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The Four Faces of God The Geometry In the field of Sacred Geometry, the form of equilateral triangle is the

symbolic image of God: 1 in 3 and 3 in 1. The triangle represents perfect harmony and perfect equilibrium as its three corners points all lie exactly the same distance from each other.

In the 3-dimensional world, the cube represents the triangle. The cube is six in one and one in six and it consists of seven factors: the six manifested limiting planes and the seventh, unmanifested factor, its cubic contents. The key number of the 3-dimensional world is the number seven. The basic form of matter is the cube.

The various crystals are built in conformity with this law. Starting from one corner points of the cube, try to find a plane in which all three dimensions of the cube are contained. In order to find a plane containing all three, we must begin at one corner and cut through obliquely to the opposite corner points. Thus one corner of the cube is cut off. If we continue, in the same manner, we cut all four corners of the cube, and whats left is a very

different shape: a tetrahedron- the faces of which are bounded by four equilateral triangles.

So now you see that hidden within the cube is a shape of four triangles. If we were to flatten out these four triangles, into a plane, they would form a single, equilateral triangle, the symbolic representation of God.

In 3-dimensional world this is the pyramid. The four sides of the pyramid symbolize the four faces of God, each of which taken alone and by itself manifests the three aspects of the first source. The four triangles which make up the faces of the pyramid are the areas of contact between the divine and the material. The pyramid is the symbolic form of the God-man, who reveals his divine, selfless nature and completely manifests God on earth. The salvation of the earth, the spiritualization of matter is completed in the person of the God-man. The pyramid which has four faces with three triangles makes the 12-fold manifestation of God.

Thus, 4 X 3 = 12 Thus the pyramid manifests four times three: the number 12. This results in a 12-fold manifestaition which is present at every point of the universe and is acting in everything that exists, beginning with the individual creatures living on the planets and running throughout the universe, just like little circles in larger ones and larger circles in still larger ones on and on to infinity. So if you understand one of these circles, you will understand the inner structure of the entire universe and of every single creature in it; for the entire visible universe is based on this 12-fold manifestation of God. The key number of the 3-dimensional world is the number seven. 4+3=7 4 corners of the world 3 the trinity 7 the seven spirits of God. The cube has 6 squares and 4 points each square equals 24. 6X4=24. If we add 6+4=10, we have the ten force-fields of the Hebrew Cabalistic tree of Life commonly known as the ten Sephiroth. This number 10 also represents the ten points (yods) or numbers called by Pythagoras as the famous Tetraktys.

But if we were to cut out the cube and lay it on a plane we have the cross or the T-shape formed out of the four squares making up the surface of the cube. The cube which represents the Trinity made up of 6 squares of which four of the surface-cube, when laid out on a plane depicts the cross- the symbol of the sacrificial God-man. Thus, as if the corners hid the sacrificial God-man.

The 4 Great Winds From every point of the universe God manifests himself four-fold. In each of the four directions of the earth and the sky he radiates with a different effect. And because these streams of force which originate at one point and yet are so different, all come from the paradisiacal unity, we can speak of them figuratively as four great rivers spring up in the centre of paradise, where the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are rooted and flowing out into the external world in four different directions: 1. The North wind is dry, cool with a quieting and paralyzing effect. 2. The South wind always brings heat and has an arousing vitalizing effect. 3. The east wind is cool, refreshing. 4. The West wind brings warmth and dampness-in many places rain. Its effect is fatiguing and soporific. Queries: 1. How comes it about that currents of air can start at the self same spot on the surface of the earth and have different effects depending on the direction in which they flow? 2. We sleep best when lying in the north-south direction because of quieting radiations coming from the north and vitalizing currents from the south. 3. Thats the secret of why a person who is seeking connection with God and praying should face north or east, but never south or west. In the north and in the east he can find forces that lead him towards spiritualization, whereas in the south and in the west he finds stimulation which leads his consciousness to identify itself with sensual instincts. (Haich, Elizabeth, Initiation)

The Secret The Four Corners We find many allusions to four Regents of the four corners of the earth, to the Rulers of the North, South, East and West, ad to four winds or forces of earth. These Rulers or Regents, we are told, are four great Angels or Devas who act as Agents of God, and not only manipulate great cosmic forces, but also carry out His laws of justice in the minutest detail in the races of men. In eastern esoteric philosophy they have been called the Lords of Karma, who administer the laws the laws of the cause and effect, of action and reaction, on every human level. They are the four beasts before the throne in the Book of revelation, full of eyes within; and they rest not day and night. The Church refers to them as the Recording Angels who record the thoughts and deeds of men and of nations in the Book of Life. This description of course implies that nothing is too great or too small or yet too hidden to escape their eternal vigilance. (Coon, Arthur M., the Theosophical Seal) The Four Corners of the World God in his triune essence has a name called ELOHIM. This is the name mentioned in the Book of the Old Testament Let us make man in our own image But God in his manifested state has four faces. This is called the four faces of God. This also refers to the four corners of the world North, East, West and South. But God in His manifestation created 12 spirits that will help Him in His work. He also created again 24 spirits called Ancient Ones. Thus all in all there are 36 spirits. These are their names. 1.HOCMITAC 13. HOCMOM 25. APRICAM 2. AMINATAC 14. AMOMAM 26. GENTIUM 3. HIPTAC 15.HURAM 27. NATUME 4. ATUM 16. GRENTE 28. ANIMASUA 5. BEM 17. NENATAC 29. SERICAM 6. ATAIR 18. PAMPANABAL 30. MATAMORUM 7. CIEM 19. ACMULATUM 31. LAUSBAL 8. UYABIT 20. AGUECA 32. TUMATUM 9. GALINAM 21. NUMCIUM 33. SUAM 10. UNTAP 22. MULATOC 34. PERUM 11. RESUREXIT 23. LUMAYOS 35. NATUM 12. MULATOS 24. ESNATAC 36. GENTILLORUM Here in these 36 spirits were chosen the five spirits from the 32nd to the 36th to represent the four corners of the world. They are: 32. TUMATUM - EAST 33. SUAM - WEST 34. PERUM - CENTER 35. NATUM - NORTH 36. GENTILLORUM SOUTH And these five spirits were baptized and were given the new name as follows; THE FOUR CORNERS 1. SATOR EAST 2. AREPO - WEST 3. TENET - CENTER 4. OPERA - NORTH

5. ROTAS - SOUTH Aside from these God gave them many different names like the following: 1. PETRAM --- NORTH --- YTE --- LAUDIAM 2. MATRAM --- EAST --- DICTE --- MACUAM 3. JESBAM --- WEST --- DANZE --- MILIM 4. MISVIT --- SOUTH --- HONZE --- MEUSLIM The four corners of Jesus Christ SYMBOLS 1. ST. LUKE - SOUTH - COW - EARTH 2. ST. MARK - WEST - LION - FIRE 3. ST. JOHN - NORTH - EAGLE - AIR 4. ST. MATTHEW- EAST - ANGEL - WATER

The Four Evangelists


1. ELSEM 3. SANCTE 2. MAROM 4. SALUTEM The guardian angels of the four corners: 1. ADONADAM 3. UGNAT 2. REHOP 4. SAUGNAT When God created man he gave him four elements: 1. FIRE 3. EARTH 2. WATER 4. AIR Thus God gave Man four kinds of thinking to balance or determine the good and evil. 1. IMPASIBILIDAD 3. AGILIDAD 2. CLARIDAD 4. SUBULIDAD Through these four potentialities, Man can do the things that are sometimes impossible. But this depends in his capacity to develop. This will only happen if he is persistent in discovery. THE FOUR CORNERS OF PARADISE 1. CRUSIS 3. PATRIS 2. SANCTI 4. BENEDICTI

It has been known and accepted by the scientist and historians that there are four corners of the world. But this would have not been be completed, because there is one part of the world without which, together with the four corners of the world, will not move. This is called the CENTER. Just like in a wheel without the center the wheel will not move in the right direction.

1. S OAR T East 2. A PRO E West 3. T EET N Center 4. O RPA E North

R AOS T South If we were to discover these four corners including the center we will have the names as follows: SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS After the long study of the men guided by the Almighty, we should know the importance of the said four corners of the world in the lives of the people. Before the time the world was not yet made, they were the bringers of the news to the Creator of whatever events or things that happened. And all our prayers that reached God first go its way to the four corners first. NORTH EAST WEST NEWS SOUTH There is nothing in this world that could be kept hidden, heard or could not be seen. There is no place which has not the presence of the spirits. Thus God divided the world for their place which got their name. Thus if you want a contact to God you should be first recognized by the members of these four corners. Thus as seen we have SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS


The calling to the four corners of the world. SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS ADONADAM REHOP UGNAT SAUGNAT REX CHRISTUM DEUM EN DEUM MEUM ABAAM ABELIM ABEIS ABEISTE. The signs of their presence: 1. EAST- when you look it is all white. And it seems like its raining. 2. WEST- color red, it has some depth when you feel it. 3. NORTH- color blue with the natural freshness of the air. 4. SOUTH- color black your body feels cold. (Ang Apat na Sulok ng Mundo By APO)


2. NORTH- DR. HUGH TOVAR-KING OF THE AIR- the physical Administrator of the stars and the heavenly bodies. 3. WEST- CAPT. CAPLE JURRY- KING OF THE SEA (King of the Seven Seas); the controller of all the phases of the world, seas and things on earth. The only living witness to the building of most kingdoms of Egypt built by kings of those times. And the only living witness to the construction of the 1,000 meters pyramid in Egypt. These are his knowledge. Keeper of the Records or Book of Life. 4. SOUTH- GEN. ADRIANO DELA CONCEPCION- KING OF THE LAND-Administrator of animals, birds, trees, plants and grasses- The Tree of Good and Evil. SATOR - EGLOROM EAST AREPO - EGSAK -WEST TENET OPERA - EGMAK NORTH ROTAS - EGOGOM SOUTH

To Understand this please refer to F-36-72. The Inner Core of the Four Corners is Jesus Christ who holds the New World Spiritual Division Personnel

THE SECRET OF SATOR He said to them, Do not be amazed! You seek Jesus Christ of Nazareth the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Behold the place where they laid him. (Mark 16:6) So eager was the angel to show the tomb of Jesus to the apostles that he urged them to look and behold the place where they laid him. The apostles were indeed overjoyed to find the empty tomb because that was predicted. Because it was written that after three days and three nights he will rise again from the dead. But their joy was soon turned to

amazement. Thats why the angel said to them Do not be amazed! Why? Because aside from the empty tomb, they also saw etched on the wall of the cave near beside Jesus empty tomb were the words: P A T E R N PATERNOSTER S T E R They could not wonder but they know from their hearts that these words were the first words of the prayer that Jesus taught to them-the Pater Noster. And moreover, the shape they were written was the cross on which he was nailed. The letters A and O describes himself the Alpha and the Omega. As if in this sign, Jesus was telling them that he is the same Jesus Christ in the beginning and in the end, the one who was and is to come. This is the sign or the symbol of the Risen Christ. In this sign, he revealed his identity in his Second Coming. The resurrection and His Second Coming had been of great importance to the apostles and disciples. In Matthew 24:3, they were trying to know from Jesus the sign of His coming, Tell usand what sign will there be of your coming? Because ultimately and surely they knew that He will come again, i.e. after the passion written about Him in the Old Testament books. They wanted to know the sign of His Second Coming, not in the way stated in the Acts 1:11 s descending from heaven(that was what the angel said); but in the sense as Jesus told them in Matt.11:14-15 as in the case of John the Baptist -- the reincarnation of the prophet Elijah. he is Elijah, the one who is to come. and they did not recognize him (Matt.17:12) Because Elijah was born again in a new body, new face and with a new name, but still the spirit is the same. That was also the case with Jesus. The apostles knew that he will come again in a new body, new face and a new name (Rev.3:12). Thats why they were asking for his sign. The sign that the apostles were looking for was the same sign that the Three Magi knew and found when they were looking for the arrival of the Messiah. The Three Magi were astrologers. And they knew that the sign for the arrival of the Messiah-they found it in a STAR. It is called in astrological terms as the ZODIAC SIGN. In our modern word, it is called the BIRTHDAY. Thus what the apostles were looking for was his birthday, hence, their joy and amazement when they found the empty tomb. They knew that one of the occult secrets is that the constellation under which the person died is the same constellation which he will be born. (See for example Initiation by Elizabeth Haich). And this is substantiated by the Pater Noster Cross as we will later follow. On the other hand, tradition has it that Good Friday varies according to the adjustments made on the calendar based on the Gregorian Calendar. As we see sometimes we celebrate it in the month of March and sometimes in the month of April. The qabalistical reading of the Pater Noster Cross points to the month of April. But before we proceed one may object. Because in Matt. 12:38-39, Jesus said that no sign shall be given except the Sign of Jonah. Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to him, Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you. He said to them in reply, An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah the prophet. Just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights so will the son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. We will not dig deeply into the sign of Jonah. This has been discussed in the book The Secret Number. What we want to show is that the sign of Jonah

is qabalistically imbedded into the Pater Noster Cross. Such that the sign of Jonah as the only sign that Jesus gave was the same sign etched on the wall as the Pater Noster Cross. The Sign of Jonah and the Pater Noster Cross is one and the same sign. But before we give the qabalistical reading, another thing of significance here is that during Jesus times and subsequent to it was the widespread persecution of his followers by the Roman rule. The Christians as they were called became the haunted of the society. They were persecuted, burned at stake mostly, during the reign of Emperor Nero; and even mauled to death by the ax or being fed to the lions. Thus the Christians went underground. They hid in the caves. Under the heavy pressure and unfortunate status of being a Christian at that time, branded as a cult-follower, a believer, a fanatic man of God (a God whom they claim as the Son of God, materially a son of carpenter by trade, if not an illegitimate son of Mary) was a very tough one. But still they kept their unwavering faith. Under those caves and catacombs, the apostles and believers etched the words on the walls the words famously known as the magic-square. SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS No one knew what these words meant. They were not Latin, neither Greek nor Aramaic. Thus when a Roman soldier saw these words he had no reason to suspect to know that they were Christians. But these words were the anagram of the

P A T A E O R PATERNOSTER O S A T O E R Anagram- A word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. We knew already from the second part of this article that the SATOR square stands as the four corners or representatives of the world. And the center of it is the TENET. Without the center the four corners will not move or function. It is the center that is the connection point. It is the center point that attaches AND ADHERES all things. It is like the force of gravity that glues and holds everything in proper motion and order. But who is the center point? Who represents it? Who is TENET? The SATOR was made from the Pater Noster Cross which in turn created the four corners of the world. But the Pater Noster cross is all of the letters of the SATOR. And it pertains to one person as JESUS CHRIST. Thus Jesus Christ is the main component, the inner core of the SATOR. Without Jesus Christ there is no SATOR. Without Jesus Christ as the center the four corners will not move or function like in a wheel. Thus the center point, the TENET is JESUS CHRIST. And the kabala of TENET is 19 the reverse kabala of RA 91. The significance of 19 is found in the Holy Quran and detailed information can be found in the book The Secret Number. Moreover, according to the authors of the Hiram Key (Knight & Lomas p.316), the cross is the name of Jesus Christ itself. Thus, the Pater- Noster is the name of Jesus Christ itself. Thats why when the apostles were looking for Jesus the angel said JESUS OF NAZARETH THE CRUCIFIED. But now again this sign as the only sign he gave to his apostles as the sign of Jonah, he clearly revealed his identity in His second coming. Since the cross itself is his name. But how can we decipher the Pater Noster cross? In either way as a Pater Noster cross or as a magic-square

we can still decipher or decode it through the method of the Qabalistic Gematria. In either way it became a secret code that Jesus was and is the one to come. It stands as the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. It was also the same sign that the Magi saw. Now we have, 7 1 7=126=7 5 9 52 = 7 1 2 5 9 5 6 1 2 5 9 = 52 6 1 7=126=7 5 9 ------ ------ ------- ------ -----------66 2 52 12 66 66 = APRIL SEVENTEEN 66 = NINETEEN SIXTY 66 + 2 = 68 = RUBEN BURAY ECLEO 52 = DINAGAT ISLAND 1 & 6 = NEWS = 7 66 + 66 = 132 = 113 + 19 113 is the Numerical Key to the Sign of Jonah, THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS. And this number is also equivalent to 68 + 45 = 113. This is also the kabala of the magic-square SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS 19 = the kabala of TENET and is known as the Holy Signature of God found in the book of Quran. But this is also equivalent again to 132 = MASTER RUBEN BURAY ECLEO JR = 100 The Kabala of INRI = 32 JESUS OF NAZARETH THE CRUCIFIED = 128 MASTER RUBEN BOBONG ECLEO JR. = 128

Now we have 52-7 = 45 This number 45 is the gematria of ADAM in Greek Cabala the first and the last man. We have as an author wrote: THE MAGIC SQUARE OF MERCURY The sum these numbers 1 to 9, added consecutively( 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9) is 45- the gematric equivalent of ADM or ADAM (transposed from their Greek gematric equivalents) the first and last man. Since the system of numerology requires reading numbers from right to left, with number 45 we find the 5-the sign of Man- is backed with the strength and stability of 4- and their sum is again equal to 9, for it is a cycle itself. To place these numbers in the squares we start with our own point of enquiry, so the number of Man, 5 goes into the centre. As we are surrounded by the Infinite, the subtle, feminine cosmos, the even or feminine numbers are places in a circle around us, in the 4 outer corners of our large square. 24 5 68 It remains to fill in the 4 male numbers. The primal 1, which emerges from the abyss of nothing is beneath me, and the 9, moving up into the zero of transcendence, is above. And since our square is only a mirror of the god in ourselves, we see the god looking back at us in reverse, and the heavenly number of 7 sits at his right hand (our left), and the 3, the Holy Ghost of creative power, at his left. The 5 of Mankind is the centre of both the feminine, lunar circle, and of the masculine, solar, straight-angled cross. The integrity is maintained, for the sum of the 3 numbers in any one of Adams ribs, whether vertical or horizontal, is always 15 (Mans 5, and his beginning, 1, which must include woman), and the sum of these are 6, the harmony of polarities, the Venusian number of beauty and love.. The sum of male numbers 1,3,5,7 and 9 is 25 and of the female numbers, which includes 5 as the center of the square and the circle 2,4,6,8 and 5 is also 25. 294 753 618

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