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Alexis If fert Director, Student Integrity


Academic Integrity Policy

Faculty Adjudication Process Student Integrity Board Hearing

Non-Academic Conduct Issues Other Behavioral Concerns Writing an Incident Report



We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate the actions of those who do.

A. Academic Misconduct: of academic dishonesty. Performing, attempting to perform, or assisting another in performing any act B. Cheating: This act of dishonesty includes but is not limited to giving information to or taking information from other students during examinations. Cheating is also committed when students copy from unauthorized sources and/or represent some other persons work as their own. Collaboration on out-of-class assignments or examinations is considered to be cheating if prohibited by the professor. C. Plagiarism: This category includes copying material from unpublished or published sources, including electronic resources, and submitting that material as the students own work. Students are responsible for identifying the proper source and for giving credit to that source anytime that they present ideas which are not their own. D. Unauthorized Use or Possession of Materials or Resources: Students must not use or possess unauthorized materials or resources in an academic activity. This act includes but is not limited to use/possession of a cheat sheet when not authorized to do so or use/possession of any other resources or materials during an examination, quiz, or other academic activity without the express permission of the faculty member, whether access to such resources or materials is through a cell phone, PDA, other electronic device, or any other means. E. Collusion: This act of dishonesty includes but is not limited to buying or selling material which will be misrepresented as a students own work. In addition, students who fail to report known acts of academic dishonesty on the part of others are guilty of collusion. F. Previously Submitted Material: Students must not submit work which has been or is being concurrently submitted, in whole or in part, in another class without first having received the permission of all the professors involved. G. Misrepresentation or Falsification of Material: This act includes but is not limited to misrepresenting, fabricating, or altering academic material, such as transcripts, diplomas, grades or records, professors or administrators signatures or initials. In addition, students must not take an examination or test in the name of another student or present another students work as their own. H. Misrepresentation of Circumstances: Students must not misrepresent personal circumstances (e.g., illness, conflicting responsibilities, etc.) to avoid meeting academic responsibilities or to gain an academic advantage.


Faculty Adjudication Process
- Fir st-time violation

Student Integrity Board Hearing (Formal Resolution)

- Student has had prior violations

- Behavior does not warrant more than academic sanctions and seminar referrals

- Could result in suspension, expulsion, or other nonacademic sanctions


- Faculty witnessed the violation

- Faculty did not witness the violation


The first step is to contact the Office of Student Integrity at 678-407-5760.


1. Contact the Of fice of Student Integrity at 678-407-5760 and notify the Dean of the school in which the violation occurred. 2. Complete page 1 of the Faculty Adjudication Form. 3. Attach a typed description and all relevant materials to the Faculty Adjudication Form. 4. Notify the student of the need to meet to discuss the allegations. 5. Meet with the student to review the Faculty Adjudication Form and discuss the allegations. 6. Make a decision regarding the allegations and have student sign the form. 7. Send the completed Faculty Adjudication Form and all other documentati on to the Of fice of Student Integrity (E-2130). 8. The Of fice of Student Integrity sends a resolution letter to the student. Copies are sent to faculty member, respective dean/director, VPASA , AVPSA , Dean of Students, and the students integrity file.


Failure of the course Reduction of final course grade No credit (0) for the assignment in question Reduction of assignment grade Retake/replace assignment Reprimand - Stated disapproval or a warning issued to the student Ethical Decision Making Seminar Citation/Referencing Workshop


1. Contact the Of fice of Student Integrity at 678-407-5760 and notify the Dean of the school in which the violation occurred. 2. As directed, submit a repor t online to the Of fice of Student Integrity providing as much detail as possible: tform. 3. For ward all original documents (exams, paper s, printed websites, email exchanges, etc.) to the Of fice of Student Integrity (E-2130 or 4. The Of fice of Student Integrity will send a charge letter to the student, copying the referring faculty member. 5. Student Integrity Board Hearing is held with charged student and faculty member present (and any additional witnesses). 6. Case is heard by hearing panel of students/staf f/faculty and a decision is made. 7. The Of fice of Student Integrity sends a resolution letter to the student. Copies are sent to faculty member, respective dean/director, VPASA , AVPSA , Dean of Students, and the students conduct file.



Repor ts should also be filed whenever a student violates any other section of the Code of Conduct: (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Other Acts of Dishonesty Disorderly Conduct Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct Alcohol, Marijuana, and Other Drug Related Misconduct Thef t, Damage, and Disregard for Proper ty Fire Safety and Sanitation Weapons Unauthorized Entr y/Use of College Proper ty/Facilities/Keys


(10) GGC Housing Policies and Procedures (11) Misuse/Abuse/Theft of Computer Time/Ser vices (1 2) Gambling (13) Hazing (14) Inter ference with the Orderly Operation of the Student Integrity Process (15) Shared Responsibility for Student Code of Conduct Violations (16) Violation of College or Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia Policy (17) Violation of Law


( 3 ) D i s o r d e r l y C o n d u c t . E x a m p le s o f s p e c i fi c p r o h i b i te d a c t i o n s i n c l u d e b u t a r e n o t l i m ite d to t h e f o l l owi n g : A . B e h av i o r w h i c h d i s r u p t s t h e o r d e r ly f u n c t i o ni n g o f t h e c o l l e g e , o r b e h av i o r w h i c h d i s t u r b s t h e p e a c e a n d / o r c o m fo r t o f p e r s o n ( s ) . B . D i s r u p t i o n o r o b s t r u c t io n o f te a c h i n g , r e s e a r c h , a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o r o t h e r C o l l e g e a c t i v i t ie s o n o r o f f c a m p u s , o r o t h e r a u t h o r i z e d n o n - C o l l e g e a c t i v i t ie s t a k i n g p l a c e o n C o l l e g e p r o p e r t y. C . E n g a g i n g i n c o n d u ct t h a t c a u s e s o r p r o vo ke s a d i s t u r b a n c e t h a t d i s r u p t s t h e a c a d e m i c p u r s u i t s , o r i n f r i n g e s u p o n t h e r i g h t s , p r i vac y, o r p r i v i le g e s o f a n o t h e r person. D . P hy s i c a l a b u s e , v e r b a l a b u s e , t h r e a t s , i n t i m id a t i o n , h a r a s s m e n t , c o e rc i o n , a n d / o r o t h e r c o n d u ct t h a t t h r e a te n s o r e n d a n g e r s t h e h e a l t h o r s a f et y o f a n o t h e r p e r s o n o r o t h e r c o n d u ct u s e d to c o e r c e c l u b / o r g a n i z a t i o n m e m b e r s hi p . G . Fa i l u r e to c o m p l y w i t h d i r ec t i o n s o f C o l l e g e o f fi c ia l s o r l aw e n f o r c e m e n t o f f i ce r s a c t i n g i n p e r f o r ma n c e o f t h e i r d u t i e s a n d / o r f a i l u r e to i d e n t i f y o n e s e l f to t h e s e p e r s o n s w h e n r e q u e s te d to d o s o .


1. Repor t is submitted to the Of fice of Student Integrity ( tform). 2. The Of fice of Student Integrity sends the student a charge letter via his/her GGC email account. 3. Student meets with Student Integrity staf f member to review repor t and select hearing type. 4. Hearing takes place to determine findings and sanctions. (Repor t writer and witnesses may need to attend hearing to provide a verbal statement.)
a. Informal Resolution b. Formal Resolution (Administrative Hearing) c. Formal Resolution (Student Integrity Board Hearing)

5. Decision letter is sent to student. 6. Student has the right to appeal the decision/sanctions as outlined in the decision letter.

Expulsion Suspension Conduct Probation Restitution Community Service Restrictions Other Educational Sanctions Termination of Student Employment Housing and Residence Life Restrictions No Contact Order Fines And/Or Other Sanctions



A multi-disciplinary group of professionals whose purpose is meeting regularly to review reports of student behavior perceived to be concerning, disruptive, and/or threatening. Procedures: DSSCT receives reports of disruptive or concerning behaviors of students, reviews for common themes, and recommends appropriate intervention action to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.


Disorderly or substantially disruptive behavior Verbally aggressive behavior expressing uncontrollable anger or hostility Unusual, bizarre, or disturbing behavior Threat of violence or physical harm Destructive behavior causing damage to proper ty Act/s of violence striking, pushing, or assaulting another per son Possession of a weapon Stalking behavior pur suing another per son


Transpor tation to the hospital for alcohol and drug use/abuse; Evidence of self-harming behaviors Repor ts of suicidal thoughts and/or attempts Direct expressions Indirect or non-verbal All references to suicide, self-harm, not wanting to be here, etc., should be taken seriously Other behaviors that indicate a student is in acute per sonal distress. In these sc enarios, you c an r efer the s tudent to the C ounseling

C enter AND the DSSCT


Outcomes: Provide centralized system for repor ting and maintaining records of concerning behavior s of students Review submitted repor ts and gather additional information as necessar y Referral to on an of f-campus resource s to positively address concerns Utilize exper tise of team of professional s to recommend appropriate inter vention to VPASA VPASA will work with other administrators and make decisions on how to proceed with students Students may be referred to on-campus resources including Dean of Students, Office of Disability Services, Counseling Center If Code of Conduct has been violated, student will participate in conduct process through Office of Student Integrity Student may be temporarily removed from campus


Jennifer Arrocena jarrocena@ggc.e du x5883 Buck Buchanan cbuchan1@ggc.ed u X5166 Katie Ganske, Ph.D. k ganske@ggc.e du x5592

Todd Harris x5510 Alexis If fer t aif fer x5760

Tomas Jimenez x5662 Ray Rawlins rrawlin1@ggc.e du 770-656-0342


Use the online report form Contact Alexis If fert via phone at 678-407-5661 or email at aif If situation is urgent or threatening, contact Public Safety immediately at 678-407-5333.


Information to include: Fir st and Last Names and ID number s of anyone involved (including witnesses) Be sure to mention anyone listed as an involved individual in the narrative of the repor t and vice ver sa! Location, date and time of incident (be specific!) Any conver sati ons between you and an involved per son, using quotation marks where necessar y. Write the repor t in the fir st per son (I saw, I obser ved, etc.) Keep in mind.
All reports should be professional (complete sentences, no obvious grammatical errors). They could end up in a court case. The report is considered part of the students educational record. As such, he/she will have access to view it. Be sure to stick to the facts! It is extremely important that you write the report as soon after the incident as possible, otherwise important details may be forgotten!


One of your students has been missing a lot of class sessions. When he does show up to class, he is almost always 5-10 minutes late. Today, he arrives 10 minutes late; the rest of the class is already taking a quiz. He yells, Sorry Im late. Can I still hand in my homework? You have a strict policy that no homework is accepted late and tell him, No. Please sit down and start the quiz. He sits down and begins talking to the student next to him. You ask him to stop talking and focus on the quiz. He snaps back at you that he is going to email the Dean to tell him how rude you are being and opens his computer. He begins to type, speaking loudly about what he is typing to the other students in the class.

You are lecturing in a course. You notice Chatty Cathy and her friend Conversational Carl talking, openly and loudly. It is clear that they are not discussing course content. You stop lecturing and make eye contact with the students. They stop talking. Shortly after you continue with the lecture, they start talking again; only this time, they are whispering. You verbally ask them to stop. They continue to talk and laugh.

It is halfway through the semester. You have just started your class. 25 percent of your students are texting/playing on their phones. Another 25 percent are taking with each other, conversations not related to the course content.

You begin to notice a pattern in your class. While you are lecturing, you realize that students are leaving the class every 10 minutes or so. Only a handful of students remain in class at the end of the hour.

You are handing back papers at the beginning of class. One student is very upset at the grade that he received and shouts, This is bullshit! You are the worst teacher I ever had! You calmly ask the student to take a seat, but he continues to yell, I hate you and I promise that you will pay! and runs out of the classroom.

Youve noticed that one of your best students has been missing class lately. When she does come to class, she doesnt seem able to focus and rarely participates. You ask her to stay after class one day to check in. While meeting after class, she tells you that she is having trouble at home. Her mother is dying of cancer and her father has been laid of f of his job. She has been missing class so that she can pick up extra hours at her part time job. She feels guilty for taking classes when her family cant pay the bills. At one point, she tells you that she has thought about ending her life.


Lay the ground rules on day one (and explain rationale for your classroom policies) Confront the disruption promptly Give the disruptive student the minimum attention necessary during class Ask the student to stay after class if needed Return graded work at the end of the class period Be aware of your pet peeves and remain calm Model appropriate, professional behavior Get to know the students Call the police when warranted

Of fice of Student Integrity Student Center Suite #2130 678-407-5661 Alexis If fert Director of Student Integrity aif Jef f Eppley Assistant Director of Student Integrity Darrah Henry Administrative Assistant

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