Rhetoric Records Sam Smith Aggregated Links

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I am the author of The Liberty Index www.libertyindex.

com Here is Sam Smith's entire voting record going back from 2003 to 2011 http://www.libertyindex.com/MembersDetails.asp?MemberID=206 The Punxsutawney Jefferson County Indiana County Armstrong media seem to be in the bag for Sam Smith Forty years of one person rule is enough - the Smith Dynasty has ruled for 40 years - almost as long as the North Korean dynasty and how much better off are the people of the 66th District as a result? And how much better off are we all because of Sam Smith's leadership votes? How have we benefitted from his leadership? I will not mention Sam Smith's less than vigilant oversight of the co-leadership colleague John Perzel, former Republican Speaker of the House and now a convicted felon and John Perzels theft of ten million taxpayer money. Sam Smith voted for every one of Ed Rendell's Bankrupting Budget and voted for Act 130 of 2011 that incurred another $1.6 BILLION as well as the Union Pension Bailout and the Harrisburg Bond Bailout Compare and contrast Rhetoric Record Sam Smith http://www.scribd.com/doc/89961661/RhetoricRecord-Sam-Smith-condensed-updated Rendell Budget Votes - Eight Years http://www.scribd.com/doc/89088832/LIbertyIndexhRendellBUDGETVOTES2005-2010 Act 120 of 2010 Union Pension Bailout Kicked the Tax Can Down the Road http://www.scribd.com/doc/89633417/LibertyIndex2011-Pileggi-General-Act-120-of-2010PensionBailoutKickCanDownRoad Act 120 Expanded with details and sourcing http://www.scribd.com/doc/89089309/LibertyIndexAct130of2011EXPANDEDLINKS Act 79 of 2011 Harrisburg Bond Bailout bill http://www.scribd.com/doc/89633332/LibertyIndex2011-Pileggi-General-Act-79-of-2011-Oct-20-Harrisburg Details on Harrisburg Bond Bailout - the Harrisburg Insider Network - details and sources http://www.scribd.com/doc/89662144/HARRISBURGBONDSHarrisburg-Insiders-Trash-the-Forgotten-Taxpayer Act 130 of 2011 Detail and sources Details and Sources http://www.scribd.com/doc/86817618/Liberty-Index-Act-130-of-2011-of-Expanded-Links Act 130 of 2011 Projects Approved by General Assembly and Governor including Arlen Specter Library Philadelphai and John Murtha Center for Public Policy Johnstown http://www.scribd.com/doc/88298344/RACP-Act-130-of-2011-Projects-Approved-by-Gov Act 130 Five Buildings - all union built at prevailing wage - all in southeast Penna with three in Philadelphia http://www.scribd.com/doc/86817438/Liberty-Index-Act-130-of-2011-Five-Buildings Act 130 of 2011 House of Imoja http://www.scribd.com/doc/86817526/LibertyIndex-Act-130-of-2011-House-of-Imoja

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