How To Make Jelly

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Nama Kelas

: 1. Irfan Maulana 2. Pradana GD : IX C

HOW TO MAKE JELLY Making jelly is very simple by following these directions. You will need one packet of jelly crystals, a 500 ml jug, 250 ml of boiling water, 200 ml of cold water, and a bowl. 1. Empty contents of a packet of jelly crystals into the jug. 2. Add boiling water. 3. Stir well until the crystals dissolve. 4. Add the cold water and stir. 5. Pour mixture into a bowl. 6. Refrigerate until firm. (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

1. To make jelly, we need.... A. two packets of jelly crystals B. 500 ml bowl C. 250 ml of boiling water D. 250 ml of cold water 2. We add boiling water to the ...before we stir the jelly crystals. A. bowl B. jug C. fridge D. kettle


3. Where can you see that notice? A. At a bus station B. At a railway station C. At an airport D. At a cinema 4. How many time Counter Close? A. 2 Hour B. 45 minutes C. 2 hour 45 minutes D. 165 minutes

5. What event is offered in the ads? A. The Jakarta Post B. 5 k Charity Run C. Refreshments D. Marketing Communication 6. Who organized the activity scheduled on 17 September 2006? A. Hard Rock Hotel B. The 6th Chapter C. Bali Hotel D. The Jakarta Post 7. Which of the following companies sponsors the activity? A. Suara Merdeka B. Tora Bika C. Bali Bank D. Merpati Airlines 8. Yuri : Its Sunday. I heard there is music concert tonight. Oni : I think its forbidden to hold the concert. Yuri : Its true. I read advertisement on newspaper The blank expression for dialogue is A. Is it Sunday? B. Is that news? C. c. Wow! D. d. Really? Number 15 19 based on this text In big cities we see many kinds of transportation. Several kinds use engines, the rest use human energy. Buses, mini-buses, taxis, trains, bajajs and helicaks need engine to move, but becaks do not. The number of transportation increase every year. Do you know why? More and more people move from small towns or villages to big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Ujungpandang and Medan to get jobs. Those cities get more population every year. These people need to move there. That's why, the government has to provide more transportation. Besides, business and communication also improve every year. People carry new products from part of the country to another by using long-distance transportation, for example ships, planes and truck. In Palembang an in some other part of Kalimantan people carry their crops to the market by sampan. They paddle along the river. It also a common sight to see people from outside Jakarta with baskets full of food crops on their bicycles or on mini-trucks. 9. A. B. C. D. 10. a. b. c. From text above, we know that Becak is kind of human and engine transportation Government needs more population People use ships for carrying product between country We can see food crops outside Jakarta The title for the text above is The kind of transportation Transportation Problem Big City Transportation Population of Transportation

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