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Basuki. 2011. Reading Learning Model Development with Objects Around Labeling Technique (POS) Student kindergarten. Dissertation. Linguistics Graduate Program (S3) Main Interest in Language Teaching Sebelas Maret University in Surakarta. Promoter: Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd., Co-Promoter: Prof.. Dr. H.D.Edi Soebroto. Key words: models, learning, reading, Object Labeling Around (POS), Kindergarten. The period of kindergarten age are sensitive to the child's future. Children began to be sensitive to receive the various development efforts of all the potential in him. At this time there maturation of physical functions and mental stimulation that is ready to respond to a given environment, including the stimulation of reading and writing literacy. This fact is most schools responded by Kindegarten who has conducted learning to read and write in different ways and models that range from selecting the materials, the order of presentation, methods for the presentation and evaluation. Similarly, parents of children at home trying to teach children to read to read as early as possible. This research aims to develop models of learning to read in kindergarten that easy to implement, effectively achieving its objectives and in accordance with the principles of early childhood learning "to play while learning and studying while playing". Learning model that developed in reading is learning to read with labeling technique Objects Around (POS). POS model is the model of learning to read in the beginning with objects labeling technique that can be found around kids that are concrete and familiar, so easily accepted by children. Objects can be either objects or replica in the form of drawings or photographs. Read the learning material chosen by considering the environmental aspects of development that occurs both cultural environment, social, or religious preference of students. POS model is also pack with the nuances of learning fun because it is packaged in a game with media images interesting, letter cards, syllable cards, and word cards. Procedural steps designed learning as outlined in the Daily Activity Plan (RKH) with learning activities PAKEM (Active, Creative, effective, and fun). Based on its object, namely the development of models of learning to read as part of the kindergarten curriculum and teaching-learning process, this study included the category of educational research. Observing the nature of activities and research objectives, the model discovery can be accounted for empirically, this research is categorized as a research development. The procedure of this research is carried out through four stages: (1) preliminary studies, (2) model development stage, (3) the model testing stage, and (4) disseminate the end product that is publishing the book Learning to Read with technical guidelines for POS.

The research concluded: First, preliminary studies found (1) qualifications and experience teaching kindergarten teacher is very diverse, most (70.13%) not meet the educational qualifications required by the Act, a small portion (29, 87%) have met education qualifications, but the background rear scholarship is very diverse, (2) with a diverse education and experience against the selection of material that affect, sorting materials, presentation materials and evaluation methods which ultimately affects the process and learning outcomes, (3) all kindergartens have been implementing curriculum 2004 and has conducted learning to read and write with different models according to the knowledge and experience of each teacher, (4) most kindergarten teachers face the problem of preparation of the RKH particularly in outlining Competency Standards and Basic Competence in the indicators and the selection of material, (5) teachers also define all mutual obstacles in learning the material because it is not listed in the curriculum, and also lack of studying resources (6) dikelompkkan learning process into two, the first placed teacher as a source of information and plays a central role in learning, both as a subject of placing students in learning and the teacher as facilitator, manager of a variety of sources and facilities for students to learn, (7) in general, teachers does not use instructional media because the media is difficult and expensive to be made, (8) assessment of child development is expressed in three categories, namely: not yet achieved the indicator, the indicator has reached and exceeded the indicators. Second, the model development stage, based on the problems faced by teachers is necessary to develop a prototype model of learning to read with POS techniques embodied in the form of: (1) prototype syllabus of learning to read in kindergarten that poured into the planning of semi-annual, weekly and daily, which is conducted jointly between researchers and 48 kindergarten teachers as collaborators in the workshop, (2) preparation of procedural learning scenarios contained in the form PAKEM RKH through learning (learning, creative, Effective and Fun), (3) development done through expert validation, testing limited, and larger trials in the field. Third, model testing stage, limited testing was conducted in TK Negeri Pembina Klaten, and TK ABA III Gunungan, Klaten produce models of learning to read after the reflection, the reforms and expert validation, applicable in a wider trial. Development model based on a wider trial conducted in eight kindergartens with a total sample of 168 children, respectively 1 and 1 kindergarten domestic private kindergartens in the city of Surakarta, Boyolali district, Klaten and Sleman. Each kindergarten is chosen as the test samples taken 1 class model as a control group who were taught using a model that has been applied (Conventional) and 1 class as the experimental group was taught using the POS reading techniques learning model. Based on statistical analysis with the formula Chi Square (x2) it was concluded that (1) the results of initial tests (pre test) reading skills Kindergarten children in the control class with kindergarten children in the experimental class, showed no significant differences, either at each school kindergarten, between nation kindergarten with private kindergartens, as well as the combined value of all kindergarten X 2 count smaller than the value of X2 table at 5% significance level, (2) the results of the final test (post test) reading skills Kindergarten children who are taught using the conventional model in the control class with the child kindergarten and who are taught using the model of POS in the experimental class showed significant difference,

either in any preschool, nation kindergarten between the private kindergartens, and combined all kindergarten X 2 count greater value than the value of X2 table at significance level of 5%, except in kindergarten Sleman regency model showed no differences. This means that the results of final tests reading skills Kindergarten children who are taught using the POS model significantly better than reading skills Kindergarten children who are taught using the conventional model. Fourth, the dissemination stage of the product by issuing a manual technique of learning to read with the POS. Publication of the book Learning to Read a gain positive response from stakeholders, especially from teachers and head of kindergarten. Positive responses included seven aspects, including ease of understanding the concept description, easy to apply in the classroom, ease of implementation of learning scenarios contained in the RKH, pictures that appeal to children, the availability of observation format, assignment, performance and level of komunikativitas bahasadan images; and benefits to increase in learning to read as a whole gained 9.61% stated sufficient, 65.39% said good, 25% said very good. Finally stakeholdrs generally accepted and welcomed the book Learning to read because it helps the teacher in implementing learning to read in kindergarten.

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