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To demonstrate typical flow measurement devices for incompressible fluids(1) venture meter, (2)orifice plate (3) rotameter To compare difference in flow rate incurred b each of these device


Controlling the flow in piping systems is a significant issue in the chemical process industries. Obviously, in order to control the flow in a pipe, the flow must be measured. This experiment will introduce you to three devices that are used to measure flow. One, the rotameter, is a simple mechanical device that is designed to be read by an operator. It is rugged, relatively inexpensive, and easily installed. The second, the orifice plate and both are designed for flows that do not contain significant amounts of solid material. The third, is venturi meter and more expensive to construct than a simple orifice plate which uses the same principle as a tubular scheme, but the orifice plate causes significantly more permanent energy loss. The comparison in flow rate incurred by each of this device has been done and discuss. There are four different flowrate was recorded and the venture and orifice flowrate was calculate by using Bernoulli equation. By referring to rotameter flowrate ,the difference percentage also calculate for to find which device are much accurate and good for fluid measurement. From the result that was been recorded, it show that the flowrate for orifice are higher than the venture but the venture meter show the flowrate are not so different from the actual flowrate. Theory also state that the Venturi meters more accurate than orifice meters.

INTRODUCTION The measurement of fluid flow is important in applications ranging from measurements of blood flow rates in human artery to the measurement of liquid oxygen in a rocket. The selection of the proper instrument for a particular application is governed by many variables, including cost. Flow rate-measurement devices frequently require accurate pressure and temperature measurements in order to calculate the output of the instrument. The most widely used flow metering principle involves placing a fixed area flow restriction of some type in the pipe or duct carrying the fluid. This flow restriction causes a pressure drop that varies with the flow rate. Thus, measurement of the pressure drop by means of a suitable differential-pressure pick up allows flow rate measurement. Flow measurement is the quantification of bulk fluid movement. Flow can be measured in a variety of ways. Positive-displacement flow meters accumulate a fixed volume of fluid and then count the number of times the volume is filled to measure flow. Other flow measurement methods rely on forces produced by the flowing stream as it overcomes a known constriction, to indirectly calculate flow. Flow may be measured by measuring the velocity of fluid over a known area. Both gas and liquid flow can be measured in volumetric or mass flow rates, such as liters per second or kilograms per second. These measurements can be converted between one another if the material's density is known. The density for a liquid is almost independent of the liquid conditions; however, this is not the case for gas, the density of which depends greatly upon pressure, temperature and to a lesser extent, the gas composition.When gases or liquids are transferred for their energy content, such as the sale of natural gas, the flow rate may also be expressed in terms of energy flow, such as GJ/hour or BTU/day. The energy flow rate is the volume flow rate multiplied by the energy content per unit volume or mass flow rate multiplied by the energy content per unit mass. Where accurate energy comes to the time of the legit flow rate is desired, most flow meters will be used to calculate the volume or mass flow rate which is then adjusted to the energy flow rate by the use of a flow computer.In engineering contexts, the volumetric flow rate is usually given the symbol .

The flow rate of Q determine by using the equation: V = Ad

2p k p

Where: p = hg with h = h1-h2

Constant: k = 293
litre h mbar for Orifice

The venturi meter consists of two conical pipes connected. The minimum cross section diameteris called throat. The angles of the conical pipes are established to limit the energy losses due to flow separation. The flow obstruction produced by the venturi meter produces a local loss that is proportional to the flow discharge. Pressure taps are located upstream and downstream of the venturi meter, immediately outside the variable diameter areas, to measure the losses produced through the meter. Flow rate measurements are obtained using Bernoulli equation and the continuity equation.

Figure 1.1: Venturi Meter

The orifice meter shown in figure1.2 below, consists of a flat orifice plate with a circular hole drilled in it. There is a pressure tap upstream from the orifice plate and another just downstream. The orifice meter consists of an accurately machined and drilled plate concentrically mounted between two flanges. The position of the pressure taps is somewhat arbitrary.

Figure 1.2: Orifice meter Rotameters fall into the category of flow measurement devices called variable area meters. These devices have nearly constant pressure and depend on changing cross sectional area to indicate flow rate. Rotameters are extremely simple, robust devices that can measure flow rates of both liquids and gasses. Fluid flows up through the tapered tube and suspends a float in the column of fluid. The position of the float indicates the flow rate on a marked scale. Three types of forces must be accounted for when analyzing rotameter performance: Flow, Gravity and Buoyancy

Figure 1.3 : Rotameters

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