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Man is a social animal and has been living in group since the pre-istoric times.With time,these groups have evolved to become organized and civilized societies and have adopted different norms,cultures and trends distingues them from the other societies.But the proces of evolution did not stop and continues till date,leading to the formation of the modern society by putting the traditional society behind the scens. The question of prefering the modern society over traditional one or vice-versa is a highly debatable issue and connot be adequately answered without taking into account the pros and cons of both the forms of societies. While the traditional society boasts the value and worth of its traditions and its long-durished culture and norms the modern society is proud of the amazing technology and the freedom of choise,and expresion to

its dweellers.But the joys of both societies do not come without their woes and setbaks. While the traditional society lacked all the luxuries that we all enjoy today at the expense of science and research,made the people fall a victim to the traps,to the superstitious beliefs and other nonsense with no logical or scientific backing. But,today the modern society althought equiped with all that science has to offer the manking,has lost the morals,ethics and the emotions of love and brotherhood that distinguished them from the other animals on the planet!The modern society has given rise to many evils in itself. With the trends in technology at a rise and loads of money being invested into the projects like artificial intelligence and the human genome project ,the modern man fails to recognize the possibility of his own inventions taking control of him and reducing him to nothing technology and science,the people in the traditional society had a full contral of their own lives.

They could not communicate on cell phones or deat on facebook and were not se over-busy with their schedules and monotonouns routines that they tend to hide from each other by going invisible on chat rooms! Traditional society and modern society are two terms that are often heard these days thanks to the lot of advancements made in the fields of tachnology,science,education,fashion and the like. ''Traditional''refers to those societies or elements of societies that are small-scale,are derived from indigenous and often ancient cultural practices. ''Modern''refers to those practices that relate to the industrial mode of production or the development of large-scale often colonial societies.These co-exit in the world today. The society believes in the strict adherence to the scriptural directions.It believed seriously in the following of the directions as enjoined in the Bible or Quran or Verdas.Modern society tends to relax the following of the strict directions enjoined in the respective scriptures for lack of time and such other reasons.

Traditional society,does not belive in the application of technology and science to a great extent and hence,it tends to rely more on traditional methods of science and medicine. On the other hand,the modern society revels in making the best use of the technology available to it.It also makes use of the advancements made in medicine and science to a great extent. Traditional society attaches more importance to the cultural and philophical values of the land of its existence.Instead,it allows itself to be influenced greatly by the cultures of the other lands. Modern society believes in the joint family system of living.On the other hand,modern society believes in the individual family system of living.Traditional society does not believe in making use of the latest fashion in clothes and other accessories. So,the modern society believes in making the best use of the latest fashion in attire and other accessories.So,on a concluding note,it is almost impossible to choose any one given the pros and cons of

both,in my perspective a balance blend of both would do!

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