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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts Faculty of Pharmacy Mid Term Exam Spring 2010

PG101 Pharmacognosy (I) 1.5 Hours

Answer all the following questions. Illustrate your answer with drawing when required. Question 1: Give the suitable words for each of the following statements. (5 Marks) a) Hilum of maize starch is . b) .. is a group of parenchyma cells, each cell containing cluster crystal of calcium oxalate situated just beneath the palisade layer. c) Rhubarb should be collected in . due to the presence of .. d) Alkaloid percentages are increased in Solanaceous leaves to maximum in .. and . e) Cuticle covered and subrin found in. f) Temporary stabilization of drugs can be achieved by . g) Hydrolysis of glucosinolate glycosides gives h) Rhuthenium red is a reagent which gives red color with .. i) Insects attacking sensitive drugs could be controlled by .. and . j) Treatment with alpha naphthyl thiourea is used to k) The major objectives of drying process are . , .. and l) Lignified elements stained red with .. m) . are basic organic nitrogenous compounds having marked physiological activity. o) .. drugs are listed and described in a pharmacopoeia book.. p) Vanilla pods are odorless when fresh and on drying acquire aromatic odor due to liberation of. q) The mesophyll is described as .when it is symmetric on both sides i.e.: Showing the upper and lower palisade Question 2: Give reasons for the following: (3 Marks) a) Disappearance of the anthelmintic activity of Santonica as soon as the flowers expand. b) Repeating fumigation of drugs at intervals of two weeks. c) Digitalis must be dried rapidly. Question 3: Discuss the following a) The main disadvantages of collection of medicinal plants. b) Types of drying. c) Advantages of lyophilization. e) Bleaching of crude drugs. Question 4: Compare between each of the following (2only): a) Pyrogallol tannins and catechol tannins. b) Potato starch and Maize starch. (with drawing). c) Anisocytic and diacytic stomata (with drawing). Question 5: Identify ONLY FOUR of the given items: 1 * 2 3 4 (2 Marks)

(3 Marks)

(2 Marks) 5

Type of gland: : e.g.:

Name: e.g. :

Name Occurrence:

Name: Origin:

Name Occurrence: Best wishes A.Prof. Wafaa M. Aziz


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