Whyte Election Address 2012

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For Local Council elections you do not vote for candidates by marking the traditional x, the system of voting

means you rank candidates 1,2,3 and so on. To re-elect Iain Whyte please mark a 1 next to his name. If you decide not to mark Iain 1 please give him your 2 preference. Thank you.


Scottish Conservative and Unionist

Inverleith Ward
Dear Resident, I have had the privilege of serving parts of Inverleith Ward on the Council for the last seventeen years and the current ward for five years. I have met many of you personally over that time; on the doorstep, at meetings or when you have raised an individual concern with me. You have made me aware of what matters locally and I have always tried to put the priorities of local people first. My aim is to work effectively to improve the quality of life of all local residents. If you re-elect me, I pledge myself to continue to achieve results for Inverleith Ward. To do this I need your help. I urge you to support me by making me your number 1 choice on 3rd May. Yours sincerely,
Printed & promoted by L Turnbull on behalf of I Whyte both of 67 Northumberland Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6JG. Printed by Hill and Hay, 58 Rogart Street, Glasgow, G40 2AA.

Iain asks that you use your second preference to vote for his Scottish Conservative colleague Scott Douglas (with a number 2). Scott has been working hard on issues of concern to residents in the Dean, Stockbridge and Comely Bank areas of Inverleith Ward since he was selected last year.

1 Scott Douglas 2
Iain Whyte
Scottish Conservative & Unionist Scottish Conservative & Unionist
Re-elect Iain Whyte - working hard locally for you in Inverleith. Please make sure that Iain Whyte is your first preference on the ballot paper. If you need a lift to the polls please contact Iain using the details below.

Local Government Elections Thursday 3rd May Polls open 7am - 10pm

Iain Whyte

Iain Whyte
Scottish Conservative & Unionist

Iain is keen to hear your concerns and you can contact him on 07769 823 766 or email: iain.whyte@scottishconservatives.com

Iain Whyte
Scottish Conservative & Unionist

Iain attends many Public, Residents and Community Meetings, Parent Council Meetings, Community Councils and the Neighbourhood Partnership. Iain also holds two surgeries every month and conducts walkabouts with representatives of residents groups. Some of the work Iain has done recently includes: Alerting the friends of Inverleith Park to the potential sale of land in the Park and campaigning with them to have this stopped. Working with Blackhall Primary School Parent Council to push the case for a new school hall. Pushing for swifter Council action on parking in the Craigleith Road/Orchards, Blinkbonny and Kinnear/Arboretum areas. Working with residents and traders to get the best possible result from the funds to upgrade Blackhall Dip. Supporting cycle and pedestrian improvements now due between Inverleith Park and the Botanics. Working with House OHill residents and others to resolve traffic and parking problems. Helping Warriston residents gain local amenity improvements and repairs to roads and pavements.


Since the last Council elections Cllr Iain Whyte has been the Convener of Lothian and Borders Police Board. The Board holds the Chief Constable to account for police performance and also sets the police budget and works with the police to ensure value for money. During the last five years the Board and the police have worked together agreeing a preventative approach to policing that has produced great results: Recorded crime down 24,000 or 15.2%. 138 more police officers (up 5%). 22 million of efficiency savings. Anti-social behaviour incidents down 9,500 (28%).

The bus stop issue has been sorted. Thanks for you help. A temporary bus stop has been put in place which is great. Well done." JC, Fettes Village

I wish to thank Iain for the enormous amount of work he has done over several years for the Warriston Residents Association. He has helped us a great deal with road repairs and improvements. Mr N Jack, Chair, Warriston Residents Association

The Board recently received a very positive Best Value report from Audit Scotland which recorded Iains strong and effective leadership and said, The convener [Iain Whyte] demonstrates strong commitment to his role and has a clear knowledge and understanding of the strategic issues facing the Board and the force. He is widely respected ... [and] is also actively involved in policing matters at a national level through his Chairmanship of the Scottish Police Authorities Conveners Forum, which reinforces his standing and credibility. Iain said: It has been a privilege to work collaboratively with our very successful police force and with Board colleagues across the political spectrum for the last five years. We have achieved a great deal and I am happy to have played my part in making Inverleith, Edinburgh and indeed the whole of the Lothian and Borders area safer during that time.

The no entry signage at one end of our street has never been properly completed due to lack of funds and the temporary signs are sometimes ignored which is dangerous. I am delighted that, after years of delay by the Council, Iain has gained agreement that the work be put forward for Neighbourhood Partnership Funding so that it can be completed soon. B Paterson, Ravelston Park

Iain wants to continue to help local people in this way. Dont gamble with good representation - re-elect Iain Whyte.

Edinburgh Conservatives will: Sort out Edinburghs roads and pavements by repairing the cracks and potholes. Give parents more choice over schools and headteachers more power to run them effectively. Use partnerships with the voluntary and private sectors to deliver better and more efficient services. Expand older peoples care services to help people live longer lives in their own homes and provide community services to allow them to socialise and prevent isolation. Work to make sure Edinburgh keeps the Business Rates raised here for the benefit of the City (a third of business rates are currently removed from Edinburgh by the Scottish Government).

Iain keeps residents updated on issues of concern or interest through his InTouch newsletters. Could you volunteer to deliver a few streets? Please contact Iain if you can help or if you have any issue you would like to discuss with him. Telephone Iain Whyte:

07769 823 766

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