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A. Theoritical Framework 1. Cooperative Learning a.

The Understanding of Cooperative learning Olsen and Kagan define, cooperative learning as a group learning activity organized, so that learning is dependent on the socially structured exchange of information between learners in group and which each learner is held accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to increased the learning of the others1
b. Jigsaw Technique

Jigsaw technique is a model of cooperative learning where students learning in small groups of four to six people and students work together. In the jigsaw technique, students have many opportunities to express opinions, and manage information obtained and can improve communication skills, each members of the group responsible for the success of the group and completeness of the material being studied, and can deliver to home group. Jigsaw is one of Cooperative Learning method. Herewith the writer write some definition about Jigsaw technique: Jigsaw is widely technique that is similar to group-to-group exchange with one important difference; every single student teaches something. Each student learns

Jack C Richards and Theodore S Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teahing, (Cambridge: Cambridhe University Press,1985), P.1

something which when combined with the material learned by others forming a coherent body of knowledge or skill.2 On the instructional strategies online, jigsaw defined jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that enables each student of a home group to specialize in one aspect of a learning unit. Students meet with members from other groups who are assigned the same aspect and after mastering the material, return to the home group and teach the material to their group members.3 From the statement above, jigsaw defined as a strategy cooperative learning to grouping the student, which every student in the group get one special topic then the student discuss the topic with other group who get the same topic until they understand it. After that, they come back to their main group. Richard says in jigsaw, each member of the g roup has unique information that they must share with group mates in order for the group to achieve its common goal From blab la said In models of cooperative learning type Jigsaw, all students are required to learn from another students. Information learned (lessons) are divided into several sections. Each group member must learn the lessons and then teach the learned to a friend or other members in one group4.

Sharan, sholomo. Ed.,Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods, Pieces of the Puzzle: The Jigsaw Method. Jude Clark (London: Praeger,1994), P.34-35 Instructional Strategies Online, (Saskatoon Public School, 2008) taken from

Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar

From the opinions above, it can be concluded that jigsaw technique is a technique of cooperative learning that emphasizes the establishment of expert groups and these groups presenting the results of their discussion on each group member. Thus, in jigsaw technique, students are required to be experts in a particular matter and were able to present its expertise in the group.

Dari pendapat para ahli di depan dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode pembelajaran model jigsaw adalah metode pembelajaran kooperatif yang menekankan pada pembentukan kelompok ahli yang kemudian kelompok tersebut saling mempresentasikan hasil diskusinya pada setiap anggota kelompok. Jadi, dalam pembelajaran kooperatif model jigsaw siswa dituntut menjadi ahli dalam materi tertentu dan mampu mempresentasikan keahliannya dalam kelompok.

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