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Persuasive Speech Outline

Wajeeh Siddique 11784 Title: Materialism and why we shouldnt be materialistic General Purpose: To Persuade. Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that materialism creates a false illusio n 1) Introduction: Have you ever sat down and really thought about how much you value your possessions? Do you value your belongings more than you value friends, family, love, or yourself ?

2) Statement of Problem I have come to believe that materialism has become a way of life in todays society. We use our possessions to make things and people behave or respond the way we desire.

3) Need for a solution The solution for materialism is not easy to define. However, there are affordable solutions. In the first place, people should be made aware of what is materialism as many of them dont know the basic concept of materialism.

Body 4) Problems: A: firstly it causes alienation; you do not do things because you like to do, you are doing them in order to make money, Your job or work does not satisfy you. You begin not to trust people or some socio-emotional bonds which provides cultural integration such as friendship, neighborhoodness, sincerity, sacrifice, altruism, etc..

B: secondly, materialism creates fake needs; The consummation turns into uncontrolled obsession. Today lots of people suffer from credit cards debts because of this.

C: thirdly, since materialism rules with making profit, the art turns into something you can go and entertain and forget about it. There is no real creation as it based on making profit by attracting people by using popular artists on cinema for instance. People go to see brad Pitt, not to see the film as a work of art, and then they forget about it. They spend their time, money and energy for nothing. Why? Because they want to forget about the unbearable distraction of the alienation, They want to forget that their life will end if they cannot find a job.

5) Solutions: A: Make a pledge to do what you like be less concerned about money and more about having fun in life, create strong bonds with the people around you give more importance to human beings rather than material possessions. B: Try to remember that every religion in the world tells you that in life take what is necessary for your existence, Greed is one of the seven cardinal sins try to live a moderate and fulfilling life. C: Develop wide ranging interests which are meaningful and are not popular just because a celebrity or a TV channel is promoting them. Pay more attention to poetry, novels, songs, and so on. Once you enjoy these kinds of Arts, you will easily find peace and happiness, and will be aware of the consequence of materialism. For instance, John Lennon, Rob Thomas, and many others artists call for peace through their songs; or Leo Tolstoy criticizes the cruelty of war in his immortal novel War and Peace 6) Benefits: A: you learn more about people their lives and their struggle you become a better person and learn to be patient, tolerant ,kind and giving. B: Poetry and arts greatly enhance your knowledge and make you aware about the brilliants minds of the pasts who contributed to the society

Conclusion 7) Brief restatement of Problems Makes you work for money rather than your interest in the job Creates fake needs, you want more of everything Creates dull and bland entertainment.

8) Brief Restatement of Solutions Interact with people focus on doing the job you like Adopt a moderate life style Try indulging in creative interests

9) I urge you to accept my proposal.

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