This Question Paper Consists of 40 Questions. Answer All Questions. Every Question Is Followed by Four Options A, B, C and

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Mid Term Examination (Unit 1 to Unit 5)

PAPER 1 (Time: 60 minutes) This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all questions. Every question is followed by four options A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. 1 Eight hundred four thousand and thirty-six written in numerals is A 80 436 C 840 036 B 804 036 D 840 360 6 2 4 + = 4.06 What is the missing number in the ? A 10 C 1 000 B 100 D 10 000 3 Which of the following numbers becomes 600 000 when rounded off to the nearest thousand? A 609 941 C 599 735 B 609 021 D 599 124 4 18.997 = 18 + 0.9 + 9 1000 9 100 + 0.007 ? 9 10 9 B 5 D 3

9 460 330 11 = A 41 848 remainder 2 B 41 950 remainder 4 C 41 972 remainder 6 D 42 035 remainder 8 1 10 5 2 1 = 34 ?

What is the missing fractions in the 1 3 A 88 C 28 5 1 B 84 D 24 11 Which of the following is true? A 1.0 = 100% C 0.1 = 1% B 93 = 9.3% D 0.02 = 20% 12 Diagram 3 shows several bank notes.

What is the missing value in the A B C D

7 5 Convert 20 into percentage. A B 50% 45% C D 40% 35%

Diagram 3

6 Diagram 1 shows several triangles of equal size.

What is the total amount of money shown? A RM118 C RM218 B RM128 D RM228 13 Diagram 4 shows three number cards. 23 641 8 905
Diagram 4

Diagram 1

What is the fraction of the shaded area? 1 1 A 12 C 22 1 1 B 23 D 33 7 RM26 984 3 4 = A RM2 238 B RM20 238

7 309


RM22 038 RM22 380

Find the sum of the values of underlined digits. A 156 B 1 560 C 15 600 D 156 000 14 Diagram 5 consists of several triangles of equal size.

8 Diagram 2 shows a number card. 3 .4 9 5

Diagram 2 Diagram 5

Which of the following digits of the decimal 2 represents 5 ? A 9 C 4


What is the percentage of the shaded parts? A 22% B 24% C 26%

PNI Neuron (M) Sdn. Bhd. (554690-H)



123 132


205 214


Diagram 6 shows four fractions. 7 5 7 3 2 , 4, 4,8

Diagram 6

Arrange the fractions in ascending order. 3 7 5 7 3 5 7 7 A 8 , 4 , 4 , 2 C 8 , 4 , 2 , 4 3 5 7 7 3 7 5 7 B 8 , 4 , 4 , 2 D 8 , 2 , 4 , 4 16 Diagram 7 shows a circle divided into eight parts of equal size.

21 Which of the following has the biggest value of money? A 3 059 sen B 3 590 sen C RM30.50 D RM32.50 22 Diagram 9 shows a test tube.

Diagram 9 Diagram 7

What is the percentage of the shaded parts of the whole diagram? A 65% C 75% B 70% D 80% 17 59.6 2.07 = + 29.08 ? 86.61 87.61

What is the percentage of the test tube that is filled with water? A 0.04% C 4% B 0.4% D 40% 23 Which of the following is not true? A 0.56 20 = 11.2 3 B 7 42 = 21 C 20% of 80 = 16 D 2 5 of 100 = 40

What must be written in the A 28.45 C B 29.45 D

18 Encik Hashim bought 56 boxes of pencils. Each box contains 12 pencils. Then, he distributed the pencils equally to 32 classes. How many pencils did each class receive? A 11 C 31 B 21 D 41 19 Table 1 shows the number of residents in 3 towns. Town X Y Z Number of residents 4 360 8 890 1 2 of the residents in town Y

24 The price of 3 similar refrigerators is RM3 598.50. What is the price of 2 refrigerators? A RM1 199.50 B RM2 399.00 C RM3 598.50 D RM4 798.00 25 Rahman bought 250 oranges, 409 apples and 87 strawberries. Calculate the total number of the fruits that he has bought. A 529 C 746 B 630 D 885 26 When 120 652 is partitioned according to its digit values, it becomes A 100 000 + 20 000 + 600 + 50 + 2 B 100 000 + 20 000 + 60 + 50 + 2 C 100 000 + 2 000 + 600 + 50 + 2 D 100 000 + 2 000 + 60 + 50 + 2 27 A watermelon is cut into 12 equal slices. Fairul 1 1 eats 6 of the watermelon while Siti eats 3 of the watermelon. How many slices of the watermelon remain? A 2 C 6 B 4 D 8

Table 1 Find the total number of residents in the three towns. A 14 300 C 16 325 B 15 230 D 17 695 20 Diagram 8 shows the quantity of marbles in a box.

Diagram 8

3 Ali takes 8 of the marbles. How many marbles are left in the box?

28 Table 2 shows the quantities of notes and coins in Chee Hsings wallet. Note/coin RM100 RM50 RM1 9 Quantity 1

33 Table 3 shows a bill received by Encik Khairul. Item Vacuum cleaner Blender Ceiling fan Quantity 2 8 1 Price per unit RM148.90 RM52.70 RM118

Table 2 If Chee Hsing has RM359, how many pieces of RM50 notes does he have? A 4 B 5 C 6 D 7 29 Diagram 10 shows three boxes of erasers.

Table 3 If Encik Khairul pays the bill with RM900, which of the following is not true? A The total amount of bill is RM837.40. B He has enough money to pay the bill. C He can buy one more blender. D He has a change of RM2.60. 34 An estimation of the product of 6 554 and 13 is between A 65 thousands to 66 thousands B 75 thousands to 76 thousands C 85 thousands to 86 thousands D 95 thousands to 96 thousands 35 Which of the following shaded parts of the whole diagrams represents 0.6? A B C D

Diagram 10

3 Rajandran takes 8 of the erasers. How many erasers does he take? A 170 B 179 C 180 D 189 30 Diagram 11 shows a number line.

Diagram 11

1 What is the difference between 5 and M? A B 1 5 2 5 C D 7 + 2 1000 = 2.753 ? 3 5 4 5

36 Form the largest number from the digits 5, 9, 2, 0, 3, 7 and round it off to the nearest ten thousand. A 980 000 C 880 000 B 960 000 D 860 000 37 Diagram 13 shows the price of a car. RM39 450
Diagram 13

7 31 10 +

What must be written in the A 5 B 0.5 C 0.05 D 0.005

Encik Ramli and his wife share to buy the car. How much money does each of them need to pay? A RM19 680 B RM19 725 C RM19 830 D RM19 945 38 Diagram 14 shows a word card. MONEY
Diagram 14

32 Diagram 12 shows a number card.

Diagram 12

The place value of digit 5 in the number card is A ones B tenths C hundredths D thousandths
PNI Neuron (M) Sdn. Bhd. (554690-H) 19

What is the percentage of the letter E from the whole word? A 50% C 20% B 30% D 10%

39 The profit of Restaurant Wira during the first year 4 is RM32 500. For the second year, the profit is 5 of the profit of the first year. Calculate the profit of the second year. A RM26 000 C RM40 625 B RM27 000 D RM41 625


The sum of two numbers is 2 980. If the larger number is 2 200, what is the product of the smaller number and 35? A B C D 9 350 15 400 27 300 32 500

PAPER 2 (Time: 40 minutes) This question paper consists of 20 questions. Answer all questions. Write your answer clearly in the spaces provided in the question paper. Show your working. It may help you to get marks.

1 Write six hundred thirty-five thousand and thirtynine in numerals. [1 mark]

6 How many pieces of RM5 notes are there in RM8 305? [2 marks]

2 5 = X% What is the value of X? [1 mark] [1 mark]

1 7 Ahmad has 258 stickers. He gave 3 of his stickers to his brother. How many stickers did his brother receive [2 marks]

3 Express 63% as a decimal.

[1 mark]

8 Diagram 2 consists of several squares of similar size.

4 Round off 5.345 to the nearest hundredth. [1 mark]

Diagram 2

What is the percentage of the area that is shaded? [2 marks] [2 marks] 5 Diagram 1 shows several circles divided into eight parts of equal size. 9 30.044 7 = [2 marks]

Diagram 1

Diagram 1 1 Shade 2 4 of Diagram 1. [1 mark]


13 = RM7 282.60 What must be written in the ? [2 marks]


17 11 Diagram 3 shows a number line.

There are 3 570 pupils in an assembly. If 2 039 of them are girls, what is the difference between the number of girls and boys in the assembly? [3 marks]

Diagram 3

[3 marks]

Round off S to the nearest ten thousand. [2 marks]

12 RM76 320.90 + RM4 230.20 RM10 236.50 = [2 marks]

18 Diagram 4 shows several shapes kept in a box.

1 2 13 Puan Syaza bought 6 l of coconut oil and 3 l of vinegar. How many litres of liquid did Puan Syaza buy? [2 marks]

Diagram 4

What is the percentage of shape number of shapes in the box?

to the total [3 marks]

38 14 Write 4 as a mixed number in the simplest form. [2 marks]

19 Ahmads salary is RM1 840. The amount of money 1 spent by Ahmad for the car rent is 8 of his Salary each month. How much did he spend on his car rent for two months? [3 marks]

15 Factory A produces 53 290 boxes of biscuits in a day. How many boxes of biscuits are produced in 15 days? [2 marks]

20 Diagram 5 shows a basket containing oranges. 16 Table 1 shows the number of rambutan trees in two orchards. Orchard P Q Number of rambutan trees 30 540 3 5 of the number of rambutan trees in Orchard P
Table 1 Diagram 5

Find the total number of rambutan trees in the two orchards. [3 marks]

Encik Mahmud give 48 of the oranges in the basket to his neighbour. State the percentage of oranges that is left. [3 marks]

PNI Neuron (M) Sdn. Bhd. (554690-H)



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