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My Personal Development Plan

Table of contents

Introduction Areas that need development Your strengths Your action plan Key contacts Resources

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Created by Business Link 17 April 2012 21:30 If you would like to come back and see how much you have improved, or update your current list of actions, please visit My Business at

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My Personal Development Plan

To help ensure success for your area of responsibility, you will need to have a broad range of skills relating to management and leadership. Based on your current role and situation, this tool has prioritisedthe most important areas that you need to concentrate on and will point you in the right direction for furtheradvice and training. Don't forget that as long as you have saved your plan online, you can visit our website at any timeto update your plan and see how much your skills have improved. This tool has been based on the National Occupational Standards for Management and Leadership. View the full standards at - Opens in a new window

Areas that need development

Skills that need some development

Planning Decision-making Information Management

Leadership Thinking Strategically Prioritising

Problem Solving Motivating Risk Management

You have lower scores for the skills needed in each of the following areas. This doesn't mean that you cannot do these tasks or haven't done them well in the past. It simply means that in order to be truly successful in these areas, you may need to brush up on some skills and get some advice on how to go about the following actions. 1. Lead change Excellent performance in this area results in being able to: communicate your vision of the future, the reasons for the change and the benefits to everyone involved make sure the people responsible for planning and implementing change understand their responsibilities set and prioritise objectives for the change identify strategies for achieving the vision and communicate them clearly to everyone involved communicate progress to everyone involved and celebrate achievement identify and deal with obstacles to change In order to improve in this area, you may want to get some advice on:
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the main models and methods for leading organisational change and their strengths and weaknesses principles and application of risk assessment how to use different leadership styles and behaviours for different circumstances the political, bureaucratic and resource barriers to change, and the techniques for dealing with these how to use different methods of communication in various circumstances stakeholder expectations and how they influence the change process Download full details of the Lead Change Unit from the MSC website (PDF) Opens in a new window 2. Develop a framework for marketing Excellent performance in this area results in being able to: identify and assess the customer groups and the benefits to the customer of using your products or services set out your aims, targets and conditions for success evaluate the need for branding or a special identity and the ways you are going to sell your products identify the main phases of activity that you are going to go through and the resources needed identify any risks associated with marketing and selling your products or services and how to manage these identify a process for regularly reviewing and updating the framework In order to improve in this area, you may want to get some advice on: how to identify different customer groups and their needs the importance of setting clear, demanding but achievable marketing targets and conditions for success techniques used for branding a product or service principles that underpin pricing strategies different channels for selling your product or service, their advantages, disadvantages, costs and benefits the type of risks associated with particular marketing and selling approaches and ways in which these risks can be managed Download full details of the Developing a Framework for Marketing Unit from the MSC website (PDF) - Opens in a new window 3. Get additional finance for my business Excellent performance in this area results in being able to: identify the additional finance required to fund the business' proposed activities seek and make effective use of specialist financial expertise evaluate the costs and benefits of different types and providers of finance present fully costed proposals and recommendations for obtaining additional finance to relevant people ensure timely submission of clear proposals or applications to potential providers of finance and seek regular progress updates
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My Personal Development Plan

put formal agreements in place with providers for agreed amounts of finance at agreed times, agreed costs and repayment schedules In order to improve in this area, you may want to get some advice on: sources of specialist financial expertise and how to make effective use of them different types and providers of finance how to evaluate the costs, benefits and risks of different types and providers of finance how to work out the full cost of obtaining finance from providers the type of formal agreements that should be put in place with finance providers and what they should cover why it is necessary to put contingency plans in place. Download full details of the Getting Additional Finance for your Business Unit from the MSC website (PDF) - Opens in a new window 4. Improve business performance Excellent performance in this area results in being able to: establish valid and appropriate measures for evaluating the performance of your business establish systems for collecting and assessing information on the overall performance of the business establish a culture where people freely come forward with performance problems and suggestions for improvement benchmark the performance of your business against other organisations and take action based on the findings ensure that any improvements made are in line with vision and objectives of the business ensure that the improvements made are of most benefit to the business, its customers and stakeholders In order to improve in this area, you may want to get some advice on: how to establish systems for collecting and assessing information on the business' performance how to use your findings to identify opportunities where business performance could be improved how to benchmark your business' performance against others and take action based on the findings the value of a customer focused culture ways of measuring the effect of improvements. The principles and processes of effective communication and how to apply them Download full details of the Improving Business Performance Unit from the MSC website (PDF) - Opens in a new window 5. Promote equality and diversity in my business Excellent performance in this area results in being able to: identify the business' and your personal responsibilities and liabilities under
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equality legislation review the diversity and needs of the business' current and potential customers review the diversity of the workforce in comparison to the local or national population ensure that your business has a written equality and diversity policy that is clearly communicated to staff and stakeholders ensure that the equality and diversity policy is supported by an action plan ensure that systems are in place to monitor, review and report on progress In order to improve in this area, you may want to get some advice on: the business case for ensuring equality of opportunity and promoting diversity the different forms which discrimination and harassment might take how and where to identify the business' and your personal responsibilities and liabilities under equality legislation how to identify the diversity and needs of your workforce and your current and potential customers how to communicate a written equality and diversity policy to staff and stakeholders what should be covered in an action plan Download full details of the Promote Equality and Diversity in your Business Unit from the MSC website (PDF) - Opens in a new window

Your strengths
The skills you scored highest in

Communicating Monitoring Presenting Information

Evaluating Reviewing Valuing and Supporting Others

Involving Others Consulting Analysing

You have scored highly in the skills needed for each of the following areas. This means that you have the capability and existing knowledge to carry out any of these associated tasks though you may still want to get some help along the way (see our list of contacts). 1. Map my business environment You have the ability to obtain crucial information to support planning and decision making eg information on your customers, competitors, market trends, new technologies and legislation Download full details of the Map my Business Environment Unit from the MSC website (PDF) - Opens in a new window 2. Manage risk
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You are able to systematically identify, evaluate and prioritise potential risks to enable appropriate actions and decisions to be taken Download full details of the Manage Risk Unit from the MSC website (PDF) Opens in a new window 3. Put the business plan into action You are able to agree measures for success, carefully monitor the implementation of the plan and make adjustments along the way Download full details of the Put the Business Plan into Action Unit from the MSC website (PDF) - Opens in a new window 4. Observe legal, ethical and social requirements You are able to monitor relevant regulatory, ethical and social requirements and develop effective policies to make sure your business meets its obligations Download full details of the Observe Legal, Ethical and Social Requirements Unit from the MSC website (PDF) - Opens in a new window 5. Ensure my business has an effective health and safety policy You understand the benefits arising from an effective organisational approach to health and safety eg decreasing the risk of injury to employees and improving the reputation of your business with customers and suppliers Download full details of the Ensuring your Business has an Effective Health and Safety Policy Unit from the MSC website (PDF) - Opens in a new window

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My Personal Development Plan

Your action plan

The following plan includes the actions you have previously selected and links to suggested resources. Action 1. Lead change Resources When

Complete Find local courses about leading within 6 change from the learndirect months website - Opens in a new window Find local events about leading change from our events directory - Opens in a new window


Develop a framework for marketing

Find local courses about developing a framework for marketing from the learndirect website - Opens in a new window Find local events about developing a framework for marketing from our events directory - Opens in a new window

Complete within 6 months


Get additional finance for my business

Complete Find local courses about getting within 6 additional finance for your months business from the learndirect website - Opens in a new window Find local events about getting additional finance for your business from our events directory - Opens in a new window

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My Personal Development Plan


Improve business performance

Complete Find local courses about within 12 improving business performance months from the learndirect website Opens in a new window Find local events about improving business performance from our events directory Opens in a new window

Key contacts
Acas: Acas runs training sessions on a wide range of employment topics. Many of these are specially designed for smaller businesses. Tel: 08457 47 47 47 Website: - Opens in a new window Learndirect: Learndirect can offer you free advice on courses, careers, funding and childcare. Search through 936,468 courses throughout the UK. Tel: 0800 100 900 Website: - Opens in a new window Investors in people: The Investors in People Standard is a business improvement tool designed to advance an organisation?s performance through its people. It is flexible enough to apply to any organisation and sets a standard for good practice in matching what people can do and are motivated to do, with what the organisation needs them to do. Tel: 020 7467 1900 Website: - Opens in a new window

Find out if you are elgible for any grants or support on our Grants and Support Directory website - Opens in a new window
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Find a professional body or trade association using our contacts directory - Opens in a new window Find a business support organisation using our contacts directory - Opens in a new window Find a sector skills councils for your specific industry at the Skills for business website - Opens in a new window Read the employer's guide to training providers on the Learning and & Skills Council website - Opens in a new window Read guidance on 360-degree appraisals on the Chartered Institute of Management Institute Management website - Opens in a new window Find details of regional and local organisations on the British Chambers of Commerce website - Opens in a new window See which organisations participate in networking on the Higher Education and Research Opportunities website - Opens in a new window Read about e-learning and search for e-learning providers on the e-learning centre website - Opens in a new window Read about mentoring on the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation website - Opens in a new window Read about business courses on the Open University Business School website - Opens in a new window Related guidance on Inform and consult your employees - Opens in a new window Skills and training for directors and owners - Opens in a new window Get the right finance for your business needs - Opens in a new window Prevent discrimination and value diversity - Opens in a new window

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My Personal Development Plan

Benefits of flexible working - Opens in a new window Meet the need for work-life balance - Opens in a new window

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