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s the festive season

nears most students
are looking forward
to the long school holiday, especially
those who have sat for the Kenya
Certifcate of Secondary Education
(KCSEj," says Clena Mermiey a
former student from St. Cecilia G
Namenya via port victoria.
To establish new relationships,
frequent favourite joints will be a
priority for some, while for others
it will be a time to look forward for
opportunities to boost their fnancial
status and get involed in all sorts of
During this time, lt is likely for
some us to make wrong choices
/decisions and go the wrong way;
she warns. "Completion of the fnal
Voting...your right
Its here...
my decision

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exam is just a preparation for
the future and not a licence
to engage in all kinds of
behaviour that can expose us
to risky situation."
"This years' holidays
coming at a time when the
country is looking forward to
general elections, makes it
a complex situation for us,
youth." adds Winnie Achieng,
a Straight Talk editorial board
member from Kariobangi South
Sec. School, Nairobi.
Kennedy Odhiambo warns
those teenies, who brag that
'wamefka' and use it as an
excuse to abuse drugs simply
nce again Kenya is at a
stand still due to the general
elections which are due in
December. As usual young people are at
the centre of these election activities for
good and bad reasons.
Says, Clevos James Matta from
Bishop Mugendi Sec. School, Siundo
in Roo, appeals to all Presidential,
parliamentary and civic aspirants to
campaign and promote peace and
harmony during this period."please safe
guard the lives of those you intend to
lead." he pleads.
Harun Kiruku from Kiambu, seconds
and appeals to the youth to come out in
large numbers to vote out leaders who
have 'exceeded their sell by date'.
"lf you know your rights, you must
fght for them. As a Kenyan, it is your
right to see to it that, come another
fve years, you have leaders who are
considerate in your day to day life.
lf you are 18 years and above,
it is my hope that you have
registered as a voter and that
you have confrmed your details
in the voters register to avoid
disappointment on the election
Check to make sure that
your names correspond with
those on your lD. On the
election day, make sure that
you vote wisely and not under
the 'control of your neighbour'.
Remember, that your vote will
determine your life for the next 5
We pray for a peaceful
election and hope that politicians
will respect the wishes of voters,
they should not use youth to
cause violence."
Maina James, Laiser Hill
Brenda says: "l didn't know
lhad Hlv till l tested in 2007
atKuluva Hospital in Arua.
l wasin S2. l would fall
sick often. ldecided to
fnd out the problem.
l tested positive. l
felt bad but l was
relieved of wor-
ries. l showed-
my results
to dad and
sisters. My
father was
but my
They thought
l was going todie. l told
them l had been given
Antiretroviral (ARvsj medicine
tohelp me live longer. At school,
l would hide my "Tested positive,
but relieved of worries"
medicine fearing to be isolated.
Later l shared my status with-
students and teachers. They are
friendly and helpful. l now take
my ARvs and Septrin freely.
Teachersgive me something to
eat beforetaking ARvs. Friends
remind meto take medicine on
time. Evenif you are on ARvs or
not, youare advised to take Sep-
trin toprevent malaria, diarrhoea
andPneumonia.l talk to students
to stay safe andif they have Hlv,
to get the righttreatment, care and
HIV$AIDS watch
Straight Talk Club
Activities 2011

(Abovej Members of Mandera lntegrated Academy,
. lt is one of the
newly formed clubs in North Eastern Province. Clubs wishing to get in touch with them
can do so at: Mandera lntergrated Academy, P.O. Box 302, Mandera.
(Rightj Wilbur
Bonuke, a
at Ramba High School,
Ndori. He was the best
performing male dancer
in the dancing category
at Straight Talk club
symposium held the
same school.
An exicted section of members from different
schools in Kisumu at a past Straight Talk club symposium at Ramba High
School, Ndori. On show was a dancing competition, puppetry among
Outgoing Offcials of Nambale Boys High
School, Nambale.
violet Odhiambo the
Chairlady of Karioban-
gi South Sec. School
Nairobi. Among her
responsibilities as
a chairperson
is to make
sure that club
meetings are
held on time.
She also
with other
Talk Clubs.
Members of St. Michael's Girls High School, Nakuru,
. The main activity of this club is con-
serving and creating awareness about the environment.
Club & Project flicks
A healthy vagina
produces secretions
to cleanse and regu-
late itself.
The acidic environment creat-
ed by normally occurring bacteria
in the vagina discourages infec-
tions from occurring. All women
have some vaginal discharge.
Normal discharge may appear
clear cloudy white and /or yellow-
ish when dry on clothing.
Changes in normal discharge
can occur for many reasons in-
cluding menstrual cycle, emo-
The wall of the
uterus/womb is
prepared during
the cycle in
readiness for a
fertilized egg to come settle
and mature into a baby.
The preparation includes
increase blood vessels,
thickening of the uterus
lining and all this is aimed at
enabling the fertilized egg
incase it arrives to have the
best for survival.
lncase there is no egg
fertilized,then the uterus lining
breaks down,the products
leaving through the cervix, into
the vaginal canal and out into
the environment as menstrual
The hymen is some thin
skin at the vaginal opening,
normally only covering just
the edges, though at times it

Youth Friendly VCT Centres
Nowadays both boys and girls are turning out to be
smooth operators whose interest is sex.
Be aware of such smooth talking boy/girlfriends.

Do you know that there are some young people who
still refute and debate about the existance of Hlv/AlDS?
Believe me or not the fool proof method of avoiding
infection is by having some behaviour change which in-
volves abstinence from sex. Being circumcised should
not be an excuse to indulge in irresponsible sexual be-
Remember it is impossible to change external realities
if we do not change the minds and hearts of people.
tional stress. The overgrowth of
normally present bacteria, infec-
tion can cause changes in vagi-
nal discharge.
Chemical irritation can also
be a signifcant factor(douching,
feminine hygiene spraysj and
poor hygiene
vaginal infections are very
common and not all are sexually
transmitted. Any changes in co-
lour or amount of discharge may
be a sign of vaginal problems.
lndicators include;
Persistent increase in dis-
Discharge accompanied by
itching or soreness.
Burning on skin during urina-
Discharge with foul smell.
1. Keeping vaginal area lean
and dry
2. Use of cotton underwear
3. Wipe from front to back after
4.Avoid the use of deodorant
pads or tampons
5.Avoid washing the inside of
vaginal with soaps.
Finally, you need to see a doctor
to asses your condition.

can cover the whole vaginal
opening. Thus one can have
menses while still a virgin.
The hymen can break while
doing sports or during sexual
virginity is broken only
through sexual intercourse.
Hlv is easily transmitted in
body fuids especially where
there is break in the skin which
is the frst defense line against
The main mode of
transmission is through sex,
contact with contaminated
body fuids. The risk is high at
the point of sexual contact if
there is a break in the skin.
Age/sex does not matter in
whatever you want to do because
nursing needs understanding not
gender, driving needs keenness
not gender so please allow
your knowledge to
purchase for you what
it deserves.
parenthood is
not a career but
an option or
choice. Sex is
there for the
rest of your
life, so do not
Celeb Byte
Recent events and cases of national exams
leakages, are leaving many students with no
option but to hold their breath in the hope that
they will not be victimised.
Many readers and candidates have written
to Straight Talk, to ask what is happening as
they witness the academic dreams and future
slowly 'melt' away .
Erick Odongo, St. Joseph School-Rapogi
from Sare-Awendo writes: "There is no
sensitive term in school like third term because
it is the hour of reckoning for many would-be
candidates and candidates alike."
Mohammed A. from Wajir also concurs
and says that it is a painful thing that after four
years of toiling hard, one ends up with his/
her results cancelled because of examination
"lt is sad that such irregulaties usually end up
consuming even
the innocent."
So why do
students opt for
exam leakages?
"Even though
l work hard in
my studies, l am
under pressure
to perform. All
my relatives are
people of good
social status
thus l also have
to deliver",
says a reader from Busia. David Ragang and
Clement Omondi, from Hono Sec. School in
Siaya, blame students and candidates who
'waste' their time in class only to seek an 'easy
way out' when national exams come.
At the end of the day, when exam results are
announced, such students are the frst to start
giving excuses by claiming that the schools
they are in are not 'performing'.
A.M. concludes by urging the Kenya
National Examinations Council (K.N.E.Cj to
clean up it's house so that 'innocent students'
do not suffer. "The council should come up
with strict measures to ensure that cheats as
well as their associates do not get away.
Readers, what measures do you think the
Kenya National Examination Council should
come up with to stop exam cheats?
Leaking future
Lack of respect among students
towards their teachers, parents and
even fellow students is something to
worry about.
Remember that those who lack
respect to others, cannot be re-
spected in return.
Sex is the most abused thing in
this earth. Everything in the world re-
volves around it.
Though meant for married cou-
ples, it has become a preserve of the
youth who have baptised it as love.

l sometimes fnd it diffcult to un-
derstand why girls are often to told
that boys are 'bad'. Are boys not hu-
man beings?

lt should not be a matter of 'l have been
badly hurt and nataka mtu wa kunitolea
stress'. And once self image recovers
that will be the time kusaka mwingine (look
for another partnerj it's better to have a
little pain and make the right decision than
to hurry and make the wrong one," he
From Machakos Girls Secondary
School in Machakos victoria Muia adds,
"Relationships, need to be handled with
care," she says.
"Though most young people will be
under pressure from parents who believe
that boy/girl relationship is wrong because
those involved are still too young to handle
what is referred to as'matters of the heart,
l believe there is absolutely nothing wrong.
Boy/girl relationship offers the youth the
responsibility and decision making skills if
handled properly.
Whichever category my take is that a
relationship, which is sincere, should be
open. lf young people really care about
each other and have no hidden motives
then.they should make the relationship
known to their parents who in turn should
provide support.
Buzz Spot
l understand that many school leavers
consider themselves 'grown ups' immedi-
ately they completes school.
Growing up is not about abusing drugs
and unwanted pregnancies. lt is about tak-
ing responsibility of yourselves.
Parent who deny their children
an opportunity to socialise only end
up encouraging them to join peer
groups. The young person often
seizes his frst opportunity to join
groups of people he knows little
about their character.
She went to Bishop
Gatimu Ngandu Girls
High School, where she
was part of the accapella
group Sobriety. Amani signed
to Ogopa Deejays in 1999,
soon after graduating from
high school.
ln 2000 she joined United
States lnternational University
to study lnternational Business
Administartion. Her frst single
"Move on" was a radio hit, and
was followed by hits single "Ta-
hidi" and "Papii" in 2001.
Her 2002 collaboration with
Nameless 'Ninanoki', was a ma-
jor national hit. Her later singles
include "Talk to You" (featuring
Patonee and Big Pinj, "Bad Boy"
(featuring Nyashinski of Klep-
tomaniaxj, Usiwe Mbali (featur-
ing AYj, "Tamani", "Missing My
Baby" and "Tonight".
She has recently been signed
to Sony Music under Rock-
star 4000 (2010j. She recently
worked on a ground breaking
song with lnternational R n B
singer R.Kelly alongside top
African stars i.e. Ali Kiba, Navio,
Fally lpupa, 2face ldibia, JK,
4*4 and Movazeleine. The song
titled 'Hands Across the World'
made it to the billboard 100 and
had over 1 million downloads in
She is currently the brand
Ambassador for Airtel kenya.
Her debut album Tamani
was released in 2006 . She has
toured in the United States, Nor-
way, Germany, United Kingdom,
Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda and
performed in Dubai, Nigeria,
Senegal, South Africa, Liberia
and Djibouti.

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