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January-April 2012

Speakeasy Toastmasters

The Crust of It

Issue 10

Welcome note.
Happy New Year and Happy Easter! Gosh time goes fast! Ok, so as you can see, this is another bumper issue. Sorry this seems to becoming a trend with meI will try to be more organised in the future. Emma

There have been a few training days/competetions: Allison attended the Officer training day on the 25th of February. Allison, Michael, Romana and I helped with afternoon tea at the area competitions on the 18th of March. Allison, Romana, John P and I attended a very valuable Membership workshop on the 25th of March. Sadly we said goodbye to Michael who has decided to take a break from Toastmasters, hopefully we will see him back at the club again. Michael has played such a vital role in the club for a long time so will definitely be missed.

Our Committee:
Club President: Allison Brown. Treasurer: Jane Gregory. Secretary: Gianna Salis. Sergeant at Arms: Vice President Education: Michael Crawford. Vice President Membership: Romana Salis. Vice President Public Relations: Emma Salis.

January-April 2012

Speakeasy Toastmasters Education:

The Crust of It

Issue 10

Its that time of year again:

Soon we will hold our Annual General Meeting in which we will elect a new club executive committee for the 2012/13-year. We are looking for new people who are interested to help running the club over the next year. Being an executive member is an opportunity for you to take a more active role in the club and it also contributes to the Competent Leadership and Advanced Leadership awards as you start down the Leadership path. Please consider joining the committee, you are welcome to nominate yourself or someone else for any of the following roles. President: Responsible for general supervision and operation of the club. Presides at Club and Executive Committee meetings. Conducts General Business at club meetings. Club duties include:

Vice President Public Relations: Responsible for developing, implementing and administering a publicity programme for the club. Club duties include: Plan annual public relations programme. Review and update publicity materials Publish club newsletter and update club website Secretary: Responsible for keeping all the club records and correspondence, submitting membership and officer records to World Headquarters. Club duties include: Record and publish minutes of club executive meetings Keep club constitution and bylaws

Hold inaugural club executive meeting. Treasurer: Responsible for controlling the club's Plan club goals for new year using the Distinguished finances. Club duties include: Club Programme. Review duties with each newly elected club officer. Develop club annual budget Schedule executive committee meetings (monthly or bi Prepare financial report for club executive meetings monthly). Check club bank account signatories have been Prepare report for club executive meetings. transferred Attend Area Council meeting. Sergeant at Arms: Serves as the master host/hostess,and Conduct General Business at all club meetings. looks after all the club equipment and resources, including Vice President Education: Responsible for promoting the refreshment supplies. Club duties include: Toastmasters Educational program to club members, and prepares the speaking program. Club duties include: Assume custody of club property, resources, keys Assist with preparation of meeting venue for Review club forward speaking program and prepare new meetings program Assist club members with special requirements for Promote educational program to club members speech assignments Plan club speech contests Organise social events for the club Prepare report for club executive meetings Reference: Attend Area Council meeting Vice President Membership: Responsible for marketing and promoting the club, and maintains membership records. Club duties include: Plan membership building programme. Review and update guest pack and resources Prepare report for club executive meetings

January-April 2012

Speakeasy Toastmasters
Speeches achieved in 2012 so far:

The Crust of It

Issue 10

We have not had many speeches so far this year, as you know we did not start back until the end of January and we have not had many speeches since then. This should pick up now hopefully with most members who are returning back and hopefully some more Icebreakers also coming up. Socome on people and dust off those manuals and get into those speeches! Michael Aaron Zucchini & What I Have Learnt So Far. Icebreaker: A short story about a party, a designer t-shirt and a 86 year old grandmother. -CC#1

Upcoming Events.
Toastmasters District 72 Convention: Dunedin 4-6 May 2012. We have Registration forms for those who are interested or you can download one from: It is an exciting and rare opportunity to have the convention in Dunedin this year. There is no competition this issue as no one seems to be entering unless I remind them so I dont really feel like pressuring people just so I can buy them chocolate. We had no entrants last issue so we will have break from competitions until someone requests to have them back. Thanks for playing people, it was fun. Please email ( or write down anything you would like to see in the next newsletter and give them to me.

We now have a website, check it out! Its still in the early stages but we will put more on it with time:
Matheson Room Knox Church Hall, 449 George St, Dunedin 5.30pm-7pm every Tuesday.

Facebook group:
Speakeasy Toastmasters Club Dunedin

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