Mary's Resume

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uecaLur, ln 46733
: (314) 283-3066 L: mary.schless[


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! LxLenslve experlence wlLh pro[ecL managemenL slnce 2010.
! Lxperlence wlLh copywrlLlng lncludlng edlLlng and proofreadlng.
! roven ablllLy Lo manage all sLages of a pro[ecL llfecycle.
! AblllLy Lo work on mulLlple pro[ecLs aL Lhe same Llme and make sure each ls compleLed ln a Llmely manner.
! Successfully drlven sales assoclaLe LhaL exceeded goals ln a 82C sales envlronmenL.
! AblllLy Lo work closely wlLh senlor leaders ln developlng and lmplemenLlng deparLmenLal and company sLraLegles.
! roven Leam leader and relaLlonshlp manager.

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! CreaLe and send emall communlcaLlons for each deparLmenL.
! lulflll graphlc requesLs from dlfferenL deparLmenLs.
! AsslsL wlLh Lhe creaLlon of whlLe papers, brochures and oLher communlcaLlon pleces as needed.
! keep Lhe communlcaLlons and graphlcs calendar up Lo daLe.
! CompleLe oLher Lasks as asslgned lncludlng proofreadlng and edlLlng.

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! CreaLed a lacebook presence by bulldlng requlremenLs and ob[ecLlves wlLh Lhe ulrecLor of Lhe company.
! 8ullL a process Lo malnLaln and updaLe Lhe company's webslLe.
o Work wlLh Lhe ulrecLor Lo revlse and updaLe Lhe currenL conLenL every monLh.
! CreaLed a program Lo coach employees on Lhe use of company's soclal medla efforLs.
o ueveloped conLenL and a company volce Lo malnLaln conslsLency on lacebook.

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! Managed Lhe 1wlLLer accounL and developed leeds Lo communlcaLe promoLlons.
! CreaLlve ulrecLor, responslble for wrlLlng and posLlng a weekly edlLorlal column cenLered around Lhe nlL.
o WrlLLen 100+ arLlcles ln abouL 2 years

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! CreaLed a lacebook presence by bulldlng requlremenLs and ob[ecLlves wlLh Lhe Cwner.
o Work wlLh Lhe Cwner Lo develop conLenL and posLlng schedule for lacebook, 1wlLLer and lnsLagram.
o 8espond Lo cusLomer commenLs on each soclal medla slLe.
! 8ralnsLorm promoLlons Lo galn more soclal medla followlng as well as ln-sLore sales.

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! Managed 6 clients in east coast and central US markets.
! Created Facebook and email content for each client.
o Managed up to 15 Facebook pages.
o Maintained up to 7 different email accounts with several distribution lists.
! Compile monthly reports in a timely manner to send to each client.
o Reports listed an analysis of major promotions that ran each month along with successes on the Facebook
page. Data was taken from Facebook along with in-store sales numbers.
! Custom HTML code emails for each of the 6 clients.
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uecaLur, ln 46733
: (314) 283-3066 L: mary.schless[


! Was responsible for maintaining relationships between the Agency and Client by responding to emails and phone calls
and explaining any promotions pitched to them.
! Monitored up to 15 Facebook pages for questions and comments from customers and respond in a timely fashion.
! Developed a process to brainstorm o n monthly, weekly and daily promotions for clients.
! Updated 3 client websites with new store hours, graphics and other small changes.

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! Monitored and posted promoti ons and customer i nterests on Facebook, Twitter pages and the company blog.
! Created collateral including monthly postcards, newsletters and flyers for new promotions.
! Managed web site updates for and a partner organization,
! Created eCommunications for and The
! Gathered metrics on monitoring media hits to be able to develop more efficient way to improve the customer/user
! Responsible for tracking sponsorship agreements and fulfillments
! Responsible for managing an intern.

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! Assisted with pre-game activities and special events.
! Promoted ticket sales and generated revenue for Busch Stadium events.
! Provided Cardinals staff presence at all St. Louis Cardinals home games for suite and all inclusive ticket holders.

CommunlcaLlon ArL AppllcaLlons
o hoLoshop, lllusLraLor, lnueslgn, ureamweaver
Soclal Medla sysLems
o lacebook, 1wlLLer, lnsLagram, ?ou1ube, lllckr, Coogle+, Llnkedln
Web ueslgn language
MlcrosofL Cfflce SulLe
MlcrosofL uynamlcs C8M
ro[ecL ManagemenL 1ools
o 8asecamp
Lmall MarkeLlng 1ools
o ConsLanL ConLacL, e1apesLry, Lead Llfe


! 8achelor of ArLs ln CommunlcaLlon SLudles - MarqueLLe unlverslLy, Mllwaukee, Wl. Class of 2009
o Ma[or: CommunlcaLlon SLudles
o Mlnor: AdverLlslng, ubllc 8elaLlons


! CerLlfled ln P1ML from unlverslLy of Mlssourl- SL. Louls

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