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TEACHING PLAN ON DIABETES MELLITUS DESCRIPTION OF THE LEARNER: The Patient is Maria Desamito, 64 y/o Female, Married, Roman

Catholic, Filipino, Born on September 08, 1948 at Urdaneta, Pangasinan . Currently residing at Cayambanan, Urdaneta Pangasinan. Admitted for in this institution on April 18, 2012. The patient came in this institution because of referral and for general check-up needed for immigration. She was advised to go for several diagnostic test like BUN, Urinalysis and CBC. She was also asked to consult a nephrologists to get a clearance so that she could go to Canada. The patient has a past medical history of Diabetes Mellitus. LEARNING NEED: Diabetes Mellitus S > May Diabetes Mellitus ako sabi ng doctor GOAL: The client will be able to know the more about Hemodialysis, its principles, procedure,equipments including its advantages and disadvantages. A. Long-Term Goal: Patients will learn completely and understand comprehensively about Diabetes Mellitus B. Short-Term Goals: Patient will be able to define or enumerate types of DM and also the different management for DM TIME ALLOTMENT: 20-300 minutes LEARNING DIAGNOSIS: Knowledge Deficit (Diabetes Mellitus) related to no prior experience.

TEACHING PLAN PROPER: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Patient will be able to define Diabetes Mellitus 2. Patient will be able to clearly describe the Types of Diabetes Mellitus 3. Patient will be able to define what is Insulin 4. Patient will be able to enumerate Types of Insulin 5.Patient will be able to LEARNING CONTENT Definition of Diabetes Mellitus Discussion the Types of Diabetes Mellitus Definition of Insulin Discussion of Types of Insulin Discussion of Diet LEARNING STRATEGIES/ ACTIVITIES One-on-one lecture Clinical teaching One-on-one lecture Clinical teaching TIME ALLOTMENT & RESOURCES NEEDED 1 minute Pamphlet 5 minutes Pamphlet 1 minutes Pamphlet 3 minutes Pamphlet 5 minutes EVALUATION Feedback: the client will be able to define Diabetes Mellitus properly Feedback: the client will be able to discuss properly the Types of Diabetes Mellitus Feedback: the client will be able to define Insulin properly Feedback: the client will be able to enumerate Types of Insulin Feedback: the client will be able to enumerate

One-on-one lecture Clinical Teaching Discussion One-on-one lecture Clinical teaching

One-on-one lecture

enumerate the different Diet Management for Diabetes Mellitus 6.Patient will be able to enumerate the other Management for Diabetes Mellitus

Management for Diabetes Mellitus Discussion of the other Management for Diabetes Mellitus

Clinical teaching One-on-one lecture Clinical teaching

Pamphlet 5 minutes Pamphlet

the Diet Management for Diabetes Mellitus Feedback: the client will be able to enumerate other Management for Diabetes Mellitus

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