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Assignment 1- Review and Recommendations of Blue Spider Project Submitted by: Vinaya Kumar Golla In my view Project management

is a complex process which requires a wide range of skills. Gary Anderson, being a MBA graduate and with great technical command has all the qualifications to be a good project manager. But, he has failed to apply his skill set effectively and efficiently. As a project manager, he worked with the R&D, production teams, and functional managers to accomplish the project phases. In my, it is evident that there are certain areas where Anderson, as a project manager has failed to concentrate, such as Project Communication and planning, definition of project scope, client communication and compliance. Firstly, from the organizational perspective, there is no enforcement of proper code of conduct or ethical standards. Though the project was discovered to be not feasible, it was bid dishonestly and won; due to which there were challenges from the begin of the project. I would recommend a set of ethics that must be followed by all the employees of the company and everyone in the organization must be compliant to these standards. Understanding client needs and meeting their expectations in a timely manner are universal requirements for any project. As a project manager, Gary received many complaints for not reporting the happenings of the project. There are flaws in the internal communication during project phases, which has led to some errors such as wrong verification mix and mistake in the preparation of bill of materials. These communications prolonged the progress of the project. In order to have an effective communication, I recommend conveying the information regarding the project to the client on an as-needed basis. This wins the trust and satisfaction of the client and allows Gary to plan to meet the requirements at all the phases. The activities such as Status reporting to client, weekly or bi-weekly progress reporting, forecast or estimates for next phases must be scheduled. Gary has created confusion to the team by improper scheduling of the activities and just in time revising the schedule of plan, which on one instance made test engineer to resent following the plan. For the successful accomplishment of a project, it's important to define the sequence of activities, provide the time estimations for each activity, and build a contingency plan or allocate buffer time for the unexpected consequences. To create a balance and co-ordinate between the administrative and technical activities, Gary must create a work break down. Gary could have assigned Paul Evans the responsibility of handling the technical activities or hire an additional strong technical source who could manage the technical activities along with Paul. Similarly, other members of team could be assigned tasks such as preparation of minutes of meeting, preparing reports any other activities necessary for the administration. Internal team discussion, feedback and monitoring are essential at every phase of the project. Gary should implement 360 degree feedback system and should always convey the information regarding any project requirement changes or any significant changes to the teams. Similarly communication with the top management about the progress is essential. Any changes must be communicated and consensus must be taken. I would like to give one of my favorite quotes at work -Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.

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