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HRD QUESTIONNAIRE Please tick Correct Answers: 1. Resources are counted by: a) No. of Persons b) No.of Skills 2.

Human Resource is a) Value-Addition b) just bring Profits 3. Real Asset of an Organisation is a) Employees b) Buildings and Machineries 4. Resources are not tapped fully. Do you agree? a) Yes b) No 5. Human Resource is a) Predictable b) Not Predictable

6. Human Resources are a) Limited b) un-limited 7. Man-power Planning is compiled by a) HR Manager b) Line Managers 8. Man-power Planning is done on a) ad-hoc basis b) Preferably every financial year or before any project is started 9. Who gives Man-power sanction? a) HR Manager b) Line Manager c) Unit Head

10. HR Audit is a useful tool for a) Man-power Planning and correct utilisation b) Man-power Reduction 11. Man-power Planning is on the basis of a) expansion b) Automation c) existing available skills 12. HR Policy is framed by: a) HR Msanager b) Management 13. Culture Statement is important in HR Policy, Do you Agree? a) Yes b) Not Necessary 14. Employee Development is included in HR Policy a) Yes, Definitely b) Not Necessary

15. Who approves the HR Policy? a) HR Manager b) Collectively by all Managers

c) Unit Head

16.HR Policy must be understood by a) Management Staff only b) All from MD to Down-level 17. Throw some light in HR Policy on Welfare a) Not necessary b) Yes it is required 18. HR Policy is transformed to Customer Satisfaction a) Yes Definitely b) Not Necessary because it pertains to employees 19. Policy Statement can be modified occasionally. Do you agree? a) Yes it can be. B) No. Policies are like constittution. 20. Candidates Data Bank will help in a) Recruitment b) Project Work 21. Recruitment Process is done by a) HR Manager b) Line Managers 22. Consensus Decision is preferred in Recruitment. a) No HR Managers decision is final b) Yes 23. Selection Committee is formed for every recruitment a) Yes Not Necessary. HR Manager can interview and finalise. 24. Questions in Interview are based on a) Hi-fi Knowledge and concepts b) Basics and fundamentals 25. Which is better? a) A set of standard Questions b) Informal Questions

26. Who evaluates the Attitude of the Candidates? a) HR Manager b) Line Manager 27. Family Background will help in evaluation. a) Yes b) No I concentrate only on Job-knowledge 28. To whom do you rate more weightage? a) Candidates give 7 Answers and 3 Wrong Answers b) Candidates give 6 correct Answers and 4, Sorry, I dont know. 29. For a right candidate, do you bargain on compensation package a) Yes to some extent b) No within the said package, I will bargain

30. Induction Programme is conducted by a) HR Manager b) HR Manager followed by line Managers 31. Employee Hand-book will help in Induction Programme a) Yes b) No need to disclose all personnel Policies to new employees 32. Do you explain the Organisation Structure in the said programme? a) Yes Definitely b) No need, He will come to know automatically 33. Role Clarity is important in Induction Programme a) Yes b) Not necessary. Line Manager will take care of. 34. Hand-Book will give all Personnel Policies of the Organisation. a) Yes b) Not necessary 35. Hand-book is drafted by a) HR Manager b) HR Manager in consultation with line Managers 36. It is better to display and store it on PC instead of Manual Hand-book? a) Yes b) No 37. Corporate Culture starts from Top. Do you agree? a) Yes b) No. Culture is formed by all down-level 38. Who defines Culture Statement? a) MD b) HR Manager c) Line Managers

39. Sub-culture can be practised by affecting the Core Culture a) No it should not be. B) Yes. It can be. 40. Culture is stated or felt? a) Stated b) Felt 41. Who is a Culture Model? a) MD b) Management c) All employees

42. Will you include in your Culture Statement? a) Society b) Environment c) As per Requirement 43. Training is for a) Short-term purpose b) Development purpose 44. Training Needs are identified by a) Self b) HODs c) both

45. Training Needs are done a) Annual b) As per need base 46. All Training Needs must have evidences a) Yes. It is required. B) Not required 47. TNI is the difference between a) Expected level of Performance and Present Level b) Past Level and Present Level. 48. Training Budget is prepared after consolidation of all TNIs a) No. As per Budget Amount sanctioned , TNIs are prioritized. b) All TNIs are to be approved and budget prepared. 49. Training Calendar is prepared by a) HR Manager b) HR Manager with all HODs 50. Training Evaluation is done by a) Trainees or Participants b) Trainer c) By Both

51. Measuring Effectiveness of each training programme a) Is a Must b) Not Necessary. Organising a Training Programme is enough. 52. Who does the Measurement of Effectivenss? a) Self b) Line Manager c) HR Manager 53. Training must help in a) Gaining Knowledgeb) Value-Addition to a Product/Service 54. Job Description is prepared by a) HR Manager b) HR Manager in consultaton with line Managers 55. Who approves the Job Description Manual? a) HR Manager b) Unit Head 56. Job Description Manual is a tool for TNI a) Yes definitely. b) No. it helps only in Recruitment 57. JD contains what? a) Job Details b) Job details, Qualification, Responsibilities and Authority, to whom he is to report and type of person required.

58. Change in Management Policy invites TNI. a) Yes b) Not Necessarily 59. Performnance Appraisals are meant for a) Past Performance b) TNIs c) Future Development 60. Do you prefer a) Close Appraisals b) Open Appraisals c) Both d) All

61. Do you counsel only on a) only Weaknesses b) Strenghts

62. For a HR Manager do you give more weightage to a) House-keeping b) Leadership Qualities 63. For a Marketing Managet do you give more weightate to a) Communication Skills b) Attendance 64. For an Accounts Manager do you give more weightage to a) Communication Skills b) Analytical Skills 65. Do you prefer a) Annual Appraisals b) Intermittant Periodic, say quarterly, half-yearly..

66. Do you agree a) All appraisals are biased to some extent b) No Not at all. 67. At the time of writing appraisals, HODs are gernally influnced a) Yes b) No not at all. 68. Numerical values are better than words writing in Appraisals a) Yes b) No. 69. Do you give more rating if a person has more qualifications than what is stated in Job Description Manual? a) Yes, if it is job-related. B) Generally I give more ratings 70. Will you agree 360 degree appraisals are successful in implementation a) Yes b) No it has some dis-advantages 71. Performance Ratings are co-related with compensation packages a) Yes it should be b) Not all the times

72. Traits in Performance Appraisals are a) 70% job-related and 30% Attitude Related b) 50% job-related and 50% Attitude-related 73. Attitude is based on inner urge a) Yes definitely b) No not necessary. 74. Whether inner urge, outer action a) All the times similar b) occasionally it differs 75. A good Manager will evaluate a) Attitude of an Employee b) Influenced by outer actions 76. Do you agree a) All results depend on Attitude only b) No. As per environment and influences 77. All attitudes whether it is positive or negative a) can be quantified b) No. it is felt only and we cannot quantify. 78. Communication is an Attitude Trait a) No. It is good writing or speaking English or any language b) Yes. Definitely. Thro ones communication we come to know his attitude 79. In an organisation which is better form of Communication a) Up-ward b) Down-wardc) Lateral or Horizontal 80. Which is informal communication process? a) Horizontal b) vertical c) Down-ward 81. Communication skill can be improved by a) Reading more books b) listening skill c) by speaking more sessions. 82. In the communication Process, all the times words are understood by the receiver what the sender meant for. a) No. b) Yes, unless I check the feed-back. 83. Action depends on the a) Words b) Attitude of the sender 84. Down-ward Communications are influenced a) Yes, many times. B) No, since it comes from top.

85. Motivational factor is always linked with a) Money b) No not all. There are other factors also. 86. Is Motivation is similar to No De-motivation? a) Yes b) No. both are not idential 87. Is de-motivation is similar to No Motivation? a) Yes b) No. Both have their own influences 88. Which is not good for an organisation? a) No Motivational factors b) De-motivational Factors 89. Total Job Satisfaction is one of the Motivational Factors a) Yes definitely b) No. JS is different and Motivational Factor is only money. 90. Job Dissatisfaction is similar to No Job Satisfaction. a) Yes. B) No both have different influences. 91. Job satisfaction is similar to no Job dissatisfaction a) Yes b) No. both have different influences. 92. Enjoy Working climate will help Job Satisfaction a) Yes b) No. Both are different meanings 93. Job Enrichment will also help Job Satisfaction a) Yes b) No both have different meanings 94. Performance Appraisals are designed as per KRAs. a) Yes definitely b) No. As per general requirements. 95. KRAs are taken from Job Description Manual. a) Yes b) No both are different purposes. 96. Competency Map is drawn from the data of KRAs a) Yes b) No. from the general assumption 97. Ideal Competency Map drawn is better a) Yes b) No. 98. Competency Map will help in Recruitment Process also a) Yes b) No

99. Statistical data is relevant for a) Technical Departments only

b) it includes HR also

100. HR Manager must have some basics in Statistics a) Yes, definitely. b) No. Not necessary. 101. In Quality Certificatin, HR plays a key role a) No. It depends only for Product or Service Quality b) Yes. HR also contributes. Continuous Improvement practices can be done by a) HR Department also b) No. it is done only on a Product or Service Is Learning a) Continuous Process b) need-base and ad-hoc


103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112.

A good leader who always a) shows good qualities b) also accepts weaknesses Delegation of Power a) Invites problems b) Improves Confidence c) Both

Power means a) Responsibility b) Authority Sharing Knowledge is a) a Gain b) A loss

Functional Conflicts will definitely improve a) differences b) productivity Dys-functional Conflicts will contribute a) differences b) quality HR Managers play the role of a) Manager b) Change-agent HR Manager is a Facilitator a) No. b) Yes Is Exit Interview is preferable? a) Yes. Definitely b) Not Necessary

113. 112. 113. 114.

Skill Audit is done a) Periodicallyb) As per need base, otherwise, not. Employee Counselling `will help improving a) Confidence b) Not necessary Counselling is done first by a) HODs b) HR Manager Group Cohesiveness is a) Homogenous appearance groups Perception means a) Reality and what you are seeing in your way. Will Attitude and Perception match a) No. Not all the times b) different shapes by different


b) Seeing and interpreting it

116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124.

b) Yes. Definitely

Will you influence your sub-ordinates by your a) personal likings b) Organisation or job demands Is Record and Format similar? a) No b) Yes both are documents Records can be changed a) Yes b) No HR Manager is always to be a) Autocratic b) Democratic Control of wastage is pratictised by a) Positive Attitude b) Good Machineries Control of Rejection is practised by a) Total Involvement and Commitment Control of Re-work is practised by a) Good Communication and Motivation c) Good Systems b) Good Machineries b) Good Systems

Good House-keeping will contribute more to a) Productivity b) Self-discipline

125. 126.

Training need will also include a) Good House-keeping b) Not necessary In all Quality Certifications, HR plays a key role a) Yes, definitely to improve employee involvement b) No. It is the function of Technical Departments only Which action is better for Customers? a) Satisfaction b) Delight Healthy HR Practices will influence the a) Customer Satisfaction b) No. Internal matter wont affect the customers Marketing Personnels are the immediate front-line Corporate Representatives to the Customers a) Yes b) No. All the Managers Material Personnels are the immediate front-line culture representatives for vendors a) Yes b) No. All the Managers HR Manager is a role model for other Managers in implementing HR Policies and Systems: a) Yes. Definitely b) No. HR is also a Profit-centre a) No. it is Service Department only b) Yes. It is definitely.

127. 128.




132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137.

HR is different from routine Personnel Department. a) No. Both are same b) No. it is definitely different. Zero Paper work is possible in HR Department a) Yes thro innovative work practices b) No. not possible On-line maintenance of personnel records are better than a) Manual Records b) On line-up-datation is Not possible at all Having a HRD Manual is better a) In implementing uniform procedures b) No. Not required.

Employee records are maintained a) Periodically and retention of records is fixed b) Till he leave the organisation

138. 139. 140. 141. 142.

Which is better performance a) Developing multi-skill or b) entrepreneural skill Do you prefer a) Intensive Knowledge b) Extensive Knowledge

Quality Circle is formed only by a) Technical Personnel b) Also by HR Departments Retention is based on a) No. of Years service b) Results c) Both

Retention Policy is based on a) Exit Interviews b) study competitors HR Practices Do you agree that family members of an employee also a) contribute indirectly to the productivity b) No. Not all Get-together will improve the productivity a) Yes. Definitely b) No. It is an expenditure

143. 144. 145.

Which is faster and dense a) One Positive Attitude developes one or more Positive Attitudes b) One Negative Attitude breeds one or more Negative Attitudes Which is not good for an Organisation a) 10% small Negative approaches and 90% Positive Approaches b) 1% big Negative approach and 99% Positive Approaches Do you give immediate preference to a) career planning b) succession planning Training helps Succession Planning and Development helps Career Planning: a) Yes b) Not so particular In the current changing environment it is not easy to plan career planning a) Yes b) it is possible For any vacancy occured against sanctioned strength it is better to a) from internal source b) bring outside personnel Re-structuring will always helps an organistion a) improving the productivity b) to identify the best performers


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149. 150. 151.

152. 153. 154.

Re-structuring will help in a) Man-power Planning

b) Reduction in numbers

Re-structuring is done after a) HR Audit b) Managements instructions Re-structuring is done at the time of a) expansion b) change in Management Policy c) New Systems d) Change in Technology e) All above Any deviation in the system can be done a) Management staff b) only after Unit Head approves Preventive Action is done by a) Training b) just do corrective action again and again Which Maintenance is better in human relations? a) Break-down Maintenance b) Preventive Maintenance c) Predictive Maintenanance Is Zero Defect also applicable for HR Departments? a) Yes b) No. it relates to Technical Sections only Openness in Communication will improve a) Effectiveness b) Relationships Is Body Language a communication? a) Yes b) For communication, words are important Asking Questions in Listening will show a) Your interest in the problem b) improve your language Empathy in listening means a) Feeling the problems thro the sender b) Just to satisfy the sender thro lip sympathy Will you allow distractions when somebody talks to you on a problem a) Yes b) No. It loses the effectiveness Qualification means a) Education b) to qualify to do a particular job throeducation/training/experience

155. 156. 157.

157. 158. 159. 160. 161.

162. 163.


Language is a barrier in an effective communication a) Yes defnitely if it is not understood properly b) No. If you know the particular language thoroughly, effective communication is possible Caste or Religion is a barrier in a communication a) No these are all external factors b)Yes. Occasionally it also affects. Personal influences are getting introduced at every stage of communicaton process a) Yes definitely b) Not Necessary Personal Family Culture sometimes affect the Organisation Culture a) Yes definitely. b) No. it will not. Do you give more weightage to a) Maturity b) Experience In the interview, referred to candidates are better a) Always b) Not all the times. Accepting a weakness is a leadership quality. a) No. b) Yes definitely Taking concern in sub-ordinates development is a good leadership quality a) Yes it is the duty of each and every leader b) No. Management will take care of them Accepting sub-ordinates mistakes as your failure a) Yes. I will take on my shoulder b) No. I will pass on the failure to my sub-ordinates and expose them. HR Must develop creativity Skills a) Yes. Definitely. b) No. Not necessary. Let him be a routine performer HR Manager must be a Philosopher a) Yes. He may be for a successful HR Manager b) No. Need not be. Let him implement the stated policies. HR Manager is the supreme authority.(pseudo) a) No. if you feel so, you will fall. B) Yes, because all personnel records are under him.



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Up-datation of HR knowledge is done by a) By reading good HR books and training companies of and on.

b) By joining various

177. 178. 179. 180. 181.

Case Studies will help a lot in a training programme a) Yes. B) No. it is a time-consuming factor Role Play will help in understanding a theory or policy. a) Yes b) No. it will create certain behavioural problems Which is better? a) Doing by self and learn a thing b) Learning from somebody and do a thing Which is better? a) Oral Communication b) Written Communication Do you take part in your sub-ordinates work? a) Yes. It improves morale and enjoy working b) No. I am the Boss and how can I. Do you hesitate in learning from your sub-oordinates? a) Yes. My experience andqualification do not permit me to do so. b) No. If I get an opportunity of learning, I will do so. Confidentiality is a part of HR Managers Job. a) Yes. I do agree. b) No. A good Housekeeping is the job of line Managers a) Yes. B) No. HR also will contribute. Interaction with line Managers will improve the productivity a) Yes b) No. Each Line Manager is a sub-HR Manager for his sub-ordinates. a) Yes b) HR Manager is the only Man to look after HR. Can line Manager eliminates a HR Manager? a) Yes. If good healthy HR Practices are there. b) No. under Indian conditions, it takes a long time. Problems and Issues are idential? a) No. Both have different Meaning b) Both are same



184. 185. 186. 187.


189. 190.

Is Holiday and Off, same? a) Yes b) No. different Meanings Is Holiday and leave are same? a) Yes b) No. different meanings and purposes Please correrct the following: HR Manager must show his authority everywhere. Yes/No. HR Manager can terminate any erring employee without consultation with any line Manager. Yes/No. HR Manager must be a good Communicator. Yes/No.Need not always HR Manager must a good motivator. Yes/No. it is the duty of all. HR Manager is a Service Manager or Product Improvement Manager. HR Manager must be a flexible always or rigid sometimes. HR Manager must a good leader model. Yes/No HR Manager can suggest the Management in correcting the HR Policies. Yes/no. HR Manager is free from all criticisms. Yes/No. HR Manager is ready for any change. Yes/No.

191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200.

Please answer and send it on to us for our evaluation to know your Attitude level.

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