FHES SIP Presentation 2012-2015

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2012 2015 Friday Harbor Elementary School Improvement Plan

Re-evaluation of 2010-2011 SIP by all staff Time spent during Early Dismissal Days and Staff Meetings Data Carousel performed by all staff 7 staff selected to work on SIP plan Multiple opportunities for feedback to staff Team re-look at data, research of strategies, development of goals and action steps. Vote on acceptance of SIP - unanimous


FHES Profile 07-now

Enrollment 15% increase Free and Reduced 70% increase Special Education 60% increase Hispanic Students 80% increase Reading - -1.73 decrease Math - -.96 decrease Writing 1.13 increase Science 2.86 increase Budget 45% decrease

SIP Template Organization

Action What actions will occur? What steps will staff take?


Steps What specific steps will take place?

Who will provide leadership? Who will do the work?

Evidence of Resources SMART Goal Attainment What are the What onexisting and going new resources evidence will that will be be gathered used to to show this accomplish the activity is activity? making a difference in student outcomes?

Consistencies throughout document

Committees to over see Content Areas
(concentrating on finding time, collaboration, resources and professional development around areas of focus)

Common Core Standards Implementation A focus on areas of most need based on data Focus on Tier 2 and 3 students through Response to intervention Model Some Actions steps that are ongoing some are date specific Promotion of a nurturing environment

Reading School Improvement Plan 2012-2015

Math Supportive Learning Environment


An average of 78% of the students met standard on the state reading assessment in 2010-2011.

School Improvement Plan 2012-2015

SMART GOAL: The average percentage of students in grades 3 through 6 meeting standard on the state reading assessment will increase from 78% in 20102011 to 83% by 2014-2015.

1) Language Arts Committee 2) Implement Common Core Standards

9) Promote Reading at home

8) Nurture the Love of Reading

3) Improve Comprehension Skills

Reading: Action Items

7) Reading Strategies for ELL Students

4) Improve Analysis Skills

6) Reading Strategies for Tier 2 and 3 Students

5) Common Formative Assessments Plan for Primary

CURRENT REALITY: An average of 66% of the students met standard on the state math assessment in 2010-2011.

School Improvement Plan 2012-2015

SMART GOAL: The average percentage of students in grades 3 through 6 meeting standard on the state math assessment will increase from 70% in 2010-2011 to % by 2014-2015.

1) Math Committee 9) Generate an enthusiasm for Math 2) Implement Common Core Standards

8) Identify and implement math strategies for our ELL population

Math: Action Items

3) Re-evaluate and draft an Assessment Matrix

7) Identify and implement math strategies for Tier 2 and 3 students

4) Improve Number Sense Skills

6) Improve Measurement Skills

5) Improve Problem Solving Skills


CURRENT REALITY: According to a parent survey done in 2009-2010 school year, 60% of the parents felt that Friday Harbor Elementary had an excellent school climate.

School Improvement Plan 2012-2015

Supportive Learning Environment

SMART GOAL: To maintain a supportive learning environment for students, our staff will increase our school climate score to 70% satisfaction average by the 2015 school year.

1) Climate Committee

6) Organize and coordinate an Annual Parent, Staff and Student Survey

2) Implement Positive Behavior Support Intervention System (PBIS)

Supportive Learning Environment:

Action Items
5) Identify and implement behavioral strategies for Tier 2 and 3 students
3) Revisit our school wide proactive behavior model

4) Review social skills/anti-bullying curricula -implement them with fidelity


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