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Green Buildings

March 12, 2010 Presenter Gary L. Sebach, AIA, LEED AP

Green Buildings.

Todays Agenda
What are Green Buildings and LEED? Cost & Benefits of LEED

Green Buildings.

What does it mean

Energy Efficient (High Performance) Low Impact on Environment Improve Lives
low exposure to unhealthy gases & materials improved air quality Improved indoor & outdoor environments

Green Buildings.

low use of natural resources low waste of materials

Typical Commercial Construction

Green Buildings.

Typical Commercial Construction

2 pounds of solid waste / sq. ft. into our landfills (136 million tons / year) Compare to 209.7 tons of Municipal solid waste / year

Green Buildings.

Typical Commercial Construction

Impacts natural, biologically diverse habitats 40% consumption of raw materials per year

Green Buildings.

Typical Commercial Construction

It is estimated that businesses lose

$60-$400 billion annually

as a result of building-related illness

Green Buildings.

Why make a building Green?

Reduced waste Improve indoor environmental quality Improve employee attendance productivity, recruitment and retention Create a healthier environment

Green Buildings.

Why make a building Green?

Reduce energy bills by 15% - 40% per year Simple payback on initial cost in 3 to 10 years

Green Buildings.

The idea behind LEED

Green Buildings.

LEED Green Building Rating System

Green Buildings.

Purpose is to establish consistent, measurable goals for Green Buildings Best Practices as mandated by the U.S. Green Building Council 8%-10% of all new construction projects are targeting LEED certification

Levels of Certification
Version 3 (2009) Certified Silver Gold Platinum 40-49 points 50-59 points 60-79 points 80-110 points

Green Buildings.


Green Buildings.

Balance What?
Energy Environment Health


Initial Cost

Future Savings

Green Buildings.

costs and benefits of LEED

Green Buildings.

Cost of LEED

Construction Costs
average in addl cost

Certified Silver Gold Platinum

2.5% 3.5% 3 5% 4.5 8.5%

Green Buildings.

LEED Rule of Thumb:

Green Buildings. Budget 3% hard costs and an additional 1% - 1% for soft costs for LEED certification

Cost of LEED

Payback on LEED?
Energy Savings Annual Utility Savings Typical Payback

Certified Silver Gold Platinum

20 30% 30 35% 35 45% 45 50%

$ .50 / sq ft $ .70 / sq ft $1.00 / sq ft $1.20 / sq ft

3 to 5 years

5 to 10 years 10+ years

NAIOP commercial real estate development association Recently disputed these numbers citing higher costs and longer payback periods

Green Buildings.

5 to 7 years

Influence on Costs and Credits

Urban vs Rural Climatologically

Knowledgeable/experienced Design Team Knowledgeable/experienced Contractors Access to green products and recycling facilities

Green Buildings.

Local/Regional building codes and zoning standards Available Resources

Approach to LEED
Conduct an Eco-Charette Assign costs to Yes and Maybe credits Research and finalize direction Track the points and document Submit to USGBC (after Design or Construction) 6. Wait for ruling from USGBC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Green Buildings.

Weve come a long way

Green Buildings.

Green Buildings

Final Thoughts
Green Buildings

Green Buildings.

REDUCE energy consumption REDUCE negative impact on our environment IMPROVE the quality and health of our indoor environments Should cost less to Own & Operate

Green Buildings

Final Thoughts
It is estimated that the value of Green building construction will be nearly

by next year

Green Buildings.

Green Buildings

Final Thoughts
Every business day worth of construction registers with USGBC

Green Buildings.


Green Buildings.

For more information

Gary L. Sebach, AIA, LEED AP 614.418.0600, ext 26 U.S. Green Building Council

Green Buildings.

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