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Extensive experience in all phases of management consulting for business and technolog ! strategies" evaluations" and proposals# service engagement management# venture-capital duediligence# international technolog transfer# standards" procedures" and protot pes. BIG-4 COMPLIANCE INITIATIVES $or a leading global ban%" negotiated deals for management consulting &ith the 'ig-4 and other top firms" &ith an estimated annual portfolio of ()50*+. $or a leading global ban%" completed ), deals and statements of &or% -./0s1 including .egregation of 2uties" $oreign 3ccount 4ax 5ompliance 3ct -$34531" 6. 'usiness 4ransformation" 7is% .trateg " .tate 3mended 7eturns" 2odd $ran%" and 5ompliance 2etailed .elf 3ssessment -52.31" 5hange 2eliver " 4rust 4ax 3nal sis" 87 5ost 3nal sis" 5ompliance /bligation 7is% 3ssessment" 5onsent /rder 7eporting" 7eg 0 4arget /perating *odel" 5omprehensive 5apital 3nal sis and 7evie& -55371 3ssessment. $or a leading global ban%" completed 7$9 in less than a month for compliance strateg overhaul. /n (850:" achieved cost savings of ()00: through uncharged supplier time from 'ig-4. $or a leading global ban%" in one &ee%" created and negotiated .tatement of 0or% and *aster .ervice 3greement for .outh 3merican compliance initiative for :;5" 3*<" $inancial 5rime. $or a leading global financial services firm -(=00* regulator filing1" discovered and addressed multiple discrepancies of several million dollars each. $or a leading global ban%" advised >orth 3merican sourcing executive on sensitive escalation. STRATEGIES, EVALUATIONS, & PROPOSALS $or 3merican Express" facilitated launch of small-business campaign b anal ?ing the mar%eting of retirement programs b six leading mutual fund" bro%erage" and insurance companies. $or 34@4" provided an overvie& of 3cAuiring .ervices for credit cards and other pa ment vehicles" paving the &a for a first-time fora into 3cAuiring. $or 5B/ of *itsubishi 5orporation -*51 in 4o% o" %e resource for outsourcing service procurement. 2eveloped highl acclaimed reAuirements" strategies" research" and contacts for technolog outsourcing of 70+ >orth 3merican subsidiaries valued at (750*. $or *itsubishi Bnternational 5orporation-*B51" instrumental in launching a Clandmar% toll-fraud la&suitD against 34@4" through a revie& of the technolog " the mar%et" and legal precedent.

JAY R. ROTHSTEIN P. 2 of 4 845-558-8780


$or *B5 *etals 2ivision" organi?ed . stems 4as% $orce for enterprise-&ide integration of steel processing plants in four states! /ver a four- ear period" revie&ed implementation plans" hired *B. *anager" and documented t&o- ear bac%log of user reAuests# consolidating B4 function. $or *5 4o% o" launched Aualit -assurance group through creation of /rgani?ational 5harter and .tatement of *ission for Eualit 5ontrol and 9roductivit *anagement. $or *5 4o% o" introduced the first significant non-B'* hard&are in a pure C'ig 'lueD environment" through t&o ears of research and support! 9rovided mar%et intelligence comparing 2E5 F3G and B'* 5HI, @ 3.H400! Bdentified" anal ?ed" and reported on suppliers &ith 2E5-to-B'* connectivit . 7ecommended %e products" including port server" performance accelerators" and tape bac%up s stem. $or *B5" created a .trategic 9lan for the Bnformation @ 4elecommunications . stems 2ivision! 5oordinated development &ith group managers and drafted Executive .ummar " 6ser 7elations" *B. 3pplications" 'usiness 2evelopment! Edited plan and delivered boardroom presentation. $or *itsubishi Bnternational 5orp." implemented E2B-based application s stems andHor conducted mar%et studies for steel" auto" airlines" construction" and textiles. 3nal ?ed E2B legal guidelines and mar%et intelligence. $or 34@4 'usiness .ervices" delivered s stems for budgeting and financial planning! $ive months before the divestiture" led $inancial *anagement and 2ata . stems in sorting out priorities for ne& financial s stems. Evaluated competing third-part s stems according to functional" technical" and cost criteria" and presented proposal to 3ssistant Fice 9resident. 6pon acceptance" specified reAuirements and delivered s stem one month ahead of schedule.

SERVICE-ENGAGEMENT MANAGEMENT $or *itsubishi" supported senior executives of >orth 3merican subsidiaries in managing 'ig-4 s stem engagements through on-site visits" proposal revision" and personal consultation! $or *B5 *emor 4ech subsidiar -manufacturer of optical dis%s1" reali?ed savings of ()),"000 and cost avoidance of (I45"000 through development of lo&-cost technical strategies and rejection of an unusable sub-s stem. Eualit -control campaign included three consultations &ith *r. *. *a%ihara" 5hairman of *B5" and high-level tal%s &ith subsidiar management" s stem suppliers" internal auditors" and outside consultants. $or *B5 highl profitable food oil subsidiar " supported all phases of microHmini s stems start up. 7evie&ed and critiAued proposals from t&o 'ig-4 accounting firms# educated and advised

5ontroller# anal ?ed technicalHpricing options" negotiated optimal hard&are approach" and reali?ed savings in final contract.

$or *B5 steel plate manufacturing subsidiar in *exico" supported all phases of multi-user startup operation. 7evie&ed user reAuirements" critiAued 'ig-4 proposals" guided 9resident and .enior Fice 9resident in using locall available soft&are pac%age instead of ne& development. 9revented purchase of outdated hard&are" recommended leasing as interim measure" and presented 5/*93E I8,H .50 GE>BG as final configuration. $or a ()5* industrial graphics manufacturer" counseled 5hief $inancial /fficer and *B. 2irector. Evaluated current s stems" application bac%log" *79-BB selection" and implementation plan! 7esolved open issues on s stems management and introduced cost-benefit approach to s stems maintenance. $or *B5" performed troubleshooting of 3rthur 3ndersen project management control s stem for 2istribution 3ccounting . stem for mobile phones. 7esolved all outstanding issues on implementation" ensuring on-time deliver of production s stem. $or *B5" met &ith a 'ig-4 .enior 9artner and discussed the improvement of its reAuirements methodolog for manufacturing s stems# and &ith its >ortheast 7egional 2irector to coordinate s stems consulting. $or *B5" performed detailed anal sis of 'ig-4 pricing structure and recommended cost-effective alternatives for s stems consulting. 7evie&ed costs for t&o four-to-five ear s stems development projects b external consultants" valued at (I00: and (500:. VENTURE-CAPITAL DUE DILIGENCE $or *itsubishi Bnternational 5orp." performed due diligence for venture capital relating to ne& technolog ! 2elivered %e recommendation for investment of (,*+ in 3mtech 7adio $reAuenc Bdentification -7$-B21 4raffic 4oll s stems" commerciali?ed as CEJ 9assD and no& dominating the 6. mar%et. 7evie&ed business plans andHor participated in due diligence for 0ireless <3>Ks" .upercomputer *anufacturing" 9rogramming <anguages 4ranslation" 9arallel 9rocessing *achines" and 95 .ecurit .oft&are. INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER $or *itsubishi Bnternational 5orp." conducted mar%et research and set strategic direction for international technolog transfer of Lust-in-4ime *anufacturing" 2atabase *ar%eting" 5ontingenc 9lanning" and other technologies.

$or *itsubishi Bnternational 5orp." successfull represented >o. ) provider in Lapan for Lust-in4ime manufacturing consulting services" resulting in continuing sales of shop-floor techniAues through leading 6. publisher! Bnteracted &ith %e pla ers in the field through mar%et research"

polic formulation" strategic negotiations" sales presentations" and Aualit control! 2iscovered sophisticated modelingHsimulation soft&are for anal ?ing a full range of LB4-related functions" paving the &a for 4M<" 3l-based LB4 applications. $or *5 4o% o" provisioned a consortium of ten firms &ith case studies and other teaching materials to bring 2atabase *ar%eting to Lapan! 5onducted in-depth anal sis of 6. mar%et and negotiated &ith leading 6. suppliers to obtain materials at no cost that outside consultants had been unable to obtain. $or *B5" structured a pac%age of products and services for 5ontingenc 9lanning in 3sia9acific" including offer of exclusive international rights for the N= 95-based soft&are pac%age and offer of (=* in venture capital from a leading service provider! /ffer of mar%eting rights covered Lapan" 5hina" the *iddle East" Eastern Europe" 3frica" and 5entral and .outh 3merica. STANDARDS, PROCEDURES, & PROTOTYPES $or the *assachusetts *edicaid . stem" led t&elve anal sts in meeting .tate reAuirements for s stem acceptance test b delivering protot pes and procedures for test data specification. $or 2igital EAuipment 5orporation" provided coding standards" specification protot pes" and Aualit control guidelines for development of 95 order processing s stem. $or 34@4 'usiness .ervices" clarified and simplified methodolog for the 7eAuirements and Meneral 2esign phases" resolving long-standing issues on the project life c cle.

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