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Oral Communication

Video Self-Evaluation
Review the videotape of your speech. As you watch, answer the following questions. 1. How did you try to get the audiences attention? How effective was it?

I tried to get the audience attention by saying that the Vestella product is very stylish and fashionable which was not the case. This proved to make everyone laugh alot hence making my speech very humorous. I felt that this was somewhat successful as if you are able to make most of the audience laugh, that means that they are paying attention toy our speech.
2. Did you clearly communicate your purpose (e.g. I am going to inform/convince you about/to)? How did you motivate your audience to listen to you?

As i used the today im going to show you guys approach. I motivated my audience by telling them that im going to show them a one of the kind revolutionary product that would blow their mind. Im pretty show that this was able to catch their attention.
3. How was your speech organized? How clearly/logically did it progress? Could I stop paying attention to you and read your outline instead and still follow along easily?

I organised it in chronological order. I first told them a brief description of my product, then i went through a brief description on how my product works, followed by telling them the targetted audience. Then i concluded my speech by asking them to buy it for their friends.
4. What were some of the transition words you used in your speech? Did you clearly indicate movement from one part of your speech to another? Why/why not?

I realized that i need to work on my transitional words, because i realize that my speech had no transitional wordfs, which was the same problem for my previous few speeches as well. Hence i think i need to pay more attention to this aspect.
5. Explain why your main points were/were not clearly presented.

I feel that my main point might not have been presented clearly because of the huge amount of laughter that was happening during most part of my speech which might have prevented them to clearly hear what i was about to say.


Evaluate your conclusion. Did it connect seamlessly with the introduction and body? Did you give a clear sense of ending?

My conclusion in my opinion is very conclusive and very catchy.


Evaluate your delivery. Were you loud enough/clear enough/energetic enough/varying your tone enough/connecting to your whole audience enough? I felt that i was loud enough or perhaps i was loud enough if there was no one laughing. After the speech i spoke to a few of my friends, they said that they could not hear my speech very clearly. However any louder then what i spoke previously would result in me screaming at the mike, hence i felt that a way to allow them to better hear would be to led the crowd stop laughing then continue my speech.


How did your use of voice, gestures, and bodily action enhance (or detract) from the message of your speech? What will you do to enhance the message of your speaking opportunities?

perhaps my invention was slightly distracting and that the focus was not on my speech instead on how ridiculous my invention looked. Well thats one aspect i cant change a is the design of the product. I could have not mad many awkward hand gesture and it w have definitely made my speech better.
9. Did you appear sincerely interested and enthusiastic in the topic (your classmate) and in your talking with your audience? What did your body language and eye contact say to your audience? Give examples to support your answers.

I looked interested in my topic as i was very hyped up during the speech, making lots of hand gestures, being very engaged in the speech.


Evaluate the overall success of this speech. What grade (A-F) would you assign this presentation? Why?

I would give myself a B as i felt that i was pretty connected with the audience, but it could have been better if i waited for the crowd to stop laughing,
11. Describe what you have learned from this speaking opportunity, and how you will use this information in the future.

I learned that if the crowd starts laughing, you got to stop talking for a while because it might impair your speech volume.
12. What did you learn from this presentation that will help you prepare your future speech? List at least three things that you plan on working on. (To just practice is not a specific step exactly how will you practice?) a.

I would work on having deep pauses between sentences and not rush to finish them as soon as possible.


I learned that I should not try to laugh so much during my speech, and I got to control my composure.

I've learn that I should learn to practice speaking loudly in case if my voice is blocked by the audience laughter.
13. Describe, in detail, the areas you will improve your public speaking and exactly how you will improve. Include a variety of specific steps you will take to improve your public speaking skills.

I have to improve my ability to regain composure after laughing, or making a joke, as I will laugh as well.

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