Improve Your English and Get To Know The World

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811.111(075) 81.2 -9 8032 44

. . 44 Your English and Get to Know the World : / . . . , 2012. 315, : . ( ISBN 978-5-222-18754-8 : Improve / ). :

, . , , . , , , , , . . , ,

811.111(075) 81.2 -9 ISBN 978-5-222-18754-8

. ., 2011 : , 2011

World Improve Your English and Get to Know the , (Intermediate). , , . . : 1. Tourism and Popular Tourist Destinations; 2. Sightseeing; 3. Museums as Tourist Attractions; 4. Other Tourist Attractions and Entertainment; 5. Travel Options and Transportation; 6. Tourist Accommodation; 7. Gastronomy for Tourists; 8. Gastronomy Tourism. : a) , ( ), , , ; , , -

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, , . , , , , . , , , . , , . , . , , . , , , . , , . , , (Useful vocabulary), (Notes), , , , . , , , , , , , , , , . , ,

, , Pre-Intermediate . , , , , . , , , , . , . , , , -

The author wishes to thank Frank Beardow, former Reader in Russian and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Sunderland, UK, for attentive reading the manuscript, giving advice and useful recommendations and responding to the manuscript.

Unit 1

Tourism and Popular Tourist Destinations

Answer the following questions:

A travel to the Norwegian fjords

The city of Durham, UK

1. Do you travel a lot? Are you a seasoned traveller? What interesting places in Russia or abroad have you visited? Which of them made an unforgettable impression upon you? 2. What places in Russia or abroad would you like to visit in the future? 3. What popular tourist destinations in Russia can you mention? Add to the following list:

Rostov Velikiy (The Golden Ring)

Kostroma (The Golden Ring)

Russias Golden Ring [ ld( )nr ]; Lake Baikal [ lekba k :l]; Altai Territory [l ta tert( )r]; Kamchatka [km tk ]; Krasnodar Territory (Krai) [ kr :sn d : tert( )r]; Siberia [sa b( )r ]; The Republic of Karelia [r p blk vk ri:l ] ... 4. What makes a popular tourist destination (rich history, tourist attractions, unique location, good infrastructure, etc.)? 5. What places in Russia are most popular with foreign tourists and why (for example, the Golden Ring, Lake Baikal, Altai Territory, the Kamchatka Peninsula)? Notes: Russias Golden Ring (the Golden Ring) Lake Baikal Altai Territory (Krai) Kamchatka (The Kamchatka Peninsula) Krasnodar Territory (Krai) Siberia The Republic of Karelia Useful vocabulary: a seasoned traveller unforgettable impression a tourist destination a tourist attraction unique [ju: ni:k] location ; infrastructure

2. 3.

Take one example from the list above (Exercise 1, Question 3) and account for its popularity as a tourist destination. Add to the following list of countries which are most popular with tourists. Which of them have you visited? Share your impressions. Russia [r ]

Great Britain [ retbrtn] France [fra:ns] Italy [t l] Spain [spen] Greece [ ri:s] Austria [ :str ] Sweden [swi:dn] Finland [ fnl nd] The USA Estonia [est n ] Norway [n :we] Turkey [t :k] Egypt [i:d pt] Ukraine [j kren] Australia [ strel ] Belarus [ bel r s] Belgium [beld m]



Take a country from the list above (Exercise 3) and point out the best places to visit there.

Example: Norway is one of the most popular countries with tourists. Its best tourist destinations are Oslo (the capital of Norway), Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Tromso, Flm and the Flm Railway and of course the Norwegian Fjords.

Norway (the city of Bergen)

Notes: Oslo [ sl ] Bergen [b :g n] , (1048), (1070), ; (997), ); ; ,

Trondheim [tr :nhem] (

Stavanger ; Tromso

(1125), ; 2008 (1794), ;

Flm and the Flm Railway ; ,

The Norwegian fjords [n :wi: ( )n fj :dz] ( )


Read and translate the following text about the Finnish town of Porvoo. Explain why its one of the favourite destinations for tourists.

The picturesque riverside houses, the symbols of Porvoo

Porvoo is the perfect destination for a family holiday or for those who appreciate culture and a great atmosphere. Porvoo is particularly


Unit 2

Study the following words and phrases and compose your own sentences to show that you understand the meaning of the words and phrases.

Soligalich, Kostroma region

Bergen, Norway

sight , ; sights to see/to do the sights to show smb. the sights of the city (town) sightseeing a sightseeing bus to go sightseeing a sightseer worth seeing


Answer the following questions: 1. Do you like to go sightseeing? 2. What sightseeing tour has impressed you the most? 3. Are there sightseeing tours in your town/city/region? Which of them are worth doing? 4. What sights can one find in your native town/city/region? What are the highlights of your native town/city/region? 5. What sights in your city/town/region are not very well-known to tourists but worth visiting? 6. What is your favourite place of interest? Say a few words about your favourite place of interest: its location; history; legends or interesting facts connected with it; architectural features.



Read and translate the following essay about one of the ancient Russian towns Soligalich. Speak about the town and its sights in your own words.

Preobrazheniya Church

The Cathedral of the Rozhdestvensky Convent

Soligalich is really a unique place. This small cosy town belongs to Russias Golden Ring, though its not included there officially. Soligalich has everything to attract a real tourist, but not a spoilt one, who just wants luxury hotels and daily entertainment. There are no casinos, no spa centres and no night clubs in Soligalich. There is only one two-storey wooden hotel and one restaurant in the town. Thats why Soligalich attracts really romantically-inclined people with a thirst


for knowledge, people who aspire to self-education and self-perfection and who are interested in Russian history. Soligalich is a real Russian town, which has preserved its Russian culture, traditions, hospitality, a considerate attitude towards nature, also an emotional, creative and at the same time unhurried, and contemplative way of life. This town can offer the tourist beautiful architecture, natural scenery, art and a wonderful atmosphere which puts everyone in a cheerful mood. Soligalich was founded in 1335. The local chronicle connects the founding of the town with the name of Prince of Galich, who ordered the building of Voskresensky (Resurrection) Monastery on the right bank of the Kostroma. Now this monastery is one of the main sights of Soligalich. The name of the town dates back to the times when Soligalich was a significant centre of salt manufacture. It is the Russian word sol (salt) that is hidden in the name of the town. In the 14th 17th centuries Soligalich was an important industrial centre. It provided many Russian cities, including Moscow with salt, and this product was of very good quality. Another industrial achievement of this small town was limestone mining. People fired limestone and obtained lime. The lime from Soligalich was very popular in the north of Russia. Nowadays Soligalich integral lime plant works successfully in the town and employs many citizens. As for salt making, it stopped in 1823. Soligalich is quite a remote place. Its situated in the north-eastern part of Kostroma region (Kostroma is a regional centre). There is no railway near the town, and planes dont fly here either, so one can only get to Soligalich by car or by bus. Many tourists are not afraid of such a distance and see only advantages. The nature is well preserved here. Thick pine forests, beautiful birch trees, picturesque riversides of Soligalich inspire people and endow this small town with a certain spiritual magnetism. The main river in Soligalich has the same name as the regional centre Kostroma. This river is the left tributary of the famous Russian river the Volga. Contemporary poets dedicate their poems to the beauty of the Kostroma. Its picturesque banks help people to relax and dream about something positive and sublime. Soligalich not only heals peoples souls and enriches them spiritually, it also heals their bodies. Here one can take a treatment at a health resort. There is a good sanatorium in Soligalich which provides mud-cure and hydropathy.


In olden times there was a spring in the town which people considered to have healing properties. Vasiliy Kokorev, one of the well-known Russian entrepreneurs of the 19th century, decided to invite scientists to research this wonderful spring. This healing mineral water (the spring still exists) was studied by Alexander Borodin a Russian chemist and also a famous composer, who wrote a lot of musical works (one of his most popular works is opera Prince Igor). It was Alexander Borodin whose analysis of the water led to the opening of the health resort in 1841. Now the sanatorium is named after him. The best way to get to know Soligalich is on foot. The majority of sights are in the historical centre of the town. You can start your tour from Red Square (it has the same name as the square in Moscow). One can see here old wooden rows of stalls. As in olden times people can buy different products there. In the centre of the square one can find Krestovozdvizhenskaya Church (18091816), a monumental building, which reveals an original local interpretation of classical architectural forms. Approaching the town bridge you will see one of the most interesting churches of Soligalich Preobrazheniya (Transfiguration) Church (1821). It is situated near the stone-built Nikolskaya (Nicholas) Church of the 17th century. Together these two churches create a picturesque architectural complex on the right bank of the Kostroma. One of the most ancient architectural monuments in Soligalich is the Cathedral of the Rozhdestvensky Convent built in 1668. It impresses everybody who visits the town. Soligalich has other unusual, beautiful churches. Alas, many of the architectural monuments of the town are in a deplorable condition and are in need of restoration. Unfortunately the town lacks the money to renovate all its historical monuments. On the left bank of the Kostroma one can see the ancient earth walls of the former fortress. In 1532 the fortress withstood a siege by Tatar troops. Soligalich can also be proud of its nineteenth-century wooden houses. Many details of these houses are living proof of the skills and talent of the craftsmen who built them. One can admire interesting carving, porches, fanciful balconies and gates. If you want to know more about the history and culture of Soligalich you can visit its museum of regional studies, which is situated in the centre of the town. In the museum you will also acquaint yourself with some pieces of art, and discover other interesting facts about the town and its people.


The picturesque views of Soligalich and the Kostroma River

Notes: Soligalich , The Kostroma region The Kostroma (River) Galich , Prince of Galich Voskresensky (Resurrection) Monastery The Soligalich sanatorium named after A.P. Borodin . . ; Opera Prince Igor Red Square Krestovozdvizhenskaya Church Preobrazheniya (Transfiguration) Church Nikolskaya (Nicholas) Church , -


The Cathedral of the Rozhdestvensky Convent , The Soligalich Museum of Regional Studies named after G.I. Nevelskoy . . ( , ); 1923 ; , , , , , , .


................................................................3 Acknowledgements ..........................................................6 Unit 1 Tourism and Popular Tourist Destinations ..............................7 Unit 2 Sightseeing ................................................................ 43 Unit 3 Museums as Tourist Attractions ........................................ 90 Unit 4 Other Tourist Attractions and Entertainment ........................111 Unit 5 Travel Options and Transportation ....................................152 Unit 6 Tourist Accommodation .................................................181 Unit 7 Gastronomy for Tourists ................................................202 Unit 8 Gastronomy Tourism ....................................................239 Key to some of the exercises ...........................................267 Topical Vocabulary ......................................................277


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