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Rosemarie Rizzo Parse: Theory of Human Becoming BIOGRAPHY Founder of the Institute of Human Becoming: teaches-ontological, epistemological, and

d methodological aspects of the human becoming school of thought and professor at: Emeritus, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Founder and current editor of Nursing Science Quarterly and currently chairs the nursing theory-guided practice expert panel of the American Academy of Nursing. President of Discovery International, Inc. and Dean of the Nursing School (Dusquesne) Author of many articles and books (i.e. Fundamentals of Nursing) Education: Masters and Doctorate from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh Achievement Award: 2001 Lifetime Achievement Award for her contribution to nursing SYMBOL OF HUMAN BECOMING Black and white = opposite paradox significant to ontology of human becoming and green is hope Center joined =co created mutual human universe process at the ontological level & nurse-person process Green and black swirls intertwining = human-universe co creation as an ongoing process of becoming THEORY Rosemarie Rizzo Parse developed the Theory of Human Becoming (now known as the Human Becoming School of Thought) through a combination of concepts from Martha Rogers and from existential-phenomenological thought. Her nine assumptions are based on the three main themes of meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence. Each theme leads to a principle: o meaning -relates to imagining, valuing, and languaging; o rhythmicity -relates to revealing-concealing, enabling-limiting, and connecting-separating o ; transcendence- relates to powering, originating, and transforming. Each of the principles has a practice dimension and process. CASE STUDY Imaging- an infertile couple believes there are many Connecting-Separating- parents feeling there is more children who are in need of loving homes and plan aggressive treatment for their daughter who is receiving to adopt palliative care at the request of her husband causing a Valuing- an older woman putting her health first as her relationship to be strained children have all moved out of the house Powering- parents must continue on with every day life Languaging- a man diagnosed with terminal cancer finds and support their remaining children after the loss of the strength to talk with his wife about his fears and their oldest child in an accident concerns Originating-a woman campaigns to raise money for Revealing-Concealing-a young teen must unveil her secret breast cancer in honour of her grandmother to her parents of being pregnant Transforming- an elderly man now accepts outside as Enabling-Limiting- a family must choose the course of he can no longer provide adequate care for himself and treatment for a 5 year old recently diagnosed with leukemia: his wife who has Alzheimers must chose to stay home or travel to receive treatments Person GROUP PHILOSOPHY Multi-faceted, decisive entity, autonomous Perception = their reality Patterns in a persons life demonstrate personal meanings and preferences, and involve engagements and disengagements. Complexity increases with time Structuring meaning, co creating rhythmical patterns of relating, and co transcending personal process only known by the self



a universe; perceived by the person

Adaptable unit, open concept, autonomous (indiviual, family or community) Responsible for creating: relationships, health, and own circumstances Subjective and related to culture Based on the determinants of health Affects optimal state of wellness internal/external components & reality may not = perception

physical environment = persons decisions perceived environment = understanding of the physical environment Nursing

can improve or deteriorate an individuals health

a service to human kind practiced in relationships with

individuals, groups, and communities in their process of becoming emphasis: present when a client discovers personal meanings

art and science of caring knowledgeable autonomous, a team member, advocate, and works within standards and ethics

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