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I hereby declare that this project STRESS MANAGEMENT done in IDBI-FEDERAL LIFE INSURANCE is original work by him for the award of partial fulfillment of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION in HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT is record of bonified work carried out by me. I also declare that this project is a result of my own effort and that not been submitted to any other University / Institution for the award of any degree.

APARNA KOVA 141510672031

This satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any work would be incomplete without mentioning those people who made it possible with their constant guidance and encouragement crowned my efforts with success. First and foremost I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Samuel Sir Principal, PIM and Mrs. Renuka Coordinator - MBA for their constant guidance and support throughout our stay at this prestigious institute. My grateful acknowledgements to the Team of IDBI Federal Life Insurance for their support and for providing excellent work atmosphere which made my work possible. I would take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all the persons for their valuable assistance and continuous support during my Management Program. I would also like to thank Mrs. Kavitha Govind, Company Guide for her supervision as our mentor and even her suggestions played a crucial role in the completion of the project. Words carry no meaning when it comes to acknowledge the help and support I got from our faculty. They were there to help me from many intricacies that used to prop up in my mind during this dissertation work. At this juncture I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude towards all the teaching and non-teaching staff of PIM. Last but not least I am thankful to all our friends who supported and encouraged in every way to get away from some better experience and boosted our confidence. I avail this opportunity to express deepest love to my family members. They have always been our pillar to our strength and support.



Introduction Introduction of Stress Organizational Stress Sources of Stress Consequences of Stress Management of Stress Organization Profile Data Analysis & Interpretation



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Findings and Suggestions Conclusions 6163


Questionnaire Bibliography


Stress has been called the invisible. It is a disease that may affect you, your organization, and any of the people in it, so you cannot afford to ignore it.

The Garden of Eden began as a tranquil stress environment. However when Adam was given the tantalizing chance to eat the forbidden fruit, he was trust into mankinds first stressful situation. Adam was offered a choice and, as we know, decision-making is the breeding ground for conflict, frustration and distress.

DEFINITION: Stress in individual is defined as any interference that disturbs a persons healthy mental and physical well being. It occurs when the body is required to perform beyond its normal range of capabilities. Stress is the way that you react physically, mentally and emotionally to various conditions, changes and demands in your life. High levels of stress can affect your physical and mental well being and performance. The results of stress are harmful to individuals, families, society and organizations, which can suffer from organization stress. Ivancevich and Matteson define stress as individual with the environment.

Behr and Newman define job stress as a condition arising from the interaction of people and their jobs and characterized by changes within people that force them to deviate from their normal functioning. Stress is a dynamic condition, which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint or demand related to what he or she desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important. Stress is associated with constraints and demands. The former prevent you from doing what you desire, the latter refers to the loss of something desired.

Stress is highest for those individuals who perceive that they are uncertain as to whether they will win or lose and lowest for those individuals who think that winning or losing is certainty. Canadian physician Hans Selye (1907-1982) in his book the stress of life 1956 popularized the idea of stress. According to Selye, the General Adaptation Syndrome consists of three phases. Ce level begins to decline irreversibly. The organism collapses.

Alarm Reaction: The first is the alarm phases. Here the individual mobilizes to meet the threat. The alarm reaction has two phases. The first phases includes in initial stock shock phase in which defensive mechanism become active. Alarm reaction is characterized by autonomous excitability; adrenaline discharges; increase heart rate, ulceration. Depending on the nature & intensity of the threat and the condition of the organization the period of resistance varies and the severity of symptoms may differ from mild invigoration to disease of adaptation. Resistance: The second is the phase of resistance. The individual attempts to resist or cope with the threat. Maximum adaptation occurs during this stage. The bodily signs characteristic of the alarm reaction disappear. It the stress persist, or the defensive reaction proves ineffective, it may overwhelm the body resources. Depleted of energy, the body enters the phase of third. Exhaustion: Adaptation energy is exhausted. Sings of the alarm reaction reappear, and the resistance level begins to define irreversibly. The organism collapses.

Pestonjee has attempted / identified three important sectors of life in which Stress originates. These are Job and the organization The social sector Intrapsychic sector

Job and organization, refers to the totality of the work environment (task, atmosphere, colleagues, compensation, policies, etc.). The social sector refers to the other such factors. The Intrapsychic sector encompasses those things, which are intimate, and persona, like temperament, values, abilities and health. It is contended that stress can originate in any of these sectors or in combinations thereof. In the figure below it can be seen that the magnitude of stress emanating from the stress to learner limit of the individual to handle these stress. This indicates a balanced state.


In the figure we find that job and organization loads have increased and have made a dent in the personality. In this stage, we find minor surface changes taking place, which are quite manageable.


Adaptation attempt

b) c) d)

Extra effort Excessive concern of task Worries Anxiety In the stage three and the figure below, we find that job and organizational loads have become unmanageable and interact with intrapsychic loads. This is the stage at which he negative consequences of the stress become apparent. Most of the stress related diseases emerge at this point. When the situation persists we move into the next stage in which we start operating beyond the stress tolerance limit.

MAJOR SURFACE DISFIGURATION Frantic copying 1. Extra ordinary effort 2. Worry and anxiety about the self 3. Onset of physiological symptoms 4. Aggressive tendencies Several types of breakdowns and cracks are observable in this stage i.e., fourth stage. If unchecked the situation may culminate into the last and most intense phase wherein complete disintegration of personality takes place. At this stage, the individual requires proper psychological and medical care. The figure below depicts the fourth and fifth stage.



BREAKDOWNS AND CRACKS: FAILURE IN COPING A. Work related symptoms Lack of concentration Affected clarity of thinking & decision making Frequent absenteeism Affected team work Aggressive behavior B. Physiological symptoms Headache / Migraine Insomnia Lack of appetite Digestive disorders Sexual disorders Temperamental changes. Pestonjee has also developed a model to explain how we cope with stress reactions. It is called the BOUNCE model because the behavioral decomposition taking place due to stress tense to get reflected in interpersonal reactions. The reactions are received & analyzed by the environment, which in turn, bounce back signals to the individuals to bring about a change either at the orgasmic level or at the response level. THE BOUNCE MODEL STRESSORS


BORNOUT STRESS SYNDROME (BOSS):Boss can lead to at least four types of stress related consequences such as, depletion of energy reverses, lowered resistance to illness, increased dissatisfaction and pessimism and increased absenteeism and inefficiency at work. Veningle and spradley have identified five distinct stages of BOSS. HONEYMOON STAGE:This stage can be describe as accounting for the euphoric feeling of encounter with the new job such as excitement, enthusiasm, challenge and pride. Dysfunctional features emerge in two ways first; the energy reverses are gradually depleted in coping with the demands of a challenging environment. Second, habits and strategies for coping with stress are formed in this stage which is often not useful in coping with later challenges. FUEL SHORTAGE STAGE:This stage can be identified as composed of the value feelings of loss, fatigue and confusion arising from the individuals overdraws on reverses of adaptation energy. Other symptoms are dissatisfaction, inefficiency, and fatigue and sleep disturbances leading to escape activate such as increased eating, drinking & smoking. CRISIS STAGE:-


When these feelings and physiological symptoms persist over period of time, the individual enters the stage of crisis. At this stage he develops escape mentality and feels oppressed. Heightened pessimism, selfdoubling tendencies, peptic ulcers, tension headaches, chronic backaches, blood pressure. HITTING THE WALL STAGE:This stage of BOSS is characterized by total exhaustion of ones adaptation energy, which may mark the end of ones professional career. While recovery from this stage elude may be resourceful to tide over the crises.

TYPES OF STRESS: It the stress for the day to day adaptability of man to his environment and results in the maintenance of internal steady state (homeostasis) it is know as neustress. For example, one produces neustress in order to breath, work. Stress is through of in negative terms. It is thought to be caused by something bad (for example the boss gives a formal reprimand for poor performance). It the stress response is unfavorable and potentially disease producing, this is known as distress. Constant worry in a susceptible individual can lead to ulcers. If the stress response is favorable and results is favorable and results in improvement in physical and / or mental functioning, it is called estruses. This is the positive, pleasant side of stress caused by stress caused by good things. For examples an employee is offered a job promotion at another I.



Change in working practices, such as the introduction of new technology or the alternation of new technology or the alternative of targets, my cause stress, or stress may be built into an organizations structure. Organizational stress can be measured by absenteeism and quality or work.

ORGANIZATIONAL STRESS:Stress affects as well as the individual within them. An organization with a high level of absenteeism, rapid staff turnover, deteriorating industrial and customer relations, a worsening safety record, or poor quality control is suffering from organizational stress. FOLLOWING THE PAT OF STRESS THROUGH IN ORGANIZATION:The below chart shows one example of the structure of a department in an organization, indicating typical causes of stress that may effect stress at certain levels in the structure, and particular.


Causes that are affecting individuals. Stress is contagious; anyone who is not performing well due to increases the amount of pressure on their colleagues, superiors, and subordinates. The cause may range from unclear or overlapping job descriptions, to lack of communication, to poor working conditions, including sick building syndrome.


There are three categories of potential stressors: Environmental factor Organization factor Individual factors Environmental factors: Just as environmental uncertainty influences the design of an organization. Changes in business cycle create economic uncertainties. Political uncertainties:


If the political system in a country is implemented in an orderly manner, there would not be any type of stress. Technological uncertainties: New innovations can make an employees skills and experiences obsolete in a very short period of time. Technological uncertainty therefore is a third type of environmental factor that can cause stress. Computers, robotics, automation and other forms of technological innovations are threat to many people and cause them stress. Organization factors: There are no storages of factors within the organization that can cause stress; pressures to avoid error or complete tasks in a limited time period, work overload are few examples. Task demands are factors related to a persons job. They include the design of the individuals job working conditions, and the physical work layout. Role demands relate to pressures placed on a person as a function of the particular role he or she plays in the organization. Role overhead is experienced when the employees is expected to do more than time permits. Role ambiguity is created when role expectations are not clearly understood and employee is not sure what he / she is to do. Interpersonal demands are pressures created by other employees. Lack of social support from colleagues and poor. Interpersonal relationships can cause considerable stress, especially among employed with a high social need. Organizational structure defines the level of differentiation in the organization, the degree of rules and regulations, and where decisions are made. Excessive rules and lack of participation in decision that affect an employee are examples of structural variables that might be potential sources of stress. Potential sources Consequences


Organizational leadership represents the managerial style of the organizations senior executive. Some executive officers create a culture characterized by tension, fear, and anxiety. They establish unrealistic pressures to perform in the short-run impose excessively tight controls and routinely fire employees who dont measure up. This creates a fear in their hearts, which lead to stress. Organizations go through a cycle. They are established; they grow, become mature, and eventually decline. An organizations life stage - i.e. Where it is in four stage cycle-creates different problems and pressures for employees. The establishment and decline stage are particularly stressful. Individual factors: The typical individual only works about 40 hrs a week. The experience and problems that people encounter in those other 128 non-work hrs each week can spell over to the job. Family problems: National surveys consistently show that people hold family and discipline, troubles with children are examples of relationship problems that


create stress for employee and that arent at the front door when they arrive at work. Economic problems: Economic problems created by individuals overextending their financial resources are another set of personal troubles that can create stress for employees and distract their attention from their work.



Society the working world and daily life have changed almost beyond recognition in the past 50 years. These changes have contributed to a major increase in stress. Stress is caused from both outside & inside the organization & from groups that employees are influenced by & from employees themselves.

Stressors: The agents or demands that evoke the potential response are referred to as stressors. According to Syele a stressors is Whatever produces stress with or without functioning hormonal or nervous systems. Extra organizational stressors: Extra organizational stressors have a tremendous impact on job stress. Taking an open system perspective of an organization, it is clear that job stress is not just limited to things that happen inside the organization, during working hours. Extra organizational stressors include things such as social / technological change, the family, relocation, economic & financial conditions, race & class, residential or community conditions. Organizational stressors: Besides the potential stressors that occur outside the organization, there are also those associated with the organization itself. Although the organization is made up of groups & individuals, there are also more macrolevel dimensions unique to the organization that contains potential stressors.



POLICIES Unfair, arbitrary performance reviews. Rotating works shifts. Inflexible rules. Unrealistic job descriptions. STRUCTURES Centralization; Lack of participation in decision making. Little opportunity for advancement. A great amount of formalization. Interdependence of departments. Line-Staff conflicts. PHYSICAL CONDITIONS Crowding & lack of privacy. Air pollution. Safety hazards. Inadequate lighting. Excessive, heat or cold. PROCESS Poor communication. Poor / inadequate feedback about performance. Inaccurate / ambiguous measurement of performance. Unfair control systems. Inadequate information.


GROUP STRESSORS: The group can also be a potential source of stress. Group stressors can be categorized into three areas. 1. Lack of groups cohesiveness:Cohesiveness or togetherness is a very important to employees, especially at the lower levels of the organizations. If the employee is denied the opportunity for this cohesiveness because of the task design, because the supervisor does things to prohibit or limit it, or because the other members of the group shut the person out, this can be very stress producing. 2. Lack of social support:Employees are greatly affected by the support of one or more member of a cohesive group. By sharing their problems & joys with others,


they are much better off. It this type of social support is lacking for an individual, it can be very stressful. 3. Intra-Individual, interpersonal & inter-group conflict:Conflict is very closely conceptually or hostile acts between associated with in compatible or hostile acts between intra-individual dimensions, such as personal goals or motivational needs / values, between individuals within a group, & between groups. INDIVIDUAL STRESSORS: In a sense, the other stressors (Extra organizational, organizational, & Group stressors) all eventually get down to the individual level. For example, role conflict, ambiguity, self-efficacy & psychological hardiness may all affect the level of stress someone experiences.


The effect of stress is closely linked to individual personality. The same level of stress affects different people in different ways & each person has different ways of coping. Recognizing these personality types means that more focused help can be given. Stress shows itself number of ways. For instance, individual who is experiencing high level of stress may develop high blood pressure, ulcers, irritability, difficulty in making routine decisions, loss of appetite, accident proneness, and the like. These can be subsumed under three categories: Individual consequences Organizational consequence Burnout Individual consequences: Individual consequences of stress are those, which affect the individual directly. Due to this the organization may suffer directly or indirectly, but it is the individual who has to pays for it. Individual consequences of stress are broadly divided into behavioral, psychological and medical. Behavioral consequences of stress are responses that may harm the person under stress or others. Behaviorally related stress symptoms include changes in productivity, turnover, as well as changes in eating habits, increased smoking or consumption of alcohol, paid speech, and sleep disorders. Psychological consequences of stress replace to an individual mental health and well-being from or felling depressed. Job related stress could cause dissatisfaction, infact it has most psychological effect on the individual and lead to tension, anxiety irritability, and boredom. Medical consequences of stress affect a persons well being. According to a research conducted, it revealed that stress could create changes in metabolism, increase heart and breathing rates, increases blood pressure bring out headaches and induce heart attacks.


Organizational consequences: Organizational consequences of stress have direct affect on the organizations. These include decline in performance, withdrawal and negative changes in attitude. Decline in performance can translate into poor quality work or a drop in productivity. Promotions and other organizational benefits get affected due to this. Withdrawal behavior also can result from stress. Significant form of withdrawal behavior is absenteeism. One main affect of employee stress is directly related to attitudes. Job satisfaction, morale and organizational commitment can all suffer, along with motivation to perform at higher levels. Burnout:A final consequence of stress has implementation for both people and organizations. Burnout is a general feeling of exhaustion that develops when an individual simultaneously experiences too much pressure and few sources of satisfaction.


Managing stress in the work place

Every responds to stress in a different way, it is only by understanding the nature of individual responses that you can start fighting stress yourself and others. Reduction or elimination of stress is necessary for psychological and physical well being of an individual. Efficiency in stress management enables the individual to deal or cope with the stressful situations instead of avoidance. Strategies like tie management, body-mind and mind-body relaxation exercise, seeking social support help individual improve their physical and mental resources to deal with stress successfully. Apart from helping employees adopt certain coping strategies to deal with stress providing them with the service of counselor is also useful. Many strategies have been developed to help manage stress in the work place. Some are strategies for individuals, and other is geared toward organizations. Individual coping strategies: Many strategies for helping individuals manage stress have been proposed.

Individual coping strategies are used when an employee under stress exhibits undesirable behavior on the jobs such as performance, strained


relationship with co-workers, absenteeism alcoholism and the like. Employees under stress require help in overcoming its negative effects. The strategies used are: Exercise:One method by which individual can manage their stress is through exercise. People who exercise regularly are known to less likely to have heart attacks than inactive people are. Research also has suggested that people who exercise regularly feel less tension and stress are more conflict and slow greater optimism. Relaxation:A related method individual can manage stress is relaxation. Copying with stress require adaptation. Proper relaxation is an effective way to adopt. Relaxation can take many forms. One way to relax is to take regular vacations; people can also relax while on the job (i.e. take regular breaks during their normal workday). A popular way of resting is to sit quietly with closed eyes for ten minutes every afternoon. Time management:Time management is an often recommended method for managing stress, the idea is that many daily pressures can be eased or eliminated if a person does a better job of managing time. One popular approach to time management is to make a list, every morning or the thins to be done that day. Then you group the items on the list into three categories: critical activities that must be performed, important activities that should be performed, and optimal or trivial things that can be delegated or postponed, then of more of the important things done every day.

ROLE MANAGEMENT:Some what related to time management in which the individual actively works to avoid overload, ambiguity and conflict.

SUPPORT GROUPS:This method of managing stress is to develop and maintain support group. A support group is simply a group of family member or friends with whom a person can spend time. Supportive family and friends can help people deal with normal stress on an ongoing basis. Support groups can be particularly useful during times of crisis.


BEHAVIORAL SELF-CONTROL:In ultimate analysis, effective management if stress presupposes exercise of self-control on the part of an employee. By consciously analyzing the cause and consequences of their own behavior, the employees can achieve self-control. They can further develop awareness of their own limits of tolerance and learn to anticipate their own responses to various stressful situations. The strategy involves increasing an individuals control over the situations rather than being solely controlled by them.

COGNITIVE THERAPY:The cognitive therapy techniques such as Ellis rational emotive model and Meichenbaums cognitive strategy fir modification have been used as an individual strategy for reducing job stress. COUNSELING: Personal counseling help employees understand and appreciate a diverse workforce, the holistic approach adopted by the counselor gives him a comprehensive view of the employee as client and enable him to deal the issues of work related problems in a larger context with his awareness of the inter-relationship among problems in adjustment with self, other and environment and that a work concern will effect personal life and vice-versa, the employee would receive help regarding the problem in all life. One of the advantage of the individual interventions is the individual can use these skills to improve the quality of life in offer domains like family, social support and self, thus reducing the negative carry of experiences in these domains into the work life which might effect his occupation mental health.

ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES:The most effective way of managing stress calls for adopting stressors and prevent occurrence of potential stressors. Two basic organizational strategies for helping employees manage stress are institutional programs and collateral programs.


Work Design Stress Management programs Work schedules Health promotions programs Culture Other programs Supervision Institutional programs:Institutional programs for managing stress are undertaken to established organizational mechanism for example, a properly designed job and word schedules can help ease stress. Shift work in particular can constantly have to adjust their sleep and relaxation patterns. Thus, the design of work schedules should be a focused of organizational efforts to reduce stress. The organizations culture can also used to help to manage stress. The organization should strive to foster a culture that reinforces a healthy mix of work and nonworking activities. Finally, supervision can play an important institutional role in overload. In managing stress. A supervisor is a potential manager source of overload. If made aware of their potential for assigning stressful amounts of work, supervisors can do a better job keeping workloads reasonable. COLLATERAL PROGRAMS: In addition to their institutional efforts aimed at reducing stress, many organizations are turning to collateral programs. A collateral stress program in an organizational program specifically created to help employees deal with stress. The organizations have adopted stress management programs, health promotion programs and other kinds of programs for this purpose.



IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd.,(formally IDBI Fortis Life Insurance) is a joint venture between three financial companies development and commercial bank, IDBI BANK, Indias private sector bank, Federal bank and European insurance Ageas (formerly FORTIS), which was formed on March 2008In this venture, IDBI Bank owns 48% equity while Federal Bank and Ageas own 26% equity each.Having started in March 2008, in just five months of inception it became one of the fastest growing new insurance companies to garner Rs 100 Cr in premiums. The company offers its services through a vast nationwide network across the branches of IDBI Bank and Federal Bank in addition to a sizeable network of advisors and partners. As on March 31st 2010, the company collected more than 900 Cr in premiums through over 1, 83,000 policies and over Rs 7850 Cr in Sum Assured. Through a continuous process of innovation in product and service delivery we intend to deliver world-class wealth management, protection and retirement solutions to Indian customers. Having started in March 2008, in just five months of inception we became one of the fastest growing new insurance companies to garner Rs 100 Cr in premiums. The company offers its services through a vast nationwide network across the branches of IDBI Bank and Federal Bank in addition to a sizeable network of advisors and partners. As on July 31st, 2011, the company has issued over 3.09 lakh policies with over Rs 17,435 Cr in Sum Assured. IDBI Bank Ltd. continues to be, since its inception, Indias premier industrial development bank. Created in 1956 to support Indias industrial backbone, IDBI Bank has since evolved into a powerhouse of industrial and retail finance. Today, it is amongst Indias foremost commercial banks, with a wide range of innovative products and services, serving retail and corporate customers in all corners of the country from 883 branches and 1481 ATMs. The Bank offers its customers an extensive range of diversified services including project financing, term lending, working capital facilities, lease finance, venture capital, loan


syndication, corporate advisory services and legal and technical advisory services to its corporate clients as well as mortgages and personal loans to its retail clients. As part of its development activities, IDBI Bank has been instrumental in sponsoring the development of key institutions involved in Indias financial sector National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and National Securities Depository Ltd, SHCIL (Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd), CARE (Credit Analysis and Research Ltd) Federal Bank is one of Indias leading private sector banks, with a dominant presence in the state of Kerala. It has a strong network of over 752 branches and 825 ATMs spread across India. The bank provides over four million retail customers with a wide variety of financial products. Federal Bank is one of the first large Indian banks to have an entirely automated and interconnected branch network. In addition to interconnected branches and ATMs, the Bank has a wide range of services like Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Tele Banking, Any Where Banking, debit cards, online bill payment and call centre facilities to offer round the clock banking convenience to its customers. The Bank has been a pioneer in providing innovative technological solutions to its customers and the Bank has won several awards and recommendations. Ageas is an international insurance company with a heritage spanning more than 180 years. Ranked among the top 20 insurance companies in Europe, Ageas has chosen to concentrate its business activities in Europe and Asia, which together make up the largest share of the global insurance market. These are grouped around four segments: Belgium, United Kingdom, Continental Europe and Asia and served through a combination of wholly owned subsidiaries and partnerships with strong financial institutions and key distributors around the world. Ageas operates successful partnerships in Belgium, UK, Luxembourg, Italy, Portugal, China, Malaysia, India and Thailand and has subsidiaries in France, Germany, Hong Kong and UK. It is the market leader in Belgium for individual life and employee benefits, as well as a leading non-life player, through AG Insurance, and in the UK, it has a strong presence as the second largest player in private car insurance and the over 50s market. It employs more than 13,000 people and has annual inflows of almost EUR 18 billion.




To be the leading provider of wealth management, protection and retirement solutions that meets the needs of our customers and adds value to their lives.


To continually strive to enhance customer experience through innovative product offerings, dedicated relationship management and superior service delivery while striving to interact with our customers in the most convenient and cost effective manner. To be transparent in the way we deal with our customers and to act with integrity. To invest and build quality human capital in order to achieve our mission.


Transparency: Crystal Clear communication to our partners and Stakeholders. Value to Customers: A product and service offering in which customers perceive value. Rock Solid and Delivery on Promise: This translates into being financially strong, operationally robust and having clarity in claims. Customer-friendly: Advice and support in working with customers and partners. Profit to Stakeholders: Balance the interests of customers, partners, employees, shareholders and the community at large.


IDBI Fortis launched its first set of products across India in March 2008, after receiving the requisite approvals from the IRDA. IDBI Fortis offers services through a nationwide network across the branches of IDBI Bank and Federal Bank in addition to a network of advisors and partners. IDBI Fortis has 35 branches across the country. IDBI Federal Life Insurance Product Table: SAVINGS & INVESTMENT PLAN LIFESURANCE SAVINGS & INVESTMENT PLAN BONDSURANCE SAVINGS & INVESTMENT PLAN WEALTH SURANCE HOME PROTECTION PLAN HOMESURANCE MICROFINANCE GROUP GROUP MICROSURANCE SECURITY PLAN TERM PLAN TERMSURANCE SAVINGS & INVESTMENT PLAN INCOMESURANCE RETIREMENT/PENSION PLAN RETIRESURANCE HEALTHPLAN HEALTHSURANCE GROUP LIFE PLAN LOANSURANCE

IDBI Federal Lifesurance Savings Insurance Plan is a fixed term participating endowment policy that provides with the twin benefits of longterm savings and life cover. It is a guaranteed plan that allows to accumulate considerable savings to meet responsibilities in life. The IDBI Federal Lifesurance Savings Insurance Plan (hereinafter referred to as Lifesurance) also offers the benefit of a death cover that provides financial security to family in the persons absence. IDBI Federal Lifesurance Savings Insurance Plan helps to safeguard wealth at the same time will present an opportunity to earn better returns.



Bondsurance is designed for customers looking for guaranteed returns which will not get affected by financial market conditions. It offers guaranteed return on investment along with life insurance cover. Investment in the Plan is eligible for deduction under Sec 80C of the Income Tax Act and the maturity amount is tax-free under Sec 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act. The IDBI Federal Bondsurance Advantage Plan is a single premium plan where need to make just a one-time investment. can choose a Maturity Period of 5, 7, 10, 15 or 20 years. At the end of the chosen period, you will receive a guaranteed maturity amount. In case of death of the insured person before the Maturity Date, a guaranteed Death Benefit will be paid.

These plans combine wealth creation with insurance protection into one powerful financial solution. Unlike other investment alternatives, it allows the customers to ensure that their goals of wealth creation are achieved even in the event of serious illness, accidents, disablement or death. Wealthsurance offers Insured Wealth Plans. They allow to create, build and manage wealth by giving several choices and great flexibility so that plan meets specific needs. One can decide how one wish to save so that it suits their savings habit. What is even better, Wealthsurance protects wealth plans with life insurance benefits so that wealth-building efforts remain unaffected in unforeseen events and financial goals can still be achieved.

IDBI Federal Homesurance Protection Plan is a mortgage reducing term assurance plan - MRTA, which provides insurance cover equal to the outstanding balance of home loan. In the unfortunate event of death of the home loan borrower, the insurance cover enables repayment of the home loan liability so that it does not become a burden to the family. This plan gives the flexibility to choose your premium payment option. IDBI Federal


Homesurance Plan is a mortgage reducing term assurance plan MRTA, which offers protection to home from home loan. The Plan provides a cover equal to the outstanding balance of home loan against any unfortunate events that may occur. This plan gives you the option of a Single Premium.

IDBI Federal Group Microsurance Plan provides affordable life insurance cover to groups. This plan is extremely useful to Micro Finance Institutions, Self Help Groups and NGOs to insure the lives of their group members and thus provide security to the group members families. The plan can also be used for providing loan protection to the group members families. IDBI Federal Group Microsurance Plan offers lots of benefits like, life insurance protection at a affordable cost, wide coverage, hassle-free insurance and options to avail accidental benefits. This plan is designed to protect the large groups from Micro Finance Institutions, Self Help Groups and NGOs to bring the rural masses within the financial inclusion by not only insuring the lives of their group members but also provide security to the group members families.

IDBI Federal Termsurance Protection Plan (Termsurance) comes with three cover options which the customers can select on the basis their requirement. Termsurance is designed with a host of benefits & options aimed at satisfying the customers every need. It not only allows them to customise their plan as per their individual and familys needs, it also comes with a host of benefits like convenient insurance cover options, flexible premium payment terms, choice of policy term and lots more flexible options.

IDBI Federal Incomesurance Endowment and Money Back Plan (Incomesurance) not only gives the customers unmatched transparency


and flexibility but there are lots of other features which are inbuilt in the product like convenient premium payment options, Tax benefits and double advantage of Endowment and Money Back plan. Advantage of Endowment and Money Back Incomesurance combines Endowment and Money Back benefits into one plan. they can get periodic payments as in Money Back or get a lump sum at maturity as in Endowment and can make it into an Endowment plan or Money Back plan, as they wish. Premiums waived in case of death: Incomesuranc protects theirr plan with insurance. If unfortunately anything happens to them, their premiums can be fully waived and your beneficiary can receive payouts just as they had envisaged. they can also choose to get a lump sum that provides financial security to your family. Tax Benefits :Incomesurance gives them two tax benefits in a single plan. premium is deductible under Sec 80C, so they save income-tax when they pay premium. Even the payouts they receive are fully taxfree under Sec 10(10D) so that one can enjoy the additional income without any tax outgo.
Convenient premium payment options: Incomesurance allows you

to choose 5, 10 or 15 years as their Premium Payment Period. For the same payout amount, the premium is lower if they choose longer Premium Payment Period, so they can save more comfortably. Therefore, even if they want the payout in a short period of 5 years, you can pay premiums over a long period up to 15 years. Complete transparency: Incomesurance offers complete transparency in declaration of customer payouts.

IDBI Federal Retiresurance Guaranteed Pension Plan is a non participating traditional deferred pension plan designed to help customers secure their lifestyle post-retirement, Guaranteed. IDBI Federal Retiresurance Milestone Pension Plan is a single premium, Unit Linked Deferred Pension Plan which is designed to deliver assured returns for a specific term.

The IDBI Federal Healthsurance hospitalization and Surgical plan is designed to help the customers manage the extra financial burden that comes with hospitalization, by providing a wide range of attractive benefits.


Loansurance is a cost-effective way to ensure that the outstanding debt is settled in the unfortunate event of death of the insured member. This term assurance plan provides cover to a person directly liable for loan repayment (and the partners, in case of a partnership), as per the benefit schedule.



1. How often do you say the word I am busy or I am having hard

time At the work place? Options Very often often Rarely Very rarely Never
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Very Often Rarely Never BUSY SCHEDULE

Response ( % ) 9 26 28 25 12

I nterpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (52%) rarely and very rarely says that they are busy at work place.



You think physical environment problem in the work place cause Stress? ( Temperature, lighting, gases, dust ) Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Response ( % ) 26 36 16 16 6

Strongly agree


Cannot Disagree Strongly say disagree

Respons e

Interpretation: Opinion of study reveal that, majority of the respondents (62%) agree with physical environment (Temperature, Lighting, Gases and Dust) causes Stress.


3. You feel time pressure to complete work? Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

Response ( % ) 10 41 13 28 8

Respons e

Interpretation: The finally yet importantly, the question asked about the employees, majority of the employees (51%) of the NTPC agree and strongly agree with above statement.


4. Do you feel lack of co-operation in office? Options Very often often Rarely Very rarely Never
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Response ( % ) 9 26 16 17 32

Strongly agree


Cannot Disagree Strongly say disagree

Respons e

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (68%) faced lack of co-operation in office remaining (32%) of employees never faced lack of co-operation in organization.

5. Family problems cause stress?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Response ( % ) 19 41 11 19 10

Strongly agree


Cannot say

Disagree Strongly disagree

Respons e

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (60%) strongly agree and agree with family problems causes stress.

6. Do you have problem of BP / sugar / any other health problems?


Options Very often often Rarely Very rarely Never

Response ( % ) 5 17 19 12 47

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Very Often Often Rarely Very Never rarely


Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (47%) said dont love health problems like BP, sugar.

7. Physical exercise & yoga reduce the stress?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Response ( % ) 39 36 11 9 5

Strongly agree


Cannot Disagree Strongly say disagree

Respons e

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (75%) agree with above statement that by doing physical exercise & yoga stress will be reduced.

8. Meditation & prayer to reduce the stress?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Response ( % ) 40 37 14 6 3

Strongly agree


Cannot Disagree Strongly say disagree

Respons e

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (77%) agree with above statement that meditation & prayer to reduce the stress.

9. Lack of communication causes stress?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree

Response ( % ) 13 55 17 9 6

Cannot Disagree Strongly say disagree

Respons e

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (68%) agree with above statement i.e. lack of communication causes stress.

10.Spending time with your family reduces stress?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Response ( % ) 35 44 9 8 4

Strongly agree


Cannot Disagree Strongly say disagree

Respons e

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (79%) agree with above statement i.e. appending more time with family reduces stress.

11.Improving working conditions, reduces the stress?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say

Response ( % ) 26 56 8 7 3

Disagree Strongly disagree

Interpretation: Cannot As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (82%) agree with improving working conditions in office say will be stress Disagree reduce.
Strongly disagree

Strongly agree Agree

12.Rational allocation of work reduces the stress?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree

Response ( % ) 11 55 20 10 4

Cannot Disagree Strongly say disagree

Respons e

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (66%) agree with rational allocation of work reduces the stress.

13.Financial motivations reduce the stress?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say

Response ( % ) 12 43 32 10 3


Strongly disagree

Respons e

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (55%) agree with above statement i.e. financial motivation reduces the stress.

14.Training & Development programs help to cope-up with new technology reduces the stress?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree

Response ( % ) 16 52 21 8 3

Cannot Disagree Strongly say disagree

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (68%) agree with above statement i.e. training and development with changes.

Respons e

15.Need for family counseling is required?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree Agree

Response ( % ) 11 29 28 19 13

Cannot Disagree Strongly say disagree

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (40%) agreed that family counseling is needed to plan and over come the stress.

Respons e

16.Relaxation reduces the stress?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say

Response ( % ) 32 48 13 6 1

Respons e

Disagree Strongly disagree

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (80%) agree with above statement i.e. relaxation (holydays, leaves, family, tours etc.) reduces stress.

17.Following safety precautions reduces the stress?


Options Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree Agree

Response ( % ) 15 50 21 10 4
Respons e

Cannot Disagree Strongly say disagree

Interpretation: As is evident from the chart, majority of the respondents (65%) agree with above statement i.e. following safety precautions stress is reduced.



The finding of the present revealed the following. Most of the respondent fall under law stress category.


Thee is in significance relationship between stress & demography factors i.e. age, experience & designation. The following dimensions of personal policies & practices of the organization have contributed to stress among employees. Respondents who fall under the E2A & E5 grade are more stressed in comparison with the other grade. The organization falls a very tall structure of stress among hierarchy & this is one of the reasons for employees being stressed. There is no significancant difference of stress among employees working in plant & other departments. The employees working in the plat gave a positive response in answering the questionnaire

A Small percentage of the employees did have high stress. Person facing stress at the organizational level of lot of psychological problems in the form of decreased motivation, absenteeism low productivity targets not being achieving etc. as a reedy for the above said employees facing stress are advised to attend stress management courses which will help them to build coping strategies and cause out their stress. The stress management cause comprise of a package program consisting of: Relaxation Positive outlook towards works / responsibilities Self analysis through personality type testes Inter personal skill development Protection yoga cum meditation Time management Since T & D job related factors, performance appraisal & job satisfaction were perceived stressful by the employees, the employees should be counseled regarded the matter At the individual level the employees could practice a relaxing holiday (where in quality time is spent with the family) every fortnight or mouth Realize excessive use of tea / coffee cigarette is not answer to stress Try to get 6-7 hrs of continuous sleep per day


CONCLUSION: The present study was conducted at IDBI-FEDERAL LIFE INSURANCE .The aim was to find the stress levels, personality type of the employees. This was done using a detailed questionnaire. The study reveled that fall under low stress category only a small percentage is highly stressed & needed prevailing in the organization to some extent. At the end of the study, we can conclude that through there are signs of stress among the employees & such stress is affecting their behaviors, it can be controlled & reduced effectively. This can be done by giving counseling & incorporating the suggestions given here in at individual & organization level.


1. How often do you say the word I am busy or I am having hard time At the work place? Very often ( ) Often ( ) Rarely ( ) Very rarely ( ) Never ( )


2. You think physical environment problem in the work place cause Stress? (Temperature, lighting, gases, dust) Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 3. You feel time pressure to complete work? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 4. Do you feel lack of co-operation in office? Very often ( ) Often ( ) Rarely ( ) Very rarely ( ) Never ( ) 5. Family problems cause stress? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 6. Do you have problem of BP / sugar / any other health problems? Very often ( ) Often ( ) Rarely ( ) Very rarely ( ) Never ( ) 7. Physical exercise & yoga reduce the stress? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 8. Meditation & prayer to reduce the stress? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 9. Lack of communication causes stress? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( )

10.Spending time with your family reduces stress? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( )


11.Improving working conditions, reduces the stress? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 12.Rational allocation of work reduces the stress? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 13.Financial motivations reduce the stress? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 14.Training & Development programs help to cope-up with new technology reduces the stress? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 15.Need for family counseling is required? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 16.Relaxation reduces the stress? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 17.Following safety precautions reduces the stress? Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) Cannot say ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( ) 18.Please offer suggestions if any for better management of work stress in NTPC.


Books for reference: Fred Luthans : Organization Behavior

Mc Graw Hill International Edition. Stephen P. Robin : Organization Behavior concept Controversies & Applications : called Life Unique consultants (P) Ltd. A celebration

V. Ashwatha Ramaiah


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