Pehceiving Others: Perception

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. ,', 'I' J'n'!, lrn.I"'ilt: II . \,! dJijert:!Jl

Suppose )'<H) \.voke up tUfTl01T\JW !II ,11l( I
ler pc ' .J \ ,'" h'
the world wIHlid S<.'em if you ,,"cre fifteen years olde f ()I ; U\lJlgcr,;1 uwml Wf (>t Ihe
, 'f'", I "'''S IlItt'liI)'ell! v"'.llv Illort'
opposite sex or a dlffcnnt ('[hlll<. gf(H1P, .If ,I "
, >c 'I 'keD It doe\n 1 (,11,'<' much
attrJ.Cllve or ugly, more wc;!Ithy or pOVt , Iy S fl(, ,
II <. ,I" I'kc' ') Jitkrent qjlt" '" .11 l; of liS, tic
nAtion to understAnd tlu r I be war ( it t " I ,., t '
, , 'I' , '0 III an'! D{ "(,'f,d i);I(Kl.;f1)lI11ds,
"rj"r f on<htHHl as \\..'.'1 .1S tll.n t... < - \. --'" - ".
....,. .. 'n '.II ',1..1 ,,)1 J),'
Narratives and Perception
t' I' .. I I 'Inti otten ('IAr story I' '1"H(, ddktCIlI Irom
We all h:lve our own stor r 0, t Ie '" 01 ( " .
, " te mighl V,'ll! S{'Ilse of hu,
those of orhers, A hrnlly lIJnniJer or rOOIllII1:1, " '
k "llll'tP clever '''Oil (ntght bl:lme an
mol'is inappropriate, whneas you 1111 you Ie ( , ,',,' 'y'
. h It' k is a leng WIIl!ktl t){)re, On the
unsatisfying class on the pr<'i('sSO!, W {) you 1111, " '
, , ".' It as <dIKJf](rll ,1n<1 i.lzy
other hand. rhe profcssor ITl!g.\1t t(f1ze ie", "
"I know what j.5u're thinkirg, ler 11/.e "f!" " cotnpeting -narratil'e
CThe New Vot1utr CoIoe-c:tion 2004 Harry Bfis.s trO!'-t. t .ar'lo.)v. "'_ .!.".{. A.a RNJht5 Aes.erYed
and bl;une rhe cl:J5s environment on them (Ch'i'(t, -) will I:llk about the sen ')1
n:lrnc<:alhng emlx:dded in tile prt:"vious senl('n, r
So.:I.!1 scientists -:all the personal stork, ii,,,! ',", and others cre2.te to n1Jk.,
sense of our pCl'sonal world narratives.' III If ,\' pages we will look at how"
tool (ailed "perception checking" can help the gal' between different
narr,Hives. For now, though, the impoS":lllt pdld '" \ hat differing narratives can
lead to problematic communicltion
After they take hold,narratlves offer a tCdJ},.,,',,(k for explalIllIlg behavi:lf
;JIlU shaping future One study ,.f 'e'l.'>(' ! ill
illustr"tcs how rhe process opef3tes on the ),A) , R( searchers located employ
ees who had in office discllssion,s at ..., 'I ,;J.'>(S where a feUow worker
l1:1.d recelved "differential Ircatmellt" tronl lnan,'gCl"''',.r about matters such as rime
off, pay, or work :J5signmellts [l,e rcS( d. u'\crs I h, II '''LII?,zed the c< ,n;:crs;itions thaI
cOlplo)'ces held with fellow wuckers abollt 11)(' ,1;rrllTntial tre:1tmerlt Ill/" analy
SIS rcyc,lkd (hat these COllversallOllS 'sere the 'H" ,,',11'11 111 which "vorkers created
;lnd reinforced the meaning of the employee's h'h:,vlor and 1l13nagernellt's re'
,'POIlSC For example,consider the way w(Hkcrs m,de q'llse nf!;l/Ic Doc's hahit oj
LIking late lunches, As Jane's coworker:, dlSn!'>s I\n beh.IVII)1 s, thev mIght de
lick tlLlt 1I"r \;1[e Illnches Jren (fair -o[ ttiCI ,,,,,,I,, agree ( L!te Illn.-)H',
,lrCll'!;J hlg dc, Eilherwa\',thc )',\OrKC[, 1);\11,1(;1, t (,nice (,"(,llts ,1.'fi)I"S thos,'
eV(,llts (JIl(, 'ley ;1[(' definc,l (<,",vorkers (('iii! t. ,It k rClntCJl( ('11lt'lll 1,,1' It!<',r
perceptiolls 'v keeping a lllellul" Ofl'( ,Inl r,l,ing Ih"lf fell,,\\' C1npl,,\'('('\
:llId IlI:lllag('1I1 III ("I):d \'1."\1 nlltlc(' rlul 1'" ,I, ( ,II"" In I,I<' l"d:II' I iI'! \. II
rlidh'(" the hll,'->_\ ch(l'-.e )alle tIl ti' ,.I[ trlj1 t! ',,'( \ ')'()rk flll",[
(){ IL'-.11kc f(\ think \\'(' fl'ukc' ]lldi'il:( ;:(" ,!l)t)!l[ I"rj)(
,1 :C" '-, r "> t Ii, i r ',(' I) ',( fl\,1 kI: 1,L: I" I! 1 : l.' tf. i \ ! " "I i': \ \
f j 11 r \\', H t. I ( llit\ i!i r!:(
\\ { ,:r),I j 11
f {r.
, ,
yardsticks: standards of
botch: destroy, ruin
!ashes out: attacks with words
blow [)ft !:tram: miease excess
energy or anger

()Il lUll}.: terlll 'l.IPPY IIUrf!.IL;l" dCIIHlIlo-tr:!tes n:IIT;t[I\C,
dont havc to hI' ;]Cl'LJr;lIc to he pownllli ' (,ollpk', who rep,)rt I)('illt-: lLlpplh
married after :ilty "lmOft: \CafS 'iCC!ll 1(1 (oll1ldc ill ,I fchlion:l! Il:Irr.lti\T tint (Incs
lI't alw;IY, Jibt with the [;lltyThe, ,igWC Ihat thcv Llft'ly h:l\,(' lllJ1t1ict"t1t/H)IIt-:!J
()b}Cdivc ;l/U!\,<;h nv(:'als llLIl Ihn ILl\<, Il:ld !lll'ir "h,lIl "ftlisagr<TIIlt'"Jlts ,llHJ tlLlI
iengl" \Vith()l!! ,,\'ert!y :tgh l'1tlg [(, de> "", Illey cil<J"SI' Ir) hl;lrJlt' ()lHs!,!" tc,'c('s
or lIflllSU;l! (i:-, umsU[]<.cs flil prohlnlls 1'1't('.ld uf .l!tLhlltlllg rc"p()!lsihililY!(J unc
anotheL'T11ev (lite! tllC Ill"sl <h.HlL!l'k Pill rprctatl<:ns of Ollt' :!Il,)tllt'f" hell,I\"
I'){' bdit'nng tint tlll'ir 'I"Jlist' ,II h '.'i ,It I i"o!)(lllItn]\H'IlS whell thillgs dOll t gIl
well The} S('('Jll \\Iillllg til j,:I'>'.!', t' i" ; en t(lfL;t'i. tr:III',grTO',SIOll,S FX:IITliIlITlg {his
ITsc;lIch "nt' h\!br Uillt IIII,jC-'
<...,IHHlld \V( C()fHjl.,dc tlU[ h:q"'IJ}' ,1 p(H)r grq> (If) I(',-din'; I'crh:lp" thc: l!\)
hilt is Ihe realilY "t ,'oc, i1L!JIlag( be!?, r hv UUI.'Hl<' ,)tll()ok,'f'> rhan hy Ihe
pL1\t"r.s thClllSCi\-C";; I lit: h \ ,:if ;li ()l1C kt"v ttl ,t j(IJlg hdPPY Inarn;lge b l\)
tell vouf,dfand Llh,'[s '/1;11 ';"11].\" "'''ii'',llhlJ1 10 hch;J\'t' as though rOll do"
Common Perceptlal Tenr1encjes
"hared IIU)' he l'esE,iLk, hUi 11.,', (.Ill be !Llfd t() achieve, Some (If the
higgt'<;t that lllterft','e wirh ';"d,; -,LIllLling and ;'greeOlent arise fn'1l1
('[r()rs in ,vh:.t PS,diologisls I-,ll aitnf'i([l"tI ,the of ,lltaching !1'f:llling
t() hehavior, \Ve atl "hutc nlcanll1g 10 ! ),.( h ,,'jf own actiol1s :Inl; to the act lOllS \ If
(lthef", hut we oftt n lise ,hfl(' run Y'I. [{csc'rch has uncoy( flIT
<.eptllal errors (Iut \,.Hl lead til LnaCC'iii'''' tl) troublesome
' By becomIng alVei r" ni .ht'''!: err()rs we ClI' glLHd ag,lltl'f
them .1no avoid ('()llflH (,
an Jnempt to convince PlIIsdves and 111;1( ihe positive face we sho\v to tile
w()dd is true, we tend 10 judge ,Hllsch,> 111 !lost genefPlIS terms possible So
(I;\! ..wlentists have labeled thi,i telldenn 'hI" oth'-rs "lif
ter, ',e often blame the prcblem 011 their pnvlll;:[ qualities On tne other h:lnd,
\vhen we suffer, we find explanatiolls U\I'-,:dC'\I\',t'\vcs, Ccnslder a fnv examples
.. \Vhtn they botch:J jet>, we migllt 11111,1< Ih,y weren-t ij,renll1g \vell Of trying
hanl enollgh, whell we botLIJ :[ It,ll I:it f\r, ,hkm \vas IIIH k,tr directions l1r
not enough time
\Vllen he lashes out ;,ngl'iJ)', we,;I! lit: ',I,tlll'; ,IIOOely ()r too ';ensltive; whcn wc
bi<)vV off steam, It'S because ut the pre-',IjH IVii'VC heen under,
W'hen she gets caught "peedillg, hC ",.\ ,I" ,i1<luld have been JIlore cardul
whel1 we get caught. we l;,-m' \\T \Vt I',,' drt\'lng tl)() last "r say,' ",-'Crvll.,,:\,
dll':s it "
rhe cguccntflc tende't y II) r;J1e ()Il! ,;,lq" 11l.'le /;1\'uL,hly 11];111 uthers StC
liS lIa,s been dt'1l10I1st<'t'ed eXpefll'lenLllh ''11',1<' stlldv, 1Ill'11Ibcc; of a random
sample of were asked to r,lllk them:-, "II their ability ro get 3!c'ng ''-'lIh
O1hel'< " Defying mathematical laws, all "I;t '1"< t, i: \ ery last O!1C'- put themseln's
I!l the top half uf the puplJlatiun Si:-;Iv pi II ,:,,1 ,;u;,:d tltemsehes in the (UP I.)
percent (If the popul;ltl()n, Jnd ,Ill /'i f>trt't'nt hllJevt'll rllt'\' were 111
? ./
Ihe I(lP I IH It ('IH III tIl! ',!Ill( ,rllth -() P,T' ( Ii! III Ille Illl II UII!-;tll [Iwif leu]
III >11< '-) jll ; lTJlI ' f [iJe jl<> 1"11, whell'.I' ()!liI pefC (,Ilt
thotJglll tl!n \'.Tn' hcill\\ ,"IXT> ['t"l< t'll! '"lid rllcy \\(Tl' III thl' l<>p.2,) \,el
('t'1l1 ill albl! (I( _Iirriltl( '" \\'IHTC;IS ('111,;. jlerlll)1 \,(",\,.1 1!J'lll.'t'!WS ;1' helD",
h-idclllT lik till', 11",\ llll< 11;11 :1.11>1(' .1!tlf\llit' 1\1", ,lid !)thef,' C;lll ,rllell
,'()llltnllfl'(,]ll',J! 'l"Il' 1:11[,11 (\Plllltll1, td <)rII(T' (til It ,Itl I,! Ill'"
:iIHI ,t It ,',,cf\ illg i It YOllr ()\\'I1 ,I< 1]( ill" {:111 JT'->l!ll lIt .1 ,jclcl'l ..... n-c fC
.... P()!l,'"'C \\tllli j,lh"r:-, \()tlf hC;Ll\'it,r
WE ARE INFl. UFNCH) 8'1 WHAT IS MOST OBVIOUS 1\('[ \ tJIllt- \\l' t"rh lHlllier
.lflothCf Pt'l,'UlJ ,\.t' .IIT [l(lnlb:lnkd \'.'1111 1T10fC Illf('fJII;IIIUII lh;rn we (;Ill
hly mal];lVt ' '1">11" ,ill J{'!)(,(L\tI' thiS ]'Y '{wnding 1\\ ') ill' Il1n'(' flllJ1lil,', j'C
P<lrtilJ,I', ('ll ",fl.!! r,al (,Ill, ,Ih(']'\(' ,lh"lJt :I[]<]tl]('j' PCf"ill thruligh "'llir II\c '-,t'Il'C'.
(";\low I sec d'i1 hl,mkll1,1; \;)Iir C\t'S ;'\J()\\ 111')'1' Y()l1 '.IJlrlill,l; :',)\V 1 herr
YOUl3Ughilld 111,'11 <,igh ,'J,)\V I Ilotlcc V(J,IIT w('.I(lJ)g:l fnj ,11Ir! ) YOll '-vill
find that the: Irq 'tun:, ,lil;I()..,t t'lHJIe,'-, ;ll1d rir:1l ('Yen' tnlle ,(lIl s('em to Ileaf dll'
('Il(L a IlCW OSU\;ltlun I)rt'st'nts Il>dl
l:aced Wilh li!l', ,,(LII \vave of '-,C!l:'>(' data, we: need tl) whlltk down thc
amount oj m/nrnUll()1< w,' wrll lise to In,lke ()f Then: :rre three fac
tors th:ll (,III'" Ii, It) niltl< t' 'OIllt' fnt'ssagcs ;Jlld IgIl()re oth,-rs, F()r t'x:1l111Jic, WC
pay atlnllH>ll t, rhai ,III' IIltense (loud lllll'-,I(, I'['igntly dresscd pcople J, rep,
l'titious (tinpP'ng btl! ('l s, pn:-'lstC-llt PCtlple), or COl/frlls/iI'e (a 1!()rlll:Jlly happy
person who M,Le. gnnnpy "r vice \Trsa). ,Uofh'es illso deterlllrne ,vhat information
''Ie select trom '.'10;- (-'!lVitOnmcnt If you're anxiolls abollt 1'( 11lg late for a (/;1 1 ",
you'll notice wl\;r('H'1 -locks flU), be af(,und if rOlll<' hungrY, VO:I 11 he
corne :J\\.lL' "j an,,- iL-,;,lIiUr,'" nUfkc(:"and hillho;lros f<)('d in Y()lIr
path_ 11-1 (,t, "- i"; ,11.,,1. der, r IlJ; ill' how we peTl CI\C pe(lple For exam pie, somcone
on the for" itHr,'nlle adventure will he a'''i1[e of attractive
poterHi;,( j"H1I1ef) "/IWf.. lhe same pcrson at a different tune might he ohlin
,)ll-; to anyone b,.l polll t' or medical personnel in an emerge ncy
It ff'tWilllldl' f),- contrastive infofmation werc the most imp,JfLln!
thing to \",,,,v .lbilll! '-'HI,-r" (heTe wuuld be no p;'oolem Hut ;he lllost notice
able behh1<'( ilf .,(pe,-', ""ll I 1hvays the most Iflllxllunt. For t:xall1ple
\'\IhcII "'" (tlll<inf\ '.ll "_I,Jit,, for that nUlter) tight,!r )ILlY he ,1 mistal<e t()
hlame ilie olle 'x;. , i __ hllt ")lJl tlr'l Peril,IF" the other (lIlt' '-V,IS ,I( least eqll,dly
b\ 'Ccl"':)', "'f ['ef1lsing to (oopera'('
You mi)-(llt ('\In" Ii '''I ,'h,'ut an acqll:ltnt:lI1ce maliCll)lIS gossiping or :If
guing In', twc (Hll< ,\ bl '. hn, F(lrgettUlg tInt, hy [Okl:lIlIlg th:lt kllld (.f
behan, '1_,- (] h;j\{ ht'('(1\i 11.'" partially fC'I'OIl,!hle
Yo II m IlJ It b 1:1111< - ,l/1 \Ii"" 'I 'l'v \\ ()rking sit ua t to 11 Oil til t' bo.,-;, 0\, r Ionk!ll g U(he r
I 'C)" ,tid ilt'J ,.),,' ,,,I 'I}( h as a c h;!I1ge 111 I he C()110IlH, I hi' !,olic \ (If
hlghcr rn;II1;If.[.CHIt. I,i ," d"oland" (If l'lIstlllllers or olhcr workers
WF. eLI N G r () f I H S! j MPH S S I tJ NS, E V IF W 0 N G
Ing to our hI,' 1111]'(",';1";);, is ,m ine\ itable part of the ptTctptioll proccss.Thc't'
lahels ilfe.1 \-Yay ->I "",kill>; intf'rplcratiolls "',t:e seems (I1t'l'rfuL""l!e ,(,(,IllS :--in
-re -- "n:t\, Q'lHTlled'
off-base: a mistake
a front: a pretense "
If rheyre :l' l "r:I'" liKe these elf} be useful \vav:; of deCiding
11,)',v i" ll'spond III [,(J'pk 111 rhe futllle Problems ;\TL'ie, however. wly>n 110<>
labels we alta, h :lrc in:\( , Uf'!e, hC',':I11Se afH.:r we fonn an opinion of sonJCone \VC
tend 10 liang ().J 1;\ it ,\11(\ 11,:ikc any conflicting informali"11 fit (Jur Image,
Suppuse, for ill,,tan', (' Hjlj (IlCllt!(Jn the n:W1e cf your new neighbor tv a Inend
'Oh, I know hllll," \ VIII f( I. j ,01 replies" I Ie StTnlS lIice at firsl, but its all :m act.- Per
haps thiS appraisal IS 1'1/ 1,;,,( nw l)c'lghbor flldY have chJnged since your friefld
kne\v him. or IK! Inps )' ':1I "!( JlHlg;nent is simply unfair. \'I;'hether the jt:dg
men! .Iccur:.te ur !lIlt ,fl .. ' \LtI '\clept your friend's ev;lluatiol1, It \vill proba
bty influence the W<ly )011 I( -punt! HI the neighbor, You'Ulook for ex.lJTlp!es of :he
IDsinceriry you 'v.' t,(,Md "r"u! 'JnL! YOU I) probably f'ind t!leITl, FVf'll if the
neighbor were a saml, Y">I v,,lid )")t likdy to iOlf'f[Jrct his h",havlor in that
tit your i ''ieeql.< nice," you mighr th1l1k,"bot it's
Just a front" (If cuurse, ill,:> ",',i T ('t suspicion can create a self-fulfilling prophecy,
transfonning a gC"l1uincly .t!1 < ,)('1,(,11 mlo someone who Irllly hecl)nlcs an '111,
desirahle ncighbor .IS he H.' '" ; () )' >tlr suspiciolls beh;l\lor,
Givt'll the :IJrnost ullannd1ij.," I .. "dellcy to t(Jrrn first illlprCssiul<s. the beer "d
H'I: we CIf} offer i" [() ,Iii "perl mind and be willing [0 cha:\ge your "pill'
Ion as even's proy,' that Ihe i'1; -,\ 1I11l'fcssions werc nllstakcn
WE TEllO TO ASSUME THAT OfHEHS ARE Str.:Il.I\!1 TO US Pcol'!c C'oPlII1I)llly
1I11:lgine tlut others posse'." Tt:/,am' :lttitlldes ,lIld J1I0!l\TS lh:lt fhey du For e,X,
;trnpJe, rest'arch ,h(1\\", 1h;n 1\(" i lit' WJl" low i:lugine th,;! ut hers ,'iew
tllerl! lIpbvorahly, l'i ,'pil' '\ lin hke themselves Hn:lglne tint olliels like
tiJelIl, tno'The t'rC<jlwlltly flllq ,k""11 that others' vie'w' :ire to
(lllr 0\'\."1 JPplic'-, In ;1 WIde ",.11);1 f For cxample:
)"u\,'l' ht'Jnl.1 LIlJll< tly ,(,kl i!,;JI \()l1 lound lunny, You ITlIght .I"-Ulll, that II
\vun't o;Tend:1 '>"Jllt:,,,ILIt II ""., f\';lll\t: trwnd It does
113 YlillVt" !llcn b(Jtllefed 11\ :!lllll'tllil kndc IlC) [<I get ull t11C,1I11W' t during
ketu("l> S If you we rc :t p r( ,fe' ", If, \ , , ut! \\'.111 t I ( , k1l<J \\. II: Ill) ( 1111 ; g \ ( 'II \\ l'rc II (l
ing was creatlllg Jur ,lllil .,() 1()1I dClllit' tiLl! ,(Ill! Illqp.l<.tor
will prohahly he grateful for '()Tllt' (')flqnlcti\".' criric i"l] ! nl()rlllll:!tcly,
\uu'rc wrollg
II Ynulosl )'(Hlr temper \\jlll,1 fr;clld,1 \', (t'k ;!go and S()Il](' lilll,g, \')\1 wglTI
ill f:lct, if SOiiit'Oj1C ''),iid th(;',(' thii;,:<"\!{) (){l>)(J('I 11;("
.... hip lilll,lwd Im;lgillll1g Ih:ll \()1II lrililli Inh tIW';IIIIt' \\.1\''11 .1\ (Id III,I}.;
ing cont:lct In lact, YOllr frinli\ fecI', Ihat lH \\:1,' 1',lrfly rc'pull'"'lIld 11:1.,
:Iyoidnl YOII hn:au,t' he thinks Y"I,r( the OIL' wh() \V:lIlts to "I,d Ildlh'.'
like thc,e sll"w that ()(I1<'[,., don't :liw;l),'s think ()r ICellli'''',I,' ',\C do
and that ;h'-.lll1llllg that :-'llllii:lfllll',' c:\ ist (Ill ICIe! t() pruhkms. i, 'i' ,'" ,(111PIc- "tll'
",tudy revealed that men evaluate WOTlICn who il'ltiatc liate,'i .1.' ilt'IJlg 1IV'[(' Ill
tCfcstnllli sex rhan do the \\IIIllCI1 \\ lIo illiri;ltnl the i"
11(l\V Clli )'oulind out the u:hcr pr-r:,()11 \ ,11' >()[)1l'lllllC' I:., ,I:-klllg dl'
rcetl)',';ornetimes by checking with Olhtf':and .'0llICt lines lw lllaklflg:lII tdllcltnl
guess aftn )"u\C"thUlight tIlt' matt, [ Ol)t .\11 :i1tcrll.ltivc\ 1ft' I ,It .. r riull
,'iimply assllming that eyeTVone w()lJ!d [(,let thc \":IY \()ll do
you think about Jlaryey' lit'S hand:-'()Tllt' h.mlw('lklllg IIltcJlignlt,;lJld IHln,q lIe',
aiso verY i. (Incnted
Did the List qua:;ty melltloned lll;J!(C .1 Jltlc[t'I)ce If) your If ,t ,lId,
you're not :ll(lne. Research th,1l wilt 11 rWdpk;lle ,[ware ()fhplh tile positive
and ncg;ill\(- tr:!lts of an()ther. they r, IHI to he mort' inf!lwnced hy til, lleg;l1l\T
traits. in Ollt' 'tlHly, for eXdllJple. rCSG1It. hefs found tlLlt joh Il1tenlc,\.ers \\Tre
likely 10 reject cilldidatc,; wh() fcve:dcd !lcg;llive Iflf()rnLIIJllll "veil wh(,l1 the k>
ral amOllll1 (,f in/onllalion was highly j)",llive I!
SomctmH', this attitude makes It the llt'gatlYc quality ckarty mIt weighs
ally' positj, " ones, VOIJ'eJ be to Igl'(He it A surgeon h.lllt:S and :l
teacher ""'htl hates childrcn, for cxample, would be ilJl.SUllable for tlltlr jobs
wh;ltcver Iheir other yirtues Bllt mud] ()f the ti:lll' I:'S a had idel to pay exee,">
sive atter.llon to ct:,I!dtive qualities :md I)vnluok posllive ones. is the mistake
sOllie people :nake when screeniJ1g potenl ial friends or dates They f.nd some who
are too OlJlg'l1ng or tou reserved, other,; who aren't intelliger)t enough. and still ,)tll
efS whu havr- the wrong sense of hurnol Of course, it's important to fmd people
YOIl truly rllj( ))1, hilt expcctmg redect). ,n tan lead to mllch unlleCl:ssary loneliness.
D:Ill', Hll'iunderstand:\X'c dont .l\;,v:ljS L'(mlllllt the kllld of perceptllal errors
In Ihis section. SOlllCtin'es, it'r instance, pCI ,pic <Ire re"pollsible for thcir
rnisfonulli's, ,:nd sometinlcs (Jur pr()bknl.' .Ir-: not our f:llIit Like\vise, the rnost ob
VlOIlS in I n pret:I1 ion of a sit u:ltion IT];l)" he the correct one Nonet tleless, a large
:lllltHlllt of n:;-,earcil has proved again ;md ;lgain that ollr perceptions of, lthers afC
ofter. distorted ill the ways iisted here nit' moral. tIWD.IS cie;lf Don't assume that
y()ur first )I i.!gnH'llt of a persoll IS ('
Situational Factors Influencing Perception
Ai<>tlg Wr!J, lite :illnbution errurs ill'''. I Ihnlll1 the pin uling p:lges, we .. onsJ(ier
.1 ,-vhole ranRC ,.f additional f:Jctor., when (lYing to make 'ense of others' behaVIor
putting others down: degrarling

! have he3rj students say thillgS like,
It was John's fault, his speech was
so coofusing r..Jbody could have em
(lc:lstood It' Then, two mintltes later.
the same student remarked, "It
wasn't rny fault. WIl;Jt I said could Iwt
have been clearer. John must be stu,
pilj," Poor Joh'll He was blamed wIlen
lie '.vas the sender ,lnd when he W,lS
the receiver. JlJhn's problem WZlS thZlt
he was the other perso,l, and that's
Nho IS always at fault
stcpnen W :",Ing

-, '''-'-'r-:;-:
,,> r

been gouged by: was charged .);
an excessive amOimt
1. You can (Fllfl <lPPI eciallon for the W3Y perceptual prrors operate by makinq two attribu
tions for each situatioll lila! follows. DEvelop your first explaniltlon for tf18 brhavior as If
you ',vere the person involved. Your second explanation for the behavior should be (Je
velored as if you dislike WPIP tile prrSGn described
:1ll Dozing off In CLlSS
!II Getting ilngry a CllstonlPr on
lJ Dressing Sipppily In public
a Being insen<;it!v8 to a fricmJ's distj";ss
l_aughlng at an Inappropriate or OH2osive
2. It your explanalions for these behaVior:.. dltjRr, ilsk yuur'ieil why. Are the differinq attrr
butiuns justifiable or do they suppor1 tile tendency to ili<lke the perceptual errors listed
on pages 36--397
J. flow do these pcn:()ptual errors operate !:l rmklng jlJllymelits abuut others' behaVior,
especially when thlse others come from dlftert:Cit ljmups'?
Relational SCltisladion The heL"", 'f d".. i 'iI:, l'dSiuIC when you are 111 ;j
-;atlsf) ing rtia[j, lflqllP fl11gllt seem ;:')fI),dn, ", ,.1,ftClrnt \"hen the rcla[jollShlj'
Isn'! gci1lg IVI-'Il For example, vou rnig!ll It :r'l" ,!I;irks of a houscmatc with
,lnlllSC Ille nl IV he.'l Illlngs are going .,rn, \:)lldv. h'l' ll..,d I very an'loying \vhen
'lle iJIlhapp) \' UP his other beluvi .! i In Illl, ."fl:,('. uur willingness to tollT
ale th(' p()[cntialh t" thersome bch;n!/,r "r I"-"P)( 'He like is rather like the :ll1lllSt'
!1leJlt \\T g(( wllnl 1 belovcJ cat di1Ji! '.IH ( l)1i:,lilU, tree or the Jog sneaks a
\,... he1 i ili Ih. )(Jy is looking)
Degree of lovolvlaH':r1! with the Other \VI. ,,,,,;,'Iimc::s view people with
,,,honl l,ve have cr seek a rel::tionship fI,(rlt' t;(y,,;,.hly ,nan those wholll we oh
serve trolll a deta,hed pen;pective.;z ()1,!" udv '\'\,('.>11':<.1 how this principle ()p
crates in everyday Ide. A group of nuk ,ui".', .,', " . .J." .,,:'ked 10 critique prest:"lHa
tlOns bj' WDmen "vhl) allegedly ow [Jed ,x,'>L'U)"lii- of these pn:sentati(llls
,vere designed te, 'It competent and halt ill' 1i)\)P"iPf. rile men who were told
they would he Innllg a casllal datt' \,oh ,," ;,,\tUif.. <,peakers judged tlleir
preSl'"llt;J I het her competent (,I 'I' ,j ITl"j ',' h I.dlly t han did those \Vh\)
didn't e.xl'ec t ;lny 'I'YI)lvcment with .1'( ';
Past Experience
been gOllgnt hy hndlords ill tlK p,.'.l '''' Illight he skeptical about .In
apartrncnt m;,nager's assurances thar can fld 1'1, .\"., k. cpll'.g wtll aSSl.rc the refund
()f your ckaning dq)( ,,,it
Expectations Aml( ipatJ(.n int' rf" (-:;11 ".liI', It rOll imagine [ilat
hoss is unhappy with Yllur ,yurk, yuu 11 prnj;,lbl v !1ft Ihre;nened by ;1 request to
Ill" in my of/1c, thing l'.londay 01' >I !lIng . I. Iq 1101.' utller hand, ifyoll im,lg
me that your work \vlll he rewarded. yOIlf\!,- cc!<;cT.d ", iii prohably be pleas:.nt
Social Roles "nut. Ih, r of suci;1] rdatioll.'hil ' .. , .ill 'JlllllnH t' the way we percellt'
For eX:lInpl,.,. ()ne lecent study ! .. f C("lln" .. ,l( .1IHn ld tile workplace Ie
vealed thJ! (It''l nn, b(ltlt men ;lIld W('flIC,i . ''',' 'j\i','( 1:1< nl c:xpre,sioJ1s <iiI
! 1 I ;. l: : \' J
It'lelill,' liependlll l , ,'lllhe[[ ,1.1111, rcLlll',' TO lIlt' (,Ii,,! i't'!"'I' ',iI'/ltt, ',\t/('
,ilov,:n a photo III ;111l1 ,l.,kl'll t() Judge h()w rlut pn"()I) \\.J.' Jcdmg,\\ hell
the person pICtured ,I manager "lhJects ';i\.\ k" Ie.!r Ih,m 1\ he Il IIHy wcre
told th:u Ihe pt'L""1l !)!ltlJrn! \\,:1.' ,Ill t'IllI,I()\'(T (,cnder ,rho 111,lkt" I drJJerclll (' III
h()\v \IT pCnTi\t' <lrllt'rs 'W,,'lil): a 1\\111:,111 ,IIHI ,1111,1111'''''' :11/ IIL,cr ,11'1'"'' ,I
the '.Iillt lIlf,'n,J[1 ,'III)I<'CI, IIlI )re ,11!,1.,:('r ;Ind It Co,' It',lr I!I ,I 111.11l ' ('\ J,rt ','](111
[lUll 111.1 IVOII1:1>]'S, pl'"h,li", het ,111',t' gCl1der '11'1'(111',1(' ',I t'1l1"llt'll
11]('11 intnprcl.IIJ(IJl'
It I'll/ LI1<'" ih.II.l Illelit! !J.h Ill'! heen IJiltti h\ .Ilt''([ ,)r Il(TIIII!I<i
fr(JIll;; j(lh, ,()tl Ilmlell'lt I hiS .li()of I,',dl:lvi()r ddtnt'lilll 11,.111 1<111 II (lllid II Itill
,\TIT ll/l:t\V:lrc pt \1 h.n lud happened It YOll w(lrK ill :l!l l'll\ Ironmt'1l1 \\'I:<r, ")
ualizing 'Ii C()IlJJlI<'1l ,Ind }};I,(' iilCIlt!ly \"11 ilL!} 1:(
IIKelv II' perce'I\" ,j '('I!ll\\ \\"IKer-; rtll!.llk '1\t1,d h,lr;I','I"1111 Ilull "'.'IJ
\\,()tdd if YOll \Vcle 111 ;!ll illlLlIl1iil:lr ('[)I'IP)I1!lWIlI
Self-Concept \X 11(\n \t;l! Ie feding 111',(,( llre, tile world h .1 \t'!V <lUteIClI! ld,\CC
from the \\'orld ) OlJ ,'\:1"<'1 it'lKT \\'}Wll ., I'lire (()!It)(itlli For L'Ctllil ,ie, tht 1(, 11"1'
('nt's sell (,(ll1CCpt lr:1S pI,;vcLi III he the ,'lllgle grt.llt','i Lit I()r III dt'ter'lllllmg
whethcl peopk whn ,1,(' "11 the ['n CHing (,lid (II helng Itascd inlt:! pn;( the
(c;lser's as he Illg friendly' '1 Iwsrile alld whether riley resp()[;(1 WIth
comforl "fekfen'IV"f1(,\,' ", 'Ill',' POt'S fur happilll' ,s ;md urany .,[her
npposillg ('rnotions 1'1.( \\,1), w(' ItTl ,Ib( )'.11 ,1[' 'ngly lntJlIt'flcLS 11IN, IV'"
illtcprC'f other" lwhasl'r
Percep1HlIl (incl Culture
I'crceptu.ll diffcnnlc", rn;lke commlllllc:ltl"n cilaJlcnging enough hl"ween
'\ "",
memher., of Ihe .,amc: i ,dtilre But\V!H'll tOlllmllilJLltors (ome from differen( c'll, 4\.(
tures, thl' potenl'al fOI IS even gfP,jfcr (.llltllre pro\ Ide,; :J

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