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Resin, Deployment, Cloud, Clustering and EC2 (How To) Part 1

Session Replication, App Deployment and Clustering on EC2

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Thursday, April 5, 12


Tutorial covers basics of using Resin Java Application Server on EC2 and EC2 like environments Setting up Resin Doing a cloud deploy Setting up Resin Pro license Deploying to EC2 box Eclipse to create a simple war le and then deploy it to Amazon EC2

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Resin works well with EC2 and IaaS solu8ons

Many Steps in tutorial same for other IaaS solutions Eucalyptus, CloudStack with CloudBridge, RightScale myCloud or even OpenNebula this guide should help you along as they all support the Amazon EC2 REST APIs. Any IaaS cloud computing environment (private or public, on premises or hosted) very similar steps Xen Server, Xen Cloud or VMWare vSphere etc. should be similar Servers not only as a Resin on EC2 environment tutorial but just a general Resin deployment tutorial

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Development boxes

Local dev box is Ubuntu (could be Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, but choose Ubuntu)

Remote EC2 box is Amazon Linux Amazon Linux like CentOS CentOS like RedHat In a way it is a good Resin Linux tutorial that covers Debian like, and Red Hat like instances (Resin runs on Solaris, Linux, Windows, Berkeley and Mac OSX).

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Familiar with Amazon EC2?

If not, start here: latest/GettingStartedGuide/Welcome.html (then come back) Learn how to start/stop instances, etc.

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Amazon WS Console to launch instance

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Start up new instance then install Resin

Fire up an Amazon Instance using Amazon Linux (basically CentOS 5.4)

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Make sure Resin is running

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Install Resin on local dev box (Ubuntu)

Add Caucho's Debian repository to system's repositories edit /etc/apt/sources.list Add this line

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Test Resin setup on local dev box

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Use Eclipse to create test war le

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Create a simple servlet

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Export war le

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Deploy and test locally

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Create an Elas8c IP for your AMI Instance

Amazon EC2 instances are assigned two IP addresses 1 public, and 1 private The public address is mapped via Network Address Translation (NAT) Every time you start or restart an instance, it gets new public and private addresses This makes it hard to congure a static cluster topology

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Create an Elas8c IP for your AMI Instance

Amazon EC2 provides a service called Elastic IP addresses Elastic IP addresses are static IP addresses. Elastic IP addresses are associated with your account, not a specic instances. You can associate an Elastic IP address with an instance. It is good to associate your instance with an IP address so you can direct your calls to that instance when deploying an application Also you need to know some address to congure the Triad (Resin only communicates with private addresses, but uses public addresses and a secure handshake to exchange private addresses)

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Create an Elas8c IP for your AMI Instance

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Elas8c IP address

It has to be reassign every time the server starts up It has to be assigned to an AMI instance in order to be used

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Password and User name

You cant execute commands remotely without a username and password To do a remote deploy on Amazon EC2 from your dev box, you need a user name and password

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Create password for your Amazon Cloud instance

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Put user-data with creden8als in AMI instance

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Create ec2.xml le and install it in Amazon AMI

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Make sure right ports are open

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Thursday, April 5, 12

Deploy from command line

From development box, deploy test hello.war

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Thursday, April 5, 12


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Thursday, April 5, 12

Related links

Part 1 Resin Java EE Application Server clustering and deployment to EC2 (this in WIKI form) Part 2 Resin clustering and deployment to EC2, session replication, Amazon Load Balancer Resin Java EE Application Servers Cloud Support and Clustering Support Resin White Paper on Java EE Cloud Computing

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Thursday, April 5, 12

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