso.


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Part 2

Supplementary readings from the professors and documents from the weekly discussions

Course Site:


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Professor John Ozolins M.Sc. Ph.D. Dip. Ed. (Melb) Grad. Dip. Ed. Admin. (Deakin) FHERDSA, MACE
Ethics in a Globalised World (Module 1 paper) CARITAS IN VERITATE Chapter 4 THe Development of People Rights and Duties W97 BUILDING TRUST BY TRUSTING By D Seidman (English) W97 Ethics in International Economics (English)W97 Un Declaration of Human Rights (English) Global Ethic and Human Responsibilities by Hans Kung UN Report on Human Rights and Transnationals (English)


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Professor Alejandro Gisbert Mir, Ph.D
Professor Faculty of Social Sciences Universidad Abad Oliba-Barcelona Spain

International Trade Issues & the Multilateral & Regional Approach to Economic Integration (Module 2 Paper) WTO-DOHA DEVELOPMENT ROUND OF TALKS WTO DISPUTE RESOLUTION How the Golden Age Lost its Shine And Why Demand is the Solution DECLARATION SUMMIT ON FINANCIAL MARKETS AND THE WORLD ECONOMY


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Professor Pierre Canac, Ph.D
PhD Economics, UH MA Political Science, UH BA in Journalism, UH University of Houston BTS in Agriculture Sainte Livrade, France
Global Finance: A Broken System (Module 3 paper) The Bailouts Biggest Flaw How Did Economists Get It Wrong? The Efficient Market Hypothesis on Trial: A Survey Globalized Finance And its Collapse


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Assoc. Professor Beena George, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Business Administr ation, Ph.D. Administration, dministr Information Systems, Management Information Systems, University of Houston, Univer sity of Houston, 2006 MBA, Institute of MBA , Indian Institute of Management, Calcutt Calcutta, India, 1986. B.Sc. Physics, Univer sity of Ker ala, India, 1983 University of Ker erala,
Globalization & IT (Module 4 paper) Is the Internet Good for Democracy? Role of Korean Government Over Global Turmoil?


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Professor Francisco Del Canto Viterale
Academic Director UFAST the "Online Course Globalization and Regional Integration" (UFASTA, UST-Houston, UST-Chile, UST-Canada. Edition AST University sity, FASTA Univer sity, Plata, Argentina Mar de Plata, Argentina
The New Migratory Era (Module 5 paper) The new and extraordinary era of 21st century international migrations are the result of a broken bipolar order due to the end of the Cold War


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Prof. Juan Carlos Rodriguez Camacho
Psychology chology, PhD Psychology, Commonwealth Univer sity, UK Commonwealth University sity, AbD Psicologia, Universidad Univer sidad Complutense, Madrid esearch Tr Psychology chology, Research Tr aining in Psychology, McMaster University sity, McMaster Univer sity, Canada Univer sidad Santo Tomas, Universidad Tomas, Bogota, Bogota, Colombia
Poverty & Globalization (Module 6 paper) Employment and poverty comparative Analysis Global Financial crisis English version Poverty & Globalization english version MDG_Report_2009_Es Seminario Internacional Virtual Which strategies are more effective for poverty Eradication


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Professor Rogelio Garcia
International Studies International Studies International M. International Economics International Ph.D International Development University of St. Univer sity of St. Thomas Houston, Texas Houston, Texas
Transforming Societies by Empowering Individuals (Module 7 paper) The Economist article: The microfinance firms struggle to raise money The Grameen Bank by Muhammad Yunus


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Professor Evelyn Laurito
Environment onmental Ph.D Environmental Science, UP MEE,University of Tomas MEE,Univer sity of Santo Tomas Philippines Manila, Philippines
Current State of Environment & Energy Resources (Module 8 paper) Deforestation Loss of Biodiversity Non-Renewable Energy Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Toxic and Hazardous Wastes Climate Change
Dear ICUSTA Globalization Students, We are now into Week 8 of our Globalization Course and this week is special, because my module on Environment and Energy Resources is now available in our course site and up for discussion starting today. I hope that you have downloaded and read my module as well as the multimedia version found in the additional documents, which provides easier reading and understanding of the module. Keep up your course enthusiasm and I am proud that the other professors speak highly of you.

ICUSTA ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Ravi Srinivas, Ph.D Associate Prof., Environmental Studies BSc Chem,Botany, Zoo MS, Env. Studies Ph.D, Environmental Science & Forestry
Globalization and Environmental Sustainability? (Module 9 paper) World Conservation Strategy National Strategies for Sustainable Development Caring for the Earth


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Prof. Crispulo Marmolejo Law & Economics University of Santo Tomas Vina del Mar Chile

Foreign Investment and Bilateral Investment Treaties: Towards a Globalizationof Property Rights? (Module 10 paper) MetalClad Case BIT Generations Emergence The Global Fifth Amendment Montt Paper Presentation


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Prof. Stacey Wilson-Forsberg
of Art Bachelor of Ar ts, Saint Thomas (1995) Master' ter's International Master's in International Development, University Dalhousie Univer sity (1998) Interdisciplinar Studies, disciplinary Ph.D Cand in Interdisciplinar y Studies, University of Brunswick Univer sity of New Brunswick Doctoral SSHRC Doctor al Fellow and esearch Assist Research Assistant at CRISP Thomas University St. Thomas Univer sity Fredericton, Brunswick,Canada Fredericton, New Br unswick,Canada
Is There A Role for Civil Society In the Democratization of Global Governance? (Module 11 paper)


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Professor Armel Pecheul International Law ICES, La Roche sur Yon, France

The Effects of Globalisation on the Internationalisation of Human Rights and On The Threat to the Sovereignty of the States (Module 12 paper)


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Part 3

Short Academic descriptions and backgrounds of each Module Professor in the ICUSTA Course Las descripciones y los fondos acadmicos cortos de cada profesor del mdulo en el ICUSTA Cursan

Course Site:

Professor John Ozolins M.Sc. Ph.D. Dip. Ed. (Melb) Grad. Dip. Ed. Admin. (Deakin) FHERDSA, MACE

Ethics in a Globalised World

Professor Jnis (John) Tlivaldis OzoliF is Head of School of Philosophy (National), Associate Dean (Teaching, Learning and International) in the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy at Australian Catholic University, Honorary Fellow, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, and in 2007, Inaugural Crawford Miller Visiting Fellow at St. Cross College, Oxford. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia and President of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. He is also Chair of the Universitys Human Research Ethics Committee, an Associate Editor of Educational Philosophy and Theory, Editor of Ethics Educationand an editorial consultant on a number of refereed journals. He is a member of the International Association of Catholic Bioethicists and co-Director of SophiaAustralasia, a collaborative venture between a number of Australasian universities interested in the interface between science, theology and philosophy. He has interests in the metaphysics of Aquinas, philosophy of education, research ethics and applied ethics.
Contact Details Email: Phone: +61 3 9953 3140 Fax: +61 3 9953 3265 Location: 48, Level 4, 250 Victoria Parade, Melbourne Campus (St Patricks) Fields of expertise/interest

The metaphysics of Aquinas, philosophy of education, research ethics and applied ethics.

Assoc. Professor Pierre Canac, Ph.D Department of Economics, Finance and Decision Information Sciences Associate Professor

Global Finance: A Broken System

Dr. Pierre Canac Email: Work Phone : 713 525 2123 Office Location :University of St. Thomas Houston, Texas Welder Hall Room #210

Education PhD Economics University of Houston MA Political Science University of Houston BA in Journalism University of Houston BTS in Agriculture Sainte Livrade, France Teaching Areas International Economics, Macroeconomics, International Finance, Derivatives Research Areas Economic Integration

Associate Professor Beena George, Ph.D.

Ph.D. Administration, dministr Ph.D. Business Administr ation, Information Systems, Management Information Systems, University of Houston, Univer sity of Houston, 2006 MBA , Indian Institute of Management, MBA, Institute of Calcutt Calcutta, India, 1986. University of Ker erala, B.Sc. Physics, Univer sity of Ker ala, India, 1983

Globalization & IT

Position Associate professor of management and marketing, UST Houston Education Ph.D. Business Administration, Management Information Systems, University of Houston, 2006 MBA, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India, 1986. B.Sc. Physics, University of Kerala, India, 1983 Teaching Areas Management Information Systems Sourcing Management Electronic Commerce Research Areas Sourcing management, Acceptance and use of technology, Ethical issues in computing Service Areas Faculty Senate Extra-University Scholarship Committee

Prof. Juan Carlos Rodriguez Camacho, Ph.D

Psychology Commonwealth University chology, sity, PhD Psychology, Commonwealth Univer sity, UK Universidad AbD Psicologia, Univer sidad Complutense, Madrid esearch Tr Psychology chology, Research Tr aining in Psychology, McMaster Univer sity, Canada McMaster University sity, Universidad Tomas, Bogota, Univer sidad Santo Tomas, Bogota, Colombia

Poverty and Globalization

Teaching Universidad Santo Tomas, Bogota, Colombia Education Research Training in Psychology McMaster University, Canada PhD Psychology Commonwealth University UK AbD Psicologia Universidad Complutense Madrid

Asst. Professor Rogelio Garcia, Ph.D

International Studies International Studies International M. International Economics International Ph.D International Development Univer sity of St. Thomas University of St. Houston, Texas Houston, Texas

Transforming Societies by Empowering Individuals

The effects of micro financing on programs for poverty alleviation and democratic alteration

Teaching Assistant professor at the Center for International Studies of the University of St. Thomas Education Degree on International Studies, National University of Mexico Master degree on International Economics, University of Denver PhD on International Development, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver Studied at El Colegio de Mexico and Economics University of Prague.

Pro Javier Canto Vit iterale Professor Francisco Javier Del Canto Viterale
Academic Direct UFAS ector AST Course Academic Director UFASTA the "Online Cour se
Regional Integration ation" Globalization and Regional Integr ation" (UFAS AST UST-Hous T-Houston, UST-Chile, UST-Canada. (UFASTA , UST-Houston, UST-Chile, UST-Canada. Edition 2003, 05, 07 and 09) AST University sity, Plata, Argentina FASTA Univer sity, Mar del Plata, Argentina

New Migratory Era

This spring, Francisco Del Canto traveled to UST from Universidad FASTA as a visiting scholar. During his sixweek-long stay, he has been working with Dr. Canac and other professors from UST and various ICUSTA universities on composing a book that draws on the online course. As coordinator of the study abroad program at Universidad FASTA, Del Canto also collaborates with UST in organizing study abroad trips to the Argentinean university.

Degree in International Relations (Universidad del Salvador - Buenos Aires, 1998) Master of City and Regional Planning (Universidad Internacional de Andaluca - Sevilla, 2002) - (Grant from the Spanish International Cooperation Agency and the Government of Andalusia) Master in International Economic Policy (University of Belgrano - Buenos Aires, 20062007) - (Grant from the Universidad de Belgrano and Universidad FASTA)

Academic Director UFAST the "Online Course Globalization and Regional Integration" (HEADER, UST-Houston, UST-Chile, UST-Canada. Edition 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009) Professor "Argentina and Latin American Culture" (University FASTA - Mar del Plata) Professor in International Studies and Diplomacy (Universidad del Salvador - Buenos Aires, 1999) Adjunct Professor "International Information Analysis" (Universidad FASTA - Mar del Plata. 1999) Adjunct Professor "Sociology of Migration" (University CAECE - Mar del Plata. 2006) Coordinator of International Academic Exchanges. (Universidad FASTA. 1999) Director level ESB. (Instituto Carlos Tejedor. 2005) Coordinator of the Research Group "Gondwana". (Universidad FASTA, 2000/2001) Visiting Professor of University of Saint Thomas, Houston, USA. (2008 and 2009) Visiting Professor at Niagara University, Niagara, USA (2008 and 2009) Visiting Professor at Middlebury College, Vermont, USA (2009) UNESCO Chair for Training Scholarship PhD, University of Deusto (2009 - 2011) Columnist for International Policy issues on the radio program "With the People" (FM La Red 2000)

Professor Evelyn Laurito, Ph.D

Environment onmental Ph.D Environmental Science, UP Master ters Environment onmental Master s in Environmental Engineering, UP Chemical Engineering, Univer sity of SantoTomas University of SantoTomas Philippines Manila, Philippines

Current State of Environment and Energy Resources

Education Chemical Engineering at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila Masters in Environmental Engineering and PhD in Environmental Science at the University of the Philippines Post Masters study at the Ohio State University in Columbus Ohio Positions Professor in Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering at UST International Tutor with InWEnt Capacity Building, Germany where I teach eLearning Development and Implementation in Asia and Africa.

Associate Prof. Ravi Srinivas, Ph.D Environmental Studies BSc Chem,Botany, Zoo MS, Env. Studies Ph.D, Environmental Science & Forestry

Globalization and Environmental Sustainability?

Master in Liberal Arts Program Director Associate Professor, Environmental Studies Education B.Sc., 1985, Bangalore University, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology M.S., 1988, Baylor University, Environmental Studies Ph.D., 1994, State University of New York College of Environmental Science & Forestry Experience Instructor, Environmental Studies, University of St. Thomas, 1993-94 Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies, University of St. Thomas, 1994-98 Associate Professor, Environmental Studies, University of St. Thomas, 1998-current Director, Master in Liberal Arts Program, 2006-current Teaching Areas Introductory Environmental Science, Environmental Policy & Management International Environmental Policy, Sustainable Development Environmental Planning, Environmental Ethics, Environment and Society Research Areas International environmental policy, Sustainable development, Business & the environment, Post-secondary environmental education Other Interests First-Year Experience Programs, Program Development, Instructional Design, Academic Assessment, Strategic Planning, Continuing Education Programs. email:

Prof. Crispulo Marmolejo Law & Economics University of Santo Tomas Vina del Mar Chile

Foreign Investment and Bilateral Investment Treaties: Towards a Globalization of Property Rights?

Teaching Professor in law and economics and director of the University of Santo Tomas law school at the Vina del Mar campus in Chile In 2006, Marmolejo came to UST Houston to lecture. During his visit here he hopes to further strengthen the relationship between UST Chile and UST Houston. Education completing his MLA in international studies at UST

Prof. Stacey Wilson-Forsberg

of Art Bachelor of Ar ts, Saint Thomas (1995) Master' ter's International Master's in International Development, Dalhousie Univer sity (1998) University Interdisciplinar Studies, disciplinary Ph.D Cand in Interdisciplinar y Studies, University of Brunswick Univer sity of New Brunswick Doctoral Resear Assist esearch SSHRC Doctor al Fellow & Research Assistant at CRISP St. Thomas Univer sity,Fredericton, New Brunswick,Canada Thomas University,Fredericton, sity,Fr Brunswick,Canada

Is There A Role for Civil Society in the Democratization of Global Governance?

Stacey Wilson-Forsberg Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy University of New Brunswick Suite 300, Keirstead Hall Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3 Tel: (506) 447-3178 Fax: (506) 447-3427 E-Mail:

Stacey Wilson-Forsberg is a Ph.D. Candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of New Brunswick, SSHRC Doctoral Fellow, and Research Assistant at CRISP. The goal of Stacey's research is to develop a better understanding of how New Brunswick communities mobilize resources and social networks to improve the outcomes of immigrant adolescents. She will use the results of this research to inform policy and practice, and communicate to the public the ways in which smaller communities can retain their newcomer populations. This information will complement federal government efforts to promote the settlement of immigrants to Canada in rural areas and smaller urban centres outside of Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. As more immigrants arrive in New Brunswick in the coming years as part of the province's Self-Sufficiency Agenda, Stacey hopes that the knowledge generated by her research efforts will contribute to understanding the combination of factors that go into the development of a highly educated labour force in the province and the broader Atlantic region. Stacey joined CRISP in January 2004 as Knowledge Transfer Manager. She continues to work in this area as part of a CRISP-funded research assistantship. Her daily task is to write clear, succinct materials for CRISP's broad policy audiences. These materials include literature reviews, articles in popular magazines and newspapers, and our Policy Brief and CRISPFacts series. Prior to her position at CRISP Stacey's experience was broadly in the area of Canada's political and economic relations with Latin America and the Caribbean, more specifically the creation of a hemispheric community in the Americas through the region's multilateral organizations, systems and processes. She has practical experience in the public policy processes in Canada and the Western Hemisphere. Stacey has a Master's Degree in International Development from Dalhousie University (1998) and a Bachelor of Arts from Saint Thomas (1995).

Professor Armel Pecheul International Law ICES, La Roche sur Yon, France

The Effects of Globalisation on the Internationalisation of Human Rights and On The Threat to the Sovereignty of the States
Teaching Professor in International law and Chief Education Officer ICES, La Roche sur Yon, France

ICUSTA ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course


Fall Schedule 2009

Zahra Ahmad Akhoundi Imelda Angeles Donnie Bacud Tony-Kar Balde III Maria Patricia Casas Pio Castillo Benedict David Shirley Dechavez Cherry Grace Maderazo Rosemarie Magno Al Orolfo Maria Anita Riguera Jae Hak Shim Evangeline E. Timbang Maria Paula Joan Tiongco Gilda Anne Victorio EVELYN R. LAURITO,Ph.D 09185441989 Professor












ICUSTA ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009


OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2009 University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX USA Carmo,Gabriela Oliveira Moreira Do,Anchalee Christine Gonzalez,Sofia Teresa Rivera,Jessica Martinez,Jessie Villegas,Manuel F Azu,Nkechi Osahon Gruen,Shirley Elaine John,Jamila Hamila Markham,Eide Marie Moore,Katrina Treshman,Damien Bolard Williams,Harlan S. University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines Zahra Ahmad Akhoundi Imelda Angeles Donnie Bacud Tony-Kar Balde Maria Patricia Casas Pio Castillo Benedict David Shirley Dechavez Cherry Grace Maderazo Rosemarie Magno Al Orolfo Maria Anita Riguera Jessica Rivera Maria Paula Joan Tiongco Evangeline Timbang Jae Hak Shim Gilda Anne Victorio

ICUSTA ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

St. Thomas University in Fredericton, NB, Canada Adams, Mark H. Al Barwani, Aida B. Perry, Christa S. Cassidy, Jason M. Chavez, Gustavo J. Clowater, Justin J. Cole, Martina J. Fair, Amanda L. Graham, Nathaniel H. House, Tracey C. Janes, Corey S. Johnson, Taylor A. McLean, Corben E. McMullen, Stephanie S. Messom, Mitchell L. Michel, Vanessa M. Montenegro, Maria Cristina Shields, Matthew J. Sotiriu, Sabrina E. Thurston, Brett E. Toogood, Allison M. Twomey, Michelle S. Underhill, Meaghan E. Wilcox, Jennifer N. Wright, Adam R. Young, Lindsay J. ICES, La Roche Sur Yon, France Maximilien ARTUR Emeline de St EXUPERY Etienne de LARMINAT Orianne MICHAUD M Astrid PICHON Paul PARE Gonzague de CHANTERAC Pierre BARBOTEAU Pierre BROCHARD

ICUSTA ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course

ICES, La Roche Sur Yon, France (cont.) Simon Ducept, ICES Leah Levin-MARTINS Elisabeth Beauvais, ICES Octavian MIREA, ICES Claire Payet, ICES Jael DHARAMSINGH, ICES Andrew ARUNACHALAM,ICES Jessica HOPF,ICES Bottomley FREYA, ICES Pierre FAULAUX Maximilien ARTUR Tiphaine Pavageau

Fall Schedule 2009

BARTHELEMY, Charles CHARROT, Matthieu CASSAND, Hermine FABRE, J Baptiste GIET, Thibault GILBERT, Thomas MAUGER, Adrien Benoit THY, Thomas USUREAU, Charlotte Universidad Alba Oliba (UAO), Barcelona, Spain Bacque, Daniel Baro, Helena Baxter, Ryan Blakemore, Jessica Blazquez, Daniel Boudreau, Heidi Brandes, Juliana Cadafalch, Alejandro Caines, Justin Carreras, Jordi Carson, Daniel Casey, Alexandria Castellano, Gemma Cid, Sonia Company, Maria -

ICUSTA ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Universidad Alba Oliba (UAO), Barcelona, Spain (cont.) Crespo, Javier Cruz, Cristina Cuatrecases, Annabel de Rodriguez, German de Santaeulalia, Eduard Doiron, Quinton Donkin, Karissa Escriva, Miriam Esteve, Raul Fernandez de Castillejo, Maria Forgach, Reka Garcia, Carlos Garcia, Jesus Garrido, Laia Gijon, Jordi Gimferrer, Joan Gual, Carlota Herrador, Anna Isaacs, Jean Paul Jekat, Jakob Christian Johnson, James Kelly, Stephanie Lafuente, Cristina Lahey, Lauris Lainz, Albert Lavandeira, Borja Llorens, Priscila Lopez, Alba Lopez, Ricard Maianti, Maria Margalef, Joan Marc Marti, Joan Martin, HectorMartinez, Isabel Maya, Veronica Michelena, Elorri Mirshab, Bahman -

ICUSTA ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Universidad Alba Oliba (UAO), Barcelona, Spain (cont.) Moncasi, Anna Montague, Paul Moreno, Carlos Nadal, Josep Neller, Nikolaus Ortega, Armonia Pareras, Salva Pascual, Bruno Paso, Carlos Penella, Ruben Pericas, Maria Itziar Petit, Cristina Piersig, Elsa Reina, Ana Rial, Anna Riutord, Jordi Roquet, David Rubio, Arnau Ruiz, Alejandro Ruiz, Xenia Sakai, Chiemi Sarra, Berta Serra, Eric Sese, Cristina Thomas, Allison Tusquets, Patricia Vaci, Viktoria Valles, Jordi Enric Vegas, Alexis Velazco, Marta -

ICUSTA ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Universidad Santo Tomas de Colombia, Bogota Jose Balcaceres AnnMarie Deboran Christian Diaz Lina Paola Diaz Antonio Isaacs Jean Paul Isaacs Lina Maria Penagos Dahiam Pinzon Alba Rodriguez Jairo Zambrano ___________________________


Participants and Topics: University of St. Thomas, Houston TX Pierre Canac (Economics & Finance) Global Finance: the Need for Reform Beena George (MIS) Global Sourcing of IT and IT-enabled services

ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Ravi Srinivas (Environmental Studies) Globalization and Environmental Sustainability Rogelio Garcia (International Studies) Transforming Societies by empowering individuals Crispulo Marmolejo (International Law) Foreign Investment and Bilateral Investment Treaties: Towards a globalization of property rights? Saint Thomas University in Fredericton, Canada Stacey Wilson-Forsberg (interdisciplinary) Civil Society and the Democratization of Global Governance Universidad Abat Oliba, Barcelona, Spain Alex GISBERT (Economics) International Trade Issues and the Multilateral and Regional Approach to Economic Integration Australian Catholic University, Australia John Ozolins (Philosophy) Ethics in a Globalized World Universidad FASTA, Mar del Plata, Argentina Francisco del Canto Viterale (Political Scientist) Nueva era migratoria


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

ICES, La Roche sur Yon, France Armel Pecheul (International law) The effects of globalisation on the internationalisation of human rights and on the threat to the sovereignty of the States Universidad Santo Tomas, Bogota, Colombia Juan Carlos Rodriguez Camacho (Psychologist) Poverty and Globalization University Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines Evelyn R. Laurito (Chemical Engineering) Current state of the global environment and energy resources


Topic Summaries
Coures Site:

ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Optional: Prior to Sept. 13 1. Sept 13-19 2. Sept 20-26

All available Ozolins Gisbert

Free discussion on Blackboard Ethics in a Globalized World International Trade Issues and the Multilateral and Regional Approach to Economic Integration Global Finance: the Need for Reform Global Sourcing of IT and ITenabled services Nueva era migratoria Poverty and Globalization Transforming Societies by empowering individuals Current state of the global environment and energy resources Globalization and Environmental Sustainability Foreign Investment and Bilateral Investment Treaties: Towards a globalization of property rights? Civil Society and the Democratization of Global Governance The effects of globalisation on the internationalisation of human rights and on the threat to the sovereignty of the States

3. Sept 27-Oct 3 4. Oct. 4-10 5. Oct. 11-17 6. Oct. 18-24 7. Oct. 25-31 8. Nov. 1-7

Canac George Del Canto Rodriguez Garcia Laurito

9. Nov. 8-14 10. Nov. 15-21

Srinivas Marmolejo

11. Nov. 22-28


12. Nov. 29-Dec. 5



ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Part 4

Complete transcripts of each module covering 12 weeks of the ICUSTA Online Globalization Course have been downloaded and compiled in data form saved in a CD at the back cover of this binder. Las transcripciones completas de cada mdulo que cubra 12 semanas del curso en lnea de la globalizacin de ICUSTA se han transferido y se han compilado en la forma de datos ahorrada en un CD en la contraportada de esta carpeta.

Course Site:


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Online Discussion Board Discourses

All Professors and Students

QUALITIES OF EXCELLENT POSTED MESSAGES Excellent posts include several of the following: 1. Your own unique comments. 2. Well-reasoned, logical arguments with any assumptions made explicit. 3. Discussions of strengths and weaknesses of arguments. 4. Proposals for resolving dilemmas. 5. Your own analysis with supporting facts.

QUALITIES OF POOR POSTED MESSAGES 1. Many questions posed, few answered. 2. Nothing but a synopsis of one or more authors arguments. 3. Long but lacking in substance. 4. Repeating other posted messages arguments and not offering new insights. 5. Simplistic logic or poorly thought-through arguments. 6. Statement of agreement or disagreement with an authors argument without substantive new evidence or an original logical argument to support your own view. Keep in mind that the educational value of the online discussions will be enhanced the more you react to the comments of your fellow classmates. Try to be responsive. I would recommend that you check the discussion site on a daily basis and read what other people are writing. When you come across something interesting, respond to it. If you read what others are writing, it will challenge you to think harder about the course material and improve your own educational experience. The more you write, the better you will become at formulating arguments and communicating your ideas to others.


ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

Online Coffeeshop Discussions

All Professors and Students

Introductions of students and queries about Blackboard and Translator use at the start of the ICUSTA Online Globalization Course have been downloaded and compiled in data form saved in a CD at the back cover of this binder. Las introducciones de estudiantes y de preguntas sobre uso de la pizarra y del traductor al principio del curso en lnea de la globalizacin de ICUSTA se han transferido y se han compilado en la forma de datos ahorrada en un CD en la contraportada de esta carpeta.

Course Site:


MODULE 1 PROF. JOHN OZOLINS Ethics in a Globalized World

Q.1 Do you think that it is possible to come to a consensus about global values that are not so broad as to be meaningless? Are there values that all people would agree with? If so, what are they? Q.1 Ud. Cree que es posible llegar a un consenso sobre unos valores globales que no son tan amplias o generales que no tienen sentido? Existen unos valores con los cuales todo el mundo podra estar de acuerdo? Si es as, cules son?

Q.2. There are many global problems, poverty, war, environmental degradation, immigration and the economic crisis, to name just a few. What should be tackled first and why? Q.2. Hay muchos problemas globales: la pobreza, la guerra, la contaminacion ambiental, la inmigracin, la crisis econmica, y muchos otros. Cual de estos problemas se deberia abordar primero y porqu?

Q.3. Is libertarianism, which emphasises the autonomy of individual, to be preferred to communitarianism, which argues that the individual is to be seen as existing within a community? What does this mean for our understanding of the common good? Q.3. Es el libertarianismo, que acenta la autonoma del individuo, preferible al communitarianismo, que sostiene que el individuo debe ser visto como existiendo dentro de una comunidad? Cual es el impacto de la differencia entre estos dos conceptos para nuestra comprensin del bien comn?


Q.4. What responsibilities do rich countries have towards poor countries in the current economic crisis? Do poor countries have any collective rights or is it just individuals who have rights? Q.4. Qu responsabilidades los pases ricos tienen hacia los pases pobres en la crisis econmica actual? Los pases pobres tienen derechos colectivos o son unicamente los individuos que tienen estos derechos?


Q. 5. Aquinas argues that property and wealth is not absolute and that its possession brings with it the obligation to distribute what is in surplus to those who need it. What should managers of failed companies do with the huge payouts they receive when a company collapses? How do we best help those who live on less than US$2.00 per day? Q. 5. Aquinas sostiene que la propiedad y la abundancia/riqueza no es absoluto y que su posesin trae con ella la obligacin de distribuir lo que est en exceso a los que lo necesiten. Qu deben hacer los que son encargados de compaas falladas con los desembolsos y bonos enormes que recibieron cuando su compaa quiebr? Cmo se puede ayudar a los que viven con menos de US$2.00 por da?

MODULE 2 PROF. ALEJANDRO GISBERT International Trade Issues and Multilateral and Regional Approach to Economic Integration
Q.1. Are regional trade agreements (RTA) stepping stones or obstacles to the trading system? Q.1. Los acuerdos comerciales regionales (ACR) favorecen o son obstculos para el sistema de comercio internacional?


Q.2. What are the basic requirements to be met by the regional trade agreements to avoid their negative effects? Q.2. Cules son los requisitos bsicos que deberan cumplir los ACR para evitar sus efectos negativos?


Q.3.The negotiations for the current Doha round of negotiations collapsed on 2007. The vital issue for the developing countries: agricultural trade has been the big obstacle. How can the European Union and the United States open their markets and minimize the costs for their farmers? Are there any solutions? Q.3.Las negociaciones de la ronda de Doha se colapsaron en 2007. Incorpora un tema vital para los pases en vas de desarrollo: el comercio agrcola que ha sido el principal escollo. Cmo pueden la Unin Europea y los estados Unidos abrir sus mercados agrcolas y minimizar los costes para sus agricultores? Existe alguna solucin?


Q.4. Some countries have such weak States that they cannot benefit as much as others when they sign a trade agreement. Should the rest of the world help those countries to enhance their institutions before conquering them in economic terms by entering into commercial relationships with them? Can developing countries help each other as the World Bank proposes to benefit from opening their markets? Q.4. Algunos pases tienen unos Estados tan dbiles que no pueden beneficiarse de los acuerdos comerciales como otros pases. Debera el resto del mundo ayudarles a reformar sus Estados antes de conquistarlosh en trminos econmicos a travs del comercio internacional?


Q.5. Usually the WTO gets a lot of criticism. Would you propose any changes for this organization? Q.5. La Organizacin Mundial de Comercio (OMC) suele recibir fuertes crticas. Propondra cambios en la organizacin?


Q.6. Since the start of the current financial crisis, the G-20 expresses its abhorrence to protectionism in their communiqus; however some of the measures they have implemented are de facto protectionist. Will that inconsistency affect their capacity to lead future international trade negotiations?

Q.6. Desde el comienzo de la crisis financiera actual, el G-20 expresa su rechazo al proteccionismo en sus comunicados, perol las ltimas medidas que estn aplicando van en direccin contraria. Este comportamiento afectar a su capacidad de liderazgo de las futuras negociaciones en el sistema de comercio internacional?

MODULE 3 PROF. BEENA GEORGE Global Sourcing of IT and IT Enabled Services

Global sourcing has become an accepted practice in business today, as discussed in the reading material. Organizations may procure or source technology services from any location on the globe, based on resource availability. Do you believe that business organizations have a responsibility to the residents of the country in which they are based? How about to the residents of the country in which they establish captive centers? La bsqueda de proveedores globales se ha convertido hoy en una prctica aceptada en los negocios, como se comenta en la lectura. Las organizaciones y compaas pueden adquirir servicios de tecnologa desde cualquier lugar del planeta, segn la disponibilidad de recursos. Cree usted que las organizaciones empresariales tienen la responsabilidad de beneficiar a los residentes del pas en el que estn basadas (su pas de origen)? Cree usted que tienen la responsabilidad de beneficiar a los residentes del pas en el que establecen centros de subcontratacin offshore? SUMMARY: Do you believe that business organizations have a responsibility to the residents of the country in which they are based? How about to the residents of the country in which they establish captive center? The answer to both questions was a resounding yes. Organizations should not focus on creation of profits for shareholders alone, but consider 1, the impact their decisions have on their employees and 2, the needs of the communities in which they operate. As many noted, organizations today are looking into ways in which they can give back to the communities. Sometimes this is driven by an external mandate, like the requirements of the United Nations Global Compact. Cree usted que las organizaciones empresariales tienen la responsabilidad de los residentes del pas en el que se basan? Y a los residentes del pas en el que establecer un centro en cautividad? La respuesta a ambas preguntas es un rotundo s. Las organizaciones no deberan centrarse en la creacin de ganancias para los accionistas solo, pero consideran que 1, el impacto que sus decisiones tienen sobre sus empleados y 2, las necesidades de las comunidades en que operan. Como muchos sealaron, las organizaciones de hoy estn buscando la forma en que pueden devolver a las comunidades. A veces esto se debe a un mandato externo, como los requisitos de las Naciones Unidas Global Compact.


What role, if any, do virtual worlds like Second Life play in globalization? Qu papel, por si acaso tienen uno, los mundos virtuales como Second Lifeh o Segunda Vida desempean en la globalizacin?


In next weekfs module, Dr. Canac will discuss the gmost recent financial crisischad its origin in the

U.S. and was subsequently exported to the rest of the world. g Did technology have a hand in this crisis? How? En el mdulo de la prxima semana, el Dr. Canac comentar que la crisis financiera ms reciente... tuvo su origen en los EE.UU. y posteriormente fue exportada al resto del mundo. Tuvo la tecnologa un impacto sobre esta crisis? Cmo? Summarizing the discussion: 1. Information technology is just a tool. It is the responsibility of the humans to use it wisely. 2. Networking technology enabled 1, the access of many to these financial instrument markets and 2, the rapid distribution of the impact of the crisis across the globe. 3. Information technology is created by humans. It is possible that there may be inadvertent errors in these products and it is necessary to have oversight in the use of information technology tools. 4. We have become highly dependent on information technology and are facing an information overload that sometimes leads us to overlook important things.
Resumiendo el debate: 1. Tecnologa de la informacin es slo una herramienta. Es la responsabilidad de los seres humanos para utilizar con prudencia. 2. La tecnologa de red habilitada 1, el acceso de muchos a estos mercados de instrumentos financieros y 2, la distribucin rpida de los efectos de la crisis de todo el mundo. 3. Tecnologa de la informacin es creada por los seres humanos. Es posible que puede haber errores involuntarios en estos productos y que es necesario contar con la supervisin en el uso de herramientas de tecnologa de la informacin. 4. Nos hemos vuelto muy dependientes de la tecnologa de la informacin y se enfrentan a una

sobrecarga de informacin que a veces nos lleva a pasar por alto cosas importantes.


In the lecture notes for week 1, Professor Ozolins writes, gMass communication, travel and the growing realization of the interconnectedness of all peoples at the global level has increased the need for human beings to find practical ways to work together to secure the future of the world.h How can information technology help achieve this goal? Please share specific examples that show how technology has contributed to this goal. Durante la primera semana del curso, el profesor Ozolins escribi: Los medios de comunicacin, los viajes, y la creciente realizacin de que todos los pases del mundo estn interconectados ha aumentado la necesidad de que los seres humanos encontraran formas prcticas de trabajar conjuntamente para garantizar el futuro del mundo.Cmo pueden la tecnologa y los medios de comunicacin ayudar a lograr este objetivo? Por favor de compartir ejemplos especficos que muestran cmo la tecnologa ha contribuido a este objetivo.


What role has technology played in the globalization processes in your country? Qu papel ha jugado la tecnologa en los procesos de globalizacin en sus pases respectivos?


Finance may not be the easiest subject for some of you, but my hope is that by the end of this week, regardless of your current knowledge of finance, you will have increased your understanding of issues that are clearly important as we have just experienced a major global financial crisis. Do not hesitate to use this thread to ask questions about concepts that you would like me to clarify further. Es posible que la Finanza no sea un tema fcil para algunos de ustedes, pero mi esperanza es que a finales de esta semana, independientemente de su conocimiento actual sobre este tema, se ha aumentado su comprensin de unas cuestiones que son claramente importantes, especialmente despues de experimentar una importante crisis financiera mundial. Por favor de hacer sus preguntas sobre los conceptos que no son claros en este thread.

Finance is global, but regulations are national. This results in gregulatory dumpingh. Does this issue need to be addressed? How? La Finanza es global, pero las normas y regulaciones son nacionales. Esto produce lo que llamamos en ingles Regulatory Dumping, causando las companias de moverse al lugar/pais menos regulado. Cmo se puede resolver este problema?


What do you think of the Efficient Market Hypothesis? Do you think that markets are as efficient as this hypothesis suggests? If they are not, what are the implications? Qu piensa usted de la hiptesis del mercado eficiente (efficient market hypothesis en ingles)? Cree usted que los mercados son tan eficientes como sugiere esta hiptesis? Si no lo son, cules son las implicaciones? A FAILURE OF CAPITALISM? Fracaso del capitalismo? One of the lessons we learned from this latest financial crisis is that capitalism cannot function properly if firms are too big to fail. What are the consequences of being too big to fail? Short of breaking up financial firms that are too big to fail (as a matter of fact they have gotten even bigger following the crisis), what else could or should be done? Una de las lecciones que aprendimos de esta ltima crisis financiera es que el capitalismo no puede funcionar adecuadamente si las empresas son demasiado grandes para fracasar. Cules son las consecuencias de ser demasiado grande para fracasar? En vez de dividir estas empresas financieras que son demasiado grandes para fracasar (y que se han vueltas aun ms grandes despus de la crisis), qu ms podramos o deberamos hacer?

Describe the impact of the current crisis that started in 2007 on your own country or region. Has your government implemented some short-term measures to stimulate the economy and some longer term measures to limit the impact of future crises that originate abroad? Describa el impacto de la crisis actual, que comenz en 2007, en su propio pas o regin. Su gobierno ha implementado algunas medidas a corto plazo para estimular la economa, y otras medidas a ms largo plazo para limitar el impacto de futuras crisis que se originan en el extranjero?

Global Imbalance - Desequilibrio Global

A term that is often heard today is global imbalance which characterizes the fact that some countries have a large current account deficit (financed by borrowing from abroad) while others have a large current account surplus and lend to debtor countries. As explained in the module, current account deficit and surplus are linked to shortage and excess of national savings (saving glut) respectively. What is the role played by the global imbalance in causing the current financial crisis? Un trmino que se escucha a menudo hoy en da es el desequilibrio global que caracteriza el hecho de que algunos pases tienen un gran dficit en su cuenta corriente (financiado con prstamos del exterior), mientras que otros tienen un gran supervit en su cuenta corriente y prestan a los pases deudores. Como se explic en el mdulo, la relacion entre, por un lado el dficit de la cuenta corriente de unos paises y la escasez de su ahorro nacional, y por el otro lado el exceso del ahorro nacional (savings glut) de otros paises? Cul es el papel desempeado por el desequilibrio mundial en la causa de la crisis financiera actual?


The unrestricted global movement of capital is a lot more controversial than the free movement of goods and services. Why do you think this is so? How is the unrestricted flow of international finance partially responsible for the U.S. housing bubble? How is it responsible for earlier financial crises in Latin America or Asia? El movimiento de capital entre paises sin ningunas restricciones es mucho ms problematico que la libre circulacin de bienes y servicios. Por qu cree Ud. que esto es as? Cmo es la circulacin sin restricciones del capital en parte responsable de la burbuja inmobiliaria de EE.UU.? Cmo es responsable de las crisis financieras que afectaron a los paises latino americanos y asiaticos en el pasado?

The current international financial system originated at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944 and has fundamentally not much changed since then even though we live in a totally different world. One of the characteristics of our current system is its asymmetry. Do you agree that the international financial system should be made more symmetric to reflect the fact that the world has become more multipolar since the end of WWII? Which reforms do you think are the most needed? El actual sistema financiero internacional se origin en la conferencia de Bretton Woods en 1944, y fundamentalmente no ha cambiado mucho desde entonces, a pesar de que vivimos en un mundo totalmente diferente. Una de las caractersticas de este sistema es su asimetra. Est de acuerdo que el sistema financiero internacional debe ser ms simtrico para reflejar el hecho de que el mundo se ha vuelto ms multipolar desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial? Qu reformas cree usted que son las ms necesitadas?


Are you yourself an inmigrant or do you know someone who is an immigrant, causing you to have been impacted by immigration? Ha tenido UD o conoce algun caso de migracion en su vida personal que le haya afectado?


Do you think that governments, presidents, international organization, y NGOs have appropriately managed the massive movement of population? Cree que los gobiernos, presidentes, organismos internacionales y ONGs estan gestionando bien el proceso masivo de movimiento de poblacion?


What do you think will be the main consequences of this new migratory era for both the countries of origin and the countries of destination? Cuales cree que seran las principales consecuencias de esta nueva era migratoria tanto para los paises de origen y como para los de destino?


Discuss the authors opinion that we are living a new and extraordinary era of international migrations. Comparte la opinion del autor que estamos ante una nueva era, inedita, de migraciones internacionales.

What is Poverty and which would be an adequate indicator of poverty? Remember that exists different type of Poverty definition and each one have their own measure method. Using one or other the Global and Local Poverty level would change dramatically. Which is the best way to define poverty? Recuerde que existen diferentes tipos de definiciones de Pobreza y cada una tiene su propio metodo de medida. Usando una u otra los niveles de pobreza Global y Local pueden cambiar drasticamente. Cual es la mejor forma de definir pobreza?


Which are the principal relationships between Poverty and Globalization? Is the Globalization a principal factor in world poverty increment? Cuales son las principales relaciones entre Pobreza y Globalizacion? Es la globalizacion un factor principal en el incremento de la pobreza mundial

Did you see other poverty faces? Post your pictures and write a short description. Ha visto otras caras de la pobreza? Publique sus imagenes y realice una corta descripcion.


Which strategies are more effective for poverty eradication (alleviation only?) Try to find successful experiences that let you think that one alternative is better than others. If you think that poverty is equal for every culture, probably you would select income strategies. But is that sufficient? Which strategies are more effective? Trate de encontrar experiencias en las que usted pueda evaluar que una alternativa es mejor que otras. I usted cree que la pobreza es igual para todas las culturas y condiciones, probablemente sus respuestas estaran centradas en el ingreso. Pero esto es suficiente? Cuales estrategias resultan mas efectivas?


Crucial instrumental freedoms include but are not limited to economic opportunities, political freedoms, social facilities, transparency guarantees, and protective security. The analysis and understanding of all these freedoms will try to open the course to endless opportunities for exploring development, including a formal debate on the role of micro financing to alleviate poverty. It is in this exploration, while trying to determine the role of micro credit in terms of their contribution to enhancing and guaranteeing the substantive freedoms of individuals, that the discussion for this week can mature to the point that we can start understanding the concept of social welfare as a concept that sees individuals not as passive recipients of dispensed benefits but as active agents of change in any given society. Development as freedom is then, the democratic formula par excellence. Libertades instrumentales cruciales incluyen pero no se limitan a oportunidades economicas, libertades politicas, facilidades sociales, transparencia y seguridad. El analisis y comprension de este tipo de libertades buscara darle al curso una serie de oportunidades para explorar el concepto de desarrollo, incluyendo por supuesto un debate serio y formal sobre el papel de los programas de micro financiamiento para aliviar la pobreza. Es en esta exploracion, mientras tratamos de determinar el rol del micro credito para expander y garantizar las libertades substanciales de los individuos, que la discusion de esta semana podria madurar al punto que podamos comenzar a visualizar el concepto de bienestar social como un concepto que considera a los individuos no como receptores pasivos de ciertos beneficios sino como agentes de cambio activos en cualquier sociedad. El desarrollo entendido como libertad individual es por tanto la formula democratica por excelencia. 1. According to Amartya Sen, development consists of the removal of various types of unfreedoms that leave people with little choice and little opportunity of exercising their reasoned agency. Thus, expansion of freedom is viewed in this approach, both as the primary end and as the principal means of development (Sen, 2000: xii). Having read the required reading for the week, what in your opinion is the role played by micro financing in the accomplishment of Sens notion of development. 1. De acuerdo con Amartya Sen, el desarrollo consiste en la eliminacion de diferentes tipos de ausencia de libertades que terminan por dejar a los individuos sin muchas opciones y con oportunidades minimas de

ejercer su capacidad de decidir racionalmente. De manera que la expansion de libertades basicas es visto por Sen como un principo esencial para el desarrollo (ver Sen, 2000: xii). Habiendo leido el articulo sobre microfinanciamiento (lectura obligatoria para la semana), que opinas sobre el papel del micro financiamiento en la consecusion del desarrollo segun Sen.


2. There is strong evidence that economic and political freedoms help to reinforce one another, rather than being hostile to one another. Similarly, social opportunities of education and health care, complement individual opportunities of economic and political participation and also help to foster our own initiatives in overcoming our respective deprivations. (Sen, 2000: xii). With this in mind, is it then safe to think of microfinancing as a source of social capital formation? And if this is the case, is every form of social capital optimum for sustainable development? 2. Existe evidencia muy solida de que las libertades politicas y economicas ayudan a reforzar la convivencia social, en lugar de cancelarla. De la misma manera, las oportunidades sociales como la educacion o los servicios de salud, complementan la creacion de oportunidades economicas y participacion politica, al tiempo que ayuda a consolidar nuestras propias iniciativas y superar nuestras propios obstaculos (Sen, 2000: xii). Es conveniente entonces pensar en el microfinanciamiento como fuente para la formacion de capital social? Y si este es el caso, crees que todo tipo de capital social es optimo para el desarrollo sustentable?


Agree, but just for the sake of solving an issue neither Sen nor Yunus seem to address, if microfinance is in fact all we say it is, what would be the role of the government in the creation of opportunities for all if more and more private microfinance institutions assume the role of development sponsors? Can anyone see a flaw in the formation of social capital through microfinance? De acuerto, pero solo con el fin de debatir un asunto para el cual ni Sen ni Yunus parecen tener respuesta, si el microfinanciamiento es todo lo que decimos que es, cual seria el papel del gobierno en la creacion de oportunidades para todos si mas y mas instituciones privadas de microfinanciamiento asumen el rol de patrocinadores del desarrollo? Puede alguien ver alguna falla en la formacion de capital social mediante el microfinanciamiento?


Would any of you be willing to share and analyze concrete microcredit experiences? Alguien estaria dispuesto a compartir y analizar experiencias concretas de microcredito?

MODULE 8 PROF. EVELYN LAURITO The Environment and Energy Resources

On a global scale, which of the environmental issues mentioned in the module is the most significant? As far as your country is concerned, which has the highest impact? What is your country doing to lessen these impacts? If you have pictures, they will be worth a thousand words. To attach pictures (Click the Attach Image icon on the third row of menu / Browse for your image in your computer / Set Width and Height, about 200-500 pixels / Click Submit ) En una escala global, que de las cuestiones ambientales mencionadas en el mdulo es el ms importante? Por lo que se refiere a su pas, que tiene el mayor impacto? Qu est haciendo tu pas para reducir estos efectos? Si tienes fotos, que se vale ms que mil palabras. Para adjuntar fotos (haga clic en el icono Adjuntar imagen en la tercera fila de men / Busque la imagen en su ordenador / Set anchura y altura, acerca de 200-500 pxeles / Haga clic en Enviar)


What do you think is the underlying cause of the state of the environment we have today: over-population, over-consumption or technology? Can you mention others? Qu crees que es la causa subyacente de la situacin del medio ambiente que tenemos hoy: el exceso de poblacin, el exceso de consumo o la tecnologa? Puede mencionar otros?


Two major issues of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change are: First, the US as a developed country and world leader will not ratify the Kyoto Protocol? Second, China and India have become two of the biggest greenhouse gas emitters (In 2006, China is no. 1 and India is no. 4) and as developing countries are not subject to the same requirements of the Kyoto Protocol as developed countries. Is the US justified in not ratifying the protocol? Is the Kyoto Protocol justified in exempting developing countries from the CO2 emissions requirements? Dos cuestiones principales del Protocolo de Kioto sobre el cambio climtico son los siguientes: En primer lugar, los EE.UU. como un pas desarrollado y lder mundial no va a ratificar el Protocolo de Kyoto? Segundo, China y la India se han convertido en dos de los mayores emisores de gases de efecto invernadero (En 2006, China es no. 1 y la India es que no. 4) y que los pases en desarrollo no estn sujetos a las mismas exigencias del Protocolo de Kyoto los pases desarrollados. Se justifica en los EE.UU. no ratificar el protocolo? Es el Protocolo de Kyoto justifica en los pases en desarrollo de exencin de los requisitos de emisiones de CO2?

With increasing population consumption and industrialization how can the following energy challenges be addressed? Ensuring sufficient and secure energy supplies, reducing dependence onenergy imports making adequate investments in new technologies tackling environmental effects Con un consumo creciente poblacin y la industrializacin de cmo se pueden abordar los retos energticos siguiente? garantizar el suministro de energa suficiente y segura, reducir la dependencia de las importaciones de energa la realizacin de inversiones adecuadas en las nuevas tecnologas abordar los efectos ambientales

Some industrialized countries get rid of old but still functional computers or electronic gadgets by donating these to poorer countries. These donations give the poor countries IT advantage and thus narrows the digital divide. Unfortunately, many of these devices are short-lived and end-up in dumps releasing toxic and hazardous chemicals. Is ge-Waste Dumpingh justified?

Algunos pases industrializados, deshacerse de viejos equipos, pero todava funcional o aparatos electrnicos con la donacin de stos a los pases ms pobres. Estas donaciones dar a los pases pobres es la ventaja y por lo tanto reduce la brecha digital. Lamentablemente, muchos de estos dispositivos son de corta duracin y al final hasta en un vertedero de la liberacin de productos qumicos txicos y peligrosos. Es e-vertido de residuos justificado?

MODULE 9 PROF. RAVI SRINIVAS Globalization and Environmental Sustainability

How can the forces of globalization be harnessed to manage the threats to environmental sustainability? Give examples. Cmo pueden las fuerzas de la globalizacin que aprovechar para manejar las amenazas a la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente? D ejemplos.

Many of the students have stressed the fact that environmental problems and sustainability are transnational threats while highlighting that we human beings tend to react when a problem becomes tangible and effects us personally. Have predictions been made concerning how and when highly industrialized countries will be directly impacted in an unmistakable way by problems stemming from the environment, which threaten sustainability?
Dr. Srinivas, Muchos de los estudiantes han hecho hincapi en el hecho de que los los problemas ambientales y la sostenibilidad son las amenazas transnacionales Tras destacar que los seres humanos tienden a reaccionar

cuando un problema se hace tangible y nos afecta personalmente. Predicciones han sido realizados en relacin con cmo y cundo los pases altamente industrializados se directamente afectados de manera inequvoca por los problemas derivados de la medio ambiente, que amenazan la sostenibilidad? Gracias

how does the concept of sustainability go beyond environmental degradation? cmo el concepto de sostenibilidad va ms all de la degradacin del medio ambiente?


Does globalization make environmental problems worse in different countries? How? How does it affect environmental sustainability? Provide examples. La globalizacin hacen que los problemas del medio ambiente peor en los diferentes pases? Cmo? Cmo afecta a la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente? Dar ejemplos.

Ecological Footprint Quiz and Discussion

From the discussion on the previous topic directed by Dr. Laurito, it is very clear that all countries face environmental problems today. All the problems that were discussed affect environmental sustainability. I invite you to measure how what you do affects sustainability. Go to Sect your country and language and complete the quiz. Share your results and comments, especially on the carbon part of the footprint. How does your footprint size compare with others (in your own country) and with other students? De la discusin anterior sobre el tema dirigido por el Dr. Laurito, es muy claro que todos los pases se enfrentan a los problemas medioambientales actuales. Todos los problemas que se discutieron afectan a la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente. Los invito a medir lo que hacemos afecta a la sostenibilidad. Ir a la secta su pas e idioma y completar el cuestionario. Comparta sus resultados y observaciones, sobre todo por parte de la huella de carbono. Cmo comparar el tamao de su huella con otras personas (en su propio pas) y con otros estudiantes?

MODULE 10 PROF. CRISPULO MARMOLEJO Globalization of Property Rights

Maybe we can argue that BITs are a kind of application of Prisoners dilemma for developing countries. What do you think about it? Quizas, podriamos argumentar que los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversion ( BITs) son un tipo de aplicacion del Dilema del prisionero para los paises en desarrollo. Que piensasn acerca de esto?


Nevertheles, most of you establish the need to get the balance between the international regulation and the financial resources. Do you think that the current escenario of global institutions has the ability to state a system of enforcement to ensure the adequate balance between national interests and efficiency of FDI? Tenemos muchos e interesantes posts. Realmente les agradezco su contribucion a esta discusion porque es muy util. Sin embargo, muchos de ustedes establecen la necesidad de lograr el balance adecuado entre la regulacion internacional y los recursos financieros. Creen ustedes que el actual escenario de instituciones globales tiene la capacidad de establecer un sistema de exigibilidad para asegurar el adecuado balance entre intereses nacionales y eficiencia de la Inversion extranjera?

As we can see, gregulatory takingsh is a very controversial issue. This is a presentation of how does the doctrine work in real life and how does the idea work on BITs. I donft have the intention to difuse an specific idea about the issue. Most of SAPs ( Structural adjustment Programs) implied the privatization of many companies and through this aspect, many Latin American constitutions gave an strong value to property rights protection. That context was able to host the gregulatory takingsh doctrine, through contracts and treaties. I agree with Dr. Canac about the Chicagofs origin of the doctrine just in the aspect of how this School made a contribution to expand the doctrine. But, the American origin is a judicial decision of 1922, by remarkable Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes. Property rights are a key issue in Latin American Constitutions and scholars. Hernando de Soto, a Peruvian libertarian speaker, who was visiting St. Thomas in Houston two years ago, is one of the leaders in Latin American in the diffusion of the idea of property rights as the key issue for development. Discuss this question: Allocation of property rights is a matter of market , but protection of property rights is a matter of Laws and treaties. Como podemos ver, expropiaciones regulatorias es un tema muy controvertido. Esta es una presentacin de cmo la doctrina trabaja en la vida real y cmo funciona la idea de los Tratados de Proteccion de Inversiones. No tengo la intencin de imponer una idea especfica sobre el tema. La mayora de los PAE (Programas de ajuste estructural) implicaron la privatizacin de muchas empresas y a travs de este aspecto, muchas constituciones de Amrica Latina dieron un fuerte valor a la proteccin de los derechos de propiedad. Ese contexto fue capaz de acoger la doctrina de expropiaciones regulatorias a travs de contratos y tratados.

Estoy de acuerdo con el Dr. Canac sobre el origen en Chicago de la doctrina slo en el aspecto de cmo esta escuela ha contribuido a ampliar la doctrina. Sin embargo, el origen americano es una decisin judicial de 1922, por el notable Juez Oliver Wendell Holmes. Los derechos de propiedad son un tema clave en las Constituciones de Amrica Latina y acadmicos. Hernando de Soto, un orador libertario peruano, quien estaba de visita en St. Thomas en Houston hace dos aos, es uno de los lderes en Amrica Latina en la difusin de la idea de los derechos de propiedad como un tema clave para el desarrollo. Discutir esta cuestin: Asignacin de derechos de propiedad es una cuestin de mercado, pero la proteccin de los derechos de propiedad es un asunto de leyes y tratados


The Global Fifth Amendment? Naftas Investment Protections and the Misguided Quest for an International Regulatory Takings Doctrine


MetalClad case in Mexico

1. Discuss about the three main aspects of the global regulation of FDI stated on the paper. Do you think that the three elements are enough to the whole comprehension of the issue? 1. Analice los tres principales aspectos de la regulacion global de la Inversion extranjera Directa tratados en el paper. Cree usted que estos tres elementos son suficientes para una comprension general del problema?

2. Discuss on the dialectic relationship between property rights and economic regulation. Do you think that a higher level of regulation decreases the quality and level of property rights for foreign investors? 2. Comente acerca de la relacion dialectica entre derechos de propiedad y regulacion economica. Cree usted que altos niveles de regulacion hacen disminuir la calidad y los niveles de los derechos de propiedad para inversionistas extranjeros?

3. Most of the current legal doctrines contained in Bilateral Investment Treaties ( BIT) were born in United States of America. Do you think that the application of these American doctrines in many international treaties strengthen the protection of property rights, even more in developing countries? 3. La mayoria de las doctrinas legales contenidas en los Tratados Bilaterales de Proteccion de Inversion nacieron en Estados Unidos de Norteamerica. Piensa usted que la aplicacion de estas doctrinas norteamericanas en muchos tratados internacionales refuerzan la proteccion de los derechos de propiedad, aun en paises en desarrollo?

MODULE 11 PROF. STACEY WILSON-FORSBERG The Role of Civil Society in the Democratization of Global Governance
Describe the relationship between transnational civil society organizations and states. Are these organizations replacing states in some roles, or are they partners of the states, or are they both? Are there some problems that transnational civil society organizations can solve more easily than states? Cul es la relacion entre las organizaciones transnacionales de la sociedad civil y los estados. Estan estas organizaciones remplazando los estados en algunas funciones, o son socios de los Estados, o son ambas cosas? Hay algunos problemas que las organizaciones transnacionales de la sociedad civil pueden resolver con ms facilidad que los estados?


Robert Putnam once argued that civil society is declining in North America and we are essentially left gbowling alone?h Is this argument valid with respect to your country? Is civil society actually declining or just changing? Robert Putnam, afirm alguna vez que la sociedad civil est disminuyendo en Amrica del Norte y que estamos esencialmente jugando Bowling solos? Es vlido este argumento con respecto a su pas? Es la sociedad civil disminuyendo o simplemente cambiando?


Is it preferable to remain on the outside and protest, or is it more constructive to contribute to policy-making by accepting less-than-ideal mechanisms for consultation with government representatives? Es preferible permanecer en el exterior y protestar, o es ms constructivo contribuir a la formulacin de polticas al aceptar mecanismos que no son ideales de consulta con los representantes del gobierno?


Globalization, thanks to increasing communication throughout the world is likely to encourage a general adherence to a system of universal values. We must however admit that differences in culture, religion or simply differences in levels of economic and social development do not allow the whole of humanity to agree on exactly the same human values. You, the students taking the ICUSTA course are undoubtedly likely to have certain values in common because of the education and training you receive in the St. Thomas Universities. You are however surrounded by neighbors in your own country and young people of your generation in neighboring countries. By observing your country, your neighbors and your world, can you draw up a sort of list of universal values that you feel would be acceptable to different countries. What Universal Charter could be written today from your perspective as students? What are the inalienable rights of Man that no country at the beginning of this XXI century should deny its people? Redactar una nueva Carta de los valores universales La globalizacin por los intercambios que ahora se producen entre todas las partes del mundo, es propia para desarrollar una adhesin general a un sistema de valores universales. Sin embargo se debe admitir que las diferencias de cultura, de religin, o sencillamente las diferencias de niveles de desarrollo econmico y social no le permiten a la totalidad de la humanidad ponerse de acuerdo en cuanto a los valores humanos. Los estudiantes que hacen el curso ICUSTA seguramente son sensibles a diversos valores comunes, por su educacin y la formacin que reciben en las Universidades Santo Toms. Sin embargo les rodean vecinos en su propio pas y jvenes de su generacin en los pases vecinos. Cuando intentan observar alrededor de s mismos, pueden escribir una lista de valores universales que sera admitida por pases distintos. Cul es la Carta universal que se puede redactar hoy siendo estudiante ? Cul seran los derechos intangibles del Hombre que ningn estado podra contestar en este principio del siglo XXI ? A ustedes les toca abrir este debate entre s !

#2. What conditions are required for global power to be considered legitimate?
International organizations have grown considerably in number since the end of WWII. There are also many regional organizations throughout the world. Some are economy oriented, others politically oriented . We also see in many cases the role of judges and experts who exercise the law, taking on increasing importance, allowing them to create laws and obligations for the benefit of individuals. It follows that individuals do not always identify with the power, which nonetheless determines their existence. Contrary to what happens within a state, individuals are rarely given the power to elect, designate or even monitor the individuals in these decision making bodies. This raises the question of the legitimacy of power. Are there ways to strengthen the legitimacy of power in the context of globalization? In Athens, the decisions were taken directly by the people in the agora. What do you think should be the new global agora? Should we allow these wise noble-minded individuals, judges and experts to make decisions for us? Up to what point would you allow them to decide definitively what is good for Man? Bajo qu condiciones puede ser el poder global legtimo ? Las organizaciones internacionales se desarrollaron considerablemente en cantidad desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tambin se encuentran por el mundo, numerosas organizaciones regionales. Algunas son de vocacin econmica, otras con vocacin poltica. Tambin vemos en numerosos casos desarrollarse el papel de los jueces y de los peritos que crean el derecho y quienes entonces crean derechos y obligaciones en beneficio de los individuos. Resulta que los individuos no se reconocen siempre en el poder que a pesar de todo condiciona su existencia. Al contrario de lo que pasa en un Estado, a los individuos se les solicita poco o en absoluto para elegir o simplemente controlar a los que toman las decisiones. Por eso entonces se plantea la cuestin de la legitimidad

del poder. Existen medios para fortalecer la legitimidad del poder dentro de la globalizacin ? En Atenas el pueblo tomaba las decisiones directamente en la gora. Cul sera segn ustedes la nueva agora mundial? A no ser que sea necesario dejar a los sabios, a los jueces y a los peritos tomar las decisiones para nosotros ? Hasta qu punto ustedes aceptaran que ellos decidieran definitivamente qu es lo bueno para el hombre ?

#3. Redraw the map of the world !

Today the world has some 195 states. Many are very small and unsustainable. Others are almost too big. In some parts of the world, new political entities are emerging. Such is the case of the European Union that will experience a very significant step forward in the direction of federalism with the coming into force of a new treaty (the Treaty of Lisbon) in early December 2009. However, in some large states, communities are torn apart and secession threatens to such an extent that states use force to keep minorities in check within the confines of the state. These two movements will create and/or shape new frontiers. You Icusta students are in different parts of the world today. Do you see these developments taking place around you? Do you think that countries are required to divide or consolidate? Do you see a new way that borders could be defined or reorganized in the future? Could the model of the European Union be applied in the region where you live? Qu dibujen el mapa del mundo del futuro ! Hoy el mundo cuenta con alrededor de 195 Estados. Muchos son muy pequeos y poco viables. Otros casi son demasiado amplios. En algunas partes del mundo, nuevas entidades aparecen. Esto es el caso de la Unin Europea que va a conocer un adelantado muy significativo en la va del federalismo con la entrada en vigor de un nuevo tratado (El Tratado de Lisboa) al principio de este mismo mes de diciembre de 2009. Al contrario, en algunos grandes estados, las comunidades se pelean y la secesin se acerca. Hasta tal punto que los Estados deben usar la fuerza

para mantener minoridades en el conjunto esttico. Esos dos movimientos, claro, formarn nuevas fronteras. Ustedes estudiantes de Icusta estn en diferentes partes del mundo de hoy. Notan en su alrededor estas evoluciones ? Piensan ustedes que a los pases les tocar dividirse o juntarse ? Imaginan para el futuro una nueva manera para organizar las fronteras ? El modelo de la Unin Europea les parece adaptable a la regin en la cual viven ustedes ?

#4. Consider the worst case scenario!

The world today is in a relative state of peace. We can all hope that through the work of diplomacy, the balance of forces and the efforts of international organizations, that major conflicts such as those the world experienced between 1939-1945 are behind us. Yet, if by some unexpected occurrence it were otherwise, what are the possible scenarios ? In your own region, what are the potential dangers and threats? Do you think some parts of the world are more vulnerable than others? Do you think that international organizations are prepared to face the risks and have the power to address them if they were to occur? Imaginen el escenario catstrofe ! El mundo de hoy est en una paz muy aproximativa. Todos podemos esperar que por la accin de la diplomacia, por el equilibrio de las fuerzas y por las organizaciones internacionales, los grandes conflictos como el que conoci el mundo entre 1939-1945 queden afortunadamente improbables. Pero, si no fuera as, cules seran los escenarios posibles ? En su propia regin del mundo ustedes ven aparecer peligros y amenazas ? Piensan que algunas partes del mundo son ms amenazadas que otras ? Piensan que las organizaciones internacionales estn listas para enfrentarse con estos riesgos y arreglarlos si se cumplen ?



ICUSTA (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS) Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Internet On-line Course Fall Schedule 2009

I have posted a survey on Blackboard that I would like you all to take before December 18th. This survey is available in both English and Spanish. They are the same, so do not answer both if you are bilingual. ONE survey is enough. It is fairly straightforward and should not take more than 20 minutes. However do it seriously as this will allow us to improve the course in the future. If you have any problems, send me an email ( and I will reset your survey so that you can take it all over again. Thank you for your participation. Por favor de contestar la encuesta (survey) que se encuentra en el Blackboard antes del 18 de diciembre. Esta encuesta est disponible en Ingls y Espaol. Son las mismas, asi que no responden ambas si son bilinges. Una encuesta es suficiente. Es bastante sencillo y no debera durar ms de 20 minutos. Sin embargo, haganlo en serio, ya que esto nos permitir mejorar el curso en el futuro. Si usted tiene algn problema, envame un e-mail ( para que yo restablezca la encuesta de modo que usted pueda tomarla de nuevo desde el principio. Gracias por su participacin. Posted by: Pierre Canac

Fri, Dec 04, 2009 - Thanks to all the participants

That is it! The fourth edition of the online course is history. As far as I am concerned, those were twelve fun, educational, but extremely busy weeks. I hope that you have also enjoyed the course and learned from it. Obviously, I would like you to send me your feedback and the best way to do it is through the survey that is posted on Blackboard. I thank you all for your friendliness and participation and wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Eso es todo! La cuarta edicin del curso en lnea ha entrado en la historia. Por mi lado, estas doce semanas fueron muy divertidas, educativas, pero tambien muy ocupadas. Espero que tambin han disfrutado del curso y aprendieron bastante. Obviamente, me gustara que me enven sus comentarios y la mejor manera de hacerlo es a travs de la encuesta que se encuentra en este sitio. Les agradezco su amabilidad y participacin y espero que tengan todos una muy Feliz Navidad!

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