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Gopi was 22 years old but while all his friends in the village who were of his age,

had gotten married, Gopi's marriage was in the distant horizon. The reason was he had to work for many more years to pay off all the family debt. His father had passed away due to pneumonia attack when he was 16 without marrying off any of his four daughters and he did not leave any money behind except the house they lived in. So as soon as Gopi passed out of high school, he wrote the public service commission exam and got a government job in the nearby town. This helped the family borrow money on the house and Gopi has to pay it off with his salary. He had arranged marriages for three of his sisters - his elder sister Neha who is 24 years old now and is happily married with one child, his first younger sister Neelam who is 20 years old now and does not yet have a child even though she is married for 2 years now and his second younger sister Neeta who is 18 years old now and got married only 6 months back. Gopi had to not only pay off the debts but he had also to support his mother Sonaben who was 40 and his last sister Urmila who was 16 and further see to it that Urmila is also married well. Gopi was a normal healthy young man an he had his sexual needs. He had discovered masturbation when he was in school and his object of fantasy during his pleasures was usually movie stars until one day he found one closer to home. That day when he woke up from bed and went to the backyard to brush his teeth, his sister Urmi was there washing clothes. Normally by the time he got up, she would have finished her washing and gone to school. That day her school was closed for some reason and she got up a little late. She was wearing her skirt but had taken her blouse off to wash it and her half-sari was covering her chest. That was how she was usually whenever she was washing. As Gopi stood brushing his teeth, she lifted up her hands to hang a washed piece of cloth on the line and for a brief moment her half-sari was raised up revealing her samll, wonderful breasts. Gopi was stunned at the beauty of his sister's breasts and added to it was the fact this was his first look at breasts at close quarters. But Gopi felt guilty that he was watching his own sister's breasts and turned his face away. But that brief glimpse kept coming back to him all though the day. When he came back from work, he could not help stealing glances at his sister who was now of course fully clothed. For a couple of days he struggled with his feelings but was drawn more and more to his sister. The third day he got up early and went to the backyard wanting to get a glimpse of his sister's gorgeous breasts. And he was rewarded. Then he made it a

regular habit. That morning glimpse was the highlight of the entire day for him and thoughout the day also, he would be stealing looks at her chest hoping that her half-sari would fall between her jutting breasts revealing them seductively. He was many times granted his wish as Urmi was not very careful about spreading her half-sari over her breasts. Ater all there was none in the house except her brother. Then one night, he got up to go to the bathroom and when he came back to his bed his eyes fell on his sister who was sleeping a few feet away. (As was usaul in village homes, everybody slept in a big hall together a few feet apart from each other). Her half-sari had fallen off and her shapely breasts stood out of her chest magnificiently, rising and falling with her regular breathing. Gopi sat there staring at them and her bare skin revealed between the lower rim of her blouse and the upper rim of her skirt,in the dim light of the kerosene night lamp. He wanted to caress those breasts but was afraid that his sister might wake up or his mother might be awake and see him. Then he masturbated looking at those lovely shapes and had great satisfaction. Then onwards, he eagerly waited for the night time and the sight of hsi sister's breasts. He grew bold enough to gently push her half-sari away from her breasts at times when it had not fallen off. He also started noticing how beautiful her face, her whole body and her movements were. His desire for his sister increased every day. She was the only girl in his fantasies now. He started moving closely with her. He offered to help her with her school lessons and that gave him opporutnity to be close with her for a couple of hours each day and admire her beauty at close quarters. He also noticed gradually that his sister's half-sari was now between her breasts most of the time revealing her firm breasts pushing out her blouse and at night, he never had to push her half-sari away. It was never covering her breasts. He just thanked his good luck and enjoyed his sister's beauty as much as he can. After about three months, one day his mother did something which seemed strange to him. Sonaben decided to sleep in the store room instead of the hall along with Urmi and Gopi. A couple of days after she started doing that, Gopi saw the opportunity this gave him and decided to touch Urmi's breasts when she is sleeping. He thought it is worthwhile taking the chance with his sister. He spread his palm and placed it gently over Urmi's left breast. The softness, the shapeliness and the warmth of his siter's breast sent a thrill through him. He cupped her breast with his fingers and kept it motionless for a long time enjoying the rise and fall of the breast. Urmi did not move

at all and encouraged by this he did the same to her right breast. After what seemed hours, Urmi turned to sleep on her side and Gopi quickly took his hand away. But he had had more pleasure in his life in that short time than in his entire life time. He went to sleep with the pleasant feeling of Urmis's breasts in his mind. After that night, every night he would fondle his sister's breasts and masturbate afterwards. A month later, Sonaben announced that she was going to visit her daughter Neha for a week and went out of town leaving Gopi and Urmi alone. That night, when Gopi started his usual activity with his sister, he had the shock of his life. The moment he put his hand on her breast, Urmi caught his hand. "Gopi, what have you been doing, you bad boy", she said. Gopi replied, "Urmi, sorry, please don't tell mother. I won't do it again". Urmi said, "First tell me why you are doing this, Gopi. I am your sister and a brother is not supposed to fondle and play with his sister's breasts". Gopi said, "I know, Urmi. But you are so beautiful and I am terribly attracted towards you. I love you Urmi not only like a sister but as my girl." Urmi replied, "Oh Gopi, why did you not tell me that. I also love you Gopi. That is why I display my breasts to you all day and let you fondle my breasts at night, even though I was aware of what you are doing from the very first day you put your hand on my breasts." Gopi was joyful at hearing thsee words from his sister and asked her, "Urmi can I kiss you?". Urmi said Yes and Gopi hugged his sister and started kissing her lips passionately. Urmi reurned her brother's kisses equally passionately. After kissing for five minutes, Urmi asked, "Gopi, do you want to put your hand inside my blouse and fondle my breasts?" Gopi eagerly said yes and Urmi unbuttoned the lower three buttons of her blouse and gave her breasts to Gopi for caressing. Gopi gently kneaded her breast and played with her nipples and Urmi started moaning with pleasure. Her brother's hand was warm and gentle on her silky sixteen year old breasts. She had wanted to feel her brother's hand on her bare breasts from the first day he had fondled them and she was feeling fully the pleasure she had expected. Then Gopi asked what he had wanted to for a long time. "Urmi, can I suck your breasts please?". Urmi was overjoyed and said, "Yes Gopi. Let me remove my blouse for you", and she sat up and took her blouse off. Now her young breasts were fully revealed to her brother and Gopi sat staring speechlessly at their beauty. Then Urmi gently drew her brother's head towards her right breast and Gopi opened his lips and took his sister's soft breast in his mouth and started

sucking. Urmi let out a gasp as he pressed his lips around her nipple pressing it with his tongue. Gopi kept sucking Urmi's breasts for a long time alternating between her two breasts. Then he kissed her again and spoke loving words to her. Urmi said, "Brother, I wish we can be together like this always". Gopi said, "I wish so too Urmi, but at least till mother comes back we can do so", and slowly the two lovers drifted into sleep. The next few days, Gopi and Urmi were in heaven enjoying their intimacy and expressing their love for each other openly. But when Sonaben returned she had a surprise for the brother and sister. When Urmi had gone for her music lesson, she called Gopi and asked him to sit by her side and started talking. "Gopi, did you and your sister have a good time when I had gone?", she asked. Gopi was taken aback and could not reply. Sonaben continued, "I know what is going on between you two Gopi. I have been watching you admire your sister and I wanted you to get together with her and so I started sleeping in the kitchen and then went away for a week so that you will be able to reveal your love to your sister. Have you done that?" Gopi was happy with relief and said, "Yes mother. Urmi also loves me mother and we both really enjoyed being together last week. I want to thank you so much for being so understanding mother. You have made me and Urmi so happy". Sonaben replied, "Gopi, a mother's happiness lies in her children's happiness. You have been the guardian and helper in this home and I have been wondering how I can repay you for your sacrifices and this happened to be a good way. It will be several years before you can marry and Urmi has to wait at least two more years until we have enough money for her marriage. So at least until her marriage, I thought she can be your wife. Tomorrow is raksha bandan when brother and sister exchange tokens of love and affection. That will be a good day for you and Urmi to start sleeping together. After wearing new clothes and tying the kankan in each other's wrists tomorrow, you two go to the temple and pray in the evening. We will have a festive dinner and then you can take Urmi to sleep with you. You two can sleep in the store room, it is more private and it has a door you can latch from inside. I will sleep here in the hall. I have made more space in the store room so that you two can be comfortable there. You and your sister can do whatever a husband and wife will do except that you should be careful not to make your sister pregnant. We cannot hide it. You should have intercourse with Urmi only when she is safe. I will tell you both when it is ok and when it is

not. I know it will be difficult to refrain from having intercourse especially whn you are newly married to a young girl who is further your loving sister. But Urmi will have to learn to give you oral intercourse and take you in her behind.". Gopi was overjoyed. His mother was offfering his lovely sister to him as his wife. This was beyond even his wildest fantasy. But what if his other sisters come to know about it? When he asked his mother, she said, "We cannot keep this a secret from your sisters. We are a loving and affectionate family and your sisters know the sacrifices you have made for their marriage. So they will be only be happy. We will tell Neelam and Neeta soon and I have already told Neha about this. That is why I went their last week. She is happy about this. In fact she has sent a ring for you to give to Urmi tomorrow and also gave her wedding sari for Urmi to wear tomorrow. We cannot afford to buy a wedding sari for Urmi now. I have bought a simple new dress for you to wear tomorrow". Next day was a festival day. In the evening, Gopi wore his new dress and Urmi wore her sister's wedding sari and together they went to the temple and prayed. When they returned, their mother asked them to sit on a new mat in the hall and gave them threads to tie in each other's wrists. Then she gave a piece of sweet to Gopi and asked him to put in his sister's mouth. Urmi opened her lovely mouth and Gopi put the sweet in her mouth. Then Urmi did the same to Gopi. Now Sonaben gave her son the ring that her eldest daughter had sent and asked him to put it in her daughter's finger. Urmi extended her left hand so that her brother can slip the ring on her slender finger. Then Sona tied her daughter's sari end to Gopi's shirt tail saying to Gopi, "Your sister is now yours to love and protect. May both of you enjoy your union for a long time to come". After that, she served the couple the festive food she had cooked and asked them to go to the store room. Gopi and his sister touched their mother's feet and Gopi took his sister by hand and went into the store room. Just before entering the room, Sona went to his son and whispered in his ear, "Your sister is safe today" and then watched happily as her son and daughter went into the room hand in hand. Chapter 3 After latching the door, Gopi and his sister embraced and kissed passionately. Then Urmi removed her wedding sari and put it away and Gopi changed into pajama. They lay down on the soft bed their mother had put on the floor and kissed again. Urmi unbuttoned her blouse and gave her breasts to her brother. Gopi lovingly fondled his sister's soft breasts for a while

and then tok her left breast in his mouth and started sucking. Urmi hugged him closer and ran her fingers though his hair affectionately as he sucked at her breasts. After a while, Gopi sat up and took a look at his beautiful sister from head to foot. Urmi was lying on her back and had her legs slightly apart. Her skirt had fallen between her thighs forming a vee at her girlhood. Urmi felt shy when she saw her brother looking at the vee between her thighs. Gopi looked at her and asked, "Urmi, I want to kiss you there. Can I please?". Urmi replied, "Brother, I am your sister and also your wife. You do not have to ask me my permission to do anything with me. Everything I have is yours. Take me, my loving brother and husband" and spread her legs wider to give better access to her brother. Gopi bent his head and placed his lips over his sister's pundai and pressed it hard over the warm softness. Even through her skirt, he could smell the fragrance of his sister's girlhood and soon he could also feel her wetness. After planting several kisses, he started untying the drawstring of her skirt. Urmi felt eagerness and shyness at the same time as her brother undid the drawstring and started pulling her skirt down. She lifted her back a little so that he can pull her skirt off completely. Now she was totally naked before her beloved brother/husband. Gopi was stunned by his gorgeous sister's body. There was not too much hair on her pundai and the brown lips were glistening with her love juice. Gopi positioned himself between her long legs and put his lips on the soft fragrant petals of her sex and showered kisses on them. Then he parted the petals and took the little clit between his lips and caressed them with his lips. Urmi started moaning at the first ever contact of sensitive clit with her brother's lips. It was a pleasure unknown to her so far. She pressed her brother's head against her pundai and crossed her legs on his back. Gopi kept sucking at his sister's clit arousing her more and more. Suddenly he felt her raise her hips and jerk several times and a gush of juice poured out of her pudenda. Gopi pressed his lips tightly against her pudenda and sucked all the juice which tasted heavenly. His sister lay back now slightly trembling after her first orgasm. Gopi moved up and looked at her. Her chest was heaving with heavy breathing and her eyes were closed. The nipples on her lovely breasts were hard and she was sweating slightly. When she opened her eyes and saw her brother, she said, "Oh brother, I love you so much. You are making me so happy. I am glad I am your wife. Tell me what I can do as your wife to make you happy". Gopi was touched by this expression of love by his sister. He kissed her warmly on her lips and stood up to remove her pajama

and reveal his chunni to his beloved sister. Urmi's eyes went wide when she saw her brother's stiff chunni. She wanted to take the beautiful thing in her hands and fondle it. She sat up and took hold of it and lovingly ran her soft hand along its length. Then she brought her lips to it and kissed the head. She said, "Brother, this looks so wonderful". Gopi said, "My darling sister, it not only looks wonderful. It is going to make you feel wonderful too now", and pushed her back on the bed and positioned himself between his sister's beautiful thighs. Then he put his prick on the entrance to her lovely pundai which was now almost sloppy with her love juice and slowly pushed it inside. His sister's cunt was tight but because it was now well lubricated his prick slid inside with slight pushing. Urmi gasped as her brother's prick entered her girlhood and caressed the sides of her sensitive pundai. In a little while, Gopi felt the obstruction of her hymen and suddenly pushed hard and broke it. His sister jerked and bit her lips at the pain. But it passed soon and she felt more pleasure as her brother's prick entered her pundai fully. As her brother started sliding it up and own her cunt, Urmi's pleasure started buiding up. As for Gopi, he was in heaven, feeling his loving sister's warm cunt gripping his prick and massaging the sensitive veins. He caught hold of his sister's thighs and pulled her towards him, burying his prick deep into her with each thrust. Urmi was thrashing her head from side to side as he pushed and pulled his prick into her pundai. She soon reached her climax and arched her back pushing her hips towards her brother several times. Gopi held on because he wanted his sister to remember their first union forever by climaxing several times. He kept fucking her until she had three more orgasms and then let go load after load of his incestuous sperm into his lovely sister's warm cunt. As she felt her brother's cum splash against the walls of her cunt, Urmi had a feeling of fulfilment. She was now really her loving brother's wife. After releasing his love load into his darling sister's pundai, Gopi laid down on her side and hugged her and kissed her and spoke loving words to her. He also moved down and planted several kisses on her pundai which was now his property. After a while, Urmi shyly asked her brother, "Gopi, can we do it again?". Gopi was of course ready and they had a wonderful intercourse again. Brother and sister did it again three more times and by the time they drifted into sleep, it was almost morning. When Gopi woke up, it was afternoon. He saw his sister lying naked beside him with a slight smile in her beautiful face. His saliva

had dried up on her breasts and her pundai was matted with his cum and her own cunt juice. He gently kissed her and woke her up. After kissing some more, she got up and put on her wedding sari again and Gopi put on his dress. When they came out of the store room, their mother greeted them smilingly and said, "Go and take bath. I have cooked nice food. Let us enjoy it". Chapter 3 Three months went by. Sonaben had told the new couple that they should be careful during the daytime not to touch each other and behave like sister and brother and change their role to husband and wife only after they are in the store room for the night. Gopi and Urmi followed that rule stricktly. Meanwhile, Gopi took up extra work so that he can buy nice things for his sister. He brought sweets and flowers every day for her. Urmi was flying in heaven in her new status as his brother's wife. Then one day, Sonaben told them she has to go to her second daughter Neelam's place to tell her about Gopi and Urmi's marriage. When she returned, she was a bit worried. She told Gopi, "Neelam is very angry. She says that she was in love with you before her marriage and she is disppointed that she did not get to do waht Urmi did". Gopi said, "What can we do now mother. She is married". Sonaben replied,"I think you have to give her the same status as Urmi. Otherwise, her anger will never go away. It does not matter that she is married. This matter is going to be only between us. For the outside, she will be the wife of her husband. But inside she will be your wife". Gopi was only too happy that his sister Neelam wants to be his wife but he was worried about Urmi. But when Sonaben and Gopi asked Urmi, she said,"I love all my sisters and I will share Gopi with Neelam because I think Neelam will bring Gopi additional happiness". Sonaben said,"Ok, I will start making the marriage arrangments. Gopi, you can compensate Neelam for not taking her before her marriage by giving her a baby. She wants a baby and it is two years since her marriage. I will fix the marriage during her fertile period. Then you will be able to make her pregnant on the first night of your union". Gopi thought,"What luck". Everything went as planned and Neelam became Gopi's wife and also missed her period 4 weeks later. She was happy beyond measure. Urmi felt bad a little but she realized that she was not publicly married and so there is no way she can get pregnant. She eagerly awaited the day when she would also be publicly married so that she can get pregnant by her loving brother. Gopi was now enjoying so much the incestuous pleasure of sister sex that he wanted to have his other two sisters too. Sonaben arranged for a double marriage for him with Neha and Neeta. Gopi took both his sisters to the store room that night

and enjoyed the new thrill of making love to one sister with the other sister looking on. Also, since both these sisters were married, he made them pregnant too. Within a year, Gopi had three daughters, one each by Neha, Neelam and Neeta. But he wanted most of all to make his first sister/wife Urmi pregnant. Fate played him a good hand here. A very rich landlord in the next village had a half-wit son for whom he wanted a wife. He was ready to pay a huge sum of money for the girl who would marry his son. Sonaben, Gopi and Urmi disussed this and decided that Urmi will go through with this, because Urmi can continue to be her brother's wife while being the wife of the half-wit outside. And she can have babies by her brother exclusively because the half-wit husband would not understand what is going on. So Urmi got married publicly to the half-wit and got a huge amount of property and money. Then propmptly she became pregnant by her brother. Gopi's first child by Urmi was a boy and he made her pregnant quickly after that and she gave him a daughter. His sisters were very happy to get pregnant by him and always one or more of his sisters were carrying his babies in their wombs.

The first woman who made me hard and still does till date is my elder sis. I loved her very much as my only sister but my lust for her made me think and do things which resulted in a blissful sexual life between us which we enjoy till today. But this lust which got created for her inside me was helped or initiated by her in many ways, like, she will always dress in skimpiest of dresses whenever our parents were not around, she will ask me to message her or shave her. I will change clothes in front of me, encouraged me to do same, would stare and laugh at the size of my thing whenever I will be in my briefs in front of her and I want to tell about our first sex and how it all started I sniffed her panties which she just took off before going to take a wash. The smell was so enticing that instantly I had a hard on. I took out my john and started to jerk off but then suddenly I heard her come out of bathroom. I went out of her room ASAP and got behind the window of her room which was just beside my room. She was only in skimpy towel which barely covered her body. She is a bit chubby with very fair skin, boobs of 32 D and big round ass with a bit of tummy out. I have lost count of how many times I have jerked off thinking about licking her whole body. She closed her door and threw the towel away and stood in front of her mirror looking at herself. She took her body lotion and started rubbing herself all over but when her hand reached near her cunt she stopped and sat in her bed. After a while I realized she was fingering herself. I was so happy I took off my clothes instantly and started jerking off looking at her. I came within a few moments. After that I came to my senses but my john was getting hard again because she was still at it. Then I decided that I had to go for it today or I will never get to fuck her ever. I went directly in front of her window and started to rub myself so that she can see me. It took a while before she saw me in her mirror. She was surprised and embarrassed at the same time but didn't try to hide her body. She was staring at my hard cock. She asked me what the fuck I am doing but I told her to continue what she was doing. I said I want to watch her finger herself. She said I was crazy but I told her there is no harm if no one knows and it stays between us. I asked her to open her door so I can see her closely but she was reluctant. I went and stared knocking on her door after a while she opened but now she wrapped herself in her towel while I was still buff naked with my john staring hard at her. She refused to finger herself in front of me. I told her it's ok if she doesnt want but I need to get my release so she can help me by jerking me off with her hands at first she did nothing then when I pulled her hands and put it on my john she did not let go of it. I knew my trick succeeded now in a short while I can get her to do anything I want. I told her lets sit in the bed where we can be comfortable. She sat beside me and I wrapped my right arm around her naked shoulder while she slowly jerked me off with her soft hand. Till that time she didn't said anything her eyes were fixed on my cock while I was exploring my right hand over towel clad body trying to feel her huge boobs. She was getting turned on as her breath got heavier by the moment and I was feeling her smooth milky thighs after a while she asked me how I am lasting so long I told her I need her to suck me in order to get cum fast. It was like she was waiting to hear those words and she took it completely inside her warm mouth.

It felt like heaven I was sucked before but it was total out of the world when she did it. I was smiling cause I knew I would last for a quite a while as I had just jerked of few moments back. I grabbed her hair and started to pull her head up and down in my cock. She chocked but didn't complained guess she was enjoying it very much. I pack a very handy size but she was like an expert taking it in all like a porn star. I pulled her up and pulled her face close to me and kissed her. I took her tongue into my mouth and started to suck on it and her whole body was trembling with lust. I took towel off her body and made her stand in front of me and then I pulled her closed to me and started to suck on her beautiful big boobies while I grabbed and squeezed her big ass cheeks with my both hands. She started to moan as I started to slap her ass cheeks hard while I bit, licked and sucked her both boobs simultaneously. I slowly entered one finger into her cunt she moaned again. I pulled it out and tasted it tasted great. I licked my finger again and inserted into her ass and at the same time one finger in her cunt while I started to suck on her big nipples at that moment she moaning loudly in both pain and pleasure and pain. What happened next in my next upload at first I fingered her both holes slowly but increased my pace after a while. She was enjoying it to the maximum because she was grabbing my hairs and pulling my mouth to her tits like she wanted me to suck it all. She also started to kiss me very passionately taking my whole tongue and sucking it like her life depended on it. I told her that I want to lick every inch of her body and threw her into the bed. I started with her toes than legs thighs but skipped her cunt as I wanted to make her wait. I licked her tummy, her armpits, her neck, her face than I turned downwards and started to lick her back till her ass. I bit her ass cheeks hard and she groaned in pain but I was too horny to listen to her cries. After I had my fill with her big plump ass cheeks I spread her cheeks to open up her anus. It was dark in color compared to her white skin. I sniffed it first it was pungent but I liked it instantly and kissed it. I started to lick it with my tongue and she started to moan again which made me lick her harder and spank her big ass cheeks ferociously. I eat her ass for a while before turning her upwards to sniff her hairless pussy. It was pink in color and smelled very nice. She was very wet from my finger fuck without wasting any time I put my whole mouth into it and licked and sucked on her clit while I fingered her anus. She making a lot of noise and moaning like a slut suddenly she started to squirt a lot of cum in my face which I lapped up like a hungry dog after about 15 minutes of eating her pussy I moved to lie beside her. She was totally spent after cuming so much but I was not done with her yet I kissed her and said in her ears that I want her to suck me again then I will fuck her pussy and ass. I sat above her face and pushed my semi-erect cock in her warm mouth and started to face fuck her till I got hard enough. I spread her legs with my both hands and shoved it hard in one push inside her which made her scream in pleasure. I always knew she was not a virgin as I saw her once fucking one of her boyfriend's in her room. She was gasping for breath as I started to enter her love hole with my 8" inches I asked her if it is biggest she had till now she nodded her head.

Hearing this I lifted her legs in my shoulders and penetrated her even deeper. She was moaning like a whore and I grabbed her big tits with my both hands and started to rub her big nipples which made her scream even more. I took her legs and made her wrap my waist with one swift move I lifted her and made her sit in my thighs and her boobs were now rubbing my chest and I grabbed her ass cheeks squeezing them hard. I kissed her and sucked her tongue in the meantime. I lubricated her ass hole with my saliva and started to finger fuck her ass. It made her cry out in pain but I did not stop. A moment after her whole body shuddered as she came. I stopped fucking her for a while and just hold her and when she relaxed a bit she smiled and kissed me. She wanted to suck me again so I let her and after some sucking I made her pose in doggy style and spanked her ass cheeks till they both turned red. I licked her pussy then inserted my cock to fuck her from behind. I again inserted my thumb inside her ass hole this time she was more relaxed. She asked me to fuck her ass like she is whore and hearing this I wasted no time I pushed my tongue in her ass hole and tongue fucked her and when she got well lubricated with my saliva I pushed my cock in it. She screamed but I did not stop till it was all inside. It was heaven her ass was virgin and tight like my own fist grip. I started slow increasing my speed gradually. I could not hold myself long I pulled out and asked her to open her mouth. I came inside her beautiful mouth and in the heat of lust she swallowed all of it. I lied down and pulled her close to me kissing her passionately. It was the start of our sexual journey with each other which also led to much other sexual adventure.

Hey guys this is Prajwal here again with one of my latest experiences. I have received many nice comments to my earlier submissions. You can email me on Prajwalraj4u@gmail.com Guys please dont ask for sex chat or sharing my partner because I am uncomfortable with all these stuff. Well I am a completely outgoing guy I like to mix around and have had many girlfriends. People say I look very good. I am personally interested in elder woman up to age 25 to 40. Well this is my experience with my masi my mothers sister. Her name is Rekha and hr age is 36 but she does not look a day above 30. Her figure is 34-24-36. I love her ass and always dreamt of fucking her hard. Well I finally got my chance. One time when my mom and dad had gone on a month trip to a holy place I had to stay back as I had my CET exam. Well so I was staying at my aunts place. Well in my aunts house they were just her and her husband. My uncle was a civil engineer and had a business of construction spread all over India and so he used to travel a lot. Since the day I arrived my aunt used to take real good care of me. She would be wearing low cut blouses that used to reveal her ample cleavage. She used to act as if she was trying to seduce me. She would sometimes try out fashionable clothes and roam around the house like in jeans and skirts. The jeans would be real tight for her ass and her ass would stick out making my dick hard. Now my uncle had to go on a month long trip on d end of my first week stay there. My aunt while serving me food used to bend so much that her cleavage was seen completely and the day my uncle left my aunt used to leave her room open while changing and I used to catch a glimpse of her super-hot body. The night my uncle left my aunt came the guest room where I used to sleep and sat beside me and started having a general talk. She was in a track pant and a tight pink t shirt. Her nipples were poking through her top. I was sitting in track pants only and didnt have a t shirt or any boxers on. While talking she started moving her finger on my thighs. This aroused me and my dick became erect. She saw it and asked what this was by holding it. I told I was sorry and she just winked at me and said that she wanted it since the day I came and then leapt onto me like a tigress and started kissing me wildly. I moved aside the pillows and pulled her completely over me and started massaging her ass. It was smooth and round. She was moaning a bit. I then removed her tracks and t shirt and started massaging her boobs. They were soft and fair with light pink nipples. I started pinching her nipples and chewing them. They were nice a bit hard as they were erect. I sucked on her nipples and they were a bit red and also had my teeth marks around them. She was moaning loudly as I was sucking on her nipples. I tried to take the whole of her boob inside my mouth but was obviously not successful then I made her lay on her back and climbed on her and was rubbing my cock over her pussy (cock still in tracks). She removed my dick and started giving me a hand job. I asked her to lick it but she refused it saying that she had never done it before. I said ok and started sucking her pussy. She was creaming loud saying that she was never licked there. I was fingering her pussy also. She came

within 15 minutes and came all over my finger which was inside her. All her juices started dripping on my hand. I licked it all and also made her taste it. I put my cock in front of her cunt and started rubbing it over her pussy lips. She begged me to insert it as she hadnt had sex since long. I inserted half of my cock inside her and then took it out. I did this for some time and then with full force rammed my cock inside her. She let out a shriek and was completely enjoying it. She was moving her hips in the same rhythm as my cock. Then I started sucking on her boobs. She was moaning loudly I loved the feeling as she had not been fucked since long her cunt was very tight. I came inside her pussy in 10 minutes then I asked her to get in doggy style and was licking her cunt from back and was also stroking my cock. My dick was hard in 2 minutes and then I fucked her doggy style. I loved it as it was my favourite pose. I was spanking her ass while fucking her and her ass had all red marks of my hand. I was just loving the sex mostly because it was with my relative that too my mother sister. Her pussy was warm and tight. I then inserted a finger in her ass and she let out a mild cry. I then inserted another finger and was finger fucking her ass. I was soon going to cum but dint want to so withdraw my cock back. She was a bit perplexed. I then placed my cock on her asshole and before she would say anything I started slowly inserting my cock inside her. She was almost about to cry but controlled herself. I slowly started moving my dick in and out of her she asked me to take it easy as it was her first time in the ass. I took it slowly and she soon was enjoying it and asked me t go faster. The moment I went fast due to the tight grip of her asshole I came within two minutes in her ass. She told me that it was the best sex she has ever had. She told that she really enjoyed the ass fucking. Soon we fell asleep and slept in each others arms. In the morning when I woke up I saw she was in the kitchen making coffee. I saw her she was naked just wearing an apron. The apron only covered her front bottom area. I went close to her and started playing with her boobs. I turned her around and sucked on them. I jokingly told her I dont need that milk in the coffee. She dropped me on the floor and removed her apron and started riding me. I was squeezing her ass and sucking on her boobs. I picked her up and made her stand against the fridge and thrust my cock in her ass I was fucking her vigorously. She was almost crying but was also moaning in pleasure. Soon we came and again for sometime rested on the kitchen floor then we were talking generally. She said that she needed a fuck like this since a long time but her husband would just cum in 5 minutes and then go off to sleep. I told her that now whenever she needed me she could just ring me and then the whole time till uncle came back we fucked like dogs. We would always be naked around the house unless there was a guest or someone and even when my parents came my aunt asked them to let me stay there as she would be alone for a week as uncle had gone a week later my parents and had a month long trip. She said that she was scared of staying alone. Guys we had an awesome time and

believe me mature women are much better than young girls. No offence to any girl who reads this.

Hello everybody! Hi All you avid reader fans! This is me jlogan3581 back with another story this time, I would like to improve a little more on my writing. This story is with another aunt of mine and where I come from I have whole lot aunties and relatives out there who want the real stuff. Fact no 01 woman dont get off much on porn 80% I have talked to say it is way too rough for their taste and they wouldnt like to do such things with a guy. So forgive me if I dont cater to people with such taste. My story is about when I was doing my studies here in Hyderabad. I was living a bachelor life in my aunt house with another friend who used a run a mess service and that was her livelihood for her family. Lets name her Suzy (name changed). Suzy was mother of two and had a husband who was into bakery and drinking most of the time. So you can guess I doubt she was getting any. Suzy was only 5ft 2inches and when I used to talk to her it felt like I was talking to a kid. She had all the assets in the right place, she was 30 28 28. Her breast was something that all guys used to ogle at. But lets start with the story, I wasnt really into her at that time and I was more into my workouts and keeping up with studies and sports so you can say I am quite athletic. By night all the guys would come from their different work place to have their dinners and talk about their everyday that is when one of guys was constantly asking me if my aunt had a crush on me because whenever she used to serve me she would go out of her way to be close to me or serve me a little extra here and there. I didnt take it much into consideration at that but I kind of came close to giving that guy a black eye. He didnt know that she was my aunt. Anyways I didnt bother at that time but it was there hanging like hook on something of possibility, that night while I was masturbating visions of my aunt came into my mind and that made me come quite hard and in order to test that idea if she was really into me I began my game of seduction. Every morning I used to rise with boner and this day I stayed in bed and told my friend that I wasnt going to college and he should go ahead and purposely slept late. Aunt Suzy as usual would finish serving for her husband and kids and pack them off and start with her daily chores of cleaning the house she would start with my room as usual and I pretended to sleep with my clothes partially on me and dick making a huge tent and was watching her on the sly. She came in as usual and as soon she entered she saw me in that state there was electric charge in the air and I could see she was little surprised to see my tent pole but I still waited it out she immediately covered me with the sheet and left the room. I was kind of disappointed at first but anyways I dragged myself up and walked into the bathroom to relieve my present crisis. After that event I started bumping quite often into in some pretext or other and I stopped wearing underwear so that she could see my semi hardness through my shorts. I was even caught once by uncle for not wearing underwear inside my shorts. But anyways aunt Suzy started to notice my interest in her. I used to turn up at the table early so I could watch her come out of bathroom after her bath or when she is cleaning up the house or whenever she used to bend over to clean it gave me beautiful glimpses of her body. Her skin was fair had the most beautiful lips and breast. Her hips were buttery and eyes were the most expressive one I have seen, so most of the time when I used to speak to her I would watch

her lips move and she used to notice me staring at her lips and smile. I had hard time breaking the stare but this what I wanted her to know, I was interested. There was times when I used to come out of the bathroom only in a towel and show off my body to her and take my time moving from one place to another and then only go into my room. I always used to act like a kid to her at time tickling or poking her with a finger here & there of her body and there and she used to really get mad at me and I used to run the hell out of there and sometimes she used to chase me when there was no one in the house. I knew I was getting closer and I wanted her to surrender herself to me, so that day finally did come. I came out after my bath as usual with my pranky old self . She was busy cutting the vegetable and gave her poke playfully in her hips and this time I was kind of slow in my moments she chased me and she caught up with me and we both fell into the bed with me laughing and she was top me trying to tickle me and I was laughing my head off making it look like it was all harmless prank and as you might have guessed my towel came off but we were still playing around tickling each other and I was kind of getting hard down there and slowly she realized that I was naked and my hardness was pressed into her legs and she suddenly drew a breath and was quite and we were staring at each. I kept trying to wiggle out in the process which was rubbing against her sweet little pussy and she was all flushed and red by now and her breathing was erratic. We went quite and I kept wiggling and dry humping over the nightee and she was moaning I slowly moved my hands to her butt and managed to squeeze & drag and rub it more into my hardness that she kept moaning and breathing got faster we were reaching climax when she finally came out of the haze and said No No NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! And I came all over her and she convulsed quite a few times and bit my shoulder to suppress her scream there were tears rolling out of eyes and I was wondering then if I had gone to far. After a while she left me there and went to her room and I cleaned up and left there and came back by night we were quite silent we kept our communication to the minimum. The next day when I came down for my breakfast she was dressed in a beautiful red saree that I couldnt take my eyes of her. Her beautiful butter folds were hanging out in the right places for me that I cursed myself for not wearing an underwear and it was making quite a dent. As soon as everyone left I moved towards her and said we need to talk and she yes and still going on with her work of cutting the vegetables so I moved behind her to talk to her but I dont know what was the problem was it the heat of the oven or smell of sex I knew she was wet I put my hands on her hips and I slowly started poking my hardness into her and she at first kept saying is this what you want to talk about, I didnt say anything I just kept running my hands over hips and ass and then I slowly reached from the side and touched her breast and gave it squeeze she immediately dropped the knife and turned around and said John this is not right. John: I know but I cant control when I am near you. Aunty Suzy: Oh! Kanna this is not the way. one day you will find someone who will help you with that. I said I wanted her at the moment.

She kept staring at me but I was staring back at her she took my head in her head and kissed me in forehead and said I know, but try to control yourself I moved closer and I showed my puppy dog eyes and I said I want more then she kissed me on my cheeks and just when we she was going to kiss my other cheek I moved and our lips met for brief moment and that was needed to close the barrier between us I first kissed her lips and chewed on her lower lip but she was inpatient and started pushing her tongue into me and then she explored every bit of our mouths and finally had to separate to breathe. I lifted her from there and took her to the bedroom and removed the saree and I took my time looking at her from top to down so I slowly removed blouse button and she wasnt even wearing a bra in there she had the most beautiful breast and pink round nipples which looked like new 1 rupee coins small and pink. I kept grazing my rough hand on those nipples and then pinched them. I took her tits in my mouth and bit on it with my the teeth and flicked her nipples with my tongue, she was moaning and wanted me to do fast but in no way was in hurry I switched from one to another. Then I made her stand and told her to remove her panties but keep her skirt on she removed and I too stripped down to nothing and when she saw my penis she was quite all of sudden she told me it was way to big than what she had imagined. I then told to turn around and face her back to and I approached her from behind nibbling from her neck to shoulder blades all the way down occasionally to side breast and beautiful hips at the same time I was running my fingers up and down her arse creak. I then slowly started folding her skirt upwards taking my time starting from her feet nibbling on her legs on the insides and she was already leaking. This was what I wanted total surrender she kept buckling every time her knees would give away but I would hold her straight back up nibbling my way nor once did I touch pussy yet. But she dripping like a faucet but then I finally rolled her onto her back and started kissing her beautiful arse cheeks on both sides She kept moaning and kept saying she was feeling light headed and that she was going to faint but I didnt listen to her I kept at it and then I finally touched her pussy and fingered her twice in and out that she fell into bed twitching and coming again but I didnt stop at my dick was already ready and I slowly brought her back up and positioned my dick rubbing it up and down her pussy and then I slowly inserted it and it felt like sliding into butter. She was already pushing back wanting more of it but I kept pumping it in and out almost lifting her from the ground while doing and she was dripping all over bed and this time I could she was wetting the bed she was coming and peeing at the same time I grabbed some her juice to lubricate my fingers and inserted it into her arse hole at same time and she immediately clenched my dick so tightly with her pussy and arse I just came in her spurting spunk after spunk and she shouted aaaaaaaaaaaHHHHH!!!! passed out.

The first woman who made me hard and still does till date is my elder sis. I loved her very much as my only sister but my lust for her made me think and do things which resulted in a blissful sexual life between us which we enjoy till today. But this lust which got created for her inside me was helped or initiated by her in many ways, like, she will always dress in skimpiest of dresses whenever our parents were not around. She will ask me to message her or shave her, will change clothes in front of me, encouraged me to do same, would stare and laugh at the size of my thing whenever I will be in my briefs in front of her. I want to tell about our first sex and how it all started. I sniffed her panties which she just took off before going to take a wash. The smell was so enticing that instantly I had a hard-on. I took out my john and started to jerk off but then suddenly I heard her come out of bathroom. I went out of her room asap and got behind the window of her room which was just beside my room. She was only in skimpy towel which barely covered her body. She is a bit chubby with very fair skin, boobs of 32D and big round ass with a bit of tummy out. I have lost count of how many times I have jerked off thinking about licking her whole body. She closed her door and threw the towel away and stood in front of her mirror looking at herself. She took her body lotion and started rubbing herself all over but when her hand reached near her cunt she stopped and sat in her bed after a while I realized she was fingering herself. I was so happy I took off my clothes instantly and started jerking off looking at her. I came within a few moments after that I came to my senses but my john was getting hard again because she was still at it then I decided that I had to go for it today or I will never get to fuck her ever. I went directly in front of her window and started to rub myself so that she can see me. It took a while before she saw me in her mirror. She was surprised and embarrassed at the same time but did not try to hide her body. She was staring at my hard cock. She asked me what the fuck I am doing but I told her to continue what she was doing. I said I want to watch her finger herself. She said I was crazy but I told her there is no harm if no one knows and it stays between us. I asked her to open her door so I can see her closely but she was reluctant. I went and stared knocking on her door after a while she opened but now she wrapped herself in her towel while I was still buff naked with my John staring hard at her. She refused to finger herself in-front of me so I told her it's ok if she does not want but I need to get my release so she can help me by jerking me off with her hands at first she did nothing then when I pulled her hands and put it on my john she did not let go of it. I knew my trick succeeded now in a short while I can get her to do anything I want. I told her lets sit in the bed where we can be comfortable. She sat beside me and I wrapped my right arm around her naked shoulder while she slowly jerked me off with her soft hand. Till that time she did not said anything her eyes were fixed on my cock while I was exploring my right hand over towel clad body trying to feel her huge boobs. She was getting turned on as her breath got heavier by the moment. I was feeling her smooth milky thighs after a while she asked me how I am lasting so long I told her I need her to suck me in order to get cum fast. It was like she was waiting to hear those

words and she took it completely inside her warm mouth. It felt like heaven I was sucked before but it was total out of the world when she did it. I was smiling cause I knew I would last for a quite a while as I had just jerked of few moments back. I grabbed her hair and started to pull her head up and down in my cock. She chocked but did not complained guess she was enjoying it very much. I pack a very handy size but she was like an expert taking it in all like a porn star. I pulled her up and pulled her face close to me and kissed her. I took her tongue into my mouth and started to suck on it. Her whole body was trembling with lust. I took towel off her body and made her stand in front of me and then I pulled her closed to me and started to suck on her beautiful big boobies while I grabbed and squeezed her big ass cheeks with my both hands. She started to moan as I started to slap her ass cheeks hard while I bit, licked and sucked her both boobs simultaneously. I slowly entered one finger into her cunt she moaned again then I pulled it out and tasted it tasted great. I licked my finger again and inserted into her ass and at the same time one finger in her cunt while I started to suck on her big nipples at that moment she moaning loudly in both pain and pleasure and pain. What happened next in my next upload At first I fingered her both holes slowly but increased my pace after a while. She was enjoying it to the maximum because she was grabbing my hairs and pulling my mouth to her tits like she wanted me to suck it all. She also started to kiss me very passionately taking my whole tongue and sucking it like her life depended on it. I told her that I want to lick every inch of her body and threw her into the bed. I started with her toes than legs thighs but skipped her cunt as I wanted to make her wait. I licked her tummy, her armpits, her neck, her face than I turned downwards and started to lick her back till her ass. I bit her ass cheeks hard and she groaned in pain but I was too horny to listen to her cries after I had my fill with her big plump ass cheeks I spread her cheeks to open up her anus. It was dark in color compared to her white skin. I sniffed it first it was pungent but I liked it instantly and kissed it. I started to lick it with my tongue and she started to moan again which made me lick her harder and spank her big ass cheeks ferociously. I eat her ass for a while before turning her upwards to sniff her hairless pussy. It was pink in color and smelled very nice. She was very wet from my finger fuck. Without wasting any time I put my whole mouth into it and licked and sucked on her clit while I fingered her anus. She making a lot of noise and moaning like a slut. Suddenly she started to squirt a lot of cum in my face which I lapped up like a hungry dog after about 15 minutes of eating her pussy I moved to lie beside her. She was totally spent after Cumming so much but I was not done with her yet I kissed her and said in her ears that I want her to suck me again then I will fuck her pussy and ass. I sat above her face and pushed my semi-erect cock in her warm mouth and started to face fuck her till I got hard enough. I spread her legs with my both hands and shoved it hard in one push inside her which made her scream in pleasure. I always knew she was not a virgin as I saw her once fucking one of her boyfriend in her room.

Hi dosto its Aman again sorry itne dino ke baad wapis aaya. Mujhe meri pehli story first experience with chachi" ke liye kuch achche comments bhi mile aur kuch bure bhi aur kuch achche dost bhi ban gaye hai. aur unhi dosto ki request pe ye story post kar raha hoon. Meri ye story bhi chachi ki hi hai. Ye baat un dino ki hai jab main 10th class ke exams se free hua tha. Bohot bada burdon sir par se hath gaya tha aur main bhi full relax tha. Jaisa ki maine apni pehli story main bata chuka hoon ki uncle jab bhi kisi kaam ke silsilay main bahar jate to mujhe hi unke ghar sona padta tha aur meri pehli ghatna ke baad to main mouka dhoondta tha unke pass sone ka. Hua ye ki hamare ghar main thi shadi mere tau ji ki ladki ki wo bhi garmiyon main thi taki sab bachcho ke exams khatam ho jaye. Shadi ki wajah se ghar main guests ki khasi bheed thi aur der raat tak Haldi mehndi ki rasham chalti rahi jis ki wajah se kafi der ho chuki thi aur jis ko jahan jagah mili wo wahan so gaya. Kuch ladies log chachi ke room main bhi so gayi thi jis se unhe sone ki jagah nahi mili thi aur main bhi bina bed ke reh gaya saath main bua wagerah ke bachche bhi sone ke liye jagah dekh rahe thay to hamne plan banaya ki hum log terrace par chal kar soyenge. Hamne terrace par bister bicha diye aur sone ke liye let gaye. Meri khuskismati se meri dream lady mere saath waley bister par aa kar let gayi lekin haldi aur mehndi ki wajah se unke kapde kharab ho gaye thay to wo change karne ke liye neeche gayi aur thodi hi der baad apne pink satin full gown main uper aa gayi. Mera unhe dekh kar aur mood kharab ho gaya aur jo thodi bohot neend aa bhi rahi thi to wo bhi chali gayi. Ab wo mere se agle bister par aa kar let gayi ab main mouka Dekh raha tha ki kab chachi mere se apna sir dabwane ke liye bole lekin wo chupchap leti rahi aur so bhi gayi maine socha aaj meri klpd ho jayegi raat ke 2 baj chuke they. Lekin maine bhi mann bana liya tha ki kuch na kuch jarur karunga. Jaisa maine aap logo ko pehle bhi bataya tha ki meri chachi badi bekhabar ho kar soti hain baki sab so gaye ki nahi ye confirm karne ke liye maine ek joota doosre kone main fainka to kisi Ka koi reaction nahi hua ye dekh kar main satisfy ho gaya aur dheerey se sarak kar unke pass ja kar let gaya pehle maine halka sa haath unke pet par rakha koi halchal nahi hui mere andar thodi himmat aa gayi aur fir maine direct apna right hand unke boobs par rakh diya unhone thodi lambi saans li aur so gayi. Ab maine himmat kar ke apne hoth unke boobs par le gaya aur unhe halke se kiss karne laga wo thoda hilti aur Fir so jati ab maine apna ek haath unke gown main dalne ki koshish karne laga lekin gown neecha tha to haath ja nahi paya aur unhone doosri taraf karwat le li aur meri taraf apni kamar kar li.Fir main bhi apni karwat se let gaya lekin thodi der baad chachi ne meri taraf karwat li, lekin is baar karwat lene ki wajah se unka gown unke ghutno se uper aa gaya ye dekh kar meri halat kharab ho gayi ab maine bhi apne lower se apna lund nikala aur unki jangho ke beech dalne laga. Maine thodi himmat kar ke unka gown thoda aur uper sarka diya ab unki janghe uper tak dikhne lagi main apna lund aur uper le gaya aur my goodness unhone koi panty nahi pehni hui thi my god mera to jaise saans hi ruk gaya ho kuch der tak to meri dhadkan aise chal rahi thi jaise kisi

rail ka engine ho fir thodi der ruk kar maine aagey ki karyawahi shuru ki unho ki choot pe chote chote baal they jo ki jyada sex bada rahe they mere andar. Main apna lund unki choot ke nichle hisse se ragadne laga wo bhi neend main kasmasane lagi mujhe chinta unke jagne ki nahi thi kyonki wo jab soti hain to sarey ghode bech kar soti hain mujhe to darr tha ki jo hamare saath terrace par soye hain wo na jag jaye lekin aisa kuch hua nahi fir bhi for pre caution maine ek bed sheet li aur hum dono ko cover kar liya ab meri thodi himmat bad gayi thi maine apni ek leg unki leg ke beech man daali aur thodi si jagah banayi jo ki asani se ho gaya tha ab main bhi Unki choot par poori tarah se apna lund ragadne laga tha aur shayad asar bhi shuru ho gaya tha mere lund se taral padarth nikalne laga tha maine wo padarth bhi un ki choot par laga ke ragadne laga fir maine thodi himmat kar ke apna lund andar daalna shuru kiya mujhe tab tak ye nahi pata tha ki lund dalte kaha hain bas unki clit main daalne laga lekin fir pata nahi kaise mere lund par kuch aisa mehsus hua ki ki ye kisi garam Chij ke andar ja raha hai aur bohot hi chikni jagah ho my god aaj shayad maine bhi pehli baar chut ka anand liya tha aaj meri bhi virginity jati rahi ab main wahi leta leta dhakke marne laga mera lund aur andar jane laga mera lund us time karib 6.5 inch ka raha hoga aur mera lund 4 inch tak andar chala gaya ab mere se ruka nahi gaya aur main wahi dhakke lagane laga dheere dheere mera poora lund unki choot main sama Gaya tha aur is pe wo bhi respond karne lagi thi pata nahi neend main thi ya jaan boojh ke sone ka natak kar rahi thi unho ke muh se bhi hmm ki mandi awaz aa rahi thi ab maine apne hoth unke left boob par rakh diye aur doosre hath se right boob ko dheere dheere press karne laga wo meri pehli real chudayi thi jab bhi jhadne wala hota main ruk jata fir kuch der baad dubara shuru ho jata jyada der tak main jhadne se rok nahi paya aur wahi pe discharge ho gaya aur yakeen karna mujhe discharge hote hi aisi neend aayi ki mujhe hosh nahi raha ki abhi maine kya kiya hai that was amazing. Wo is cheej ko samajh sakte hain jisne isey experience kiya ho jis chudayi main advanture aa jaye na us chudayi ka maja double ho jata hai lekin wo saaf bhi mujhe hi karna tha to main bemann se utha aur ek socks jo ki mere bister ke pass hi pada tha pata nahi kiska us se maine chachi ki chut saaf ki aur socks wahi fainka aur so gaya dosto ye meri story kaisi lagi pls mail karke jarur batana mera mail id hai yrowngigolo@yahoo.com feedback jarur dena achche ya bure kyonki main professional writer to hu nahi jaha galti ho gayi ho to batana jarur waiting for your response.

Hello to all and Im a big fan of Incest stories in ISS and this is a real story happened between me and my cousin Lalitha. I am working in a MNC in Hyderabad since 5 years. This incident happened 2 years ago and Lalitha finished her B Tech and she came to Hyderabad for an interview, 2 days before I got a call from her. She told me about her interview and all and I was very excited by hearing that since childhood we are good friends, though ours is a orthodox typical Indian family. We uses be like friends sharing all our career related things and other stuff. I wanted to show her all Hyderabad as she is coming for the first time and her interview was on Friday so I picked her up and dropped her at my female friends hostel, she got ready there and she had her interview done and she got selected in the first 2 rounds and she was so happy in the evening I took her to necklace place. We roamed all over the tank band though we sync nicely she used to be in her limits. In the bike she sat with cross leg, her thighs were touching my hips, ohh it was such a pleasant feeling that day itself we booked tickets for our hometown, we booked AC semi sleeper initial 2 hours we talked about our family matters n about our common friends. She was so tired so she laid down on my shoulder. I placed my hand on her cheek so that she can sleep with comfort. Her cheeks were very soft, I was just slowly playing with them and suddenly I feel my cock is bulging. I really like that feeling, slowly i moved my hand to her ears. I moved my hands slowly caressing her ears, neck. She said bro stop it, your act is ticking me. I asked her if she mind's. Me: hope you dont mind caressing you. She: your my sweet my bro, why will I mind. Me: I know, am just checking with you. How does it feel? She: it feels nice, am feeling like you are my own bro after some time she completed laid down my lap, my bulge was huge by that time. She has placed her head on my crotch; I think she was feeling hard. She immediately sat back and said am not comfortable with that position. I was afraid but our conversation was going on nicely so did not bother about it much and now I was feeling sleepy, I slept on her lap. She opened her legs so that I could resist properly. I was sleeping in a way that my face is exactly above to her pussy area. Till then I was not having bad feelings but now monster in me is getting aroused and she was wearing pajama so I can feel her upper thighs. I placed my arm in between my head n her pussy acting Im taking the support. Now my wrist was exactly above her vagina. Now she started holding my shoulder tightly and she was also started feeling the heat. I guess whenever bus moves I used to move hard enough I would press it harder and she moaned slowly with pressure. I was in that position for sometime then sat back. I decided to play with her today since it was AC bus it was very cool inside. I told her your body is very smooth placing

my arm on her thigh and she was blushing. I told her am feeling cold here so I would place my hand in between your thighs, with our her reply I placed my right hand btw her thighs. Omg, it was so soft, I told her to fold her leg as am feeling the cold. Now I was telling her baby you are looking gorgeous and you have such a perfect figure and she was happily responding to my flirting. I started slowly pressing her thighs saying these are very soft and how could u maintain like this bloke suddenly driver applied break, she moved down a bit and my hand is exactly in touching her pussy now. Omg, what a feeling, am touching my sister pussy from her salwar. She looked stunned, I pretend like nothing as happened. I kept my hand in the same place, I started slowly moving and she has started moaning slowly and bro am feeling nice. I took my hand from there n slowly inserted in her top from the bottom. She did not wear petticoat, I was touching her skin it was so soft. I played with her belly for some time and slowly moved to her breast area and she usually wear sports bra, I slowly placed my hand on her breast from the top. I squeezed it, she responded nicely. I have increased my speed and started squeezing it hardly and she told bro its too good, I never had such pleasure and please move on bro dont stop it bloke. I slowly went down near her navel, lower abdomen. I started feeling some hair over there, I was moving my hand slowly my cock was hard on by this time. I placed her on hand on my cock and told her to open it from the zip and she got shocked with its size mine is 7 inches longer. She asked me where do you hide this? I told her that it would get big in only these situations. I slowly moved my hand and touched her pussy lips, those were wet already. I moved my index finder in her cut and she squeezed my cock with pleasure. To be continued. This is the first time am writing my real story, please reply me how is it to enjoyit.onlyonelife@gmail.com based on your reply's and I will proceed with remaining story.

29 year old guy from Bangalore average body without wasting time lets speak and every day I and my friend speak on mobile as usual and even we visit each other house also. I was very familiar to his house. Everyone likes me and but my friends bhabhi was marvellous anyone will see then he will see dream to fuck her and she was fair and big boobs and ass was superb. She might be 39 whenever I visit his house my friends bhabhi gives me not smile whenever she brings tea or coffee to me. She tries to show me cleavages before coming towards me she opens herone of blouse button and when she comes towards me then she makes her pallu aside to show me entire view within a fraction of second my lund becomes tight and she always sees my pant and while going inside kitchen she turns back and gives me again naughty smile then the whole night I use to see dream of fucking her one day as usual I called my friend but his mobile was switch off. I went to his house there I came to know that the whole family went to native place at night due to some family problems and my friend left mobile at home they all will back after 15 days. This was told to me by my friends bhabhi but while saying to me her eyes was saying me some different language her body language was different even while saying to me she made her pallu a side but this time she locked door from inside first and in front of me she opened her blouse and showed me 2 mangoes by seeing. I was gone mad white in color and pink nipple big in size and it was too big she came to me took my face in her hand and she kissed me on my lips and even I respond her to kiss her but at the time of kissing she suddenly kept a hand on my lund above pants. She gave me along kiss she left me and made me stand removed my shirt first and started kissing on my chest. Slowly she went down and removed my pant hooks and made my zip down immediately she seen my tight lund in underwear suddenly. She pulled my pant down along with my underwear and my lund came out and showed her 90 degree in front of her mouth she was very happy by seeing big lund of 8 inches. She immediately said even my husband is not having such type of long Lund. I feel that you will satisfy me she was going to start sucking my lund like a lollipop I stopped her she became angry on me but I made her stand and said this is not fair that Im full nude in front of you. You are semi nude she given me big smile. I started kissing her from her forehead, eyes, ears and even on nose and at last on lips even I had given her big kiss at the time of kissing I removed her saree and thrown on her sofa and pulled her noda of lenga immediate her lenga fall down hence she was in underwear in front of me. I took her more near and pressed her bumb towards me and my lund asking me to give place her boobs were sticking to my chest it was very excellent. I was feeling that Im in seven heaven then I turned her towards wall but I never left her kiss and I made her to stick towards wall and started kissing towards her neck slowly I came down and towards her boobs I was gone mad by taking her boobs in my mouth I was choosing one boob and other I was pressing very hard she was shouting. I was very lucky that her boobs were containing milk.

I started drinking her milk when I press second boob then the milk comes out and even I choose that also then I came down I kissed her stomach navel and slowly removed her panty not by seeing her pink vertical shaved lips I went mad even I started kissing and sucking her vertical lips she always press my head towards her pussy and says me suck me hard my darling by hearing this words. I always become mad after 10 minutes. I stopped her and took towards bathroom and started shower of cold water we started bathing we kissed too much and applied soap to each other we enjoyed just 30 min bath and I took her in both my hand she started kissing me and by taking her I walked towards her bedroom in bedroom I was just shocked by seeing that she had arranged from first that white bed sheet was on red flower petals on bed and I was just standing by holding her. She started laughing and said what you are seeing just enjoy man and satisfy me my and again she kissed me. I kept her on bed and lay on her kept hands on her boobs and my lund on her pussy I was completely on her just for 5 minutes. I was watching her she was trying to say me but I kept my single finger on her lips and said do not speak you are looking very sexy let me see you we both were wet and our bed sheet became wet. After that I made her sit on bed and below her ass. I kept one pillow and started inserting my lund in her pussy in one stroke with great force I inserted and she shouted very loudly due to pain for about 20 min my lund was inside her and we stuck each other. I enjoyed that her boobs were touching my chest and my hands were behind her hairs were wet and I was kissing under her ear near neck and good smell of her hair even she was enjoying and saying me my darling please fuck me very hard then slowly. I was making my lund out and in but by holding her this I made her for long time after that I removed my lund and she said that we will have some lunch so she kissed me and got down from bed then I caught her hand and said we will do everything together so my taking her near and started kissing on lips and walked towards her kitchen she was expert in cooking food she made food in just 25 minutes at that time. I was standing very close to her from back as my lund was in between her two legs and I was pressing her boobs from front even some times I use to choose her boobs but she use catch my lund from front in between her two legs and she takes always flying kiss of my lund she arranged food on table and she sat on chair I sat on her and we both started feeding each other while feeding I keep Roti in my mouth. I feed her from mouth to mouth she became more happy after completing our lunch she had ice cream I took ice cream in bowl and pressed her boobs and took her milk full of bowl from her boobs and started eating in between even I use to give her ice cream same think while giving her I take ice cream in my mouth and feed her from mouth to mouth and after that I took her to bed room for next session but I had seen oil bottle near her bed. So I said her I will apply oil to you are whole body and I will give you body message she agreed immediately and slept immediately on bed showing me boobs side and slept by spreading her legs very wide. I applied oil on her boobs first and pressed like anything just like making atta of

chapati she was shouting very loudly and had tears in her eyes and all milk in my hand again I took oil in my hand and mixture of oil and milk applied on whole body. I was sitting on her stomach at the time of applying oil on her boobs slowly I came towards her pussy I applied oil on it and I put finger in her pussy and spread a side and pour some oil in her pussy also. I made her totally oily then I asked her to sleep other side and I sat on her ass and applied oil on her back by making her hair aside. I got up sat on her legs and applied on her ass even I asked her to make her ass up and put finger in her ass hole and pour some oil in that also again. She turned around and showing me boobs side she was feeling sleepy I made her sit behind her I gave pillow and started sucking her boobs like a child and she were sleeping this ran for 30 minutes after that she woke up from sleep and gave me big smile and kissed me on my lips and said my darling you are satisfying me. Im very happy after hearing this even I had given her deep kiss then she said me can we take break for 10 minutes and I asked her why. She was feeling shy to say me and I took her face in my hand and said that say me she was feeling shy straight way I had kissed her on lips and said say me by seeing in my eyes she said Im feeling shy. I took her near made her hair aside on her one shoulder made her stand near bed then she slowly said me that after pouring oil in her ass hole she feel now to go for toilet. I had laughed like any think. I said to go for toilet again I caught her hand and said you just forgot that just some time before. I said whatever I do whatever we will do we will do together but she laughed and said to Im going for toilet then I said come on we will go together we went in toilet her toilet and bathroom is together it was Indian toilet we both sat on Indian toilet pot. I was behind her catching her boobs while she was doing toilet I was moving hand on her and ass she was saying my darling what you are doing. I said Im loving you in different style did you like it She said yes and immediately I inserted 2 fingers in her ass hole forcefully and she shouted very loudly and tears were in her eyes but she said she liked it the way. I moved 2 fingers in her ass hole very roundly and her whole toilet was out she was laughing and she got up even I got up with her she had washed my fingers with water and pour water in toilet. I washed her ass with water and I said from my lund fresh hot drink is coming out it means First call she became happy and said to me let me drink fresh hot drink immediately she opened her mouth and waiting in front of my lund then she said me wait and immediately she took water pot and collected the whole fresh hot juice from my lund and she drank in front of me immediately after that she kissed me we had bath together she became very fresh after that even I became fresh. We came in bedroom by sticking each other and kissing each other but again we were wet she took towel and rubbed me even my lund she had rubbed she made me very dry and even I had made her dry then she had applied oil on me and given me good message she made me sleep on bed and applied more oil on my lund she had applied oil in such a manner very hard and made my lund straight and very tight 2 inch thick and 8inch height.

It was on air and I was sleeping on bed she was on my thighs and her hand was rubbing on my lund I was shouting she took my lund in her mouth and choose like anything after 20 min I said her my milk is coming out then she said I will drink it and really she drank the whole milk of my lund and said it was very tasty after that she kept lund on her pussy and in great force she took inside her pussy and I was shouting and after 5 minutes. She took out and in my lund from her pussy and in between she kisses my lips and always move hand on my chest and I try to catch her boobs after sometime again I said juice is coming from my lund then she said give me but inside my pussy after that she slept on me by keeping my lund inside her pussy and before sleeping she kissed me and said take rest for 10 minutes even you sleep with me my darling I took her near and she was on me and we slept for half hour. We woke up and she said that she is tired but I said Im not satisfied then she said please we will do tomorrow. I made sleep on her boobs and on her ass I sat and immediately I slept on her back. put hand down and caught her boobs and pressed and she was shouting and I removed my right hand and kept my lund near her ass hole and in one jerk my lund was inside her ass she again shouted and slowly I made too and fro my lund she was feeling relax and enjoying the way of fucking. She said I love you my darling you had totally satisfied me. even my husband never fucked me in ass and even I thrown juice of my lund inside her ass she became more happy after fucking her again we slept I was on her back my lund was inside her ass again after half hour we woke up I removed my lund from her ass while removing my lund from her ass it was paining to her. We both got up and went to bathroom this time we had showered with hot water kissed each other and applied soap each other we came out she made me dry even I made her dry with towel kissed each other I took her near kept my face on her shoulder and said her even you keep your face on my shoulder and close your eyes just we had stand like that for 25 minutes and again I kissed her. She said I like apply talcum powder on you and I will make you wear your clothes she applied powder near my lund and on lund on my chest near my arms made we well dressed and even I applied her powder and wear her bra and blouse on her applied hooks. Near her pussy I applied powder and wear her panty and I made her wear her lenga and applied knot after that she went to kitchen without wearing saree. I went behind her and said in her ear that makes black tea. She made black tea and gave me in a cup I kept on table made her sit on chair removed her blouse and bra took that cup in one hand and pressed her boobs took that milk in tea cup and we started drinking I use take one sip and next sip she use to take but we drank tea in one cup and she was sitting on chair and I was on her thighs but after every sip we use to kiss each other on lips. After that again I gave her big kiss and wear her bra and blouse to her then she said that even your friend it means my husbands brother knows that we are going to have our session. Then she said after he come you and your friend means my husbands brother both of you should fuck

me together. I said ok we had done that also. To hear that story please let me know your opinion, any girls, bhabhi, aunty near Bangalore contact me shashi61m@gmail.com

Hi my dear friends this is Hari again with a real true story which happens a week back a beautiful sex time with my Chithi and it was my dream for more than 5 years and it come true a week back and coming to story that my Chithi name in Selvi (name changed) she was in her mid 30s and very sexy attractive face and good structured pair of boots and also a nice curve ass with cleanly shaved pussy. I like to receive comments and also if any girls like to have secret relationship and aunties also welcome and I assure secrecy will be maintained at most and feel free to contact me. Actually my chithis husband is an Marketing manager in a leading company in trichy and due to his work schedule he will be in travel most of the days in a month and also whenever he returns to home he used a drink a lot and go to bed it seems so due to this my cChithi is very much in need of screw her pussy and even more than 5 yrs I used to masturbate in the dream of my lovable chithi and without knowing this she use to speak and behave very friendly with me. About 7 days back I went to my chithis house and she has 2 kids and they went to school and when I entered home as not usual she invited me like normally and I confused by her behaviour and I watched TV there for some time and I slowly entered the kitchen and I sat in the left and just started my chat with het casually and her voice shows a vast difference and I enquired her about the matter but she refuse to tell at first then I continuously asked her and then she started crying . I ask her what happens? Then she said the her husband not at all showing interest on her and he really refuse her a lot and always fight with her and she really not feeling to live and she is patient only for their kids like she cried and I somehow try to convince her but I failed and at last and I slowly took her to the hall and ask her to seat in the sofa and I really speak to lot to convince her and at last she slept in my lap and cried at that time her boobs pressed my thighs. It really feel me much and my tool suddenly wakes up and make a huge bulge in my pant and her face should surely feels that and that day its just went like that and I convince her and I went to my home and that day I masturbate about 3 time that night and I slept and after days I received a call from her and she said that her kids are going for a educational tour form their school so she ask me to come tonight at 9:00 pm so that we can go and leave them in school. Also though she is alone she request me to stay with her for two days and I accepted that and I said I will come about 8:30pm I reached her home in my bike and they are getting ready to start and at that time I saw her she is in a black saree with a low cut blouse and at once I saw her my tool wakes up and it become hard and I am sorry I really forget to tell about her size and she is 32 30 36 and mine is 7.5 long and coming back and I took them and started by bike and we went to the school. The bus is ready to start and we left them and we started back to home at that time when she sat itself she pressed her boob and it really a heaven feeling and we started the bike and when in travel we chat normally and many time she pressed her boobs and also she kept her hand round in my stomach its really a superb feeling and once we reach the house she open the door and I parked the bike and we enter the room and then she said that she change the dress and come and also you change.

She went to the bed room and I changed in to my night pant and in my top its bare and she too came in the same blouse and petticoat but a transparent and netted saree and I really become so hot and I very eager to fuck at that same place but I controlled and I said her that I will sleep in the hall and you and sleep in the room but she said no problem come to room and sleep she said and we enter the room and once we enter she asked cant you able understand anything. I got the point but I simply said no then she simple slapped me naughtly and she immediately hug me by saying ene ennal mudiyathu and she give a deep kiss in my lips oh god antha feeling yapidi irrunthu chu thariyuma and I too respond her and said chithi then she said dont call me chithi call me thangam and we both went to bed and started I started my kiss from her forehead then in eyes and then in lips we exchanged our saliva for more than 15 minutes. I kissed her ears then in her cheeks and in her neck then I removed her saree and kissed her boob with blouse then played with her boobs and then I played in the stomach with my lips and then I opened her blouse wow what a show it apadiya renda gundu manga valia vanthu chu paru chance a illa appadiya ava bra pichu pottu ava kaya pidichu nalla sappu sappu nu sappi ava rendu parupaiyum apadiya sappi yaduthu tan then apadiya ava pavadaiya avilthu ava thodaiya nalla massage panni ava kal fulla Kiss panni then apdiya en vaiyal ava panty ya avilthu mathuva ava pussy outer layer a nakavachu appadiya nakki then I fingure fuck her for some then she really vibrate her body and her liquid came then apadiya ava pussy la en naakka vittu apadiya fulla la naaka vachu vothu kittu irrukum pothu ava apadiya edupa atti second time she came and she really beg me to insert my pennies but I tell her just control for some more time. I show you the heaven and then ava apadiya variyoda enna pidichu ennaku marubadiyum oru lip kiss for more than 10 min then she kissed my ear lobes and then she kissed my chest nipple appa apadiya sorgathil parukira mathiri irrunthuchu then ava en night pantah kalati en innerah pidichu kelechuta apadiya en pennies ah pichu nalla neevi viduva then she said that her husband pennies is so small and I am a big one such a nice pennies she greeted me then ava apadiya En peens ah ava vaila vachu lollypop sapiduramathiri sappu sappu nu sappi kadutha nan apadiya ava vailaya vanthutan atha ava full ah kudichuta the ava apadiya ava boobs en vaila sappa kudutha the I played with her boobs for some time mean while my tool again gain its strength then she said to insert my pennies in her pussy then I inserted her and for my surprise it was like a virgin pussy that much tight it was then I slowly inserted it first ava konjam valila monangina. I give one force short then my pennies fully enter apadiya light ah vittu vittu yaduthan then ava kama pasila monanga arambicha konja narathu la ava apadiya oru varri yoda vagama said a vaga ma emmmm haaa emmm haaaaa nalla nalla superb ah saira da ahhhhh then after 15min I felt like cuming and in the mean while she came twice and I slow my speed and after 1 minutes I stared with full speed at that time ava apadiya ava edupa thuki mulu uchathil emmmm ahhh haaa emmm monagi nanga rendu parum Sarthu ora narathula vanthom then apadiya ava mala sangu paduthan ava enn nathila kiss panni en valkailaya epadi oru sogatha

Anubavichathillainu solli rumba santhosa patta appadiya konjanaram paduthu irrunthom aparam doggy style like that we fucked that night for 3 time and in this 3 time she came almost 10 times and we slept naked that night and we wake up morning and in morning one small secession went and in that day afternoon one secession went and that day night also we fucked twice and then we used to call each other only Chellam and we eagerly waiting for another fucking chance. I like to receive comments and also if any girls like to have secret relationship and aunties also welcome and I assure secrecy will be maintained at most and feel free to contact me at secretpartnerforyou@rediffmail.com

Hi Friends this is Suvidha from Mumbai,I am going to narrate the real incident that happend between me and my cousin Deepak. I was 18 years old and he too was 18 years old at that time and this happened around 4 years back, hope you would like the incident. It was vacation time and every year during the vacation time me and my family used to my Uncle's place in Pune to say (Deepak was my Uncle's Son) and then they used to come to our house to stay. Deep and myself were friendly with each other and used to share lots of things with each other being of the same age but we ever had any sexual feelings towards each other. Deepak was 5.10 feet tall and had a good body and similarly I was also fair, tall and had good assets as Deepak and his family had come to stay with us this vacation we used to pay and enjoy with each other one day it so happened that my parents. Deepak's parents had to go out for some function and they were not expected to come back that night and had left us alone and we could take care of you once they left we decided to go out for a movie and that day I was wearing a black skirt and a white T-Shirt, and suddenly it so happened that it started to rain even though it was not the rainy season, so Deepak told me that we will cancel the movie program and will sit at home and watch a movie, but I refused and insisted to go for a Movie. So in the rains we took an Auto and went for the movie once we reached the Theatre we were totally wet, we had the corner seats and we occupied our seats and inside the Theatre it was very cold and we both were feeling the cold. I was not able to control the cold and was shivering as I was totally wet as I was not able to control the cold and was shivering I caught the hand of Deepak and was hugging him, he too was wet and also he was shivering, but when I huge him even though. We were wet and it was cold inside the theatre, I was feeling warm by hugging him, and our hug was getting tighter and tighter then Deepak started to caress my hand and I was feeling better, then he moved his hands to my hair and was moving his hands on my hair, this was giving me some odd feelings in my body and he has never touched me like this, but as I was feeling good so I did not resist and I was enjoying, seeing no objection from me he moved and kept his hands on my shoulders. I was caressing my shoulder still I did not object as I was feeling warm and was enjoying the feeling while caressing my shoulder he looked at me and I gave him a smile, which I think made him happy and he became more bold, Caressing my shoulder he became bold and slowly kept his hands just above my boobs but did not touch them and seeing no response or any resistance from my side he became bold and he started to press my boobs slowly and started to play with my nipples over. My t shirt and believe me I was in 7th heaven at that time as this was my first time then suddenly he caught my face and he started to kiss me on my lips and the feeling was wonderful and I also started to kiss him, while we were kissing he pulled my t shirt up and over my bra he started to press my boobs as it was raining heavenly outside and the movies was a flop one so there were not much people in the theater so we did not have much disturbance.

He was pressing my boobs over my bra then he removed the hook of my bra and my boobs came out he started to play with both the boobs one by one and also the nipples one by one then he moved his mouth to my boobs and was sucking and pressing my boobs like a child and was enjoying and moaning and then suddenly he took my skirt up and started to play with my pussy and was trying to insert his hand in my pussy, but was not able to do so as the panty was tight. I helped him by removing my panty and bringing it down to my knees, the he started to put his fingers in my pussy and he opened the zip of his pants and gave his cock in hands and asked me to play with it and as he was fingering me and I was also playing with his cock, he was fingering my pussy and sucking my boobs as the same time and I was in the heaven then suddenly he went down and started to suck my pussy and my pussy was all wet and dripping, then he asked me to suck his cock which. I initially refused to do as someone might see us, but he insisted so I took his cock in my mouth and was sucking it and then suddenly he come in my mouth and I drank the full liquid that came from his cock. Now we both were in a position of no return and wanted to fuck each other badly, but this was not possible in the Theatre so we decided that we will go home and there we can enjoy. We left the theatre and reached home where he fucked me in all the positions that we knew and we enjoyed very much fucking each other. Now whenever we get a chance we play and fuck each other and we both enjoy and would post more such instances if I receive feedback from you and you can post your feed back to my email address suvidhashah2011@gmail.com

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