Introduction To Embedded Systems by Ism

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is Embedded systems..02 Characteristics of Embedded systems03 Why Embedded systems...05 Application of Embedded systems...05 What is Embedded system all about...06 Embedded Development Scenario ....08 Comparing GPC and ES...08 Microcontrollers in Embedded system ...09 Embedded development issues...09

10. Embedded Development tools.10 11. Real Time System.....11 12. Real Time Operating System...12 13. Technologies..12 14. Programming languages...23 15. Skills required to become an Embedded Engineer..24 16. About ISM...24

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950

What is Embedded System

Embedded system is described by many authors in many ways some for your reference is listed: An embedded system can be defined as a computing device that does a specific focused job. An Embedded system is a combination of computer hardware and software and perhaps additional mechanical or other parts , designed to perform a specific function. A system embedded within a larger electronic device repeatedly carrying out a particular function often going completely unrecognized by user is embedded system. Embedded system means any computer system hidden in any of the electronic product. An Embedded system is system whose principle function is not computational, but which is controlled by a computer embedded with in it. An Embedded system is one that has computer hardware with software embedded in it as one of its most important component. An Embedded system can be described as one consisting of processor associated, associated peripherals, and software used for a specific purpose. I describe an embedded system as Any CPU based system other than General Purpose Computer shall be referred as embedded systems General Purpose Computer is such as PCs , Main/mini frame computers , super computers Any CPU based system other than such General Purpose Computer is what I refer as embedded systems. This description of embedded system is rather generic but well suited to define the term

Example Embedded system

We use lot of Embedded systems in our daily lives such as Cell phone , Video Game players , DVD Player , MP3 Player , iPod , Washing Machine, TV , Micro oven etc.. 80% of the computers developed in the industry are Embedded Systems.

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950

Voice-over IP Devices Set-Top Boxes

Thin Clients


Digital Audio Receivers and Players

Mobile Handhelds Smart Displays

Medical Devices

Industrial Automation

Characteristics of Embedded systems

There are many characteristics of embedded system which are quite interesting to observe, some of them are as listed 1. Single functioned OR Specific purpose: An Embedded system is loaded with single application to perform a specific task, in contrast a General purpose computer may get loaded with multiple applications and keep reloading a new application as required by the user. In an embedded system there exist no second application to be loaded & the loaded application never gets terminated, but could be restarted 2. Constrained system: An Embedded system has constraints on performance, memory, cost, power, size, time etc. An embedded system needs to meet all such constrained requirements

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950

Constrains on Designing Embedded System Design Most of the Embedded System shall be high-performance system Constrain on Memory Always There exists less memory in Embedded systems than what you look for Constrain on Cost The cost of the Embedded systems need be bought down by optimizing the Memory and other engineering accessories Constrain on Power consumption All Embedded systems shall spend less power , to make them more stable Constrain on size Embedded System shall be handy and should get concealed inside a large system Constrain on Performance

3. Real-time & reactive Most of the embedded systems are Real Time Systems, A real Time System could be described in simple English as Any system in which there are timing deadlines for the results could be referred as Real Time Systems. Embedded systems need to reactive to events which are happening around it , the system shall respond to such events within the stipulated time.

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950

Why Embedded systems

Because there exist no scope of using General purpose computers such as PC in all the cases/environments. So Embedded systems, for example We can not use a PC inside an Air conditioner to control temperature We can not use a computer in a satellite We can not use PCs in guiding missiles We can not use a PC as cell phone .. We will unable to use general purpose computers in all application / environment / cases , there are few application which demands compact , low-cost , application specific hardware & software , them we design an Embedded system for such applications.

Application of Embedded systems

Application of Embedded systems Domain Telecommunication Applications Cable modem, LAN cards, Bridges, Routers, Gateways, Cell Base-station etc RADAR Control, SONAR control, Mobile Radio, Missile Launchers/ Trackers / Trappers, Guided missiles, Aircraft controls etc Washing machine, Microwave oven, Cell phone, Video Game Player, Digital camera etc Pick-Place, CNC machine, Plotter, Printer, IC Fabricator etc. Mobile Phones, Software Defined Radio, PDAs, Bluetooth devices, Wi-fi , Wi-max , etc. Simputers , PDAs , palmtops , Snapshots , data only phones etc


Consumer Electronics

ROBATICS Wireless Communication

Hand held computers

Field Instrumentation Biomedical Systems

DMM, Hand held Oscilloscopes, Cable tester, Spectrum Analyzers, etc.

X-Ray control unit, ECG machine, Blood sampler, PMS, Ventilators etc As such Embedded Systems are not Domain Specific, They are used in almost all Domains, and Embedded Systems are used Every where, and could be used any where.

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950

What is Embedded system all about

To make you understand clear about the applications of embedded system lets understand what embedded system all about is Embedded system is all about making devices intelligent Embedded Systems = Intelligent Devices Feeding Intelligence to a device is referred as Embedding

Embedded Industry
Embedded Industry is worth of 48 billion dollars a year , which is a tremendous opportunity for us. In our country we look for aproxx. 12000 Embedded professionals This industry grows phenomenally every year. If India needs to become an Engineering hub, it is by developing skilled embedded manpower

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950

Embedded Development Environment

Host: is a General purpose computer such as a PC Target Board: is the Embedded system under development, Target board is the Embedded Hardware for which we develop software; such target boards are based on microcontrollers. Its not practically viable to develop embedded software at Target Board because such boards may not have a console ( Keyboard & Monitor ) , may not have Hard drive attached so , No operating system exist and there exist no tools such as compilers , Assembler , linker . Without these tools and operating system, its very difficult to develop software at Target board So we use a General purpose computer such as a PC , load the required software tools such as assembler , compiler , linker , simulator , Debugger , Project manager and others And use them to develop embedded software. Once we complete the software development, we download the software to Target board via a communication channel.

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950

Comparing General Purpose Computer and Embedded System

General Purpose Computer Application Operating System Device Driver Firmware Hardware A GPC has five layers as shown, Hardware: is the embedded electronics based on microcontroller which is designed to perform the required software with software. Firmware: is low level software that interacts with Hardware/electronics and controls hardware signals , such firmware are developed by one who has designed the Hardware Device Driver : is software which interprets OS commands to hardware and Hardware signals to OS , Device Driver is a software which understands the behavior of hardware and OS and interfaces them. OS: is a collection of software used to manage resources of the system and provide interaction with user Application: is the software which is required to run and facilitate the required results. An Embedded system has two layers as shown Hardware: is the embedded electronics based on microcontrollers which are designed to perform the required software with software. Application: In an embedded system the Application software shall be blend of OS , Device Driver and firmware As an Embedded developer one need to be a good application & system engineer , because Embedded development is not all about application development but involves system development such as developing Device drivers , Firmware , solving system issues such as memory ,performance , size etc Embedded System Application in blend with OS , Device Driver & Firmware Hardware

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950

Microcontrollers in Embedded system

99% of the embedded systems are based on Microcontrollers such as ARM , PowerPC , MIPS , PIC , AVR , MCS51,Rabbit , etc. Such microcontrollers are basically a processor / CPU loaded with memory and peripherals.

Embedded development issues

Issues Performance Throughput Description How fast your program will get completed OR How much of CPU time your program consumes is how performance could be measured The data handling capability of the system is termed as Throughput How much of data the system is capable of processing in one second is how throughput could be measured Response time An Embedded system shall be designed to provide high-throughput How much fast the system responds to an event How much fast the system can do something about an event occurred How much of time elapsed to switch from event recognition to event handler An Embedded system shall be designed to provide high response means the least possible response time How often your system fails or how often the system needs maintenance is how reliability is accounted , reliability states the stability of the system. In an embedded system there always exist constrain on Memory , additional memory is redundant in such systems , since the amount of memory in embedded systems are limited , there is a requirements to develop a compact code , reducing 10 byte of the code length is an issue in the industry. Any system in which there are timing deadlines for the results are referred as Real Time systems , such real time system development requires high performance , high throughput and high response. Process hog is a situation in a multiprocessing system where in a lower priority process continuously pushed back in the queue by the cpu scheduler , the process is hungry to get cpu time , this situation is called as process hog Down loading programs to target board is an issue because there are no standards for downloading programs , some of the methods used to down load the software are 1. Download via serial port 2. Download via JTAG port 3. Download via USB port 4. Download via Ethernet port There are many development tools like compilers , Assemblers and linkers available for every target CPU , as an Embedded developer one must evaluate all of them and choose the appropriate development tool for the

Reliability Memory constrains & Writing Compact code

Real Time System Process hogs Downloading Programs to Target board

Choosing compilers / Assemblers / Linkers

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950

Loading Programs

project. In embedded systems there are no automatic loaders used to load programs on memory The programs need to be loaded manually by the developer Cost of Embedded system is an important issue in domains like consumer electronics An Embedded software engineer is responsible for reducing power consumed by the device, by monitoring and controlling the power consumed by memory and peripheral system one can reduce quantum of power consumed by the device. Since the software development happens at HOST computer, we will be unable to test the actual functionality of the software until loaded on the target. At host we perform an initial test using simulators but most of the simulators are not accurate and does not guarantee the functionality of the software at target

Cost Power Consumption

Testing & Debugging

Embedded Development tools

Few Tools required for software development, testing & debugging 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IDE EPROM PROGRAMMER MICROCONTROLLER PROGRAMMER MICROCONTROLLER EMULATORS JTAG BASED ICE ( In Circuit Emulator ) JTAG BASED ICD ( In Circuit Debugger ) JTAG BASED ICP ( In Circuit Programmer )

Few Tools Required for Hardware development, testing & debugging 1. 2. 3. 4. Oscilloscope Logic Probe DVM Logic-Analyzer

JTAG: is solution for IC testing recognized as IEEE 1149.1, its a protocol used for IC testing atomization. During Embedded Development JTAG is used to facilitate ICE , ICD , and ICP.

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950



Most of the embedded systems are Real Time Systems (RTS). Real Time System could be described as Any system which has time deadline for the results is referred as Real Time System Real Time System time is a crucial criteria to be met by the system, In Real Time System a late answer is equal to wrong Answer. In a Real Time System the correctness of the output not only depends on logical correctness of the result but the timing of results. Classifications of Real Time System 1. Soft Real Time System 2. Hard Real Time System Soft Real Time System: Soft Real Time System is one where timing error may not cause system crash / accident / disaster ,but may degrade the performance of the system OR Soft Real Time System is one which has tolerance for minor timing error. Eg: Washing machine In washing machine if user press the button HOT WASH , the system should switch on heater within stipulated time , assume if heater is switched ON after one second ? No disaster happens The same heater need to be switched OFF once the water is heated to 60 Degree Centigrade within stipulated time, how about if the heater is switched off after one second No system failure is reported or No disaster So washing machine is a soft Real Time System. Hard Real Time System: Hard Real Time System is one where the timing error may cause system-crash / disaster / accident. Hard Real Time System has very least tolerance for timing error. Eg: Traffic Lights If there is a timing error in traffic lights then, we know obviously there may be accident on the road. Traffic light system is simple example of Hard Real Time System.

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


An operating system is collection of programs used to manage various resources of the system and provide user interface to perform related tasks. Most of the Operating system has monolithic Kernels


Real Time Operating system is an OS having minimal overhead to achieve / meet the real time criterias such as response time. Real Time Operating is a restricted version of operating system suitable for Embedded / Real Time applications. Real Time Operating has micro / nano kernel to provide high user control over the operating system.

Intel 8051 is most popular 8 bit microcontroller in the industry. Features of 8051 8 bit Microcontroller optimized for control applications Has 16 address lines i.e. A0 A15 Supports 64 KB of Program Memory Supports 64 KB of DATA Memory Has 4 KB of Program Memory on the chip Has 128 B of Data Memory on the chip Has 32 i/o pins , which are logically grouped as 8 bit i/o ports namely PORT 0 == P0 PORT1 == P1 PORT2 == P2 PORT3 == P3 All 32 i/o lines are individually accessible / addressable The bits of Port 0 ( P0 ) could be accessed/addressed as P0.7, P0.6, P0.5, P0.4, P0.3, P0.2, P0.1, P0.0 The bits of Port 1 ( P1 ) could be accessed/addressed as P1.7, P1.6, P1.5, P1.4, P1.3, P1.2, P1.1, P1.0 The bits of Port 2 ( P2 ) could be accessed/addressed as P2.7, P2.6, P2.5, P2.4, P2.3, P2.2, P2.1, P2.0

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


The bits of Port 3 ( P3 ) could be accessed/addressed as P3.7, P3.6, P3.5, P3.4, P3.3, P3.2, P3.1, P3.0 Has 2 x 16 bit Timers Has Full duplex UART Has 6 interrupt sources , 5 Vectors , 2 Priority Levels Has Clock Generator Available in 40 PIN DIP TTL Compatible CMOS Fully static Clock rate 0-20 MHz

ARM is a versatile 32 bit general purpose CPU architecture used to design 32 bit Embedded Microcontrollers. ARM is used as core CPU to design 32bit Embedded Microcontrollers ARM offers High performance at low-cost and at very low power. The ARM is a 32-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by ARM Holdings. It was known as the Advanced RISC Machine, and before that as the Acorn RISC Machine. The ARM architecture is the most widely used 32-bit ISA in terms of numbers produced.[1][2] They were originally conceived as a processor for desktop personal computers by Acorn Computers, a market now dominated by the x86 family used by IBM PC compatible computers. The relative simplicity of ARM processors made them suitable for low power applications. This has made them dominant in the mobile and embedded electronics market as relatively low cost and small microprocessors and microcontrollers. The different versions of ARM are ARM7 , ARM9 , ARM10 , ARM11 , Cortex etc.. , the bellow table lists all of them.

PowerPC (short for Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC Performance Computing, sometimes abbreviated as PPC) is a RISC architecture created by the 1991 AppleIBMMotorola alliance, known as AIM. PowerPC, as an evolving instruction set, has since 2006 been renamed Power ISA but lives on as a legacy trademark for some implementations of Power Architecture based processors. The PowerPC is designed along RISC principles, and allows for a superscalar implementation. Versions of the design exist in both 32-bit and 64-bit implementations. Starting with the basic POWER specification, the PowerPC added: Support for operation in both big-endian and little-endian modes; the PowerPC can switch from one mode to the other at run-time (see below). This feature is not supported in the PowerPC 970. This was the reason Virtual PC took so long to be made functional on 970-based Macintosh computers. Single-precision forms of some floating point instructions, in addition to double-precision forms

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


Additional floating point instructions at the behest of Apple A complete 64-bit specification that is backward compatible with the 32-bit mode A fused multiply-add A paged memory management architecture which is used extensively in server and PC systems. Addition of a new memory management architecture called Book-E, replacing the conventional paged memory management architecture for embedded applications. Book-E is application software compatible with existing PowerPC implementations, but requires minor changes to the operating system.

Some instructions present in the POWER instruction set were deemed too complex and were removed in the PowerPC architecture. Some of the removed instructions could be emulated by the operating system if necessary. The removed instructions are: Conditional moves Load and store instructions for the quad-precision floating-point data type String instructions.

Few of the PowerPC variants are as follows: G1 ,G2,G3, Motorola/Freescale ,PowerPC 7xx family,G4,IBM,POWER processors,RS64,PowerPC 7xx family,G5 series,Cell

Wifi is a technology which enables devices to get connected to Internet in a given range. Wi-Fi (pronounced as WAI-FAI ) is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance for certified products based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Wi-Fi is used by most personal computer operating systems, many video game consoles, laptops, smartphones, printers, and other peripherals. A Wi-Fi enabled device such as a PC, video game console, mobile phone, MP3 player or PDA can connect to the Internet when within range of a wireless network connected to the Internet. The coverage of one or more interconnected access points called a hotspot can comprise an area as small as a single room with wireless-opaque walls or as large as many square miles covered by overlapping access points. Wi-Fi allows local area networks (LANs) to be deployed without wires for client devices, typically reducing the costs of network deployment and expansion. Spaces where cables cannot be run, such as outdoor areas and historical buildings, can host wireless LANs. Wireless network adapters are now built into most laptops. The price of chipsets for Wi-Fi continues to drop, making it an economical networking option included in even more devices. Wi-Fi has become widespread in corporate infrastructures. Different competitive brands of access points and client network interfaces are inter-operable at a basic level of service. Products designated as "Wi-Fi Certified" by the Wi-Fi Alliance are backwards compatible. Wi-Fi is a global set of standards. Unlike mobile phones, any standard Wi-Fi device will work anywhere in the world. Wi-Fi is widely available in more than 220,000 public hotspots and tens of millions of homes and corporate and university campuses worldwide.[24] The current version of Wi-Fi Protected Access encryption (WPA2) is not easily defeated, provided strong passwords are used. New protocols for Quality of Service (WMM) make Wi-Fi more suitable for latency-sensitive applications (such as voice and video), and power saving mechanisms (WMM Power Save) improve battery operation.

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


WiMAX, meaning Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, is a telecommunications technology that provides wireless transmission of data using a variety of transmission modes, from point-to-multipoint links to portable and fully mobile internet access. The technology provides up to 3 Mbit/s broadband speed without the need for cables. The technology is based on the IEEE 802.16 standard (also called Broadband Wireless Access). The name "WiMAX" was created by the WiMAX Forum, which was formed in June 2001 to promote conformity and interoperability of the standard. The forum describes WiMAX as "a standards-based technology enabling the delivery of last mile wireless broadband access as an alternative to cable and DSL". The bandwidth and range of WiMAX make it suitable for the following potential applications: Connecting Wi-Fi hotspots to the Internet. Providing a wireless alternative to cable and DSL for "last mile" broadband access. Providing data and telecommunications services. Providing a source of Internet connectivity as part of a business continuity plan. That is, if a business has both a fixed and a wireless Internet connection, especially from unrelated providers, they are unlikely to be affected by the same service outage. Providing portable connectivity.

ZigBee is a specification for a suite of high level communication protocols using small, low-power digital radios based on the IEEE 802.15.4-2003 standard for wireless personal area networks (WPANs), such as wireless headphones connecting with cell phones via short-range radio. The technology defined by the ZigBee specification is intended to be simpler and less expensive than other WPANs, such as Bluetooth. ZigBee is targeted at radio-frequency (RF) applications that require a low data rate, long battery life, and secure networking. ZigBee protocols are intended for use in embedded applications requiring low data rates and low power consumption. ZigBee's current focus is to define a general-purpose, inexpensive, self-organizing mesh network that can be used for industrial control, embedded sensing, medical data collection, smoke and intruder warning, building automation, home automation, etc. The resulting network will use very small amounts of power individual devices must have a battery life of at least two years to pass ZigBee certification. Typical application areas include Home Entertainment and Control Smart lighting, advanced temperature control, safety and security, movies and music Home Awareness Water sensors, power sensors, smoke and fire detectors, smart appliances and access sensors Mobile Services m-payment, m-monitoring and control, m-security and access control, m-healthcare and tele-assist Commercial Building Energy monitoring, HVAC, lighting, access control Industrial Plant Process control, asset management, environmental management, energy management, industrial device control

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


Bluetooth is an open wireless protocol for exchanging data over short distances from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks (PANs). It was originally conceived as a wireless alternative to RS232 data cables. It can connect several devices, overcoming problems of synchronization. Bluetooth is a standard and a communications protocol primarily designed for low power consumption, with a short range (power-class-dependent: 1 meter, 10 meters, 100 meters) based on low-cost transceiver microchips in each device. Bluetooth makes it possible for these devices to communicate with each other when they are in range. Because the devices use a radio (broadcast) communications system, they do not have to be in line of sight of each other.


Maximum Permitted Power mW (dBm)

Range (approximate)

Class 1

100 mW (20 dBm)

~100 meters

Class 2

2.5 mW (4 dBm)

~10 meters

Class 3

1 mW (0 dBm)

~1 meter

In most cases the effective range of class 2 devices is extended if they connect to a class 1 transceiver, compared to a pure class 2 network. This is accomplished by the higher sensitivity and transmission power of Class 1 devices.


Data Rate

Version 1.2

1 Mbit/s

Version 2.0 + EDR

3 Mbit/s

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


A wireless LAN (WLAN) is a wireless local area network that links two or more computers or devices using spread-spectrum or OFDM modulation technology based to enable communication between devices in a limited area. This gives users the mobility to move around within a broad coverage area and still be connected to the network. For the home user, wireless has become popular due to ease of installation, and location freedom with the gaining popularity of laptops. Public businesses such as coffee shops or malls have begun to offer wireless access to their customers; some are even provided as a free service. Large wireless network projects are being put up in many major cities The popularity of wireless LANs is a testament primarily to their convenience, cost efficiency, and ease of integration with other networks and network components. The majority of computers sold to consumers today come pre-equipped with all necessary wireless LAN technology. Benefits of wireless LANs include: Convenience The wireless nature of such networks allows users to access network resources from nearly any convenient location within their primary networking environment (home or office). With the increasing saturation of laptop-style computers, this is particularly relevant. Mobility With the emergence of public wireless networks, users can access the internet even outside their normal work environment. Most chain coffee shops, for example, offer their customers a wireless connection to the internet at little or no cost. Productivity Users connected to a wireless network can maintain a nearly constant affiliation with their desired network as they move from place to place. For a business, this implies that an employee can potentially be more productive as his or her work can be accomplished from any convenient location. For example, a hospital or warehouse may implement Voice over WLAN applications that enable mobility and cost savings.[7] Deployment Initial setup of an infrastructure-based wireless network requires little more than a single access point. Wired networks, on the other hand, have the additional cost and complexity of actual physical cables being run to numerous locations (which can even be impossible for hard-to-reach locations within a building). Expandability Wireless networks can serve a suddenly-increased number of clients with the existing equipment. In a wired network, additional clients would require additional wiring. Cost Wireless networking hardware is at worst a modest increase from wired counterparts. This potentially increased cost is almost always more than outweighed by the savings in cost and labor associated to running physical cables.

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) is one of the third-generation (3G) mobile telecommunications technologies, which is also being developed into a 4G technology. It is specified by 3GPP and is part of the global ITU IMT-2000 standard. The most common form of UMTS uses W-CDMA (IMT Direct Spread) as the underlying air interface but the system also covers TD-CDMA and TD-SCDMA (both IMT CDMA TDD). Being a complete network system, UMTS also covers the radio access network (UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network; UTRAN), the core network (Mobile Application Part; MAP) as well as authentication of users via USIM cards (Subscriber Identity Module). UMTS, using W-CDMA, supports maximum theoretical data transfer rates of 21 Mbit/s (with HSDPA),[3] although at the moment users in deployed networks can expect a transfer rate of up to 384 kbit/s for R99 handsets, and 7.2 Mbit/s for HSDPA handsets in the downlink connection. This is still much greater than the 9.6 kbit/s of a single GSM error-corrected circuit switched data channel or multiple 9.6 kbit/s channels in HSCSD (14.4 kbit/s for CDMA One), andin competition to other network technologies such as CDMA2000, PHS or WLANoffers access to the World Wide Web and other data services on mobile devices. Precursors to 3G are 2G mobile telephony systems, such as GSM, IS-95, PDC, CDMA PHS and other 2G technologies deployed in different countries. In the case of GSM, there is an evolution path from 2G, to GPRS, also known as 2.5G. GPRS supports a much better data rate (up to a theoretical maximum of 140.8 kbit/s, though typical rates are closer to 56 kbit/s) and is packet switched rather than connection oriented (circuit switched). It is deployed in many places where GSM is used. E-GPRS, or EDGE, is a further evolution of GPRS and is based on more modern coding schemes. With EDGE the actual packet data rates can reach around 180 kbit/s (effective). EDGE systems are often referred as "2.75G Systems". Since 2006, UMTS networks in many countries have been or are in the process of being upgraded with High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), sometimes known as 3.5G. Currently, HSDPA enables downlink transfer speeds of up to 21 Mbit/s. Work is also progressing on improving the uplink transfer speed with the High-Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA). Longer term, the 3GPP Long Term Evolution project plans to move UMTS to 4G speeds of 100 Mbit/s down and 50 Mbit/s up, using a next generation air interface technology based upon Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing. The first national consumer UMTS networks launched in 2002 with a heavy emphasis on telco-provided mobile applications such as mobile TV and video calling. The high data speeds of UMTS are now most often utilised for Internet access: experience in Japan and elsewhere has shown that user demand for video calls is not high, and telco-provided audio/video content has declined in popularity in favour of high-speed access to the World Wide Web - either directly on a handset or connected to a computer via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Infrared or USB.

W-CDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) is a wideband spread-spectrum channel access method that utilizes the direct-sequence spread spectrum method of asynchronous code division multiple access to achieve higher speeds and support more users compared to most time division multiple access (TDMA) schemes used today. The term "W-CDMA" is also used to refer to the standard data interface used by the UMTS mobile communication system, WCDMA (UMTS).

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


IC (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a multi-master serial computer bus invented by Philips that is used to attach low-speed peripherals to a motherboard, embedded system, or cellphone. The name is pronounced eye-squared-see or eye-two-see. This bus is used to connect peripherals & memory with Microcontrollers, The standard makes the system design to be easy , less complex & compact


Controllerarea network (CAN or CAN-bus) is a vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other within a vehicle without a host computer. CAN is a message based protocol, designed specifically for automotive applications but now also used in other areas such as industrial automation and medical equipment. Development of the CAN-bus started originally in 1983 at Robert Bosch GmbH.[1] The protocol was officially released in 1986 at the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) congress in Detroit, Michigan. The first CAN controller chips, produced by Intel and Philips, came on the market in 1987. Bosch published the CAN 2.0 specification in 1991. CAN is a multi-master broadcast serial bus standard for connecting electronic control units (ECUs). Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously: a message (consisting primarily of an ID usually chosen to identify the message-type/sender and up to eight message bytes) is transmitted serially onto the bus, one bit after another this signal-pattern codes the message (in NRZ) and is sensed by all nodes. The devices that are connected by a CAN network are typically sensors, actuators and control devices. A CAN message never reaches these devices directly, but instead a host-processor and a CAN Controller is needed between these devices and the bus. If the bus is free, any node may begin to transmit. If two or more nodes begin sending messages at the same time, the message with the more dominant ID (which has more dominant bits i.e. bit 0) will overwrite other nodes' less dominant IDs, so that eventually (after this arbitration on the ID) only the dominant message remains and is received by all nodes.

The LIN-Bus (Local Interconnect Network) is a vehicle bus standard or computer networking bus-system used within current automotive network architectures. The LIN specification is enforced by the LIN-consortium, with the first exploited version being 1.1, released in 1999. Since then the specification has evolved to version 2.1 to meet current networking needs. The LIN bus is a small and slow network system that is used as a cheap sub-network of a CAN bus to integrate intelligent sensor devices or actuators in todays cars. Recently LIN may be used also over the vehicle's battery power-line with a special DC-LIN transceiver.

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a way of setting up communication between a computer and peripheral devices. USB is intended to replace many varieties of serial and parallel ports. USB can connect computer peripherals such as mice, keyboards, PDAs, gamepads and joysticks, scanners, digital cameras, printers, personal media players, flash drives, and external hard drives. For many of those devices, USB has become the standard connection method. USB was designed for personal computers, but it has become commonplace on other devices such as PDAs and video game consoles, and as a power cord between a device and an AC adapter plugged into a wall plug for charging. As of 2008[update], there are about 2 billion USB devices sold per year, and about 6 billion total sold to date.

Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC), established in 1929, is a major provider of transport communications and systems engineering solutions for eight industries: (aviation, airports, defense, government, healthcare, networks, security, and transportation). ARINC has installed computer data networks in police cars and railroad cars and also maintains the standards for line-replaceable units ARINC services include: AviNet Global Data Network, formerly known as the ARINC Data Network Service (ADNS) Air/Ground Domestic Voice Service Air/Ground International Voice Service Airport Remote Radio Access System (ARRAS) vMUSE- multi-user systems environment for shared passenger check-in at airports SelfServ- common use self-service passenger check-in kiosks for Airports OnVoy- internet based passenger check-in system for use at off-airport locations such as hotels, cruise ships and convention centers AirVUE- information display system for airports Centralized Flight Management Computer Waypoint Reporting System (CFRS) Satellite Navigation and Air Traffic Control and Landing Systems (SATNAV and ATCALS) ARINC Wireless Interoperable Network Solutions (AWINS) - connects all types of radio and telephone systems including standard UHF and VHF analog radios, mobile digital, voice over IP systems, ship-to-shore, air-ground, standard phones, and push-to-talk cellular. ARINC Direct Business Aviation Solutions - Provides corporate aircraft maintenance and modifications for the business aviation industry at facilities in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Colorado Springs, Colorado.


Digital signal processing (DSP) is concerned with the representation of the signals by a sequence of numbers or symbols and the processing of these signals. Digital signal processing and analog signal processing are subfields of signal processing. DSP includes subfields like: audio and speech signal processing, sonar and radar signal processing, sensor array processing, spectral estimation, statistical signal processing, digital image processing, signal processing for communications, biomedical signal processing, seismic data processing, etc.

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


Embedded C

The C compiler customized for a CPU / micro controller to utilize the peculiar features of the CPU / micro controller is reffered as Embedded C , Eg: Keil C Embedded C++ (EC++) is a dialect of the C++ programming language for embedded systems. It was defined by an industry group led by major Japanese CPU manufacturers, including NEC, Hitachi, Fujitsu, and Toshiba, to address the shortcomings of C++ for embedded applications. The goal of the effort is to preserve the most useful object-oriented features of the C++ language yet minimize code size while maximizing execution efficiency and making compiler construction simpler. The official web site states the goal as "to provide embedded systems programmers with a subset of C++ that is easy for the average C programmer to understand and use

Embedded C++

Embedded Java:
The recent microcontrollers come with JVM on-chip , which allows us to develop embedded systems using Java programming language , J2ME the micro edition of Java is referred as Embedded Java

Embedded TCP/IP:
Few communication controllers come with TCP/IP stack on chip, which could be used to develop network enabled devices which reduces design complexity and improves the device performance. Wireless Sensors: Wireless sensors are used in such application where human monitoring/measuring is not feasible, such wireless sensors collects information and transfer them to acquisition host using RF wireless communication technologies.

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of an object (typically referred to as an RFID tag) applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader. Most RFID tags contain at least two parts. One is an integrated circuit for storing and processing information, modulating and demodulating a radio-frequency (RF) signal, and other specialized functions. The second is an antenna for receiving and transmitting the signal. There are generally three types of RFID tags: active RFID tags, which contain a battery and can transmit signals autonomously, passive RFID tags, which have no battery and require an external source to provoke signal transmission and battery assisted passive (BAP) which require an external source to wake up but have significant higher forward link capability providing great read range. Today, RFID is used in enterprise supply chain management to improve the efficiency of inventory tracking and management.

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


A Software-Defined Radio (SDR) system is a radio communication system where components that have typically been implemented in hardware (e.g. mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors. etc.) are instead implemented using software on a personal computer or other embedded computing devices. While the concept of SDR is not new, the rapidly evolving capabilities of digital electronics are making practical many processes that were once only theoretically possible. A basic SDR may consist of a computer (PC) equipped with a sound card, or other analog-to-digital converter, preceded by some form of RF front end. Significant amounts of signal processing are handed over to the general purpose processor, rather than done using special-purpose hardware. Such a design produces a radio that can receive and transmit a different form of radio protocol (sometimes referred to as a waveform) just by running different software. Software radios have significant utility for the military and cell phone services, both of which must serve a wide variety of changing radio protocols in real time.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based global navigation satellite system. It provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous basis in all weather, day and night, anywhere on or near the Earth. GPS is made up of three parts: between 24 and 32 satellites orbiting the Earth, four control and monitoring stations on Earth, and the GPS receivers owned by users. GPS satellites broadcast signals from space that are used by GPS receivers to provide three-dimensional location (latitude, longitude, and altitude) plus the time. GPS has become a mainstay of transportation systems worldwide, providing navigation for aviation, ground, and maritime operations. Disaster relief and emergency services depend upon GPS for location and timing capabilities in their life-saving missions. Everyday activities such as banking, mobile phone operations, and even the control of power grids, are facilitated by the accurate timing provided by GPS. Farmers, surveyors, geologists and countless others perform their work more efficiently, safely, economically, and accurately using the free and open GPS signals.

Embedded / Real Time Linux:

RTLinux or RTCore is a hard real-time RTOS microkernel that runs the entire Linux operating system as a fully preemptable process. It was developed by Victor Yodaiken (Yodaiken 1999), Michael Barabanov (Barabanov 1996), Cort Dougan and others at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and then as a commercial product at FSMLabs. Wind River Systems acquired FSMLabs embedded technology in February 2007 and now makes a version available as Wind River Real-Time Core for Wind River Linux. RTLinux was based on a lightweight virtual machine where the Linux "guest" was given a virtualized interrupt controller and timer - and all other hardware access was direct. From the point of view of the real-time "host", the Linux kernel is a thread. Interrupts needed for deterministic processing are processed by the real-time core, while other interrupts are forwarded to Linux, which

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


runs at a lower priority than real-time threads. Linux drivers handle almost all I/O. First-In-First-Out pipes (FIFOs) or shared memory can be used to share data between the operating system and RTCore.

VxWorks is a real-time operating system made and sold by Wind River Systems of Alameda, California, USA. Intel acquired Wind River Systems on July 17, 2009[1]. VxWorks is designed for use in embedded systems. Unlike "self-hosting" systems such as Unix, VxWorks development is done on a "host" machine running Linux, Unix, or Windows, cross-compiling target software to run on various "target" CPU architectures. VxWorks [6] is a proprietary, real-time operating system developed by Wind River Systems of Alameda, California, USA in 1987. VxWorks has been ported to a number of platforms and now runs on practically any modern CPU that is used in the embedded market. This includes the x86 family, MIPS, PowerPC, Freescale ColdFire, Intel i960, SH-4 and the closely related family of ARM, StrongARM and xScale CPUs. The key features of the current OS are: Multitasking kernel with preemptive and round-robin scheduling and fast interrupt response Memory protection to isolate user applications from the kernel SMP support Fast, flexible inter-process communication including TIPC Error handling framework Binary, counting, and mutual exclusion semaphores with priority inheritance Local and distributed message queues POSIX PSE52 certified conformance[7] File system IPv6 networking stack VxSim simulator

Tornado is an Integrated development environment (IDE) for software cross-development targeting VxWorks 5.x Workbench replaced Tornado IDE for VxWorks 6.x[9]. The Wind River Workbench is now built on Eclipse technology.[10] Workbench is also the IDE for the Wind River Linux[11] and On-Chip Debugging[12] product lines

Programming languages used to develop Embedded System

Assembly Language C ( EC ) C++ ( EC++ ) VC++ JAVA ( EJ ) J2ME

80% of embedded systems are developed using C & C++ 13 % of embedded systems are developed using JAVA

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


Skills required to become an Embedded Engineer

If you are aspiring to be an embedded engineer one must have following skills In-depth understanding of Microcontroller Architectures Programming Microcontroller with Assembly Embedded C, Embedded C++ & Data Structure concepts Programming knowledge on RTOS Hands on experience in using ICE , ICD , ICP Analytical skills

About ISM
ISM is one of the largest Embedded Training centre in INDIA , we have complete hardware infrastructure with licensed software to train on all embedded techniques ISM is 16 year old Training company based in Bangalore has operations in Hyderabad , Chennai , Pune , Singapore , Beijing , Shangai , Toronto , California & New York. ISMs course provides candidates power to excel in embedded development technology. ISM has an amazing track record on placements, 95% of ISM students are employed. ISM also provides project services for engineering students (we do not encourage ready made projects) If you want to get trained on Embedded Systems If you need guidance for Embedded Business If you want to do Embedded Projects If you want Placements in Embedded Industry If you have any Questions regarding Embedded Technology Contact Address: 29/18, 17th E main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma temple, Jederahalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010. Ph: 080-40494949 Email: URL:

29/18, 17th E Main, 5th Block, Near Madduramma Temple, Jederalli, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010 Email: URL: Ph: 080-40494949 Fax: 080-40494950


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