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2/16/12 COBOL Interview Questions - Page 4 GeekInterview.

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Asked By: Interview Candidate Asked On: Aug 20th, 2002
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Answered by: ajayingle on: Jun 30th, 2010
Answer is C. C=B/A
Answered by: balasu on: Sep 9th, 2009
The answer is c=b/a (c)
What is the result of the following? Divide a into b giving c.A.C=aJb b.The
reminder of bJa is stored in C c.C=bJa d.The reminder of aJb is stored in C
Asked By: Manish Lalwani Asked On: Sep 13th, 2007
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Answered by: mf.vannan on: Jun 25th, 2010
If cursor is opened again before closing The error will be happen as Cursor already opened. Error
code is 501
Raipam Maniannan M
Conac: =91-9486115495

Answered by: mf.vannan on: Dec 24th, 2009
If cursor is opened again before closing, The error will be happen as Cursor already opened.
Error code is 501
Rasipuram Manivannan M
What will happen if a cursor is opened again before closing?
A cursor is opened.After fetching few rows. It is opened again before closing it.What will be the result?
Comp and comp-3
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Asked By: ajy_vjy Asked On: Jun 13th, 2008
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Answered by: ramesh4greek on: Jun 11th, 2010
In COMP the data is stored in binary format, and displayed in character format.In COMP3, the
data is stored as the above formula. For lower bound values COMP is best and for upper bound
values COMP3 i...
Answered by: mainframerek on: Apr 15th, 2010
Comp-3 is more efficient than Comp.Comp: Binary representation of data, can contain only S, 91
- 4 : 2 bytes (1/2 word)5 - 9 : 4 bytes (Full word)10 -18 : DoublewordComp-3 : P...
In real time in which situations we can use comp-3 and comp. What is the major difference between
these two?
Asked By: Interview Candidate Asked On: Sep 29th, 2004
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Answered by: ramesh4greek on: Jun 11th, 2010
The usage scope terminator exactly can get at Perform. For example if you are in Table creation,
then you can use multiple paras in that one. But by In-line perform you can avoid to create
multiple pa...
Answered by: himanshu kaushik on: Dec 20th, 2006
in line perform & evaluate verb. in these two scope terminator is mandatory.
When is a scope terminator mandator?
Scope terminators are mandatory for in-line performs and evaluate statements. For readability, it's
recommended coding practice to always make scope terminators explicit.
Asked By: russal Asked On: Sep 11th, 2006
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Answered by: ramesh4greek on: Jun 11th, 2010
Static Call: All sub programs followed the Main program. Here we can use Global variable, Call by
value and Call by reference method.At the compilation no need to give diff load modules.Dynamic
Call :...
Answered by: toton_tcs on: Mar 2nd, 2010
In static call calling program and calling and called program must be linkedited in a single load
module wheras in dynamic call they are stored in different load modules.
What is the difference between static call and dnamic call?
Asked By: sanjit_das Asked On: Mar 29th, 2006
5 answers
Answered by: ramesh4greek on: Jun 11th, 2010
There is no difference between Working and Linkage both are in Data Division.Working-Storage
for declaring the variables in main program.Linkage section is used for declaring the variables for
Sub pro...
Answered by: Asterix on: Mar 3rd, 2010
Not exactly:The linkage section is used to pass data from an other environment that's correct But
the working storage may share data with other programms with the "EXTERNAL" Clause. In this
What is the difference between working-storage section & linkage section?
Consider the following two if statements:
y move a to b
the following data division entries which gives
identical results
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Asked By: gilbat82 | Asked On: Jul 15th, 2008
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Answered by: ramesh4greek on: Jun 11th, 2010
STOP RUN: IT terminates the current program.GO Back: When we apply in place of stop run the
loop will be continued infinately.Exit: It's a optional one, for paragraphs we can apply this one.Eg:
Answered by: vidhyakk on: Dec 29th, 2008
Go-Back can be used in both main program and sub program. In the sub program it acts as Exit
program and in main program it acts as stop run.Stop Run can only be used in main program but
cannot be use...
How will work goback statement & stop run & exit-program in cobol ?
Asked By: sprabodhini | Asked On: May 7th, 2008
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Answered by: ramesh4greek on: Jun 11th, 2010
Yes the above 2 steps are correct. By using reference modifcation we can write reverse of a
string, right angle and piramid.........
Answered by: pawan_kch on: Jun 20th, 2008
Reference modification is used to retrieve/replace the set of characters from a string.Ex: MOVE
WS-VAR(1:5) TO PV-VAR. MOVE 'GEEK' TO WS-VAR(1:4). &nbs...
What is the reference modification
Asked By: gilbat82 | Asked On: Jul 15th, 2008
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Answered by: ramesh4greek on: Jun 11th, 2010
Load Module: The object code converted into Load Module (Machine readable form) by using Link
edit that's common in COBOL. But in Dynamic call, first we have to submit the sub pr...
Answered by: venkat65318 on: Sep 14th, 2009
Link edit is the process of linking of object codes of similar programs to form a single executable
load module.
Linkage of object codes of mainprogram and subprogram is done during execution.
What is load module & link edit and how will it work dynamic call?
Normally we are using dynamic call. What will happen when cobol program compilation & execution.
Asked By: shrikant.gadag | Asked On: Feb 23rd, 2007
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Answered by: kiran_28 on: May 26th, 2010
change man cost more for company but time less.
Endeavor saves money more but takes time to execute job more.
Answered by: Dinesh on: Apr 13th, 2007
Both Endeavor and Changeman are version control tool in Mainframe where you can elevate your
components into production. A pacakge can be created and stage the componets that to be
elevated to prodcut...
What is the diffrence between endeavor and changeman?
2/16/12 COBOL Interview Questions - Page 4
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Asked By: Interview Candidate Asked On: Sep 29th, 2004
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Answered by: sunapana on: Apr 17th, 2010
Answered by: panzer1 on: Feb 1st, 2010
Yes, the "VALUE' is used once to set the value at the beginning of the program execution.The
"INITIALIZE" can be used multiple times any where in the program after execution begin...
What is the default value{s) for an initialize and what keyword allows for an
override of the default?
Initialize moves spaces to alphabetic fields and zeros to alphanumeric fields. The replacing option can be
used to override these defaults.
Asked By: gilbat82 Asked On: Jul 15th, 2008
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Answered by: ambadiramesh on: Apr 9th, 2010
If the main module is calling submodule statically then the sub module's code will be copied into
the main module in the comiled version but this wont happens in DYNAMIC calls case.Hope it will
Answered by: Lev Gaitsgory on: Feb 19th, 2010
Dynamic Calls:
01 Sub-Routine pic x(8) value 'ABC'
Give simple program example for dynamic link and dynamic call in cobol?
Asked By: Interview Candidate Asked On: Aug 20th, 2002
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Answered by: Kariab on: Apr 8th, 2010
Group level item should not contain PIC clause.
Answered by: roopali3 on: Feb 4th, 2008
Answer is (c) PIC can't be specified for a group item.
What is wrong with the following data declaration? 01 w-date pic x{6). 05 dd pic
99. 05 mm pic 99. 05 yy pic 99. {a) nothing is wrong. {b) under w-date all level
05 items are having a pic 99 but...
Asked By: Manish Lalwani Asked On: Aug 29th, 2007
2 answers
Answered by: Geek_H on: Apr 2nd, 2010
Program will abend with U4038.
What if stop run is missing in cobol program?
Stop run is last command in cobol program.But if it is missing, will the program abend?
2/16/12 COBOL Interview Questions - Page 4
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Answered by: mail_mathewsonyc on: Sep 1st, 2007
"Stop Run" and "Go Back" both indicate to the program to end processing and in the latter case to
transfer control to the calling program.If you dont specify either of these in you...
Asked By: anjireddy1985 Asked On: Jan 6th, 2010
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Answered b: jedianiki
Member Since Mar-2010 Answered On : Mar 24th, 2010
The DISP=SHR in JCL means that the file is already existing and that it is not exclusively
locked for your own use. Other user can still access this file. And the EXTEND in the
COBOL program means that, when you open the file, the record pointer will be positioned on
the last row of the record and every insert you'll make will be appended on the last position of
the file.
Answered by: jedianiki on: Mar 24th, 2010
The DISP=SHR in JCL means that the file is already existing and that it is not exclusively locked
for your own use. Other user can still access this file. And the EXTEND in the COBOL program
means tha...
Answered by: pkraja101 on: Feb 6th, 2010
In this time it will respond to the COBOL program and we can successfully write in the old source
File concept
The disposition parameter in the jcl is share ( disp=shr ) and cobol program opens file in " extend "
mode. In this scenarion what will happen to that file?
Asked By: LC Sharma Asked On: Jan 12th, 2007
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Answered by: Vaneeshkhurana on: Mar 21st, 2010
Although level 02-49 level are group or elementry elements but sometimes 49 are used for
dynmic SQL, i.e.01 WS-SQl-statement1-VARIABLE. 49 WS-SQL-STATEMENT1-LEN &nbs...
Answered by: mf.vannan on: Dec 22nd, 2009
It is used for decclare the ARRAY Variables.
Rasipram ManiVannan M
What is the use of level 49 in cobol?
Asked By: pkraja101 Asked On: Jan 28th, 2010
1 answer
Answered by: toton_tcs on: Mar 9th, 2010
Level number
Do we need to give level number in sequence order? Why?
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More higher number of level having less position in the level hierarchy.That's why It should be in
the increasing manner. 01 date 03 day pic 9(2). 03 month pic 9(2). 03 year pic 9(4...
Asked By: unica Asked On: Jul 31st, 2006
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Answered by: toton_tcs on: Mar 4th, 2010
YES It's possible..but the level number should be same.
Answered by: ragavprasanna on: Aug 31st, 2008
Yes, it is possible, redefines means using (sharing) the same memory space. It is not necessary
to share variables having same picture clause.
Is it possible that the redefines clause has different picture clauses compared to
the one it redefined?
Asked By: Somu Asked On: Dec 7th, 2005
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Answered by: RICHA_GARG on: Feb 9th, 2010
RENAMES clause does not use any extra space within the program as it just provides a
replacement name for use in a data definition attached to a program through a COPY statement.
Answered by: gopalchand on: Dec 3rd, 2009
Rename Clause is used to Regrouping the Elementary Data Items.
It will not takes Separate Space
Is renaming variable takes separate space or not
Asked By: Interview Candidate Asked On: Jul 14th, 2005
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Answered by: ge01395 on: Jan 27th, 2010
When during the Call the shared data is moved to the temporary work area, which is then passed
to the subprogram, intead of the original data. As a result, when control is passed back to the
calling p...
Answered by: pulikutty on: Jul 17th, 2007
In call by content a copy of variable is passed to the sub program. In case of call by address the
address is passed.
Explain call by context by comparing it to other calls?
The parameters passed in a call by context are protected from modification by the called program. In a
normal call they are able to be modified.
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