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AdReady Webinar Making Sense of the Display Market Presentation Transcript

1. Matt Carr, AdReadyTwitter: @AdReady, #AdReadyWebinar 2. REMEMBER WHEN You sent a tape to a TV station by Bike Messenger? And then went to lunch. 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 2 3. TODAY You analyze ROI, breaking it out by segment and keyword And work through lunch. 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 3 4. THE OPPORTUNITY GAP makes missing lunch worthwhile. 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 4 5. A BIT ABOUT ME SVP of Product and Business Development at AdReady 10+ Years in Online Advertising Industry GM of Display Advertising at MSFT Ukulele Champ? 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 5 6. WHAT WELL COVER History of Display industry Understand It Who does what on the buy-side Diversify your marketing portfolio Be Display Smart Know and control your display levers Remember marketing fundamentals Ask the right questions Follow Through Find the right partner AdReadys view 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 6 7. 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 7 8. HERES ONE WAY TO LOOK AT IT 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 8 9. HERES A SIMPLER WAY Message Medium Customer 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 9 10. SOHow did we get from this Message Medium Customer to this? 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 10 11. 1994 2001Advertisers bought ad space directly from publishers Advertisers Publishers A P A P A P A P A P Challenge: No Scale 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 11 12. 2001 PRESENTRise of Ad Networks to consolidate unsold inventory Advertisers Publishers A P A P Ad Networks A P A P A P Benefit: Scale & ROI Challenge: Still Not Automated 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 12 13. 2006 PRESENTRise of Ad Exchanges to consolidate Networks and improve efficiency Advertisers Publishers Exchanges A P A Ad P Networks A P A Ad Networks P A P Benefit: True Scale & RTB Challenge: Still Many Integrations 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 13 14. NOW THATS COMPLICATED.How do we get from this back to this? Message Mechanism Customer 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 14 15. 2009 PRESENT Rise of buy-side tools to connect buy-side to ecosystem Advertisers Publishers Exchanges A P A Exchanges P Buy-Side Tools A P A Ad Networks P A P Benefit: True Automated Buying Challenge: Still Many Options 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 15 16. WHAT ARE THESE BUY-SIDE TOOLS? Many options, many differences, many categories Connect buyer to multiple inventory DSPs sources via single buying tool A Creative Enable creation of multiple creative A Optimizers versions (dynamically or otherwise) Buy-Side Tools A Third Party Facilitate traditional reserved, cross- Ad Servers publisher campaigns A Ad Buy inventory from

pubs/others and A Networks sell at higher rates to advertisers 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 16 17. WHEW!... WHERE DOES THIS LEAVE US? More Fragmented Display Inventory Result: Platforms to Access Inventory Which Leads To: More Tools & Platforms 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 17 18. 3 CORE PRINCIPLESOF GREAT DISPLAY CAMPAIGNS 1. Diversify to Amplify 2. Understand your Levers 3. Remember Fundamentals 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 19 19. Diversify to Amplify 1. DIVERSIFYING YOUR MARKETING PORTFOLIO To grow your overall marketing effectiveness, you need to constantly diversify your overall portfolio mix Return on Ad Spend and Television Reach Radio Print Time 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 20 20. Diversify to Amplify 1. DIVERSIFYING YOUR MARKETING PORTFOLIO To grow your overall marketing effectiveness, you need to constantly diversify your overall portfolio mix Social etc. Display 1. Multiple Display Marketplaces Return on Ad 2. Fragmented Display Audiences Spend Search and Television Reach Radio Print Time 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 21 21. WHY DIVERSIFY?MULTIPLE DISPLAY MARKETPLACES Advertisers 1. Buy through Publishers Exchanges Exchanges A P A Exchanges P Buy-Side Tool A P Ad A 2. Buy through Networks P Ad Networks A P 3. Buy directly from publishers 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 22 22. WHY DIVERSIFY?FRAGMENTATION IN THE INTERNET 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 23 23. Understand your Levers 2. VOLUME VS. PERFORMANCE Volume Performance (AKA Delivery) (AKA eCPX)What to remember buying from marketplaces Your Bid, or rate you will pay, is your primary lever Ideal bid should balance delivery (volume) vs. performance There is an efficient frontier beyond which increasing bid is not advisable Yet most advertisers over-state their bid to ensure delivery at beginning 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 24 24. EFFICIENT FRONTIER FOR DELIVERY 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 25 25. TARGETING LEVERS Increased targeting leads to increased performance but reduced volume 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 26 26. ONE EXAMPLE OF AN INTEGRATED PLAN Great return, but limited reach Higher cost, but qualified! Great feeder to drive traffic to site for Retargeting 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 27 27. A SMART MARKETER + A SMART TOOL Smart Optimization = Smart Media Planning + Smart Tools Smart Tools collect and process historical data to provide the most accurate bid for the requested targets. 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 28 28. USE BIG COMPUTING TO YOUR ADVANTAGE Todays unique technology convergence COMMODITIZED INTELLIGENT COMPUTING ALGORITHMS POWER 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 29 29. MAKING DATA WORK FOR YOUCUSTOMER-FOCUSED APPROACH BENEFITS Technology in background Eliminate guess work Algorithms lead

to Eliminate long trial & recommended actions error cycles All campaigns across all Faster on-boarding publishers 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 30 30. REMEMBER THE FUNDAMENTALS 3. The first thing you learned in marketing is still true 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 31 31. KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 32 32. KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER INTRODUCING THE OLD SPICE GUY 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 33. KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER HUGE RESULTS: Old Spice rose to #1 spot in category in U.S. #1 All-Time Most Viewed Brand Channel on YouTube 6 MILLION HITS IN 1 DAY 4.8 M 4.4 M 3M 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 34 34. USE THE WHEEL OF DISPLAY 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 35 35. 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 36 36. Do I have a deep enough understanding of my customer? Are my success metrics well defined? Do I have an easy to use tool that lets me access all the inventory sources in an easy way? Am I spending too much on manually generating creative? Am I constantly working on my campaigns to optimize? Or do I need some help? 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 37 37. Will your technology address all my display needs? What kind of support and service do you provide? Do your existing customers have similar needs as me? How long/hard is it to get up and going? How do you get paid? 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 38 38. You dont have to be big to be great You dont have to go small to be nimble You dont have to spend a lot of money to make money You dont have to staffup or devote huge dollars to train an online ad pro You dont have to figure out online advertising on your own 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential 39 39. Learn more at come talk to us at 2011 AdReady, Inc. Confidential

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