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Crude oil washing (COW) is washing out the residue from the tanks of an oil t anker using the crude oil cargo itself, after the cargo tanks have been emptied. Crude Oil is pumped back and preheated in the slop tanks, then spr...ayed back via high pressure nozzles in the cargo tanks on to the walls of the tank. Due to the sticky nature of the crude oil, the oil clings to the tank walls, and such oil adds to the cargo remaining on board (the ROB). By COWing the tanks, the amou nt of ROB is significantly reduced, and with the current high cost of oil, the f inancial savings are significant, both for the Charterers and the Shipowner. If the cargo ROB is deemed as liquid and pumpable then the Charterers can claim from the owner for any cargo loss for normally between 0.3% up to 0.5%. It replaced t he load on top and seawater washing systems, both of which involved discharging oil-contaminated water into the sea. MARPOL 73/78 made this mandatory equipment for oil tankers of 20,000 tons or greater deadweight. 2.Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is a means of converting nitrogen oxides, also referred to as NOx with the aid of a catalyst into diatomic nitrogen, N2, a nd water, H2O. A gaseous reductant, typically anhydrous ammonia, aqueous ammonia or urea, is added to a stream of flue or exhaust gas and is absorbed onto a cat alyst. Carbon dioxide, CO2 is a reaction product when urea is used as the reduct ant. Ammonia slip is an industry term for ammonia passing through the SCR un-rea cted. This occurs when ammonia is: over injected into gas stream, temperatures a re too low for ammonia to react, or catalyst has degraded catalyst eg. titanium oxide. 3. Remote detection of oil spills Ionics Agar Environmental has launched Leakwise WL, a new wireless oil sheen de tector and oil build-up monitor which uses Orbcomm satellite communication and c ellular networks to alert operators of oil leaks and spills. Designed for instal lation onshore near terminal storage tanks and pipelines and at sea close to tan ker jetties and offshore tanker buoys, the Leakwise WL sensors can detect the pr esence of as little as 0.3 mm of oil on water and monitor its build-up. The floa ting sensors in Leakwise WL use the latest technology of high-frequency electrom agnetic energy absorption and are unaffected by dirt or oil coating or by hanges in water level, salinity and temperature. This enables reliable operation with no false alarm and very low maintenance costs, according to the manufacturer. Th e Leakwise offshore detector is mounted on a stable wave-rider buoy and contains a solar panel with rechargeable battery, digital signal processor, transceiver for the bidirectional data link and antennae for satellite and cellular communic ations. 4. What all certificate to be carried according to annex 6? International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate. Our Administration DG S hipping has not yet ratified the same, therefore, for Indian Flag Vessels they i ssue Statement of Compliance (SOC). Also control of emissions from ship and cert ificate for Volatile Organic Compounds. 5. Harmonized survey or how certification of ship is harmonized - Harmonization of certification means all the surveys are normally carried out in one go within the window period. This will ease the Owners to complete all the surveys in dry dock or during lay up of the vessel. Also any recommendation arising during the surveys can be easily dealt with. Harmonization of certificate normally done d uring the renewal surveys (every five yearly) 6. Container capacity- how much load a container can carry Normally 20 cbm or 40 cbm 7. What is dewatering? Process to remove water droplets from air say scavenge air. This is normally ach ieved by many stages fine filtering. 8. How to weld 16mm plate with 8mm plate

One side to be flushed with thick plate while other side of the thick plate to b e shampered at 1:3 ratio to match with 8 mm plate. 9. What is the purpose of top side tanks in bulk carriers? Top side tanks are used only when ship is loaded with high density cargoes, like steel sheets, rolls etc,, in that case centre of gravity g moves too low to mak e extremely large GM, (stiff ship) which in turn can break ship in any bad weath er, to raise G up the TST is filled with water, other design of bulk carriers ar e there in which top holds of smaller sizes in mid of two holds are there to loa d same cargo and thus adjusting GM. 10. Why governor spring is conical? In governor measured parameter is speed and measured by the flyweights. Flyweigh ts sense the speed by centrifugal force, so C.F is mw2r (where w is angular velo city), so since the speed is measured in power of square, the correcting action should also be in power of square. In conical spring the stiffness also behaves in power of square pattern (stiffness= force/deflection, so when u apply a unit force, the deflection is in power of square). So the springs are conical. 11. What does 3/8 or means in thread nomenclature? ?3/8 or means the nominal OD of the bolt. For Course threads the TPI will be 16 an d for fine threads the TPI will be 20. Actually that s according to the American s tandards. Metric standards define it in eg. M10 * 1.5 where, 10 is the nominal d iameter and 1.5 is the pitch. If Pitch is not mentioned, then we take it as that thread is belonging to the course group. 12. What happens when all the flywheel markings are somehow erased and how will you check the timings, tappets etc? The cam shaft will give a brief idea regarding position of the engine. There wil l be two units which will be in TDC so just rotate the push rod to see which one is there in the power stroke because the unit which will be in TDC, the push ro ds will be rotating freely and thus we can check the tappet of that engine. for timing also we have to see the cam position and marking on the pump plunger but it is very difficult to know the value exactly when fuel injection is starting a nd stopping as there is no marking in the flywheel. 13. PIPE SCHEDULE Pipe Schedule is the term used to describe the thickness of a pipe. The outside diameter of a pipe is the same for all Schedules in a particular nominal pipe di ameter. Standard pipe schedules or pipes sizes as given by ANSI / ASME B36.10M a nd API 5L. These schedule numbers bear a relation to the pressure rating of the piping. There are eleven Schedules ranging from the lowest at 5 through 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 to schedule No. 160. Regardless of schedule number , pipes of a particular size all have the same outside diameter (not withstandin g manufacturing tolerances). As the schedule number increases, the wall thicknes s increases, and the actual bore is reduced. For example: A 100 mm Schedule 40 p ipe has an outside diameter of 114.30 mm, a wall thickness of 6.02 mm, giving a bore of 102.26 mm. A 100 mm Schedule 80 pipe has an outside diameter of 114.30 m m, a wall thickness of 8.56 mm, giving a bore of 97.18 mm. The schedule number i s defined as the approximate value of the expression: Schedule Number = (1,000)( P/S)Where,P = the internal working pressure, psigS = the allowable stress (psi) for the material of construction at the conditions of use. For example, the sche dule number of ordinary steel pipe having an allowable stress of 10,000 psi for use at a working pressure of 350 psig would be: Schedule Number = (1,000)(350/10 ,000) = 35 (approx. 40) Method for Determining Schedule Measure the inside diame ter and divide it by the wall thickness. (Inches) R= ID/Thickness Pipe Schedule R Schedule 30 40-50 Schedule 40 29-39 Schedule 60 25-29 Schedule 80 20-23 Schedu le 100 16-18 Schedule 120 13-15 Schedule 140 11-13 Schedule 160 9-11 14. As per Marpol annex II what is water performance test? Procedure- fill cargo tank with water to a depth necessary to carry out normal e nd of unloading procedure. cargo tank pumped and stripped with associated piping in accordance with ships approved manual. Collect water remaining in cargo tank & piping in calibrated container for measurement. Residue should be collected f rom - cargo tank suction and its vicinity, any entrapped area in cargo tank bott om, low point drain of cargo pump, all low point drain in piping upto manifold v

alve. Total quantity collected above determines stripping quantity for cargo tan k. If more than one tank is using pump and piping then all drained and distribut ed amongst the tank if mentioned in approved manual. Condition of testing- trim (minimum) by stern and list <1 to facilitate proper drainage at suction point. an d during test back pressure maintained at minimum 1 bar at cargo tank unloading manifold. 15. What does ?15W40 denote? Here 40 is SAE number. SAE number like SAE 10, SAE 20 corresponds to that havin g kinematic viscousity at 100C. Likewise W denotes the winter grade for cold star t. Thus SAE 15W40 denotes that the lube oil of this grade has kinematic viscousi ty of 40 cst at 100C and its winter grade is 15W ie, the cranking and pump abili ty of this lube oil grade has passed tests of 20W and 15W but failed test of 10W at below zero temperatures. 16. MOB marker? The Lifebuoys come in two sizes to cover all SOLAS requirements. One weighing 2. 5 kg, the standard, and one weighing 4.5 kg to comply with SOLAS-74 Chapter III, Reg. 31.1.7 which states that to operate the quick release arrangement for self -activated smoke or light, the lifebuoy should weigh min. 4 kg. (Bridge wing: Sm oke and light). day and night signal attached to Lifebuoy and used in emergency to mark position of man overboard provides 15 minutes of dense orange smoke far exceeds SOLAS re quirements of 2 hours at 2 candela for light output and duration safe to use on petrol or oil covered water lithium battery sealed for life - no annual replacem ent automatic or manual deployment universal stainless steel mounting bracket te sted to survive a 60m drop into water (SOLAS 30m) ideal for use on ships or rigs with high freeboard 360 degrees all-around signal light. 17. What is squatting effect? The squat effect is the hydrodynamic phenomenon by which a vessel moving quickly through shallow water creates an area of lowered pressure under its bottom that causes the ship to squat lower in the water than would otherwise be expected. Thi s is due to a reduction in buoyancy caused by a downward hydrodynamic force crea ted by flow-induced pressures. It is caused by similar forces as lift in aircraf t, except that the low pressure area is beneath the hull. It can lead to unexpec ted groundings and handling difficulties. This phenomenon is caused by hydrodynamic effects between the hull of the ship a nd the sea floor. Squat effect is approximately proportional to the square of th e speed of the ship. Thus, by reducing speed by half, the squat effect is reduce d by a factor of four. Squat effect is usually felt more when the depth/draft ra tio is less than four or when sailing close to a bank. The phenomenon is caused when water that should normally flow under the hull enc ounters resistance due to the close proximity of the hull to the seabed. This ca uses the water to move faster, especially under the bow of the ship, creating a low-pressure area. This counteracts the force of buoyancy, causing the vessel to dip towards the bow. The reduced pressure on the bottom of the boat sucks the b oat slightly downward until the increased displacement counter?acts the force ge nerated by the reduced pressure. 18. Hypermist systems? ?New IMO Requirements The IMO requires all ships constructed on and after July 1 , 2002 to install water-based local fire extinguishing systems in machinery spac es accommodating machinery with a particularly high risk of fire (main engine, D /G engine, boiler, incinerator, F.O. purifier and I.G.G.) with the aim of exting uishing or suppressing fires in their early stages. This new rule was establishe d in recognition of the importance of exitnguishing or suppressing fires while t hey were still small, after analyzing many on-board fire incidents from all over the world. This idea arose in response to situations in which prompt operation was difficult with previous systems (especially CO2 fire extinguishing systems), because the crews safety had to be confirmed before discharging the extinguishan t, which enabled fires to expand.

The HYPER MIST employs specially developed nozzles operating at high pressure (app rox. 5MPa) to generate super fine particles of mist ranging from 30 to 80 micron s in diameter. When sprayed on a fire, the mist offers compound effects: it abso rbs radiant heat from the fire, creates a shield, reduces the temperature of the fire area by evaporating upon contact with the flame and depletes the oxygen, t hereby extinguishing or suppressing the fire. Maintenance includes blowing through lines with air, operation of pump and prope r solenoid operation. 19. Under which clause in ISM Safety Management System is there? (Part A: clause 1.4, part A is IMPLEMENTATION and part B is certification and ve rification) 20. What materials are used in LPG tanks construction? INVAR: 36% nickel steel with 64% iron or 9% nickel steel for higher temperature . 21. Actions to be taken during boiler uptake fire? Boiler uptake fire is because of wet soot deposited during low steaming and als o during uptake fire do not carry out soot blow reduce the load and stop the eng ine , cover the m/e t/c with the canvas so that no air is supplied. 22. How much is Needle vv lift? ? Gene?rally 1mm maximum for 320 bar lifting pre ssure. 23. Boiler corrosion how it happens and how to prevent? The most common causes of corrosion are dissolved gases (primarily oxygen and ca rbon dioxide), under-deposit attack, low pH, and attack of areas weakened by mec hanical stress, leading to stress and fatigue cracking and pitting corrosion: sc ales such as calcium and magnesium salts.Many corrosion problems occur in the ho ttest areas of the boiler-the water wall, screen, and superheater tubes. Other c ommon problem areas include deaerators, feedwater heaters, and economizers. Prevention: maintenance of proper pH and alkalinity levels between 8.5 and 9.5 control of ox ygen and boiler feedwater contamination (less than 7 ppb oxygen for a 900 psig boiler) reduction of mechanical stresses operation within design specifications, especially for temperature and pressure proper precautions during start-up and shutdown effective monitoring and control 24. Accumulation of pressure test in boiler? Classification Societies require that that when initially fitted to boilers safe ty valves must be subjected to an accumulation of pressure test to ensure the va lves are of the correct discharge capacity for the boiler. To conduct such a tes t, all feed inlets and steam outlets to and from the boiler must be closed and m aximum firing load achieved. Accumulation of pressure must then not exceed 10% o f working pressure. Duration of test is not to exceed 15 minutes for cylindrical boilers and 7 minutes for water tube boilers. 25. How to reduce maintenance in exhaust valve? Good quality fuel usage, VIT adjustment, avoid running engine on low load, chec k fuel injection system, good scavenging, maintaining cooling water temp, check rotation of exhaust v/v. 26. Refrigeration gases how it s classified according to environment hazard? Ozone depletion potential- max R11, for R22 is 0.05 and global warming potential - max is R11 .and R22 is 0.365 27. How induction motor works? An induction motor or asynchronous motor is a type of alternating current motor where power is supplied to the rotor by means of electromagnetic induction. An e lectric motor turns because of magnetic force exerted between a stationary elect romagnet called the stator and a rotating electromagnet called the rotor. In an

induction motor, the current is induced in the rotor without contacts by the mag netic field of the stator, through electromagnetic induction. The current in the primary side creates an electromagnetic field which interacts with the electrom agnetic field of the secondary side to produce a resultant torque, thereby trans forming the electrical energy into mechanical energy. The induction motor does n ot have any permanent magnets on the rotor; instead, a current is induced in the rotor. The stator windings are arranged around the rotor so that when energized with a polyphase supply they create a rotating magnetic field pattern which swe eps past the rotor. This changing magnetic field pattern induces current in the rotor conductors. When current flows through a conductor a magnetic field is pro duced around the conductor. This current interacts with the rotating magnetic f ield created by the stator and in effect causes a rotational motion on the rotor . 28. Contactors maintenance on starter what is the material of contactor? Check for loose, missing, broken contactors Cleaning and checking contact surfac es for improper wear or discoloration Remove oxides from faces using fine files Main contacts are high conductivity copper because they will not heat up due to lower resistance and arcing contacts are made of sintered silver tungsten or oth er materials which don t weld at high temperatures. 29. How signal is carried to ECR from rpm indicator? ? Magnetic pick up sends signal to transducer. An output comi ng from a transducer is filtered, signal conditioned and chopped. Finally it is converted into square waves. The square wave is passed through Phase Lock Loop m ultipliers. This output is gated by a precise time base generated through piezo crystals and then counted. These counts are displayed on bright LED's. It's noth ing but R.P.M. with accuracy of 1 RPM. 30. Crane jib is cracked how u r going to weld? ? Arrest crack by drilling holes at both ends and weld supp orting plate at the back and then carry out welding on the crack. 31. Junior engineer boxed back the purifier after cleaning then its found vibrat ing probable causes? bowl may not be cleaned properly, lock ring not tightening properly, bowled asse mbled with wrong parts, gear can be in damaged condition, bowl springs not fitte d correctly, top bearing springs damaged, discs not properly assembled or tighte ned, some external tool left inside 32. Insulation of motor is found to be 0.5 mega ohms what we can do to bring back the insulation? Disconnect motor Clean windings Dry the motor by heating lamp Check visually for any wires broken Put fast drying varnish Test insulation 33. Procedure for CWT test? 1. Fill the sample cup to the 25 ml mark with sample. 2. Slide the open end of the valve assembly over the tapered tip of the Titret1 so that it fits snugly to the reference line. 3. Snap the tip of the Titret at the score mark. 4. Lift the control bar and insert the Titret assembly into the body of the Titr ettor2. 5. With the tip of the valve assembly immersed in the sample, press the control bar firmly, but briefly, to pull in a small amount of sample. The contents will turn a green color. CAUTION: Do not press the control bar unless the tip of the valve assembly is im mersed below the surface of the liquid. 6. Press the control bar again briefly to allow another small amount of sample t o be drawn into the ampoule. 7. After each addition, rock the entire assembly to mix the contents of the ampo ule. Watch for a color change FROM GREEN TO BRIGHT ORANGE. NOTE: Immediately before the contents turn bright orange, they will briefly turn blue. Make further additions with care. 8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until a permanent color change occurs. 9. When the color of the liquid in the ampoule changes to BRIGHT ORANGE, remove

the ampoule from the Titrettor. Hold the ampoule in a vertical position and care fully read the test result on the scale opposite the liquid level. See the follo wing chart to obtain results in ppm product. Satisfactory Ranges Scale Product Scale ppm product LIQUIDEWT 1.2-1.8 3 10,0000 -15000 ^ MAXIGARD1 1.6-3.0 19,000-36,000 ' DEWT NC .5-5.0 3,000-4,300 Titrate ampule: >85% Delonized Water, <10% Sulfuric acid, 5 % Ceric sulfate Valve assembly : >95% Diethylene Glycol, <1.5 % 1.10-Phenanthroline, <1.5% Delon ized water Alternate method: Take a 5 ml sample of cooling water and dilute it with 45ml of distlled water and add 2 drops of potasium cromate indicator and titrate with s uphate based reagent to obtain a colour change. 34. What is a scavenge limiter? The "scavenge air fuel limiter" is an integral part of an electronic governor a nd it limits the fuel according to the pressure measured on the scavenging air r eceiver by a transducer. The limiter curve is set according to engine makers spe cification. During starting when the scavenge air pressure is low it limits fuel . 35. What is singing of propeller? If tip clearance is increased, then the aft end vibration starts and noise comes due to large distance between stern and propeller tip. This is known as singing of propeller. 36. What is injection delay? In jerk type pump when spill port or spill valve and suction port or suction val ve both get closed, at that time injection should start practically, but due to inertia of fluid and other moving parts of injector, injection does not start im mediately, although oil is considered incompressible but it gets compressed slig htly, and at the same time the high press pipe gets an expansion all way and aft er that injection starts. This potential energy gets released during termination of injection. 37. What is proportional control and offset control? In proportional control the output of controller is proportional to the deviatio n hence for output to occur a deviation has to be there ie, an offset has to be there in proportional control. While in integral control the rate of change of o utput of controller is proportional to the deviation so it is able to minimize t he offset. 38. What is Skin effect? Skin effect is the tendency of ac current to distribute itself within a conducto r with the current densities being largest near the surface. It causes the effec tive resistance of the conductor to increase at higher frequencies where the ski n depth is smaller thus reducing effective cross section of the conductor. 39. What is a Diesel Switch? ? Chan?geover from preheated HFO to cold MDO/ MGO and v ice versa represents a risk of fuel pump sticking or seizure due to the very sma ll clearances in the fuel pump. The Diesel Switch is able to do the changeover i n a controlled way so that rapid temperature deviations are avoided. This tenden cy is likely to spread and will, for instance, be introduced in European harbour s from 1 January, 2010. This means more frequent changeovers. As we find that th e changeover between HFO and distillate fuels can give problems for the fuel equ ipment, the process will need a high degree of automation to avoid incidents. MA N Diesel now offers the Diesel Switch, which ensures the necessary the flexibili ty and safety when changing between HFO and MDO/MGO. The principle of the Diesel Switch- Today MAN Diesel recommends to reduce the lo ad to 25-40% to control the changeover. The Diesel Switch ensures a controlled a nd safe changeover independent of the engine load. The Diesel Switch operates on a combination of the temperature at the engine and the time. If the fuel temper ature at the engine inlet exceeds 2 degrees/minute the Diesel Switch will give a n alarm and put the process on hold. The process will be logged in the Diesel Sw

itch so that it can be used as documentation to port authorities after the chang eover. The Diesel Switch offers: Touch screen control panel Control handle for the changeover Safety Data log ging Changeover valve Magnetic coupling Integrated sensor for actual positio n Integrated sensors for end positions Integrated connection box Manual overr ide Controlling an MGO cooler or chiller Data logging of temperatures and pres sures Remote operation with second touch screen 40. How aluminum is welded? ? ? ? TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding, also cal led a GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding), is the best method of welding aluminum. S pray the aluminum with acetone Rinse the aluminum in water, just in case there s a ny nasty residue. The aluminum should be completely dry before welding. Use a st ainless steel brush to scrub the aluminum shiny clean around the area to be weld ed in one direction Clamp your work to a heat sink made of copper or aluminum Pr eheat before welding upto 275 deg to 500 deg but optimum temp. is 350 deg. If th e tungsten gets contaminated, stop welding and fix it. When the tungsten gets to uches the weld pool or the filler, the arc becomes unstable and the weld quality goes way down. The best method for fixing this is to remove the tungsten, lay i t on a flat surface with the contaminated part hanging over the edge, hit the co ntaminated part of the tungsten (it will snap right off), reinstall the tungsten , change the polarity to DCEP (direct current electrode positive), strike an arc on some scrap metal to re-ball the tungsten, switch back to AC high, and you're ready to weld again. Fit the parts together as tightly as possible leaving no g aps. The tighter the pieces are pressed together and the fewer the gaps, the ea sier the welding is. ? ? ? ? Use one amp per .001" of material thickness. Set the amperage a higher tha n the maximum you expect to use and use the foot pedal to back it down. Use pure tungsten for aluminum. Use a 1/16" pure tungsten for 30 to 80 amps Use a 3/32" pure tungsten for 60 to 130 amps Use a 1/8" pure tungsten for 100 to 180 amp Use 15 to 20 CFH Argon flow. Use a filler rod size equal to the tungsten size. Adju st the tungsten to project from the hood a distance roughly equal to the diamete r of the tungsten. The arc length should be roughly equal to the diameter of the tungsten. 41. Why during rudder test we are doing 35 degree and 30 degree and why not both 35 degree? ? ? ? ? When rudder is on starboard 35 and the n order is given to port 30 or 35, the variable discharge pump gets huge error s ignal gives maximum pumping rate but when it reaches 30 in port the error signal remains very less and it is much lesser than the error between 0 degree and 5 d egree because when at 0 the error is maximum because floating lever link is at 9 0 to the radius. Again as the error between 30 and 35 is less, the pumping rate a lso becomes very less and at higher angles the travel of ram is more for each de g movement as compared to mid position. Moreover the feedback system on the stee ring gear gradually reduces the speed of the gear with in the last 5 degrees of the gears full rotation. If we put to 35 then the hunting gear will start to red uce the pump stroke and achieving this in a time frame of 28sec will not be poss ible. So the test is done from 35 to 30. 42. Why engine room valve lift is D/4? Assume that valve is like cylinder and on the top is covered so minimum lift you will get from equating the cylinder area and circumference of the cylinder. Area of cylinder is pD2/4 and circumference of cylinder is pDH. By equating both the equations you will get D/4. That is why valve lift is D/4 to allow uninterrupted flow when the valve is fully open. 43. What is chock fastening? At the time of engine installation, the engine is alligned and hot res in bonds are poured in the mould to take the shape and solidify. This is chock f

astening. is proximity effect?

44. What ? ? ? The proximity effect increases the eff ective resistance and is associated with the magnetic fields of two conductors which are close together. If each carries a current in the same direction, the halves of the conductors in close proximity are cut by m ore magnetic flux than the remote halves. Consequently the current distribution is not even throughout the cross-section, a greater proportion being carried by the remote halves. If the currents are in opposite directions, the 43. What is chock fastening? At the time of engine install ation, the engine is alligned and hot resin bonds are poured in the mould to tak e the shape and solidify. This is chock fastening. 44. What is proximity effect? ? ? ? The proximity effect increases the effective resistance and is associated with the magnetic fields of two conductors which are close together. If each carries a current in the same direction, the halves of the conductors in close proximity are cut by m ore magnetic flux than the remote halves. Consequently the current distribution is not even throughout the cross-section, a greater proportion being carried by the remote halves. If the currents are in opposite directions, the halves in clo se proximity will carry the greater density of current.

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