Personal Qualities Check List

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PERSONAL QUALITIES CHECK LIST The following checklist has been developed to help you evaluate personal qualities,

which might be significant to an employer. Check those qualities that you feel apply to you. If you are not sure, reading the questions following each of the qualities should help you to decide. ____ ABLE TO WORK ALONE. Do you plan your own work? Can you work by yourself when there are no other people around? ____ AMBITIOUS. Do you keep up with the current literature in the area of work you do? Do you take on extra assignments that will help you get ahead? Do you plan your career advancement? ____ ANALYTICAL. Do you perceive relationships easily? Have you ever solved a problem that had baffled others? ____ COMPETENT. Are you able to meet deadlines? Is your work generally accepted as is? Have you ever accomplished some feat of speed or skill in your chosen field? ____ CONGENIAL. Do you work well with others? Have you served on committees at school? At work? In the community? ____ CONSCIENTIOUS. Do you do an honest days work for a days pay? Can you name some unpleasant task you have done because it had to be done and no one else would do it? ____ COOPERATIVE. Do you always do your part in a team assignment? Do you often volunteer to help? ____ COURAGEOUS. Do you undertake challenges readily? Have you ever had to stand firm on your principles despite opposition? ____ DECISIVE. Are you able to make clear-cut decisions under pressure? Do you stand behind them later? Have you ever had to take a firm stand and accept responsibility for it?

____ DIPLOMATIC. Can you cope with difficult situations involving other people? Have you restored harmony where there was friction? Settled a difficult personnel problem? ____ DISCREET. Are you able to keep a secret? Do you guard confidential material carefully? Do you respect other peoples right to privacy? ____ EFFICIENT. Do you plan you time well? Do you consciously try to improve your work habits? ____ ENTHUSIASTIC. Are you interested in your work? Or studies? Do you inspire others with your own interests? Have you ever done extra work because of your interest? ____ HONEST. Have you ever served as the treasurer of an organization? Been bonded? Are you careful with trade secrets? School or company property and supplies? Do you pass along praise when credit belongs elsewhere? Accept blame for your own mistakes? ____ IMAGINATIVE. Do you often or occasionally come up with new ideas? Have you ever contributed an idea, which proved both workable and profitable? ____ INDUSTRIOUS. Can you be your own self-starter? Do you work steadily on a task until it is done? Do you resist interruptions whenever possible? ____ LEADERSHIP ABILITIES. Do people willingly follow your suggestions? Have you held positions of responsibility at work? In school? In clubs or community activities? ____ LEVEL-HEADED. Do you feel in control of yourself most of the time? Can other people count on your day-to-day mood to be generally agreeable? Do you generally feel good will toward other people? ____ LOYAL. Can you set aside petty grievances to get a job done? Have you ever been in a situation where you stayed with a project or organization because of a sense of responsibility despite disagreement? ____ OBSERVANT. Do you remember names easily? Places? Do you recall facts and figures accurately? Find your way in a new locale? ____ OPEN-MINDED. Are you able to accept ideas contrary to your own? Do you adapt well

to change? ____ ORDERLY. Do you keep things where they belong? Have a knack for arranging things in a logical way? Enjoy detail work? ____ PATIENT. Can you keep your temper? Are you able to train other workers calmly even when you have to explain some procedures over and over again? ____ PERSISTENT. Can you stick to a task even when your enthusiasm and patience are thin? Have you ever accomplished something in spite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles? ____ PERSUASIVE. Are you successful in bringing others to your point of view? In selling things and ideas? ____ PUNCTUAL. Do you consistently arrive on time? ____ RESOURCEFUL. Do you see what needs to be done and do it without being told? Do you explore every possible means of solving a problem? Have you ever worked your way out of an impossible situation? ____ SINCERE. Are you honest in your attitude toward yourself and other people? Wholehearted in your expressed interests and enthusiasms? ____ SYMPATHETIC. Do you try to understand the problems of others? Do people confide in you often? Do you help them?

Personal skills

Personal qualities

analyse information calm playing a sport reading a map communication confident sensitive punctual

designing/making responsible

recalling facts


caring for others strong minded repairing machines team worker first aid determined

drawing/painting hard working singing trustworthy

solving problems well organised estimating enterprising

gathering evidence friendly bilingual leadership

taking photographs enthusiastic ICT skills adaptable

managing money patient mental arithmetic considerate planning own work polite playing a musical instrument imaginative

1. Communication skills - Excellent communication skills are the number one thing that employers and interviewers look for in a candidate. These can be either verbal or written communication skills but you must be able to prove that you can communicate and work alongside others in an excellent manner.

2. Honesty and integrity - This is the 2nd most important thing interviewers and employers look for in a person, so it is worthwhile to remember this during the interview process and make sure that any answers you give to questions you answer honestly as you may be caught out later during the interview if asked the same question in a roundabout way.

3. Teamwork skills - These are another important asset you must have, preferably you will have backed up any claims you make regarding teamwork in your resume with a portfolio, you can then present the

portfolio during the interview showing and confirming previous experiences you have had with teamwork skills.

4. Interpersonal skills - You must be able to prove your interpersonal skills to the interviewer or employer during the interview, skills such as working alongside others, being able to evaluate and accept responsibility, make team work more efficient and identifying methods used when dealing with conflicts.

5. Strong work ethic - you must be able to prove that you are willing to go beyond the call of duty for your employer and that you are willing to give them 100% commitment to the company and the job.

6. Motivation and initiative - You should give examples during your interview to get across that you are willing to show imitative and can show motivation when left to your own devices.

7. Flexibility and adaptable - Give examples from previous positions that show your adaptability to situations that can arise and that show you are able to be flexible and not stuck in a rut.

8. Analytical skills - try to give examples showing off your analytical skills backing up claims with your portfolio during the interview, employers and recruiters look for ways that you have been able to analyse and clearly identify problems.

9. Computer skills - With today's modern technology focusing on the use of computers excellent computer skills and understanding of various types of software are essential, try to prove you are literate in the use of computers and software in your resume or portfolio.

10. Organisational skills - You will have to prove that you are able to organise in a quick and clear manner and show that you are not afraid to take charge of a situation and find a solution. This again can be shown in your resume or portfolio with examples from previous jobs.

Good Communication Skills: Are you a good listener and verbally articulate? Can you express yourself in a way that vendors, colleagues, and customers will see as a team effort.

Time Management Skills: Can you prioritize tasks and take on several different projects at once? Problem-Solving Skills: Are you able to creatively problem solving? Are you resourceful? Ability to Accept Criticism and Learn From It: Can you handle criticism? Are you okay with being coached and growing as a professional? Flexibility and Adaptability: Are you able to quickly adapt to new situations? Do you embrace change? Are you adaptable to new challenges?

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