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Assignment Of Human Resource Planning

Topic: - Airtel

Submitted to:Vikrant Prashar

Submitted by:Preetika Kashyap 3020070158

Bharti Airtel Ltd

Bharti Airtel Limited formerly known as Bharti Tele-Ventures LTD (BTVL) is an Indian company offering telecommunication services in 18 countries. It the largest cellular service provider in India, with more than 137 million subscriptions as of June 2010. Bharti Airtel is the world's third largest, single-country mobile operator and fifth largest telecom operator in the world in terms of subscriber base .It also offers fixed line services and broadband services. It offers its telecom services under theAirtel brand and is headed by Sunil Bharti Mittal. The company also provides land-line telephone services and broadband Internet access (DSL) in over 96 cities in India. It also acts as a carrier for national and international long distance communication services. The company has a submarine cable landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting Chennai and Singapore.It is known for being the first mobile phone company in the world to outsource everything except marketing and sales and finance. Its network (base stations, microwave links, etc.) is maintained by Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Network, business support by IBM and transmission towers by another company. Ericsson agreed for the first time, to be paid by the minute for installation and maintenance of their equipment rather than being paid up front. This enables the company to provide pan-India phone call rates of Rs. 1/minute (U$0.02/minute). During the last financial year [2009-10], Bharti has roped in a strategic partner Alcatel-Lucent to manage the network infrastructure for the Telemedia Business The company is structured into four strategic business units - Mobile, Telemedia,Enterprise and Digital TV. The mobile business offers services in 18 countries across the Indian Subcontinent and Africa. The Telemedia business provides broadband, IPTV and telephone services in 89 Indian cities. The Digital TV business provides Direct-to-Home TV services across India. The Enterprise business provides end-toend telecom solutions to corporate customers and national and international long distance services to telcos. WORLDWIDE PRESENCE Airtel is the 5th largest mobile operator in the world in terms of subscriber base and has a commercial presence in 18 countries. Its area of operations include: 3 countries in the Indian Subcontinent:Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka 15 countries in Africa:Burkina Faso, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria,Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Airtel owns 70 % of Warid Telecom in Bangladesh through a joint venture. Bharti Airtel Limited will take management control of the company and its board, and will relaunch the company's services under its own Airtel brand. The BangladeshTelecommunication Regulatory Commission approved the deal on January 4, 2010.

RECRUITMENT Recruitment is the process concerned with the identification of sources from where the personnel can be employed and motivating them to offer themselves for employment. Werther and Davis have defined this as follows; Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The Process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected. Lord has defined, Recruitment is a form of competition. Just as corporations compete to develop, manufacture, and market the best product or service, so they must also compete to identify, attract and hire the most qualified people. Recruitment is a business, and it is big business. Thus, recruitment process is concerned with the identification of possible sources of human resource supply and tapping those sources. SELECTION Selection can be conceptualized in terms of either choosing the fit candidates, or rejecting the unfit candidates, or a combination of both. Selection involves both because it picks up the fits and rejects the unfits. In fact, in Indian context, there are more candidates who are rejected than those who are selected in most of the selected processes. Therefore, sometimes, it is called a negative process in contrast to positive program of recruitment Stone has given a formal definition; Selection is the process of differentiating.between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.

Bharti Airtel Human Resource 1. In Bharti Airtel once the Manpower budgeting is prepared by the CEO, GMHR & HODs at the end of financial year. 2. The concerned manager of a vacant position requests for manpower through Manpower Requisition Form (MRF). GM-HR approves the form. If the manpower requirement is approved it is forwarded to recruitment manager. 3. The sourcing of CVs is done, through various methods. Then the initial screening, if the candidate is selected then he is supposed to fill JAF , and then get the JAF form and mark the date of functional Interview . RECRUITMENT PROCESS: In sourcing: Companies recruit the candidates and, employ them, train and develop them and utilize the human resources of these candidates. This strategy is called In-sourcing. Companies formulate and implement this strategy when the corporate strategy is stable. Out sourcing: Some service companies depend for their human resources on such external organization whose core business is to provide human resources. This strategy is called Out-sourcing. Outsourcing strategy is more suitable for both the fast growing and diversifying companies. To search for talent globally and not just within the company. To design entry pay that competes on quality but not on quantum. To anticipate and final people for positions that do not exists yet.

RECRUITMENT TECHNIQUES IN BHARTI AIRTEL: Recruitment techniques are the means or media by which the management contacts prospective employees or provides necessary information or exchange of ideas order to stimulate them to apply for jobs.

STEPS IN RECRUITMENT PROCESS Step 1: Whenever there is a vacancy in the company first it will be known by the project manager. The project manager informs about the vacancy to the general manager. Step 2: Once the general manager comes to know about vacancy in the company he will inform it to the chairman to get the approval of recruitment. Step 3: After getting the recruitment approval the process will be carried by the HR manager. Moreover the recruitment of the company internally, that is the existing employee will be given first priority.

SELECTION PROCESS PROCESS: TESTS (TECHNICAL INTERVIEW) The test refers here is technical test. Bharti Airtel conduct test for the qualified candidates after they are screened on the basis of the application blanks so as measure the candidates ability in technical side.

PANEL INTERVIEW: This is a interview where the selection members will interview the candidate, here the real capacity of the applicant will be revealed. Because a series of question will be asked as quickly as possible and the applicant has to satisfy the panel members through his answers. The panel interview will be an unstructured one. DIRECT INTERVIEW: This is the final round of the entire selection process. In this round the personal details of the candidates, his expectation towards the company will be known and according to the applicants attitude towards the job the applicant will be selected. PURPOSE OF THE TEST: The purpose of this test is to know the technical ability of the candidate. INTERVIEW: OBJECTIVE OF THE INTERVIEW: To know the information about the candidates. To provide the candidates with the facts of the job and the organization. To judge the suitability of candidates to the job. To see the inner self and feelings of the candidates. TYPES OF INREVIEWS THAT ARE ADOPTED DURING SELECTION PROCESS IN BHARTI AIRTEL: MEMBERS INVOLVED IN THE EXTERNAL SELECTION PROCESS:

BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS IN BHARTI AIRTEL: The budget for the recruitment and selection process for company will be allotted every year. Around 25% of the profit is been allotted for the recruitment and selection process as a whole in a year for the company (Bharti Tele ventures Pvt Ltd) including Bharti Airtel. Since candidates will be recruited every year for other designations also.

Employee Resource Planning At Airtel planning is done at a constant level as they do not have any fixed cycle for planning. Some times its done in accordance with the business strategies of the firm for that year. The planning process is greatly influenced by various factors such as:1. Projected turnover( as a result of terminations or resignations) 2. Strength, quality and skills of the present employees 3. Current business 4. Target business 5. Strategic decisions to improve or upgrade the quality of the service 6. Technological and other changes in the business environment 7. Financial resources available to each department. These factors influence the decisions regarding the personnel planning. Once these factors are analyzed, the requirement, if any, of new employees are stated. Decisions relating to: a) How many new employees are required to meet the business demands? b) At what levels recruitment should be done? c) What would be the Payroll cost current vis-a-vis budgeted? d) Where to get people from? e) How to reach potential candidates?.....e.t.c. are addressed. RIGHT-SIZING IN AIRTEL Reorganising a companys employees in order to improve their efficiency is called Rightsizing. Reason may vary from changes in product demand/technology to raising per person productivity to competition. Some of the methods followed are: Senior management offered handsome severance pay. Freezing of vacancies (hiring freeze) Enlarge jobs Agreement with trade unions to reduce working hours and wages, if required for a short time. Encouraging employees to take long leave, earned or half pay. Airtel is currently in this mode. Their strategy involves centralizing every process to Gurgaon and is planning to go into factory mode or the call centre setup. A new software is being introduced for this and is expected to be in place by April 2007. One of their action plan includes keeping only connections process in circle. Eg. The FOS going in for an activization call only will be registered and attending to the call from start to end. Secondly, in next one month the on rolls manpower is expected to be reduced. They are conducting continuous audit and surveys to take preferences from employees in terms of their preferences for department and location. Then they shall determine who would be shifted to which profile depending majorly on competencies.

Airtel is the leading company in the telecom sector which is growing at such a rapid pace thus is throwing up jobs in thousands hence there are a large number of employees who want to join Airtel and make a carreer. The salary structure of a customer care executive is as follows: 1. Basic salary...Rs.4000 2. House Rent allowance....Rs.3500 3. Dearness AllowanceRs.1000 4. Transport AllowanceRs.1200 5. Food AllowanceRs.900 6. Incentive(variable)....Rs.1500 Rs.12100 7. Provident Fund Employees share.Rs.375 Companys share..Rs.375 8. Net salary...Rs.11350 Compensation at Airtel Compensation is one of the critical part of Airtel policies so they did not disclose that. Though, we could collect a rough estimate of the salary structure from the pay slips of customer care officers working at Airtel. There are several salary structures depending on the designation for which the employee works. For example, in Airtel telesales you have an executive. A mentor, a team leader, a manager. So it became difficult to get the compensation details. Despite these facts, we did observe a certain pattern followed in all the pay slips. The salary structure understood by us was of the format: 1. Basic salary 2. House Rent allowance 3. Dearness Allowance 4. Transport Allowance 5. Food Allowance 6. Incentive 7. Provident Fund Employees share

Companys share 8. Net salary Job Design And Analysis In Airtel the HR department is considered have the responsibility of job analysis to be carried out for each job in the structure, on the basis of this analysis, the best candidate fitting a job is selected. Sometimes if the necessity is felt for the need of another post in the existing structure in the departments as well as within the factory also then the HR dept plays a pivotal role in defining the necessity for such a post as well as the final creation of the post. Moreover they also take care of the reverse process whereby any post that may be felt was unnecessary may be completely dropped in consultation with the top management. Sometimes they also may turn the centralized work pattern followed in any particular dept into decentralized work structure. Airtel has a culture of employee involvement and participative management. This leads to enhancement of motivation. Employees of Airtel also bring to the forefront their hidden talents and creative nature. This inculcates a feeling of belongingness and ownership of the business. Therefore many HR innovative based practices which have become a way of life at Airtel. Some of the practices have become very powerful and many industries as well as business schools keenly request Airtel to share with them. Airtel has received lot of recognition and awards from various professional bodies under these HR practices.

CONCLUSION Recruitment as being one of the major topics is required by most of the organization, hence the study helped in understanding the various aspects of recruitment and selection process. In the BHARTI AIRTEL the sources of recruitment is effective, the internal selection of the organization also in an economical means which also reduce costs, only after looking the efficiency of the existing employee towards the company and his sincerity that employee will be selected, in BHARTI AIRTEL the effective selection process is adopted in the last 5 years. It can be retained as such.

Training and Development Training analysis is done with the view of both the superiors and the criminals. The common feeling is that the thrust in future should be on developing people skills and not only functional skills. IT would be a key focus area. Many trainees are not satisfied with performance. Most of the times trainees involved in various programmes. Thus we conclude that Bharti's effort towards training and development has been successful. We also feel training should be imparted on current issues like change management etc. Training sessions should not to be long and self directed learning should be encouraged. Training process of Bharti Cellular Ltd. depends upon: Training need identification Selecting the right training programmes Preparation of training calendars Finalizing about the training programme and sending the information to the concerned employees Organize effective training programme Deliver course and validate training Take a training programme feedback

` `RECOMMENDATIONS It is very difficult to suggest any company for their reputation, especially in the field of telecom and regarding their recruitment process, when the companys brand (Bharti Airtel Limited) is enjoying a good market share with its effective sales force and one of the most admired brands in telecom sector. On the basis of my research I would like to recommend some steps which may result in more effectiveness of recruitment process: I hope the above suggestions will be helpful for the organization specially to reduce attrition in Bharti Airtel Limited. Many HR Policies are not known to most of the employees. It should be made clear on the day of joining or on the First working day. Interview Assessment Sheets are not filled by both Functional and HRInterviewer. It should be filled on the time of interview. The company should follow job rotation to retain its best talents. In the Skip Level Meetings, no name and oracle code should be asked. To get the true reply from the employees. There should be frequent Feedback Sessions for employees. There should be Exit Interview of all the leaving employees and it should be taken seriously. For COLD Calls or WARM Calls a proper data should be made (on the basis of work experience, and current salary) and then the calls should be made for Interviews. New Joinees should be made clear of there KRA on the first working day. There should be proper maintenance of all the employees documents for future needs

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