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Druid Spell List

Level 0: Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: 2 3 6 11 16 20 24 Level 7: Level 8: Level 9: Spell Tables: Glossary: Appendix: 27 29 31 33 35 39

Based on the Druid Spell List at by Chet Erez but ordered alphabetically, rather than by school of magic. Version 1.5 by Raj Bhaskar July 2009

Level 0 Spells
Create Water(PH p215) <Conj(creat), VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous> Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water. Cure Minor Wounds(PH p216) <Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch> Cures 1 point of damage with Positive Energy. Darkseed(MotW p86) <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, close, 1day, RefNeg, SR applies> The target plant/plant creature takes 1 pt damage when the spell is cast and another every hour while the spell is in effect (ignore Hardness). Does not affect plant creatures with Wis/Cha scores. Dawn(MotW p86) <Abj, V, 1StdAct, personal, inst> All sleeping creatures in 1 15ft radius burst are awakened. Those unconscious because of subdual damage wake up and become staggered. Does not affect dying creatures. Daze Animal(MotW p86) <Ench, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close, 1rnd, WillNeg, SR applies> The target animal cannot move or attack, but is not stunned. Detect Crossroad(MoF p88) <Div, VS, 1StdAct, 1 mile range, Concentration up to 10min/lvl> Sense the direction of a Fey Crossroads within 1 mile. The caster may identify it when it is within 60 and unobstructed. Detect Magic(PH p219) <Div, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Concentration up to 1min/lvl, no save, no SR> The caster can see the Magic Aura of a spell or item in a 60 Cone-shaped Emanation. The information gained increases each round: 1st round presence of magic. 2nd round number of magic auras & the strength of the most powerful aura. If not in line-of-sight, the caster only knows the direction. 3rd round strength & location of each aura. If an aura is within line-of-sight, the caster can identify its school with a Spellcraft check vs. DC 15 + spell level. This spell is blocked by 3 of wood or dirt, 1 of stone, 1 of metal, & any amount of lead. Detect Poison(PH p219) <Div, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, no save, no SR> Determines if one creature, one object, or one 5 cube is poisonous, has been poisoned, or contains poison. Identifying the type of poison requires a Wisdom check vs. DC 20. If the caster has ranks in Craft(alchemy), he/she may also make a check with that skill vs. DC 20. This spell is blocked by 3 of wood or dirt, 1 of stone, 1 of metal, & any amount of lead. Fire Eyes(MotW p88) <Trans, V/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10 min/lvl> The subject gains the ability to see through normal smoke, fire and fog as if they werent there. Flare(PH p232) <Evoc[light], V, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, FortNeg, SR applies> Target with sight is Dazzled for 1 minute. Ground Smoke(DR326 p73) <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 8 hours> One 5 square target fire has its smoke dissipated close to the ground. Guidance(PH p238) <Div, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, until discharged up to 1min> Subject can designate one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check on which to receive a +1 Competence bonus, chosen before the roll. Know Direction(PH p246) <Div, VS, 1StdAct, Personal> The caster knows which direction is North. Light(PH p248) <Evoc[light], VM(firefly)/DF, 1StdAct, 10min/lv(D)> Object touched gives off bright light in a 20 radius & dim light for another 20. This spell Counters and Dispels spells with the [darkness] category of equal or lower level. Mending(PH p253) <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, 10 range, Instantaneous> Repairs one object of up to 1 pound. Naturewatch(CDiv p170)(MoF p110) <Necro, S, 1StdAct, Close-range, 10min/lvl, no save, no SR> Determine the health of animals & plants in a 90 degree arc. Choices are dead, fragile, alive, needs to be watered, hungry, etc. Purify Food and Drink(PH p267) <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, 10 range, Instantaneous> Purifies 1 cubic foot of food/water per level. Read Magic(PH p269) <Div, VSF(prism), 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl> Reads scrolls & spell books at 1 page per min. Resistance(PH p272) <Abj, VS/AM(cloth)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min> Subject gains +1 Resistance bonus on all saves. Scarecrow(MotW p93) <Necro, VS, 1StdAct, Close, 1rnd/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies> The subject becomes shaken, taking a -2 morale penalty on attack roles, saves and checks. Snowshoes(DR312 p65) <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl(D)> The touched subject receives these benefits: a) Can walk on ice without a speed reduction; b) +5 bonus on Balance checks or Reflex saves to walk on ice and/or snow & avoid falling through it; c) Does not leave trails any more noticeable than solid ground for purposes of tracking. Vengeful Mount(DR326 p74) <Ench(comp)[mind], VSM(riding crop or willow switch), 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, WillNeg, SR applies> The target Animal will shy away from anyone attempting to make a Ride check or a Handle Animal check with it. If mounted, the rider must immediately make a Ride check vs. DC 10 to stay on. Virtue(PH p298) <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min> Touched subject gains 1 Temporary HP.

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Level 1 Spells
Animate Fire(CArc p96 [L2], SC p12)
<Trans[fire], VSM(ash,sulfur), 1 Round, Close-range, Concentration up to 1rnd/lvl>

Transform up to a 5 cube of fire into a Small Animated Object with the [fire] subtype, Hardness 0, and the burn special attack of a Fire Elemental. Breath of the Jungle (SC p38) Animate Water (CArc p96)
<Trans[water], VSM(water, cinnabar oil), 1 Round, Closerange, Concentration up to 1rnd/lvl>

from branch to branch at his/her Land speed + 10 Enhancement bonus. The caster may make a Charge action, but not a Run action. The caster ignores hampered movement penalties for undergrowth and other terrain features.
<Trans, VS/DV, 1StdAct, Medium range, 1min/lvl, no SR>

The casters lungs are constantly refilled with air, so he/she has no danger of drowning. Delay Disease (SC p63)
<Conj(Heal), VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 24hrs>

The progress of any non-magical disease is halted for the duration. It allows the subject to skip the saving throw against the spell for that day Detect Animals or Plants (PH p218)
<Div, VS, 1StdAct, Long-range, Concentrations up to 10min/lvl, no SR>

Transform up to a 5 cube of water into a Small Animated Object with the [water] subtype and 2x the default hit-points, but has Hardness 0. Animate Wood (CArc p96)
<Trans, VSM(powdered cinnabar, ground peach pit), 1 Round, Touch, Concentration up to 1rnd/lvl>

Increases the DC of any saving throw made in the mist against poison or disease by 2. Buoyant Lifting (SC p40)
<Evoc, S/DF, 1Immediate Act, Close-range, 1 willing creature/lvl, 1min/lvl (D)>

Subjects are borne upwards at 60ft/rnd until they reach the surface

Transform one unattended wooden object of up to Calm Animals (PH p207) Small size into a Small Animated Object with <Ench(comp)[mind], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1min/lvl, Hardness 5. SR applies> Calms 2d4 + 1/lvl HD of Animals, though all Aspect of the Wolf (SC p16) targets must be the same type of Animal. Any <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 10 mins/lvl (D)> threat to a target will end the effect. Only Animals Become a wolf for the duration of the spell. Take trained to attack or guard and Dire Animals are the wolfs physical characteristics but retain your allowed a Will save to negate. own; your level, hp, saving throws remain unchanged; lose extraordinary, spell-like or Camouflage (Und p56) (CDiv p157) supernatural abilities of your normal form but keep <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl> those based on class levels. The Natural Spell feat +10 Circumstance bonus on Hide checks. allows you to cast spells. Charm Animal (PH p208) <Ench(charm)[mind], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1hr/lvl, Aura Against Flame (SC p18)
<Abj, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl> WillNeg, SR applies>

Caster can detect a specific animal or plant in Cone-shaped Emanation each round. The caster can change the animal / plant being looked for each round. The information gained increases each round spent focusing on a single target: 1st round detect the targets presence or absence. 2nd round number of individual targets & the healthiest ones condition. If not in line-of-sight, the caster only knows the direction. 3rd round condition & location of each individual target. Possible conditions are normal, fair, poor, & weak. This spell works through minor barriers, up to 3 of wood / dirt, 1 of stone, 1 of metal, but it is blocked by any amount of lead. Detect Snares and Pits(PH p220)
<Div, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Concentration up to 10min/lvl, no save, no SR>

Create an aura of blue mist around you that absorbs 10pts of fire damage (as Resist Energy [Fire]). This spell can also be used to put out fires. Nonmagical fires (10pts damage/rnd or less) are automatically put out and this spell can be used as a Dispel Magic effect on magical fires. Babau Slime (SC p22)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

One Animal considers the caster its ally. Anything the casters does will be treated the same way as if someone friendly has done it. If the target is in a threatening situation when the spell is cast, it gets a +5 on the save. Any threats from the caster or his/her allies after the spell is in effect breaks the charm. Claws of the Beast (PGF p101)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

Covers the subject in slimy red jelly that protects it. A creature that strikes a slime-protected subject with an unarmed strike, a touch attack (inc. touch spells) or a natural weapon takes 1d8pts/acid damage. Any creature in a grapple with the subject takes 1d8 points of acid damage at the beginning of its turn. Beast Claws (SC p25)
<Trans, VSM(claw of bird of prey), 1StdAct, Personal, 1hr/lvl>

The casters hands become 1d8 weapons that make armed attacks. Climb Walls (SC p47)
<Trans, VSM(drop of tree sap), 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl (D)>

The caster can see pits, deadfalls, snares, quicksand, a sinkhole, etc, in a 60 Coneshaped Emanation. This spell does not locate items that are obscured (i.e., behind boxes or under a rug). The information gained increases each round: 1st round presence of a hazard. 2nd round number of hazards & the location of each one. If not in line-of-sight, the caster only knows the direction. 3rd+ rounds type & triggering method of one specific hazard. This spell is blocked by 3 of wood or dirt, 1 of stone, 1 of metal, & any amount of lead. Endure Elements (PH p226)
<Abj, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 24hrs>

Subject gains +10 enhancement bonus on Climb checks. Increases to +20 at caster level 5th and +30 at caster level 9th. Cold Fire (SC p50)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1 fire source/1 creature, 1min/lvl (D), fort half (for creature) SR applies for creature>

Touched subject takes no harm (i.e., no Fortitude saves) from being in heat up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and cold down to 50. Enrage Animal (SC p82)
<Enchant(comp)[Mind], VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1 animal, concentration + 1rnd/lvl, SR applies>

Gain two claw attacks dealing 1d4pts/damage that do not provoke attacks of opportunity. No penalties for 2-weapon fighting; if your base attack is >= +6 do not gain any additional attacks. Beastland Ferocity (SC p25)
<Enchant(comp[mind]), VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

Subject gains +4 Str (morale), +2 Will (morale), Turn normal fire into cold fire, doing cold damage -2AC. It is identical to a barbarian rage apart from no fatigue at the end. to anything that touches it. If targeting a creature with the fire subtype the spell does 1d6/2 caster lvls Entangle (PH p227) (max 5d6) damage. Crabwalk (SC p53)
<Trans, VSM(crabs leg), 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl, > <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Long-range, 1min/lvl, RefNeg, no SR>

Subject continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying. Between -1 and -9hp, subject gains +4 enhancement bonus to Str Beget Bogun (CDiv p152)
<Conj(creat), VSM(form to be animated),X(25), 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous>

The subject gains +4 to attack rolls and gains no penalty to AC. This replaces the +2/attack and -2AC that a charge normally confers Cure Light Wounds (PH p215)
<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch>

Last step in creating a Bogun(CDiv p152), a Tinysized Construct that serves its creator. Branch to Branch (CAdv p144)(MoF p83)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl(D)>

Cures 1d8 +1/level damage (max +5) with Positive Energy. Deep Breath(DR314 p46)
<Conj(creat)[water], V, 1Free-Action, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

All plants in a 40 radius Spread Entangle & anchor everyone in the target area who fails a Reflex save. To become unentangled requires a Full-Round Strength or Escape Artist check vs. DC 20. Anyone not entangled (including a target that has just broken free) may move speed through the area of effect. On the casters action, anyone in the area of effect who is not entangled must make a new Reflex save to avoid being entangled again. Faerie Fire(PH p229)
<Evoc[light], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Long-range, 1min/lvl(D), no save, SR applies>

Gain a +10 Competence bonus to Climb checks made in trees. While at least 10 above the ground in Medium or Dense Forest, the caster may swing

Level 1

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All objects in a 5 radius Burst are outlined in the casters choice of a blue, green, or violet glow, which is as bright as a candle. This negates Concealment due to darkness, Blur, Displacement, Invisibility, etc. Magical darkness spell of 2nd level or higher Suppress this spell. Foundation of Stone (SC p99)
<Trans[Earth], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1creature/lvl, 1rnd/lvl>

<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl, >

Obscuring Mist(PH p258)

<Conj(creat), VS, 1StdAct, 1min/lvl, no SR>

The subjects burrowing speed increases by 20ft. Raptors Sight (RotW p175)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 1hr/lvl(D)>

Creates a 20 radius Spread by 20 high Cloud of fog centred around the caster. The cloud can be dispersed by Moderate Wind in 4 rounds & a Strong Wind in 1 round. Large amounts of fire, such as a Fireball, will also disperse the cloud. Hide from Animals (PH p241)
<Abj, S/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl(D), no save, SR

The caster receives the following: a) +5 Competence bonus on Spot checks; & b) If the caster has at least 5 ranks in Spot, he/she only receives 1 penalty per range increment on ranged attacks (normally 2). Regenerate Light Wounds (MotW p 92)
<Conj(Heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 10 rnds + 1rnd/lvl>

Subjects gain +2AC, +4 Str bonus to resist bull rust applies> and trip attacks. If cast in mountainous terrain, the One touched subject per level cannot be perceived by Animals. Effected senses include Str bonus increases to +6. Blindsense, Blindsight, Scent, Tremorsense, Sight, Hearing, or Smell. If any of the spells subject Goodberry (PH p237) touches or attacks (including with spells) any <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1day/lvl> When cast on a handful of freshly picked berries, creature, the spell ends for all the subjects. 2d4 become good berries. Each can cure 1 hp (max 8 hp per 24 hours) & is as nourishing as a Omen of Peril(CDiv p171) (RoD p166) <Div, VF(25gp marked sticks), 1Round, Personal, normal meal.

Grant the touched creature the Fast Healing ability for the duration of the spell. The subject heals 1hp/round. It only heals damage caused since the start of the spell and is automatically stabilised if the target begins dying from hp loss during that time. Remove Scent (SC p173)
<Trans, VSM(candle wax), 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl, Will negates, SR applies>

The caster gains a momentary vision which vaguely indicates the level of danger he/she is in <Trans, V, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl(D)> Gain a +5 Competence bonus on Spot checks and for the next hour. The chance of the vision being correct is 70% + 1% per caster level (max 90%), all projectile weapon range increments are rolled secretly by the DM. increased by 50%. The three possible answers the caster will receive are Safety, Peril, or Great Danger. If the Healing Rest(CAdv p151) success roll failed, the caster will randomly get one <Conj(heal), VS, 10Minutes, Close-range, 24hrs> Up to 1 creature per level in a 30 area has it of the two incorrect answers. natural healing rate doubled. The vision is specific to the religion of the caster and does not provide additional information. Horrible Taste (SC p116) <Trans, VSM(pinch of rotten meat), 1StdAct, Touch, Pass without Trace(PH p259) Hawkeye (CDiv p166)(CAdv p151)
10mins/lvl, fort neg, no SR>

The spell hides the scent of a creature for the duration and the Scent ability (MM314) cannot be used to detect it. It also negates the harmful effects of noxious stench exuded by certain creatures (eg ghasts). Resist Planar Alignment (SC p174)
<Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

Any creature that bites the subject must succeed on a fort save or be nauseated until the end of its next turn. Creatures immune to poison or with no sense of taste are unaffected by this spell. Jump(PH p246)
<Trans, VSM(grasshopper leg), 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl(D)>

<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl(D)>

Grants subject limited protection from a planes alignment traits. Grants immunity to penalties to Cha checks that mildly aligned planes impose on visitors of opposing alignments. Cha, Wis and Int based checks are halved on strongly aligned planes. Ride of the Valenar (RoE p189)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl>

One subject/lvl leaves no tracks or scent trail. Power Sight (MotW p92)
<Div, VS, 1StdAct, Close, instantaneous>

Determine the number of hit die the target creature has Produce Flame (PH p265)
<Evoc[fire][energy missile][touch attack], VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl(D), no save, SR applies>

Touched subject gains an Enhancement bonus on Jump checks: Lvl Bonus Lvl Bonus Lvl Bonus 1 +10 5 +20 9 +30 Kuo-Toa Skin(SW p118)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl>

The caster gains +5 Competence bonus on Ride checks. If the mount is the casters Animal Companion, the bonus increases to +10. Note: Elves from Valenar cast this spell at +1 Caster level. Sandblast (CDiv p178)
<Evoc, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Instantaneous, Ref, SR applies>

The subject gains +8 bonus on Escape Artist checks and cannot be snared by webs (magical or otherwise) Longstrider (PH p249)
<Trans, VSM(dirt), 1StdAct, Personal, 1hr/lvl(D)>

A flame as bright as a torch (20 of light) appears in the casters hand. The caster can attack with the flame as either a touch attack or an energy missile with a range of 120. The flame does 1d6 + 1/level (max +5) Fire damage & can be used every round. Each attack removes 1 minute of duration from the spell. If the spell is brought to 0 duration, the spell ends after the damage is applied. Quickswim (SW p120)

All targets within 10 half-circle Burst from the casters hands take 1d6 nonlethal damage from hot sand. Any target failing its saving throw is also Stunned for 1 round. Shillelagh (PH p278)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

The caster gains a +10 Enhancement bonus to <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 1hr/lvl(D)> his/her land movement. Does not effect the speed of Increase your base swim speed by 10ft burrowing, climbing, flying, or swimming. (Enhancement bonus) Low-Light Vision (SC p134)
<Trans, VM(candle), 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl>

Raging Flame (DR314 p21)

<Trans[fire], VS/AM(alchemists fire)/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, Instantaneous, no save, no SR>

Subject gains low-light vision. Magic Fang (PH p250)

All non-magical fires in a 30 Burst flare up: a) burn twice as bright & give off light in 2x the <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl> normal radius; One natural weapon of touched creature b) burn twice as hot & deal 2x damage (i.e., a (including Humanoids) gets +1 Enhancement bonus creature who has Caught Fire takes 2d6 damage per to attack and damage. round if caught in the area of effect); c) consumes its fuel twice as quickly (an effected torch would only last 30 minutes). This spell Counters and Dispels Slow Burn. Magic Stone (PH p251)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, until discharged up to 30min>

A touched, non-magical club or staff made entirely from oak gains a +1 Enhancement bonus to attack & damage, and its base damage improves as if the weapon was two size categories larger (i.e., Small shillelagh does 1d8, a Medium one does 2d6, and a Large does 3d6). A quarterstaff targeted by this spell gains the bonus on both striking surfaces. The target weapons only gains its bonuses when wielded by the caster. Silvered Claws (BoED p107)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

All of the living subjects natural attacks are considered to be Silver for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. Slow Burn(DR314 p21)
<Trans[fire], VS/AM(oil-filled hourglass)/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, Instantaneous, no save, no SR>

Rams Might (SC p166)

<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl>

Up to 3 pebbles gain a +1 Enhancement bonus to attack & deal 1d6 +1 damage (double vs. Undead). Range increment is 20.

You gain +2 enhancement bonus to Str and unarmed attacks deal lethal damage. Rapid Burrowing (SC p166)

All non-magical fires in a 30 Burst are magically fueled: a) burn twice as long while consuming the same amount of fuel (a torch would burn for 2 hours

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while giving normal light); b) twice as hard to put out (if a roll is needed to put a fire out, roll twice & take the worst roll). This spell Counters and Dispels Raging Flame. Snakes Swiftness (SC p193)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1 allied creature, instantaneous>

requirements for Sneak Attacks still apply. Note: This spell does not give the caster the ability to overcome Damage Reduction or inflict Critical Hits. Wall of Smoke (SC p235)
<Conj(creation), VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl, fort neg (partial)>

The subject can make one single immediate attack outside of initiative order Speak with Animals (PH p281)
<Div, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl>

The caster may communicate with Animals, though the spell does not change their intelligence or attitude. Speed Swim(MoF p121)
<Trans, VSF(tiny wooden paddle), 1StdAct, Close range, 1min/lvl(D)>

Creates a thin wall of smoke whose area is up to 1 10ft square/lvl. Creatures that cannot see over the wall gain Concealment. Creatures can pass through the wall but must make a fort save to avoid be nauseated for 1 rnd. Webfoot (SW p125)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

Subject gains +4 bonus to Swim checks and is not hindered in shallow bogs. It treats deep bogs as shallow for movement and Tumble checks. Wings of the Sea (SC p240)
<Trans, SM(drop of water), 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

Subject gains a swim speed of 30 without needing to make a Swim check. Stonemantle (DR314 p29)
<Trans[earth], VSM(powdered marble), 1StdAct, Close range, 10min/lvl>

The subjects swim speed increases by 30ft Winter Chill (SC p240)
<Trans[Cold], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1 creature, instantaneous, fort neg, SR applies>

One or more target objects within range gain the resilience of stone (i.e., Hardness 8, 15 hp per inch). The caster can effect 1 Tiny-sized object per level or the Object Equivalence. All effected object have a dull-gray tint for the spells duration. Summon Natures Ally I(PH p288)
<Conj(sum), VS/DF, 1Round, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

Deals 1d6 cold damage to the target which also becomes fatigued. If the creature is immune to cold it is not affected. Wood Wose (CDiv p190)
<Conj(creat), VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1hr/lvl>

Summons one creature from the Summon Natures Ally I Table to fight the casters enemies. The creature can attack on the casters initiative starting its first round. Sun Fathers Face(DR346 p30)
<Evoc[light], VS/DF, 1SwiftAct,Personal, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

Summon a translucent nature spirit that can do simple outdoor tasks, like feeding animals, catching fish, building a campfire, etc. It has a Strength of 2 (so it can lift 20 lbs.) & a movement of 15, but must stay in range. It cannot be targeted by spells, but is destroyed if it takes 6hp of area of effect damage.

Your face and hair take on aspects of Pelors greatness, becoming golden and shining. You shed light equal to a candle and your hair extends outward like the rays of the sun. You gain a +4 sacred bonus on a single turn undead or wild empathy check. You must choose to use ths bonus before making the roll to which it applies. Surefooted Stride (SC p216)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl>

You can move through Difficult Terrain at full speed and gain +2 competence bonus on Climb checks Thunderhead (SC p219)
<Evoc[Elect], VSM, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1 creature, 1rnd/lvl, ref neg (partial), SR applies>

A small thundercloud appears over the targets head (following them if they move) and does 1pt electricity damage/rnd. Travellers Mount (CDiv p184)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl>

The touched Animal or Magical Beast receives the following benefits: a) +10 Enhancement bonus to movement; b) can Hustle without taking damage or becoming Fatigued; c) cannot make attack rolls. Vigour, Lesser(CDiv p186)(DR324 p103)+
<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 10rnd + 1rnd per level (max 15rnds total)>

Touched living creature gains Fast Healing 1. Vine Strike (CAdv p158)
<Div, V/DF, 1 Swift Action, Personal, 1rnd>

The caster treats Plant creatures as if they were not immune to Sneak Attacks, though all

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Level 2 Spells
Adrenaline Surge(MotW, p82)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, close, 1rnd/lvl>

Each of your summoned creatures in the (spherical) radius gains +4 enhancement bonus to Str. Align Fang (SC p9)
<Trans, VS/DF, Close-range, 1StdAct, Touch (living creature), 1min/lvl>

A creatures natural weapon becomes good-, evil-, lawful-, chaotic-aligned as you choose. Animalistic Power (PH2 p101)

If the caster has 5+ ranks in Balance, the slope of the surface being balance upon no longer matters, even if the surface is vertical. If the caster has 10+ ranks in Balance, he/she can balance on liquids, including mud & snow. Each round the caster balances on a substance that cannot normally hold his/her weight, the DC to continue balancing increases by +5. When under the effect of this spell, the DC for balancing on impossible surfaces is 20. Barkskin (PH p202)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

save to become unentangled (though failing the save results in the target taking 2d6 Piercing damage). An entangled target to takes any action except trying to get free or holding still takes 2d6 Piercing damage each round. Anyone not entangled may move at speed through the area of effect (taking no damage). Plants provide Cover 5, and Full Cover at 20. Bulls Strength (PH p207)
<Trans, VSM(bull hair)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

+4 Enhancement bonus to Strength. Burrow (Und p56)

<Trans, VS/AF(claw from burrowing creature)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl(D)>

Touched living subject gains Natural Armour <Trans, VSM(animal fur, feathers or skin), 1StdAct, touch, bonus to AC of 2 + 1 per 3 levels after 3rd (max 1min/lvl> +5). Bonus stacks with a creatures normal Natural You imbue the subject with an aspect of the Armour bonus. natural world. The subject gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. Bears Endurance (PH p203) Animal Messenger (PH p198)
<Ench(comp)[mind], VSM(food), 1StdAct, Closerange, 1day/lvl> <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

+4 Enhancement bonus to Constitution. Binding Winds (SC p27)

<Evoc[air], VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1 creature, RefNeg, SR applies>

Touched subject gains claws that do 1d6 damage and are treated as an armed attack. The subject gains a Burrow speed of 10 through earth, sand, clay, & gravel , but not solid stone. Camouflage, Mass (SC p)
<Trans, VS, Medium-range, 10min/lvl>

Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place known to the caster. Once there, the animal waits until the end of the duration. This spell cannot target an animal trained or under the control of someone else (such as a Familiar). Typically used to carry a written message. Animal Reduction (MotW, p82)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies>

Prevents the subject from moving. The high winds also require a Concentration check before casting spells (DC=this spells DC + level of the spell being cast). It can speak but not be heard or hear due to the wind. Ranged attacks in/out of the area take -2 penalty and the spell holds flying creatures in midair. Bite of the Wererat (SC p28)
<Trans, VSM(rats tail), 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

+10 Circumstance bonus on Hide checks for any number of creatures, no two of which can be more than 60 apart. If a subject leaves the pack, then the spell ends for that person Cats Grace(PH p208)
<Trans, VSM(cat hair), 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

+4 Enhancement bonus to Dexterity. Chameleon (CArc p100)

<Ill(glamer), VSM(skin shed by a lizard), 1Round, Touch, 1hr/lvl>

You reduce the target animal by one size category. If this spell would cause any ability score to drop to 0 or less, it becomes 1. Huge->Large: -8 Str, -4 Con, -3 natural armour; +2 Dex, +1AC, +1 attack rolls Large->Medium: -8 Str, -4 Con, -2 natural armour; +2 Dex, +1AC, +1 attack rolls Medium->Small: -4 Str, -2 Con; +2 Dex +1AC +1 attck rolls Small->Tiny: -4 Str, -2 Con; +2 Dex +1AC +1 attck rolls Animal Trance(PH p198)
<Ench(comp)[mind][sonic], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Concentration, WillNeg (see below)>

You gain +6 enhancement bonus to Dex and +2 enhancement bonus to Con and +3 enhancement bonus to natural armour. You gain a bite attack that does 1d4 (1d3 if Small) + 1 times Str mod pts damage Blinding Spittle(PGF p100)(MoF p82)
<Trans[sight], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, no save, SR applies>

Touched subject gains a +10 Circumstance bonus on Hide checks as long as he/she is not moving faster than half speed. A sudden change in background will negated the bonus for one round. Chill Metal (PH p209)
<Trans[cold], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 7rnds, SR applies>

Ranged touch attack at a 4 penalty that Blinds the targets eyes until they can be washed out. Blindsight (PGF p100)(Und p56)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

2d6 HD of Animals or Magical Beasts with Intelligence of 1 or 2 stop what they are doing and watch the caster for the spells duration. Animals not trained to guard or attack do not get a save, though all other effected creatures do. An effected creature is treated as Fascinated. Avoid Planar Effects (SC p19)
<Abj, V, immediate action, 20ft radius, 1min/lvl>

Touched subject gains the Blindsight quality, allowing it to sense creatures within 30 even if they are Invisible or cloaked in darkness. Blood Frenzy(MoF p82)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

Protects against natural effects of different planes including extremes in temperature, lack of air, poisonous fumes, positive/negative energy or other attributes of the plane itself: Fire: Provides protection against the 3d10pts of damage from the fire plane Water: Allows the subjects to breath underwater Earth: Subjects avoid suffocation Positive: Is not blinded and stops gaining temp hp when they reach their total Negative: Dont deal damage or bestow negative levels In addition some effects specific to plane are negated by this spell (depends on cosmology) Balancing Lorecall (CAdv p143)
<Div, VSM(3 wood dowel)/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl(D)>

Rage gives +2 to Strength and Constitution, +1 on Will saves, and 1 to AC. Body of the Sun(CDiv p155)
<Trans[fire], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

The caster causes targeted metal to become freezing cold, after which it thaws. The metal of 1 creature per 2 levels may be targeted as long as they are within 30, or the caster may target 25 lbs. per level. Magic or attended metal get a Will saves to negate. Damage is determined by the round & the amount of contact (min damage for just touching, normal damage for wearing): Rnd 1 none Rnd 6 1d4 Rnd 2 1d4 Rnd 7 None Rnd 3-5: 2d4 This spell Counters and Dispels Heat Metal. Cloudburst (CDiv p158)(MoF p84)(MoFe)+
<Evoc, VS, 1StdAct, Long-range, 100 radius, 10min/lvl(D)>

All creatures within 5 of the caster take 1d4+1 Fire damage (Ref ) each round. Brambles (CDiv p156)
<Trans, VSM(thorn), 1StdAct, Touch, 1rnd/lvl>

Touched wooden Bludgeoning melee weapon gains +1 Enhancement bonus to attack rolls & +1 damage per level (max +10). Its damage is the better of Bludgeoning or Piercing. Briar Web(CDiv p156)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Long-range, 1min/lvl, RefNeg, no SR>

This spell only functions outdoors & not in deserts. Falling rain produces many penalties: visibility; 4 penalty on Spot, Search, & Listen checks; 4 penalty on ranged weapon attacks; & flames are extinguished. 10 minutes after the spell ends, all the water disappears, so it cannot be used for plants or drinking. Cloud Wings (SC p49)
<Evoc[Water], VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl>

The caster gains a +4 Insight bonus on Balance checks.

Plants Entangle everyone in 20 radius Spread who fails a Reflex save. An entangled target may spend a Full Round Action to gain a new Reflex

If the subject can fly, their fly speed is increased by 30ft. Countermoon (SC p53)
<Abj, VSM(hair, scale or other cast off item from the type of creature), 1StdAct, Close-range, 1 lycanthrope, 12hrs,

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WillNeg(D), SR applies>

Forces a lycanthrope back to its natural form and keeps it from changing for the duration of the spell (both voluntary and forced). Creeping Cold(CDiv p159)
<Trans[cold], VSF(25gp bottle with water), 1StdAct, Close-range, 3rnds, Fort, SR applies>

Earthen Grace(DR314 p28)

<Abj[earth], VSM(1 pound granite, 100gp powdered gems), 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

<Evoc[fire], VS/AM(tallow, brimstone, iron dust)/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl, RefNeg, SR applies>

Turns the targets skin ice-cold for 3 rounds. If the target makes the initial save, it takes damage for all the rounds. Rnd 1 1d6 damage Rnd 2 2d6 damage Rnd 3 2d6 damage Daggerspell Stance (CAdv p145)
<Abj, VF(2 daggers), 1 Swift Action, Personal, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

The touched creature take nonlethal damage from the natural attacks from creatures made of earth or stone, creatures with the [earth] subtype, falling damage into the ground, weapons with stone heads, etc. If the targets nonlethal damage ever becomes equal to its current hit-points, the spell ends. Earthfast (MoF p90)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 10min/lvl(D)>

Creates a 5 diameter ball of fire, which can roll/jump 30 per round. If the sphere enters a hex per a creature, it stops for that round & does 2d6 Fire damage, unless the target makes a Reflex save for no damage. The caster can move the sphere as a Move Action & it can go over barriers no more than 4 high. Fly, Swift (CAdv p149)
<Trans, V, 1 Swift Action, Personal, 1 round>

One stone structure or rock formation (but not a Construct) of up to 25 cubic feet per level has its Hardness & hit-points doubled. The spell ends if the caster moves out of range. Easy Trail(CAdv p147)(MoF p91)
<Abj, VS, 1StdAct, 1hr/lvl(D)>

When wielding a dagger in each hand, the caster gains the following: a) if making a Full Round Attack, the caster gains a +2 Insight bonus on attacks & damage; b) if Fighting Defensively, the caster gains Spell Resistance (5 + Caster level); c) if making a Total Defense Action, the caster gains Spell Resistance (5 + Caster level) and Damage Reduction 5/magic. Decomposition (CDiv p161)
<Necro, VS/DF, 1StdAct, 1rnd/lvl, no save, SR applies>

The caster flies at a speed of 60 (40 if in Medium or Heavy Armour or if carrying a Medium or Heavy load) with Good maneuverability. speed going up, 2x speed going down. If spells expires/is dispelled, subject descends at 60 per round for 1d6 rounds before falling. Fog Cloud (PH p232)
<Conj(creat), VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 10min/lvl>

All plants (but not Plant Creatures) within a 40 radius Emanation of the caster are moved aside, creating a temporary trail. This reduces the penalties for moving through Dense Vegetation(PH p164). Once the area of effect has past, the plants return to normal, hiding the trail (+5 DC to Track checks). Embrace the Wild(CAdv p147)(MotW p87)(Sav p65)
<Trans, V, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl(D)>

Creates a 20 radius Spread by 20 high Cloud of fog. The cloud can be dispersed by Moderate Wind in 4 rounds & a Strong Wind in 1 round. Frost Breath (SC p100)
<Evoc[Cold], VSM(3 drops of water/ice), 1StdAct, 30ft range, instantaneous, Ref , SR applies>

Any enemy within 50 of the caster who takes any lethal damage looses 1hp per round for the spells duration. The damage can be cancelled with a Heal check vs. DC 15 or magical healing.

Gain the natural & extraordinary senses of an Animal with no more HD than the caster level, plus its base Listen and Spot modifiers (if higher than the casters). Natural & extraordinary senses include Blindsense, Blindsight, Darkvision, LowDelay Poison (PH p217) Light Vision, & Scent <Conj(healing), VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl> For example, a Wolverine has Low-Light Vision, Touched creature suppresses the effects of current Scent, and Listen & Spot check modifiers of +6. or new poisons in its body until the spell ends. Estannas Stew (BoED p99) Drifts of the Shalm(PH2 p111) <Conj(heal), VSF(50gp engraved stew pot), 1Round> <Evoc, VS, 1StdAct, Medium range, 1 5ft square/lvl, The held stew pot if filled with one serving per 1rnd/lvl> two levels (max 5 servings) of healing stew, which You create drifts of snow, leaves or ash 3 feet disappears after 1 hour. Each creature who thick. It costs 2 squares of movement to enter a consumes a serving (as a Standard Action) is drift-covered square. Additional effects apply based healed 1d6+1 hp. on the type of drift. An Undead within 10 that is splashed with the A snow drift ripples with freezing energy. Anyone stew takes 1d6+1 Positive damage per serving still moving through or located in a snow drift takes 3 in the pot (Will, SR applies). points of cold damage each round. If any part of a leaf drift comes into contact with Eyes of the Avoral (BoED p99) fire (anything from a torch to a fireball will do), <Trans, S, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl> the whole drift instantly ignites. The heat from the Subject gains +8 Racial bonus on Spot checks. burning leaves deals 2d6 points of fire damage to anyone in the inferno. Fins to Feet (SC p92, SW p117) An ash drift smoulders with dying embers. Anyone <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl> moving through or located in an ash drift takes 3 The subjects tail, tentacles, or finned extremities points of fire damage each round. are transformed into humanoid legs and feet. Affected creatures lose any natural swim speed but Earthbind (Draco p112) gain a land speed (base of 30ft for Medium <Trans VS 1StdAct, Close-range, 1min/lvl(D), fort part creature).
negates SR>

You breath a cone of cold that deals 1d4 pts damage/2 lvls (max 5d4). In addition, all affected creatures who fail their reflex save are dazed for 1 rnd. Green Blockade (MotW, p89)
<Conj(Creat), VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close, 1rnd/lvl>

Creates a 20ft long, 1ft thick wall of vegetation in front of you. Any creature trying to pass through must pass a DC15 Str check; success ends movement on the other side of the wall. Fire burns through the blockade in 1rnd, or it can be chopped through in 1min. Gust of Wind (PH p238)
<Evoc[air], VSF(tiny bellows), 1StdAct, 1rnd, FortNeg, no SR>

Creates a powerful Line of air 10 wide by 10 high by 60 long starting at the caster. All Listen checks & ranged attacks within the area of the spell receive a 4 penalty, and open flames are extinguished. The effect of the wind on creatures & objects is based on their size. Size Flying? Blown back Subdual Up to tiny Up to tiny Small Small Medium Medium Large+ Yes No Yes No Yes No 2d6 x 10 1d4 x 10 1d6 x 10 prone 1d6 x 5 0 but cant advance No effect 2d6 1d4 per 10 -

You hamper the subject creatures ability to fly (whether through natural or magical means). If the target fails its saving throw, its fly speed (if any) becomes 0 feet. An airborne creature subjected to this spell falls to the ground as if under the effect of a feather fall spell. Even if a new effect would grant the creature the ability to fly, that effect is suppressed for the duration of the earthbind spell. If the target makes a successful Fort save, its fly speed (including any new effect granted during the sepll druation) is reduced by 10 ft/lvl (max 100ft at 10th lvl). This reduction cant bring the creatures fly speed down to less than 10ft. Earthbind has no effect on other forms of movement, or even of effects that might grant airborne movement without granting fly speed (e.g. jumping or levitate or air walk spells).

Fire Trap(PH p231)

<Abj[fire], VSM(25gp gold), 10Minutes, Touch, until discharged(D), Ref, SR applies>

Sets a one-time trap on a closable item. If anyone besides the caster & those who know its password open the item, it explodes with a 5 radius, doing 1d4 + 1/level (max +20) Fire damage. The item itself is unharmed. Flame Blade(PH p231)
<Evoc[fire], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl(D), no save, SR applies>

Healing Lorecall (CAdv p151)

<Div, VSM(mint leaf), 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl>

When the caster casts healing spells while this spell is in effect, the following bonuses apply: A scimitar made of flames appears in the casters a) the caster may use his/her ranks in Heal as the hand which does touch attacks that deals 1d8 + 1 caster level of healing spells; per 2 levels Fire damage (max +10), but no b) if the caster has 5+ ranks in Heal, one of the Strength modifier. following conditions may be removed from the target of a healing spell: Dazed, Dazzled, or Flaming Sphere (PH p232)

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Fatigued; c) if the caster has 10+ ranks in Heal, one of the following conditions may be removed from the target of a healing spell: Exhausted, Nauseated, or Sickened (or one of the conditions listed above).

Linked Perception (PH2 p117)

<Div, V/DF, 1StdAct, 20ft radius, centred on you, 1min/lvl(D)>

Lore checks. Owls Wisdom(PH p259)

<Trans, VSM(owl feather)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

Imparts to all allies in its area a shared awareness of their surroundings. Each ally in the area (including yourself) gains a +2 bonus on Spot and Listen checks per each ally in the area. For Healing Sting (MoF p100 SC p110) <Necro[touch attack], VSM(dried wasps), 1StdAct, Touch, example, if you and 3 allies are in the area, each of you gains a +6 bonus. FortNeg> Touched living creature takes 1d12 + 1/lvl dmg (max 1d12+10). The caster healed the same number Listening Lorecall (CAdv p154) <Div, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl> of hp. The casters listening improves: a) +4 Insight bonus on Listen checks; Heat Metal (PH p239) b) if the caster has 5+ ranks in Listen, he/she gains <Trans[fire], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 7rnds, SR applies> Blindsense 30; The caster causes targeted metal to become c) if the caster has 10+ ranks in Listen, he/she gains burning hot, after which it cools. The metal of 1 Blindsight 30. creature per 2 levels may be targeted as long as If the caster is in an area of magical Silence, effects they are within 30, or the caster may target 25 lbs. b) & c) are suppressed. per level. Magic or attended metal get a Will saves to negate. Damage is determined by the round & Locate Node (Und p58) the amount of contact (min damage for just <Div[earth], VSF(pebble from an earth node)/DF, 1StdAct, 1min/lvl> touching, normal damage for wearing): The caster may detect the distance and direction Rnd 1 none Rnd 6 1d4 all Earth Nodes(Und p49) within 1 mile per level or Rnd 2 1d4 Rnd 7 none the distance and direction to a specific, previously Rnd 3-5 2d4 visited Earth Node within 2 miles per level. This This spell Counters and Dispels Chill Metal. spell cannot detect Earth Nodes warded by lead or Heartfire(DR314 p20) the spell Node Lock.
<Evoc[light][fire], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl, SR applies>

+4 Enhancement bonus to Wisdom. Persistence of the Waves (MotW, p92)

<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies>

Living subject gains +4 enhancement bonus to Con and suffers -2 enhancement penalty to Str Pressure Sphere (SW p120)
<Evoc[Water], VS, 1StdAct, medium-range, 20ft radius, Instantaneous, Fort, SR applies>

Water pressure causes 4d6 damage in a sphere with a 20ft radius. The water must be at least 5ft deep and the spell must be centred at or below the surface of the water. Reachwalkers Wariness (RoE p189)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, 10min/lvl>

The caster can sense any Aberration within a 30 radius spherical Emanation as if he/she has the Blindsense ability. Reduce Animal (PH p269)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl(D)>

Intelligent creatures in a 5 radius Burst are outlined with red fire, with the following effects: a) gives off light as a Torch; b) does not benefit from Concealment unless it is generated by a [darkness] effect of 3rd level or higher; c) does not benefit from Blur, Displacement, Invisibility, etc. d) takes 1d4 Fire damage each round (Fort); e) casting a spell requires a Concentration check vs. continuous damage. The fire can be extinguished by normal means, which ends the spell. Hold Animal (PH p241)

Mark of the Outcast (Und p59)

<Necro, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, Permanent, WillNeg, SR applies>

One willing Animal of whose size is between Small & Huge becomes 1 Size category smaller. Subject gains +2 Size bonus to Dexterity, 2 Size penalty to Strength, and +1 bonus on attacks & AC. A subject who becomes Tiny-size have a reach of 0 & must enter an opponents hex to attack. Remedy Moderate Wounds (MoF p113)(MoFe)+
<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 10rnd + 1rnd/lvl>

The targets face is marred by a mark visible to normal, low-light, and dark vision. The target receives a 5 Circumstance penalty on Bluff and Diplomacy checks and a 2 penalty to AC. This spell cannot be dispelled. It can only be removed by Break Enchantment, Limited Wish, Miracle, Remove Curse, or Wish. Master Air(MoF p107)

The living subject gains Fast Healing 2. Remove Addiction (BoED p105)
<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous>

The touched subject is cured of all addictions.

<Trans, VSF(feather or wing bone)/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, Resist Energy (PH p272) <Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl> 1rnd/lvl>

The caster grows insubstantial wings & flies at a speed of 90 (60 if in medium or heavy armour) with Good maneuverability. speed going up, 2x <Ench(comp)[mind], VSF(iron nail)/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl(D), WillNeg(repeat), SR applies> speed going down. If spells expires/is dispelled, One Animal is Held. It gets a new Will save each subject descends at 60 per round for 1d6 rounds round to end the spell. before falling. Jaws of the Moray (SW p117) <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl> Might of the Oak(MotW, p91) Grants the subject a bite attack which adds the <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl, WillNeg, SR subjects str mod to damage. If the subject hits with applies> this attack he automatically attaches to the foe and The living subject gains +4 enhancement bonus to Str and suffers -2 enhancement penalty to Dex. deals automatic bite damage every round he is attached without needing to make a grapple check or provoking attacks of opportunity. To remove the Mountain Stance (DR314 p28) attached creature, the opponent must achieve a pin <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl> The touched creature can root itself to the against it. ground as Free-Action. When rooted, any attempt A creature with a natural bite attack can use its damage if greater but still gains the ability to attach to move the subject must overcome a DC of (12 + Caster level). This include checks to Grapple, Lift, itself. Push, Bull Rush, Overrun, Throw, Trip, etc. If the subject is moved against his/her will, the spell ends. Kelpstrand (SC p128) The subject can voluntarily move, though he/she is <Conj(Creation), VSM(dried seaweed), 1StdAct, Closethen no longer rooted. The subject can still re-root range, 1 creature/3lvls, 1rnd/lvl, no save> as a Free-Action. Make a ranged touch attack at each target. If you succeed, immediately make an opposed grapple Natures Favour (CAdv p155) (CDiv p170) (CDivErrata)+ check as a free action (no attack of opportunity). Add caster lvl and Wis mod instead of Str and size <Evoc, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min> The touched Animal gains a Luck bonus of +1 bonus for the grapple check. If you succeed the per 3 levels to attacks & damage (max +5). target is entangled and grappled. Each round they can try to escape by making a grapple or Escape One with the Land (MoF p111) Artist check. You are not considered grappling when using this spell. If you are within 300ft of the <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1hr/lvl> Link with nature gives a +2 Competence bonus ocean shore you gain +4 bonus on grapple checks on Animal Empathy, Handle Animal, Hide, Intuit for this spell. Direction, Move Silently, Search, and Wilderness

The touched subject & his/her equipment are protected from one Energy Type. Each attack doing damage of that type has the hp of damage reduced by the amount listed below. Lvl # Lvl # Lvl # Up to 6th 10 7th - 10th 20 11th + 30

Restoration, Lesser(PH p272)

<Conj(heal), VS, 3Rounds, Touch, Instantaneous>

Touched creature has penalties on one ability score removed -orhas 1d4 ability Damage cured from one ability score. Also, the subject has Fatigue removed or has Exhaustion upgraded to Fatigue. This spell cannot heal permanent ability Drain. Saltray (SC p179)
<Evoc, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, FortNeg (partial) SR applies>

Make a ranged touch attack to do 1d6/2 lvls (max 5d6). The target must make a Fort save or be stunned for 1 rnd. Scent (CDiv p178) (CDivErrata)+
<Trans, VSM(mustard, pepper, sweat), 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

The subject gains the Scent Ability. Share Husk(MoF p116)

<Div, VSM(food for the subject animal), 1StdAct, Touch, Concentration>

The caster can use the subject animals sense of sight, hearing, & smell, including making Spot &

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Listen checks, as a Free Action.

none or will negates (see text), SR applies>

A mace of sunlight attacks opponents at a distance as you direct it, dealing 1d8 + 1/caster lvl points fire damage per hit (max +5 at 15th level), and <Trans, VSM(snake scales)/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, Instantaneous> dazzling the target for 1 round. Against undead, the As Snakes Swiftness (lvl 1) except it affects all weapon deals 2d6 points of fire damage and the allies within a 20ft radius burst. creature must make a will save or be blinded for 1 round; undead especially vulnerable to daylight or Snowshoes, Mass (DR312 p65) sunlight take a -2 penalty on this saving throw. The <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1hr/lvl(D)> sunmace has the same threat range and critical One subject per level within a 30 area receives multipliers as a real mace (crit 20, x2 damage). the following benefits: The mace strikes the opponent you designate, a) Can walk on ice without a speed reduction; starting with one attack in the round the spell is b) +5 bonus on Balance checks ore Reflex saves to cast and. It uses your base attack bonus (possibly walk on ice and/or snow & avoid falling through it; allowing it multiple attacks per round in c) Does not leave trails any more noticeable than subsequent rounds) plus your Wis mod as its attack solid ground for purposes of tracking. bonus. It strikes as a spell, not as a weapon, so for example, it can damage creatures that have damage Soften Earth and Stone (PH p280) reduction. It does not get a flanking bonus or help a <Trans[earth], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, combatant get one. Your feats or combat actions do Instantaneous, no SR> not affect the sunmace. If the sunmace goes beyond Softens one 10 square per level of earth or the spell range, out of your sight, or if you are not unworked stone to a depth of 1-4. directing it, it returns to you and hovers. Wet Earth Mud: Ref save or stuck for 1d2 Each round after the first, you can use a move rounds (unable to move, attack, or cast spells). action to redirect to a new target. If you do not, it Those who save can move through the area at continues to attack the previous rounds target. speed & cant run or charge. A sunmace cannot be attacked or harmed by Dry Earth Loose Dirt: speed & cannot run or physical attacks, but Dispel Magic, disintegrate, a charge through the effected area. Unworked Stone sphere of annihilation or a rod of cancellation Clay: does not effect movement, but is easier to affects it. A sunmaces AC against touch attacks is work / destroy. 12. A deeper darkness spell cast on a sunmace instantly dispels it (and as not other effect). Speed of the Wind (MotW, p94) If an attacked creature has spell resistance, you <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl, WillNeg, SR make a caster check against that SR the first time applies> the sunmace strikes it. If it is successfully resisted, Living subject gains +4 enhancement bonus to the spell is dispelled. If not, the weapon has its Dex and -2 enhancement penalty to Con. normal effect on that creature for the duration of the spell. Spider Climb(PH p283) Snakes Swiftness, Mass (SC p193)
<Trans, VSM(live spider, drop of bitumen), 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

Tree Shape (PH p296)

<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 1hr/lvl(D)>

The caster becomes a Large-sized tree, shrub, or even a dead log. While in this form, the caster continues to have all his/her senses, gains a +10 Natural Armour bonus to AC, is immune to criticals, has an effective Dexterity of 0 & a movement of 0. This spell may be dismissed as a Free Action. Urchins Spines (SW p124)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

The subjects skin, clothes and armour are covered by 2-inch spines. An opponent who grapples the subject or strikes with a natural weapon takes 1d3 piercing damage and make a DC13 Fort save or take 1d2 initial and secondary Dex damage. Venomous Volley(DR330 p73)
<Evoc, VSF(living snake), 1StdAct, Instantaneous, SR applies>

Every creature within a 15 Cone-shaped Burst receives the following: a) 1d6 damage per two Caster levels (max 5d6) (Ref, SR applies); & b) 4 penalties on Fortitude saving throws vs. Poison for 1 minute per Caster level (no save, SR applies). Warp Wood (PH p300)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous>

One Small-sized wooden object per level (or the Object Equivalent) in a 20 radius may be either a) ruined by warping (melee weapons have a 4 attack penalty, etc.); or b) straighten wood that was warped magically or naturally. Wild Instincts (RoE p191)
<Div[mindset], VS/DF, 1 Swift Action, Personal, 1min/lvl>

Swim(CArc p125, SW p122)

<Trans[water], VSM(goldfish scale), 1Round, Closerange, 10min/lvl(D)>

Touched creature can travel along walls & ceilings like a spider (20 movement). The subject does not loose his/her Dex bonus to AC while climbing, nor do opponents gain a bonus to attack the subject. The subject must have bare hands & feet.

The subject gains swimming ability: a) can swim at his/her normal land speed; b) gains a +8 Competence bonus on Swim checks to perform special actions or avoid hazards, with standard penalties; c) can Take 10 on Swim checks under rushed or Splinterbolt (SC p203) <Conj(Creation), VSM(splinter of wood), 1StdAct, Close- threatened conditions; & d) can take a Run action while swimming. range, Instantaneous, no save> A ranged attack deals 4d6 pts of piercing damage. Limitations: a) this spell does not grant water breathing; & Criticals on 18-20. You can fire 1 additional Splinterbolt every 4 levels beyond 3rd (up to a max b) if carrying more than a Light Load, the subject must make a Swim check to move at his/her of 3 at 11th). Splinterbolts may be aimed at normal land speed. different targets but must be launched simultaneously at targets within 30ft of each other. Terns Persistence (SW p123) Damage is treated as magic and piercing for the <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 24hrs> purposes of DR. The subject can travel overland 50% longer before risking injury or fatigue. The subject can't run for Summon Natures Ally II(PH p288) extended periods but can run tactically for 1 * <Conj(sum), VS/DF, 1Round, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)> con score rounds Summons one or more creatures to fight the casters enemies. The creatures can attack on the casters initiative starting their first round. Table # Tigers Tooth (SC p221) <Trans, V, 1 swift action, Touch, 1rnd> Summon Natures Ally II 1 As Magic Fang (lvl 1) except as noted above. Summon Natures Ally I 1d3 Summon Swarm(PH p289) Tojanida Sight (SW p123)
<Div, S, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl(D)> <Conj(sum), VS/AM(red cloth)/DF, 1Round, Closerange, Concentration+2rnds, no save, no SR>

The caster gains the following: a) +10 Insight bonus on Listen & Spot checks; b) retain your Dexterity bonus to AC even if FlatFooted and/or attacked by an unseen opponent. Mindset When the caster has this spell prepared, but not cast, he/she gains a +1 Insight bonus on Listen and Spot checks Wings of Air (SC p240)
<Trans, V, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

The touched winged creature becomes more agile in the air. The creatures manoeuvrability improves by 1 grade. A single creature cannot benefit from multiple applications of this spell. Winters Embrace (SC p241)
<Evol[Cold], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1 creature, 1nrd/lvl, FortNeg, SR applies>

Target takes 1d8 pts cold damage per round at the beginning of your turn. The target can make a new Fort save each round for that round. The second time it takes damage it becomes fatigued and the fourth, it becomes exhausted. Wood Shape (PH p303)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous>

Summons either a Swarm of Bats(MM p237), a Swarm of Rats(MM p239), or a Swarm of Spiders(MM p239). The swarm attacks any creatures that are within its area. If there is no creature to attack, the swarm moves to the nearest creature. The caster has Train Animal (CAdv p157) <Ench(charm)[mind], VS/DF, 10Minutes, Touch, 1hrd/lvl> no control over the swarms movement or target. The touched Animal gains Caster level of Tricks (max +5). This spell does not modify the Sunmace (DR346 p30) <Evoc[light], VS/DF, 1StdAct, medium-range, 1rnd/lvl(D), Animals attitude or guarantee its cooperation

Permanently reshapes a single piece of wood of You gain all-round vision granting +4 bonus to up to 10 cubic feet + 1 cubic foot per level into a Spot and Search and cannot be flanked. You cannot shape of the casters choosing, though fine detail is avert your gaze when confronted by a gaze attack, not possible. but can still close your eyes. Woodland Veil(RotW p176)
<Ill(glamer), VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 10min/lvl(D)>

All creatures in a 30 area receive a +5 Competence bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks while outdoors in a natural setting. All subjects can see each other as if not under the effect

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of the spell. If a subject moves more than 30 from all other subjects of the spell, the spell ends for that one creature. Wracking Touch (CAdv p158)
<Necro, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous, Fort, SR applies>

Touch attack does 1d6 + 1 per level (max 1d6 + 10) damage and the target takes damage as if the caster made a Sneak Attack on it (if vulnerable).

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Level 3 Spells
Affliction (BoED p89)
<Necro[good], VS, 1StdAct, Touch, FortNeg, SR applies>

Infects touched Evil target with chosen Affliction(BoED p34) which takes effect without an incubation period. Name DC Base Damage Depraved Decadence 181d4 Str Eternal Torpor 141d6 Dex Raging Desire 151d3 Con Consuming Passion 171d4 Int Haunting Conscience 161d4 Wis Pride in Vain 201d6 Cha The Base Damage has the targets Charisma modifier added to it. If it is an Evil Elemental or Evil Undead, it takes +1 damage If it is an Evil Outsider or an Evil Cleric of an Evil Deity, it takes +2 damage. Air Breathing
(SC p8)

bolt of lightning per level (max 10 bolts). The caster has the option of calling the first bolt as part of the spells casting. After that, the caster must use a Standard Action to create the bolt. The bolts can be called down any time within the spells duration. In between bolts, the caster can take other actions, including casting other spells. If cast outside during a storm (or even a Large Air Elemental or Djinnis whirlwind), each bolt does 3d10 Electricity damage. Otherwise each bolt does 3d6 Electricity damage. This spell may be used indoors. NB: I use the 3.0 version of this spell: only use in storm but does 1d10 damage per level (max 10d10) Camels Tenacity (DR331 p71)
<Trans, VSM(camel hair), 1StdAct, Touch, 1day/3lvls>

damage, it shivers, receiving a 2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity as long as he/she remains in the area of effect. Creaking Cacophony
(SC p55)

<Illus, VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 40ft radius spread, 1rnd/lvl, SR applies>

Creates a loud sound akin to a pitched battle. It is audible from outside the radius but inside it is overpowering. All creatures take -4 on Listen checks; spellcasters are distracted and must make Concentration checks before casting. It also enhances and focuses sonic energy making creature not immune vulnerable to sonic damage. Crown of Clarity(PH2 p107)
<Div, VSF(pewter hoop 6 inches in diameter), 1StdAct,

<Trans, S/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 2hrs/lvl>

The touched subjects of the spell can breathe air. 2hrs/lvl duration is evenly split between all the subjects. Align Fang, Mass (SC p9)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1min/lvl>

This spell functions like Align Fang (lvl 2) except that it affects 1 creature/lvl, no 2 of which may are more than 30ft apart. Alter Fortune (PH2 p101)
<Div, VX, 1 immediate action, Close-range, instantaneous>

Up to one touched subject per level does not need touch, 1hr/lvl (D) or until discharged> You create an arcane crown that grants the to eat or drink for the spells duration. This is not wearer a +2 bonus on Listen and Spot checks. protection from magical dehydration. As an immediate action, the creature wearing a crown of clarity can discharge its magic to get +8 Capricious Zephyr (DR314 p38) bonus on a single Spot or Listen check. The spell <Evoc[air], VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl, SR ends after the wearer uses the crown in this manner. applies> The crown occupies space on the body as a Creates a 5 diameter sphere of powerful wind headband, hat or helm. If the crown is removed, the that the caster can move up to 30 per round as a Move Action. If it comes in contact with a creature, spell immediately ends. its movement for that round end. The Medium-size or smaller target is subjected to a Bull Rush action Crushing Coils (DR330 p70) at +6 in a random direction (FortNeg) and a Trip <Conj[teleport], VSF(living constrictor snake no more than one size category larger than the caster), 1StdAct, at +4 (no save).
Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl>

You change the flow of chance, causing the subject to immediately reroll any die roll it just made. It must abide by the second roll. XP cost: 200 XP Attune Form (SC p17)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1 creature/3 lvls, 24hrs>

The touched creature(s) become attuned to the plane you are currently on, negating harmful effects of that plane with effects as noted in Avoid Planar Effects (lvl 2). Bite of the Werewolf
(SC p29)

<Trans, VSM(wolfs tooth), 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

You gain +2 Enh Str bonus, +4 Enh Dex bonus, +4 Enh Con bonus, +4 Enh bonus to natural armour. You also gain a bite attack dealing 1d6 damage (1d4 if Small) + 1 times your Str mod and the Blind Fight feat. Bottle of Smoke(MotW p84)
<Conj(creat), VSF(50gp bottle)M(smoke), 10Minutes, 1hr/lvl of riding time within 24 hours>

Smoke stored in the bottle can be released as a Standard Action to form an immaterial horse. Only the person holding the bottle can touch the horse. It cannot be attacked or hurt, except by magical wind, which destroys it. The bottle-holder must make a Ride check vs. DC 10 to mount it. The horse has a movement of 20/lvl (240 max). At the riders option, the horse leaves a 20 tall by 5 wide trail of smoke that lasts for 10 minutes (unless blown away) which provides Concealment. The horse remains for 1hr/lvl, but time the horse spends in the bottle does not count. The spell ends 24 hours after cast whether all the riding time is use up. Call Lightning (PH p207)
<Evoc[electricity], VS, 1Round, Medium-range,1min/lvl, Ref, SR applies>

The caster can call down one 5 wide by 30 tall

The caster may teleport the focus snake that he/she is touching into any hex within range. If that hex contains a creature, the snake may immediately The touched creature gains horns that grant a attempt a Grapple check without provoking an natural gore attack that deals 1d8 (1d6/2d6 for Small/Large creatures) damage. If used as a charge, Attack of Opportunity. If the snake is successful, it immediately establishes a hold and can it deals double damage; if used as the primary immediately constrict. weapon the subject adds 1 Str mod and if it is a If the snake fails to grapple, it ends up in an secondary weapon, add Str mod to the damage adjacent hex and attempts to use its Improved roll and take -5 penalty on the attack roll. Subject Grapple ability on the target each round. also gains +4 Enh bonus to natural armour. As a Move Action, the caster can tell the snake to crawl back to him/her at full movement. Once Circle Dance(MoF p84) touched again, the caster may teleport the snake as <Div, VS, 1Min, Personal> long as the duration has not been exceeded. Indicates direction to known target & if that For the duration of the spell, the snake gains the person is unharmed, wounded, dying, etc. following: a) Damage Reduction 10 / magic; Contagion (PH p213) <Necro[evil][touch attack], VS, 1StdAct, Touch, FortNeg, b) bonus on Grapple checks and constriction damage equal to Caster level. SR applies> Infects touched subject with chosen disease which takes effect without an incubation period. Cure Moderate Wounds (PH p216) <Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch> Name DC Base Damage Cures 2d8 +1/level damage (max +10) with Cackle Fever 161d6 Wis Positive Energy. Filth Fever 121d3 Dex & 1d3 Con Mindfire 121d4 Int Daylight (PH p216) Red Ache 151d6 Str <Evoc[light], VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl(D), no SR> Shakes 131d8 Dex Touched object gives off bright light in a 60 Slimy Doom 141d4 Con radius & dim light for another 60. The light may Blinding 161d4 Str & if the be blocked by putting the object in a container. Sickness victim takes 2+ Str dmg, Treated as sunlight for creatures who receive must make an additional penalties in those conditions, but is not real sunlight save or go permanently so certain Undead are not destroyed. Blind. This spell Suppresses Deeper Darkness and is suppressed by it, leaving only the natural Corona of Cold (DR312 p63 SC p52) illumination in the overlapping area. <Evoc[cold], VS/DF, 1StdAct, 1rnd/lvl(D)> This spell Counters and Dispels spells with the The caster is surrounded by a 10 radius [darkness] category of equal or lower level. Emanation of cold: a) Negates 5 + 1 per level Fire or Heat damage Dehydrate (SC p62) each round; <Necro, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1 living b) All creatures (except the caster) within the area creature, instantaneous, FortNeg, SR applie> of effect take 1d6 non-lethal Cold damage each Target takes 1d6 + 1 per 3 caster lvls Con damage round (FortNeg, SR applies). If a creature takes (max 1d6+5). Oozes, plants and creatures with the Charge of the Triceratops (SC p45)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1rnd/lvl (D)>

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aquatic subtype take 1d8 rather than 1d6.

tentacle), 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

Instantaneous, Ref, SR applies>

Two black tentacles sprout from your shoulder blades and arch over your shoulders. The tentacles Diminish Plants (PH p221) have 10-foot reach and are animate. Each round as <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Instantaneous> This spell either a free action, starting on the turn when you cast the a) prunes vegetation to 1/3 its normal size in a spell, you can direct each tentacle to attack one 100 radius circle, a 150 radius halfcircle, or a opponent within reach. The tentacles use your base 200 radius quarter circle (caster may choose plants attack bonus and Strength score, and each deals to be excluded). The area of effect must be within bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 points + your Str Longrange; modifier. The tentacles threaten the area within or their reach, and each can make one attack of b) blights vegetation within mile to produce 1/3 of opportunity per round. its normal output in the next year. Neither use The tentacles also grant you a +4 bonus on Climb effects Plant Creatures in any way. This spell checks. Counters Plant Growth. False Bravado (MotW, p88) <Enchant(mind), VSF(mirror worth 25gp), 1StdAct, close, Dominate Animal (PH p224)
<Ench(comp)[mind], VS, 1Round, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies> 3rnd + subjects Con mod, WillNeg, SR applies>

The ray of water does the following if it hits: a) 2d6 non-lethal damage + 1d6 per 2 levels (i.e., 5d6 at 6th) (max 8d6) (no save); & b) target is knocked Prone (RefNeg). Giants Wrath (SC p105)
<Trans[Earth], VSM(pebbles), 1SwiftAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

You turn 1 pebble/3 lvls into large boulders with a range increment of 120ft. If you hit with a ranged touch attack it does 2d6 + your Str mod damage. You gain an Insight bonus equal to your caster level on attack and damage rolls (max +10). Girallons Blessing (SC p106)
<Trans, VSM(girallon hair), 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

Cause the subject to believe they have the full Telepathically control one Animal with simple benefits of a Barbarian Rage when they do not. commands. Self-destructive orders are ignored. The They take all the penalties of a rage (-2AC, unable caster can mentally command the target as a Move to use skills or abilities that require concentration Action provided they are within Close-range of or patience such as moving silently or casting each other. spells). At the end of the spell, the subject is fatigued for the rest of that encounter. Dust Storm(DR331 p71) <Conj(creat), VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl, no Fang Blade (DR330 p71)
save, no SR>

The touched subject gains an additional pair of arms. These arms and the original ones (which become the primary arms) gain clawed hands. The creature gains 4 claw attacks using its back attack bonus + Str mod for attack rolls. Each claw deals 1d4 + Str mod damage. If an opponent is struck by 2 or more claws in 1 round, the subject can rend it for an additional 2d4 + 1 times Str mod damage. Greenfire (UE p50)
<Evoc[acid], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd>

Everything within a 60 diameter by 30 tall cylinder are affect as follows: a) Anything with 5 has Concealment, while anything farther has Total Concealment; b) Anything ending its round within the cylinder takes 1d6 Slashing damage. Energize Potion (BoED p98)
<Trans, VSM(a magic potion), 1StdAct, Ref, SR applies>

<Trans, VSF(living snake no more than one size category larger than the caster), 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl(D)>

A touched magical potion can be launched to a spot within Close-range, where it explodes in a 10 radius Burst, doing 1d6 damage per Spell level of the potion. The damage is of an Energy Type designated at casting time.

The focus snake is transformed into the equivalent of a Longsword sized for the caster. The caster is considered proficient with the weapon. On a hit, the foe is affected by the snakes poison (if any) in addition to the normal Longsword damage. If anyone other than the caster attempts to wield the weapon, the snake attacks its holder. The weapon has a Hardness of 8 & the snakes hp at the time of the casting with regards to Sunder attempts. At the spells end, the snake returns to normal. Favourable Winds (SW p116)
<Evoc[Air], VS, 1StdAct, 60ft cone, 10min/lvl, FortNeg, No SR(D)>

One contiguous 5 cube per level is filled with green energy that churns up from the earth for 1 round. Any creature in the area when the spell is cast takes 2d6 + 1/lvl (max +10) acid damage (Ref). A creature that travels through the area of effect during the round also takes damage, but gets no saving throw. The caster has the option of doing no damage to natural vegetation, ground cover, & plant creatures. Heatstroke (SC p113)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, instantaneous, FortNeg (partial), SR applies>

The target creature becomes fatigued by the heat. If it is already fatigued it becomes exhausted. Even if it passes its Fort save it still takes 2d6 nonlethal Energy Vortex(CDiv p164) Produces a wind of about 30mph emanating from damage. A creature wearing heavy armour takes -4 <Evoc[variable energy], VS, 1StdAct, Instantaneous, you to propel sailing vessels. Creatures of tiny size penalty to the save. Creatures immune or resistant Ref, SR applies> or below in the path of the wind are knocked prone, to fire are not affected by this spell. All creatures within a 20 radius Burst of the flying tiny creatures are blown back 1d6x10ft. caster take damage from one Energy Type chosen Small creatures are checked and cannot make Hypothermia (SC p118) at casting time. There are two options: <Evoc[Cold], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, headway, small flying creatures are blown back a) The caster takes no damage and all creatures in FortNeg (partial), SR applies> 1d6x5ft. the area of effect take 1d8 + 1 per caster level (max All creatures take -2 penalty on ranged attacks and The target creature takes 1d6/caster lvl cold 1d8+20); or damage (max 10d6) and becomes fatigued. A Listen checks. b) The caster and all creatures in the area of effect successful fort save halves the damage and negates take 2d8 + 2 per caster level (max 2d8+20). In this Fire Wings (CDiv p165) the fatigue. case, the caster does not get a Reflex save, but SR <Evoc[fire], VSM(bird feather)F(gold phoenix amulet), applies. Infestation of Maggots (CDiv p166)(MoF p102) 1Round, Personal, 1min/lvl> <Necro[touch attack], VSM(dried flies), 1StdAct, Touch, The casters arms become fiery wings, with the up to 1 round per 2 levels, FortNeg(retry), SR applies> Entangling Staff (CAdv p147) following effects: <Trans, VF(quarterstaff), 1 Swift Action, Touch, a) The caster gains a Flying speed of 60 (40 if in The touched target must make a Fortitude save each round or take 1d4 Constitution damage. Once 1rnd/lvl(D)> Medium or Heavy Armour) with Good The quarterstaff wielded by the caster grows maneuverability. speed going up, 2x speed going the target makes a single saving throw, the spell vines that can be used to grab foes. down. Able to Charge. Can only carry a Light load. ends. When the Quarterstaff makes a successful melee b) Any worn magic items are still in effect, but the Dispelled by Cure Disease or Heal. attack, it deals normal damage and then can start a caster cannot hold anything in his/her hands & Grapple as a Free Action without provoking an Jagged Tooth (SC p126) cannot cast spells with somatic components. <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 10min/lvl, > Attack of Opportunity. The Grapple attempt has a c) The caster may make an Unarmed Attack with +8 bonus and can be used on creatures up to one the wings at a 4 penalty. The wings do the casters Doubles the crit range of one natural weapon that size larger than the caster. normal Unarmed Strike damage +2d6 Fire damage. does slashing/piercing damage. If the Grapple check is successful, the foe takes 2d6 If spells expires/is dispelled, the caster descends at Junglerazer (SC p127) damage due to constriction (the caster can chose the 60 per round for 1d6 rounds before falling <Necro, VSM(ash from burnt plant), 1StdAct, 120ft line, damage to be lethal or nonlethal). Instantaneous, Ref , SR applies> After doing damage, the caster has the option of Frost Breath (DR312 p64) Fey, vermin, plants, plant creatures and animals releasing the foe, which leaves it Entangled. <Evoc[cold], VSM(water), 1StdAct, Ref, SR applies> take 1d10/caster lvl negative energy damage (max If the grapple is maintained, the caster has the All creatures in a Close-range Cone take 1d4 per 10d10). opportunity to do constriction damage once 2 levels Cold damage (max 5d4) (Ref) and per round on a successful Grapple check. becomes Dazed for 1 round (RefNeg). Lash of the Kraken (DR334 p75) Evards Menaching Tentacles (PH2, p113)
<Trans, VSM(piece of octopus, squid or carrion crawler

Geyser(DR334 p75)
<Evoc[water][ray], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range,

<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl>

The caster gains a barb-covered tentacle:

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a) may be used as a primary natural weapon or a secondary natural weapon (with a standard 5 penalty); b) if the tentacle hits, it does damage (below) plus Strength modifier and can start a Grapple without generating an attack of opportunity. If successful, the caster may constrict for standard damage. Size Dmg Reach Size Dmg Reach Fine 10 Large 1d8 15 Dimin 10 Huge 2d6 20 Tiny 1d3 5 Garg 2d8 40 Small 1d4 5 Colos 4d6 60 Medium1d6 10 Lions Charge (SC p133)

Rough outdoor site or cavern: Stones, wood etc

forms a wall 5ft high and 2ft thick behind which creatures receive cover. Marshy/low lying site: creates a water-filled ditch 10ft wide and 5ft deep. Creatures are forced to wade through it at speed (min 5ft) and cannot charge or run. Focus: a small quartz gem engraved with the image of a tiny castle worth at least 100gp. Neutralize Poison(PH p257)
<Conj(heal), VSM(charcoal)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>


Protection from Energy (PH p266)

<Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, until depleted up to 10min/lvl>

Touched creature is immune to a total of 12 damage per level (max 120 hp) from one Energy Type. Once all the damage has been taken, the spell ends. Note: This spell takes precedence over Resist Energy. Only when this spell is depleted will Resist Energy be applied. Quench (PH p267)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range>

The touched subject or object has all poison removed from it immediately. If a creature was <Trans, V, 1SwiftAct, Personal, 1rnd> poisoned, it does not need to make any further Grants you the pounce ability (MM313) allowing you to make a full attack at the end of your charge. saving throws. This spell does not heal ability damage or drain taken from earlier failed saves. In addition, the subject cannot be poisoned for 10 Magic Fang, Greater(PH p250) <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1hr/lvl> minutes per level. If the subject is a poisonous One living creature (including a Humanoid) gains creature, it cannot poison anyone for the spells one of the following: duration (WillNeg, SR applies) a) one natural weapon gets an Enhancement bonus to attack and damage of +1 per 4 levels (max +5); Phantom Plough (LoD p187) <Evoc[earth], VSM(dried corn), 1StdAct> or b) all natural weapons get a +1 Enhancement bonus Plows a straight furrow in raw earth that is 20/lvl long by 1 deep by 6 wide. The furrow is on attacks and damage. ended if it hits a wall, rock, etc., that is more than 6 wide. Anyone standing in its path must make a Meld into Stone (PH p252) <Trans[earth], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl> Balance check to avoid falling. Underground The caster (& up to 100 pounds of gear) can step creatures in the spells path take 4d4 damage. into a block of stone that can entirely contains his/her body & equipment. The caster remains just Plague Carrier (RoF p190) under the surface that was entered & is able to hear <Necro[touch attack], VS, 1StdAct, Touch, FortNeg> Infects touched subject with chosen disease which what is going on outside the stone (but not see). takes effect after the incubation period. During the While in the stone, the caster can target himself/herself with spells. The caster may exit the incubation period, the target does not present symptoms, but is transmitting the disease to those surface that was entered at any time. The following effect is inflicted on the caster if the who come in contact. Disease choices are Blinding Sickness, Cackle target stone is damaged as listed: Fever, Filth Fever, Mind Fire, Red Ache, The - Stone Shape: Take 3d6 damage. Shakes, or Slimy Doom. - Passwall: Expelled. - Stone to Flesh or not exiting before the Plant Growth (PH p262) duration ends or the spell is Dispelled or the <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Instantaneous> stone is broken so that the caster can no longer fit This spell either within it: Expelled & take 5d6 damage. - Transmute Rock to Mud or the stone is totally a) causes vegetation to grow thick & overgrown in destroyed: Expelled & Fort save vs. DC 18 or die. a 100 radius circle, a 150 radius half-circle, or a 200 radius quarter circle (caster may choose plants to be excluded). The area of effect must be within Merrshaulks Kiss(DR330 p71) Long-range. Movement through the overgrown <Ench, VSF(at least one living snake), 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl> area is reduced to 5 (or 10 for creatures of at least Up to one Snake per two levels within a 30 area Large size); or receive the following: b) enhances vegetation within mile to produce a) +1 Morale bonus on attacks, saves, and skill exceed its normal production by 1/3 in the next year. checks; This spell Counters Diminish Plants. b) a snake with Poison receives a +2 Morale bonus to the poisons DC; Poison (PH p262) <Necro[touch attack], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, c) a snake with the Constriction special ability Instantaneous, FortNeg, SR applies> receives a +2 Morale bonus on Grapple checks. Touch deals 1d10 Constitution damage, repeats in 1 minute. DC is 10 + caster level + casters Natures Balance (SC p145) Wisdom modifier. <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl> The caster takes a 4 penalty to an ability score of his/her choice and the touched subject receives a Primal Form (SC p161) <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl (D)> +4 Enhancement bonus to the same ability score. Each time this spell is cast (after the first) within 1 You take on the form and subtype of a Medium elemental and gain +4 on saving throws against hour, the caster takes 2d20 damage. mind-affecting spells and abilities. There is a 25% chance that crits and sneak attacks will fail. You Natures Rampart (SC p146) cannot cast spells/supernatural/extra-ordinary <Trans, VSF, 10mins, Medium-range, Instantaneous> abilities but gain benefits based on the form: Shape a natural setting up to 40ft square into a Air Fly 20ft (perfect) defensive position. Earth DR 5/ Open outdoor site: Rampart of earth 5ft high Fire 1d4 fire damage, resistance to fire 10, and 5ft thick behind a ditch 5ft wide and deep burn rises behind which creatures receive cover. Swim 90ft, drench Attackers must climb the 10ft from the bottom Water of the ditch to the top of the rampart (climb DC

This spell extinguishes fires, which can be used in several ways: a) Put out fires in a one contiguous 20 cube per level. Normal fire is automatically extinguished, fire spells are put out with a Dispel Check (max +15), and Elemental (fire) creatures 1d6 per caster level (max 15d6) (no save, SR applies). b) A targeted magic item that creates / controls flames (including a Wand of Fireball or a Flaming Weapon) has all its fire ability Suppressed for 1d4 hours unless the object makes a Will save. Quillfire(MoF p112)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd>

The casters hands grow poisonous quills that can be used either for a melee or ranged attack (10 range increment). The quills do 1d8 + 1/2lvls (max +5) & are coated with poison (1d6 Str / 1d6 Str DC18). Regenerate Ring (MotW, p93)
<Conj[Heal], VS, 1StdAct, 20ft, 10 rnds + 1 rnd/2lvls>

Grant a group of creature the Fast Healing ability for the duration of the spell. The subjects heals 1hp/round. It only heals damage caused since the start of the spell and is automatically stabilised if a subject begins dying from hp loss during that time. Remove Disease (PH p271)
<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous>

Cures all diseases affecting subject, as well as parasites, Green Slime, etc. Resist Energy, Mass(CArc p120)
<Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 10min/lvl>

The one subject (& his/her equipment) per level within a 30 area are protected from one Energy Type. Each attack doing damage of that type has the hp of damage reduced by the amount listed below. Lvl # Lvl # Lvl # Up to 6th 10 7th-10th 20 11th+ 30

Rogue Wave (DR314 p46)

<Conj(creat)[water], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, Instantaneous, Fort, no SR>

The caster creates a wave of water that has its starting point anywhere within range and then moves is a direction the caster chooses. All creatures struck by the wave take 1d6 per two levels (max 10d6) bludgeoning damage (Fort). If a creature of up to Large-size fails its save, it is knocked Prone. If cast on dry land, the wave is 20 wide, 10 long, & 10 high and moves 60. If cast in the water, the wave is 40 wide, 10 long, & 10 high and moves 120. Also, all creatures receive a 4 penalty on their save. Scales of the Sealord (SW p121)
<Trans, VSM(thick scales), 1StdAct, Personal, 1hr/lvl(D)>

Your Swim speed increases by 10ft. If you had no Swim speed, you gain one of 15ft and +8 racial Swim bonus. You can always take 10 on Swim

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checks. You gain a natural armour bonus of +1/3 caster levels (max +5) and a penalty to cha-based checks equal to that bonus when dealing with nonaquatic creatures. Screen of Heat (DR331 p73) Creates a curtain of visual distortion 1 thick and up to 10 long per level. The curtain does not damage and does not impede any movement. At casting time, the caster decides if the curtain causes distortion on both sides or only one. Looking through a distorted side results in Concealment. Sink (SC p190)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd, WillNeg, SR applies>

a) +n Enhancement bonus to the subjects Natural Armour; b) +n Racial bonus on saves vs. poison; & c) +n Racial bonus on Hide checks. Spike Growth (PH p283) The ground vegetation (roots, grasses, etc.) in one 20 square per level becomes magically sharp. For each 5 that a creature walks / runs through the area of effect, it takes 1d4 damage (no save) & have its movement reduced to due to foot injuries (RefNeg). The movement penalty lasts until a) the target receives healing magics; b) a Heal check vs. the spells DC; or c) 24 hours go by. Spikes(CDiv p181)
<Trans, VSM(thorn), 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl>

and does a +1d6 Piercing; b) if an opponent strikes the caster with a Natural Weapon, an Unarmed Strike, or a Grapple, the opponent takes 5hp of Piercing damage. Thunderous Roar (SC p220) All creatures in a 20ft radius burst take 1d6 sonic damage/2 caster levels (max 5d6). Fort halves. Any creature that takes damage must make a Reflex save or be knocked prone. Crystalline creatures take 1d6/lvl (max 10d6).

<Ill(glamer), VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1min/lvl, no <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1hr/lvl(D), Ref, <Evoc[Sonic], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Long-range, save, no SR> SR applies> instantaneous, FortNeg (partial), SR applies>

Tortoise Shell (MoF p127)

<Abj, VSF(tortoise shell), 1StdAct, Close-range, 10min/lvl>

Cause 1creature/3 levels no 2 of which are more than 30ft apart and which are in water or another liquid to sink 100ft into the liquid (or bottom if less than 100ft deep). Once sunk, the targets must make a Swim check to move or move along bottom at land speed. Sleet Storm(PH p280)
<Conj(creat)[cold], VSM(dust, water)/DF, 1StdAct, Longrange, 1rnd/lvl, no save, no SR>

Touched wooden Bludgeoning melee weapon gains a +2 Enhancement bonus to attack rolls, +1 damage per level (max +10), and has its critical hit threat range doubled. Its damage is the better of Bludgeoning or Piercing. Spirit Jaws (SC p202)
<Evoc[Force], VSM(dinosaur jawbone), 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

Creates a 5 diameter tortoise shell made from mystic energy. The caster can have it stand vertically, thus providing Cover from half the battle field, hide under it (up to 2 Medium-sized creatures will fit), or even use it as a small boat. The shell has Hardness 10, 100hp, & weights 500 pounds (though the caster can carry it as if it weighed 10 pounds). Treasure Scent (SC p223)
<Div, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1hr/lvl>

Blocks all vision in a 40 radius Spread by 20 high cylinder. Moving in the area of effect requires a Balance check vs. DC 10. Success allows movement, while failing by 5 or more causes the target to fall down. Snake Shield (DR330 p72)
<Evoc, VSF(a living snake), 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

A set of dinosaur jaws appears and attacks the creature you designate and attempt to grapple it (attacking in the round they are summoned and on your turn after that). If the initial attack succeeds it does 2d6 damage and attempts to grapple as free action. It uses your base attack bonus + Wis mod to attack. Grapple checks get an additional +4. Standing Wave (CDiv p182)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 10min/lvl, RefNeg, SR applies>

You can detect coins (copper, silver, gold, platinum) and gems in a 30ft radius and differentiate between them. You can only pinpoint the location once you are within 5ft of it. The spell is blocked by 1ft stone, 1" common metal, thin sheet of lead or 3ft of wood or dirt. Tremor(DR314 p29)
<Evoc[earth], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd, no SR>

The caster is surrounded by a cloud of ghostly snakes. Any creature that attempts a melee attack on the caster is attacked by the equivalent of the focus snake using it normal bite attack, plus any special abilities, such as poison, constriction, etc. Note that the effect will only grapple and constrict for one round at a time, then will release. Any number of attackers may be affected by this spell, but each can only be attacked once per round.

The targeted water lifts and moves any creature or object within it along the surface at 60 per round in a direction designated at cast time for the spells duration. If the water comes in contact with land, it lowers what it is carrying onto the shore gently. The limit of what the wave can carry is determined by Caster level: Snakebite (MoF p120) Lvl Max size Lvl Max size carried <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl(D)> carried Your arm turns into poisonous snake that you can 5th Up to medium 11th Gargantuan use as a weapon. The snake does 1d3 damage and 7th Large 13 th Colossal has a (1d6Con+1d4rnd Paralysis)/ 9th Huge (1d6Con+1d4rnd Paralysis) poison whose DC is (10 + caster level + casters Wisdom modifier).

The ground in a 40 radius Spread shakes for one round. All creatures in the area must make a Reflex save or fall Prone & become Stunned for 1 round. Casters must make Concentration checks vs. DC 15 + spell level, and any skill check that generates an Attack of Opportunity requires a Concentration check vs. DC 15 or it will automatically fail. Structures are not damaged by this spell. Updraft (DR314 p40)
<Conj(creat)[air], VSM(tiny propeller), 1Free-Action, Personal, 1min/lvl(D)>

The caster creates a column of upward moving air beneath himself/herself. On the first round, the caster can move up 30. On the subsequent rounds, the caster (as a Move Action) has the option of Snare (PH p280) moving up 30 (to a maximum of 90), moving <Trans, VS/DF, 3Rounds, Touch, until triggered, no save, down 30, or moving horizontally up to 30. If the no SR> Stone Shape (PH p284)(PH3.5e)+ caster chooses to move horizontally more than 10, Creates a magical booby trap out of a rope, vine, <Trans[earth], VS/AM(clay sculpted into the new he/she must make a Reflex save with a DC equal to shape)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch> etc. (Search vs. DC 23 for a Rogue to locate). the feet moved at the end of the Move Action. Permanently reshapes a single piece of stone of Anyone who puts a limb into the snares loop is Failure means the caster falls up to 10 cubic feet + 1 cubic foot per level into a Entangled. off the column of air. shape of the casters choosing, though fine detail is If the caster fall off, dismisses the spell, or has it If attached to a supple tree, the person is also lifted not possible. off the ground & takes 1d6 damage. dispelled, he/she sinks at a rate of 60 per round To escape, make a Strength or Escape Artist check and take no damage. Summon Natures Ally III(PH p288) vs. DC 23 or do 5hp damage to the snare (AC 7). Attacking from the top of the column results in a <Conj(sum)[variable alignment/element], VS/DF, 1Round, cumulative 1 penalty, up to a maximum of 5. A Close-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)> Speak with Plants (PH p282) Full Round action can be use to rebalance, Summons one or more creatures to fight the <Div, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl> decreasing the penalty back to 1. casters enemies. The creatures can attack on the The caster may communicate with plants & Plant casters initiative starting their first round. Creatures, though the spell does not change their Vigour (CDiv p186)(DR324 p103)+ Summon Natures Ally III 1 attitude towards the caster. <Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 10rnd + 1rnd per level Summon Natures Ally II 1d3 (max 25rnds total)> Summon Natures Ally I 1d4+1 Spiderskin(Und p61) Touched living creature gains Fast Healing 2.
<Trans, VSM(bit of spider)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

Thornskin (CArc p127)

Touched subjects skin becomes tougher. This grants a +n bonus to the following, where +n is +1 at 3rd level, +2 at 6th level, up to +5 at 12th level:

<Trans, VSM(thorn), 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

Vigour, Mass Lesser(CDiv p186)(DR324 p103)+

<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, 20 range, 10rnd + 1rnd per level (max 25rnds total)>

The casters skin grows thorns: a) the casters Unarmed Strikes damage is lethal

One living creature per two Caster levels in a 30

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area gains Fast Healing 1. Walk the Mountains Path (RoS p163)
<Trans, VSM(pebble from a mountain top), 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

Touched creature gains the following benefits: a) not slowed by slopes; b) gains a Climb speed equal to his/her base Land Speed; and c) +10 Enhancement bonus on Balance and Jump checks. Water Breathing (PH p300)
<Trans, VSM(straw)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch>

The touched subjects of the spell can breathe underwater. 2hrs/lvl duration is evenly split between all the subjects. Weather Eye (CDiv p189)
<Div, VSM(incense)F(scrying device)/ DF, 1Hour, Instantaneous>

Accurately predict natural weather in a 1 mile + 1 mile per level radius around the caster for the next 7 days. If the weather is currently under the effect of magic, this spell identifies that fact in the same way as Detect Magic. Wind Wall (PH p302)
<Evoc[air], VSM(tiny fan, exotic feather)/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl>

An Invisible wall of air 2 wide is created in any continuous shape desired by the caster up to 10 long per level & 5 high per level. The wall is total protection from gases (including some breath weapons), gaseous forms, flying creatures up to Small-size, etc. Arrows & bolts are blocked by the wall, & other ranged weapons have a 30% miss chance. Large ranged weapons, such as a giants boulders, are not effected. The wall may be walked through normally.

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Level 4 Spells
Air Walk (PH p196)
<Trans[air], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

The touched subject (up to Gargantuan size) walks on air as if it were solid. Walking uphill is limited to 45 degrees at half movement. Strong winds can aid or hinder the subject depending on their directions. At the end of this spell, a subject who is still airborne will descend gently at a rate of 60 per round for 1d6 rounds. After that, the spell is over & a subject not on the ground will fall normally. A mount that knows the Air Walk Trick will not panic under the effect of this spell.

fails 4 or more saves, it permanently transforms into a status as if affected by flesh to stone. Any effect or spell that reverses flesh to stone also cures this condition. Calm, Mass(MotW, p91)
<Enchant(Comp)[ mind], VS, 1StdAct, close-range, 1min/lvl, will negates (see text) SR applies>

check. You can also choose to have a calm area up to 80ft diameter in the centre of the affected area. Direction: You can cause the current to go in a straight line or in a rotation Strength: You can increase or decrease the current speed by 10ft/3 caster levels. Control Water (PH p214)
<Trans[water], VSM(dust (to lower) -or- water (to raise))/DF, 1StdAct, Long-range, 10min/lvl(D)>

Soothes and calms any number of animals, beasts and magical beasts with int 1-2, no two of which can be more than 30ft apart. Animals trained to attack or guard, dire animals, legendary animals, beast and magical beasts are entitled to a saving throw, normal animals are not. The subjects remain where they are and do not attack or flee. They are not helpless and will defend Antiplant Shell (PH p200) <Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, 10min/lvl(D), no save, SR applies> themselves if attacked. Any threat breaks the spell. Creates a 10 radius, mobile, invisible sphere around the caster that cannot be entered by Plant Chain of Eyes(CDiv p158) <Div, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies> creatures or animated plants. As a Free Action, the caster may choose to look though the touched targets eyes instead of his/her Arc of Lightning (CArc p97) own. Note that the caster has no control over the <Conj(create)[electricity], VSM(2 small iron rods), 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, Ref, no SR> target. Each time the target touches another Two creatures within range, and all creatures in a creature, the caster has the option of moving the Line between them, take 1d6 Electricity damage sensor to the new creature (thereby seeing through per level (max 15d6). its eyes instead). Bite of the Wereboar
(SC p28)

Effects 10/lvl x 10/lvl x 2/lvl (shapeable) of water by either: a) lowering the water by 2/lvl (min of 1). In large / deep bodies of water, this forms a whirlpool. This effect will Slow waterbased creatures / elementals (WillNeg); or, b) raising the water by 2/lvl. Boats will slide off the hump of the water. Creeping Cold, Greater (CDiv p160 SCp56)
<Trans[cold], VSF(25gp bottle with water), 1StdAct, Close-range, Fort, SR applies>

<Trans, VSM(boar bristles), 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

Command Plants (PH p211)

<Trans, V, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1day/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies>

You gain +4 Enh bonus to Str, +6 Enh bonus to Con and +8 Enh bonus to natural armour. Your face becomes that of a boar and you gain a bite attack that does 1d8 (1d6 if Small) + 1 times Str mod damage. You also gain the Blind Fight feat. Blight (PH p206)
<Necro, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, SR applies>

Up to (2 * Caster level) HD of plant creatures in a 30 area become friendly towards the caster and will not attack him/her. Any attempt to give the creatures orders requires a successful Charisma check. Contagious Touch (CDiv p159 SCp52)
<Necro[touch attack], VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1rnd/lv, SR appliesl>

Turns the targets skin ice-cold for at least 4 rounds. At 15th level, the damage lasts for a 5th round & at 20th, the damage lasts for a 6th. If the target makes the initial save, it takes damage for all the rounds. Rnd 1 1d6 damage Rnd 2 2d6 damage Rnd 3 3d6 damage Rnd 4 4d6 damage (Rnd 5 5d6 damage) (Rnd 6 6d6 damage) Cure Serious Wounds (PH p216)
<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch>

Cures 3d8 +1/level damage (max +15) with Positive Energy. Desert Burial (DR331 p71)
<Evoc, VSM(paper, sand), 1StdAct, Medium-range, Instantaneous, RefNeg, no SR>

The touched Plant Creature takes 1d6 damage per level (max 15d6), Fortitude save for . If a plant or tree that isnt considered a creature is targeted by this spell, it dies immediately. Blinding Beauty (BoED p92)
<Trans[good], VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

Infects touched subject (limited to 1 per round) with chosen disease which takes effect without an incubation period (FortNeg). Disease choices are Blinding Sickness, Cackle Fever, Filth Fever, Mindfire, Red Ache, The Shakes, or Slimy Doom. Contingent Energy Resistance (Draco p110)
<Abj, VSM(pearl worth 100gp), 1min, Personal, 1hr/lvl (D)>

The caster gains the beauty of a Nymph. Any Humanoid within 60 that looks at the caster becomes permanently Blind (FortNeg). The caster can suppress & unsuppress this ability as a Free Action. Note: The caster must abstain from sexual intercourse of one week in order to be able to cast this spell. Blindsight, Greater (SC p32)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

This spell acts as as Blindsight (lvl 3) but with a radius of 60ft.

Cancels magical spells and effects on a successful Dispel Check (max +10). This spell can be used in one of three ways: Burrow, Mass (SC p41) a) Counterspell Acts like a standard counterspell <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, creatures touched, 1min/lvl(D)> except it works against any spell, but a Dispel One subject per level within a 30 area gains Check must be made. claws that do 1d6 damage and are treated as an b) Targeted Dispel Each ongoing spell effect on armed attack. one target gets a separate Dispel Check. If Each subject gains a Burrow speed of 10 through successful, the spell effect is ended (except for earth, sand, clay, & gravel , but not solid stone. those caused by magic items, which are only suppressed for 1d4 rounds). Call of Stone (PH2 p105) c) Area Dispel Each target in a 20 radius Burst <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/2 lvls, fort neg (partial, see text), SR applies> gets a Dispel Check against each spell in turn Control Currents (SW p114) This spell slowly transforms a creature into an (highest caster level spell checked first) until one is <Trans[Water], VS, 1StdAct, 20ft/lvl radius, 10min/lvl> inanimate stone statue. The target must make a Fort You alter the flow of water around you, changing dispelled or all checks fail. Items are not effected. save each round for the duration of the spell at the the direction or strength of the current, or creating a A caster does not need to make a Dispel Check to start of its turn or take a cumulative 10-foot penalty current where there is none. You can change the end a spell he/she cast. to speed and a -2 penalty to Dex. If the targets direction or strength of the current at any time speed drops to 0 feet, it cannot move. If the target during the spell, but this requires a concentration Enhance Wild Shape (SC p82)

this spell is in effect, if you are dealt damage associated with one of the 5 energy types, the spell automatically grants you resistance 10against that type of energy for the remainder of the spells duration (as if you were under the effect of a resist energy spell of the appropriate type). Once the energy type protected against by a casting of this spell is determined, it cant be changed. You cant have more than instance of the spell in effect on yourself at the same time if you cast the spell a second time while an earlier casting is still in effect, the earlier spell automatically expires. The energy resistance granted by this spell does not stack with similar benefits against the same energy type (e.g. from resist energy). However it is possible to by simultaneously under the effect of resist energy (fire) and contingent energy resistance (electricity), or any other two such spells that protect against different types of energy

All creatures in a 20 radius Spread that are standing upon loose earth, mud, or sand sink into it up to their necks (i.e., their breathing is not restricted). While trapped, a target is considered Helpless, though a caster may use spells that do not have Somatic components if the Material components are in hand. To free oneself from the loose earth requires either a Strength or Escape Artist check vs. DC (15 + 1 per two caster levels) as a Full Round Action. Untrapped creatures may aid in this attempt. Dispel Magic(PH p223)(PH3.5e)+
<Abj, VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, no SR>

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<Trans, VS, 1min, Personal, 1hr/lvl>

The next time you Wild Shape you gain one of the following enhancements: Assume the form of a plant Gain the extraordinary abilities of the new shape The new form gains a +2 bonus to Str The new form gains a +2 bonus to Dex The new form gains a +2 bonus to Con You can be affected by multiple Enhance Wild Shape spells simultaneously but with different enhancements. Essence of the Raptor (SC p84)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl (D)>

escape a grapple and/or a pin. While under the effect of this spell, the subject can fight underwater. Freeze(DR312 p63)
<Conj(create)[cold][ray], VS/DF, 1StdAct, 1rnd per 2levels, Ref, SR applies>

Your speed increases to 60ft and you gain a +8 bonus on Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, Survival checks. You also gain the Scent ability. Eye of the Hurricane (DR314 p38)
<Abj[air], VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl, SR applies>

Creates a 40 radius sphere-shaped Emanation storm centred on the caster with a 10 radius quiet area around the caster. The area of effect stays centred on the caster while he/she moves. The winds are Hurricane-force, making normal ranged attack into the area of effect impossible. Even siege weapons & giant boulders receive a 8 attack penalty. Any creature in the area of effect (either from the outside or from the quiet area inside) on their round must make a Fortitude save or take the following effects: Size Flying? Effect Size Flying? Effect Up to med No Blown back 1d4x10, 1d4 nonlethal dmg/10, Prone. Up to med Yes Blown back 2d6x10, 2d6 nonlethal dmg. Large No Prone. Large Yes Blown back 1d6x10. Huge No No movement. Huge Yes Blown back 1d6x5. Gargantuan n/a Feathers(MotW, p88)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1hr/lvl(D)>

Target takes 1d6 + (1 per 2 levels) Cold damage (no save) and becomes incased in a 5 inch thick sheath of ice (RefNeg). If encased, the target has the following penalties: a) Takes 1d6 + (1 per 2 levels) Cold damage each round (no save); b) Cannot move except to make Strength checks vs. DC 26 to break the ice; c) Cannot speak or cast spells with Verbal or Somatic components; d) If underwater, the target rises to the surface in the block of ice; e) The ice blocks Line of Effect, so the target cannot be targeted with spells; f) The ice allows the target to breath; It takes 15 points of damage to break the ice. At the end of the spells duration, it melts instantly. Frost Bite(DR312 p64)
<Evoc[cold], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Fort, SR applies>

The material component ice/show becomes a spear made from ice, which is magically launched at a target. The caster must make a ranged attack roll (with a +4 bonus). If successful, the target takes 5d6 damage ( Piercing damage, Cold damage) and becomes Stunned for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg). The spell Ice Storm can be used to create this spells material component. Ice Storm(PH p243)
<Evoc[cold], VSM(dust, water)/DF, 1Round, Longrange, Instantaneous, no save, SR applies>

Hail deals 3d6 Bludgeoning damage + 2d6 Cold damage in a 20 radius by 40 high cylinder. Listen checks receive a 4 penalty during the round of hail & movement through the target area is halved. Jaws of the Wolf (MoF p102)
<Trans, VSF(wood carvings), 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

Transforms one wooden carving per 2 levels into a wolf that obeys the casters mental commands. In addition to their standard abilities, the wolves have Spell Resistance 13 & the Frightful Presence special ability. Land Womb (MoF p104)
<Abj, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl(D)>

The target creature becomes extremely cold: a) 1d6 per 2 levels lethal Cold damage (max 10d6) (no save); b) 1d4 per 2 levels non-lethal Cold damage (max 10d4) (FortNeg); c) becomes Fatigued (FortNeg). Giant Vermin(PH p235)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1min/lvl>

The caster and one creature/level sink into natural earth, stopping 10 below the ground. There is enough air for the duration, but spells with Somatic components cannot be cast. Only Divinations of 5th level or higher can detect the womb. Languor (CDiv p167)
<Trans[ray], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies>

Enlarge either 3 normal centipedes, 2 normal spiders, or 1 normal scorpion in a 30 area (all subjects must be the same type). The target vermin will follow the casters extremely simple commands (i.e., Attack). Lvl Size Lvl Size up to 9th Medium 18th 19th Gargantuan 10th 13th Large 20th+ Colossal 14th 17 Huge

Functions like Polymorph Oher except you polymorph 1 creature/lvl into a feathered creature of Small size (all subjects are the same species). Any subject may return to their normal form (full rnd action) Flame Strike (PH p231)
<Evoc[fire], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, Ref, SR applies>

The target is slowed and weakened: a) may only take one Standard Action or Move Action each round; b) suffers a 1 penalty to AC, attacks, & Reflex saves; c) has its movement halved. d) Enhancement penalty to Strength of (1d6-1) per 2 levels (min 0, max 10). If the targets Strength is below 1, it is Helpless. This spell counters Haste. Healing Spirit (PH2 p114) <Conj[Healing], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/2 lvl, will Effects a) c) are countered by Haste.
half (harmless), SR applies>

A 40 tall column of fire with a 10 radius appears. 1d6 damage per level (max 15d6), half of which is Fire damage & the other half is Untyped Damage. Forestfold (CAdv p149)(CDiv p166)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl(D)>

At casting time, the caster chooses one of the following types of terrain: Aquatic, Desert, Plains, Forest, Hills, Mountains, Marsh, or Underground. When in that type of terrain, the caster gains a +20 Competence bonus on Hide & Move Silently checks. Freedom of Movement (PH p233)
<Abj, VSM(leather cord)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

Subject moves normally despite magical impediments (Web, Hold Person, etc.). The subject automatically succeeds on any Grapple check to resist being grappled, plus any Grapple check or Escape Artist check to

You conjure an incorporeal object of magical energy that appears in any square within range. This healing spirit resembles a 1ft-diameter ball of light. It sheds bright illumination in a 10ft radius and shadowy illumination for another 20ft. A healing spirit cannot be affected by attacks or spells. A healing spirit flies at a speed of 20ft with perfect manoeuvrability. In the round you cast the spell and at the start of your turn once per round thereafter, you can direct the healing spirit to move and touch a creature by entering its space. The spirits touch carries positive energy, healing a living creature of 1d8 points of damage. Since undead are powered by negative energy, a healing spirit damages them instead of healing them. The spirit can affect an unwilling target (such as an undead) but succeeding on an incorporeal touch attack, using your base attack bonus and a Str bonus of +0. an undead creature hit by such an attack can use SR against the effect and is allowed a Will save for half damage. If a healing spirit travels farther from you than the spells range, it winks out of existence and the spell ends. Icelance (PGF p105)
<Trans, VSM(10 pounds of ice or snow), 1StdAct, Medium-range, Instantaneous, SR applies>

Last Breath (CDiv p167)

<Necro, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous>

Touched creature killed within 1 round returns to 0 hp. The caster takes 1d4 damage per HD of the creature revived. The touched body must be whole, though this spell will heal ability damage up to 1, cures normal poisons & diseases. Creatures killed by [death] effects cannot be brought back by this spell. The subject looses 1 level and must want & be able to return. Lay of the Land (SC p131)
<Div, VS/DF, 3rnds, Personal, Instantaneous>

You gain an overview of the area around you, relating to rivers, lakes and settlements. It indicates the direction and distance to each from the current location. You understand the terrain up to 50 miles away. Magic Fang, Superior (SC p136)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

Gives every natural weapon you possess an Enh bonus on attack and damage rolls of +1 per 4 caster lvls (max +5). Meteoric Strike (PH2 p120)
<Trans[Fire], VS, 1 swift action, 1 round or until discharged, Reflex half (see text), SR (see text)>

Your melee weapon bursts into orange, red and gold flames and shining sparks trail in its wake.

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Your next successful melee attack deals extra fire damage equals to 1d6 + 1d6 points per 4 caster levels. In addition, the flames splash into all squares adjacent to the target. Any creatures standing in these squares take half damage from the explosion, with a Reflex save allowed to halve this again. If a create has SR, it applies to this splash effect. You are not harmed by your own meteoric strike. You can cast meteoric strike before you make an unarmed attack. If you do, your unarmed attack is considered armed.

Sends a Magical Sensor to watch & listen to a target creature. This spells DC is adjusted by the casters knowledge and connection to the target. Knowledge DC None (must have a Connection) 10 Heard of the target 5 Regenerate Serious Wounds (MotW, p93) Met the target 0 <Conj(Heal), VS, 1StdAct, touch, 10 rnd + 1rnd/lvl> Know the target well 5 As Regenerate Light Wounds (lvl 1) except it Connection DC grants fast healing at 3hp/rnd. Likeness or picture 2 Possession or garment 5 Reincarnate (PH p270) Lock of hair, bit of fingernail, etc. 10 <Trans, VSM(1,000 rare oils & unguents)/DF, Miasma of Entropy (SC p141) Instantaneous, Touch> If the spell is successful, the caster can see in a 10 <Necro, VS, 1StdAct, 30ft, Instantaneous, Fort or If cast on a body dead up to one week whose soul radius around the target & the Sensor follows the WillNeg (obj) see text, SR applies > is willing & able to return, then a new Humanoid This spell can: target up to a rate of 150. If the spell is resisted, destroy all non-magical formerly-living objects body of a random type is mystically created for the the caster may not attempt to scry on the target soul to enter. The target retains his/her Intelligence, again for 1day. Spells that improve the casters in a 30ft cone (eg wood, leather etc). Objects vision (such as weighing more than 1 pound/caster level are not Wisdom, Charisma, and memories. The target loose one class level, but retains all other levelDarkvision) apply when he/she is looking through affected Or destroy a single object of non-living organic based advantages (including skill ranks, base attack the Sensor. bonus, base hit points, etc.). The new bodys The following spells have a 5%/lvl chance of matter weighing up to 10 pounds/caster level. Strength, Dexterity, & Constitution is determined working through the sensor: Detect Chaos, by removing any previous Racial Modifiers & Detect Evil, Detect Good, Detect Law, Detect Moon Bolt (SC p143) applying the new bodys Racial Modifiers (see the Magic, & Message. <Evoc, VS, 1StdAct, Long-range, Instantaneous, Fort (living) or WillNeg (undead), SR applies> Reincarnation Forms Table in the Creature Index). Focus is determined by class Clerics use a Holy Up to two targets, no more than 15ft apart) are Water font (min 100gp), Druids use a natural pool struck with energy bolts. If the target is alive, it Renewed Vigour (PH2 p123) of water, all others uses a 2x4 silver mirror (min takes 1d4 points of Str damage per 3 caster levels <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, 30ft radius burst, instantaneous> 1,000gp). When you cast this spell, you remove the fatigued (max 5d4), Fort . If the target is undead it condition from any creature in the area and cause becomes helpless for 1d4 rounds after which it Shadowblast (SC p186) exhausted creatures to become fatigued. In takes -2 on attack and Will save rolls for the next <Evol[Light], VSM(grave dirt), 1StdAct, Long-range, addition, affected creatures get a +2 bonus to Con minute, WillNeg. Instantaneous, FortNeg, SR applies> for 1 round per caster level. Natives of the Plane of Shadow in a 20ft radius spread are stunned for 1d6 rounds. Shadow natives Murderous Mist (CDiv p169)(MoF p109)(MoFe)+ <Evoc, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl> Repel Vermin(PH p271) that are undead or vulnerable to light also take Create a scalding hot cloud of steam that has a <Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, 10min/lvl(D), SR applies> 2d10 damage if they fail a second Fort save. Creates a 10 radius area around the caster that 30 radius & is 20 high. The cloud moves in a Creatures that fail either Fort save cannot use causes insects & other vermin to stay away. straight line away from the caster at a rate of 10 Spell-Like or Supernatural abilities to open any Vermin whose HD are 1/3 per round. portal to Shadow for 3d6 minutes. All openings to rd of the caster level Anyone within the steam takes 2d6 Fire dmg Shadow are closed by this spell. Creatures on the or greater are allowed a Will save to enter the (Ref) & is permanently Blind (RefNeg). The other side of portals are not affected. area, but even then they take 2d6 damage. steam provides Concealment for any creature within it. Sheltered Vitality (SC p188) Resistance, Greater (SC p174) <Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl> <Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 24hrs> The subject gains immunity to fatigue, Perinarch (SC p153) As Resistance but has duration 24 hrs and grants exhaustion, and ability damage from any source. <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl> +4 resistance bonus on saves. Gives you automatic control over a radius of raw Limbo to reshape it as you desire, adding or Spark of Life (SC p196) removing one of the four basic elements per round, Rushing Waters (Und p61, SC p178) <Necro, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1rnd/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies> eg a chunk of earth surrounded by an atmosphere of <Conj(sum)[water], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, Instantaneous> The touched undead creature is subject to extra air. Control cannot be wrested away from you damage from critical hits, sneak attacks, nonlethal while this spell is in effect. If you move more than A great wave of water is generated from the damage, ability drain, energy drain, fatigue, 100ft away from the area you controlled, the order spells target point out in a 15 radius Spread. All creatures in the area of effect are targeted with a exhaustion and damage to physical ability scores as fades away. Bull Rush with a +30 bonus. Each target that looses if it were alive. You are unable to create complex effects but can mix two or three elements in a crude fashion. You its Strength check moves 5 + 5 per 5 points which It loses immunity to effects that require a Fort save, it lost the check. Any creature moved 5 or more poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, and can attempt to sieze control of a new area that must make a Reflex save or fall prone. death effects. It gains a Fort bonus equal to its Cha already contains foes but they can make a reflex Any normal fire in the area of effect, up to a mod. For the duration of the spell, both positive check to get out of the area. and negative energy heal it. Examples of things you can do are: Thick barrier, bonfire, is extinguished. Fiery barrier, Complete Barrier; see full spell Rusting Grasp(PH p273) Slow (PH p280) description for details. Planar Tolerance
(SC p159)

the area of effect. On the casters action, anyone in the area of effect who is not entangled must make a new Reflex save to avoid being entangled again. The vines are coated with a Contact Poison that does 1d6 Dex / 2d6 Dex damage. The caster plus up to (caster level) allies are immune to the poison.

acid, copper, zinc)/DF, 1Hour, 1min/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies>

<Trans[touch attack],VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1rnd/lvl, no save, no SR>

<Trans, V, 1ImmediateAct, 20ft, 1hr/lvl>

This spell works like Avoid Planar Effects (lvl 2) except that it lasts an hour/lvl. Poison Vines(CDiv p175) (CdivErrata)+ (SC p160)
<Conj(creat), VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 10min/lvl, FortNeg, SR applies>

All plants in a 40 radius Spread Entangle & anchor everyone in the target area who fails a Reflex save. To become unentangled requires a full-round Strength or Escape Artist check vs. DC 20. Anyone not entangled (including a target that has just broken free) may move speed through

The casters touch corrodes non-magic iron and alloys, causing one of the following effects per round: a) a touch attack on a ferrous creature does 3d6+ 1/lvl (max +15); b) a melee touch attack vs. a non-magic metal weapon destroys the weapon; c) a melee touch vs. non-magic metal armour destroys 1d6 of its AC bonus; or d) up to a 3 radius of a non-magic metal touched is destroyed. Scrying (PH p274)(PH3.5e)+
<Div(scry), VSF(see below)/AM(eye of an eagle, nitric

<Trans, VSM(molasses), 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies>

One subject per level within a 30 area: This spell Counters & Dispels Haste. Spike Stones (PH p283)
<Trans[earth], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1hr/lvl(D), Ref, SR applies>

One 20 square per level of rocky ground (or a stone floor) does damage to those walking across it. For each 5 that a creature walks / runs through the area of effect, it takes 1d8 damage (no save) & have its movement reduced to due to foot injuries (RefNeg). The movement penalty lasts until a) the target receives healing magics; b) a Heal check vs. the

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spells DC; or c) 24 hours go by. Spitting Cobra (DR330 p73)

<Trans, VSF(willing snake no larger than the casters size category), 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl(D)>

<Trans[Water], VSM(goldfish scale), 1rnd, Medium-range, 10min/lvl(D)> Wind at Back (MoF p134) Like Swim (lvl 2) except that it affects 1 creture/lvl <Evoc, VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1day>

no two of which are more than 30ft apart. Thalassemia (SW p123)

The caster gains a ranged touch attack that can be used up to once per round. The maximum range is 120. If hit, the target is inflicted with the same type of poison as the focus snake (i.e., same initial & secondary damage, same DC). Each use of the ranged attack reduces the spells duration by 2 minutes. If this would reduce the remaining duration to 0 minutes (or less), the spell ends after the final attack is resolved. For the duration of the spell, the focus snake loses its poison attack. If it did not have any poison, then the spell fails. Stars of Arvandor (BoED p108)
<Evoc[good][force][energy missile], VS, 1StdAct, Closerange, 1min/lvl(D)>

<Necro, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous, Fort, SR applies>

Two targets per level within a 50 area have their overland (but not tactical) movement rate doubled. All target must be traveling in the same direction. Wings of Air, Greater (SC p240)
<Trains, V, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

Thins the touched creatures blood to seawater, dealing 1d6/lvl (max 15d6) damage. Only living creatures with a circulatory system and blood can be targeted. Creatures with the Fire subtype take 1d8/lvl damage instead. Creatures immune to critical hits are not harmed. Vortex of Teeth (SC p232)
<Evoc[Force], VSM(fish tooth), 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl(D), SR applies>

Functions like Wings of Air (lvl 2) except that the targets manoeuvrability increases by two grades. Wood Rot (CArc p130, SC p241)
<Trans, VSM(live termite), 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous, no save, no SR>

One twinkling star per level (max 10) floats around the casters head. Once per round, the caster may either take a Free Action to launch one star or take a Standard Action to launch up to three stars. Each star can have a separate target, requires a Ranged Touch attack to hit, & does 1d8 damage (no save, SR applies). If the target is non-Evil, half the damage is non-lethal. Starvation (SC p206)
<Trans, VSM(spoiled food), 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, FortNeg (partial) SR applies>

Creatures in a hollow cylinder (40ft radius, 20ft high with 5ft-radius save zone in centre) in which creatures take 3d8/round damage. It also affects incorporeal creatures. Wake Trailing (SW p124)
<Div[Water], VSM(driftwood wrapped in red thread), 1StdAct, Touch, 24hrs>

The caster can instantly destroy a touched nonmagical wooden object. of up to 6 in diameter or a 3 radius of a larger wooden object (such as a door). The caster may attempt to sunder a wooden weapon, though this typically generates an attack of opportunity. If a magical wooden weapon is touched, the spell is discharged with no effect. -or<Trans, VSM(live termite), 1StdAct, Touch, 1rnd/lvl, no save, no SR>

You can track a vessel across open water using the Survival skill. The caster must have the Track feat to use this spell.
Condition Every 4hrs since trail was made Every hour of water affecting weather Trail leads through vigorous currents Trail leads through dangerous or stronger currents Poor visibility (apply only largest) Moonlight Fog or precipitation DC mod +1 +1 +2 +5
+3 +3

The casters touch attack does 3d6 + 1 per level (max 3d6+15) to Plant creatures. The touch attack can be used once per round. Once used on a Plant creature, the spell cannot be used to destroy a wooden object.

The living target takes 1d6/caster level (max 10d6) nonlethal damage and becomes fatigued. A creature that passes its Fort save takes half damage and is not fatigued. Stone Metamorphosis (Und p61)(Und p103)+
<Trans[earth], VSM(grain of talc, chip of obsidian), 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous>

Overcast or moonless night


10 cubic feet + 1 cubic foot per level of touched stone is permanently changed into another type of stone. Typically this means changing the stones Hardness anywhere from 6 to 9 (see Underdark page 103 for examples). This spell cannot create gems and does not change the value of stone objects. Sudden Stalagmite (SC p213)
<Conj(Creat)[Earth], VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, Instantaneous, Reflex >

If multiple ships have passed, you can only track a specific one if you have some knowledge of the size/type of the ship or other specific knowledge of the ship you are tracking. Wall of Water (DR314 p47)
<Conj(creat)[water], VSM(sponge), 1StdAct, Mediumrange, 10min/lvl, no SR>

Creates a stalagmite 1ft wide and up to 10ft tall. If it reaches the ceiling first, it stops growing. An airborne creature gains +4 to its saving throw. It deals 1d6/caster level (max 10d6) damage. If the target fails its saving throw is impaled and must make a DC15 Escape Artist check or a DC25 Str check (although this deals 3d6 slashing damage). Summon Elementite Swarm (SC p214)
<Conj(Summon), VS, 1rnd, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl + 1rnd>

The caster creates a transparent wall of fresh or sea water of up to one 10 cube per level, shaped as the caster desires. The water forms around creatures, who are allowed a Reflex save to get out of the area of effect before the wall finishes forming. The wall has the following properties: a) cannot be destroyed or drained (any water taken from the wall disappears & is instantly replaced); b) creatures can move through the wall by making a Swim check as if swimming through calm water; c) any creature with the [fire] subtype takes 2d6 + 1/lvl damage each round he/she is partially or entirely within the wall; d) creatures within the wall have Cover with respect to those outside of the wall.

Summons an elementite swarm that acts Waterball (MotW, p96) immediately on your turn. You must concentrate to <Evoc, VSM(full waterskin burst on casting), 1StdAct, long-range, 20ft radius spread, reflex half, SR applies> maintain the spells effect. A waterball is a spherical burst of water that looks like a blue fireball. When the spell reaches Summon Natures Ally IV(PH p288) <Conj(sum)[variable alignment/element], VS/DF, 1Round, the target point it explodes dealing 1d6/lvl (max Close-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)> 10d6) subdual damage. DR applies as well. Summons one or more creatures to fight the casters enemies. The creatures can attack on the Wild Runner (SC p239) <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl(D)> casters initiative starting their first round. You assume the appearance and characteristics of Table # a centaur. Your creature type changes to Monstrous Summon Natures Ally IV 1 Humanoid and size to Large. Your physical stats Summon Natures Ally III 1d3 change as follows: Str: 18, Dex: 14, Con: 15 and Summon Natures Ally II 1d4+1 your landspeed becomes 50ft. You gain darkvision (or less) 60ft. You gain all benefits of quadrupeds including the ability to fight effectively with a rider. Swim, Mass (SC p)217

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Level 5 Spells
Animal Growth (PH p198)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1min/lvl, FortNeg, SR applies> SR applies> Ref, SR applies>

One animal per two levels in a 30 area is increased to the next larger Size Category. The targets also gain Damage Reduction 10/magic and a +4 Resistance bonus to Saving Throws. This spell does not grant the caster special influence over the target animals. Anticold Sphere (SC p13)
<Abj[Cold], VS, 1StdAct, 10ft, 10min/lvl(D) SR applies>

The target is permanently transformed into a 1HD animal of up to Small size (such as a dog, lizard, monkey, etc.). If the caster attempts to transform the target into a form that will be fatal (i.e., a fish on dry land), the target receives a +4 bonus on its save. If the target is transformed, it must make a Will save to resist becoming the target animal mentally too. Big Sky (MotW, p83)
<Enchant(compulsion)[fear, mind-altering], VS/DF, 1StdAct, 30ft, 1rnd/lvl, will negate (see text), SR applies>

All creatures in a 10ft radius emanation centred on you gain immunity to cold damage. In addition, the sphere prevents any creatures with the Cold subtype from entering. Atonement (PH p201)
<Abj, VSM(incense)F(500gp prayer beads)X (up to 500)/DF, 1Hour, Touch, no save, SR applies>

Creates the effect that the sky is full of sky spirits, granting +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and +4 morale bonus against fear to you and all allies. Each enemy that fails a will save (once each round) behaves as if affected by Fear.

The caster can call down one 5 wide by 30 tall bolt of lightning per level (max 15 bolts). The caster has the option of calling the first bolt as part of the spells casting. After that, the caster must use a Standard Action to create the bolt. The bolts can be called down any time within the spells duration. In between bolts, the caster can take other actions, including casting other spells. If cast outside during a storm (or even a Large Air Elemental or Djinnis whirlwind), each bolt does 5d10 Electricity damage. Otherwise each bolt does 5d6 Electricity damage. This spell may be used indoors. Cloak of the Sea(CAdv p144)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl(D)>

Removes burden of misdeeds from a truly repentant touched subject. If the misdeeds were committed willingly & knowingly, then the caster must expend 500XP. Uses include: a) removing magical alignment changes; b) restoring a paladin, cleric, or druid who had lost his/her class abilities. c) a fully willing & understanding subject can redeemed/tempted into taking the same alignment as the caster. No duress, compulsion, or magical influence can be involved in making the subject want to be redeemed. Aurils Flowers(DR312 p62)
<Trans[cold], VS, 1StdAct, Long-range, Ref, no SR>

The targeted area of ground freezes & explodes in a 30 radius Burst, causing 1d6 per level damage (max 15d6), half of which is Cold damage. The targeted area becomes Dense Rubble (see DMG3.5 p90). If there is no moisture within 3 of the surface (such as desert sand or solid stone), this spell has no effect. Awaken (PH p202)(DR330 p81)+
<Trans, VSF(animal/tree)X(250), 1Day, Touch>

The touched animal or tree gains sentience. Animal - The caster must make a Will save vs. DC 10 + targets HD. If successful, the animal gains the following: a) an Intelligence of 3d6; b) +1d3 Charisma; c) +2HD; d) the ability to speak 1 language + 1 per Intelligence modifier (all languages must be known by the caster). Tree The caster must make a Will save vs. DC of the HD the tree will have once awakened. If successful, the tree gains the following: a) an Intelligence of 3d6; b) a Wisdom of 3d6; c) a Charisma of 3d6; d) gains skill points & feats appropriate for an aberration of its HD; e) gains the ability to speak 1 language + 1 per Intelligence modifier (all languages must be known by the caster). f) other ability scores appropriate for an animate object of its size; g) gains the ability to move; h) gains senses similar to a humans.

Baleful Polymorph (PH p202)

<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Permanent, WillNeg,

The touched subject takes one a watery appearance. While underwater, the subject is under the effect of Bite of the Weretiger (SC p28) Blur, Freedom of Movement, Water Breathing, is <Trans, VSM(tiger claw), 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl> immune to subdual damage due to water pressure You gain +12 Enh bonus to Str, +4 Enh bonus to or hypothermia. Dex, +6 Enh bonus to Con and +5 Enh bonus to Leaving water suppresses the effects (except for natural armour. Your hands become claws granting Water Breathing), though the return when the 2 claw attacks (1d8 damage, 1d6 if small, + your subject is submerged again. Str mod), and your mouth grants a bite attack (2d6 + your Str mod). You can full attack but the bite Cold Snap (DR312 p62) takes -2. You also gain the Blind Fight and Power <Trans[cold], VS, 1Minute, 2d4 hours, no SR> Attack feats. The temperature in a one mile radius lowers by 5 degrees Fahrenheit per level (max 50 degrees), Blackwater Tentacle (SW p114) down to 20 degrees maximum. See Cold <Conj(Creat)[Evil, Water], VSM, 1StdAct, Close-range, Dangers in DMG3.5 p302. 1rnd/lvl, FortPart, No SR(D)> If cast by a Druid, the spell effects a two mile You create a tentacle-shaped mass of water from radius area & the duration is doubled. the deepest ocean to attack enemies. It appears where you direct it and cannot move. It has a reach Commune with Earth(RoF p189) of 20ft. It cannot make attacks of opportunity nor <Div, VS, 10Minutes, Personal> give/use flanking bonuses. By becoming one with the earth, the caster can Its attack bonus is your caster level + DC save know up to 3 facts about the surrounding hills, modifier (wis for druid, int for wizard, cha for mountains, or underground areas (e.g., location of sorcerer) and it deals 2d8+caster level (max 20) water, animal population, presence of powerful damage. Any large or smaller creature hit must unnatural creatures). The caster can learn about an make a Fort save or gain a negative level area of mile per level radius above ground & to a (cumulative, but only for the duration of the spell). depth of mile per level. Construction, including It has 5hp/caster level and AC 10+caster level and towns & dungeons, obstructs this spell. automatically fails all saves. Material component: powdered squid beak and a Commune with Nature(PH p211) dried sucker from a krackens tentacle <Div, VS, 10Minutes, Personal> By becoming one with nature, the caster can Blood Creepers (PH2 p104) know up to 3 facts about the surrounding natural <Conj[Creation], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, terrain (e.g., location of water, animal population, 1rnd/lvl, Fort neg SR applies> presence of powerful unnatural creatures). The Thorny vines burst from the creatures body, caster can learn about an area of 1 mile/level radius punching through bone, flesh and skin to enwrap its above ground & 100 /level below ground. arms and legs and tether it to the ground. The Construction, including towns & dungeons, subject takes 1 point of piercing damage per caster obstructs this spell. level (max 15) as the creepers rip apart its body. In addition, the creepers entwine securely around it, Contagion, Mass (RoF p190) trapping its legs and arms. The subject is <Necro, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, FortNeg, SR applies> immobilised. Infects one or more targets within a 30 area with Each round, the subject takes an extra 1 point of chosen disease which takes effect without an piercing damage per caster level (max 15) unless it incubation period. is able to escape. A trapped creature can attempt to Disease choices are Blinding Sickness, Cackle break free with a DC20 Str check or wriggle free Fever, Filth Fever, Mind Fire, Red Ache, The with a DC25 Escape Artist check, either of which Shakes, or Slimy Doom. ends the spell if successful. Other creatures can use the aid another action as normal on these checks. Control Winds (PH p214) They can make attacks again these vines as if they <Trans[air], VS, 1StdAct, 10min/lvl, FortNeg> were wooden objects with a thickness of 3 inches The caster gains control of the direction & (see Smashing an Object, PH p185). strength of the winds in up to a 40 per level radius Despite its name, blood creepers is equally around him. The caster has the option of leaving up effective on living and non-living creatures. to a 40 radius eye of calm air around himself. Direction Choices: Call Lightning Storm(PH p207) - Outward from the caster <Evoc[electricity], VS, 1Round, Long-range, 1min/lvl, - Inward to the caster, but going up at the edge of

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the eye, if any. - Clockwise - Counter-clockwise. - Straight, from any one side to the other Strength Choices increase / decrease by 1 category for each 3 levels: Category mph Effect Strong 21 Difficult sailing Severe 31Minor ship / building dmg Windstorm Grounds flyers, uproots trees, flattens light wood 51buildings Hurricane Flattens all wood buildings, 75ships start taking on water Tornado Flattens non-fortified 175buildings, uproots big trees Cure Critical Wounds (PH p215)
<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch>

Heal Animal Companion Druid Grove(MotW, p87)

<Trans, VS, 10 mins (see text), close range, 1 day/lvl>

(SC p110)

<Conj(Heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous>

Living trees become containers for spells (no more than 1/3 caster lvl, max 6th), as if they were scrolls. 10 mins to cast the spell, plus any time taken to cast the companion spell. Touching a tree (std act) activates it instantaneously. You can only have one Druid Grove at any one time. Energetic Healing (BoED p98)
<Conj(heal), VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, until discharged up to 10min/lvl>

This spell functions like Heal (lvl 7) but affects only your animal companion. Inferno (PGF p105)
<Trans[fire], VSM(bees wax), 1StdAct, Close-range, up to 1rnd/lvl(D), FortNeg, SR applies>

Cures 4d8 +1/level damage (max +20) with Positive Energy. Dance of the Unicorn (CDiv p161)
<Abj, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl(D)>

The touched subject gains immunity from magical damage caused by one Energy Type. In addition, 10% of the energys damage is converted into healing, up to a total of 2hp per Caster level (max 30hp). Once the spell has healed its maximum amount, the spell is discharged. Echo Skull (MoF p91)
<Div, VSF(animal skull), 1SdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl(D)>

The target & its non-magical equipment take 6d6 Fire damage the first round, 5d6 Fire damage the second round, and so on, until the target takes 1d6 damage on the sixth and all following rounds. The targets flammable, nonmagical equipment automatically fails it save vs. the fire damage. As a Full Round Action, the target can try to put the fire out (Reflex save, +2 bonus if the target rolls on the ground). Enough water also puts out the fire. Insect Plague (PH p244)
<Conj(sum), VS/DF, 1Round, Long-range, 1min/lvl, no save, no SR>

The caster is surrounded by a purifying transparent mist that extends out in a radius of 5 per level. Within this radius, all nonmagical contaminants (including inhaled poison) are negated. Magical effects, including the breath of a Green Dragon, Acid Fog, Cloudkill, etc., are either negated (if their caster level is less than or equal to this spells caster level) or all target receive a +4 bonus on their saving throw (if the effects caster level is higher). Dancing Web(BoED p96)
<Evoc[good], VSM(spiders web)/DF, 1StdAct, Mediumrange, Instantaneous, Ref, SR applies>

The caster may see, hear, & speak through the touched animal skull (unlimited range). In addition, any spell that has range greater than touch that has no material components or focuses can be cast through the skull at a cost of 10 XP per spell level. Fireward (PGF p102)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1hr/lvl>

Summons 1 Locust Swarm(PH p239) per three levels (max 6 swarms). The swarms must be contiguous, but not overlapping. Any creature within a swarm is attacked. The swarms are immobile. Jungles Rapture (SC p128)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, close-range, permanent (D), WillNeg, SR applies>

All creatures in a 20 radius Burst take 1d6 per level non-lethal damage (max 10d6) (Ref). Evil creatures within the area of effect become Entangled for 1d6 rounds (RefNeg). Death Ward (PH p217)
<Necro, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

This spell extinguishes fires, which can be used in several ways: a) Put out fires in a one contiguous 20 cube per level, connected as the caster desires. Normal fire is automatically extinguished. Spells with the [fire] subtype are suppressed automatically within the area of effect. b) Elemental (fire) creatures take 1d6 per caster level (max 15d6) (no save, no SR). c) A targeted magic item that creates / controls flames (including a Wand of Fireball or a Flaming Weapon) has all its fire ability Suppressed for 1d4 hours unless the object makes a Will save. Flowsight (SW p117)
<Div(scry), VS/DF, 1min, Touch, 1rnd/lvl, WillNeg (see text), SR applies(D)>

The targeted living non-plant creature immediately takes 1d6 Dex damage, repeated each day until the victims Dex drops to 0 when it turns into a plant. This spell is a curse and cannot be dispelled. Kiss of Death (MotW, p89)
<Necro, VS/DF, 1StdAct, personal, 1rnd/lvl, Fort negates, SR applies>

Make a melee touch attack to deliver poison via a kiss, dealing 1d10 temp con damage immediately and 1d10 temp con damage one minute later. Longstrider, Mass(PH2 p117)
<Trans, V, 1 swift action, 60ft radius, 1lvl/hour (D)>

Grants immunity to death spells & effects, gaining Negative Levels, and Negative Energy damage & ability loss.

By touching a source of water, you can perceive creatures and objects in contact with the water. You can concentrate to focus the spell on a given Dire Hunger (SC p65) creature, which possibly make it aware of you. On <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl, FortNeg, SR a successful Will save it prevents you learning any applies> more for 24hrs, but you can turn to other subjects The target becomes maddened with hunger viewing and change your focus every round. all creatures as food sources and gains a new bite attack that does damage as follows: Hallow (PH p238) Fine 1 Large 1d8 <Evoc[good], VSM(herbs & incense worth 1,000gp + Diminutive 1d2 Huge 2d6 1,000gp per level of the included spell)/DF, Touch, Tiny 1d3 Gargantuan 2d8 24Hours, Instantaneous> Small 1d4 Colossal 4d6 Designates a 40 radius Emanation from touch Medium 1d6 spot as Holy. For 1 year, everyone within the The subject adds 1 times Str mod to the damage. Hallowed area has the following benefits: The subject eschews all other attacks bar the bite a) +2 Deflection bonus to AC & +2 Resistance but defends itself normally. It attacks the closest bonus to saves when attacked by Evil creatures; living creature regardless of former allegiance or b) Blocks any mind control; personal connection. c) Non-Good Summoned & Conjured creatures cannot enter the area unless they make a Spell Downdraft (DR314 p40) Resistance check; <Evoc[air], VSM(wooden bird), 1StdAct, Long-range, d) Dead bodies interred within the area cannot Instantaneous, Ref, SR applies> become Undead; The caster creates a 20 radius Spread column e) One spell from the Hallow / Unhallow Table can of downward moving air that is 100 tall. Any be added to the entire Hallowed area for the full flying creature caught in the column is forced down year. The spell can be designated to effect only 100 (Reflex save to only fall 50). If a creature hit followers of the casters faith, only those who do the ground, it takes 1d6 damage per 10 it fell. not follow the casters faith, creatures that share the Any creature on the ground under the column is casters alignment, everyone, etc. knocked Prone (RefNeg, save is modified by x4 the This spell Counters Unhallow. targets size category bonus/penalty (i.e., 4 for Small, +0 for Medium, +4 for Large, etc.).

All allies in the area gain a +10ft enhancement bonus to their speed scores Magic Convalescence (PH2 p118)
<Conj[Healing], VSM(specially prepared, scented ointment), 1StdAct, 20ft radius emanation, 1nrd/lvl, no saving throw>

Whenever a creature, including you, casts a spell within the area of this spell, you heal one hit point per level of the spell cast. The effect of each spell cast is resolved prior to your receiving the healing. Mantle of the Icy Soul
(SC p138)

<Trans, VSM(10gp of sapphire dust), 1StdAct, touch, 1hr/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies>

The touched creature gains the Cold subtype granting it immunity to cold and vulnerability to fire (it takes 1.5 times fire damage). A fire creature subjected to this spell does not gain the cold subtype but loses the fire subtype for the duration. Memory Rot (MoF p108)
<Evoc, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, FortNeg, SR applies>

The brain of a living target is infested by spores, causing Intelligence Drain (1d6 the first round, 1 each round following). Each round, the target is allowed a new Fortitude save. Once a single save is made, the effect ends. Owls Insight (MoF p111)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr>

Subject gains half the casters level as an Enhancement bonus to Wisdom.

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Panacea (SC p152)

<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, touch, instantaneous>

<Evoc[Good, Light], VS/DF, 1StdAct, 60ft radius emanation, 1rnd/lvl (D)

Cures the following afflictions: blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralysed, shaken, sickened, stunned. It negates sleep effects and the feeblemind spell and ends any additional effects from poisons. It also cures 1d8 + 1/lvl hp (max 20). Used against undead it deals damage as above (will half, SR applies). Phantom Stag (CDiv p174) TBD
<Con(creat), VS/DF, 1StdAct, 0 range, 1hr/lvl(D)>

For the duration of this spell, you emanate a bright light that undead find uncomfortable. The illumination within the area is bright, the equivalent of a daylight spell. Undead in the area are dazzled for as long as they remain in the radius and for 1d6 rounds thereafter. Radiance counters or dispels any darkness spell of equal or lower level. Regenerate Critical Wounds (MotW, p92)
<Conj(Heal), VS, 1StdAct, touch, 10 rnds + 1rnd/lvl>

Touched creature gains Damage Reduction 10/adamantine. When 10 hp per level (max 150 hp) have been prevented, the spell is discharged. Stone Shape, Greater(Und p62)
<Trans[earth], VS/AM(clay sculpted into the new shape)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous>

Permanently reshapes a single piece of stone of up to 10 cubic feet + 10 cubic feet per level into a shape of the casters choosing, though fine detail is not possible.

Summon Natures Ally V(PH p289) Same as Regenerate Light Wounds (lvl 1) except <Conj(sum)[variable alignment/element], VS/DF, 1Round, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)> The caster conjures a quasi-real stag-like creature that it grants fast healing at 4hp/rnd. Summons one or more creatures to fight the that can be used for riding or combat. The stag has casters enemies. The creatures can attack on the Rejuvenation Cocoon (CDiv p177) the following stats: casters initiative starting their first round. <Conj(heal), VSM(butterfly cocoon), 1StdAct, Touch, 2 a) AC 20; rounds> Table # b) 40 + 5/lvl hp; The willing subject of this spell is surrounded by Summon Natures Ally V 1 c) moves at 20/lvl (max 300). Its hooves hover a yellow-green cocoon of force. The cocoon allows Summon Natures Ally IV 1d3 above the ground, so it is not slowed by terrain the subject to move his/her limbs, cast a spell with Summon Natures Ally III (or less) 1d4+1 such as undergrowth, rubble, etc.; d) attacks with its antlers with a +10 bonus & does a somatic component, draw a weapon, reach into a backpack, etc. The subject cannot leave his/her Swamp Stride (SC p217) 1d8+9 damage (x2 on a Charge); current location before the two round duration ends <Conj(teleport), VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 1hr/lvl> e) can Trample foes of up to Medium-size by unless the cocoon being destroyed (Hardness 10 & This spell functions like Tree Stride but is used passing through the hex. The foe takes 1d6+9 10hp/lvl) or the subject can teleport. for diving into pools of water rather than trees. damage (RefNeg); One round after the cocoon forms, the subject heals Each pool must be at least 1ft deep. Each jump has f) able to carry its rider plus 10 lbs./lvl. 10hp per caster level and is cured of poisons & a range of 500ft. The stag gains additional abilities at higher caster diseases. At the end of the second round, the levels (abilities are cumulative): Trance, Mass (MotW, p91) 12th Air Walk, at will for 1 round at a time & gains cocoon dissipates & the spell ends. a +2 Deflection bonus to AC. 14th Movement is now Flying with Average maneuverability & gains a +4 Deflection bonus to AC. 16th Antlers gain the Ghost Touch and Wounding weapon abilities & gains a +6 Deflection bonus to AC. 18th Etherealness & gains a +8 Deflection bonus to AC. Plant Body (SC p159)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl>

Serpent Storm(DR330 p71)

<Evoc, VSF(living snake no larger than the casters size category), 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl(D), SR applies>

<Enchant(comp)[mind], VS, 1StdAct, close range, will negates, SR applies>

You gain some characteristics of the plant type: any spell that would affect plant types affects you. You are immune to critical hits, mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning and polymorphing. Your ability scores, skills and feats are unaffected. Poison Thorns (CDiv p175)
<Trans, VM(black rose), 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

A 20 radius Spread has a snakes rain down and form a layer on the ground. This is considered Difficult Terrain. Each round, any creature in the area of effect takes 1d6 per two level (Ref) and, if it took at least 1hp of damage, 1d4 Constitution damage (FortNeg). Note that this is a magical effect. The snakes cannot be injured, charmed, paralyzed, etc. When the spell ends, the snakes disappear. Sirines Grace (SC p191)
<Evoc, VSM(mirror shard), 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

Animals, beasts and magical beasts with int 1-2, no two of which are more than 30ft apart become mesmerised, doing nothing but watching you. All but non-trained animals are entitled to a will save. An affected creature can be struck (+2 bonus on attack roll) but this breaks the spell on that creature. Transformation of the Deeps (SW p123)
<Trans, VSM(stone/mud from deep ocean trench), 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl(D)>

1 creature/3 levels gain the ability to breath underwater and immune to damage from temperature/pressure in the depths. The targets gain Darkvision 60ft. Transmute Mud to Rock(PH p295)
<Trans[earth], VSM(sand, lime, water)/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, Permanent, no SR>

Poisonous thorns grow from the casters body. Any creature that attacks the caster with a nonreach weapon or whom grapples the caster takes (1d6 + Strength modifier) damage and is exposed to Poison that does 1d4Str/1d4Str damage (DC = 10 + Caster level + Wisdom modifier). Quill Blast (CDiv p176)
<Conj(creat), VSM(porcupine quill), 1StdAct, Instantaneous, Ref, SR applies>

You gain +4 enh bonus to Cha and Dex, a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Cha mod and a +8 bonus on Perform checks. You also gain a swim speed of 60ft and the ability to breath water, and move normally underwater. Spear of Valarian (BoED p107)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

A touched non-magical weapon becomes a +1 Silver Magical-Beast-Bane Spear. If the weapon is dropped or sundered, the spell ends

Transforms two contiguous 10 cubes per level of mud or quicksand into sandstone. Anyone in the mud is allowed a Reflex save to escape before it hardens. This spell Counters & Dispels Transmute Rock to Mud. Transmute Rock to Mud(PH p295)

Needle-sharp quills strike all creatures in a 20 radius Spread around the caster. Each creature is struck by a number of quills determined by its size (a successful reflex save results in as many quills). Size #Quills Size #Quills Up to Tiny 1 Large 3d6 Small 1d4 Huge+ 4d6 Medium 2d6 Each quill does 1d6 Piercing damage and lodges in the flesh of its living target. The target takes a 1 cumulative penalty to attacks, saves, & checks for each quill embedded in it. One quill can be pulled out as a Standard Action, causing 1d6 damage if the extractor fails on a Heal check vs. DC 20. Radiance (PH2 p122)

Spore Cloak (RoF p191)

<Conj(create), VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1min/lvl>

<Trans[earth], VSM(clay, water)/DF, 1StdAct, Mediumrange, Permanent, no SR>

The caster is surrounded by a cloud of Yellow Mold spores. a) Gain Concealment. b) Anyone who enters the casters hex (due to a Grapple attack, an Overrun attack, etc.) is affected by 1d6 Con / 2d6 Con Poison. Direct sunlight ends this effect. c) The caster is immune to the spore attacks of Yellow Mold, Brown Mold, & the rotting touch of Violet Fungus. Direct sunlight ends this effect. If the caster fails a saving throw against a fire spell or effect, this spell ends. Stoneskin (PH p284)
<Abj, VSM(250gp diamond, granite), 1StdAct, Touch, until discharged up to 10min/lvl>

Transforms two contiguous 10 cubes per level of non-magical, unworked stone into mud. a) If cast on the ground, the depth of mud cannot exceed 10. Movement through the mud is reduced to 5 & the target receives a 2 penalty on attacks & AC. b) If cast on the ceiling, the mud falls (doing 8d6 Ref, no SR) & pools 5 deep on the floor. If this spell is not dispelled, the mud dries naturally into dirt. This spell Counters & Dispels Transmute Mud to Rock. Tree Stride (PH p296)
<Conj[teleport], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, until depleted up to 1hr/lvl>

The caster may enter a living tree large enough to

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fully contains his/her body. The caster then knows the location of all trees of the same type within range. As a Full-Round action, the caster has the option of teleporting to one of those trees, which counts as one stride. The spell is depleted when the caster has made 1 stride per level. Type of Range Type of Tree Range Tree oak, ash, yew 3,000 other Deciduous 1,500 elm, linden 2,000 any other Tree 500 While the spell has duration remaining & has not been depleted, the caster may enter & leave trees at will. Unhallow (PH p297)
<Evoc[evil], VSM(herbs & incense worth 1,000gp + 1,000gp per level of the included spell)/DF, Touch, 24Hours, Instantaneous>

Wall of Fire(PH p298)

<Evoc[fire], VS/AM(phosphorus)/DF, 1StdAct, Mediumrange, Concentrations + 1rnd/lvl, SR applies>

Creates a opaque 20 tall wall of violet fire that is either 20 long per level & straight or a ring 5 radius per 2 levels. One side (casters choice) causes 2d4 fire damage within 10 and 1d4 fire damage between 10 & 20. Going through the wall does 2d6 + 1/lvl (max +20) Fire damage (2x to Undead). If the wall is created on top of someone, the target gets a Reflex save to jump to one side (taking damage if the wrong side is chosen). 20hp of Cold damage in one round will extinguish a 5 length of wall. Wall of Sand (PGF p118)
<Conj(creat)[earth], VSM(sand)/DF, 1StdAct, Mediumrange, Concentration + 1rnd/lvl, no save, no SR>

Designates a 40 radius Emanation from touch spot as Unholy. For 1 year, everyone within the Unhallowed area has the following benefits: a) +2 Deflection bonus to AC & +2 Resistance bonus to saves when attacked by Good creatures; b) Blocks any mind control; c) Non-Evil Summoned & Conjured creatures cannot enter the area unless they make a Spell Resistance check; d) One spell from the Hallow / Unhallow Table can be added to the entire Unhallowed area for the full year. The spell can be designated to effect only followers of the casters faith, only those who do not follow the casters faith, creatures that share the casters alignment, everyone, etc. e) If cast by a Cleric, all Charisma checks to Rebuke / Command Undead gain a +4 Profane bonus & all Charisma checks to Turn / Destroy Undead receive a 4 Profane penalty. This spell Counters Hallow. Vigour, Greater(CDiv p186)(DR324 p103)+
<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 10rnd + 1rnd per level (max 35rnds total)>

Creates an opaque wall made from sand, up to one contiguous 5 square per level, arranged as the caster wishes. The wall has the following properties: a) Blocks ranged attacks; b) May be moved through by taking a Full- Round Action to make a Strength check. For each 5 points the check exceeds 15, the target may move 5. c) Any creature within the wall is considered Blind, Deaf, cannot speak or breath, and must hold its breath or start to suffocate. d) It is possible to attack with a melee weapon at a creature within the wall, but the target has Cover and Total Concealment. Wall of Thorns (PH p300)
<Conj(creat), VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 10min/lvl(D), no save, no SR>

Touched living creature gains Fast Healing 4. Vine Mine (MoF p130)
<Conj(creat), VSF(crown of ivy leaves), 1StdAct, Medium-range, 10min/lvl>

Creates & controls vines in a 10 radius per level spread. The vines are assigned one of the following effects (the caster can assign a new effect as a Standard Action): a) the vines Entangle & anchor everyone in the target area who fails a Reflex save. To become unentangled requires a full-round Strength or Escape Artist check vs. DC 20. Anyone not entangled may move speed through the area of effect. On the casters action, anyone in the area of effect who is not entangled must make a new Reflex save to avoid being entangled again; b) make the vines climbable (equivalent to knotted rope); c) binds Helpless targets (DC 25 to escape); d) slows movement as heavy undergrowth; e) camouflage (+4 Competence bonus to Hide checks). Wall of Dispel Magic(Und p63)
<Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1min/lvl>

Creates one contiguous 10 cube of brambles per level, shaped as the caster desires. The walls width can be reduced to 5 in order to double the amount of area covered. The caster may target the wall to trap creatures within it. Each round spent moving while in the wall causes 25hp of damage minus the creatures AC (not including Dexterity & Dodge bonuses). A creature may move through the wall by making a Strength check as a Full- Round Action. For each 5 points the check exceeds 20, the creature may move 5 (but still takes damage). It takes 10 minutes to chop a 1 safe passage through the wall. The thorns are immune to normal fire, but magic fire will burn down an area in 10 minutes. Creatures who can pass through overgrown area unhindered can walk though the wall at normal speed without taking damage. Wind Tunnel (MoF p134)
<Evoc, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl>

The ranged attacks of 1 subject per level improve due to favourable winds: a) +10 Competence bonus on ranged attacks; b) the range increment of subjects weapon is doubled.

Creates an transparent wall whose area is one 10 square per level. When a creature passes through the wall, each ongoing spell effect on the target gets a separate Dispel Check (max +10). If successful, the spell effect is ended (except for those caused by magic items, which are only suppressed for 1d4 rounds). The wall cannot be seen with See Invisibility, but it can be detected with Detect Magic and True Seeing.

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Level 6 Spells
Anger of the Noonday Sun(CDiv p150)
<Evoc[light], VS, 1StdAct, 0, Instantaneous, RefNeg, SR applies>

Each round, if a creature fails its save, it takes 2pts damage. Bones of the Earth(PH2 p104)
<Conj(Creation)[Earth], VS/DF, 1StdAct, 60ft, 1rnd/2 lvls (D), ref neg>

<Trans[water], VSM(rag doll, sea water), 1StdAct, Closerange, Instantaneous, FortNeg, SR applies>

All creatures in a 10 radius Burst around the caster that can see are Blinded for 1 minute per Caster level. In addition, Undead and Oozes take 1d6 dmg per two Caster levels (max 10d6) (Ref). Undead that take special damage from sunlight are destroyed if they fail their save. Animate Snow (SC p12)
<Trans[cold], VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl>

A 20ft cube of snow in the targeted area becomes animated into 1d3+2 Large, 1d3 Huge or 1 Gargantuan animated object. The object(s) have the Cold subtype and deal an extra 1d6 damage on a successful hit. Animated snow objects take 1d6 damage/rnd if the ambient temperature is above freezing. Antilife Shell (PH p199)
<Abj, VS/DF, 1Round, 10min/lvl(D), no save, SR applies>

Creates a 10 radius Emanation, mobile, invisible sphere around the caster that cannot be entered by Animals, Aberrations, Magical Beasts, Dragons, Fey, Giants, Humanoids, Monstrous Humanoids, Oozes, Plants, & Vermin. The following creature types are immune: Constructs, Elementals, Outsiders, & Undead. Aspect of the Earth Hunter (SC p16)
<Trans, VSM(bulette shell piece)/DF, 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl (D)>

Each round as a standard action, you conjure a pillar of rock that bursts from a stone or earthen surface anywhere within the spells range. Each pillar fills a 5ft square and grows to a height of 20ft or until it hits a barrier such as a ceiling or wall. A Large or smaller creature in a square a pillar erupts must succeed on a Reflex save or be carried upward by the force of the pillar. If a pillar is created in a room with a ceiling height of 20ft or less, the rock slams into the ceiling dealing 4d6 points of damage to any creature atop it. In a location with a ceiling height of more than 20ft, a creature carried up by a pillar must succeed on a DC20 Balance check or fall from the top of the pillar when it reaches its maximum height. On a failed check, the creature plummets to the ground, taking 2d6 points of damage from the fall. You can also cause a pillar to erupt from a vertical surface, in which case any creatures in the pillars path must succeed on their Reflex saves or take 2d6 points of damage and be knocked prone. The pillar created is permanent and has AC3, hardness 8 and 900 hit points. A pillar can be climbed with a DC20 Climb check. Bulls Strength, Mass (PH p207)
<Trans, VSM(bull hair)/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1min/lvl>

The target and any equipment he/she is wearing are changed into an identical volume of water. If an open container is within 5 of the target, the caster may have the water fall into it. Break Enchantment restores the target if cast before the water evaporate or mixes with a larger body of water. Dinosaur Stampede
(SC p64)

<Evoc[Force], VSM(fossil), 1StdAct, Medium-range, 20ft radius spread, 1rnd/lvl(D), Ref SR applies>

Creatures in the area take 1d12 + 1/caster lvl (max +20). Creatures more than 10ft above the ground are not affected. You can move the stampede 40ft/rnd Drown (Und p58)
<Conj(creat)[water], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, FortNeg, SR applies>

One living target has its lungs filled with water & begins drowning (DMG p304). 1st round Targets hp drop to 0 & he/she is Unconscious. 2nd round Targets hp drop to 1 & he/she is Dying. 3rd round Target is Dead. The water cannot be forced from the targets lungs, but the target can be Stabilized with a Heal check vs. DC 15. Dispel Magic, Greater (PH p223)(PH3.5e)+
<Abj, VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, no SR>

One subject per level in a 30 area gains a +4 You gain the physical appearance and abilities of Enhancement bonus to Strength. a bulette (MM p30). Your creature type changes to magical beast, size to Huge, your str/dex/con Cats Grace, Mass(PH p208) become 27/15/20; your speed becomes 40ft and you <Trans, VSM(cat hair), 1StdAct, Close-range, 1min/lvl> gain a burrow speed of 10ft. You gain darkvision One subject per level in a 30 area gains a +4 60, low-light vision, scent and tremorsense 60ft. Enhancement bonus to Dexterity. You cannot speak or cast spells while in bulette form (unless you have the Natural Spell feat). Your Chasing Perfection (PH2 p106) natural armour becomes +12, you can make 2 claw <Trans, VSM (statuette of a celestial or fiend worth 50gp, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl> attacks which are natural weapons dealing 2d8+8 The subject improves in all ways. It gains a +4 damage. enhancement bonus to each of its ability scores. Bears Endurance, Mass(PH p203) Cometfall (CDiv p159) (CDivErrata)+ <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1min/lvl> <Conj(create), VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, One subject per level in a 30 area gains a +4 Instantaneous, Ref, no SR> Enhancement bonus to Constitution. A 400 pound ball of rock and ice appears 10 per level above a 10 by 10 target square (height is Bite of the Werebear (SC p28) limited by the ceiling, if any). <Trans, VSM(tuft of bear fur), 1StdAct, Personal, Everything in the target square takes 2d6 per 10 1rnd/lvl> You gain a +16 enh bonus to Str, +2 enh bonus to that the comet fell (max 20d6) (Ref ) & are targeted by a Trip check at +11 (RefNeg). dex, +8 enh bonus to Con and +7 enh bonus to In addition, the broken comet fills the target square natural armour. Your hands become claws giving you 2 claw attacks and your mouth becomes that of with Dense Rubble. a bear, giving you a bite attack. You can attack Crumble (CDiv p160)(MoF p86) with both claws at full attack bonus but your bite attack takes a -2 penalty. The claw attacks do 1d8 <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range> One manufacture structure or Construct takes (1d6 if Small) + Str mod damage and the bite 1d6/lvl (max 15d6) that bypasses Hardness. attack does 2d8 (2d6 if Small) + Str mod. You Effecting a target larger than Huge-size requires a also gain the blindfight and powerattack feats. minimum casting level: Size Min Lvl Size Min Lvl Blood Sirocco (SC p33) <Evoc, VS, 1StdAct, 60ft cone, 1rnd/lvl, FortNeg SR Gargantuan 16 Colossal 19

Cancels magical spells and effects on a successful Dispel Check (max +20). This spell can be used in one of three ways: a) Counterspell Acts like a standard counterspell except it works against any spell, but a Dispel Check must be made. b) Targeted Dispel Each ongoing spell effect on one target gets a separate Dispel Check. If successful, the spell effect is ended (except for those caused by magic items, which are only suppressed for 1d4 rounds). c) Area Dispel Each target in a 20 radius Burst gets a Dispel Check against each spell in turn (highest caster level spell checked first) until one is dispelled or all checks fail. Items are not effected. A caster does not need to make a Dispel Check to end a spell he/she cast. Energy Immunity(CArc p105)
<Abj, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 24hrs>

The touched creature & his/her possessions becomes immune to one type of Energy Damage. Non-damage effects, such as being Deafened by a sonic attack, still apply. Enveloping Cocoon (CDiv p164)
<Evoc[force], VSM(live caterpillar), 1StdAct, Mediumrange, 1rnd/lvl(D), RefNeg, SR applies>

Creatures in the cone of size Small or smaller are knocked prone and roll 1d4x10ft taking 1d4 nonlethal damage per 10ft. Medium creatures are knocked prone and Large/Huge creatures are unable to move towards the origin of the cone (the caster). A successful fort save allows the creature to move normally in that round.

Cure Light Wounds, Mass(PH p216)

<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Close-range>

Cures 1d8 +1/level damage (max +25) to one creature per level in a 30 area with Positive Energy. Curse of Spilt Water (DR334 p74)

A target creature of up to Large-size is trapped in a blue-green cocoon of Force. The target cannot move, cast spells with a somatic component, or attack (except to damage the cocoon with a Natural or Light weapon). The cocoon has Hardness 10 & 10hp per caster lvl The caster has the option of casting an second spell (from the list below) on the cocoon. If the cocoon is Dismissed or the duration ends (but not if the cocoon is destroyed), the target is effected by the second spell and receives no saving throw (but SR still applies as usual) The choice of spell is as follows: Baleful Polymorph, Blight, Contagion, Dominate Animal,

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Flame Strike, Infestation of Maggots, Languor, Miasma, Phantasmal Disorientation, Poison (target still get his/her secondary save).

Fire subtype who are actually aflame take d8 damage instead. The mud persists until it A large gizzard engulfs the Medium or smaller evaporates normally, producing deep bog ( target (RefNeg). Each round the target is trapped in movement) and remains indefinitely underwater, the gizzard (starting from the round they were Extract Water Elemental (DR314 p46) producing deep muck ( movement, increase DC engulfed) the target is considered grappled and <Trans[water], VS, 1StdAct, Short-range, Instantaneous, of Move Silently checks by 2 and Balance and takes 2d8+8 crushing and 1d8 acid damage. While Tumble by 5. Fort, SR applies> The targeted living creature has the water pulled engulfed the target can only cast spells that have no from his/her body, causing 1d6 damage per level somatic component, if they have the material Owls Wisdom, Mass(PH p259) (max 20d6) (Fort). component in hand and if they pass a Concentration <Trans, VSM(owl feather)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl> If the target is slain, a Water Elemental of the same check (DC20 + spell level). The target can cut their One subject per level in a 30 area gains a +4 size category as the target is formed. The Elemental way out by dealing 25pt slashing damage, AC12; Enhancement bonus to Wisdom. is free willed and has no obligation towards the from outside, it has AC4. A newly created gizzard caster. has 5hp/caster lvl Phantasmal Disorientation (CDiv p172) Creatures with the [fire] or [water] subtype cannot <Ill(phantasm)[mind], VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 10min/lvl(D), WillNeg, SR applies> be targeted by this spell. Ironwood (PH p246) The caster causes one living creature to see its <Trans, VS, 1Minute per pound, Touch, 1day/lvl(D)> 5 pounds of touched wood per level becomes like surroundings twist and move around. Any attempt Find the Path (PH p230) iron. Its Hardness increases to 10, it has 30hp per to move around requires a Survival check vs. DC <Div, VSF(rune stones), 3Rounds, 10min/lvl> The touched subject knows the shortest, most inch, & no longer burns. Armour & weapons made 20 to go in the desired direction (recheck each direct route to the specified location (not objects or from ironwood can be use by Druids. round). Failure means that the target actually people). If only 2 pounds of wood per level is targeted, the moved 90 degrees to the left or right of the desired The subject also knows what actions to take to resulting weapon or armour has a +1 Enhancement direction. follow the path, such as the locations of trip wires bonus. The targets ability to fight, cast spells, etc., is not & the password to a Glyph of Warding. It does not effected by this spell. predict the actions of guardians. This spell will get Liveoak (PH p248) <Trans, VS, 10Minutes, Touch, 1day/lvl(D)> a subject out of a Maze spell in 1 round. Protection from All Elements(MotW, p92) The touched Huge oak tree becomes a Treant <Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, touch, 10 min/lvl, SR applies> when triggered. The trigger condition can have up Subject is immune to acid, cold, electricity, fire Fire Seeds (PH p230) and sonic damage up to 12pts/lvl. <Conj(creat)[fire], VSM(up to 4 acorns or up to 8 holly to 1 word per caster level. The trigger instruction berries), Touch, 1StdAct per acorn/holly berry, until also tell the Treant what to do (often attacking). detonated up to 10min/lvl> The caster may only have one pending Liveoak Regenerate Circle(MotW, p92) Create one of the following: <Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, 20ft, 10 rnds + 1rnd/lvl> spell at a time & can only cast it on a tree that is Acorn Grenades: Up to 4 touched acorns become As Regenerate Ring (lvl 3) except it grants fast near his/her dwelling, a location sacred to the throwable weapons. Requires a ranged touch attack caster, or within 300 of something the caster wants healing at the rate of 4hp/rnd. with a maximum range of 100. The acorns do a to guard. total of 1d6/lvl Fire damage (max 20d6), divided Repel Wood (PH p271) up between the acorns as the caster desires. If hit, Mandragora (MotW, p90) <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, 1min/lvl(D), no save, no SR> <Enchant(comp)[mind], VSM(mandrake root worth 100gp All wooden objects in a 60 Line are pushed the target does not get a saving throw. Everything within 10 of where the acorn hits takes 1hp per die in a container worth the same), 1StdAct, 15ft, 1rnd/lvl, will away from the caster. Wooden objects move 40 negates, SR applies> of damage that acorn does (Ref); per round. If unable to move, objects less than 3 in Holly Berry Bombs: Up to 8 touched holly berries Pull the mandrake root from the container so that diameter snap. If a creature holds onto a wooden you and all other creatures in range make a will become voice activated bombs (200 range). On object as it is pushed away, it is dragged along. save against its scream. Those who succeed gain command, each berry does 1d8 + 1/level Fire The location & direction of the line of force fixed the True Seeing effect while those who fail are damage to everything within 5 (Ref). at casting time & cannot be changed. Confused until the end of the spell. Fires of Purity(CDiv p165)
<Evoc[fire], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1rnd/lvl, RefNeg, SR Miasma (MotW, p91 SC p141) <Evoc, VS/DF, 1StdAct, close range, 3 rnd/lvl, FortNeg, applies> The touched (usually willing) creature is engulfed SR applies>

<Conj(Creat), VSM(dried gizzard), 1StdAct, Mediumrange, 1rnd/lvl(D), RefNeg, SR applies>

Resistance, Superior (SC p174)

<Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, touch, 24hrs, >

in magical flames that do not harm it and gains the following benefits: a) melee attacks do +1d6 + 1 per caster level (max +1d6+15) Fire damage (no save, SR applies) and Catches Fire (RefNeg); b) any creature that strikes the subject with a nonreach weapon 1d6 + 1/lvl (max 1d6+15) Fire damage (no save, SR applies) and Catches Fire (RefNeg); c) subject takes half damage from Fire-based attacks. If the attack allows a Reflex save, the subject takes no damage on a successful save.

A breathing target has its mouth & throat filled with unbreathable gas if it fails its Fortitude save. To avoid suffocating, it must hold its breath by making a Constitution check vs. DC 10 + 1 per previous success. A creature can only hold its breath a maximum of 2 rounds per Constitution point. On a failed check, the target begins to suffocate: 1st round at 0 hp & Unconscious. 2nd round at 1 hp & Dying. 3rd round Dead. Move Earth(PH p257)

This spell works as Resistance (lvl 0) but grants +6 resistance bonus on saves. Spellstaff (PH p282)
<Trans, VSF(staff), 10Minutes, Touch, until discharged(D)>

The caster casts ones of his/her spells into the staff for later use (much like a scroll). Any given caster may have only one spellstaff at any time. Stonehold (MoF p124)
<Conj(creat)[earth], VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1day/lvl>

Creates 1 stone arm per level distributed as the caster desires within range. Each arm must be in its <Trans[earth], VSM(dirt, iron blade), 10Minutes per own 10 x 10 area, which must contain rock or Gate Seal (FR p70) 150square, Long-range> stone formations. Before attacking, each arm hides <Abj, VSM(50gp silver), Close-range, Permanent> For each 10 minutes of cast time, 150 square (up (Search check vs. DC 31 to find one). Any creature The targeted Gate or Portal cannot no longer be to 10 deep) of dirt, sand, etc., if moved, up to a that comes within an arms 10 x 10 area is used unless this spell is dispelled. maximum of 750 x 750 (which would have a grappled. casting time of 4hrs 10min). The movement is Each arm has the following capabilities: Hide the Path (SC p114) smooth, so buildings, trees, etc. are not toppled by a) considered Medium-size with Str 20; <Abj, VSF(onyx sphere worth 1000gp), 10min, 200sq this spell, though they may be raised or lowered. b) attack bonus of 1 per Caster level + 5 (Strength ft/lvl, 24hrs(D)> Wards a large continuous area against divination This spell cannot be used to tunnel. modifier); magic, protecting 200sq ft/lvl shaped as desired, up c) AC 18, Hardness 8, & 1hp per Caster level; Mudslide (SW p119) to 20ft high. d) automatic grapple damage of 1d6+5/rnd; <Conj(Creat)[Earth, Water], VS/DF, 1StdAct, mediumth Any spellcaster trying to cast up to a 6 lvl spell e) uses its casters saving throws; & range, Instantaneous, Reflex> into the area must make a caster lvl check (DC11 + f) keeps grappling, even if the opponent is dead. Creates a mudslide of 40ft radius spread to a your caster lvl) or it fails. Higher lvl spells function depth of about 10ft. Creatures who fail their Reflex normally. Stone Metamorphosis, Greater(Und p61)(Und p103)+ save take 8d6 points of damage and are buried. <Trans[earth], VSM(grain of talc, chip of obsidian), Whose who succeed take 3d6. Creatures with the 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous> Hungry Gizzard (SC p117)

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10 cubic feet + 10 cubic feet per level of touched stone is permanently changed into another type of stone. Typically this means changing the stones Hardness anywhere from 6 to 9 (see Underdark page 103 for examples). This spell cannot create gems and does not change the value of stone objects. Stone Tell(PH p284)
<Div, VS/DF, 10Minutes, Personal, 1min/lvl>

Check (max +10). Tortoise Shell (CDiv p184)

<Tans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

The caster can speak to natural or worked stone about what has come into contact with it, what is behind it, etc. Stormwalk
(SW p122)

The touched living creature receives the armour plating & thick skin of a tortoise: a) Enhancement bonus to the targets Natural AC of +6 + (1 per 3 levels above 11th). b) targets movement slows to its Heavy Armour movement rate, though it does not have any other Heavy Armour penalties. Touch of Adamantine (BoED p110)
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

<Conj(teleport), VS/DF, 1round, Touch, Instantaneous>

As Teleport, save that you use the power of a storm to teleport yourself and others. You appear 10 minutes after disappearing (during which time you are treated as though being on a different plane), during which time, an unnatural storm appears at the destination, which must be open to the storm. Summon Greater Elemental (SC p214)
<Conj(summoning), VS/DF, 1rnd, close-range, 1rnd/lvl + 1rnd>

A single touched weapon is considered to be Adamantine. It gains a +1 Enhancement bonus on attacks (as if Masterwork), bypasses Hardness of less than 20, has 30% extra hp, & bypasses certain types of Damage Reduction. If the weapon is already made from a special material (such as Cold Iron or Adamantine), it looses the benefit from the original material for the spells duration. Transport via Plants (PH p295)(PH3.5e)+
<Conj[teleport], VS, 1StdAct, Personal>

The caster can enter a living plant of at least Medium-size that is not considered a creature & Summons a greater elemental (MM96-100)air, teleport to another plant of the same type any fire, water, earth. A Concentration check is distance away. The caster either needs to be required to maintain the spell but commanding the familiar with the target area or provide directions creature is a free action. (i.e., 200 miles north) and the spell will find the closest appropriate plant. The caster can carry up to Summon Natures Ally VI(PH p289) his/her Maximum Load, plus one Medium-sized <Conj(sum)[variable alignment/element], VS/DF, 1Round, creature per three Caster levels (or the Creature Close-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)> Equivalent). Summons one or more creatures to fight the casters enemies. The creatures can attack on the Vigorous Circle(CDiv p187)(DR324 p103)+ casters initiative starting their first round. <Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, 20 range, 10rnd + 1rnd per level (max 40rnds total)> Table # One living creature per two Caster levels in a 30 Summon Natures Ally VI 1 area gains Fast Healing 3. Summon Natures Ally V 1d3 Summon Natures Ally IV (or less) 1d4+1 Wall of Stone (PH p299) Thunder Field(PH2 p126)
<Evoc, VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 20ft radius, 1rnd/lvl, SR applies> <Conj(creat)[earth], VS/AM(granite)/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, Instantaneous, no SR>

Creates an area of turbulent sonic energy. For the duration of the spell, any creature that starts its turn in the spells area must take a Fort save or take 1d8 points of sonic damage. In addition , affected creatures must make a Reflex save or be knocked prone. If a creature is already prone, failing this save has no effect on it. Tidal Surge (CDiv p183) (CdivErrata)+ (SC p220)
<Evoc[water], VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, Instantaneous, Ref, SR applies>

Creates a wall of stone that is one 5 square per level & 1 thick per 4 levels. The area can be doubled by halving the thickness. The stone has a Hardness 8 & each 5 square has 15 hit points per inch of thickness. The wall can be of any shape & will merge into adjoining stone surfaces.

If the caster is within Medium-range of a large, natural source of water, then he/she creates a wave of water with the following effects: a) targets all creatures within a 20 radius Burst; b) each target takes 1d6 per caster level (max 15d6); c) each target receives a Bull Rush at +10. If successful, the target is moved 5 + 5 per 5 points that the waves check was greater than the targets check. If the caster is not within range of a water source, the spell has the following effects: a) targets a single creature; b) the target still takes 1d6 per caster level (max 15d6); c) the target receives a Bull Rush at +5. If successful, the target is moved 5 + 5 per 5 points that the waves check was greater than the targets check. In either case, all non-magical exposed flames up to Large-size within a 20 radius Burst are put out. Magical fires are dispelled on a successful Dispel

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Level 7 Spells
Animate Plants (PH p199)
<Trans, V, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl>

One Large-sized plant per three levels is animated & can be directed to attack the casters opponents. As a Move Action, the caster can change which plants he/she animates. The caster may animate bigger plants in place of a number of Large plants. 1 Huge = 2 Large 1 Colossal = 8 Large 1 Gargantuan = 4 Large -or-

Touched subject is infused with Positive Energy, healing 10hp per level (max 150hp) and being immediately cured of the following: Ability Damage, Blindness, Confusion, Dazed, Dazzled, Deafened, Diseased, Exhausted, Fatigued, Feeblemind, Insanity, Nauseated, Sickened, Cloudwalkers (CDiv p159) Stunned, and/ or being Poisoned. <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1hr/lvl(D)> One subject per level within a 30 area starts to This spells does not remove Negative Levels, <Trans, V, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1hr/lvl, no SR> walk on air. Once the spell is in effect, each subject ability Drain, & lost levels. All plants within Close-range Entangle & anchor may act independently. If an Undead is the target of this spell, it takes 10hp everyone in the target area who fails a Reflex save. Each subject may climb straight up or down at a per level (max 150hp) of Positive Energy damage To become unentangled requires a Full-Round movement of 30. Once a subject is 90 off the (SR applies). On a successful save, the target only Strength or Escape Artist check vs. DC 20. Anyone ground, he fly horizontally at a movement of 60 takes damage and cannot be brought to less than not entangled may move speed through the area with Perfect maneuverability. 1hp. of effect. On the casters action, anyone in the area A subject may cancel the spell on himself as a of effect who is not entangled must make a new Standard Action. The caster may dismiss the spell Master Earth (MoF p107) Reflex save to avoid being entangled again. <Trans, VSF(fossil of an animal), 1StdAct, Personal> normally, but this effects all subjects. Travel instantly through the earth to any location Animalistic Power, Mass (PH2 p101) the caster can mentally picture. Control Weather (PH p214)
<Trans, Close-range, 1 creature/lvl, no 2 of which are more <Trans, VS, 10Minutes, 4d12hours> than 30ft apart> The caster can modify the weather in a two mile

his/her foes. If destroyed, the focus stone is destroyed too. Otherwise, the focus can be used over and over again, each time becoming a StoneBorn Lith with full hp. A caster may have one focus stone per four caster levels (max 5). Preparing each stone require 200 gp of materials and 1 full day, after which is can be used over and over.

immune too. Heal (PH p239)

<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Touch>

This spell functions like animalistic power, except that it affects multiple creatures.

Plague (PH2 p121)

<Necro[Evil], VS, 1StdAct, close-range, 1 living creature/lvl, no 2 of which are more than 30ft apart, 1rnd/lvl, Fort neg, SR applies>

radius (if the caster is a Druid, then the spell effects a three mile radius, plus double duration). Once the spell is cast, it takes 10 minutes for the desired As the Frost(PH2 p101) weather to manifest. The weather must be <Trans[Cold], VSM(chunk of ice or crystal), 1StdAct, seasonally appropriate. Personal, 1rnd/lvl> Season Weather Choices Your creature type changes to outsider. Unlike other outsiders, you can be brought back to life if Spring Tornado, Thunderstorm, Hot you die in this form. You gain the following Summer Rain, Heat Wave, Hailstorm qualities and abilities: Autumn Hot, Cold, Fog, Sleet a) Immunity to cold Winter Frigid Cold, Blizzard, Thaw b) DR10/magic and piercing Any time within the duration, the caster can change c) Ad the beginning of your action, creatures within the weather again as a Standard Action (followed 15ft of you take 2d6 cold damage per round. A by another 10 minutes while it manifests). creature that takes damage from this effect must make a Fort save (DC17 + your key ability Create Crossroads and Backroad (MoF p86) modifier) or be slowed as the slow spell, for the <Conj(create), VSX(3,500)/DF, 1Day, Touch> remaining duration of as the frost. SR applies to Links two locations by magical path & summons this effect. a guardian to maintain them. Details are on MoF p44. Aura of Vitality(MoF p78) <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl> Creeping Doom(PH p214) One subject per 3 levels in a 30 area gain +4 <Conj(sum), VS, 1Round, Close-range, 1min/lvl, no save, no SR> Enhancement bonuses to Strength, Dexterity, and Summons one Centipede Swarm(MM p238) per 2 Constitution. Caster levels (max 10 swarms), each of which appears where the caster designates within CloseBrilliant Blade (SC p40) range. The swarms attack any creature with which <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, close-range, 1min/lvl> A single melee/natural/thrown weapon/group of they come in contact (they may even be summoned projectiles with the Brilliant Energy special ability around a creature). (ignore non-living matter, such as armour). As a Standard Action, the caster can direct one or more swarms to move towards any opponent within Changestaff (PH p207) 100 of the caster. If the caster is ever more that <Trans, VSF(specially carved staff), 1Round, Touch, 100 away from a swarm, it will continue to attack 1hr/lvl(D)> any opponent in its area, but will remain stationary The casters focus staff transforms into a Huge until the caster returns. Treant, which follows the casters instructions (though it cannot animate or control other trees). If Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass(PH p216) the Treant is every destroyed, the focus staff is <Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Close-range> destroyed too. The caster must personally spend 28 Cures 2d8 +1/level damage (max +30) to one days preparing & carving the focus staff. creature per level in a 30 area with Positive Energy. Changestones (Und p57) <Trans, VSF(prepared stone (see below)), 1Round, Touch, Fire Storm (PH p231)

The subjects contract a disease selected from the table below, which strikes immediately (no incubation period). The disease progresses rapidly; the subjects must attempt additional saves each round, instead of each day. Use plagues DC for all saves. See DMG p292 for more information on these diseases. Disease Damage Blinding sickness 1d4 Str* Cackle fever 1d6 Wis Filth fever 1d3 Dex, 1d3 Con Mindfire 1d4 Int Red ache 1d6 Str Shakes 1d8 Dex Slimy doom 1d4 Con * Each time a victim takes 2 or more points of Str damage from blinding sickness, she must make another Fort save (using the plague spells DC) or be permanently blinded. Rain of Red Roses(BoED p105)
<Evoc[good], VSM(a red rose), 1StdAct, Long-range, 1rnd/lvl(D), Fort, SR applies>

Red roses fall in a 80 radius by 80 high Cylinder. Each Evil creature in the area of effect takes 1d4 Wisdom damage per round (no save) and is Sickened (FortNeg) as long as it remains in the area of effect. Scrying, Greater (PH p275)(PH3.5e)+
<Div(scry), VS, 1Hour, 1hr/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies>

Sends a Magical Sensor to watch & listen to a target creature. This spells DC is adjusted by the casters knowledge and connection to the target. Knowledge DC None (must have a Connection) 10 Heard of the target 5 Met the target 0 Know the target well 5 Connection DC Likeness or picture 2 Possession or garment 5 Lock of hair, bit of fingernail, etc. 10 If the spell is successful, the caster can see in a 10 radius around the target & the Sensor follows the target up to a rate of 150.

One or more specially prepared focus stones (see below) become Liths(Und p93), except they are stone-born and have no psionics or ability to speak. For the spells duration, the Stone-Born Liths will obey the casters commands, including attacking

<Evoc[fire], VS, 1Round, Medium-range, Ref, SR applies>

The caster designates 2 contiguous 10 cubes per level are filled with flame, doing 1d6 fire damage per level (max 20d6). Natural vegetation & any other plant life are not effected by the flames, and the caster has the option of making Plant Creatures

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If the spell is resisted, the caster may not attempt to scry on the target again for 1day. Spells that improve the casters vision (such as Darkvision) apply when he/she is looking through the Sensor. In addition, the caster can use the following: Detect Chaos, Detect Evil, Detect Good, Detect Law, Detect Magic, Message, Read Magic, and Tongues.

d) immune to poison & criticals; e) has an AC based only on Dexterity, size, 1 Deflection bonuses, & armour bonuses due to Force 1d3 effects; 1d4+1 f) cannot attack g) can only cast spells with no Verbal, Somatic, Sunbeam (PH p289) Material, or Focus components; <Evoc[light], VS/DF, 1StdAct, until depleted up to h) if wearing white, most viewers will think the 1rnd/lvl, SR applies> As a Standard Action, the caster can generate one subject is a cloud/mist; Shifting Paths (SC p188) i) may invoke a magic wind, which makes the sunbeam per round, up to a total of 1 per 3 levels <Illus(glamer), VS, 10min, medium-range, 1mile radius + subject Fly speed increase to 60mph with Poor (max 6 sunbeams). The beam is a 60 long Line. 1mile/lvl, 1hr/lvl, Will disbelief (if interacted with), SR manoeuvrability; Damage is based on creature type: applies> j) each subject may independently spends 5 rounds Simultaneously hides a road specified by you, Type Effect to shift back to solid form. At any time before the while creating an illusory path. The false path starts Undead 1d6/lvl (max 20d6) (Ref) & destroyed end of the duration, the subject may spend 5 more anywhere in the target area and continues in the if vulnerable to sunlight (RefNeg) & rounds shifting back to the wind walk form. direction you indicate to the edge of the spell area. Blind (RefNeg). The caster can dismiss the spell for any or all Oozes 1d6/lvl (max 20d6) (Ref). subject at will. Slime Wave (CDiv p180) (CDivErrata)+ others 4d6 (Ref) & Blind (RefNeg). If the spell is within 1 minute of its duration <Conj(sum), VSM(stagnant water), 1StdAct, Closerange, ending, all remaining subjects automatically 1rnd/lvl, RefNeg, no SR> Swamp Lung (SC p216) descend at 60 per round (or faster if desired) A 15 radius Spread is splattered with Green <Conj(creat), VS/DF, 1StdAct, medium-range, before the spell expires. Slime. Each creature or object receives one Patch instantaneous, FortNeg> of Green Slime. Stagnant swamp water floods the lungs of the Word of Balance (Und p63) A Green Slim Patch does 1d6 Constitution damage living target. If it fails its save it is prone for 1d6 <Evoc[sonic], V, 1StdAct, SR applies> to flesh or 2d6 damage to wood & metal (whose rounds and contracts Filth Fevel (DMG 292). Any Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Evil, Hardness it ignores) each round If not scraped off Creatures that can breath water must make the save or Chaotic Evil creatures within a 30 radius on its 1st round, the slime must be destroyed with for the disease but are otherwise unaffected. Spread who hears word of balance & that has no heat, cold, sunlight, Remove Disease, or being cut more HD than the caster suffer from the following away. At the end of the spells duration, the Green Transmute Metal to Wood (PH p294) effects (no save): Slime disappears. <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Long-range, Instantaneous, no up to Caster lvl: Nauseated for 1 round. save, SR applies> up to Caster lvl - 1: Weakened for 2d4 rnds Storm of Elemental Fury(CDiv p182 SC p209) All metal objects in a 40 radius Burst are turned & above. <Conj(sum), VS, 1Round, Long-range, 4 rounds, SR to wood. Any magic item made from metal is up to Caster lvl - 5: Paralyzed for 1d10 min applies> considered to have an Spell Resistance of 20 + its & above. A 40 radius black cloud appears 200 over the caster level, which must be overcome for it to be up to Caster lvl - 10: Dead / Destroyed. target location. After the first round, the cloud can effected. In addition, if the caster is on his/her home plane of be moved laterally 40 as a Move Action (in Restoring an object can only be done with a existence, any LG, CG, LE, or CE Extraplanar addition to the Standard Action to maintain Limited Wish, Wish, or Miracle. creature in the area of effect (even if the word of Concentration). chaos cannot be heard) that has no more HD than Those below the cloud receive the following: True Seeing (PH p296) the caster is driven back to its home plane for at Round 1: The area from the cloud down to the <Div, VSM(250gp ointment), 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl> least 1 day (WillNeg at a 4 penalty). ground is effected by a Whirling Windstorm(DMG Within 120 unobstructed feet, the subject can see p94), which requires Fortitude saves to avoid being through normal & magical darkness, see magically Wrack Earth (PH2 p128) knocked down, negates ranged attacks, spells hidden secret doors, not effected by Blur & <Evoc[Earth], VS/DF, 1StdAct, 30ft, instantaneous, Ref require Concentration checks, etc. Displacement, not effected by Invisibility, sees > Round 2: All targets in the area of effect take 5d6 through illusions, know the true form of Earth and stone blast upward along a 30ft line, Bludgeoning damage from falling rocks (no save). polymorphed creatures & objects, and view the smashing creatures and knocking them out of the Round 3: Torrential rain falls, reducing visibility to Ethereal Plane. way. This spell deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning 5, extinguishing unprotected flames, and reducing This spell cannot be used in conjunction with damage per caster level (max 15d6) to every movement to ; scrying magics, such as Clairaudience / creature it contacts and creates a 5ft wide mound of Round 4: All target in the area of effect take 1d6 Clairvoyance. stone and rubble along the path of the line. per level Fire damage, max 15d6, (Ref). Creatures within the area that fail their Reflex Waterspout (FR p75, CDiv p187, SW p124)(CDivErrata)+ saves are moved to a random side of the rubble. Storm Tower(CDiv p182)(MoF p125) <Conj(creat), VS/DF, 1Round, Long-range, 1rnd/lvl> The rubble created is difficult terrain that requires 2 <Abj, VS, 1FullRound, Long-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)> Create a 10 wide by 80 tall waterspout. Creates a 20 radius Spread by 100 tall cylinder a) must be cast in a body of water at least 20 deep squares of movement to enter. Creatures that succeed on their saving throws take half damage of swirling clouds: & more than 10 wide. and are not moved by the mound of rubble. a) absorbs any electricity; b) can move up to 30 per round either under the b) negates Magic Missiles cast into, out of, or casters direction (which requires Concentration) or within the tower; following a simple program (e.g., go in a circle, c) winds speeds within the tower are 60mph, etc.). Changing the program is a Standard Action. making ranged attacks impossible; c) creatures & objects touched by the waterspout d) moving within the tower is normal, but it can (or those flying / swimming within 10 of it) must only be entered or existed by a creature of at least make a Reflex save (SR applies) or take 3d8 Gargantuan size; damage. In addition, Medium-size or smaller e) creatures within the tower have Concealment targets that fail their save are pulled into the from those outside the tower; waterspout for 1d3 rounds (automatically taking f) all creatures within 50 of the tower receives a 2d6 per round) before being ejected 1d8 x 5ft 10 penalty on Listen checks. above the waterspouts base. Table Summon Natures Ally VII Summon Natures Ally VI Summon Natures Ally V (or less) # Summon Natures Ally VII(PH p289)
<Conj(sum)[variable alignment/element], VS/DF, 1Round, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

Wind Walk(PH p302)

<Trans[air], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1hr/lvl(D)>

Summons one or more creatures to fight the casters enemies. The creatures can attack on the casters initiative starting their first round.

The caster and one subject per three levels are transformed into a gaseous form, which grants the following: a) Fly 10/Perfect; b) able to slip through any opening; c) gains Damage Reduction 10/magic;

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Level 8 Spells
Animal Shapes (PH p198)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1hr/lvl(D)>

One willing subject per level in a 30 area are polymorphed into an animal of the casters choice. All subject must be turned into the same type of animal. The caster may dismiss the spell on all of the subjects, or an individual subject may dismiss the spell from himself as a Full-Round Action. See the Polymorph Table for details. Awaken, Mass(CDiv p151)

Knowledge checks; c) if the target was a spellcaster, the caster gains 1 spell slot of the highest spell slot the target could cast. Control Plants (PH p213)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1min/lvl, WillNeg, no SR>

Finger of Death(PH p230)

<Necro[death], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, Fort, SR applies>

The living target dies on a failed saving throw. On success, target takes 3d6 + 1/level (max +25). Leonals Roar (BoED p102)
<Evoc[good][sonic], V, 1StdAct, SR applies>

Any non-Good creatures within a 40 radius Spread who can hear the roar & that has no more HD than the caster suffer from the following effects <Trans, VSF(animal/tree)X(250 per target), 1Day, (no save): Instantaneous> The one animal or tree per three levels in a 30 up to Caster lvl: Deafened for 1d4rnds. Cure Serious Wounds, Mass(PH p216) area gains sentience. All targets must be the same up to Caster lvl - 1: Blinded for 2d4 rounds & <Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Close-range> type of creature or tree. Cures 3d8 +1/level damage (max +35) to one above. Animal - The caster must make a Will save vs. DC creature per level in a 30 area with Positive up to Caster lvl - 5: Held for 1d10 minutes& 10 + highest target HD. If successful, each animal Energy. above. gains the following: up to Caster lvl - 10: Dead & above. a) an Intelligence of 3d6; Deadfall (SC p59) Also, every non-Good creature in the area of effect <Conj(creat), VS. 1StdAct, long-range, instantaneous, b) +1d3 Charisma; takes 2d6 Sonic damage (FortNeg). In addition, if RefPart> c) +2HD; the caster is on his/her home plane of existence, any A 20ft radius, 40ft high cylinder appears where d) the ability to speak 1 language + 1 per non-Good Extraplanar creature in the area of effect Intelligence modifier (all languages must be known you direct it, populated with logs, branches and (even if the holy word cannot be heard) that has fallen trees. These collapse dealing 1d6/lvl (max by the caster). no more HD than the caster is driven back to its Tree The caster must make a Will save vs. DC = 20d6). In addition, targets must succeed on a Ref home plane for at least 1 day (WillNeg at a 4 save or be knocked prone. The created wood counts penalty). to the HD the greatest target tree will have once as dense rubble. awakened. If successful, each tree gains the following: Maelstrom(FR p72) (CDiv p168)(CDivErrata)+ Depthsurge (SW p115) <Conj(creat), VS/DF, 1FullRond, Long-range, 1rnd/lvl> a) an Intelligence of 3d6; <Evoc[Water], VSM(sphere of volcanic rock), 1StdAct, Create a 120 wide by 60 deep whirlpool. b) a Wisdom of 3d6; Long-range, Instantaneous, FortPart, SR applies> a) must be cast in a body of water at least 60 deep c) a Charisma of 3d6; Each creature in a 20ft radius area takes & more than 120 wide. d) gains skill points & feats appropriate for an 2d6+caster level damage (no save) and then must b) creatures & objects within 50 of the whirlpool aberration of its HD; make a Fort save or be driven 10ft from the centre must make a Reflex save or take 3d8 damage & be e) gains the ability to speak 1 language + 1 per of the blast. A ship in the area must make a Sink pulled in for 2d4 rounds (automatically taking 3d8 Intelligence modifier (all languages must be known check (DC of spell DC) (see SW p32 for sinking) per round) before being ejected. Large-size and by the caster). smaller creatures are ejected from the whirlpools f) other ability scores appropriate for an animate Earth Glide(RoS p162) bottom, while larger creatures are ejected from its object of its size; <Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl> top. g) gains the ability to move; The touched creature may move through earth Note that targets have the option of making a Swim h) gains senses similar to a humans. and stone at its Land Speed like a fish swims check vs. the spells DC instead of a Reflex save. through water. The creature leaves no sign of its Bombardment (PGF p100) passing, nor can make a tunnel for others to follow Megalodon Empowerment (SW p118) <Conj(creat), VSF(quarts crystal embedded in a rock), it. Long-range, Ref, SR applies> <Trans, VSM, 1StdAct, Personal, 1hr/lvl or 1rnd/lvl (D)> If the area the subject is within is targeted with a Rocks rain down on a 15 radius Burst. All a) Grants you the Scent ability and +10 racial Move Earth spell, the subject moves back 30 and bonus to Survival for tracking by scent. creatures in the area of effect take 1d8 per level is Stunned for 1 round (FortNeg DC15). (max 20d8) (Ref) and are buried (RefNeg). A b)Your swim speed increases by 10ft or if you don't buried creature beings to suffocate unless it takes a have one, you gain one equal to your land speed. Earthquake (PH p225) Full Round Action to get free. c) Grants you the ability to breath underwater <Evoc[earth], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Long-range, 1rnd, no SR> You can retain this form for 1hr/lvl Intense tremor shakes a 80 radius Spread Brilliant Aura(CDiv p157)(MoF p83)(MoFe)+ SC p39 In addition at any time during the spell, you can (shapeable). The effect depends on the terrain. The <Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl> trigger a change which reduces the duration to result in [brackets] is halved / avoided with a 1 ally per 2 levels gains a glowing aura: 1rnd/lvl but in addition to the above Reflex save vs. DC 15. a) Gives off light as bright as a torch. d) Increases your size category by one Terrain Effect b) All melee & ranged attacks become Brilliant e) Those who attack with a natural weapon take Energy (ignore non-living matter (such as armour). Cave 1d4 damage (RefNeg) Roof collapses [8d6 damage to c) Gain an Enhancement bonus to damage of +1 per f) You gain bite and claw natural attacks (see MM anyone below & pinned beneath 2 levels (max +10). p296) rubble]. Cliff Landslide that goes horizontally as far g) Your base attack becomes your character level, Cocoon (MoF p85) you gain +4 natural armour bonus and +3 as it fell vertically [8d6 damage & <Conj(create), VSM(silkworm cocoon)X(1,000), competence bonus to Fort and Ref pinned beneath rubble]. 1FullRound, Close-range, Instantaneous, FortNeg> Open [Fall down]. 25% chance of falling in h) You lose the ability to cast spells but if you can The living target is surrounded by a cocoon, Wild Shape you can do so to one size category a fissure (Reflex save vs. DC 20 to which has Hardness 10 & 100hp. As long as he/she get out before it closes & kills anyone larger than normal is in the cocoon, the target is Paralyzed. Each day, Material component: potion of Water Breathing and three still trapped). the target receives 1 Negative Level. teeth from a shark of at least Large size Building Takes 100hp damage (no Hardness) If the target dies due to being drained to 0 levels, [8d6 damage to all within & pinned the cocoon releases the corpse & shrinks to the size beneath rubble]. of a walnut which lasts for 1day/lvl. When carried Marsh Fissures drain the water. [Sink in mud by the caster, the shrunk cocoon has the following Phantom Wolf (CDiv p174) / quicksand]. benefits: <Conj(sum), VS/DF, 1Round, Medium-range, Anyone pinned beneath rubble takes 1d6 subdual Concentration up to 1rnd/lvl, no save, no SR> a) +4 Enhancement bonus on the ability score damage each minute. If he/she goes unconscious, The caster summons a Large, Incorporeal, 12HD which was the targets highest; make a Constitution check vs. DC 15 or take 1d6 Wolf to attack his/her foes. b) any ranks the target had in Knowledge skills lethal damage per minute. become an Enhancement bonus on the casters

Up to 2HD per level of Plant Creatures in a 30 area understand the casters commands and will not attack. The targets will not try to obey orders that are suicidal.

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Red Tide (SC p170)

<Evoc[Water], VS/DF, 1StdAct, medium-range, 30ft radius burst, instantaneous, FortPart, SR applies>

subtype within its area of effect.

All targets are knocked prone and sickened for 1min. Targets that fail a Fort save take 2d6 Str damage. After 1min the creature must take another Fort save or take an additional 1d6 Str damage. Creature immune to poison are not affected. Creatures with the Fire subtype take an additional 1d6/lvl (max 20d6) damage (Ref). Repel Metal or Stone (PH p271)
<Abj[earth], VS, 1StdAct, 1rnd/lvl(D), no save, no SR>

one willing Medium-sized creature per three levels (or the Creature Equivalent) back to a very familiar Summon Natures Ally VIII(PH p289) place that was designated when the spell was <Conj(sum)[variable alignment/element], VS/DF, 1Round, memorized. The start & end locations must be in Close-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)> the same plane of existence. Summons one or more creatures to fight the casters enemies. The creatures can attack on the casters initiative starting their first round. Table # Summon Natures Ally VIII 1 Summon Natures Ally VII 1d3 Summon Natures Ally VI (or less) 1d4+1 Unearthly Beauty (BoED p110)
<Trans[good], VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl>

All metal & stone objects in a 60 Line are pushed away from the caster. Objects less then 500 pounds move 40 per round. If unable to move, objects less than 3 in diameter break or bend. If a creature holds onto an effected object as it is pushed away, it is dragged along. The location & direction of the line of force fixed at casting time & cannot be changed. Reverse Gravity(PH p273)
<Trans, VSM(loadstone, iron filing)/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl(D), no save, no SR>

All unattached objects & creatures in one contiguous 10 cube per 2 levels falls up. If an attached object is available, a target can attempt a Reflex save to grab onto it. Targets only fall to the limit of the area of effect & hover there until the spell ends. Any ability to fly or levitate makes this spell ineffective.

The caster gains the beauty of a Nymph. Any Humanoid within 60 that looks at the caster becomes permanently Blind (FortNeg). The caster can suppress & unsuppress this ability as a Free Action. Also as a Free Action, the caster can cause all creature within 30 that are looking at him/her to die (WillNeg). Note: The caster must abstain from sexual intercourse of one month in order to be able to cast this spell. Unyielding Roots (SC p228)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl(D)>

The touched willing creature grows roots into the ground, with the following effects: a) subject cannot move or be moved from his/her current location; Speak with Anything (MotW, p94) b) heals 30 hp per round; <Div, VS, 10mins, personal, 1min/lvl> c) neutralizes poisons automatically; Grants the effects of Speak with animals, Speak with Plants and Tongues to communicate with any d) removes Negative Levels automatically; e) +4 bonus to Fortitude & Will saves; living creature, and Stone Tell to communicate with stone, metal, earth, water or any other solid or f) 4 penalty to Reflex saves; and g) any attempt to Overrun the subject fails and semi-solid object or terrain feature. grants the subject an opposed Strength check (vs. the enemys Strength or Dexterity) to knock the Stormrage (CDiv p182)(MoF p125) enemy Prone. <Trans[electricity], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Personal,

The caster embodies the power of a storm: a) Caster Flies at a speed of 90 (60 if in medium or heavy armour) with Average maneuverability. speed going up, 2x speed going down. If spells expires/is dispelled, subject descends at 60 per round for 1d6 rounds before falling. b) An invisible wall of air 2 wide is created around the caster on all sides. The wall is total protection from arrows, bolts, gases (including some breath weapons), gaseous forms, birds, etc. Larger ranged weapons have a 30% miss chance, but large weapons, such as giants boulders, are not effected. The wall may be walked through normally. c) Caster is unaffected by normal & magical winds. d) Has a pool of one 1d6 per Caster level (max 20d6). As a Standard Action, the caster may strike a single opponent within 100 with a stroke of electricity by making a ranged touch attack (+3 bonus if the target has a large amount of metal). The caster expends the dice in the pool to do the damage, allowing many little attacks, one big one, etc. Sunburst (PH p289)
<Evoc[light], VSM(sunstone, fire)/DF, 1StdAct, Longrange, Instantaneous, SR applies>

Wall of Greater Dispel Magic (Und p63)

<Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1min/lvl>

Creates an transparent wall whose area is one 10 square per level. When a creature passes through the wall, each ongoing spell effect on the target gets a separate Dispel Check (max +20). If successful, the spell effect is ended (except for those caused by magic items, which are only suppressed for 1d4 rounds). The wall cannot be seen with See Invisibility, but it can be detected with Detect Magic and True Seeing. Whirlwind (PH p301)
<Evoc[air], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Long-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

A 80 radius Burst of light is centred on the caster. Damage is based on creature type: Type Effect Undead 1d6/lvl (max 25d6) (Ref) & destroyed if vulnerable to sunlight (RefNeg) & Blind (RefNeg). Oozes 1d6/lvl (max 25d6) (Ref). others 6d6 (Ref) & Blind (RefNeg). This spell Dispels any spells with the [darkness]

Creates a 30 tall cyclone that is 30 wide at the top & 10 wide at the base. As a Standard Action, the caster can program the cyclone to move when & where he/she desires at a movement of 60 (& can change it again as another Standard Action). Any creature that comes in contact with the cyclone who is Large-sized or smaller takes 3d6 damage (RefNeg, SR applies). If a Medium-sized or smaller creature fails its first save, it must make a second Reflex save or be picked up by the cyclone & carried with it (taking 1d8 damage per round) until the spell ends or the caster directs the cyclone to put the target down. If the whirlwind moves out of range, it goes out of control. For 1d3 rounds, it moves randomly & then dissipates. Word of Recall (PH p303)
<Conj[teleport], V, 1StdAct>

Teleports the caster, his/her Maximum Load, &

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Level 9 Spells
Antipathy (PH p200)
<Ench(comp)[mind], VSM(alum, vinegar)/DF, 1Hour, Close-range, 2hrs/lvl, Will, SR applies>

Target object or location (up to 10 cube per level) is avoided by a named type of creature (such as Red Dragons) or specific alignment (such as Lawful Evil). If a creature of the named type makes its Will save, it can enter the area or touch the object, but even this causes a 4 penalty to Dexterity due to the discomfort of the act. This spell Counters and Dispels Sympathy. Cast in Stone (MoF p83)(MoFe)+
<Trans, VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

A subject who passes the fort save is safe for one day. The possible diseases are: blinding sickness, cackle fever, filth fever, mindfire, red ache, the shakes, slimy doom. Foresight (PH p233)
<Div, VSM(feather)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>

then it takes 1 round to heal, otherwise the limb regrows in 2d10 rounds. The subject is also healed 4d8 + 1/lvl (max +35) hit points, is no longer Fatigued or Exhausted, & all subdual damage is restored. This spell cannot target Undead. Shadow Landscape(CDiv p178)
<Ill(shadow), VS/DF, 1Hour, Long-range, 1day/lvl(D), SR applies>

Anyone meeting the casters gaze within Closerange must make a Will save or be turned to stone. Cure Critical Wounds, Mass(PH p215)
<Conj(heal), VS, 1StdAct, Close-range>

Cures 4d8 +1/level damage (max +40) to one creature per level in a 30 area with Positive Energy. Death Ward, Mass (SC p61)
<Necro, VS/DF, 1StdAct, close-range, 1creature/lvl, 1min/lvl, >

The caster receives mental warnings about what may harm the touched subject. If the caster placed the spell on himself, he can never be surprised or flat-footed, knows if he/she is being targeted with spells, ranged attacks, sneak attacks, etc., gains a +2 Insight bonus to AC & Reflex saves, & knows in general what to do in order to be safe (such as close your eyes, jump, run). If cast on a different target, the caster gets the warnings & must pass them on verbally to the target. In this case, neither gets the Insight bonuses. Invulnerability to Elements (MotW, p89)
<Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, touch, 10min/lvl, SR applies>

1 ally/lvl, no two of which are more than 30ft apart become immune to all death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effects (like Death Ward (lvl 5) but for multiple subjects. Doom of the Seas (SW p115)
<Conj(Summon)[Evil], VS/DF(500XP), 1Round, Touch, 1rnd/lvl(D)>

As Protection from All Elements (lvl 6) but the target creature is immune to damage from acid, cold, electricity, fire and sonic. Lookingglass (MotW, p90)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1hr, medium-range, 1day/lvl, SR applies>

Summons a gargantuan fiendish kraken (stat block on SW p116) which obeys you for the duration of the spell. Drown, Mass (Und p58)
<Conj(creat)[water], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, FortNeg, SR applies>

Casting this spell creates one end of a path between two natural mirrored surfaces. A second Lookingglass spell before the first one expires creates a path between those two mirrors that you can look through as if casting Clairvoyance. Within 1min/lvl of casting the second spell, you and 1creature/lvl can travel through the path as if using Teleport without Error. Natures Avatar (CDiv p170)
<Evoc, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

Any number of living target in a 30 area have their lungs filled with water & begins to drown (DMG p304). 1st round Targets hp drop to 0 & he/she is Unconscious. 2nd round Targets hp drop to 1 & he/she is Dying. 3rd round Target is Dead. The water cannot be forced from a targets lungs, but a target can be Stabilized with a Heal check vs. DC 15. Elemental Swarm(PH p226)
<Conj(sum)[variable element], VS, 10Minutes, Mediumrange, 10min/lvl(D), no SR>

Touched animal gains the following: a) +10 Morale bonus to attack & damage; b) +1d8 per level of Temporary hit points; c) +1 Dodge bonus to AC; d) +30 Enhancement bonus to all forms of movement (land, climb, swim, burrow, fly), up to double the base movement; e) when making a Full-Round Attack, the subject gets an additional attack at his/her best attack bonus. Perinarch, Planar (SC p154)
<Trans, VS/DF, 1StdAct, close-range, 1rnd/lvl>

Causes natural terrain in a 1 mile radius spread is infused with energy from the Plane of Shadow to become more dangerous: -all-: Roll twice for all weather condition three times for Plains) and take the worst result. Desert: Average temperature becomes more extreme by 30 degrees and sandstorms blow through hourly. Forest: The canopy of leaves block the sun, Light Undergrowth becomes Heavy Undergrowth, & Heavy Undergrowth becomes Entangle. Hill: Light Undergrowth becomes Heavy Undergrowth, it takes two movement to go up a Gradual Slope, four movement to go up a Steep Slope, and cliffs require a Climb check vs. DC 25 to go up or down. Marsh: Half the terrain is considered Quicksand. Mountain: Cliffs require a Climb check vs. DC 25 to go up or down, Avalanches are 10% likely to occur when there is a loud noise, and the altitude effects are one category worse. Plains: Half the spaces with Undergrowth are treated like Entangle and there are more tornados & thunderstorms. Underground: Naturally occurring caverns require 4 movement to enter & 10% of the floor is covered by stalagmites. The caster and one creature per 4 caster levels can be designated a Traveller & is not effected by the special traits of the landscape (but weather effects still apply). One HD per caster level of Animal, Plants, or Magical Beasts native to the target area can be designated Shadow Guardians. While in the area of effect, the Shadow Guardians are Friendly toward the Travellers, gain Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60, Resist Cold 10, Damage Reduction 10/magic, & Evasion. Shambler (PH p277)
<Conj(creat), VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range>

Like Perinarch (lvl 4) but for any highly morphic or divinely morphic plane. Phantom Bear (CDiv p173)
<Conj(sum), VS/DF, 1Round, Medium-range, Concentration up to 1rnd/lvl, no save, no SR>

Designate whether this casting of the spell will connect with the Plane of Air, Earth, Fire, or Water. Summons 2d4 Large Elementals from that Plane. Ten minutes after the spell is completed, 1d4 Huge Elementals arrive. Twenty minutes after the spell is completed, 1 Greater Elemental appears. All the Elementals serve the caster for the duration of the spell. The caster can dismiss any/all the Elementals as desired. Epidemic (MotW, p88)
<Necro, VS, 1StdAct, touch, instantaneous, fort neg, SR applies>

The caster summons a Huge, Incorporeal, 14HD Bear to attack his/her foes. Rain of Black Tulips (BoED p104)
<Evoc[good], VSM(a black tulip), 1StdAct, Longrange, 1rnd/lvl(D), Fort, SR applies>

Creates 1d4+2 11HD Shambling Mounds within a 30 area. The caster can either use them as guards or to perform tasks, in which case they remain for 7 days, or to guard a location within range, in which case they remain for 7 months. In either case, the creatures are dismissible by the caster. The Shambling Mounds only have their standard fire resistance if they reside in rainy or marshy terrain. Shapechange (PH p277)(PH3.5e)+
<Trans, VSF(1500gp jade circlet), 1StdAct, Personal, 10min/lvl(D)>

A creature that fails its fort save contracts a disease with no incubation period. Any living creature (except the caster) within 30ft of the victim must also make a fort save or also immediately contract the disease. Each person so infected also becomes a vector for the disease. The save DC drops by 1/day after the spell is cast.

The caster takes a new form, which can be changed each round as Free Action, which: a) can by any creature type, including those which has Incorporeal or Gaseous forms; b) cannot have more HD than the Caster level (max 25HD); c) may be as small as Fine-size & as large as Colossal-size. Regenerate (PH p270) The caster gets the following from the new form: <Conj(heal), VS/DF, 3Rounds, Touch, Instantaneous> a) Strength, Dexterity, & Constitution; Touched living subjects missing limbs are restored. If the severed limb is touching the subject, b) Extraordinary & Supernatural attacks & Black tulips fall in a 80 radius by 80 high Cylinder. Each Evil creature in the area of effect takes 5d6 damage per round (no save) and is Nauseated (FortNeg) as long as it remains in the area of effect.

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qualities. The caster keeps the following from its original form: a) Intelligence, Wisdom, & Charisma; b) hit points (ignore new Constitution score); c) level, class, & alignment; d) base attack bonus & base save bonuses (though these can be modified by the new forms Str, Dex, & Con); and e) extraordinary abilities, spells, & spell-like abilities (but not supernatural abilities). In addition: a) the new form can cast spells if it is physically capable (i.e., mouth for verbal components, hands for somatic, etc.); b) the casters equipment is transformed into analogous equipment for the new form if humanoid shaped, otherwise it is absorbed into the body & suppressed; c) +10 bonus on Disguise checks; d) gain 1 days natural healing of hit-points only; and e) if slain, return to original form. Storm of Vengeance (PH p285)
<Conj(sum), VS, 1Round, Long-range, Concentration up to 10rnds, SR applies>

Behaves like Meteor Swarm, blasting balls of lightning (like Fireball). Create 4 2ft or 8 1ft spheres that go where you designate. If there are creatures in the way, they take 16d6 damage (no save) and the balls dissipate. If the spheres reaches their destination, each bursts. Large spheres: 15ft radius spread, dealing 4d8 electricity damage Small spheres: 7.5ft radius, dealing 2d6 electricity damage Creatures failing their ref save are stunned for 1d4 rounds. Transmute Rock to Lava (SC p222)
<Trans[Earth, fire], VS, 1StdAct, medium-range, 10ft cube, instantaneous, Ref>

up to Huge Yes 60? 60 + 2d6 dmg Gargantuan Yes 60? 1d6 x 10 Colossal Yes 60? 1d6 x 5 Creature that start their round within the cyclone take 6d6 dmg per round (no save). After 1d10 rounds, a creature it thrown from the cyclone 4d6 x 5 horizontally & 4d6 x 5 vertically (taking falling damage if cant fly).

Creates a storm cloud that is 360 radius wide. Unless indicated otherwise, everyone in the area takes the following effects on the specified round: Rnd 1 Thunder: Deaf 1d4x10min (FortNeg) Rnd 2 Acid Rain: 1d6 Acid dmg (no save) Rnd 3 Lightning: 6 targets of the casters choice take 10d6 Electrical dmg (Ref ) Rnd 4 Hail: 5d6 bludgeoning dmg (no save) Rnd 5-10 Downpour: Concealment at 5, Total Concealment at 10, movement at , no ranged attacks, spells require Concentration checks vs. DC (spell DC + level of spell being cast).

Any natural or unworked rock becomes an equal volume of of molten lava. Any creatures in the area that pass their Ref save take 6d6 fire damage provided they can physically escape on their next turn. If they fail their save or cannot escape, they take 20d6 fire damage each round they remain in the area. Even after leaving the area, they take half damage for 1 round. If this spell is cast on a ceiling, the lava falls to the floor and spreads in a 15ft radius dealing 2d6 fire damage to anything caught under it (Ref ) and 10d6 each round they remain in the area. Tsunami (DR314 p47)
<Conj(creat)[water], VSF(5,000gp crown of coral & pearls), 1Round, Long-range, 1rnd/lvl(C), Fort, no SR>

The caster creates a wave of water that has its starting point anywhere within range and then moves is a direction the caster chooses. All creatures struck by the wave take 1d6/lvl (max 20d6) bludgeoning damage (Fort). If a creature of up to Huge-size fails its save, it is pulled into the wave & takes damage each round (but gets a new Fortitude save each round for half damage). If cast on dry land, the wave is 20/lvl wide, 10 Summon Elemental Monolith (CArc p124) long, & 40 high and moves 60. <Conj(sum)[variable element], VSM(100gp gem)/DF, If cast in the water, the wave is 40/lvl wide, 10 1Round, Medium-range, Concentration up to 1rnd/lvl> Summons one Elemental Monolith (CArc p156), a long, & 40 high and moves 60. Also, all creatures CR17 Gargantuan Elemental, of Air, Earth, Fire, or receive a 4 penalty on their save. Water. It attacks immediately on the turn that the caster finishes the spell under the verbal direction Undermaster (Und p62) <Trans[earth], VX(1,000), 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl> of the caster. The material component determines which type of While the caster stand upon or below the earth, he/she can use any of the following as a spell-like elemental is summoned: Aquamarine for Air, Tourmaline for Earth, Garnet for Fire, & Pearl for ability as a Standard Action (even if the normal casting time is longer): Burrow, Earthquake, Water. Excavate, Flesh to Stone, Meld into Stone, Move Earth, Reverse Gravity, Soften Earth and Stone, Summon Natures Ally IX(PH p289) <Conj(sum)[variable alignment/element], VS/DF, 1Round, Statue, Stone Shape, Stone Sphere, Stone Tell, Close-range, 1rnd/lvl(D)> Stone to Flesh, Transmute Mud to Rock, Summons one or more creatures to fight the Transmute Rock to Mud, and Wall of Stone. casters enemies. The creatures can attack on the casters initiative starting their first round. Whirlwind, Greater(CDiv p189) <Evoc[air], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl(D), Table # SR applies> Summon Natures Ally IX 1 Creates a cyclone that is 20 radius from top to Summon Natures Ally VIII 1d3 bottom and 5 per level tall As a Move Action, the Summon Natures Ally VII (or less) 1d4+1 caster can move the cyclone 60. a) Ranged attacks cannot pass through the cyclone; Sympathy (PH p292) b) it extinguishes all flames; <Ench(comp)[mind], VSM(1,500gp of pearls, honey)/DF, c) Listen check fail within the cyclone; 1Hour, Close-range, 2hrs/lvl, Will, SR applies> d) it uproots trees & vegetation and leaves a trail of Target object or location (up to 10 cube per Dense Rubble in its wake. level) attracts a named type of creature (such as e) structures within the cyclones radius take 2d6 x Red Dragons) or specific alignment (such as 10 hp of damage each round. Lawful Evil). If a creature of the named type Creatures within range the cyclone are pulled makes its Will save, it can leave the area or object, towards it by the distant listed (FortNeg): but must make an other save 10-60 minutes later or Size Flying? Range Distance feel the urge to return. up to Large No 60 1d4 x 10 +1d4 This spell Counters and Dispels Antipathy. non-lethal / 10 Huge No 40 Prone Thunderstorm(MotW, p94) Gargantuan No 40 Cant move away <Evoc[Electricity], VS, 1StdAct, long range, + instantaneous, ref half, SR applies>

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Spell Tables
Summon Natures Ally
List constructed from the table on PH3.5 p288. Summon Natures Ally I Dire Rat
(MM p64)

(MM p276)

(MM p277)

Snake, Small Viper

(MM p279

(MM p272)

(MM p276)

(MM p278)

(MM p283)

Summon Natures Ally II Bear, Black

(MM p269)

Elemental, Air (small) [air]

(MM p95)

(MM p152)

(MM p283)

(MM p271)

Elemental, Earth (small) [earth]

(MM p98)

Shark, Medium
(MM p279)

Dire Badger
(MM p62)

Elemental, Fire (small) [fire]

(MM p98)

Snake, Medium Viper

(MM p279)

Dire Bat
(MM p62)

Elemental, Water (small) [water]

(MM p98)

(MM p281)

Summon Natures Ally III Ape

(MM p268)

Elemental, Storm (small) [air]

(MM3 p48)

(MM p274)

Snake, Constrictor
(MM p279)

Dire Weasel
(MM p65)

Giant Eagle
(MM p93)

Satyr (without pipes)

(MM p219)

Snake, Large Viper

(MM p279)

Dire Wolf
(MM p65)

Giant Owl
(MM p205)

Shark, Large
(MM p279)

Thoqqua [earth][fire]
(MM p242)

Summon Natures Ally IV Arrowhawk, Juvenile [air]

(MM p19)

Dire Boar
(MM p63)

Elemental, Water (med.) [water]

(MM p98)

(MM p281)

Bear, Brown
(MM p269)

Dire Wolverine
(MM p66)

Salamander, Flamebrother [fire]

(MM p218)

Tojanida, Juvenile [water]

(MM p243)

Crocodile, Giant
(MM p271)

Elemental, Air (med.) [air]

(MM p95)

Sea Cat
(MM p220)

(MM p249)

(MM p60)

Elemental, Earth (med.) [earth]

(MM p98)

Shark, Huge
(MM p279)

Dire Ape
(MM p62)

Elemental, Fire (med.) [fire]

(MM p98)

Snake, Huge Viper

(MM p279)

Summon Natures Ally V Arrowhawk, Adult [air]

(MM p19)

Elemental, Earth (large) [earth]

(MM p98)

(MM p116)

Tojanida, Adult [water]

(MM p243)

Bear, Polar
(MM p269)

Elemental, Fire (large) [fire]

(MM p98)

(MM p235)

Whale, Orca
(MM p283)

Dire Lion
(MM p63)

Elemental, Storm (med.) [air]

(MM3 p48)

(MM p278)

(MM p60)

Elemental, Water (large) [water]

(MM p98)

Satyr (with pipes)

(MM p219)

Elemental, Air (large) [air]

(MM p95)

(MM p139)

Snake, Giant Constrictor

(MM p279)

Summon Natures Ally VI Dire Bear

(MM p63)

Elemental, Storm (large) [air]

(MM3 p48)

Octopus, Giant
(MM p276)

Whale, Baleen
(MM p282)

Elemental, Air (huge) [air]

(MM p95)

Elemental, Water (huge) [water]

(MM p98)

Elemental, Earth (huge) [earth]

(MM p98)

(MM p126)

Pixie (no special arrows, cannot cast Ottos Irresistible Dance)

(MM p236)

Xorn, Average [earth]

(MM p260)

Elemental, Fire (huge) [fire]

(MM p98)

(MM p60)

Salamander, Average [fire]

(MM p218)

Spell Tables

Page 33

Summon Natures Ally VII Arrowhawk, Elder [air] (MM p19) Dire Tiger (MM p65) Djinni (MM p114) Elemental, Air (greater) [air] (MM p95) Elemental, Earth (greater) [earth] (MM p98) Elemental, Fire (greater) [fire] (MM p98) Elemental, Storm (huge) [air] (MM3 p48) Elemental, Water (greater) [water] (MM p98) Invisible Stalker [air] (MM p160) Pixie (sleep arrows, cannot cast Ottos Irresistible Dance) (MM p236) Triceratops MM p61) Tyrannosaurus (MM p61) Whale, Cachalot (MM p283) Xorn, Elder [earth] (MM p260)

Summon Natures Ally VIII Dire Shark

(MM p64)

(MM p215)

Tojanida, Elder [water]

(MM p243)

Elemental, Storm (greater) [air]

(MM3 p48)

Salamander, Noble [fire]

(MM p218)

Summon Natures Ally IX Elemental, Air (elder) [air]

(MM p95)

Elemental, Water (elder) [water]

(MM p98)

Elemental, Earth (elder) [earth]

(MM p98)

Grig (with fiddle)

(MM p235)

Pixie (sleep & memory loss arrows, can cast Ottos Irresistible Dance)
(MM p236)

Elemental, Fire (elder) [fire]

(MM p98)

Unicorn, Celestial Charger

(MM p249)

Hallow/Unhallow Table
Spell that can be added to a Hallow (PH p238) / Unhallow(PH p297) Spell
Detect Magic(PH p219)
<Div, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Concentration up to 1min/lvl, no save, no SR>

GP Cost

The caster can see the Magic Aura of a spell or item in a 60 Cone-shaped Emanation. The information gained increases each round: 1st round presence of magic. 2nd round number of magic auras & the strength of the most powerful aura. If not in line-of-sight, the caster only knows the direction. 3rd round strength & location of each aura. If an aura is within line-of-sight, the caster can identify its school with a Spellcraft check vs. DC 15 + spell level. This spell is blocked by 3 of wood or dirt, 1 of stone, 1 of metal, & any amount of lead. Endure Elements (PH p226)
<Abj, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 24hrs>


Touched subject takes no harm (i.e., no Fortitude saves) from being in heat up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and cold down to 50. Aid(PH p196)
<Ench(comp)[mind], VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>


Touched subject gains a +1 Morale bonus to attack & saving throws vs. fear and gains Temporary HP equal to 1d8 + 1/lvl (max 1d8+10). Daylight (PH p216)
<Evoc[light], VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl(D), no SR>


Touched object gives off bright light in a 60 radius & dim light for another 60. The light may be blocked by putting the object in a container. Treated as sunlight for creatures who receive penalties in those conditions, but is not real sunlight so certain Undead are not destroyed. This spell Suppresses Deeper Darkness and is suppressed by it, leaving only the natural illumination in the overlapping area. This spell Counters and Dispels spells with the [darkness] category of equal or lower level. Resist Energy (PH p272)
<Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>


The touched subject & his/her equipment are protected from one Energy Type. Each attack doing damage of that type has the hp of damage reduced by the amount listed below. Lvl up to 6th # 10 Lvl 7th 10th # 20 Lvl 11th + # 30


Death Ward (PH p217)

<Necro, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 1min/lvl>

Grants immunity to death spells & effects, gaining Negative Levels, and Negative Energy damage & ability loss. Freedom of Movement (PH p233)
<Abj, VSM(leather cord)/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl>


Subject moves normally despite magical impediments (Web, Hold Person, etc.). The subject automatically succeeds on any Grapple check to resist being grappled, plus any Grapple check or Escape Artist check to escape a grapple and/or a pin. While under the effect of this spell, the subject can fight underwater.


Spell Tables

Page 34

Alignment Aura(PH p219) Use the following table to determine the strength of the aura seen by Detect Good, Detect Evil, etc.


Creature / Object
Outsider Undead other Creature Cleric, Paladin or other religious class Spell or Magic Items with an alignment Lingering Aura remains

HD HD HD Class Level Caster Level

Dim Aura
see below see below see below see below see below

Faint Aura
up to 1 up to 2 up to 10 1

Moderate Aura
24 38 11 25 2nd 4th 3rd 8th 1d6 min

Strong Aura
5 10 9 20 26 50 5th 10th 9th 20th 1d6 * 10 min

Overwhelming Aura
11 21 51 11th+ 21st + 1d6 days

up to 2nd 1d6 rnds

A Lingering Aura is left behind by an aligned spell ending or the dead/destruction of an aligned creature or magic item. The time it lasts depends on the strength of the original aura. The lingering aura itself is always a Dim Aura. If a caster sees an Overwhelming Aura that is opposite of his/her own alignment and the aura was generate by something with twice the HD / Class Level / Caster level of the caster, the caster is Stunned for one round & the detection spell ends. Magic Aura(PH p219) Use the following table to determine the strength of the aura seen by Detect Magic.

Creature / Object
Active Spell Magic Item Lingering Aura remains


Dim Aura

Faint Aura

Moderate Aura

Strong Aura

Overwhelming Aura

A Lingering Aura is left behind by an spell ending or the destruction of a magic item. The time it lasts depends on the strength of the original aura. The lingering aura itself is always a Dim Aura. Undead Aura(PH p220) Use the following table to determine the strength of the aura seen by Detect Good, Detect Evil, etc.

Creature / Object
Undead Lingering Aura Remains

Unit HD

Dim Aura See below

Faint Aura Up to 1 1d6 rnds

Moderate Aura 24 1d6 min

Strong Aura 5 10 1d6 * 10 min

Overwhelming Aura 11+ 1d6 days

A Lingering Aura is left behind by the destruction of an Undead. The time it lasts depends on the strength of the original aura. The lingering aura itself is always a Dim Aura.

Close-range Medium-range Long-range 25 + 5 per 2 levels. 100 + 10 per level. 400 + 40 per level.

Levels of Concealment
Concealment(PH p152) 20% miss chance. Total Concealment(PH p152) Must guess at the correct hex. If the guess is correct, then there is still a 50% miss chance.

Levels of Cover Cover, Hard (such as walls) (PH p150) +4 Cover bonus to AC & +2 Cover bonus to Reflex saves for spells whose point of origin is on the other side of the cover. Not subject to Attacks of Opportunity through the cover.

Cover, Soft (such as opponents) (PH p150)(PH3.5e)+ +4 Cover bonus to AC against Ranged Attacks. Not subject to Attacks of Opportunity through the cover

Full Cover (PH p150) Cant be targeted

Levels of Exhaustion


Page 35

Fatigued(PH p308) Subject cannot move run or change and suffers a 2 penalty of Strength & Dexterity. Any action that would cause Fatigue instead causes the subject to become Exhausted. After 8 hours of complete rest, fatigue is removed.

Exhausted(PH p308) Subject can only move at speed and suffers a 6 penalty of Strength & Dexterity. After one hour of complete rest, the subject becomes Fatigued.

Levels of Fear (in order of severity) Shaken, Frightened, Panicked, Cowering

Shaken(PH p312) Subject suffers a 2 penalty to attacks, skill checks, ability checks, & saving throws. Frightened(PH p309) Subject must flee from the source of the fear. If cornered, the subject can fight with a 2 penalty to attacks, skill checks, ability checks, & saving throws. Panicked(PH p311) Subject drops anything in his/her hands & flees from the source of the fear. If cornered, the subject must use Total Defence. All skill checks, ability checks, & saving throws have a 2 penalty. Cowering(PH p306) Subject is paralyzed with fear and cannot take any actions. 2 penalty to AC & looses Dexterity modifier to AC.

Areas of Effect Shape

Cone(PH p175) Effect starts at the caster and extends out to the cones length in a quarter circle. Line(PH p175) A Line area-of-effect stretches from the caster to the end of range. All creatures & objects within a hex touched by that line are targeted.

Areas of Effect Fill

Burst(PH p175) Cannot go around corners or through Total Cover. The targets are determined when the spell is cast only. Emanation(PH p175) Cannot go around corners or though Total Cover. Any creature that enters the emanation during the spells duration is affected. Spread(PH p175) Can go around corners, but not though Total Cover.

Casting Times
Immediate Action(CArc p86) A Swift Action that can be used when it is not your turn. It still counts as your one Swift Action of the coming turn. You cannot use an Immediate Action when Flat-Footed. Example: Feather Fall. Swift Action(CArc p86) You may execute one Swift Action each turn during your action. It takes as much time as a Free Action. Example: A spell with Feat: Quicken Spell applied to it. Standard Action(PH p138) The default casting time for a spell. Full Round Action(PH p139) A Full Round Action. Casting time for many summoning spells.


Page 36

Other Definitions
All Actions Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, Skill Checks, & Ability Checks. Attitude Categories(PH p72) See table on PH3.5 p72. Avert Gaze (i.e., try to avoid eye contact) (MM be carried and/or teleported as a number of Medium-sized creatures. a) the count does not include that caster; b) each subject, including the caster, can carry Maximum Load; c) one Small-sized (or smaller) creature can be p309) substituted for one Medium-sized creature; Gain a 50% chance to avoid a gaze attack, but d) larger creatures may be substituted according grant your opponent Concealment (20% miss to the following table chance). 1 Large-size = 2 Medium-size Blind(PH p305) 1 Huge-size = 4 Medium-size Subject cannot see, has a 50% chance of missing 1 Gargantuan-size = 8 Medium-size outright in combat (assuming the correct hex 1 Colossal-size = 16 Medium-size was chosen), receives a 2 penalty on AC & Crippled looses Dexterity modifier to AC, moves at Effectively has 0 hp, & cant partake in speed, suffers a 4 penalty on most Strength & strenuous activity. Dexterity skills. Dazed(PH p307) Calling Diagram(PH p249) Subject can take no actions, but is able to defend Created by making a Spellcraft roll vs. DC 20 itself normally & has not AC penalty. and spending 10 minutes (it is possible to Take Dazzled(PH p307) 10, but not Take 20). When a Conj(call) spell Sighted creatures receive a 1 penalty to attack is used with a Calling Diagram & Dimensional rolls, Spot checks, & Search checks. Anchor, the called creature cannot leave the <ability> Damage diagram either by magic or mundane means. The Target looses an ability score which heals captured creature also cannot use any of its normally. abilities, attacks, or even Spell Resistance to <ability> Drain escape. Target looses an ability score which can only be The description of a Calling Diagram is healed with magic. contained in the spell Magic Circle against Deafened(PH p307) Evil. Subject cannot hear, suffers a 4 Initiative Caster Check(PH p305) penalty, can has a 20% chance of spell failure if Caster level + 1d20 vs. the indicated DC. the spell has verbal components. Catch Fire Defenseless(PH p257) Reflex save vs. DC 15 to avoid catching fire. Helpless, plus always fail saving throws. Each round, the subject & its equipment take Dismissible (D)(PH p176) 1d6 fire damage. A new Reflex save vs. DC 15 Dismissing a spell requires the caster to be is allowed each round to put the fire out. +4 within spell range & use a verbal component. If bonus for rolling on the ground or having useful the original spell did not have a verbal help. The fire goes out automatically if the component, a somatic component is used subject is doused with water, jumps in a lake, instead. Either act counts as a Standard Action etc. that does not generate an Attack of Opportunity. Cloud Concentration spells can be dismissed as a Free 5 of cloud provides Concealment, while 10 or Action on the casters action. more provides Full Concealment. Dispel Check(PH p307) Dispersed by a Moderate Wind (11-20 mph) in 1d20 + Caster Level (max +N) vs. DC 11 + four rounds or by a Strong Wing (21+ mph) in target spells caster level. N is determined by one round. spell. Comatose(PH p228) Energy Type Target enters a catatonic coma & cannot be Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic. awaken. Elves & Half-Elves are vulnerable to Entangled(PH p308) this effect. Subject receives a 2 penalty to attacks, a 4 Community Sizes(DMG p137) penalty to effective Dexterity, & must make Indicates the adult population. Non-adult Concentration checks to cast spells. If the population will be 10% 40% more. entanglement is anchored, the subject cannot Thorp 20 80 move, otherwise the subject can only move at Hamlet 81 400 speed, but cant run or charge. Village 401 900 To remove the entangle usually requires a Small Town 901 2,000 Strength or Escape Artist check whose DC is Large Town 2,001 5,000 designated by the effect. Small City 5,001 12,000 Exhausted(PH p308) Large City 12,001 25,000 See above. Metropolis 25,001 or more Fascinated(PH p308) Confused(PH p212) Subject stays still & quiet as long as the effect Mental-effect causes the target acts randomly lasts. During this time, it receives a 4 penalty each round that the spell is in effect: on Listen & Spot checks. 01-10: Attack the caster. If potentially threatened, the subject receives a 11-20: Act normally. new saving throw. If obviously threatened, the 21-50: Do nothing. fascination ends. 51-70: Run away from the caster at top speed An ally can shake a creature out of fascination 71-00: Attack the nearest creature (ignoring as a Standard Action. your familiar). Cowering Fast Healing N See above Subject heals damage taken during the spells Creature Equivalent duration at the rate of N hit points per round & Some spells express the amount of load that can automatically Stabilizes. This spell does not heal starvation, thirst, or suffocation damage. Fast Healing effects do not stack. Fatigued(PH p308) See above. Frightened See above. Held Subject cannot move & is Helpless. Subject can still breath & think, though. Helpless(PH p309) Subject is immobile & extremely vulnerable. Dexterity is considered 0, so the subjects AC is at 5. Melee attacks are at an additional +4. The subject is vulnerable to sneak attacks & coup de graces. Incorporeal(PH p309) The subject does not have a solid body & is immune to non-magical attacks. Magic weapons & spells can effect them with a 50% miss chance. Force effects always effect an incorporeal target. When attacking, incorporeal creatures ignore Natural Armour bonuses & Armour bonuses (unless generated by a Force effect, such as Mage Armour). Insignia(RoD p166) Focus for the spells Insignia of Alarm, Insignia of Blessing, Insignia of Healing, & Insignia of Warding. Must have been crafted by the spellcaster. Emblem of an organization, such as a Guild, Church, or Militia. The insignia may be an amulet, badge, ring, etc., but each insignia of a set must have a matching logo, crest, or symbol and be worth at least 10gp. Invisible(PH p309) Gain a +2 bonus on attack, and the target looses its Dexterity modifier to AC. An attacker must guess at the correct hex of the invisible creature. If the guess is correct, then there is still a 50% miss chance (i.e., Total Concealment). Magical Sensor When using Clairvoyance/Clairaudience, Scrying, or any other Div(scry) spell., the spell creates a magical, Invisible spot that is looked and/or listened through. It cannot be damaged, but can be Dispelled. It also can be located with See Invisible, Detect Magic, or Detect Scrying. Nauseated(PH p310) Subject cannot attack, cast spells, concentrate, or do anything other than a single move action each round. Negative Energy Damage Harms the living (& the Deathless) and heals the Undead. Negative Level(PH p310) For 24 hours, the subject has the following penalties per Negative Level: 1 to all skill & ability checks, 1 to all attack rolls, 1 to all saving throws; 5 hit points, 1 effective level, looses 1 spell from the highest level castable that is still available for that day. For any Negative Level that is still in effect after 24 hours, the subject must make a Fortitude save vs. the DC of the Negative Level (either the spells DC or for a monster, 10 + HD + Charisma modifier). If the subject fails, then he/she loose an actual level permanently (though it may be returned with Restoration or Greater Restoration). Non-Recoverable Level Levels lost by Raise Dead or Resurrection cannot be replaced by any means. Object Equivalent(PH p300) Some spells express the amount of inanimate


Page 37

matter that can be effected as a number of Small-sized objects. Larger object may be substituted according to the following table 1 Small-size = 2 Tiny-size 1 Medium-size = 2 Small-size 1 Large-size = 4 Small-size 1 Huge-size = 8 Small-size 1 Gargantuan-size = 16 Small-size 1 Colossal-size = 32 Small-size Panicked(PH p311) See above. Primary Stat For Artificers & Wizards, use Intelligence. For Bards & Sorcerers, use Charisma. For Clerics, Druids, Paladins, & Rangers, use Wisdom. Positive Energy Heals the living (& the Deathless) and damages the Undead, who typically receives a Will save for damage. Prone(PH p311) The subject is lying on the ground. Attackers gain a +4 bonus with melee attacks, but receive a 4 penalty with ranged attacks. The prone creature receives a 4 penalty on melee attacks & cannot make most ranged attacks. Rubble, Dense(DMG p90) TBD Scent Ability(MM p314) Subject can detect opponents by smell within 30 (60 downwind, 15 upwind) & can track by scent. Shaken(PH p312) See above. Sickened(PH p228) Target suffers a 2 penalty on attacks, damage, saves, skill checks, & ability checks. Slowed(PH p280) Subject may only take one Standard or Move Action each round; suffers a 1 penalty to AC, melee attacks, melee damage, & Reflex saves. Staggered(PH p313) Subject can only take one Standard Action or one Move Action each round. Stunned(PH p313) Subject looses Dex bonus to AC, has a 2 penalty to AC, and cannot take actions. Suspended Animation Target is unconscious, does not need to eat, drink, or break, and no longer ages. Untyped Damage Damage that is not Acid damage, Cold damage, Electricity damage, Fire damage, Sonic damage, Positive Energy damage, nor Negative Energy damage. This kind of damage is not blocked by any type of resistance. Weakened Targets has a 2d6 penalty to Strength for the indicated time. Wind, Moderate (DMG p95) 11 20 mph Wind, Strong (DMG p95) 21 30 mph Wind, Severe (DMG p95) 31 50 mph Temporary HP These hit-points are removed first if the subject is damaged. They cannot be restored, even by healing. Vile Damage HP lost due to Vile Damage can only be regained by magical healing within a Hallow or Consecrate spell.


Page 38

Key to Sourcebooks
BoED CWar CDiv CArc CAdv DMG DR### DU## Draco Eb FR LoD MotW MM MM3 MoF PGF PH RoD RoS RotW RoE RoF SC SM SW UA Und 3.5up PH3.5e PGFe CDivErrata CArcErrata EbErrata Book of Exalted Deeds Complete Warrior Complete Divine Complete Arcane Complete Adventurer Dungeon Masters Guide v.3.5 Dragon Magazine (with issue number) Dungeon Magazine (with issue number) Draconomicon Eberron Campaign Setting Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Lords of Darkness Masters of the Wild Monster Manual v.3.5 Monster Manual Magic of Faern Players Guide to Faern Players Handbook v.3.5 Races of Destiny Races of Stone Races of the Wild Races of Eberron Races of Faern Spell Compendium Silver Marches Stormwrack Unearthed Arcana Underdark D&D v.3.5 Accessory Update Players Handbook v.3.5 Errata Players Guide to Faern Errata Complete Divine Errata Complete Arcane Errata Eberron Errata

Note: If a Key reference is followed by a +, then it is partially superseded the entry above it.


Page 39

Adrenaline Surge........................................................6 Affliction................................................................11 Air Breathing...........................................................11 Air Walk.................................................................16 Align Fang................................................................6 Align Fang, Mass.......................................................11 Alter Fortune...........................................................11 Anger of the Noonday Sun............................................24 Animal Growth.........................................................20 Animal Messenger.......................................................6 Animal Reduction.......................................................6 Animal Shapes.........................................................29 Animalistic Power.......................................................6 Animalistic Power, Mass..............................................27 Animate Fire.............................................................3 Animate Plants.........................................................27 Animate Snow..........................................................24 Animate Water..........................................................3 Animate Wood...........................................................3 Anticold Sphere........................................................20 Antilife Shell...........................................................24 Antipathy...............................................................31 Antiplant Shell.........................................................16 Arc of Lightning........................................................16 As the Frost............................................................27 Aspect of the Earth Hunter..........................................24 Aspect of the Wolf .....................................................3 Atonement.............................................................20 Attune Form............................................................11 Aura Against Flame ....................................................3 Aura of Vitality........................................................27 Aurils Flowers.........................................................20 Awaken.................................................................20 Awaken, Mass..........................................................29 Babau Slime.............................................................3 Balancing Lorecall......................................................6 Baleful Polymorph.....................................................20 Barkskin..................................................................6 Bears Endurance.......................................................6 Bears Endurance, Mass...............................................24 Beast Claws..............................................................3 Beastland Ferocity......................................................3 Beget Bogun.............................................................3 Big Sky..................................................................20 Binding Winds...........................................................6 Bite of the Werebear.................................................24 Bite of the Wereboar.................................................16 Bite of the Wererat.....................................................6 Bite of the Weretiger.................................................20 Bite of the Werewolf..................................................11 Blackwater Tentacle..................................................20 Blight....................................................................16 Blinding Beauty........................................................16 Blinding Spittle..........................................................6 Blindsight................................................................6 Blindsight, Greater ...................................................16 Blood Creepers.........................................................20 Blood Frenzy.............................................................6 Blood Sirocco...........................................................24 Body of the Sun.........................................................6 Bombardment..........................................................29 Bones of the Earth.....................................................24 Bottle of Smoke.......................................................11 Brambles.................................................................6 Branch to Branch........................................................3 Breath of the Jungle...................................................3 Briar Web................................................................6 Brilliant Aura...........................................................29 Brilliant Blade..........................................................27 Bulls Strength..........................................................6 Bulls Strength, Mass..................................................24 Buoyant Lifting..........................................................3 Burrow....................................................................6 Burrow, Mass ..........................................................16 Call Lightning..........................................................11 Call Lightning Storm..................................................20 Call of Stone...........................................................16 Calm Animals............................................................3 Calm, Mass.............................................................16 Camels Tenacity......................................................11 Camouflage..............................................................3 Camouflage, Mass.......................................................6 Capricious Zephyr.....................................................11 Cast in Stone...........................................................31 Cats Grace..............................................................6 Cats Grace, Mass.....................................................24 Chain of Eyes...........................................................16 Chameleon...............................................................6 Changestaff............................................................27 Changestones..........................................................27 Charge of the Triceratops............................................11 Charm Animal...........................................................3 Chasing Perfection....................................................24 Chill Metal...............................................................6 Circle Dance............................................................11 Claws of the Beast......................................................3 Climb Walls..............................................................3 Cloak of the Sea.......................................................20 Cloud Wings..............................................................6 Cloudburst...............................................................6 Cloudwalkers...........................................................27 Cocoon..................................................................29 Cold Fire.................................................................3 Cold Snap...............................................................20 Cometfall...............................................................24 Command Plants.......................................................16 Commune with Earth..................................................20 Commune with Nature................................................20 Contagion...............................................................11 Contagion, Mass.......................................................20 Contagious Touch.....................................................16 Contingent Energy Resistance.......................................16 Control Currents.......................................................16 Control Plants..........................................................29 Control Water..........................................................16 Control Weather.......................................................27 Control Winds..........................................................20 Corona of Cold.........................................................11 Countermoon............................................................7 Crabwalk.................................................................3 Creaking Cacophony ..................................................11 Create Crossroads and Backroad....................................27 Create Water............................................................2 Creeping Cold...........................................................7 Creeping Cold, Greater...............................................16 Creeping Doom.........................................................27 Crown of Clarity.......................................................11 Crumble.................................................................24 Crushing Coils..........................................................11 Cure Critical Wounds..................................................21 Cure Critical Wounds, Mass..........................................31 Cure Light Wounds......................................................3 Cure Light Wounds, Mass.............................................24 Cure Minor Wounds.....................................................2 Cure Moderate Wounds...............................................11 Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass........................................27 Cure Serious Wounds..................................................16 Cure Serious Wounds, Mass..........................................29 Curse of Spilt Water..................................................24 Daggerspell Stance.....................................................7 Dance of the Unicorn.................................................21 Dancing Web...........................................................21 Darkseed.................................................................2 Dawn......................................................................2


Page 40

Daylight.................................................................11 Daze Animal.............................................................2 Deadfall.................................................................29 Death Ward.............................................................21 Death Ward, Mass.....................................................31 Decomposition...........................................................7 Deep Breath.............................................................3 Dehydrate..............................................................12 Delay Disease............................................................3 Delay Poison.............................................................7 Depthsurge.............................................................29 Desert Burial...........................................................16 Detect Animals or Plants..............................................3 Detect Crossroad........................................................2 Detect Magic............................................................2 Detect Poison............................................................2 Detect Snares and Pits.................................................3 Diminish Plants.........................................................12 Dinosaur Stampede....................................................24 Dire Hunger............................................................21 Dispel Magic............................................................16 Dispel Magic, Greater.................................................24 Dominate Animal......................................................12 Doom of the Seas......................................................31 Downdraft..............................................................21 Drifts of the Shalm......................................................7 Drown...................................................................24 Drown, Mass............................................................31 Druid Grove............................................................21 Dust Storm..............................................................12 Earth Glide.............................................................29 Earthbind................................................................7 Earthen Grace...........................................................7 Earthfast.................................................................7 Earthquake.............................................................29 Easy Trail................................................................7 Echo Skull...............................................................21 Elemental Swarm......................................................31 Embrace the Wild.......................................................7 Endure Elements........................................................3 Energetic Healing.....................................................21 Energize Potion........................................................12 Energy Immunity.......................................................24 Energy Vortex..........................................................12 Enhance Wild Shape ..................................................17 Enrage Animal...........................................................3 Entangle..................................................................3 Entangling Staff........................................................12 Enveloping Cocoon....................................................24 Epidemic................................................................31 Essence of the Raptor ................................................17 Estannas Stew..........................................................7 Evards Menaching Tentacles........................................12 Extract Water Elemental.............................................25 Eye of the Hurricane..................................................17 Eyes of the Avoral......................................................7 Faerie Fire...............................................................4 False Bravado..........................................................12 Fang Blade..............................................................12 Favourable Winds......................................................12 Feathers................................................................17 Find the Path...........................................................25 Finger of Death........................................................29 Fins to Feet .............................................................7 Fire Eyes.................................................................2 Fire Seeds..............................................................25 Fire Storm..............................................................27 Fire Trap.................................................................7 Fire Wings..............................................................12 Fires of Purity..........................................................25 Fireward................................................................21 Flame Blade.............................................................7 Flame Strike............................................................17 Flaming Sphere..........................................................7

Flare......................................................................2 Flowsight...............................................................21 Fly, Swift.................................................................7 Fog Cloud................................................................7 Foresight................................................................31 Forestfold..............................................................17 Foundation of Stone....................................................4 Freedom of Movement................................................17 Freeze...................................................................17 Frost Bite...............................................................17 Frost Breath............................................................12 Gate Seal...............................................................25 Geyser..................................................................12 Giant Vermin...........................................................17 Giants Wrath..........................................................12 Girallons Blessing.....................................................12 Goodberry................................................................4 Green Blockade.........................................................7 Greenfire...............................................................12 Ground Smoke...........................................................2 Guidance.................................................................2 Gust of Wind.............................................................7 Hallow..................................................................21 Hawkeye.................................................................4 Heal.....................................................................27 Heal Animal Companion .............................................21 Healing Lorecall.........................................................8 Healing Rest.............................................................4 Healing Spirit..........................................................17 Healing Sting............................................................8 Heartfire.................................................................8 Heat Metal...............................................................8 Heatstroke.............................................................12 Hide from Animals......................................................4 Hide the Path..........................................................25 Hold Animal..............................................................8 Horrible Taste...........................................................4 Hungry Gizzard........................................................25 Hypothermia...........................................................12 Ice Storm...............................................................17 Icelance.................................................................17 Inferno..................................................................21 Infestation of Maggots................................................12 Insect Plague...........................................................21 Invulnerability to Elements..........................................31 Ironwood................................................................25 Jagged Tooth ..........................................................12 Jaws of the Moray......................................................8 Jaws of the Wolf.......................................................17 Jump......................................................................4 Jungles Rapture......................................................21 Junglerazer.............................................................13 Kelpstrand...............................................................8 Kiss of Death...........................................................21 Know Direction..........................................................2 Kuo-Toa Skin............................................................4 Land Womb.............................................................17 Languor.................................................................17 Lash of the Kraken....................................................13 Last Breath.............................................................17 Lay of the Land .......................................................17 Leonals Roar..........................................................29 Light......................................................................2 Linked Perception......................................................8 Lions Charge..........................................................13 Listening Lorecall.......................................................8 Liveoak..................................................................25 Locate Node.............................................................8 Longstrider..............................................................4 Longstrider, Mass......................................................21 Lookingglass............................................................31 Low-Light Vision........................................................4 Maelstrom..............................................................29 Magic Convalescence.................................................21


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Magic Fang...............................................................4 Magic Fang, Greater..................................................13 Magic Fang, Superior..................................................18 Magic Stone..............................................................4 Mandragora.............................................................25 Mantle of the Icy Soul.................................................21 Mark of the Outcast....................................................8 Master Air................................................................8 Master Earth...........................................................27 Megalodon Empowerment............................................29 Meld into Stone........................................................13 Memory Rot............................................................22 Mending..................................................................2 Merrshaulks Kiss......................................................13 Meteoric Strike........................................................18 Miasma..................................................................25 Miasma of Entropy.....................................................18 Might of the Oak........................................................8 Moon Bolt...............................................................18 Mountain Stance........................................................8 Move Earth.............................................................25 Mudslide................................................................25 Murderous Mist.........................................................18 Natures Avatar........................................................31 Natures Balance......................................................13 Natures Favour.........................................................8 Natures Rampart.....................................................13 Naturewatch.............................................................2 Neutralize Poison......................................................13 Obscuring Mist...........................................................4 Omen of Peril............................................................4 One with the Land......................................................8 Owls Insight...........................................................22 Owls Wisdom...........................................................8 Owls Wisdom, Mass...................................................25 Panacea.................................................................22 Pass without Trace.....................................................4 Perinarch...............................................................18 Perinarch, Planar......................................................31 Persistence of the Waves..............................................8 Phantasmal Disorientation...........................................25 Phantom Bear..........................................................31 Phantom Plough.......................................................13 Phantom Stag..........................................................22 Phantom Wolf..........................................................30 Plague...................................................................27 Plague Carrier.........................................................13 Planar Tolerance......................................................18 Plant Body..............................................................22 Plant Growth...........................................................13 Poison...................................................................13 Poison Thorns..........................................................22 Poison Vines............................................................18 Power Sight..............................................................4 Pressure Sphere.........................................................8 Primal Form............................................................13 Produce Flame..........................................................4 Protection from All Elements........................................25 Protection from Energy...............................................13 Purify Food and Drink..................................................2 Quench..................................................................13 Quickswim...............................................................4 Quill Blast..............................................................22 Quillfire.................................................................13 Radiance................................................................22 Raging Flame............................................................4 Rain of Black Tulips...................................................31 Rain of Red Roses......................................................27 Rams Might.............................................................4 Rapid Burrowing........................................................4 Raptors Sight...........................................................4 Reachwalkers Wariness...............................................8 Read Magic...............................................................2 Red Tide................................................................30

Reduce Animal..........................................................8 Regenerate.............................................................31 Regenerate Circle.....................................................25 Regenerate Critical Wounds.........................................22 Regenerate Light Wounds.............................................4 Regenerate Ring.......................................................13 Regenerate Serious Wounds.........................................18 Reincarnate............................................................18 Rejuvenation Cocoon.................................................22 Remedy Moderate Wounds............................................8 Remove Addiction......................................................8 Remove Disease.......................................................13 Remove Scent...........................................................4 Renewed Vigour.......................................................18 Repel Metal or Stone.................................................30 Repel Vermin...........................................................18 Repel Wood............................................................25 Resist Energy............................................................8 Resist Energy, Mass...................................................13 Resist Planar Alignment................................................4 Resistance...............................................................2 Resistance, Greater...................................................18 Resistance, Superior .................................................25 Restoration, Lesser.....................................................8 Reverse Gravity........................................................30 Ride of the Valenar.....................................................4 Rogue Wave............................................................13 Rushing Waters........................................................18 Rusting Grasp..........................................................18 Saltray....................................................................9 Sandblast.................................................................4 Scales of the Sealord.................................................14 Scarecrow................................................................2 Scent.....................................................................9 Screen of Heat.........................................................14 Scrying..................................................................18 Scrying, Greater.......................................................27 Serpent Storm..........................................................22 Shadow Landscap......................................................31 Shadowblast............................................................18 Shambler...............................................................31 Shapechange...........................................................31 Share Husk...............................................................9 Sheltered Vitality.....................................................18 Shifting Paths..........................................................28 Shillelagh................................................................4 Silvered Claws...........................................................4 Sink......................................................................14 Sirines Grace..........................................................22 Sleet Storm.............................................................14 Slime Wave.............................................................28 Slow.....................................................................19 Slow Burn................................................................5 Snake Shield............................................................14 Snakes Swiftness.......................................................5 Snakes Swiftness, Mass................................................9 Snakebite...............................................................14 Snare....................................................................14 Snowshoes...............................................................2 Snowshoes, Mass........................................................9 Spark of Life...........................................................18 Speak with Animals.....................................................5 Speak with Anything..................................................30 Speak with Plants.....................................................14 Spear of Valarian......................................................22 Speed of the Wind......................................................9 Speed Swim..............................................................5 Spellstaff...............................................................25 Spiderskin..............................................................14 Spike Growth...........................................................14 Spike Stones............................................................19 Spikes...................................................................14 Spirit Jaws..............................................................14 Spitting Cobra..........................................................19


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Splinterbolt..............................................................9 Spore Cloak.............................................................22 Standing Wave.........................................................14 Stars of Arvandor......................................................19 Starvation..............................................................19 Stone Metamorphosis.................................................19 Stone Metamorphosis, Greater......................................26 Stone Shape............................................................14 Stone Shape, Greater.................................................22 Stone Tell..............................................................26 Stonehold...............................................................25 Stonemantle.............................................................5 Stoneskin...............................................................22 Storm of Elemental Fury.............................................28 Storm of Vengeance...................................................32 Storm Tower...........................................................28 Stormrage..............................................................30 Stormwalk..............................................................26 Sudden Stalagmite....................................................19 Summon Elemental Monolith.........................................32 Summon Elementite Swarm..........................................19 Summon Greater Elemental.........................................26 Summon Natures Ally I................................................5 Summon Natures Ally II...............................................9 Summon Natures Ally III.............................................14 Summon Natures Ally IV.............................................19 Summon Natures Ally IX.............................................32 Summon Natures Ally V..............................................22 Summon Natures Ally VI.............................................26 Summon Natures Ally VII............................................28 Summon Natures Ally VIII...........................................30 Summon Swarm.........................................................9 Sun Fathers Face.......................................................5 Sunbeam................................................................28 Sunburst................................................................30 Sunmace.................................................................9 Surefooted Stride.......................................................5 Swamp Lung............................................................28 Swamp Stride..........................................................22 Swim......................................................................9 Swim, Mass.............................................................19 Sympathy...............................................................32 Terns Persistence......................................................9 Thalassemia............................................................19 Thornskin...............................................................14 Thunder Field..........................................................26 Thunderhead............................................................5 Thunderous Roar ......................................................14 Thunderstorm..........................................................32 Tidal Surge.............................................................26 Tigers Tooth............................................................9 Tojanida Sight...........................................................9 Tortoise Shell......................................................14, 26 Touch of Adamantine.................................................26 Train Animal.............................................................9 Trance, Mass...........................................................22 Transformation of the Deeps........................................22 Transmute Metal to Wood............................................28 Transmute Mud to Rock..............................................22 Transmute Rock to Lava..............................................32 Transmute Rock to Mud..............................................23 Transport via Plants...................................................26

Travellers Mount.......................................................5 Treasure Scent.........................................................14 Tree Shape...............................................................9 Tree Stride.............................................................23 Tremor..................................................................14 True Seeing............................................................28 Tsunami.................................................................32 Undermaster...........................................................32 Unearthly Beauty......................................................30 Unhallow................................................................23 Unyielding Roots.......................................................30 Updraft.................................................................14 Urchins Spines .........................................................9 Vengeful Mount.........................................................2 Venomous Volley........................................................9 Vigorous Circle.........................................................26 Vigour...................................................................15 Vigour, Greater........................................................23 Vigour, Lesser...........................................................5 Vigour, Mass Lesser...................................................15 Vine Mine...............................................................23 Vine Strike...............................................................5 Virtue.....................................................................2 Vortex of Teeth .......................................................19 Wake Trailing..........................................................19 Walk the Mountains Path............................................15 Wall of Dispel Magic..................................................23 Wall of Fire.............................................................23 Wall of Greater Dispel Magic........................................30 Wall of Sand............................................................23 Wall of Smoke...........................................................5 Wall of Stone...........................................................26 Wall of Thorns.........................................................23 Wall of Water..........................................................19 Warp Wood..............................................................9 Water Breathing.......................................................15 Waterball...............................................................19 Waterspout.............................................................28 Weather Eye...........................................................15 Webfoot..................................................................5 Whirlwind...............................................................30 Whirlwind, Greater....................................................32 Wild Instincts............................................................9 Wild Runner............................................................19 Wind at Back...........................................................19 Wind Tunnel............................................................23 Wind Walk..............................................................28 Wind Wall...............................................................15 Wings of Air..............................................................9 Wings of Air, Greater ................................................19 Wings of the Sea........................................................5 Winter Chill..............................................................5 Winters Embrace.....................................................10 Wood Rot...............................................................19 Wood Shape............................................................10 Wood Wose..............................................................5 Woodland Veil.........................................................10 Word of Balance.......................................................28 Word of Recall.........................................................30 Wrack Earth............................................................28 Wracking Touch........................................................10 .................................................................11, 22, 28


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1.0. 17 September 2006: initial release (all spells from Chets PDF plus Players Handbook 2) 1.1: 8 October 2006: Added spells from the Draconomicon 1.2. 18 December 2006: Fixed typo to indicate that 9th level Summon Natures Ally pixie can cast Ottos Irresistible Dance 07 January 2007: sort key to source books in alphabetical order 16 January 2007: Added spells from the supplement book Masters of the Wild 1.3. September 2007: Added spells from the Spell Compendium 1.3.1 September 2007: Removed some duplicate spells and fixed some typos 1.4 21 January 2008: Added alphabetical index; removed some duplicate spells; fixed some typos 1.5 20 July 2009: Added spells from Stormwrack


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