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The dangerous o facebook Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Good day to all.

The honourable judges I respect, Teachers, which I respect, my friends that I love. First of all, let us praise and gratitude prayed to Allah's presence. because of the grace and guidance we are given his health to come together on this day. Today, we gather today in the speech competition for Junior high school student. In this occasion I would like to deliver my speech about The DANGEROUS OF FACEBOOK

At this very moment I believe that in this room there are teenagers who are busy updating status having speech competition-like this yoooo or just give comments and uploading pictures. Perhaps even the judges also do that. From this example we know that, Teens and facebook are inseparable. In a lot of cases teens are addicted to facebook and this addiction can lead to many disadvantages.

According to The Telegraph in September 2009 President Barack Obama warned American teenagers of the dangers of putting too much personal information on Internet social networking sites, saying it could come back to haunt them in later life when they started to seek employment.

As you can see that, even the President of a Super Power country has warned teenagers about the dangerous of facebook. So why is it so? FIRST Students who used Facebook had a Significantly Lower Grades Researchers at Ohio University has found that students who spend most of their time on Facebook, adding friends, chatting and poking others are more likely to perform poorly in exams. SECOND Facebook Sucks Students Time and Brain Research found that Student who use Facebook alot avereged GPAs LESS THAN 3.00, while those not use facebook got GPAs of 3.82 students think they can multi-task by listening to music, checking Facebook and even texting while studying, but thats not the case. THIRD Facebook is damaging Brain Development An Oxford University neuroscientist, Susan Greenfield says that social networking websites like Facebook are causing alarming changes in the brains of young users.

FOURTH MORE THAN 60% Teens profiles contained references to risky behaviors More than half of teenagers who use the social networking sites like Facebook have posted information about sexual behavior, substance abuse/violence and other risky behaviors on their publicly available profiles. And that may attract unwanted attention from sexual predators or jeopardize their future employment prospects THERE ARE OTHER DANGEROUS THAT I COULDNT EXPLAIN HERE. THE POINT IS THAT WE HAVE TO BE VERY CAREFUL AND WISE IN USING FACEBOOK. HERE ARE THE STEPS TO GET ROD THE FACEBOOK ADDICTION THAT MAY HELP YOU: 01 Admit you have a problem This sounds like the first step to any other addiction. you ask yourself What did I just accomplish by checking Facebook? 02 Define your goals on Facebook Hmm I never really had any goals with Facebook. Although maybe my goal should be to reach 5,000 friends. That surely would get me to login more frequently. Just logging in to check on friends birthdays, keep track of old friends, etc. Once you catch yourself going off track, log off. 03 Make a Facebook Schedule Seriously? If you find yourself scheduling Facebook into your daily schedule, this should be a serious warning sign. I suggests that after each Facebook goal, write down how much time and at what

frequency youll need to be on Facebook to achieve that goal. 04 Think of other things you could be doing This is a no brainer. I could be at the gym, socializing in the real world or a million other things but there is a reason I logged on in the first place. 05 Leave Facebook This should have been number one! If you are spending way too much time on Facebook, quit it. Its like having your cell phone turned off for 24 hours. Once you do it, you will realize how dependent you have become and think twice about your usage. 06 Find a substitute This one is good. Facebook taking up too much time? Find another site that isnt as good! Someone says if you find youre at a computer during critical relapse time, find another website to log onto and read instead of Facebook. Ok. I think thats all I can say in this very occasion. There is two side in every coin, just like facebook. If you use it wisely it will be your aid to gain your future. In the end of my speech I want to say, that if take my picture and upload it in your facebook, dont forget to tag me ya.. BILLAHI TAUFIK WAL HIDAYAH WASSALAMUALAIKUM WR WB

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