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Welcome to Good Shepherd Chapel

VOL. 4 APRIL 21-22, 2012ISSUE 17

Celebrating the Third Sunday of Easter

Scripture Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away (Acts 3:19) ...relieve me when I am in distress; have pity on me, and hear my prayer! (Psalm 4:2 He is expiation for our sins, and not for our sins only but for those of the whole world. (1 John 2:2) repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name (Luke 24:47) Reflection Is there anything in your past that you have not forgiven? Is there anything that you are not willing to forgive? Is there anything that you are not willing to forgive yourself? If Jesus died and rose to forgive sins, what are you not able to forgive? Do you avoid all question of sin and forgiveness by not ever thinking about it? Now let us face the fact that our culture is one which is geared to help us evade any need to face this inner silent self. We live in a state of constant semi attention to the sound of voices, music, traffic, or the generalized noise of what goes on around us all the time. This keeps us immersed in a flood of racket and words, a diffuse medium in which we our consciousness in which our consciousness is half diluted: we are not quite thinking, not entirely responding, but we are more or less there. We are not fully present and not entirely absent; not fully withdrawn, yet not completely available. It cannot be said that we are really participating in anything... 1

Pastor: Fr. Joseph Lea (267) 243-5861 NCOIC: SSG. Clarence Slaughter (706) 791-4308 Deacons: - Rev. Mr. David Kriegel - Rev. Mr. Michael Marchek PLC: Lola Rivera (706) 791-2945 RE Coordinator: Sherry Wodicka RCIA: Kelley Culver (706) 855-9893 Music Director: Sonia Rivera MCCW: Kim Besel, (706) 855-9275 Knights of Columbus: Allen Larson

Merton, Thomas, Love of Living, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC by the Trustees of the Merton Legacy Trust, 1979 p.36.
Retrieved from For the Ride Home by Ted Bergh, ParishVision Llc 2011 Visit

Welcome Sunday
We will celebrate Welcome Sunday on April 22nd at 10am. Join us for breakfast as we welcome the new families and single soldiers. Please, contact the Welcome Sunday Coordinator Gilda Fontimayor for more information, at

Weekly Daily Masses

Starting this week, we will NO celebrate Mass on Thursdays at our chapel. If you are interested in attending Mass on Thursdays, you may attend Mass at the Eisenhower Hospital Chapel, third floor at 11:45am. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Youth Ministry: Laura Pizzi EME: Judy Kriegel, (706) 869-9781 Altar Servers: Alex Besel Lectors: Tom Dean, (706) 860-6946 Ushers/Greeters: Ron Shannon Flowers Ministry: Fran Simpson Welcome Sunday: Gilda Fontimayor

Webmaster: Judy Culver

In this issue



Saint Michaels Catholic Community is a group of Catholic Christians associated with the Armed Forces under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Archdioceses for the Military Services served by the pastoral leadership of our priest(s), deacon(s), and religious. The community is dedicated to exemplifying Christian community by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ through worship, service, and witness to the people of Fort Gordon and surrounding communities.


Knights of Columbus
Monthly Meeting Please know that our next meeting will be on Tuesday May 8th, 2012 in Bldg. 13 at 1830. Social and the meeting starts at 1900 hours. Contact the Grand Knight Al Larson if you have any question at Food Drive for Those in Need Help us collect TONS of food by donating food this month for those individuals and families less fortunate in the Augusta area! The Knights of Columbus are collecting non-perishable food items this month to donate to the Catholic Social Services. Please, place your donations in the collection box located in the social room. Contact the Grand Knight Allen Larson if you have any question. Thank you for your support and charity!

Military Council of Catholic Women (MCCW)

Faith Study MCCW will have Faith Study on Monday, April 23 in Building 13 in the religious education complex. Please contact Tina Raby at if you need childcare. ** Faith Study will not meet on Monday, April 30 because of our monthly program that week on May 3. International Rosary Get ready for our Third Annual International Potluck and Rosary on May 3. We will start with Mass at 6:00 pm in the chapel followed by an international potluck celebrating the cultural diversity of our parish and the praying of the rosary in different languages. We will also hold our elections for next year's board at this meeting.

MCCW Nominations
Each of us has been endowed with special gifts and talents. Do not hide your light under the bed, but place it on the lampstand and illuminate the world. Do you use the gifts and talents God has given you in service to your parish? Do you hide your light? MCCW has the following positions available for the 2012/2013 year, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Think you can't do it? All things are possible with God. You may be called to serve the women of St. Michaels in this way. Do not be afraid. Trust in God and he will work miracles through you! Contact to help.


When? April 27, 2012 at 6PM Where? RE Complex Building 13 JOIN US!! Prizes and fun are guaranteed!!!
Sign up today! In the activity room!!! Bring a dish to share...

Rehearsal Information
Choir Practice is on Thursdays in Building 13, located in the Religious Education Complex. Children and Adults: 7:00 pm. Singers and musicians are welcomed! Contact Sonia Rivera at (706) 627-0637 or send her an email at

Families Wanted
Our Parish is looking for families who would like to bring up the gifts at each mass. Please contact the Ushers Coordinator.

Altar Servers Training!!!

There will be Altar Server Training session on May 5th, 2012 from Noon - 1300 at Good Shepherd Chapel. All current and new servers must attend. For more information please contact the Altar Servers Coordinator, Alex Besel at (706) 855-9275,

Lighthouse Catholic Media Free downloads!

Lighthouse Catholic Media has partnered with the Archdiocese for the Military Services to offer 9 free downloads (1 per month). The Military Download of the Month offers a monthly talk about the Catholic faith. Several of the downloads have welcome messages from Archbishop Broglio. Sign up now to listen, pray and grow in faith. Through the generosity of donors these free audio downloads are available to Military personnel, Veterans, A family member of Military personnel, Parent, child or sibling of any fallen Military member. Follow this link to https:// for this free service to receive these audio downloads and grow in faith.

First Communion 2012

First Communion will be celebrated on April 29 at the 10 am Mass. First Communion rehearsal on April 28th at 10am. Please pray for our First Communicants as they prepare to receive the precious Body and Blood of Christ!


You can access our new website to access Parish Updates, Council meetings minutes, current newsletters and more information.

You may contact Mrs. Culver if you have any questions at

LUNCH IS PROVIDED!!! Sign up today

Would you like to be a member of St. Michael Youth Ministry?
If you are interested in becoming a member of one of the most important ministry at our parish, you are in the right place! St. Michaels CYM is one of the most important ministries in our parish. Our mission is to help our youth learn what it means to live in loving community. The Youth ministry provides youth a glimpse of what it means to be loved unconditionally. We want to help you to Uncover your Spiritual Gifts such as mission, prayer, teaching healing and hospitality. Join us and enjoy a welcoming, safe, comfortable, and experiential environment. Our values includes, among others, the following:

Page 3

May 28th, 2012 at 10 AM Mass.
Youth are encouraged to do the readings, serve as ushers, sing in the choir, and present the gifts during Mass. Please contact the Youth Ministry Coordinator if you are interested in participating. We have choir practice on Thursdays at 7:00pm. Contact us if you have any questions at

Rosary Making for Soldiers

The CYM will meet on May 6th at 1pm in building 13 to make rosaries for Soldiers. We will have a guest speaker at this meeting. Please, sign up today to attend this activity at We need a headcount to purchase the supplies. Lunch will be provided before the workshop.

CYM Upcoming Activities

May 6th, Meeting at 1pm, Bldg 13 Making Rosaries for Soldiers. May 20, Graduation Mass coordinated by CYM June 7th, Carowinds Trip May 28, Youth Mass at 10am.

growing and connecting in our knowledge of the Scriptures, growing and connecting in our relationship with each other, growing and connecting in our relationship with God through music, art, prayer, meditation, His Word, and experience, and serving one another, God, and the local and global communities.

Carowinds Amusement Park Trip in June!!!

St. Michaels Youth are invited to join a fun day to the Carowinds Amusement Park in June. The temptative date for this trip is June 7th. Please check upcoming bulletins for more details! Carowinds is located 15 minutes from uptown Charlotte, SC.

Dont miss this opportunity to grow in your faith and have fun! All in one! For more information in how to become a member of St. Michaels Youth Ministry, please contact the Laura Pizzi , The Youth Ministry Team

Chaperones Needed!!
We need adults to chaperones for this activity. Please contact Laura Pizzi if you can assist as a chaperone for any of these events: PHOTOS OF THE BOWLING ACTIVITY CAN BE DOWNLOAD FROM OUR WEBSITE

Saturday June 9th, 2012 At the Leitner Lake Noon 4pm

Mass will start at 4pm, also at the Leitner Lake

Please, bring your chairs
The parish will provide the meats. Please, bring a side dish or dessert.
A-G- Salads H-M Side Dishes 0-R Appetizers Sign up today at the activity room!! S-Z Desserts

PLCs Office Hours

The Parish Life Coordinator is available to assist you the following days: Monday thru Thursday: 8am to 2pm. After hours assistance only by appointment at (443) 223-1125

Pastoral Visitations
There is simply no place more appropriate than the home for pastors to interact with their parishioners in a personal manner. And this holds true whether such interaction is for the purpose of leading a person to Christ, reclaiming a lost soul, or offering support and guidance. For this reason, our Pastor, Father Joseph would like to start Pastoral Visitations to give parishioners the opportunity of meeting and knowing him. He would like to visit parishioners homes twice a week, so if you are interested in receiving the special visit of our Pastor, please contact the PLC Lola Rivera to schedule a Pastoral visitation @ (706) 791-2945, or Father Joseph is looking forward to visit your home, talk and prayer with you and your family in earnestness and humility.

Private confessions at St. Michaels are available for you before Mass on Saturdays 4pm and Sundays at 8am in the confessional box located in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, but also face-to-face and by appointment at your convenience. Confessions are available in Spanish when Father Joseph celebrates mass.

Arrangements for marriage preparation should be made at least six months in advance of the proposed date. If there has been a prior marriage that has not been annulled by the Catholic Church, more time may be required. Participation in a marriage preparation workshop/program is required. Initially, all requests of information should be directed to the Catholic Pastor at (267) 243-5861.

New to our Parish?

Please take a minute and fill out our registration form. You can find these forms in the counter located in the social room. You may give the form to the Parish Life Coordinator, or to the chaplain assistant on duty. You can also download the form from our website if this is more convenient for you, and send it to Welcome!

In order to receive Baptism, parent(s) must be registered and attending Mass. Dates and times of Baptism can ONLY be set after registering for Pre-Baptism class, and talking with a Priest. Baptism and preparation for Baptism must be arranged 30 days in advance. Contact the PLC if you need assistance.

Adoration on Wednesday
Join us for adoration this coming Wednesday at 18:30pm. We meet every week to spend and dedicate an hour in Eucharistic Adoration. This is a great way to increase your faith and help you with your prayer life.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

The RCIA program is the process through which interested adults and older children are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic doctrine and wa y o f li fe. Contact the K elle y Cul ver at if you need assistance.

Pastoral Counseling
Anyone wishing to see the Catholic Pastor for religious counseling issues may contact him at Initially, all requests of information should be directed to the Catholic Pastor at (267) 243-5861.

Anointing of the Sick

If you are in need of this sacrament, or if you are going to be hospitalized, please contact the Father Joseph (267) 243-5861

Wedding Anniversary & Marriage Vow Renewal

Send us an email if you are celebrating your wedding anniversary next month, We also encourage you to let us know if you would like to renew your marriage vows at Mass, at least two weeks in advance. Requests can be submitted at: Writing Checks: When writing checks for our weekend collections, please make sure you write the check to CTOF (Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund) Also remember , if you write a check $250 or above, you may ask for a receipt from the chaplain assistant.

Parish Council Meeting

St. Michaels Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday May 1st, 2012. The meeting will be at Good Shepherd Chapel (GSC), social room at 5:30 pm.

Change of Address or Moving?

Please advise the Parish Life Coordinator when you have any change of address or telephone number, or if you are moving away.

Pastoral Council

Mass Intentions
If you would like to offer a Mass for the repose of the soul of a love one, or any other intention, you are encouraged to use one of our Mass cards from the bulletin board located in the hallway next to the Sacristy. You can also send it to the PLC via email at

Make yourself familiar with the Angels, and behold them frequently in spirit. Without being seen, they are present with you. St. Francis de Sales


Attention High School and College Graduates, There will be a graduation Mass in your honor on Sunday May 20th, 2012 at 10 am. Anyone graduating, please send an email to with the information (name, degree, honors, if any, school name, future plans...). Please, submit the information by May 8th, so we can reserve the pews for our graduates. We will put all names in the bulletin that weekend too. Congratulations!

Would you like to Volunteer?

We are recruiting new volunteers for the different ministries that we have in our parish. Contact the Parish Life Coordinator if you are interested in serving our community. There are many open opportunities for all, some of them are in page 3. Volunteer today!

Deacon Ordination in May

Candidate to Deacon Mr. Kelley Culver will be ordained on May 26th 2012 in Savannah. Mr. Culver will be conferred by Most Reverend Gregory J. Harmayer, OFM, Conv. Bishop of the Diocese of Savannah at the St. John the Baptist Cathedral. We will NOT have Mass that Saturday at 5pm due to this ordination. All are invited to attend this event, and share with the Culver family the joy of this special day. Several parishioners will attend the Deacon Ordination. Please contact the PLC if you would like to go, but need a ride. We will try to help you. The following weekend after ordination, Deacon Culver will preach in our parish for the first time as deacon. Our Parish is planning a special party to celebrate Kelley Culvers ordination on June 2nd. More information on this event in upcoming bulletins.

EME, Lectors and Ushers

The new schedule for Lectors, EMEs and Ushers has been mailed. The Schedule can also be found on the St. Michael's Website and Facebook page. A copy is also posted on the bulletin board and the rear of the Chapel.

Bill and Pat Holt

42 years Wedding Anniversary 18 April

Breaking News!! Eucharistic Congress in Atlanta Parish Life Coordinator

Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory and Auxiliary Bishop Luis R. Zarama invite you to experience our rich and diverse Catholic community at the 2012 Eucharistic Congress on June8-9, 2012. Admission is free, but you are responsible for transportation and lodging. Parking is free but limited at the Georgia International Convention Center. Please visit the following link for information on guest speakers or more detailed information.

Father Sams Farewell

Father Sam will be leaving us the first week of May, and we would like to have a farewell for him. The day selected is April 28th. The following is the Farewell schedule for this event. - Mass 4pm (Mass 5pm is cancelled). - Farewell Party at 5:30pm at the RSO Conference Room. We will do a potluck for this event. Parishioners are asked to bring a dish or dessert. See below the suggestions by family last name. A-E Meat dishes F-K Side Dishes L-R Appetizers S-Z Desserts Sign up today at the activity room. Thank you!

Volunteers Name Tags

All volunteers are asked to pick up their name tags in the Sacristy behind the door before each mass to wear during Mass. Please return name tags after Mass.

The Lost Coin Parables of Jesus

A parable is a figure of speech, an extended metaphor, a story using common actions or scenarios designed to illustrate a spiritual truth, a principle, or a moral lesson. The word parable comes from the Greek word parable, which means to place beside or side by side for the purpose of comparison. A parable can usually be identified by the use of the word like. This was the method of teaching Jesus used most often. The second parable in Luke chapter 15 is of the lost piece of silver or the lost coin. It is remarkably short but its meaning communicated clearly to the people of Jesus day. Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!' The 10 coins or pieces of silver werent worth very much monetarily, but were of great sentimental value. These pieces of silver were a gift from her husbands family, which she would put in her hair on very special occasions, such as their 25th wedding anniversary. She might wear them while her husband was away to remind her of his love. These pieces were to be worn with five pieces on each side of her head, fastened with little hooks. To lose one piece would be shameful and devastating. It was believed that the loss of this precious coin represented the withdrawal of Gods favor from the family. It was also a cause of great grief for the husband, so much so that he might actually expel his wife from their home because of the disgrace she had brought to him. This is why she lit the lamps, diligently swept and carefully searched. The homes at that time usually had floors of either dirt or stones and a small piece of silver the size of a quarter having fallen would be difficult to find. But she wouldnt give up until she found it. When she did, she would invite her friends and neighbors in to rejoice with her. They would all understand the significance of finding the coin and her relief. In the first parable in Luke 15, the one sheep left the large group and got lost. The shepherd left the 99 to find the lost one and return it to the flock. In the parable of the lost coin, it is close by, nevertheless it is lost. Only by a diligent search will it be recovered. Though it may be covered with dirt, it is still silver, and its intrinsic value has not changed. As the sheep could represent a believer who has wandered away from the flock and gotten lost in the wilderness of the world, similarly, the lost coin could be likened to a person within the household who is lost. It could be someone in the church, bravely putting on the Sunday happy face, but struggling inside, in need of a real friend. It could be a son or daughter in a family, quietly going through the motions day after day but perplexed and uncertain about what direction their life is going. Turn on the lights and search diligently for this person, clean them off and help them to be restored and to realize their value. When any lost person is cleansed and reunited with Jesus Christ, there is cause for rejoicing. Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Written by: Pete Miller,

Movie Review
The Hunger Games
Volunteer Coordinator Needed Volunteers are the back bone of our parish, and most important, they help us to spread the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are looking for a person that would like to be St. Michaels Volunteer Coordinator. Please, contact the PLC and ask her for a copy of the job description to learn about its requirements and responsibilities. Liturgy Schedule Coordinator This is an important position in our parish. The Liturgy Schedule Coordinator schedules Ushers, Eucharist Ministers, and Lectors on a quarterly basis to ensure we have enough volunteers to assist the Liturgy. Contact the PLC if you are interested or need to learn more about this position. Adult Altar Servers Wanted We are looking for adults altar servers to assist at Mass, specially at Saturday 5pm and Sunday 8:30am masses. Please, contact Alex Besel if you are interested in becoming an altar server. This is a great opportunity to serve our Lord. Evangelization Coordinator We are looking for volunteers to coordinate the Evangelization ministry. Please, contact Lola Rivera if you are interested in coordinating this ministry, or if you need more information at
By John Muldering Catholic News Service

ST MICHAELS FOR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rachels Vineyard Ministry
Every New Year brings with it the promise of hope and change. So if you have feelings of grief, anxiety, guilt, depression, emotional or spiritual problems due to a past abortion know that you are not alone. The Rachels Vineyard Ministry is here to help with professional counseling, Post Abortion Healing Retreats and emotional support. The next retreat is scheduled for March 9-11, 2012 near Augusta, Ga. For additional information, please contact Stephanie May 912-201-4059 Complete confidentiality will be honored at all times. Why not make 2012 your year? There is help, hope, and healing waiting for you.

Pro-Life Rosary
Join us to pray the Pro-life Rosary on May 2nd at 6:00pm, right before adoration. Join us!

Pro-Life Mass & Rosary

For your information, there is a Mass the first Saturday of each month at Saint Mary on the Hill, 9:15 am followed by a Pro-Life Rosary at Preferred Health Center right after (approximately 10:15am). This activity is not organized by our parish, but you are invited to participate to support the Right to Life.

Abortion Alternatives
Birthright of Augusta (706) 733-LOVE Birthright national (1-800) 550-4900


Test Your Knowledge of Abuse Prevention: True or False?
True or false: It is common for both child and adult victims of sexual assault to wait some time before telling someone about the abuse. True. It is common for victims of sexual assault to wait some time before telling someone. When the person was assaulted as a child, he or she may wait years or decades. The reasons for this are numerous: victims may want to deny the fact that someone they trusted could do this to them; they may want to just put it behind them; they may believe the myth that they caused the assault by their behavior; or they may fear how other people will react to the truth. For more information on learning how you can help ensure the safety of children contact your chapel staff or visit the web site of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA:

Visit us at

NEW YORK (CNS) -- Though presumably targeted -- at least in part -- at teens, the dystopian adventure "The Hunger Games" (Lionsgate) involves enough problematic content to give parents pause. Responsible oldsters will want to weigh the matter carefully before giving permission for clamoring kids to attend. At first glance, the depressing futuristic premise of the piece -- inherited from Suzanne Collins' best-selling trilogy of novels, on the first volume of which the film is based -- makes it seem unlikely fare for a youthful audience. In a post-apocalyptic North America, have-not youngsters from oppressed outlying districts are chosen at random to participate in the titular event, a televised survival tournament staged each year for the entertainment of the decadent elite who populate their society's luxurious capital city. Since combatants are forced to battle one another -- and the hostile wilderness environment in which the games are set -- until only one remains alive, the fearful ordeal also serves to keep the once-rebellious, now cowed underlings intimidated. Director and co-writer Gary Ross' script, penned in collaboration with Collins and Billy Ray, tracks two teens caught up in this gladiatorial horror show. What follows, as this sympathetic duo confronts their doom, is an effective combination of epic spectacle and emotional drama during which humane values are pitted against Darwinian moral chaos. Insatiable media coverage, led by smarmy TV host Caesar Flickerman (Stanley Tucci), and the wildly off-kilter values of the foppish upper crust, embodied by Peeta and Katniss' nannylike escort Effie Trinket (Elizabeth Banks), satirically mirror some darker aspects of our own time. (Interestingly, depending on the individual viewer's politics, the basic allegory can be read either as a critique of overweening big government or of the trampling under of the 99 percent.). But sensibilities are not spared as the grim contest unfolds: painful injuries brought about by swords, arrows, hatchets and even the creative use of a hornets' nest are all portrayed unblinkingly. On the upside, foul language is entirely absent, as too is any sensual activity beyond kissing. So, despite the elements listed below, "The Hunger Games" may possibly prove acceptable for mature adolescents. The film contains considerable, sometimes gory, hand-to-hand and weapons violence and graphic images of bloody wounds. The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 -- parents strongly cautioned. Retrieved from

Page 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION

ADULTS PROGRAMS Coffee and Theology
Coffee and Theology is a religious education for adults that meets on Sundays at 11:30am at the RSO Bld. 29601. Contact Tom Dean (706) 860-6946 if you have any question.

Bible Study
St. Michaels Bible Study is on Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the activity room. We are studying a Bible Study on the Books of Hebrews. Contact Tom Dean.

CCD Registration
CCD registration is open throughout the year. Please know that in order to receive the Holy Sacrament of First Communion or Confirmation, children need to attend Religious Education as required. Contact Sherry if you have questions.


We are in need of several Catechists and substitute teachers to help with the CCD program, Pre-K through High School. Co-Teachers and assistants are needed too!! Contact Sherry Wodicka @ (706) 592-6478 or

Aprils Calendar
Classes: April 15, 22 and 29. April 15: Confirmation Interviews 11:30am April 20: Confirmation Rehearsal, 6pm April 21: Confirmation, 4pm April 29: First Communion, 10am

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host by the Divine Power of God thrust into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Religious Education Coordinator Office Hours

The Religious Education Coordinator is available to meet with parents for enrolling their children at the Religious Education Complex, building 7 the following days: Mon Wed- Fri : 9am to 12pm. After hours assistance only by appointment at or (706) 592-6478.

Weekend Masses Saturday 17:00 Sunday 08:30 & 10:00 Daily Mass Mon, Wed, Thurs. 11:30 Mon-Friday DDEAMC 11:45 Reconciliation Saturday 16:00 Sunday 08:00 Rosary Saturday 16:30 Sunday 08:00 Communion (Sick/ Homebound): Father Joseph Lea Weddings Contact PLC Baptisms Contact PLC Liturgy Contact PLC Adoration Wednesday 18:30 Religious Education (RE) Sunday 11:30 (RSO and RE Complex)


Please remember in your prayers all those who are deployed, their families and friends during their deployments. If your love one is one of them, or you know any deployed military personnel send us his or her name, so we can include it in our daily prayers. Send your prayer request to PVT Seth Tilton SFC Nathan Varner CW2 Clarence W. Raby, III Major John Curry SrA James Varner COL William Walker


Please pray for our expectant mothers and their babies. If you are a member of St. Michaels Parish and expecting a baby, or have a friend or relative who is a expecting a baby, please send us her name to add it to our list @ Kim Besel Lamiaa Chamid


Please pray for our sick and their families. If you know of any parishioner who is sick or is hospitalized, please send us the name to add it to our list @

Mildred Mills

Susan Brown

Amanda Klemark

Jose M. Megias-Gonzalez

Bulletin Announcements
Please know that all weekend announcements should be sent Sunday at 5pm to Announcements received after the deadline, they might not be announced.

Pulpit Announcements
Please know that all weekend announcements should be sent by Friday noon to

Attendance: 446 Offering: $2,148.67


Des. Offering: $1058.22

April 2012
1 PALM SUNDAY Palm Sunday, 8:30am, 10am, and 7pm No CCD Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am

2 Daily Mass, 11:30am

3 History of the Church @11:30am Parish Council Meeting, 5:30pm Study of the Gospels @7:30pm

4 Daily Mass @ 11:30am Altar Servers training at 1pm. Pro-Life Rosary, 6pm Adoration, 6:30pm

5 HOLY THURSDAY Holy Thurs. Service, 7pm followed by Adoration until Midnight Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm

6 GOOD FRIDAY Good Friday Service, 3pm Living Stations of the Cross, 4:30pm

7 HOLY SATURDAY Blessing of Easter baskets, 10am Altar Servers Training @ 12pm Holy Saturday Special Service, 7:30pm 14 1st Communion Class at 9am

8 EASTER SUNDAY Easter Mass, 8:30 and 10am (Children Mass + Egg Hunt) NO CCD and Coffee and Theology 15 DIVINE MERCY Youth Mass, 10am CCD 11:30am Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am CYM- Bowling, 1:30pm 22 CCD 11:30am Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am Welcome Sunday, 10am 29 First Communion at 10am CCD 11:30am Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am

9 MCCW Faith Study 9am Daily Mass, 11:30am Knitting Class, 12pm 16 MCCW Faith Study 9am Daily Mass, 11:30am Knitting Class, 12pm

10 History of the Church @11:30am KofC Meeting,6:30pm Study of the Gospels @7:30pm 17 History of the Church @11:30am Study of the Gospels @7:30pm

11 Daily Mass @ 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm

12 Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm


18 Daily Mass @ 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm

19 Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm


21 Confirmation at 4pm

23 MCCW Faith Study 9am Daily Mass, 11:30am Knitting Class, 12pm 30 Daily Mass, 11:30am

24 History of the Church @11:30am Study of the Gospels @7:30pm

25 Daily Mass @ 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm

26 Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm

27 Family Bingo Night at 6pm

28 Mass change!!! Mass 4pm, Father Sams Farewell 5:30pm

May 2012
Sun Mon



3 MCCW International Rosary at 6pm Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm 10 Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm 4


5 Altar Servers Training @ 12pm

6 CCD LAST DAY!! Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am CYM Rosary Making, 1pm 13 MOTHERS DAY Crowning Procession 10am.

7 MCCW Faith Study 9am Daily Mass, 11:30am Knitting Class, 12pm

8 History of the Church @11:30am Parish Council Meeting, 5:30pm Study of the Gospels 15 History of the Church @11:30am KofC Meeting,6:30pm Study of the Gospels 22 History of the Church @11:30am Study of the Gospels @7:30pm 29 History of the Church @11:30am Study of the Gospels @7:30pm

9 Daily Mass @ 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm


12 Mother and Daughter Tea, 11am

14 MCCW Faith Study 9am Daily Mass, 11:30am Knitting Class, 12pm 21 Daily Mass, 11:30am Knitting Class, 12pm

16 Daily Mass @ 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm

17 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm



20 Graduation Mass, 10am

23 Daily Mass @ 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm

24 Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm


26 NO MASS today due to Deacon Ordination in Savannah.

27 PENTECOST Youth Mass, 10am

28 Daily Mass, 11:30am Knitting Class, 12pm

30 Daily Mass @ 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm

31 Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm

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