Cure Dis - in - Tegrati - On Brooding Chaos

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CURE Dis In Tegrati On Brooding chaos

Plainsong. The only colour is light. Blinking ice luck keyboard spots in regalia bury sunburst Smith down the shadow mirror. This time swirl is due to the flames guitars raise.

Pictures of You. Popsicles blur the taste of broken lips. Vacillating melody arouses from memorial bushes cuts through so long I almost believe an entire world ruined for the translucent fading of recurring gems.

Closedown. Dissonant funk rumbling the lower echelons of basses strums heartstrings catching unease in the eye. Within this sense a moody prelude to running outof time. Seamless keyboards in frantic stasis uselessness.

Lovesong. The shadow mirrors bouncy disposition. In stoned allure connected desires escalade BAUHAUS cities moonlight hides from sight. Notwithstanding words the crimson moon is wrapped around Smith sparing no bodily parts.

Last Dance. Programmed drumming and portable standstills for an old COCTEAUS twin. Professional downer Smith more real than his sharp confidences allow for. Hes so glad you remember his old endlessness further into decay.

Lullaby. Spare creepy Funk PRINCE, MJ would consider recording if not SIOUXSIE. First the Lovecats then Shake Dog Shake now Spiderman down the throat. Unassuming Smith sends waves of subconscious postcards.

Fascination Street. Remnant buzz-saw predates mechanical syncopated violence. Taming pathos down, aggravated sprinkles tourniquet COCTEAUs But Im Not lilting textures, no respite. Vocal afterthoughts open mouths for disposability, combed hair lost in the wilderness.

Prayers for Rain. Desert search for minimalist romantic redemption THE CULT No CURE for despair. Digital cathedrals make abrasive beds Smiths despondent vocals, intolerant mode. Before useless resistances, senses in sterile non-fulfilment. End as it begins.

The Same Deep Water as You. Boiling water amidst skirmishes of cells. Echelons falling under (unfolding) contradictions. Kiss me goodbye. We so alike, dragging feet adrift. Icebergs go, Gallups frail JOY DIVISION figureheads. Strange fascination shadowy Smith saves tires.

Disintegration. Propulsive perception revolves readymade. Gigantic vignette percolating unassumingly. Cat from Japan Smith moans holds his breath lodging for the shameless kiss of vanity. Emptier thumping is delivered autopilot BUNNYMEN. Savage screams cant salvage dissimulatedenthusiasm?

Homesick. Epic sweep threatens to encapsulate all disintegrating trends. In bittersweet malaise morose acrimony a walk away from wariness. Understated detachment just another drunken fault line. Chamber sullenness demands haunted SUEDEheads.

Bagpipes, A Letter to Elise in advance never quite saying the intended. Melancholic outpouring, pretty in pink miniatures touched from a distance. Pushing faces in memories of somebodies, less commanding. Dripping in melodic cascades, Disintegration purrsgoodbye.

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Dis In Tegrati On

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* * * * PLAINSONG * * * * 1/2 PICTURES OF YOU * * * 1/2 CLOSEDOWN * * * * LOVESONG * * * * LAST DANCE * * * * 1/2 LULLABY * * * * 1/2 FASCINATION STREET * * * * PRAYERS FOR RAIN * * * * 1/2 THE SAME DEEP WATER AS YOU * * * *DISINTEGRATION * * * * * HOMESICK * * * * (UNTITLED)

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