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On your AP Regions Map, color the following regions: Europe- Brown Middle East-Blue South Asia-Green East Asia-Purple

rple Southeast Asia-Orange Latin America-Yellow Africa-Red North America-Pink

Unit One Timeline activity: Put the following events on a timeline from the dates 8000 B.C.E to 600 C.E. You only need specific dates for the items marked. Otherwise, just make sure they are in chronological order. Also make sure you know the significance of each event or time period. You should write brief notes next to each item! The event should be written in or shaded the color of the region that it occurred in (as marked on your regions map). Paleolithic Age Daoism Legalism Agricultural Revolution/Neolithic Age (date) Hinduism (date) Mauryan Dynasty Cuneiform emerges First democracy (date) Judaism & Hebrews (date) Zhou Dynasty Era of Warring states Fall of Rome (date) Confucianism (date) Qin Dynasty (date)

Yamato Japan Ancient Greece Fall of Han China (date) Ancient Rome Catal Huyuk (date) Bronze Age (date) Civilizations Develop (River Valley Civ.) (date) Christianity (date) Buddhism (date) Gupta Dynasty Fall of Gupta dynasty (date) Shi Huangdi Han dynasty

Unit Two Timeline: Put the following events on a timeline from the dates 600 C.E. to 1450. You only need specific dates for the items marked. Otherwise, just make sure they are in chronological order. Also make sure you know the significance of each event or time period. You should write brief notes next to each item! The event should be written in or shaded the color of the region that it occurred in (as marked on your regions map). Islam in N. Africa Plague (date) Tang Dynasty (date) Christianity in Africa Mali (Date) Golden Age of China (date) Songhay Islam (date) Neo-Confucianism (date) Mongol Empire (date) Swahili City-States Charlemagne (date) Middle Ages Crusades (date) Zheng He Delhi Sultanate (Date) High Middle Ages (date) Song Dynasty (date) Buddhism in China (date) Yuan Dynasty (date) Ming China (date)

Unit 3 Timeline: Put the following events on a timeline from the dates 1450 to 1750. You only need specific dates for the items marked. Otherwise, just make sure they are in chronological order. Also make sure you know the significance of each event or time period. You should write brief notes next to each item! The event should be written in or shaded the color of the region that it occurred in (as marked on your regions map). Renaissance (date) Incan Empire (date) Enlightenment (date) Conquistadors Ottoman Empire (date) Silver Trade Scientific Revolution Colombian Exchange Absolutism (date) African Slavery (date) Nation-state Peter the Great (date) Safavid Empire Discovery of America (date) Exploration Catherine the Great Aztec Empire (date) Mughal Empire

Unit Four Timeline: Put the following events on a timeline from the dates 1750 to 1914. You only need specific dates for the items marked. Otherwise, just make sure they are in chronological order. Also make sure you know the significance of each event or time period. You should write brief notes next to each item! The event should be written in or shaded the color of the region that it occurred in (as marked on your regions map). French Revolution (date) Karl Marx Qing Empire (date) Opium War(date) Imperialism British Rule in India Scramble for Africa (date) Haitian revolution (date) Simon Bolivar Napoleon Tokugawa Shogunate Decline of Ottoman Empire Bloody Sunday (date) Westernization in Egypt Boxer Rebellion Commodore Perry Industrialization American Revolution (date) Tsar Alexander II Meiji Era (date)

Unit Five Timeline: Put the following events on a timeline from the dates 1914 to the present. You only need specific dates for the items marked. Otherwise, just make sure they are in chronological order. Also make sure you know the significance of each event or time period. You should write brief notes next to each item! The event should be written in or shaded the color of the region that it occurred in (as marked on your regions map). WWI starts (date) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Treaty of Versailles (date) Republic of Turkey Yalta Conference (date) Collapse of Ottoman Empire Great Depression Balfour Declaration (date) Lenins NEP Stalin turns Russia communist (date) Five Year Plan League of Nation (date) Hitler comes to power Mussolini comes to power Munich Conferenceappeasement (date) WWII breaks out (date) United Nations created (date) Pearl Harbor (date) Marshall Plan Warsaw Pact NATO created (date) Vietnam War Korean War Cold War begins (date) Mexican Revolution Juan Peron Cuba turns socialist Gandhi Decolonization of Egypt Apartheid (date) May Fourth Movement Ayatollah Khomeini Maos Great Leap Forward (date)

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