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In any scientific venture, it always seems that the link between various sciences is obvious. So
even in our venture to study Magneto-rheological fluids, in the title itself we find it is a combination three concepts - Magnetism, Rheology and Fluids. We have already studied about magnetism and a fundamental study about fluids has been done as well. The term Rheology is new to us and also has been recognized as a vital part of our study. In the concept of Magnetorheological fluids (MR fluids from now), it has been stated earlier that application of magnetic field changes the behavior of the fluids. Thus, it becomes essential that we have to concentrate and focus our attention as to how and why the change in state occurs. But we have also stated that the fluids that are capable of undergoing this particular phenomenon are viscous fluids. This is the place where rheology comes into play. Rheology is defined as the flow of fluids and deformation of solids under applied stress and strain. In the case of solids, when the any external force is applied, the solid, if elastic, gets deformed or in other words, out of its original shape. But when the applied force or deforming force (so-called because it deforms the material) is removed, the solid, because of its elastic nature regains back its original shape. So, this implies that the energy will be the stored in the body and then released when the external force is released so that the original form is regained. But in rheology, the applied external force allows the matter to flow rather than deform. Therefore, we can arrive at a conclusion that the state of matter is changed from one state to another by the application of an external force. We find the application of rheology to substances with quite complex structures like

muds, sludges, bodily fluids etc,. In other words we can say that rheology applies to substances having viscosity that change due to external factors or variable viscosity. In the case of these types of materials or fluids, the applied stress is not in proportion with the strain in the fluid or Hookes law is not valid. So, therefore these kinds of fluids are also called Non-Newtonian fluids. The concept of viscosity originated with Sir Isaac Newton and so the fluids having ideal or constant viscosity were considered as Newtonian Fluids.

Non-Newtonian Fluids
As mentioned above, Non-Newtonian Fluids do not share a linear characteristic with the applied stress. They are commonly occurring fluids such as ketchup, paint etc,. These fluids also do not have a constant viscosity. The change in viscosity occurs when a suitable external force is applied to such a fluid. For example, ketchup will be less viscous when shaken thoroughly than it would be when it is still. Thus these fluids cannot be defined by a single co-efficient of viscosity as well. The viscosity of these fluids is also time-dependent meaning that the strain rate can increase or decrease in accordance with applied stress over time. Based on this, the fluids having variable viscosity can be classified as thixotropic and rheopectic materials. A thixotropic material becomes less viscous with the increase in applied stress. The applied force can be shaking, stirring or pumping. It is also called work softening. But if the material, after the applied stress is removed, is left static it may regain its original viscosity. Quicksand is an example of a thixotropic material. A rheopectic material becomes more viscous with the increase on applied stress. It is also called work hardening.

Graphs showing Thixotropic and Rheopectic behavior

There are even materials which resist deformation when force is applied on them. These kinds of materials become more thick or solid in proportion to the increase in applied force. For example, when corn flour is suspended in water, and then suddenly the container is inverted, the mixture would either become heavily viscous or would behave as a solid itself. But it will return to its initial state when the deforming force is removed. These materials are called dilatant materials and the phenomenon is called dilatancy. Wet beach sand is also a commonly occurring example. The phenomena is also called shear thickening. But the most significant feature of the behavior of Non-Newtonian fluids is viscoelasticity. It is a transient behavior. We know that when a material regains its original shape when the deforming force is removed, it is purely elastic and if it flows according to the deforming force, then it is purely viscous. But if the deformation of the material does not follow the applied stress, then the material is said to be viscoelastic or having elastic as well as viscous behavior. In the sense, it incorporates both fluid and solid behavior. Solids can be thought of as having perfect memory. If they
are deformed through the action of a force, they return to their original shape when the force is removed. This happens when a rubber ball bounces; the ball is deformed as it hits a surface, but the rubber remembers its undeformed spherical shape. Recovery of the shape causes the ball to bounce back. In

contrast, Newtonian fluids have no memory; when a force is removed; they retain their condition at the time the force is removed (or continue moving as the result of inertia). When a Newtonian fluid is dropped onto a surface, it does not bounce. Non-Newtonian fluids are viscoelastic in the sense that they have fading memory. If a force is removed shortly after it is applied, the fluid will remember its undeformed shape and return toward it. However, if the force is applied on the fluid for a long time, the fluid will eventually forget its undeformed shape. If a sample of a non-Newtonian fluid is dropped onto a surface, it will bounce like a ball. However, if the fluid is simply placed on the surface, it will flow smoothly. Thus, viscoelasticity is the property of a material which is viscous but also exhibits certain elastic properties such as storing the energy of deformation and when constant stress is applied, the strain increases with time.

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