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Middle English Prose Literature in England during the Middle English perios was written in English,Latin,and French.

It often followed French litrary models.English writng revived fully into English language after 1360 gradually English language evolved its modern nature and structure and literature also developed into its modern form. Anglo Norman Prose Prose output during the period was small when compared to poetry.Since Latin was the language of official documents and of learning,majority of the prose works were written in Latin.Most of the prose of the period was religious in nature. The Ancerene Riwle,a rule for Anchoresses is the most important of the early prose text of the period.It is assumed that this work was written in twelfth century.It was written for three well born sisters, who chose for a life withdrawn from the world to a life of prayer an contemplation.It was later revised for a large community.It prescribes regular reading and meditation,directed to the inner life and the love of Christ.It is a manual designed to guide the hermits in their life they had chosen.The guiding principle of this work ismoderate in every thingIts later version is known as Ancerene Wise or Anchoress Guide. Another outstanding work in prose is the Katherene Group of texts named after St. Katherine of early 13 century.It is written for nuns in Herefordshire.It includes the lives of St. Margeret and St.Julian.

Another prose work of this period is the Azenbite of Inwyt,written by Dan Michale of Northgate in 1340.It is a translation of a French work and is an important text in the Kentish dialect. Fourteenth Century Prose [the age of Chaucer] Fifteenth century saw the foundation of on an English prose which was both original and individual.Latin and French lost their grip as popular prose mediums.The growing desire for an English Bible also favoured a standard English prose.The growth of the native tongue can be seen in simple,straight forward prose,free from the stylistic ornamentations.Many prose works were written for amusement rather than for instruction.Important prose works of this age are as follows: 1.John of Trevisa(1326-1412) translated Higdens Polychronicon from Latin in about 1387.It is written in southwest dialect. 2.Travels of Sir John Mandeville(Jehan de Mandeville) is a memorable translation of French book of travels compiled and published between 1357 and 1371.Its English translation appeared in 1377.The preface of the English version states that it portrays the adventures of a knight,Sir John Mandevelle as he travels across the sea to visit many strange regions. It is a work of fiction which abounds in imaginary,unbeliveble and fantastic descriptions.It is the first work in prose meant for entertainment and not for moral instruction.t is written in simple,clear,effortless and charming style.The sentences are short and well contructed.The narration is simple and straight forward.It exercised a healthy influence on the development of English prose.Accrding to HudsonIt keeps its place as the first English prose classicthr real author of the book is said to be Jehan de Bourgogne who died who died in1372.[It has now been demonstrated that the so- called travels is a compilation from several works of voyages including the works of an American called Hetoum and of the famous traveller Marco polo.] 3.Chaucer : Chaucers prose work include the two included in The Canterbury Tales The Tale of Melibus and Parsons Tale his compilation of latin treatise on AstrologyTreatise on Astrolabe & his translation of Beothius Consolation(1381) The chief prose writers of the age who did more than translate were the Augustinine Canon.Walter Hilton,and the great reformer John Wyclif. 4.Hilton(-1379) in his Scale of Perfection gave excellent specimens of terse and clear devotional prose. It is addressed to all who wish to live the spiritual life.

5.John Wycliff or Wycliff(1320-84) is known for his revolutionary ideas in the religious controversies of the age.He wrote many books in Latin. The first translation of bible into English is attributed to him.His English style abounds in Latin constructions.As Edward Albert says His English style is not polished but is vigorous and pointed,with a homely simplicity that make it appeal both wide and powerfull.He came up with basic elemwnts of the biblical language which was to be an integral part of english and was to be used for the famous Authorised version of Bible.Thus Wycliff made English the popular language of religious thought.He also wrote a number of sermons and pamplets.He cleverly criticized the corrupition and immortality prevailing in the church and amoung the clergy.He felt the need for an urgent reform.He has been rightly called the morning star of Reformation.He organized a band of poor priest to dissiminate his ideas.Owing to their practice of lolling or mumbling preayers always ,they were called Lollards.They made the common people familiar with the true principles of Christianity. 6.Another notable prose writer was Julian of Norwich(1343-1413/27) who is the finest English spiritual writer before George Herbert His Revolutions focus on central Christian teachings and shows the purity of her style.Another writer of the ge was Margery Kemper. The field for English prose rapidly extended during the period.As E. Albert saysThe state of prose is still immature.but the everyday writings of the age show a vigour and clarity which are grate advance on the mingled French and English writingof the begning of the period,when English was still struggling to overcome the dominance of French.

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