3.4 Outline

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Section 3.

4 Outline

Main Idea:
British victory over the French in North America enlarged the British empire but led to new conflicts with the colonists.

Rivals for an Empire:

1.The colonists favored Great Britain in the war against France because they still thought of themselves as British: as well, they were eager to expand the colonies westward from the increasingly crowded Atlantic seaboard. 2. New France's population was about 70,000, while the British colonies' population was more than 1,000,000. 3.Typical French colonists included fur traders and Catholic priests who wanted to convert Native Americans. Neither had a desire to build towns or raise families. 4.The French developed friendlier relations with Native Americans than did the British.

Britain Defeats an Old Enemy

1. In 1754, the French-British conflict ignited. The French built Fort Duquesne at the site of modern Pittsburgh. 2. The Virginia governor sent militia, a group of ordinary citizens who performed military duties led by George Washington to evict the French. 3. George Washington established an outpost called Fort Necessity, and attacked the French in May 1754.Following the attack, the French counterattacked the Fort Necessity and defeated George Washington, these battles led to the opening of the French and Indian War, the fourth war between Britain and France for control of North America. 4. British general Edward Braddock launched the first attack on Fort Duquesne with 1500 soldiers, however, the British soldiers, accustomed to enemies who marched in orderly rows rather than ones who fought from behind the trees, turned and fled. 5.British army suffered defeat after defeat during 1755 and 1756. 6.In September 1759, British troops attacked Quebec under the cover of night, they won a short but deadly battle. This led British to victory in the war. 7.The French and Indian War officially ended in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris.

8.Led by Pontiac, Native Americans captured eight British forts in the Ohio Valley and laid siege to two others. The British presented smallpox-infected blankets to two Delaware chiefs during peace negotiations as an angry response. Weakened by the disease and war, most Native American groups negotiated treaties with British by the end of 1765. 9. The British issued the Proclamation of 1763,which banned all settlement west of the Appalachians to avoid further conflicts with Native Americans. However it didn't stop the colonists from moving west onto Native American lands.

The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart

1. The relationship between the colonies and Britain continued to intensify as the Sugar Act was enforced. 2. Sugar Act 1. It halved the duty on foreign-made molasses. 2.It placed duties on certain imports. 3.It strengthened the enforcement of the law allowing prosecutors to try smuggling cases in a vice-admiralty court rather than in a more sympathetic colonial court.

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