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Exit Interview Format

Employee Name Division Date of Joining Emp code Designation Date of leaving


Reasons for leaving (Pls specify reasons in the box below)


a) Work Related Work Environment

: Excellent / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor


Job Satisfaction

: Excellent / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor

(iii) Support from your Immediate : Excellent / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor Manager


Rapport with your colleagues

: Excellent / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor


Management Style

: Courteous / Helpful / Problem Solving


Training Provided

: Excellent / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor

Exit Interview Format

(vii) Infrastructure Provided

: Excellent / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor

b) Better Prospectus (Pls specify reasons in the box below) (i) What will be your current designation and Role ?

(ii) Are you taking up additional Responsibilities ?

(iii) Have you got a better compensation, if so how much?

(iv) Which platform are you going to work

(v) Have you received any overseas work opportunities? If so which is the place of work.

(vi)Which is your field of interest? Are you planning for further studies, if so, in which field.

Exit Interview Format

(vii) Are you planning to relocate, if so to which place?

Personal Reason (Pls specify reasons in the box below) Financial Constraint

Relocation to Home town

Further Studies

Better work Atmosphere


Family Problem

2. What circumstances would have prevented your departure?

Exit Interview Format

(Pls specify reasons in the box below) Better Work atmosphere

Better guidance and Support from your supervisor

Better employee interaction

Additional support from the management

Better Compensation and Benefit

Additional roles and Responsibilities

Additional Employee benefits

Advanced Training in your field

Exit Interview Format

3. What did you like most about your job?


What did you like least about your job?


What did you think of your supervisor on the following points? Almost Always Never Was consistently fair Provided recognition Resolved complaints Was sensitive to employees needs Provided feedback on performance Was receptive to open communication ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Usually ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Sometimes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


How would you rate the following? Excellent Poor Cooperation within your division/program Cooperation with other divisions Personal job training ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Good ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Fair ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Equipment provided (materials, resources, facilities) ( ) ( ) Companys performance review system Companys new employee orientation program ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Exit Interview Format

Rate of pay for your job Career development/Advancement opportunities Physical working conditions ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


Was the work you were doing approximately what you expected it would be? Yes No


Was your workload usually: Too heavy ( ) About right ( ) Too light ( )


How did you feel about the employee benefits provided by the company? Excellent ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) Poor ( ) No Opinion ( )


Would you recommend the company to a friend as a good organization to work for? Most definitely ( ) with reservations ( ) No ( )


What suggestions do you have to make xxx a better place to work ?


Are you open to the idea for re-joining xxx at a future date ?

Exit Interview Format

Summary of Interview

Human Resources Representative


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